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The first report of the genus Jenynsia occurring in marine waters is presented here. The evolution of high salinity tolerance within Anablepidae is discussed and a hypothesis is proposed that this characteristic is a plesiomorphic trait in Jenynsia which was probably present in the common ancestor of the Anablepidae.  相似文献   

As a starting point for the revision of the genus Ctenolepisma Escherich 1905, the status of its type-species, Ctenolepisma lineata (Fabricius 1775), is clarified. In the present study, this species (originally described from Switzerland) is redescribed by means of many samples from several European countries and a neotype is designated. The constant presence of a third pair of abdominal styli in adult C. lineata s. str. leads to abandon the obsolete name C. lineata var. pilifera (Lucas 1840) for referring to a presumed non-typical variety of this species. The status of Lepisma pilifera Lucas 1840 is discussed, concluding that this name must be treated as a new synonym of Thermobia aegyptiaca (Lucas 1840). After our redefinition of the characters of C. lineata, an examination of many specimens of Ctenolepisma that were previously identified as C. lineata reveals that some of them are actually members of different taxa. This is the case for a species occurring in the Canary Islands, Northwest Africa, the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands. In this work this species is ascribed to Lepisma nicoletii Lucas 1846, which was described from Algeria and regarded as a synonym of Ctenolepisma lineata by Escherich; this species is now redescribed as Ctenolepisma nicoletii stat. res. This species differs from C. lineata in that it bears only two pairs of abdominal styli, and it also differs in the shape of the prosternum and femoral scales. Lepisma eatoni Ridley 1881, which was described from Morocco and the Canary Islands and subsequently regarded as synonym of C. lineata, is now synonymised with C. nicoletii.  相似文献   

The broadly distributed genus Hyalopterus currently comprises three formally recognized species that are highly similar morphologically and hence difficult to be identified with certainty. This group has undergone multiple revisions in the past century, but none of these has assessed species from Asia, which has hampered our understanding of the species diversity within this genus. Based on a comprehensive data set from morphological data and host-associated data, and by coalescent-based delimitation approaches, the Hyalopterus species boundaries, distribution and diversity were clarified here to further reveal the composition of the species. Two single-locus (ML-GMYC and mPTP) and two multilocus (BPP and STACEY) delimitation methods were conducted based on extensive sampling. Then, the phylogenetic relationships and morphological divergence were assessed. Our data strongly supported that the number of recognized species in Hyalopterus had likely been underestimated. The phylogenetic analyses recovered four major clades, which corresponded to distinct host-plant preferences. Also, the morphological analyses showed significant differentiation for only one of the newly recognized candidate species uncovered by the delimitation approaches, suggesting the existence of at least two independent evolutionary lineages within Hyalopterus arundiniformis, which showed different patterns of host association. Moreover, based on our data, the taxonomic misidentification of H. arundiniformis in China was corrected here. This study lays the groundwork for the thorough taxonomic revision of Hyalopterus and for future evolutionary studies and underlines the importance of an integrated framework for species determination.  相似文献   

