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AGAT, GAMT and CT1, three creatine synthesis and transport‐related molecules, have been widely studied in mammals. To explore their homologous genes in adult zebrafish Danio rerio, the gene expression patterns of these three genes in D. rerio were investigated. The results reveal that AGAT, GAMT and CT1 are expressed widely in diverse tissues of D. rerio where the homologous genes in mammals are also expressed.  相似文献   

Activation of precursor 25‐hydroxyvitamin D3 (25D) to hormonal 1,25‐dihydroxyvitamin D3 (1,25D) is a pivotal step in vitamin D physiology, catalysed by the enzyme 25‐hydroxyvitamin D‐1α‐hydroxylase (1α‐hydroxylase). To establish new models for assessing the physiological importance of the 1α‐hydroxylase‐25D‐axis, we used Danio rerio (zebrafish) to characterize expression and biological activity of the gene for 1α‐hydroxylase (cyp27b1). Treatment of day 5 zebrafish larvae with inactive 25D (5–150 nM) or active 1,25D (0.1–10 nM) induced dose responsive expression (15–95‐fold) of the vitamin D‐target gene cyp24a1 relative to larvae treated with vehicle, suggesting the presence of Cyp27b1 activity. A full‐length zebrafish cyp27b1 cDNA was then generated using RACE and RT‐PCR methods. Sequencing of the resulting clone revealed an open reading frame encoding a protein of 505 amino acids with 54% identity to human CYP27B1. Transfection of a cyp27b1 expression vector into HKC‐8, a human kidney proximal tubular epithelial cell line, enhanced intracrine metabolism of 25D to 1,25D resulting in greater than twofold induction of CYP24A1 mRNA expression and a 25‐fold increase in 1,25D production compared to empty vector. These data indicate that we have cloned a functional zebrafish CYP27B1, representing a phylogenetically distant branch from mammals of this key enzyme in vitamin D metabolism. Further analysis of cyp27b1 expression and activity in zebrafish may provide new perspectives on the biological importance of 25D metabolism. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Myogenesis is a fundamental process governing the formation of muscle in multicellular organisms. Recent studies in zebrafish Danio rerio have described the molecular events occurring during embryonic morphogenesis and have thus greatly clarified this process, helping to distinguish between the events that give rise to fast v. slow muscle. Coupled with the well-known Hedgehog signalling cascade and a wide variety of cellular processes during early development, the continual research on D. rerio slow muscle precursors has provided novel insights into their cellular behaviours in this organism. Similarly, analyses on fast muscle precursors have provided knowledge of the behaviour of a sub-set of epitheloid cells residing in the anterior domain of somites. Additionally, the findings by various groups on the roles of several molecules in somitic myogenesis have been clarified in the past year. In this study, the authors briefly review the current trends in the field of research of D. rerio trunk myogenesis.  相似文献   

The behaviour and ecology of the zebrafish, Danio rerio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The zebrafish Danio rerio, is an important model organism in developmental genetics, neurophysiology and biomedicine, but little is known about its natural ecology and behaviour. It is a small, shoaling cyprinid, native to the flood-plains of the Indian subcontinent, where it is found in shallow, slow-flowing waters. Zebrafish are group spawners and egg scatterers, although females are choosy with respect to sites for oviposition and males defend territories around such sites. Laboratory studies of zebrafish behaviour have encompassed shoaling, foraging, reproduction, sensory perception and learning. These studies are reviewed in relation to the suitability of the zebrafish as a model for studies on cognition and learning, development, behavioural and evolutionary ecology, and behavioural genetics.  相似文献   

