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The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is the key pest of olives (Olea europaea L.). Classical biological control against this insect was previously attempted in Spain with Psyttalia concolor (Szépligeti) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae), with very limited success. Other parasitoids are now available for new classical biological control programmes. Before release of exotic parasitoids, an assessment of their potential impact on non‐target species is required. Surveys were conducted in different olive groves in south‐eastern Madrid to study wild tephritids associated with Asteraceae plants. We recorded plant species and their abundance and collected flower heads to identify and quantify tephritid species. Fruits from Rosa canina L. were also collected. After a multicriteria analysis (MCA), we propose Urophora hispanica Strobl, U. stylata (Fabricius) and Carpomya schineri (Loew) as candidates for further risk assessment experiments. Additional information on new associations between tephritid flies and Asteraceae plants and on autochthonous Hymenoptera parasitizing tephritids is provided.  相似文献   

The olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Tephritidae), is a direct pest of olives that has invaded the Mediterranean Region and California. Psyttalia lounsburyi (Braconidae), a larval parasitoid from Africa, has been approved for release in the USA as a classical biological agent. However, it has been difficult to rear the parasitoid in the laboratory because it is multivoltine, and the host develops only in fresh olives, which are not available for most of the year. A method to rear the parasitoid on the factitious host, Mediterranean fruit fly (Ceratitis capitata) was developed, but it was not very efficient for producing large numbers of parasitoids needed for release. We developed a number of ways to improve the efficiency of rearing, including the frequency and duration of exposure for oviposition, optimizing the density of adult parasitoids, host age, as well as methods to quickly standardize the number of larvae exposed and to count emerging adult parasitoids. We significantly improved the number of progeny produced per female and the sex ratio of progeny. Thanks to these improvements, we produced in 2017 over 119,000 adults and shipped over 53,900 for release in California.  相似文献   

Classical biological control programmes rely on mass production of high‐quality beneficial insects for subsequent releases into the field. Psyttalia lounsburyi (Silvestri) (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a koinobiont larval–pupal endoparasitoid of tephritid flies that is being reared to support a classical biological control programme for olive fruit fly in California. The mass‐rearing system for a P. lounsburyi colony, initiated with insects originally collected in Kenya, was evaluated with the goal of increasing production, while at the same time reducing time requirements for rearing in a quarantine facility. We tested the effect of exposure time of a factitious host Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), on parasitization, adult production, superparasitism, and sex ratio of P. lounsburyi and survival of the host. Parasitization rates were highest (31%) at 3‐ and 4‐hr exposure times, while adult production (i.e., emergence of wasp progeny) was highest (16%) at the 2‐hr exposure time. Superparasitism over the course of the study was 1.5% and did not appear to be a factor affecting parasitoid production. The sex ratio of wasp progeny was male‐biased and did not vary significantly over different exposure times. The rate of stings on host larvae increased with exposure time and was consistent with decreases in pupal eclosion from larvae and emergence rate of adult flies. When compared to current rearing procedures, the 2‐hr exposure time resulted in an overall 2.8‐fold increase in P. lounsburyi production when standardized for time.  相似文献   

The relationship between Bactrocera oleae (Rossi 1790) and its endosymbiont Candidatus Erwinia dacicola is important to achieving effective control of the olive fly population in the field. This bacterium plays a crucial role in the life of B. oleae and is necessary for its fitness. Thus, in the absence of the endosymbiont, B. oleae wild populations in the field might decrease considerably. Copper is one of the most used antimicrobials for horticultural crops worldwide, and its efficacy against Ca. E. dacicola has been demonstrated in field trials. Propolis is another natural antimicrobial compound largely used for its activity in several fields. If propolis and copper prove to be efficient against wild populations of the endosymbiont B. oleae in the field, such a biological restraint might improve sustainable agriculture. We evaluated, under laboratory conditions, the effect of two different copper products (at two different concentrations, 5% and 20%) and propolis on the content of Ca. E. dacicola in the eggs and in the adult oesophageal bulbs of B. oleae. Bulbs were extracted twice, after 2 and 5 weeks of exposure. Real‐time PCR on the bulbs showed a reduction in Ca. E. dacicola content in flies treated with copper (at both 5% and 20%), and from the first to the second extraction, while flies treated with propolis showed an increment of the relative abundance of Ca. E. dacicola. Both copper products (5% and 20%) reduced the egg production after 2 and 5 weeks in comparison with the control and propolis treatments. Moreover, adult mortality was significantly higher with propolis compared with the other treatments. Thus, our results encourage further research in order to develop new tools for the control of the olive fly in the framework of an integrated pest management strategy.  相似文献   