Mesalina are small lacertid lizards occurring in the Saharo‐Sindian deserts from North Africa to the east of the Iranian plateau. Earlier phylogenetic studies indicated that there are several species complexes within the genus and that thorough taxonomic revisions are needed. In this study, we aim at resolving the phylogeny and taxonomy of the M. brevirostris species complex distributed from the Middle East to the Arabian/Persian Gulf region and Pakistan. We sequenced three mitochondrial and three nuclear gene fragments, and in combination with species delimitation and species‐tree estimation, we infer a time‐calibrated phylogeny of the complex. The results of the genetic analyses support the presence of four clearly delimited species in the complex that diverged approximately between the middle Pliocene and the Pliocene/Pleistocene boundary. Species distribution models of the four species show that the areas of suitable habitat are geographically well delineated and nearly allopatric, and that most of the species have rather divergent environmental niches. Morphological characters also confirm the differences between the species, although sometimes minute. As a result of all these lines of evidence, we revise the taxonomy of the Mesalina brevirostris species complex. We designate a lectotype for Mesalina brevirostris Blanford, 1874; resurrect the available name Eremias bernoullii Schenkel, 1901 from the synonymy of M. brevirostris; elevate M. brevirostris microlepis (Angel, 1936) to species status; and describe Mesalina saudiarabica, a new species from Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Although species delimitation can be highly contentious, the development of reliable methods to accurately ascertain species boundaries is an imperative step in cataloguing and describing Earth's quickly disappearing biodiversity. Spider species delimitation remains largely based on morphological characters; however, many mygalomorph spider populations are morphologically indistinguishable from each other yet have considerable molecular divergence. The focus of our study, the Antrodiaetus unicolor species complex containing two sympatric species, exhibits this pattern of relative morphological stasis with considerable genetic divergence across its distribution. A past study using two molecular markers, COI and 28S, revealed that A. unicolor is paraphyletic with respect to A. microunicolor. To better investigate species boundaries in the complex, we implement the cohesion species concept and use multiple lines of evidence for testing genetic exchangeability and ecological interchangeability. Our integrative approach includes extensively sampling homologous loci across the genome using a RADseq approach (3RAD), assessing population structure across their geographic range using multiple genetic clustering analyses that include structure , principal components analysis and a recently developed unsupervised machine learning approach (Variational Autoencoder). We evaluate ecological similarity by using large‐scale ecological data for niche‐based distribution modelling. Based on our analyses, we conclude that this complex has at least one additional species as well as confirm species delimitations based on previous less comprehensive approaches. Our study demonstrates the efficacy of genomic‐scale data for recognizing cryptic species, suggesting that species delimitation with one data type, whether one mitochondrial gene or morphology, may underestimate true species diversity in morphologically homogenous taxa with low vagility.  相似文献   

Alterosa Blahnik, 2005 contains 35 described species distributed in southern and southeastern Brazil. Three new species of Alterosa from northeastern Brazil are described and illustrated, Alterosa amadoisp. n., Alterosa castroalvesisp. n. and Alterosa caymmiisp. n., the first records of the genus from northeastern Brazil. An identification key for all known species of the genus is also presented.  相似文献   

Members of a new genus and species of harpacticoid copepod crustacean appeared in samples from semi-terrestrial (moist arboreal mosses, wet soil) and aquatic (bromeliad tanks, Sphagnum moss, rock pools, stream) habitats in a remnant of the Atlantic Forest in south-eastern Brazil. The new taxon, for which we propose the name Pindamoraria boraceiae sp. nov. , is distinguished by a unique combination of characters, in particular the segmentation and setation pattern of legs 1–4 in both sexes, the structure of leg 5 in the female, and the strongly modified claw of the maxilliped in the male. It most resembles the canthocamptid genera Moraria , Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis . Both previous records of species of Moraria from South America refer to members of Antarctobiotus , which is not considered a member of the Moraria group: Moraria (Kuehneltiella) neotropica Löffler has previously been transferred to Antarctobiotus ; and we propose herein the transfer of Moraria kummeroworum Ebert & Noodt to Antarctobiotus as well. In the New World, the genus Moraria extends only as far south as Honduras; and Pseudomoraria , Morariopsis and Paramorariopsis are Old World genera. The new species from Brazil is therefore the only member of the Moraria group known from South America.  © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 139, 81–92.  相似文献   

The Hajar Mountains are the highest mountain range in eastern Arabia. Despite being classified as a mountain desert, it is considered one of the top biodiversity hotspots of Arabia. As a result of its relatively old geological origin, complex topography, environmental heterogeneity and geographic isolation from other mountain ranges, its fauna and flora have diversified significantly producing high levels of endemicity, particularly amongst reptiles. Several genetic studies indicate that this diversity may still be underestimated, especially within some groups containing morphologically similar species like the nocturnal geckos of the genus Asaccus. These have radiated extensively on both sides of the Gulf of Oman, in the Hajar Mountains and the Zagros Mountains of south-west Asia, and are a good example of the faunal affinities between these two mountain ranges. In the present work, we analyse A. gallagheri, the smallest species of the Arabian radiation, using an unprecedented sampling across its entire distribution range and an integrative approach combining morphological, macroecological and multilocus molecular data with the objective of clarifying its systematics and phylogeography. The results support the presence of two allopatric species within A. gallagheri that split approximately 6 Ma. The newly discovered species is endemic to the Eastern Hajars and is described herein mainly on the basis of its smaller size and high genetic divergence from A. gallagheri. The molecular analyses also uncovered remarkable levels of genetic diversity within both species. The present study highlights the diversity of the genus Asaccus in south-east Arabia and stresses its relevance from a conservation point of view.