Ahmed H  Du SJ  O'Leary N  Vasta GR 《Glycobiology》2004,14(3):219-232
Galectins are a family of beta-galactoside-binding lectins that on synthesis are either translocated into the nucleus or released to the extracellular space. Their developmentally regulated expression, extracellular location, and affinity for extracellular components (such as laminin and fibronectin) suggest a role in embryonic development, but so far this has not been unequivocally established. Zebrafish constitute an ideal model for developmental studies because of their external fertilization, transparent embryos, rapid growth, and availability of a large collection of mutants. As a first step in addressing the biological roles in zebrafish embryogenesis, we identified and characterized members of the three galectin types: three protogalectins (Drgal1-L1, Drgal1-L2, Drgal1-L3), one chimera galectin (Drgal3), and one tandem-repeat galectin (Drgal9-L1). Like mammalian prototype galectin-1, Drgal1-L2 preferentially binds to N-acetyllactosamine. Genomic structure of Drgal1-L2 revealed four exons, with the exon-intron boundaries conserved with the mammalian galectin-1. Interestingly, this gene also encodes an alternatively spliced form of Drgal1-L2 that lacks eight amino acids near the carbohydrate-binding domain. Zebrafish galectins exhibited distinct patterns of temporal expression during embryo development. Drgal1-L2 is expressed postbud stage, and its expression is strikingly specific to the notochord. In contrast, Drgal1-L1 is expressed maternally in the oocytes. Drgal1-L3, Drgal3, and Drgal9-L1 are expressed both maternally and zygotically, ubiquitously in the adult tissues. The distinct temporal and spatial patterns of expression of members of the zebrafish galectin repertoire suggest that each may play distinct biological roles during early embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Harnessing the isolated protein synthesis machinery, cell‐free protein synthesis reproduces the cellular process of decoding genetic information in artificially controlled environments. More often than not, however, generation of functional proteins requires more than simple translation of genetic sequences. For instance, many of the industrially important enzymes require non‐protein prosthetic groups for biological activity. Herein, we report the complete cell‐free biogenesis of a heme prosthetic group and its integration with concurrent apoenzyme synthesis for the production of functional P450 monooxygenase. Step reactions required for the syntheses of apoenzyme and the prosthetic group have been designed so that these two separate pathways take place in the same reaction mixture, being insulated from each other. Combined pathways for the synthesis of functional P450 monooxygenase were then further integrated with in situ assay reactions to enable real‐time measurement of enzymatic activity during its synthesis. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1193–1200. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The neighbourhoods of cytochrome P450 (CYP) genes in deuterostome genomes, as well as those of the cnidarians Nematostella vectensis and Acropora digitifera and the placozoan Trichoplax adhaerens were examined to find clues concerning the evolution of CYP genes in animals. CYP genes created by the 2R whole genome duplications in chordates have been identified. Both microsynteny and macrosynteny were used to identify genes that coexisted near CYP genes in the animal ancestor. We show that all 11 CYP clans began in a common gene environment. The evidence implies the existence of a single locus, which we term the ‘cytochrome P450 genesis locus’, where one progenitor CYP gene duplicated to create a tandem set of genes that were precursors of the 11 animal CYP clans: CYP Clans 2, 3, 4, 7, 19, 20, 26, 46, 51, 74 and mitochondrial. These early CYP genes existed side by side before the origin of cnidarians, possibly with a few additional genes interspersed. The Hox gene cluster, WNT genes, an NK gene cluster and at least one ARF gene were close neighbours to this original CYP locus. According to this evolutionary scenario, the CYP74 clan originated from animals and not from land plants nor from a common ancestor of plants and animals. The CYP7 and CYP19 families that are chordate-specific belong to CYP clans that seem to have originated in the CYP genesis locus as well, even though this requires many gene losses to explain their current distribution. The approach to uncovering the CYP genesis locus overcomes confounding effects because of gene conversion, sequence divergence, gene birth and death, and opens the way to understanding the biodiversity of CYP genes, families and subfamilies, which in animals has been obscured by more than 600 Myr of evolution.  相似文献   

