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An attempt to localize brain mechanisms of the rhythmic activity in the alpha-rhythm range was made using the equivalent dipole model. It is known that light flickering stimuli with the frequency close to that of the individual alpha rhythm induce an increase in its spectral power ("photic-driving" phenomenon). It was shown that the activity of the neuronal structures generating the alpha rhythm can be identified by specific frequency of the light stimulation and localized by means of construction of dipole models. Two sources of the alpha rhythm in the narrow-frequency bands with the maximal resonance responses in the frequencies of 10.1 and 10.5 Hz were localized in the thalamic structures.  相似文献   

Injection of a current pulse of brief duration into an aggregate of spontaneously beating chick embryonic heart cells resets the phase of the activity by either advancing or delaying the time of occurrence of the spontaneous beat subsequent to current injection. This effect depends upon the polarity, amplitude, and duration of the current pulse, as well as on the time of injection of the pulse. The transition from prolongation to shortening of the interbeat interval appears experimentally to be discontinuous for some stimulus conditions. These observations are analyzed by numerical investigation of a model of the ionic currents that underlie spontaneous activity in these preparations. The model consists of: Ix, which underlies the repolarization phase of the action potential, IK2, a time-dependent potassium ion pacemaker current, Ibg, a background or time-independent current, and INa, an inward sodium ion current that underlies the upstroke of the action potential. The steady state amplitude of the sum of these currents is an N-shaped function of potential. Slight shifts in the position of this current-voltage relation along the current axis can produce either one, two, or three intersections with the voltage axis. The number of these equilibrium points and the voltage dependence of INa contribute to apparent discontinuities of phase resetting. A current-voltage relation with three equilibrium points has a saddle point in the pacemaker voltage range. Certain combinations of current-pulse parameters and timing of injection can shift the state point near this saddle point and lead to an interbeat interval that is unbounded . Activation of INa is steeply voltage dependent. This results in apparently discontinuous phase resetting behavior for sufficiently large pulse amplitudes regardless of the number of equilibrium points. However, phase resetting is fundamentally a continuous function of the time of pulse injection for these conditions. These results demonstrate the ionic basis of phase resetting and provide a framework for topological analysis of this phenomenon in chick embryonic heart cell aggregates.  相似文献   

Abstract An electrical analogue describing the phase and amplitude relations between transpiration, water potential and stem shrinkage for trees was developed. Observations of shrinking and swelling at various heights up a Pinus radiata tree were obtained over several weeks in summer and autumn. The relative amplitude in shrinkage increased by a factor of two up the stem, but phase lags were small. The data obtained were used in conjunction with the electrical analogue of the How pathway to obtain an estimate of the relative magnitude of the capacitance of the living bark and the sapwood, and to predict phase lags between transpiration and leaf water potential, and lags in transpirational flux up the stem. The results suggest that if water potentials recover by dawn, phase lags in water potential down tree stems arc small and that the exchange between water stored in the sapwood and the transpiration stream is irreversible over the diurnal time scale.  相似文献   

Repetitive firing (RF) as two or more end plate currents (EPC) induced by a single stimulus of the motor nerve was studied in sartorius frog muscle under voltage clamp conditions. In the presence of 4-aminopyridine (1.10–4 M), RF as two EPC with 3–8 msec intervals was found in half of the cells (n=35). When calcium ion concentration was increased from 1.8 to 5.4 mM, magnesium to 5–9 mM, and rhythmic activity beginning with 0.05 Hz and above, RF stopped, but when strontium or barium was substituted for calcium, RF intensified. In the presence of barium, the repeated EPC quantity reached six-eight per one nerve impulse. Slow currents arose in some of the cells when disruption of the EPC series was stimulated. Proserine, an anticholinesterase agent, enhanced RF, whereas -bungarotoxin, a cholinoreceptor blocker, had no effect. The role that calcium and calcium-activated potassium currents play in generating and terminating mechanisms of RF, is discussed.S. V. Kurashov Medical Institute, Russian Federation Ministry of Public Health, Kazan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp. 387–395, July–August, 1992.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial Ca(2+) handling has been implicated in spontaneous rhythmic activity in smooth muscle and interstitial cells of Cajal. In this investigation we evaluated the effect of mitochondrial inhibitors on spontaneous action potentials (APs), Ca(2+) flashes, and Ca(2+) waves in gallbladder smooth muscle (GBSM). Disruption of the mitochondrial membrane potential with carbonyl cyanide 3-chlorophenylhydrazone, carbonyl cyanide 4-(trifluoromethoxy) phenylhydrazone, rotenone, and antimycin A significantly reduced or eliminated APs, Ca(2+) flashes, and Ca(2+) waves in GBSM. Blockade of ATP production with oligomycin did not alter APs or Ca(2+) flashes but significantly reduced Ca(2+) wave frequency. Inhibition of mitochondrial Ca(2+) uptake and Ca(2+) release with Ru360 and CGP-37157, respectively, reduced the frequency of Ca(2+) flashes and Ca(2+) waves in GBSM. Similar to oligomycin, cyclosporin A did not alter AP and Ca(2+) flash frequency but significantly reduced Ca(2+) wave activity. These data suggest that mitochondrial Ca(2+) handling is necessary for the generation of spontaneous electrical activity and may therefore play an important role in gallbladder tone and motility.  相似文献   