http://www.zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:62EB3146-9F79-4857-8CC6-36FE235D84D4  相似文献   

We assess morphological and multilocus genetic variation among 11 isolated montane populations of white‐toothed shrews from Tanzania that have been referred to either Crocidura monax Thomas or C. montis Thomas. The montane sites we sampled represent ‘sky‐islands’ from two geologically distinct archipelagos (Northern Highlands and the Eastern Arc Mountains) and are a significant component of the Eastern Afromontane Biodiversity Hotspot. We used multivariate analyses of morphometric traits and phylogenetic and species‐delimitation analyses of multilocus DNA sequence data to assess species‐level diversity. Our species delimitation analyses included a novel, pairwise validation approach that avoids potential biases associated with specifying a guide tree. These analyses reveal several distinct lineages, which we treat as six allopatric species. Each species is restricted to one, two or four mountains. We use available names to recognize C. monax, C. tansaniana Hutterer and C. usambarae Dippenaar, while naming and describing three new species. Our results demonstrate the effectiveness of combining morphological and genetic data to uncover and describe hidden diversity in a cryptic mammalian system. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

In the present study, three new species found in Yunnan, Southwest China were described as members of the subgenus Phortica (Ashima): P. (A.) haba An & Chen, sp. nov., P. (A.) montipagana An & Chen, sp. nov. and P. (A.) qingsongi An & Chen, sp. nov. Barcode sequences (partial sequences of the mitochondrial COI gene) were collected from 61 specimens of 16 known and the above-mentioned three new Ashima species. The intra- and interspecific pairwise K-2P (Kimura two-parameter) COI distances were analysed and a phylogenetic tree was constructed based on the barcode sequences. Species delimitation in this subgenus was supported by integrating barcodes with morphological information, in particular for the three new species, considered to be cryptic species. In addition, the diversification of lineages in the subgenus Ashima was proposed to occur in southern China and adjacent areas, suggesting specific adaptation of Ashima species to the high plateau environments.

http://zoobank.org/urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:69A81D0E-5993-426D-9B59-A2AC5E52BD84  相似文献   

The aeolid Pteraeolidia ianthina (Angas, 1864) is a strikingly‐coloured aeolid nudibranch, informally known as the ‘Blue Dragon’. It is recognised as an unusually widespread Indo‐Pacific species, with variation in colouration and morphology, and biogeographic differences in zooxanthellae (dinoflagellate symbionts of the genus Symbiodinium). This variation hints at possible cryptic species, which was tested here using phylogenetic analyses of mitochondrial DNA data (COI, 16S). Our results showed multiple well‐supported clades with slight but consistent differences in radular morphology and colouration, and thus we clarify one of the three available names. A temperate NSW clade showed a more elongate and pointed central radular tooth and lacked white body colouration, in comparison to a more variable tropical clade, which had a shorter and more blunt central tooth. The type locality of Pteraeolidia ianthina is Sydney Harbour, New South Wales (NSW), Australia, and according to our study, does not occur outside NSW. Pteraeolidia semperi (Bergh, 1870) and P. scolopendrella (Risbec, 1928) are removed from synonymy with P. ianthina. Wider phylogeographic sampling is required before resolving the availability of the two remaining names, and subclades within the tropical clade, but there is evidence to suggest multiple cryptic species exist. The biogeographic differences in symbionts, and the importance of their role in life history, suggests that changes in symbiosis may have helped drive divergence via local adaptation in the host nudibranchs. © 2015 The Linnean Society of London  相似文献   