Biological impacts of climate change are exemplified by shifts in phenology. As the timing of breeding advances, the within‐season relationships between timing of breeding and reproductive traits may change and cause long‐term changes in the population mean value of reproductive traits. We investigated long‐term changes in the timing of breeding and within‐season patterns of clutch size, egg volume, incubation duration, and daily nest survival of three shorebird species between two decades. Based on previously known within‐season patterns and assuming a warming trend, we hypothesized that the timing of clutch initiation would advance between decades and would be coupled with increases in mean clutch size, egg volume, and daily nest survival rate. We monitored 1,378 nests of western sandpipers, semipalmated sandpipers, and red‐necked phalaropes at a subarctic site during 1993–1996 and 2010–2014. Sandpipers have biparental incubation, whereas phalaropes have uniparental incubation. We found an unexpected long‐term cooling trend during the early part of the breeding season. Three species delayed clutch initiation by 5 days in the 2010s relative to the 1990s. Clutch size and daily nest survival showed strong within‐season declines in sandpipers, but not in phalaropes. Egg volume showed strong within‐season declines in one species of sandpiper, but increased in phalaropes. Despite the within‐season patterns in traits and shifts in phenology, clutch size, egg volume, and daily nest survival were similar between decades. In contrast, incubation duration did not show within‐season variation, but decreased by 2 days in sandpipers and increased by 2 days in phalaropes. Shorebirds demonstrated variable breeding phenology and incubation duration in relation to climate cooling, but little change in nonphenological components of traits. Our results indicate that the breeding phenology of shorebirds is closely associated with the temperature conditions on breeding ground, the effects of which can vary among reproductive traits and among sympatric species.  相似文献   

The identification and characterization of age‐related degenerative changes is a critical goal because it can elucidate mechanisms of aging biology and contribute to understanding interventions that promote longevity. Here, we document a novel, age‐related degenerative change in C. elegans hermaphrodites, an important model system for the genetic analysis of longevity. Matricidal hatching—intra‐uterine hatching of progeny that causes maternal death—displayed an age‐related increase in frequency and affected ~70% of mated, wild‐type hermaphrodites. The timing and incidence of matricidal hatching were largely independent of the levels of early and total progeny production and the duration of male exposure. Thus, matricidal hatching appears to reflect intrinsic age‐related degeneration of the egg‐laying system rather than use‐dependent damage accumulation. Consistent with this model, mutations that extend longevity by causing dietary restriction significantly delayed matricidal hatching, indicating age‐related degeneration of the egg‐laying system is controlled by nutrient availability. To identify the underlying tissue defect, we analyzed serotonin signaling that triggers vulval muscle contractions. Mated hermaphrodites displayed an age‐related decline in the ability to lay eggs in response to exogenous serotonin, indicating that vulval muscles and/or a further downstream function that is necessary for egg laying degenerate in an age‐related manner. By characterizing a new, age‐related degenerative event displayed by C. elegans hermaphrodites, these studies contribute to understanding a frequent cause of death in mated hermaphrodites and establish a model of age‐related reproductive complications that may be relevant to the birthing process in other animals such as humans.  相似文献   