Local nonspiking interneurons in the thoracic ganglia of insects are important premotor elements in posture control and locomotion. It was investigated whether these interneurons are involved in the central neuronal circuits generating the oscillatory motor output of the leg muscle system during rhythmic motor activity. Intracellular recordings from premotor nonspiking interneurons were made in the isolated and completely deafferented mesothoracic ganglion of the stick insect in preparations exhibiting rhythmic motor activity induced by the muscarinic agonist pilocarpine. All interneurons investigated provided synaptic drive to one or more motoneuron pools supplying the three proximal leg joints, that is, the thoraco-coxal joint, the coxa-trochanteral joint and the femur-tibia joint. During rhythmicity in 83% (n=67) of the recorded interneurons, three different kinds of synaptic oscillations in membrane potential were observed: (1) Oscillations were closely correlated with the activity of motoneuron pools affected; (2) membrane potential oscillations reflected only certain aspects of motoneuronal rhythmicity; and (3) membrane potential oscillations were correlated mainly with the occurrence of spontaneous recurrent patterns (SRP) of activity in the motoneuron pools. In individual interneurons membrane potential oscillations were associated with phase-dependent changes in the neuron's membrane conductance. Artificial changes in the interneurons' membrane potential strongly influenced motor activity. Injecting current pulses into individual interneurons caused a reset of rhythmicity in motoneurons. Furthermore, current injection into interneurons influenced shape and probability of occurrence for SRPs. Among others, identified nonspiking interneurons that are involved in posture control of leg joints were found to exhibit the above properties. From these results, the following conclusions on the role of nonspiking interneurons in the generation of rhythmic motor activity, and thus potentially also during locomotion, emerge: (1) During rhythmic motor activity most nonspiking interneurons receive strong synaptic drive from central rhythm-generating networks; and (2) individual nonspiking interneurons some of which underlie sensory-motor pathways in posture control, are elements of central neuronal networks that generate alternating activity in antagonistic leg motoneuron pools. © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract The relationships between the activity of 87 pallidal neurons and parameters characterizing motor performance were analysed quantitatively in six unrestrained cats performing a forelimb flexion movement controlled by a reaction-time paradigm. Three motor variables were considered: the static force exerted when the trigger stimulus occurred, the latency of the force change initiating the lever-release movement and the velocity of the force change. For all the cats, the latency of the change in force was the prevalent parameter in determining the movement onset occurrence. The single-unit activity was quantified on a trial-by-trial basis by measuring the mean firing rate in windows of fixed duration. Both normal (total) and partial linear correlation coefficients were used. Partial correlation coefficients were calculated between the mean firing rate during selected windows and each of the motor parameters. A total of 17% and 9% of all partial correlation coefficients tested ( n = 1566) was found to be significantly different from zero, respectively with p 0.05 and p 0.01. The mean percentages of explained variation, measured by the square of the correlation coefficient, were 17% ( p 0.05) and 21% ( p 0.01). The 46 pallidal neurons presenting an increase in discharge after the trigger stimulus could be classified in homogeneous subgroups with respect to the signs of the correlations. Representations of the motor programme underlying reaction-time performance evidenced at the pallidal level further substantiate a specific involvement of the basal ganglia in the latency of motor triggering.  相似文献   

Rhythmic and discrete movements are frequently considered separately in motor control, probably because different techniques are commonly used to study and model them. Yet the increasing interest in finding a comprehensive model for movement generation requires bridging the different perspectives arising from the study of those two types of movements. In this article, we consider discrete and rhythmic movements within the framework of motor primitives, i.e., of modular generation of movements. In this way we hope to gain an insight into the functional relationships between discrete and rhythmic movements and thus into a suitable representation for both of them. Within this framework we can define four possible categories of modeling for discrete and rhythmic movements depending on the required command signals and on the spinal processes involved in the generation of the movements. These categories are first discussed in terms of biological concepts such as force fields and central pattern generators and then illustrated by several mathematical models based on dynamical system theory. A discussion on the plausibility of theses models concludes the work.  相似文献   

The effects of caudate and septal stimulation on hippocampal activity were studied. Sodium penicillin was intravenously injected in order to induce a steady rate of interictal epileptic activity. Penicillin injection caused significant reduction of the rate of occurrence and duration of hippocampal rhythmic slow activity (RSA). Spontaneous RSA as well as RSA-eliciting caudate and septal stimulation induced a marked inhibition on frequency of epileptiform complexes. Lesions of the medial septal nucleus made it impossible to record RSA or to observe any sort of influence on hippocampal epileptiform activity by caudate stimulation. This result suggests that the septum is important for RSA genesis in the striato-hippocampal pathway or in the reciprocal septo-hippocampal connections.  相似文献   

The time relations between the evoked potential (EP) and neuronal activity of the dorsal hippocampus in response to sciatic nerve stimulation were investigated in experiments conducted on rabbits paralyzed by tubocurarine. Two groups of neurons were distinguished on the basis of the type of their reaction to sciatic stimulation. Inhibition of background spike activity was found in the neurons of the first group (70.9%); in 37% of them inhibition was preceded by excitation in the form of a spike discharge or excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) which coincided in time with the positive phase of the EP. During inhibition of spike activity the hyperpolarization potential was recorded intracellularly in a number of neurons, the latent period of which coincided with the latent period of the negative phase of the EP. Neurons of the second group (20%) were characterized by protracted excitation of spike activity, and the start of their excitation coincided with the start of the negative phase of the EP and hyperpolarization potential of the neurons of the first group. Different sensitivity of the two groups of neurons was noted. It is concluded that the EPSP of the pyramidal neurons of the hippocampus participates in generation of the positive phase of the EP, and the hyperpolarization potentials of these neurons participate in the generation of its negative phase. The possibility is not precluded that hippocampal neurons closer to the surface participate in the development of the negative phase of the EP.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 285–292, November–December, 1969.  相似文献   

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