Multiple adaptations were necessary when plants conquered the land. Among them were soluble phenylpropanoids related to plant protection and lignin necessary for upright growth and long‐distance water transport. Cytochrome P450 monooxygenase 98 (CYP98) catalyzes a rate‐limiting step in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis. Phylogenetic reconstructions suggest that a single copy of CYP98 founded each major land plant lineage (bryophytes, lycophytes, monilophytes, gymnosperms and angiosperms), and was maintained as a single copy in all lineages but the angiosperms. In angiosperms, a series of independent gene duplications and losses occurred. Biochemical assays in four angiosperm species tested showed that 4‐coumaroyl‐shikimate, a known intermediate in lignin biosynthesis, was the preferred substrate of one member in each species, while independent duplicates in Populus trichocarpa and Amborella trichopoda each showed broad substrate ranges, accepting numerous 4‐coumaroyl‐esters and ‐amines, and were thus capable of producing a wide range of hydroxycinnamoyl conjugates. The gymnosperm CYP98 from Pinus taeda showed a broad substrate range, but preferred 4‐coumaroyl‐shikimate as its best substrate. In contrast, CYP98s from the lycophyte Selaginella moellendorffii and the fern Pteris vittata converted 4‐coumaroyl‐shikimate poorly in vitro, but were able to use alternative substrates, in particular 4‐coumaroyl‐anthranilate. Thus, caffeoyl‐shikimate appears unlikely to be an intermediate in monolignol biosynthesis in non‐seed vascular plants, including ferns. The best substrate for CYP98A34 from the moss Physcomitrella patens was also 4‐coumaroyl‐anthranilate, while 4‐coumaroyl‐shikimate was converted to lower extents. Despite having in vitro activity with 4‐coumaroyl‐shikimate, CYP98A34 was unable to complement the Arabidopsis thaliana cyp98a3 loss‐of‐function phenotype, suggesting distinct properties also in vivo.  相似文献   

The cytochrome P450 2D (CYP2D) mediates synthesis of serotonin from 5‐methoxytryptamine (5‐MT), shown in vitro for cDNA‐expressed CYP2D‐isoforms and liver and brain microsomes. We aimed to demonstrate this synthesis in the brain in vivo. We measured serotonin tissue content in brain regions after 5‐MT injection into the raphe nuclei (Model‐A), and its extracellular concentration in rat frontal cortex and striatum using an in vivo microdialysis (Model‐B) in male Wistar rats. Naïve rats served as control animals. 5‐MT injection into the raphe nuclei of PCPA‐(tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor)‐pretreated rats increased the tissue concentration of serotonin (from 40 to 90% of the control value, respectively, in the striatum), while the CYP2D inhibitor quinine diminished serotonin level in some brain structures of those animals (Model‐A). 5‐MT given locally through a microdialysis probe markedly increased extracellular serotonin concentration in the frontal cortex and striatum (to 800 and 1000% of the basal level, respectively) and changed dopamine concentration (Model‐B). Quinine alone had no effect on serotonin concentration; however, given jointly with 5‐MT, it prevented the 5‐MT‐induced increase in cortical serotonin in naïve rats and in striatal serotonin in PCPA‐treated animals. These results indicate that the CYP2D‐catalyzed alternative pathway of serotonin synthesis from 5‐MT is relevant in the brain in vivo, and set a new target for the action of psychotropics.


The final reactions of rosmarinic acid biosynthesis, the introduction of the aromatic 3- and 3′-hydroxyl groups, are catalysed by cytochrome P450-dependent hydroxylases. The cDNAs encoding CYP98A14 as well as a NADPH:cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR) were isolated from Coleus blumei and actively expressed in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The CYP98A14-cDNA showed an open reading frame of 1521 nucleotides with high similarities to 4-coumaroylshikimate/quinate 3-hydroxylases. Yeast microsomes harbouring the CYP98A14 protein catalysed the 3-hydroxylation of 4-coumaroyl-3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyllactate and the 3′-hydroxylation of caffeoyl-4′-hydroxyphenyllactate, in both cases forming rosmarinic acid. Apparent K m-values for 4-coumaroyl-3′,4′-dihydroxyphenyllactate and caffeoyl-4′-hydroxyphenyllactate were determined to be at 5 μM and 40 μM, respectively. CYP98A14 differs from CYP98s from other plants, since 4-coumaroylshikimate or -quinate were not accepted as substrates. Coexpression of the Coleus blumei CPR and CYP98A14 in the same yeast cells increased the hydroxylation activity up to sevenfold. CYP98A14 from Coleus blumei is a novel bifunctional cytochrome P450 specialised for rosmarinic acid biosynthesis.  相似文献   

