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The aim of the present study was: to compare thermoregulatory behaviour of single honeybee workers and groups of 3–15 bees over their annual activity period and to check out whether the annual fluctuations of ambient temperature selection are correlated with phases of the colony development. Thermal behaviour of both single workers and groups of bees was recorded, using a video camera, in a thermal gradient system. Thermal preferences of the insects were tested seasonally in spring (May/June), summer (July/August) and autumn (September–November). Both single bees and small groups of bees changed their thermal behaviour in daily cycle. The season of the year had distinct effect on temperature preferences of both single honeybee workers or small groups of bees. In single honeybee workers the lowest ambient temperatures were preferred in late spring (the swarming phase) while the highest temperatures were selected during the summer (the colony growing phase). There were significant seasonal changes in ambient temperature selected by groups of honeybee workers. Groups of honeybee workers tended to prefer the lowest temperatures in late spring and the highest temperatures were selected during the summer. The day-night differences exhibited by small groups of bees in our experiments are likely to represent behavioural responses of the honeybee colony. In our experiments we proved an influence of the season of the year on the honeybees’ thermal behaviour, which might be connected with seasonal shifts of temperature regulated by the honeybee colony.  相似文献   

Honey bees are important model systems for the investigation of learning and memory and for a better understanding of the neuronal basics of brain function. Honey bees also possess a rich repertoire of tones and sounds, from queen piping and quacking to worker hissing and buzzing. In this study, we tested whether the worker bees’ sounds can be used as a measure of learning. We therefore conditioned honey bees aversively to odours in a walking arena and recorded both their sound production and their movement. Bees were presented with two odours, one of which was paired with an electric shock. Initially, the bees did not produce any sound upon odour presentation, but responded to the electric shock with a strong hissing response. After learning, many bees hissed at the presentation of the learned odour, while fewer bees hissed upon presentation of another odour. We also found that hissing and movement away from the conditioned odour are independent behaviours that can co-occur but do not necessarily do so. Our data suggest that hissing can be used as a readout for learning after olfactory conditioning, but that there are large individual differences between bees concerning their hissing reaction. The basis for this variability and the possible ecological relevance of the bees’ hissing remain to be investigated.  相似文献   

A hopelessly queenless honeybee colony has only one reproductive option: some workers must produce sons before the colony dies. This requires the workers to curtail egg policing (removal of worker-produced eggs), rendering the colony vulnerable to non-natal reproductive parasitism. In the Western honeybee, Apis mellifera, guarding (prevention of foreign workers from entering a colony) increases in queenless colonies, providing a defence against non-natal parasitism. However, in the closely related Eastern honeybee A. cerana, queenless colonies appear to be more tolerant of bees from other colonies. We presented guards of four A. cerana colonies with three types of workers: nestmate returning foragers, non-nestmate returning foragers and non-nestmates from a laying-worker colony. The latter are likely to have active ovaries, allowing us to test whether guard bees can detect which potential invaders are more likely to be reproductive parasites. After assessing guards’ reactions, we recaptured test bees and dissected them to determine levels of ovary activation. We found that nestmates were accepted significantly more frequently than the other two types of workers. However, there was no difference in the overall acceptance rates of non-nestmate returning foragers and bees from within laying-worker colonies. In addition, ovary-activated workers were no less likely to be accepted than those with inactive ovaries. Interestingly, colonies were more accepting of all three types of test bee after being made queenless. We conclude that, as has been previously suggested, guarding has no specific role in the prevention of non-natal parasitism in A. cerana.  相似文献   

To study the relationship between the individual and social thermoregulatory behaviour, we used honeybee workers and American cockroaches. Single insects or groups of 10-20 individuals were placed in a temperature gradient chamber, and their thermal preference was recorded for 48 h under natural summer photoperiod. Single bees showed diurnal changes in selected ambient temperature, which culminated at 14:00 reaching 34+/-2 degrees C, and then slowly decreased, reaching a nocturnal minimum of 28+/-2 degrees C at 04:00. In contrast, the zenith of temperature selected by groups of bees (31+/-1 degrees C) was reached at 04:00 and the nadir (29+/-2 degrees C) was recorded at 14:00. Groups of bees clustered together during the night time, and dispersed during intense day time activity. Such changes were absent in groups of cockroaches. Cockroaches selected an ambient temperature of 30+/-1 degrees C both during day and night. In conclusion, there is a striking analogy in the diurnal thermal behaviour between a colony of bees and mammals. During their nychthemeral rest phase, both of them select higher temperatures than during the activity phase and, simultaneously, they reduce their overall surface area of heat loss to conserve metabolic heat. Therefore, the colony behaves as a homeothermic superorganism. In contrast, a single bee, isolated from the colony, utilizes a heterothermic strategy to save energy for a morning warm up.  相似文献   

