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The ovarian renin–angiotensin system may play an important role in follicular growth and maturation, as well as in the process of ovulation. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of administration of a GnRH analogue to cows with ovarian follicular cysts on plasma renin concentrations and ovarian vascularization. This study was performed with 60 Friesian cows, which were diagnosed with follicular cysts, and randomly allocated into two groups: group A (treatment; n = 30) received 2 ml of lecirelin (Dalmarelin® – Fatro), per head via sacro-coccygeal epidural, and group B (control; n = 30) received 2 ml saline solution (0.9% NaCl) per head by the same route. Blood samples were immediately collected prior to administration (T0) and then 24 h (T1), 48 h (T2) and 8 days (T3) after administration of the treatment, for both groups. Ovarian vascularization was evaluated utilizing Power Doppler on these same days in 10 animals from each group. The number of pixels detected by Power Doppler was used as an indicator of the degree of vascularization. Plasma renin concentrations remained relatively constant for the control (group B) animals, but increased as the sampling period progressed (NS) for the treated cows (group A). Similarly, there were no changes in ovarian vascularization (number of pixels) for the control cows, but vascularization increased throughout the sampling period in the treated animals. The number of pixels associated with cysts was significantly higher for treated compared to control cows at 24 h after treatment (P < 0.001). The epidural administration of a GnRH analogue was determined to be a highly effective therapy for follicular cysts (regression occurred in 82% of treated cows within 8 ± 2 days after treatment, but in none of the control cows), which also enhanced ovarian vascularization.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to estimate the association between detailed reproductive phenotypes for cows categorized as divergent for phenotypic and genetic performance. The hypothesis was that higher yielding animals, either phenotypically or genetically, would have compromised ovarian and uterine reproductive performance. Detailed reproductive traits including multiple ovulations, cystic ovarian structures, corpus luteum (CL) presence, and uterine environment were available on 9675 ultrasound records from 8174 dairy lactating cows, calved between 10 and 70 days. Cows were categorized, within parity, into low, average, or high for each of the performance traits. There was a greater likelihood of multiple ovulations in cows with greater phenotypic yields (odds ratio: 1.53–1.81) and greater genetic merit for yield (odds ratio: 1.31–1.59) relative to lower performing contemporaries. After adjustment for genetic merit, a similar trend of increased odds (odds ratio: 1.29–1.87) of multiple ovulations in higher yielding cows was observed compared with the lowest yielding category. There was no association between either phenotypic milk composition or genetic merit for milk composition with the likelihood of multiple ovulations. The likelihood of cystic ovarian structures was highest in cows with greatest phenotypic milk yields (odds ratio: 2.75–3.24), greater genetic merit for milk yield (odds ratio: 1.30–1.51), and even after adjustment for genetic merit there was a greater likelihood of cystic ovarian structures in cows with the highest milk yields (odds ratio: 2.71–2.95), compared with cows in the lowest category for each of the milk traits. Cows with average phenotypic milk yields were more likely to have a CL, compared with the lowest yielding category (odds ratio: 1.20–1.23), and these associations remained after adjustment for genetic merit of the trait. The likelihood of CL presence was highest in cows with the lowest genetic merit for milk. Lower fat:protein ratio was associated with an increased likelihood of CL presence compared with cows with greater fat:protein ratio and cows with the highest phenotypic milk composition were more likely to have a CL compared with cows in the lowest composition category. Genetic predisposition to higher somatic cell score was associated with a reduced risk of multiple ovulations (odds ratio: 0.69; 95% CI: 0.55–0.87) but an increased likelihood of CL presence (odds ratio: 2.66; 95% CI: 2.09–3.37) and poorer uterine health score (odds ratio: 1.36; 95% CI: 1.20–1.55). There was a lower likelihood of multiple ovulations, cystic ovarian structures, and poorer uterine health and an increased likelihood of CL presence in cows with superior genetic merit for reproductive performance and survival.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare embryo quality of lactating Holstein Friesian cows (LHFC), non-lactating Holstein Friesian heifers (NLHFH) and Belgian Blue beef cows (BB) and to identify factors that are associated with embryo quality in LHFC and NLHFH. After superovulation and embryo recovery at Day 7, embryos (n=727 from 47 LHFC, 27 NLHFH and 50 BB) were scored morphologically for quality, colour and developmental stage. Blood samples and data concerning parity, age, milk production and management were collected. Data were compared univariably between the three groups. A multivariable regression model was built with quality and colour of the LHFC and NLHFH embryos as dependent variables. Only 13.1% of LHFC embryos were categorized as excellent compared to 62.5% and 55.0% of the embryos in NLHFH and BB, respectively. Almost none of the NLHFH or BB embryos displayed a dark appearance of the cytoplasm compared to 24.1% of the LHFC embryos. Only 4% of all LHFC embryos reached blastocyst stage compared to 23.2% and 17.3% in NLHFH and BB. Based on the multivariable regression analysis, "physiological status" (lactating or not) together with the serum total protein concentration of LHFC and NLHFH, was significantly associated with embryo quality and colour. Thus, LHFC display an inferior embryo quality compared to NLHFH and BB. Producing milk or not seems to be significantly associated with embryo quality. Therefore, reduced embryo quality on Day 7 following AI, could be an important factor in the subfertility problem in modern high-yielding dairy cows.  相似文献   