The susceptibility of olive cultivars to the olive fruit fly, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera: Tephritidae), has seldom been studied. This article examines factors associated with olive fruit fly infestation of 16 commonly planted Sicilian olive cultivars. Total infestation data were simultaneously correlated with categorical and quantitative factors using ordinal logistic regression. When all factors were included in the analysis, year, sampling date, cultivar, and fruit color were highly significant, but the quantitative factors fruit volume, fruit elongation, and fruit hardness were not. When the analysis was repeated excluding cultivar, all quantitative factors were significant, and elongation and volume were highly significant. Spherical, large, and hard fruit seemed to be preferred by B. oleae over fruit that are elongate, small, and soft. Therefore, fruit color, elongation, volume, and hardness provide useful information regarding the susceptibility of cultivars. In both organic and conventional olive cultivation, information about olive cultivar susceptibility to olive fruit fly will help orchard managers to produce quality oil and table olives while reducing treatments for olive fruit fly control.  相似文献   

Organismal performance in a changing environment is dependent on temporal patterns and duration of exposure to thermal variability. We experimentally assessed the time‐dependent effects of thermal variability (i.e., patterns of thermal exposure) on the hatching performance of Drosophila melanogaster. Flies were collected in central Chile and maintained for four generations in laboratory conditions. Fourth generation eggs were acclimated to different thermal fluctuation cycles until hatching occurred. Our results show that the frequency of extreme thermal events has a significant effect on hatching success. Eggs exposed to 24 hr cycles of thermal fluctuation had a higher proportion of eggs that hatched than those acclimated to shorter (6 and 12 hr) and longer cycles (48 hr). Furthermore, eggs subjected to frequent thermal fluctuations hatched earlier than those acclimated to less frequent thermal fluctuations. Overall, we show that, egg‐to‐adult viability is dependent on the pattern of thermal fluctuations experienced during ontogeny; thus, the pattern of thermal fluctuation experienced by flies has a significant and until now unappreciated impact on fitness.  相似文献   

Plants are able to activate direct and indirect defences against egg deposition by herbivorous insects. A known indirect defence is the production of synomones to help egg‐ and egg‐larval parasitoids to locate their hosts. The wasp Ascogaster reticulata Watanabe (Hymenoptera: Braconidae) is a solitary egg‐larval parasitoid of the moth Adoxophyes honmai Yasuda (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), which lays eggs and feeds as caterpillars on the leaves of the tea plant Camellia sinensis (L.) Kuntze (Theaceae). Here, we studied whether or not oviposition by A. honmai induces tea plants to produce synomones that help the parasitoid to locate its host. An olfactometer bioassay suggested that synomones produced by the infested plants did not attract the parasitoid over a short range. However, a contact bioassay showed that tea leaves were induced to arrest the parasitoid 24 h after egg deposition and remained induced until the host‐egg masses were no more attractive to the parasitoids. Wing scales and deposits of adult moths and the contents of the egg masses did not induce the tea leaves to arrest the parasitoid, but the contents of the female moth's reproductive system did. Synomone induction was systemic: uninfested leaves in the vicinity of egg‐laden leaves also arrested the parasitoid.  相似文献   

The males of some fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) are known to be attracted to specific parapheromones. The trapping results between trimedlure (TML) and enriched ginger root oil (EGOlure) were compared at two experimental sites in Morogoro (Central Tanzania) for a period of 12 weeks co‐inciding with the main citrus season. Both attractants captured a comparable diversity of fruit flies, except that EGOlure also attracted fruit flies, such as Ceratitis cosyra, not normally found in TML‐baited traps. Both EGOlure and TML attracted mainly or exclusively male fruit flies, but the catches with EGOlure were equal or superior to those with TML. It is concluded that EGOlure should be considered as a suitable alternative for TML in detection, monitoring and control programs for African fruit flies of the genus Ceratitis. It has the added advantage that it combines the attractiveness with regard to species spectrum of both TML and terpinyl acetate.  相似文献   