Honeybee larvae and pupae are extremely stenothermic, i.e. they strongly depend on accurate regulation of brood nest temperature for proper development (33–36°C). Here we study the mechanisms of social thermoregulation of honeybee colonies under changing environmental temperatures concerning the contribution of individuals to colony temperature homeostasis. Beside migration activity within the nest, the main active process is “endothermy on demand” of adults. An increase of cold stress (cooling of the colony) increases the intensity of heat production with thoracic flight muscles and the number of endothermic individuals, especially in the brood nest. As endothermy means hard work for bees, this eases much burden of nestmates which can stay ectothermic. Concerning the active reaction to cold stress by endothermy, age polyethism is reduced to only two physiologically predetermined task divisions, 0 to ∼2 days and older. Endothermic heat production is the job of bees older than about two days. They are all similarly engaged in active heat production both in intensity and frequency. Their active heat production has an important reinforcement effect on passive heat production of the many ectothermic bees and of the brood. Ectothermy is most frequent in young bees (<∼2 days) both outside and inside of brood nest cells. We suggest young bees visit warm brood nest cells not only to clean them but also to speed up flight muscle development for proper endothermy and foraging later in their life. Young bees inside brood nest cells mostly receive heat from the surrounding cell wall during cold stress, whereas older bees predominantly transfer heat from the thorax to the cell wall. Endothermic bees regulate brood comb temperature more accurately than local air temperature. They apply the heat as close to the brood as possible: workers heating cells from within have a higher probability of endothermy than those on the comb surface. The findings show that thermal homeostasis of honeybee colonies is achieved by a combination of active and passive processes. The differential individual endothermic and behavioral reactions sum up to an integrated action of the honeybee colony as a superorganism.  相似文献   

We investigated worker regulation of queen activity during reproductive swarming by examining the rates at which workers performed vibration signals and piping on queens during the different stages of the swarming process. Worker–queen interactions were first examined inside observation hives during the 2–3 wk that preceded the issue of the swarm (pre‐swarming period) and then inside the swarm clusters during the period that preceded liftoff and relocation to a new nest site (post‐swarming period). Queen court size did not differ between the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods, but workers fed the queens less inside the swarm clusters. Workers performed vibration signals on the queens at increasing rates throughout the pre‐swarming period inside the natal nest, but rarely or never vibrated the queen inside the swarm. Piping was performed on the queens during both the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods and always reached a peak immediately before queen flight. During the final 2–4 h before swarm liftoff, queens were increasingly contacted by waggle dancers for nest sites, some of which piped the queen. The vibration signal may operate in a modulatory manner to gradually prepare the queen for flight from the natal nest, and the cumulative effects of the signal during the pre‐swarming period may make further vibrations on the queen unnecessary when inside the swarm cluster. In contrast, worker piping may function in a more immediate manner to trigger queen takeoff during both the pre‐ and post‐swarming periods. Workers that vibrate and pipe the queen tend to be older, foraging‐age bees. The regulation of queen activity during colony reproduction may therefore be controlled largely by workers that normally have little contact with queens, but help to formulate colony reproductive and movement decisions.  相似文献   

Summary European and African subspecies of honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) utilize social encapsulation to contain the small hive beetle (Aethina tumida Murray), a honeybee colony scavenger. Using social encapsulation, African honeybees successfully limit beetle reproduction that can devastate host colonies. In sharp contrast, European honeybees often fail to contain beetles, possibly because their social encapsulation skills may be less developed than those of African honeybees. In this study, we quantify beetle and European honeybee behaviours associated with social encapsulation, describe colony and time (morning and evening) differences in these behaviours (to identify possible circadian rhythms), and detail intra-colonial, encapsulated beetle distributions. The data help explain the susceptibility of European honeybees to depredation by small hive beetles. There were significant colony differences in a number of social encapsulation behaviours (the number of beetle prisons and beetles per prison, and the proportion of prison guard bees biting at encapsulated beetles) suggesting that successful encapsulation of beetles by European bees varies between colonies. We also found evidence for the existence of circadian rhythms in small hive beetles, as they were more active in the evening rather than morning. In response to increased beetle activity during the evening, there was an increase in the number of prison guard bees during evening. Additionally, the bees successfully kept most (~93%) beetles out of the combs at all times, suggesting that social encapsulation by European honeybees is sufficient to control small populations of beetles (as seen in this study) but may ultimately fail if beetle populations are high.Received 20 January 2003; revised 21 April 2003; accepted 29 April 2003.  相似文献   