Metabolic changes in blood serum may be reflected in the biochemical composition of follicular fluid and could indirectly influence oocyte quality. The purpose of this study was to examine the biochemical composition of follicular fluid harvested from different-sized follicles and its relationship with that of blood serum in dairy cattle. Following slaughter, blood samples were collected from dairy cows (n=30) and follicular fluid aspirated from three size classes of non-atretic follicles (<4 mm, 6–8 mm and >10 mm diameter). Samples remained independent between cows and between size classes within cows. Serum and follicular fluid samples were assayed using commercial clinical and photometric chemistry assays for ions (sodium, potassium and chloride) and metabolites (glucose, β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB), lactate, urea, total protein, triglycerides, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total cholesterol). Results showed that follicular fluid concentrations of glucose, β-OHB and total cholesterol increased from small to large follicles and decreased for potassium, chloride, lactate, urea and triglycerides. There was a significant concentration gradient for all variables between their levels in serum and follicular fluid (P<0.05). Significant correlations were observed for chloride (r=0.40), glucose (r=0.56), β-OHB (r=0.85), urea (r=0.95) and total protein (r=0.60) for all three follicle size classes and for triglycerides (r=0.43), NEFA (r=0.50) and total cholesterol (r=0.42) for large follicles (P<0.05). The results from the present study suggest that the oocyte and the granulosa cells of dairy cows grow and mature in a biochemical environment that changes from small to large follicles. Furthermore, the significant correlation between the composition of serum and follicular fluid for the above-mentioned metabolites suggests that metabolic changes in serum levels will be reflected in the follicular fluid and, therefore, may affect the quality of both the oocyte and the granulosa cells.  相似文献   

Bovine follicular cysts (FCs) are a common cause of economic loss in modern dairy herds. Their aetiopathogenesis is not completely understood, even though an inadequate hypothalamic release of GnRH at the time of ovulation is considered to be their main cause. Much evidence, however, suggests a role for adrenergic innervation in ovarian functions, such as follicular development, steroid hormone secretion, and follicular contractility, the latter being an event important for ovulation. Moreover, in humans, polycystic ovary syndrome, a disease very similar to bovine follicular cysts, is characterised by increased density of adrenergic nerves. Given these premises, the aim of our study was to evaluate the effectiveness and mode of action of a novel strategy for the treatment of bovine follicular cysts. In the in vivo experiment, 170 Friesian cows diagnosed with follicular cysts were assigned to four groups (groups A, B, C, and D) to assess the effects of epidural administration of a β-adrenergic antagonist (carazolol) alone or in combination with a GnRH analogue (lecirelin). The four groups underwent the following treatments: Group A was administered lecirelin in combination with carazolol; Group B was administered carazolol; Group C was administered lecirelin; and Group D was administered only normal saline solution. In the in vitro experiment, strips of the walls of cystic follicles recovered post-mortem were suspended in an organ bath, connected to an isometric force transducer and exposed to increasing doses of epinephrine or to the same treatment after exposure to carazolol for 15 min (n = 10). The amplitude and frequency of the contractile activity were recorded. None of the control cows was observed in oestrus or was submitted to AI. The combination of lecirelin and carazolol induced a significant increase in the number of cows in oestrus (88%) compared to lecirelin alone or to carazolol alone (P < 0.05 and P < 0.01, respectively). The combination of lecirelin and carazolol and lecirelin alone were significantly more efficacious than carazolol alone (P < 0.01 and P < 0.05, respectively). In the in vitro experiment, epinephrine increased the amplitude of the contractions of the strips in a dose-dependent manner. This response was significantly enhanced in strips pre-treated with carazolol. The treatments had no effect on the frequency of contractions. In conclusion, our work demonstrates that the epidural administration of a GnRH analogue and a β-adrenergic blocker is an effective means of treating cows with cystic ovarian disease. Moreover, it confirms, from a clinical point of view, that alterations of the adrenergic system and of the contractility of the follicular wall can be considered aetiopathogenic factors involved in the development of FCs. The results of this study lay the basis for a new therapeutic approach to FCs.  相似文献   