Understanding the factors that determine the realized and potential distribution of a species requires knowledge of abiotic, physiological, limitations as well as ecological interactions. Fungi of the order Laboulbeniales specialize on arthropods and are typically thought to be highly specialized on a single species or closely related group of species. Because infections are almost exclusively transmitted through direct contact between the hosts, the host ecology, to a large extent, determines the distribution and occurrence of the fungus. We examined ~20,000 fruit flies (Diptera: Dacinae) collected in Malaysia, Sulawesi, Australia, and the Solomon Islands between 2017 and 2019 for fungal infections and found 197 infected flies across eight different Bactrocera species. Morphology and 1,363 bps of small subunit (18S) DNA sequences both support that the infections are from a single polyphagous fungal species Stigmatomyces dacinus—a known ectoparasite of these fruit flies. This leads to the question: why is S. dacinus rare, when its hosts are widespread and abundant? In addition, the hosts are all Bactrocera, a genus with ~480 species, but 37 Bactrocera species found sympatric with the hosts were never infected. Host‐selection does not appear to be phylogenetically correlated. These results suggest a hidden complexity in how different, but closely related, host species vary in their susceptibility, which somehow limits the abundance and dispersal capability of the fungus.  相似文献   

The tephritid Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) is a harmful pest of olive crops that cause important agricultural and economic losses in the Mediterranean area where 90% of the world olive trees are cultivated. The knowledge of the genetic diversity in insect pest species populations is critical for decisions concerning appropriate control management strategies. In the present work, the genetic variability within and among 7 populations ‐five from Spain, one from Italy and one from Tunisia‐, was assessed by sequencing 1151 bp of the COI gene. A total of 21 haplotypes were observed. The intraspecific diversity was high, particularly in the Spanish populations (haplotype and nucleotide diversity 0.84 and 0.00137, respectively). However, the genetic differentiation among the populations was low in the case of Spanish ones (Fst between 0 and 0.041), and higher –and statistically significant– when comparing with the Italian and Tunisian samples. The haplotypes distribution and the PCoA analysis show three clear groups of populations: Spanish, Italian and Tunisian. The results might indicate the length of time elapsed since B. oleae became established in the Mediterranean region, the large effective sizes expected of its populations and the high gene flow among Iberian populations. The information could be relevant for integrated control programmes coordination.  相似文献   

Diaphorina citri Kuwayama (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) is the primary vector of Candidatus Liberibacter spp. bacteria that cause citrus greening, a disease of worldwide importance. Olfactometry was employed to test responses of D. citri to odours from intact citrus plants (Mexican lime, Citrus aurantifolia, sour orange, Citrus aurantium, Marsh grapefruit, Citrus paradisi and Valencia orange, Citrus sinensis), citrus plants previously infested with D. citri, and odours of conspecifics including nymphs, adult insects of same and opposite sex, and their products (honeydew), both alone and in combination. In contrast to other studies, psyllids of both sexes were attracted to volatiles of undamaged Mexican lime leaves, whereas undamaged grapefruit attracted only females, and leaves of Valencia and sour orange did not attract either sex. All four plant species attracted female psyllids when previously infested, but only Mexican lime and sour orange‐attracted males. Thus, Citrus species appear to vary in the production of both constituitive and induced volatiles that attract adult psyllids. Volatiles emitted by nymphs did not attract either sex, but psyllid honeydew was attractive to males, likely due to female pheromone residues. Males oriented to the odour of females, whereas the reverse was not true, and neither males nor females oriented to same‐sex volatiles. The addition of conspecific cues (adults, nymphs or honeydew) did not increase female attraction to previously infested leaves, but male response was increased by the presence of adults and honeydew, regardless of plant species. Thus, female psyllids appear to orient more strongly to volatiles of plant origin, whereas males respond more strongly to cues emanating from females and conspecific excretions. These results suggest that female psyllids drive the initial colonization of host plants, whereas males orient to females and infested plants. Identification of the specific volatiles involved may permit their use in monitoring and management of this pest.  相似文献   

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