Summary Kin recognition and nepotism between honeybee workers (Apis mellifera L.) was analysed in a trophallactic bio-assay. Donor workers were fed dyed sugar syrup and introduced into a recipient group consisting of 12 to 15 workers of the same colony. After allowing for 1 hour of trophallaxis, the distribution of the dyed food was analysed with spectrophotometry. The subfamily composition in the recipient group was varied such that the donor bees had to discriminate between workers of 2 to 7 different patrilines. Donor bees preferentially fed super sisters if few patrilines were present in the recipient group. However, preferential feeding was not observed if the recipient group consisted of workers of more than three subfamilies. Since the natural degree of polyandry causes intracolonial genetic variance to exceed the genetic variability in the experiments, nepotistic behaviour among workers may not reveal intranidal subfamily recognition in honeybees.  相似文献   

Honeybees (Apis mellifera) are able to regulate the brood nest temperatures within a narrow range between 32 and 36°C. Yet this small variation in brood temperature is sufficient to cause significant differences in the behavior of adult bees. To study the consequences of variation in pupal developmental temperature we raised honeybee brood under controlled temperature conditions (32, 34.5, 36°C) and individually marked more than 4,400 bees, after emergence. We analyzed dancing, undertaking behavior, the age of first foraging flight, and forager task specialization of these workers. Animals raised under higher temperatures showed an increased probability to dance, foraged earlier in life, and were more often engaged in undertaking. Since the temperature profile in the brood nest may be an emergent property of the whole colony, we discuss how pupal developmental temperature can affect the overall organization of division of labor among the individuals in a self-organized process.  相似文献   

In bumble bees (Bombus spp.), where workers within the same colony exhibit up to a tenfold difference in mass, labor is divided by body size. Current adaptive explanations for this important life history feature are unsatisfactory. Within the colony, what is the function of the smaller workers? Here, we report on the differential robustness to starvation of small and large worker bumble bees (Bombus impatiens); when nectar is scarce, small workers remain alive significantly longer than larger workers. The presence of small workers, and size variation in general, might act as insurance against times of nectar shortage. These data may provide a novel, adaptive explanation, independent of division of labor, for size polymorphism within the worker caste.  相似文献   

Summary A new approach is presented to estimate the genetic variance of social behaviour of groups. Honeybees (Apis mellifera L.) are used as an example for highly social organisms. Most characters of economic importance strongly rely on collective group characters of honeybee colonies. The average relatedness between small groups of workers of one honeybee colony can be estimated using a discrete multinomial distribution. The genetic variance of a social behaviour (alarm behaviour) of groups of honeybee workers is estimated with the intraclass correlation between groups within a colony. In two populations tested, the coefficient of genetic determination was high (0.96–0.98) indicating that the metabolic bio-assay used was only weakly affected by environmental effects.  相似文献   

Social bees generally host fewer nest invaders than do ants and termites. This is potentially explained by the adaptive defensive strategies of host bees when faced with nest invaders exhibiting various levels of colony integration (based on adaptations to the nest habitat and frequency of nest inhabitation). In the present study, experiments are performed to determine the behaviour at the nest entrance of European honeybee guards Apis mellifera L. (Hymenoptera: Apidae) toward beetle invaders of various levels of behavioural integration into colonies. The species used to test this include Aethina tumida Murray (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), which is regarded as a highly integrated, unwelcome guest (synechthran) or true guest (symphile); Lobiopa insularis Laporte (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) and Epuraea luteola Erichson (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) that are accidentals; and Carpophilus humeralis Fabricius (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae), Carpophilus hemipterus L. (Coleoptera: Nitidulidae) and Tribolium castaneum Herbst (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae), all of which are species that are not integrated into honeybee colonies. The responses of guard bees to a control bead also are noted. In general, bees ignore T. castaneum and E. luteola to a greater extent than other beetle species. Bees make contact with the black glass bead (a non‐aggressive behaviour) more than they do all beetle species. Bees treat A. tumida more defensively than they treat any other beetle species and the level of bee defensiveness varies by colony. These data suggest an adaptive heightened defensive response by bees toward the most integrated colony intruder but a significantly reduced level of response toward invaders representing all other levels of colony integration.  相似文献   