The ability to rapidly identify temporal deviations of an animal from its norm will be important in the management of individual cows in large herds. Furthermore, predictors of genetic merit for especially health traits are useful to augment the accuracy of selection, and thus genetic gain, in breeding programs. The objective of this study was to estimate the repeatability of milking order and to quantify the contribution of differences in additive genetic variation to phenotypic differences (i.e., heritability). The data used in this study included 9813 herd milk recording test-day records with time of milking from 85,532 cows in 1143 herds across an 8-year period. Milking order was available for both morning and evening milking for each cow with, on average, 3.33 milk test-day records (i.e., 6.66 milking events) per lactation, and on average 1.62 lactations per cow. Variance components for milking order were estimated using animal linear mixed models; covariance components between milking order and milk yield, milk composition and somatic cell score (i.e., logarithm10 somatic cell count) were estimated also using animal linear mixed models. The heritability of milking order was 0.20 indicating partial genetic control of milking order. The repeatability of milking order within test-day, within lactation, and across lactations was 0.63, 0.51, and 0.47, respectively. Milking order was positively (P < 0.001), but weakly, phenotypically correlated with milk yield (r = 0.04), and milk fat concentration (r = 0.01) and negatively (P < 0.001), but weakly, correlated with milk protein concentration (r = −0.02) and somatic cell score (r = −0.05). Milking order was positively (P < 0.05), although weakly, genetically correlated with milk yield (r = 0.07) and negatively (P < 0.05), but also weakly, genetically correlated with somatic cell score (r = −0.08). This study is the first to show a contribution of additive genetics to milking order in dairy cattle but the genetic correlation between milking order and somatic cell score was weak.  相似文献   

Green biorefineries provide novel opportunities to use the green biomass efficiently and utilize the ecosystem services provided by grasslands more widely. The effects of the inclusion of fractionated grass silage solid fraction (pulp) on feed intake, rumen fermentation, diet digestion and milk production in dairy cows were investigated. Pulp was separated from grass silage using a screw press simulating a green biorefinery. Partial removal of liquid from forage increased DM concentration from 220 to 432 g/kg and NDF from 589 to 709 g/kg DM while CP decreased from 144 to 107 g/kg DM. A feeding trial using an incomplete changeover design with 24 Nordic Red cows and two 3-week periods was conducted. The pulp replaced grass silage in the diet at 0 (P0), 25 (P25) and 50 (P50) percentage of total forage, which was fed ad libitum with 13 kg of concentrate for all treatments. The forage DM intake was highest on P25 (14.1 kg/day) while P0 and P50 did not differ from each other (13.2 and 13.0 kg/day, respectively). There were no differences between the treatments in rumen pH or ammonia N, but the proportion of acetate increased with increasing pulp inclusion. The digestibility was measured using acid insoluble ash and indigestible NDF (iNDF) as internal markers. Neither of the markers detected differences in NDF digestibility, but according to iNDF, apparent total tract organic matter digestibility decreased with increasing pulp inclusion. The cows maintained milk production at P25, but it showed some decline at P50 (energy-corrected milk at P0 and P25 was 39.8 kg/day while for P50, it was 38.5 kg/day, P = 0.056) and the milk protein yield significantly declined with higher pulp inclusion. Simultaneously, the nitrogen use efficiency in milk production increased. It seems that the fibrous grass-based fraction from a biorefinery process has potential to be used as a feed for ruminants.  相似文献   

