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Investigations on interspecific crossability in 8Cucumis species (2n = 24) and chromosome pairing and pollen fertility of their hybrids from 15 combinations have been utilized for tracing the phylogenetic relationships among these taxa and factors responsible for their differentiation. A collective evaluation of data suggests that there are three broad groups of species, one of the spiny fruited interfertile species, whose hybrids show varying degree of chromosome associations and low to high pollen fertility; the second of species with non-spiny fruits, which are completely incompatible with the former but weakly compatible with the cultivated species,C. melo L. to produce partly developed seeds, and the third group ofC. metuliferus E. Mey. exSchrad. andC. melo and its different botanical varieties. The species with spiny fruits can be further divided based on karyomorphological similarities and/or on relative genomic affinity, indicated by chromosome pairing and hybrid pollen fertility.Cytogenetics inCucumis III.  相似文献   

Giemsa C-banding is applied for the first time inCapsicum, allowing preliminary karyotype differentiation of six diploid species. Comparison of interphase nuclei and heterochromatic C-bands reveals striking differences between taxa and contributes to their taxonomic grouping. Therefore, C-banding appears to be a powerful tool for the cytogenetics and karyosystematics of the genus. Banding patterns are characterized by the omnipresence of centromeric bands and a variable number of smaller to larger distal bands, with the addition of intercalary bands in some cases. Satellites are always C-positive. Relationships between species and possible trends of karyotype evolution are discussed, with special reference to the origin of x = 13 from x = 12 and the increase of heterochromatin, regarded as advanced features.Chromosome studies inCapsicum (Solanaceae), III. For the first and the second part seeMoscone (1990, 1993).  相似文献   

The similar-looking basic genomes ofHordeum bulbosum (2x and 4x) have five rather similar metacentric, one submetacentric, and one satellited choromosome. C-banding patterns are characterized by one or two centromeric, or juxtacentromeric, small to larger bands in most chromosomes, by bands at the nucleolar organizers, by small or very small telomeric bands, and by the nearly complete lack of intercalary bands. Banding pattern polymorphism is widespread. Banding patterns supported by chromosome morphology enable identification of homologues, and discrimination between non-homologues inH. bulbosum (2x). The C-banded karyotype ofH. bulbosum (4x) supports an autopolyploid origin, but it was possible to identify only homologues of submetacentrics and SAT-chromosomes.  相似文献   

Summary A series of experiments was conducted to determine the inheritance of seed weight in cucumber. Matings between a Cucumis sativus var. sativus (Cs) L. inbred line (USDA WI 1606; P1) and a C. sativus var. hardwickii (Royle) Kitamura (Ch) collection (PI 215589; P2) were made to produce seed of reciprocal F1, F2, and BC1 families. Families were grown under field and greenhouse conditions, and seeds were extracted from fruit 55 to 60 days post-pollination. Seed of F1 and F2 families was obtained using the Cs inbred WI2808 (P12) and the Ch collection LJ 90430 (P10), and seed of F1 families were produced using a North Carolina Design II mating scheme in which three Cs (P3= GY-14; P4=WI 1379; P5=WI 1909) inbreds were used as maternal parents and seven Ch collections (P2; P6= PI462369; P7=486336; P8=LJ91176; P9=273469; P10= 2590430; P11=PI187367) were used as paternal parents. Mean seed weights of F1 progeny reflected the dominance of genes of the C. sativus var. sativus parent. Transformation to number of seeds per unit weight resulted in increased variance homogeneity within generations and a broad-sense heritability ranging between 26% to 56%. Additive and dominance effects were important in the expression of seed weight in P1×P2 progeny produced in the greenhouse and additive effects were important in field grown progeny resulting from P1×P2 and P10×P12 matings. The estimated number of factors or loci involved ranged between 10 to 13, depending on the method of calculation.  相似文献   