Red carotenoid colours in birds are widely assumed to be sexually selected quality indicators, but this rests on a very incomplete understanding of genetic mechanisms and honesty‐mediating costs. Recent progress was made by the implication of the gene CYP2J19 as an avian carotenoid ketolase, catalysing the synthesis of red C4‐ketocarotenoids from yellow dietary precursors, and potentially a major mechanism behind red coloration in birds. Here, we investigate the role of CYP2J19 in the spectacular colour diversification of African weaverbirds (Ploceidae), represented by five genera and 16 species: eight red, seven yellow and one without carotenoid coloration. All species had a single copy of CYP2J19, unlike the duplication found in the zebra finch, with high expression in the retina, confirming its function in colouring red oil droplets. Expression was weak or undetected in skin and follicles of pigment‐depositing feather buds, as well as in beaks and tarsi, including those of the red‐billed quelea. In contrast, the hepatic (liver) expression of CYP2J19 was consistently higher (>14‐fold) in seven species with C4‐ketocarotenoid coloration than in species without (including one red species), an association strongly supported by a phylogenetic comparative analysis. The results suggest a critical role of the candidate ketolase, CYP2J19, in the evolution of red C4‐ketocarotenoid colour variation in ploceids. As ancestral state reconstruction suggests that ketocarotenoid coloration has evolved twice in this group (once in Euplectes and once in the Quelea/Foudia clade), we argue that while CYP2J19 has retained its ancestral role in the retina, it has likely been co‐opted for red coloration independently in the two lineages, via increased hepatic expression.  相似文献   

Living microbial cells are considered to be the catalyst of choice for selective terpene functionalization. However, such processes often suffer from side product formation and poor substrate mass transfer into cells. For the hydroxylation of (S)‐limonene to (S)‐perillyl alcohol by Pseudomonas putida KT2440 (pGEc47ΔB)(pCom8‐PFR1500), containing the cytochrome P450 monooxygenase CYP153A6, the side products perillyl aldehyde and perillic acid constituted up to 26% of the total amount of oxidized terpenes. In this study, it is shown that the reaction rate is substrate‐limited in the two‐liquid phase system used and that host intrinsic dehydrogenases and not CYP153A6 are responsible for the formation of the undesired side products. In contrast to P. putida KT2440, E. coli W3110 was found to catalyze perillyl aldehyde reduction to the alcohol and no oxidation to the acid. Furthermore, E. coli W3110 harboring CYP153A6 showed high limonene hydroxylation activities (7.1 U g). The outer membrane protein AlkL was found to enhance hydroxylation activities of E. coli twofold in aqueous single‐phase and fivefold in two‐liquid phase biotransformations. In the latter system, E. coli harboring CYP153A6 and AlkL produced up to 39.2 mmol (S)‐perillyl alcohol L within 26 h, whereas no perillic acid and minor amounts of perillyl aldehyde (8% of the total products) were formed. In conclusion, undesired perillyl alcohol oxidation was reduced by choosing E. coli's enzymatic background as a reaction environment and co‐expression of the alkL gene in E. coli represents a promising strategy to enhance terpene bioconversion rates. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 2013; 110: 1282–1292. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Lipid composition and macromolecular crowding are key external effectors of protein activity and stability whose role varies between different proteins. Therefore, it is imperative to study their effects on individual protein function. CYP2J2 is a membrane‐bound cytochrome P450 in the heart involved in the metabolism of fatty acids and xenobiotics. In order to facilitate this metabolism, cytochrome P450 reductase (CPR), transfers electrons to CYP2J2 from NADPH. Herein, we use nanodiscs to show that lipid composition of the membrane bilayer affects substrate metabolism of the CYP2J2‐CPR nanodisc (ND) system. Differential effects on both NADPH oxidation and substrate metabolism by CYP2J2‐CPR are dependent on the lipid composition. For instance, sphingomyelin containing nanodiscs produced more secondary substrate metabolites than discs of other lipid compositions, implying a possible conformational change leading to processive metabolism. Furthermore, we demonstrate that macromolecular crowding plays a role in the lipid‐solubilized CYP2J2‐CPR system by increasing the Km and decreasing the Vmax, and effect that is size‐dependent. Crowding also affects the CYP2J2‐CPR‐ND system by decreasing both the Km and Vmax for Dextran‐based macromolecular crowding agents, implying an increase in substrate affinity but a lack of metabolism. Finally, protein denaturation studies show that crowding agents destabilize CYP2J2, while the multidomain protein CPR is stabilized. Overall, these studies are the first report on the role of the surrounding lipid environment and macromolecular crowding in modulating enzymatic function of CYP2J2‐CPR membrane protein system.  相似文献   

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