Milk yield response of dairy cows fed fat along with protein   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of a fat-coated protein on milk production of Holstein dairy cows was determined using a 4×4 Latin square experiment. Twelve cows were fed a control diet or test diets supplemented with fat, fat plus ruminally undegraded protein (RUP), or a fat-coated protein (Duets™). Cows fed test diets received 0.55 kg of more fat per day than cows in the control treatment. Daily intakes of feed, energy, and protein were the same in all treatments. Cows produced 36.5, 37.3, 37.9, and 39.3 kg of energy-corrected milk per day in control, fat, fat plus RUP, and fat-coated protein treatments, respectively. Cows fed fat-supplemented diets produced an average 1.7 kg more milk daily compared with cows in the control treatment. Feeding RUP along with fat or fat-coated protein provided no further improvement in milk yield compared with fat alone, but partially alleviated the depression in protein content caused by supplemental fat and increased the daily yield of milk protein. In the present experiment, cows fed fat-coated protein produced daily an average 60 g of milk protein more than cows fed fat alone. Since, there was no advantage in milk yield, the decision to include fat-coated protein in dairy rations should be based on its price compared to fat alone and the return in terms of milk protein yield.  相似文献   

It was the aim of this investigation to study the combined effect of superovulation and non-surgical recovery on the fertility of the donor animals. Injection of a prostaglandin analogue at the day of collection (days 6–8 after standing heat), significantly shortened the super-ovulatory estrus cycle (21.3 ± 10.0 days), when compared with untreated donor animals (38.7 ± 15.1 days). The prostaglandin treatment, however, also led to more irregular estrous cycles, resulting in a lower pregnancy rate after first insemination (47%) and a need for more inseminations per conception (2.00 ± 1.00), than in animals not treated with prostaglandin analogue (92.3% and 1.06 ± 0.29 AI/conception). For all animals these parameters were 66.6% and 1.60 ± 0.99 AI/conception). The average time from calving to pregnancy was 143.1 ± 34.3 days, slightly longer for prostaglandin treated (148.2 ± 39.4 days) than for untreated animals (137.3 ± 22.8 days). One animal developed endometritis and one had adhesions in the bursa ovarii. It was found that most donors attained normal fertility, and that superovulation was more likely to affect the fertility (abnormal cyclicity, early embryonic mortality e.g.) than the flushing of the uterus. Treatment with a prostaglandin analogue at the day of collection did not improve the subsequent fertility.  相似文献   

Holstein cows (n = 9) were used in an experiment to characterize the behavioral and endocrine responses to estradiol-17β when administered at rates designed to maintain peripheral concentrations within a physiological range. Cows were pretreated with progesterone for 3 d. Three days after progesterone treatment was completed, each cow was assigned to one of five estradiol-17β treatment groups (Doses 0 to 4), calculated to produce and maintain 0, 3, 6, 9, or 12 pg/mL in peripheral blood for 8 h. The experiment was conducted in eight replicates (with 3 to 7 cows each), with no dose repeated in any replicate. In each replicate, at least one additional cow was given an injection of estradiol-17β (500 μg im, in a corn oil vehicle) to facilitate estrus detection. Estrus was detected by visual observation for 30 min at 4 h intervals. Estrus was defined as a cow that stood to be mounted at least twice during the 50 h interval over which estrus was observed. Jugular venous blood samples were collected at 2 h intervals throughout the infusion and observation periods for quantification of luteinizing hormone (LH). Cows that received the highest dose (Dose 4, n = 7) all showed estrus, whereas those that received the two lowest doses (Dose 0, n = 5; Dose 1, n = 6) did not. Over the course of the experiment, five cows received each dose at least once. Of these, three showed estrus at Doses 2, 3, and 4, whereas the other two showed estrus only at Dose 4. Therefore, individual cows differed in the amount of estradiol-17β needed to induce estrus. There was a linear effect of dose on duration of estrus (P < 0.01). Estrus was shorter for Dose 2 (8.0 h) than for Dose 4 (18.4 h). The onset of estrus (after start of infusion) tended to be later for Dose 2 (20.0 h) than for Doses 3 and 4 (14.0 and 13.4 h, respectively; P = 0.15). Preovulatory-like surges of LH were induced in all cows at Doses 2, 3, and 4. Surges also were detected in 3 of 5 cows receiving Dose 1. The magnitude of the LH surge was less for Doses 1, 2, and 3 than for Dose 4 (P = 0.06). In contrast to the timing of estrus, the timing of the LH surge (after start of infusion) was not different among doses (P = 0.88). Thus, the hypothalamic centers responsible for regulating expression of estrus and secretion of LH responded differently to estradiol-17β.  相似文献   