The somatic karyotypes of six North AmericanAllium species and the EuropeanA. scorzonerifolium have been investigated using a Giemsa C-banding technique. All species have a chromosome number of 2n = 14. InA. scorzonerifolium and the three North American speciesA. dichlamydeum, A. fibrillum andA. unifolium C-bands are restricted to two pairs of nucleolar chromosomes. Each chromosome has a band proximal to the nucleolar constriction and a positively banded satellite. InA. acuminatum, in addition to the bands associated with the nucleolar constrictions, all chromosomes also have pericentromeric bands.A. cernuum exhibits a distinctive banding style: two chromosome pairs with bands adjacent to the nucleolar constrictions and four pairs with telomeric bands on their short arms. In the karyotype ofA. geyeri neither C-bands nor nucleolar chromosomes were found.—A comparison of the banding styles together with other cytological and morphological characters of these species with old world members ofAllium reveals:A. cernuum closely resembles species within subgenusRhizirideum, whereas the other species studies exhibit many similarities with subgenusMolium. Their sectional grouping and their relationships with Old World species are discussed.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of several cultivatedTulipa species of subg.Leiostemones were examined in conventionally stained and C-banded preparations. The heterochromatin content varied from almost none to 45%. Several chromosome types were recognized with respect to chromosome morphology and heterochromatin distribution, and groups of species with common chromosome characteristics could be identified. These karyological relationships are discussed with respect to the groups formed on the basis of floral and bulb charateristics.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of several cultivatedTulipa species belonging to the subg.Eriostemones were examined using conventional staining and C-banding techniques. Most of the species have lightly banded chromosomes with heterochromatin content varying from nil to about 15%. The banding patterns of several taxa are described and discussed in regard to species relationships.  相似文献   

InLiriodendron tulipifera the Giemsa C-banding pattern differs remarkably from the distribution of condensed chromatin in prophase as revealed by conventional methods. The nature of proximal bands in metaphase chromosomes is interpreted to be different from the terminal ones. A comparison ofLiriodendron with some C-banded karyotypes of ± related taxa indicates a relatively high degree of karyomorphological differentiation in some woodyPolycarpicae. This has to be considered in karyosystematic comparisons.  相似文献   

Based on results from water culture experiments with tomato and cucumber plants where severe leaf chlorosis and depression in flower and fruit formation occurred without silicon (Si) supply, Miyake and Takahashi (1978; 1983) concluded that Si is an essential mineral element for these two plant species. Using the same nutrient solution which is high in phosphorus (P) but low in zinc (Zn) we could confirm these results. Severe chlorosis occurred in cucumber when Si was omitted, and the addition of Si prevented these visual symptoms. Simultaneously the concentrations of P drastically decreased in the leaves and the proportions of water extractable Zn increased. Normal growth and absence of chlorosis were, however, also obtained without the addition of Si when either the external concentration of P was lowered or of Zn was increased. Short-term experiments revealed that Si has no direct effect on uptake or translocation of P to the shoot. According to these results, the experimental evidences so far are insufficient for the classification of Si as an essential mineral element for cucumber. Instead, Si may act as beneficial element under conditions of nutrient imbalances, for example, in P and Zn supply and corresponding P-induced Zn deficiency. The mechanism by which Si increases the physiological availability of Zn in leaf tissue is not yet clear.  相似文献   

Three taxa are distinguished in the sectionPhleum Griseb. in Poland:P. nodosum (2n = 14),P. pratense (2n = 42), and the third one unformally named hereP. commutatum (2n = 14). It corresponds morphologically toP. commutatum Gaud. reported as a tetraploid taxon (2n = 28) from other geographic regions. Giemsa C-banded karyotypes of these three taxa help clarify the taxonomic status ofP. commutatum and the origin of the hexaploidP. pratense. It is suggested that changes in the amount of telomeric heterochromatin played an important role in the evolution ofPhleum karyotypes.  相似文献   

The karyotypes ofP. juncea (Elymus junceus) andP. huashanica (both outbreeders) were investigated by Feulgen-staining and by C-, N-, and Agbanding, based on a single plant in cach case. Both species have 2n=2x=14 and large chromosomes, possibly a generic character. The karyotype ofP. juncea has 8 metacentrics and 6 SAT-chromosomes with minute, heterochromatic satellites while that ofP. huashanica has 9 metacentrics and 5 SAT-chromosomes only, 2 of which with small, heterochromatic satellites. The C-banding patterns ofP. juncea chromosomes comprise from one to five, mostly small, bands at distal, and terminal positions, while those ofP. huashanica chromosomes are characterized by large telomeric bands in most arms. Banding patterns and chromosome morphology allow identification of the homologues of the seven chromosome pairs inP. juncea, but of two pairs inP. huashanica only. The patterns of both taxa are polymorphic, supporting that both taxa are outbreeders. The karyotypic characters suggest thatP. juncea is more closely related toP. fragilis than either is toP. huashanica. N-banding stains weakly. Silver nitrate staining demonstrates that nucleolus organizers of both species have different nucleolus forming capacities. The presence of micronucleoli suggests that both species have an extra unidentified chromosome with nucleolus forming capacity.  相似文献   