Newly emerged worker honeybees (focal bees) were caged individually for 8 days either isolated or together with one companion bee of known age (2–30 days) taken from a colony. The companion bee was replaced every 2nd day. After 8 days, various parameters were investigated in the focal bees as indicators of the level of development. Focal bees which had been caged with 6-day-old companion bees were better developed than isolated focal bees, newly emerged bees, or focal bees caged with almost all other ages of companion bees. They had hypopharyngeal glands that were larger and contained more protein, their thoraces had a higher protein content, and they had a higher rate of proteolytic activity in the midgut. Although the focal bees were supplied with pollen as well as honey, they consumed only small amounts of pollen. We attribute their better development to their having been fed worker jelly by the accompanying companion bees. The 6-day-old companion bees consumed high quantities of pollen and spent more time (18.7 ± 11.85 s/h) feeding focal bees than 12-day-old bees (6.5 ± 4.09 s/h) or foragers (no feeding of focal bees). The results show that even under such artificial conditions, the exchange of food (trophallaxis) promotes the development of young honeybee workers. Accepted: 26 February 1999  相似文献   

Most species of social insects have singly mated queens, but in some species each queen mates with numerous males to create a colony whose workers belong to multiple patrilines. This colony genetic structure creates a potential for intracolonial nepotism. One context with great potential for such nepotism arises in species, like honey bees, whose colonies reproduce by fissioning. During fissioning, workers might nepotistically choose between serving a young (sister) queen or the old (mother) queen, preferring the former if she is a full-sister but the latter if the young queen is only a half-sister. We examined three honeybee colonies that swarmed, and performed paternity analyses on the young (immature) queens and samples of workers who either stayed with the young queens in the nest or left with the mother queen in the swarm. For each colony, we checked whether patrilines represented by immature queens had higher proportions of staying workers than patrilines not represented by immature queens. We found no evidence of this. The absence of intracolonial nepotism during colony fissioning could be because the workers cannot discriminate between full-sister and half-sister queens when they are immature, or because the costs of behaving nepotistically outweigh the benefits.  相似文献   

蜜蜂嗅觉相关蛋白的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蜜蜂是一类营社会性生活的昆虫,蜂群中的蜂王、工蜂和雄蜂相互依存,各司其职,共同维持着群体严密有序的生活。其中,嗅觉系统在它们的生存和繁衍过程中起到重要的作用。昆虫对气味物质的感受过程是非常复杂的,需要有多种蛋白的参与。研究蜜蜂的化学感受机制可以帮助我们更深入地了解蜜蜂特有的行为及生物学特性。本文重点综述了与蜜蜂嗅觉相关的3种蛋白质的生化特性、分子结构、基因表达及其生理功能等方面的研究进展,以期为今后开展相关研究工作提供理论参考。  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition is the basic mechanism for rejecting foreign individuals and is essential for maintaining colony integrity in insect societies. However, in honeybees, Apis mellifera, both workers and males occasionally gain access to foreign colonies in spite of nest guards (=drifting). Instead of conducting direct behavioural observations, we inferred nestmate recognition for males and workers from the genotypes of naturally drifting individuals in honeybee colonies. We evaluated the degree of polyandry of the resident queens, because nestmate recognition theory predicts that the genotypic composition of insect colonies may affect the recognition precision of guards. Workers (N=1346) and drones (N=407) from 38 colonies were genotyped using four DNA microsatellite loci. Foreign bees were identified by maternity testing. The proportion of foreign individuals in a host colony was defined as immigration. Putative mother queens were identified if a queen's genotype corresponded with the genotype of a drifted individual. The proportion of a colony's individuals in the total number of drifted individuals was defined as emigration. Drones immigrated significantly more frequently than workers. The impact of polyandry was significantly different between drones and workers. Whereas drones immigrated more readily into less polyandrous colonies, worker immigration was not correlated with the degree of polyandry of the host colony. Furthermore, colonies with high levels of emigrated drones did not show high levels of emigration for workers, and colonies that adopted many workers did not adopt many foreign drones. Our data indicate that genetically derived odour cues are important for honeybee nestmate recognition in drones and show that different nestmate recognition mechanisms are used to identify drones and workers.  相似文献   

Nepotism shapes interactions among the members of almost every animal society. However, clear evidence of nepotism within highly cooperative insect societies, such as ant, wasp and honeybee colonies, is rare. Recent empirical findings suggest that nepotism occurs within honeybee colonies where kin-selection theory most strongly predicts its existence: during the lethal queen-queen duels that determine which of several young queens will become the colony's next queen. In this study, I test whether worker bees act nepotistically by hindering duelling queens that are distantly related to themselves. I accomplished this by observing labelled workers harassing duelling queen bees in observation hives and subsequently by determining worker-queen relatedness using DNA microsatellites. I show that the workers that harassed duelling queens were neither more-closely nor more-distantly related to them than were workers selected randomly from the colony. Thus, workers did not behave nepotistically by hindering half-sister queens more than full-sister queens. These results demonstrate that under certain conditions, natural selection limits the evolution of nepotism within animal societies despite strong theoretical predictions for its existence.  相似文献   

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