Unsatisfactory reproductive performance in dairy cows, such as reduced conception rates, in addition to an increased incidence of early embryonic mortality, is reported worldwide and has been associated with a period of negative energy balance (NEB) early post partum. Typically, NEB is associated with biochemical changes such as high non-esterified fatty acid (NEFA), high β-hydroxybutyrate (β-OHB) and low glucose concentrations. The concentrations of these and other metabolites in the follicular fluid (FF) of high-yielding dairy cows during NEB were determined and extensively analyzed, and then were replicated in in vitro maturation models to investigate their effect on oocyte quality. The results showed that typical metabolic changes during NEB are well reflected in the FF of the dominant follicle. However, the oocyte seems to be relatively isolated from extremely elevated NEFA or very low glucose concentrations in the blood. Nevertheless, the in vitro maturation models revealed that NEB-associated high NEFA and low glucose levels in the FF are indeed toxic to the oocyte, resulting in deficient oocyte maturation and developmental competence. Induced apoptosis and necrosis in the cumulus cells was particularly obvious. Furthermore, maturation in saturated free fatty acid-rich media had a carry-over effect on embryo quality, leading to reduced cryotolerance of day 7 embryos. Only β-OHB showed an additive toxic effect in moderately hypoglycemic maturation conditions. These in vitro maturation models, based on in vivo observations, suggest that a period of NEB may hamper the fertility of high-yielding dairy cows through increased NEFA and decreased glucose concentrations in the FF directly affecting oocyte quality. In addition to oocyte quality, these results also demonstrate that embryo quality is reduced following an NEB episode. This important observation may be linked to the typical diet provided to stimulate milk yield, or to physiological adaptations sustaining the high milk production. Research into this phenomenon is ongoing.  相似文献   

Adiponectin is one of the most important, recently discovered adipocytokines that acts at various levels to control male and female fertility through central effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary axis or through peripheral effects on the ovary, uterus, and embryo. We studied simultaneous changes in the gene expression pattern of adiponectin and adiponectin receptors 1 and 2 (AdipoR1 and AdipoR2) in granulosa and theca cells, cumulus-oocyte complex, and in corpus luteum in healthy bovine (Bos tarus) follicles at different stages of development. The expression levels of adiponectin, AdipoR1, and AdipoR2 mRNA were lower (P < 0.05) in granulosa and cumulus cells in comparison with that in theca cells and oocyte. In contrast with the oocyte, AdipoR1 in granulosa, theca, and luteal cells was expressed (P < 0.05) more than AdipoR2. Adiponectin expression increased (P < 0.05) in granulosa cells and in cumulus-oocyte complex during follicular development from small to large follicles. Opposite results were observed in theca cells. Expression of adiponectin was highest in the late stages of corpus luteum (CL) regression, whereas lower expression was recorded in active CL (P < 0.05). AdipoR1 and AdipoR2 expression increased during the terminal follicular growth in granulosa and theca cells (P < 0.05) and during the luteal phase progress in CL. There was positive correlation between adiponectin mRNA level in granulosa cells from large follicles and follicular fluid estradiol concentration (r = 0.48, P < 0.05) and negative correlation between adiponectin mRNA abundance in theca cells and follicular fluid progesterone concentration (r = -0.44, P < 0.05). In conclusion, we found that the physiologic status of the ovary has significant effects on the natural expression patterns of adiponectin and its receptors in follicular and luteal cells of bovine ovary.  相似文献   