Electrophoretic analysis of 26 enzyme coding genes was conducted on accessions of threeCitrullus species and the relatedPraecitrullus fistulosus andAcanthosicyos naudinianus. The isozyme phylogeny of the genusCitrullus and the related species was constructed based on pairwise measurements of the respective genetic distances between the species and races.P. fistulosus andA. naudinianus form two distinct outgroups toCitrullus which is characterized by two main clusters: The first includes twoC. colocynthis races and the second,C. lanatus andC. lanatus var.citroides, which are more closely related to each other than they are toC. ecirrhosus. The isozyme phylogeny is consistent with the variability in six seed protein bands and with the crossability relations among the examined species.  相似文献   

Summary Another satellite DNA repeat (type IV) in the genome of Cucumis sativus (cucumber) was found and investigated with respect to DNA sequence, methylation, and evolution. This satellite shows a repeat length of 360 bp and a GC-content of 47%. The repeats of type IV are highly conserved among each other. Evidence for CG and CNG methylation is presented. By comparison to the previously described satellites (type I/II and type III) from cucumber, it is evident that this repeat is created by an insertion of a 180 bp DNA sequence similar to type I–III into another DNA sequence (or vice versa), and subsequent amplification forming a new satellite repeat. The different satellites of the type I/II, type III, and the 180 bp insert of type IV show a sequence homology of 60%–70%, indicating that the complex satellite DNA of cucumber is originated from a common progenitor by mutation, additional insertion, and amplification events. Copies of a sequence similar to a part of type IV are present in the genome of the related species Cucumis melo (melon).  相似文献   

Meiosis in seven interspecificCucumis hybrids has been analysed i.a. inC. metuliferus ×C. zeyheri, where the parents belong to different sections. In the triploid hybrids a remarkably high number of trivalents has been found. Additional data from literature on geographical distribution, cucurbitacins, flavonoid patterns, isozymes, C-banding, genome size, DNA amount and chloroplast DNA are used to discuss species relationships and evolution. The African cross-compatible group is divided into theMyriocarpus subgroup with the diploid speciesC. africanus, C. myriocarpus subsp.leptodermis and subsp.myriocarpus, and theAnguria subgroup withC. anguria, C. dipsaceus, C. ficifolius, C. prophetarum, C. zeyheri and all polyploids (exceptC. heptadactylus). It is argued that the Asian subg.Melo with x = 7 is derived from the African subg.Cucumis with x = 12; the latter contains all the polyploid species and has the most common basic chromosome number of theCucurbitaceae. This phylogenetic advance is interpreted with concepts of the quantum model of evolution.  相似文献   

Four-day-old etiolated cucumber seedlings (Cucumis sativus L.) were transferred to cool-white-fluorescent light (15 mumol m-2 s-1) for 1 h and 24 hours and etiochloroplasts and chloroplasts were isolated from developing cotyledons. Plastids were fractionated to stroma, envelope and thylakoid or inner membranes and the pigment contents of all these different fractions were analysed. In intact cucumber chloroplast protochlorophylide was present in significant amounts whereas protoporphyrin IX and Mg-protoporphyrin plus its monoester were present only in very small quantities. Out of the total chloroplastic protochlorophylide pool 1.0% was partitioned to envelope membranes and 99.0% was partitioned to thylakoids. Stroma had only trace amounts of protochlorophylide. In contrast to chloroplasts, etiochloroplasts had, besides protochlorophylide, significant amounts of other chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates. In etiochloroplasts, protoporphyrin IX primarily partitioned to inner membranes (59.1%) followed by stroma (37.7%) and envelope (3.21%). The content of Mg-protoporphyrin IX plus its monoester in different subplastidic fractions was 74.4% for inner membranes, 22.58% for stroma and 3.02% for envelope. Protochlorophyllide primarily partitioned to inner membranes (95.79%), followed by envelope (4.15%) and, to a negligible extent (0.06%), into stroma. The sub-plastidic distribution of chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates in etiochloroplasts was, therefore, different than that of chloroplasts. The significance of differential distribution of chlorophyll biosynthetic intermediates among thylakoids, envelope and stroma in developing and mature plastids is discussed in relation to chloroplast biogenesis.  相似文献   

A fosmid library of cucumber was synthesized as an unrestricted resource for researchers and used for comparative sequence analyses to assess synteny between the cucumber and melon genomes, both members of the genus Cucumis and the two most economically important plants in the family Cucurbitaceae. End sequencing of random fosmids produced over 680 kilobases of cucumber genomic sequence, of which 25% was similar to ribosomal DNAs, 25% to satellite sequences, 20% to coding regions in other plants, 4% to transposable elements, 13% to mitochondrial and chloroplast sequences, and 13% showed no hits to the databases. The relatively high frequencies of ribosomal and satellite DNAs are consistent with previous analyses of cucumber DNA. Cucumber fosmids were selected and sequenced that carried eukaryotic initiation factors (eIF) 4E and iso(4E), genes associated with recessively inherited resistances to potyviruses in a number of plants. Indels near eIF4E and eIF(iso)4E mapped independently of the zym, a recessive locus conditioning resistance to Zucchini yellow mosaic virus, establishing that these candidate genes are not zym. Cucumber sequences were compared with melon BACs carrying eIF4E and eIF(iso)4E and revealed extensive sequence conservation and synteny between cucumber and melon across these two independent genomic regions. This high degree of microsynteny will aid in the cloning of orthologous genes from both species, as well as allow for genomic resources developed for one Cucumis species to be used for analyses in other species. Names are necessary to report factually on available data; however, the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) neither guarantees nor warrants the standard of the product, and the use of the name by USDA implies no approval of the product to the exclusion of others that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

Summary 2,4-Dinitrophenol and paranitrophenol are two major soil pollutants which are known to be metabolized by different soil microbes. Relative phytotoxicities of these parent compounds and their metabolic transformation products to the growth of cucumber seedlings were assessed. It was evident that such microbial transformations widely occurring in the soil are effective detoxification reactions and are beneficial for the plants.  相似文献   

Guatteria, Guatteriopsis, Guatteriella andHeteropetalum share the same conspicuous pollen type which is new for theSpermatophyta. It is zonoaperturate with a folded aperture region and an extremely reduced exine. First chromosome counts and karyotype analyses forGuatteriopsis (4 species investigated) andGuatteriella (1 species) are identical with those ofGuatteria (19 species seen): 2n = 28. The genome is characterized by diploidization and partly telocentric chromosomes. Sequentially Giemsa C- and fluorochrome banded chromosomes and interphase nuclei are described. The cuticular folding pattern is distinct forHeteropetalum only. Growth forms and ecology are reported for many species. The evolutionary pattern of theGuatteria group is discussed and compared with other genera and families.  相似文献   

Meiosis and mitosis are described in cultivatedCrocus sativus of Iran. This indicates that this species is an autotriploid and sterile. Karyotype analysis, rare inversions, laggard chromosomes and distribution of chromosomes in the first anaphase are described, and the reasons for its sterility are given.  相似文献   

Quantified C-band karyograms are presented for the related speciesScilla siberica, S. mordakiae, S. ingridae, S. amoena, andS. mischtschenkoana. Chromosome structure, banding style, and heterochromatin characters suggest a systematic grouping of two more closely related species pairs:S. siberica andS. mordakiae, S. ingridae andS. amoena; they are part of a larger aggregate, well separated fromS. mischtschenkoana. Four different heterochromatin fractions can be recognized inS. siberica and its relatives, but only two inS. mischtschenkoana. C-bands do not replace, but they are added to euchromatin. The particular origin and history of the cultivatedS. amoena and the triploidS. siberica cv. Spring Beauty appear to be responsible for their karyotype constancy, but chromosome conservatism obviously is genuine inS. mischtschenkoana. The banding data support the systematic grouping proposed on a morphological basis, and provide additional evolutionary evidence.Evolution ofScilla and Related Genera, IV.  相似文献   

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