Lactation performance of dairy cattle is susceptible to heat stress. The liver is one of the most crucial organs affected by high temperature in dairy cows. However, the physiological adaption by the liver to hot summer conditions has not been well elucidated in lactating dairy cows. In the present study, proteomic analysis of the liver in dairy cows in spring and hot summer was performed using a label-free method. In total, 127 differentially expressed proteins were identified; most of the upregulated proteins were involved in protein metabolic processes and responses to stimuli, whereas most of the downregulated proteins were related to oxidation–reduction. Pathway analysis indicated that 3 upregulated heat stress proteins (HSP90α, HSP90β, and endoplasmin) were enriched in the NOD-like receptor signaling pathway, whereas several downregulated NADH dehydrogenase proteins were involved in the oxidative phosphorylation pathway. The protein–protein interaction network indicated that several upregulated HSPs (HSP90α, HSP90β, and GRP78) were involved in more interactions than other proteins and were thus considered as central hub nodes. Our findings provide novel insights into the physiological adaption of liver function in lactating dairy cows to natural high temperature.  相似文献   

Ovulatory response to the first GnRH of Ovsynch is a very important factor for determining the outcome of a successful synchronization. The aim of the present study was to develop a protocol to increase the percentage of cows that ovulated in response to the first administration of Ovsynch. This study was designed to compare ovulation rates in response to GnRH or hCG at the beginning of Ovsynch and to evaluate the effects of this manipulation on pregnancy. Cows (n = 371) with corpus luteum (CL) and at least one follicle greater than 10 mm diameter size on either ovary were included in the study. Cows were divided into two groups. The Ovsynch protocol began with GnRH (10 μg) in the GPG group (n = 161; GnRH-7d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-AI), whereas in the HPG group, the first GnRH of the Ovsynch was replaced with 1500 IU hCG (n = 210; hCG-7d-PGF2α-56h-GnRH-18h-AI). Ovarian ultrasonography was performed at the times of GnRH or hCG and of PGF2α administration, at the time of artificial insemination (AI) and seven days after AI, to determine ovulation. Maximal follicle size at the beginning of the Ovsynch did not affect on response to the first GnRH/hCG treatment. Conception rate (31 d) was 0.6 times more likely to be higher (P < 0.001) in cows that responded to the first hormonal administration of Ovsynch than in those that did not respond (95% CI = 0.29-0.71). Conception rate was found to be different between the HPG (37.6%, 79/210) and the GPG groups (48.4%, 78/161). Thus, beginning of the Ovsynch protocol with hCG did not increase ovulation and conception rate in lactating dairy cows, suggesting that hCG is not a suitable replacement of the first GnRH of Ovsynch. However, our results do show that increasing the ovulation rate in response to the first hormonal administration of Ovsynch can have a significant effect on conception rate.  相似文献   

Characteristics of the intrafollicular environment to which the preovulatory oocyte is exposed may be one of the major factors determining subsequent fertility. The aim of our study was to examine to what extent metabolic changes that occur in early post partum high-yielding dairy cows are reflected in the follicular fluid (FF) of the dominant follicle (>8 mm). Nine blood samples were taken per cow from nine high-yielding dairy cows between 7 days before and 46 days after parturition. From Day 14 post partum on and together with blood sampling, FF samples of the largest follicle were collected from the same cows by means of transvaginal follicle aspiration. Serum and FF samples were analyzed using commercial clinical and photometric chemistry assays for glucose, beta-hydroxybutyrate (beta-OHB), urea, total protein (TP), triglycerides (TG), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA) and total cholesterol (TC). All cows lost body condition during the experimental period (0.94+/-0.09 points) illustrating a negative energy balance during the experimental period. In FF, glucose concentrations were significantly higher and the TP, TG, NEFA and TC concentrations were significantly lower than in serum (P<0.05). The concentrations of glucose, beta-OHB, urea and TC in serum and in FF changed significantly over time (P<0.05). Throughout the study, changes of all metabolites in serum were reflected by similar changes in FF. Especially for glucose, beta-OHB and urea the correlations were remarkably high. The results from the present study confirm that the typical metabolic adaptations which can be found in serum of high-yielding dairy cows shortly post partum, are reflected in follicular fluid and, therefore, may affect the quality of both the oocyte and the granulosa cells.  相似文献   

The objective of this observational study was to evaluate the association between lameness, ovarian cysts, and fertility in lactating dairy cows. Data analysis of historical records from a 3000 Holstein farm was conducted. Sixty-five cows that became lame within 30 days postpartum were used as cases, and 130 nonlame cows served as controls. The outcome variables were incidence of ovarian cysts (OC, %), conception rate at first service (CRFS, %), overall pregnancy rate (PR, %), and calving to first service interval (CFSI, day), Incidence of OC and CRFS were analyzed by logistic regression, PR by survival analysis and CFSI by ANOVA. Lame cows had a lower CRFS (17.5% versus 42.6%) and higher incidence of OC (25.0% versus 11.1%) than controls (P0.05). There was a multicollinearity relationship between lameness and ovarian cysts. The results show that cows that became lame within the first 30 days postpartum were associated with a higher incidence of ovarian cysts, a lower likelihood of pregnancy, and lower fertility than control cows. Because this is an observational study it is not possible to conclude a cause-effect relationship.  相似文献   

Milking cows once a day (OAD) is a herd management practice that may help to reduce working effort and labour demand in dairy farms. However, a decrease in milk yield per cow occurs in OAD systems compared with twice a day (TAD) systems and this may affect profitability of dairy systems. The objective of this study was to assess productive and economic impact and risk of reducing milking frequency from TAD to OAD for grazing dairy systems, using a whole-farm model. Five scenarios were evaluated by deterministic and stochastic simulations: one scenario under TAD milking (TADAR) and four scenarios under OAD milking. The OAD scenarios assumed that milk yield per cow decreased by 30% (OAD30), 24% (OAD24), 19% (OAD19) and 10% (OAD10), compared with TADAR scenario, based on experimental and commercial farms data. Stocking rate (SR) was increased in all OAD scenarios compared to TADAR and two levels of reduction in labour cost were tested, namely 15% and 30%. Milk and concentrate feeds prices, and pasture and crop yields, were allowed to behave stochastically to account for market and climate variations, respectively, to perform risk analyses. Scenario OAD10 showed similar milk yield per ha compared with TADAR, as the increased SR compensated for the reduction in milk yield per cow. For scenarios OAD30, OAD24 and OAD19 the greater number of cows per ha partially compensated for the reduction of milk yield per cow and milk yield per ha decreased 21%, 15% and 10%, respectively, compared with TADAR. Farm operating profit per ha per year also decreased in all OAD scenarios compared with TADAR, and were US$684, US$161, US$ 303, US$424 and US$598 for TADAR, OAD30, OAD24, OAD19, OAD10, respectively, when labour cost was reduced 15% in OAD scenarios. When labour cost was reduced 30% in OAD scenarios, only OAD10 showed higher profit (US$706) than TADAR. Stochastic simulations showed that exposure to risk would be higher in OAD scenarios compared with TADAR. Results showed that OAD milking systems might be an attractive alternative for farmers who can either afford a reduction in profit to gain better and more flexible working conditions or can minimise milk yield loss and greatly reduce labour cost.  相似文献   

The fertility of high-performance (high milk yield) dairy breeds such as the Holstein within the Australian dairy herd has been on the decline for the past two decades. The 12-month calving interval for pasture-based farming practices results in oocyte maturation coinciding with peak lactation, periods of negative energy balance, and energy partitioning for lactation, causing energy deficiency in some organ systems, including the reproductive system. Oocyte developmental competence (the ability to undergo successful fertilization, embryo development, and establishment of pregnancy) is intrinsically linked with the composition of follicular fluid (FF). The aim of this study was to determine if there was a relationship between the fat and carbohydrate levels in plasma and FF and the ability to support in vitro oocyte maturation (IVM). Plasma and FF were collected in vivo from eight Holstein cows between 52 and 151 days post-partum. Plasma glucose trended (P = 0.072) higher and triglyceride levels were significantly higher than in FF (P < 0.05), but there were no relationships between FF and plasma composition. Glucose FF concentration was negatively related to follicular lactate and nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) levels and days post-partum. Conversely, FF triglyceride concentrations were positively related to FF NEFA levels and negatively related to milk fat and protein composition. Abattoir-derived cumulus–oocyte complexes were cultured in either 50% FF (FF-IVM) or 50% plasma (plasma-IVM), with on-time embryo development then assessed. Although there were no differences between animals, the blastocyst rates after FF-IVM were negatively related to plasma glucose and days post-partum and positively related to body condition score and plasma NEFA levels. In comparison to the previous studies, total NEFA levels in FF were not related to animal parameters and did not influence oocyte developmental competence in vitro. Results from this study suggest that days post-partum and body condition score influence carbohydrate metabolism within the follicular environment, and this may be attributed to the pasture-based feed system applied in the Australian dairy industry.  相似文献   

As a common disease of cows occurring during their perinatal period, endometritis is known to affect fertility. At present, the studies on endometritis mainly focus on preventing microbial invasion. However, the mechanism that uterine inflammation affects embryo activity and implantation is unclear. Mainly containing lipids, proteins, mRNAs, and microRNAs, exosomes widely exist in various tissues and body fluids. Exosome extractions were used by commercial kits and confirmed through morphological examinations and Western blot. After exosomes’ mRNA profiles were generated using RNA sequencing, it was investigated how uterine cavity fluid exosomes affect the developmental competence of in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos in case of endometritis. In this study, the isolated exosomes were spherical particles with a diameter of 30–150 nm according to the transmission electron microscopy. Identified with Western blotting, positive CD63 and CD9 expressions showed that the isolated exosomes could be used for the subsequent tests. We found 118 differentially expressed miRNAs in the exosomes of the uterine cavity fluid in healthy cows and those with endometritis, among which, 52 miRNAs were down regulated and 66 up regulated. Furthermore, the qRT-PCR results confirmed the up-regulation of three miRNAs and down-regulation of six miRNAs, which were consistent with the deep sequencing results. IVF embryos co-incubated with the endometritis exosomes significantly decreased the blastocyst formation rate in comparison with those co-incubated with the healthy exosomes (21.84+3.17 vs. 32.37+2.69). Therefore, exosome miRNAs may be a cause of infertility in cows with endometritis.  相似文献   

Insulin and glucose may be limiting factors for ovarian function in dairy cows genetically selected for high milk yield. The effects of nutrition on the intrafollicular content of insulin and glucose were investigated in Israeli Holstein dairy cattle fed a basic total mixed ration and producing 34-39kg of milk daily. In experiment 1, carried out in 11 oestrus-synchronised cows, little variation in insulin concentration was found in plasma sampled during the luteal phase, but high variation was found in plasma sampled during the follicular phase. Therefore, in order to prevent confounding the effects of diet and of phase in cycle in the following experiments, experimental diets were fed during the luteal phase of synchronised oestrus cycles. In experiment 2, designed as Latin-Square, six cows received sequentially diets containing 17.1 (control) or 19.7% of crude protein, using two sources of supplementary protein, i.e. soyabean meal (SBM) and corn gluten meal (CGM), differing in ruminal degradability and leucine content. When dry matter intake was used as covariant, plasma insulin on day 16 was 29.5 and 26.4% higher in cows fed diets containing SBM and CGM than in the control (P<0.05). In experiment 3, 17 cows were individually fed the basic diet and then switched to isoenergetic diets containing SBM (n=5), CGM (n=6) or corn grain (CG, n=6) given from day 10 to 16 of the synchronised oestrus cycle. On the eve of day 16, and in the morning of day 17, they were administered PGF(2alpha) and the content of 26 largest follicles was aspirated by using the transvaginal ovum pick-up technique. Follicles were sorted into two classes (preovulatory and subordinate) according to oestradiol concentration and the progesterone:oestradiol ratio in follicular fluid (FF). Higher concentrations of insulin (0.282 versus 0.127ng/ml, P<0.0001) and of glucose (0.614 versus 0.386g/l, P<0.002), were found in FF from preovulatory follicles. The insulin concentration in the FF of cows fed the CG diet was 26% higher than in their counterparts fed CGM (P<0.04), SBM being intermediate. Dietary effects did not reach significance in subordinate follicles.The finding that preovulatory follicular status is associated with increased intrafollicular insulin and glucose suggests that insulin is involved in follicular maturation. The nutritional effect on intrafollicular glucose and insulin may have practical implications to optimise feeding in dairy cows during phases of the oestrus cycle.  相似文献   

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