We review the systematics of the Hypsiboas calcaratus species complex, a group of widely distributed Amazonian hylid frogs. A comprehensive analysis of genetic, morphological, and bioacoustic datasets uncovered the existence of eleven candidate species, six of which are confirmed. Two of them correspond to Hypsiboas fasciatus and Hypsiboas calcaratus and the remaining four are new species that we describe here. Hypsiboas fasciatus sensu stricto has a geographic range restricted to the eastern Andean foothills of southern Ecuador while Hypsiboas calcaratus sensu stricto has a wide distribution in the Amazon basin. Hypsiboas almendarizae sp. n. occurs at elevations between 500 and 1950 m in central and northern Ecuador; the other new species (H. maculateralis sp. n., H. alfaroi sp. n., and H. tetete sp. n.) occur at elevations below 500 m in Amazonian Ecuador and Peru. The new species differ from H. calcaratus and H. fasciatus in morphology, advertisement calls, and mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences. Five candidate species from the Guianan region, Peru, and Bolivia are left as unconfirmed. Examination of the type material of Hyla steinbachi, from Bolivia, shows that it is not conspecific with H. fasciatus and thus is removed from its synonymy.  相似文献   

The Southwest Atlantic is notable for having extensive reef areas cemented by nongeniculate coralline red algae. Based on an analysis of four genetic markers and morpho‐anatomical features, we clarify the species of Harveylithon in the tropical and warm temperate Southwest Atlantic. Species delimitation methods (mBGD, ABGD, SPN, and PTP), using three markers (psbA, rbcL, and COI), support the recognition of three new species: H. catarinense sp. nov., H. maris‐bahiensis sp. nov., and H. riosmenum sp. nov., previously incorrectly called Hydrolithon samoënse. Our findings highlight the importance of using an approach with several lines of evidence to solve the taxonomic status of the cryptic species.  相似文献   

  1. The distribution of genetic diversity across a species distribution range is rarely homogeneous, as the genetic structure among populations is related to the degree of isolation among them, such as isolation by distance, isolation by barrier, and isolation by environment.
  2. Jenynsia lineata is a small viviparous fish that inhabits a wide range of habitats in South America. To decipher the isolation processes that drive population structuring in J. lineata, we analyzed 221 sequences of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase I gene (COI), from 19 localities. Then, we examined the influence of the three most common types of isolation in order to explain the genetic variation found in this species.
  3. Our results revealed a marked structuration, with three groups: (a) La Plata/Desaguadero Rivers (sampling sites across Argentina, Uruguay, and Southern Brazil), (b) Central Argentina, and (c) Northern Argentina. A distance‐based redundancy analysis, including the explanatory variables geographical distances, altitude, latitude, and basin, was able to explain up to 65% of the genetic structure. A variance partitioning analysis showed that the two most important variables underlying the structuration in J. lineata were altitude (isolation by environment) and type of basin (isolation by barrier).
  4. Our results show that in this species, the processes of population diversification are complex and are not limited to a single mechanism. The processes that play a prominent role in this study could explain the high rate of diversity that characterizes freshwater fish species. And these processes in turn are the basis for possible speciation events.

Knodus dorsomaculatus, a new species, is described from Teles Pires River, a tributary of the Tapajós River, Brazil. It can be distinguished from its congeners by the presence of a conspicuous dark blotch on the base of the first five branched dorsal fin rays and the presence of ii,9 dorsal fin rays. Additional comparisons between K. dorsomaculatus and its congeners are presented.  相似文献   

Soft‐bodied marine taxa, like ribbon worms (Nemertea), often lack clear diagnostic morphological characters impeding traditional species delimitation. Therefore, recent studies concentrated on molecular genetic methods to solve taxonomic issues. Different delimitation methods were employed to explore species boundaries and the presence of cryptic species. However, the performance of the different delimitation methods needs to be tested. A particularly promising nemertean genus in this regard is the palaeonemertean genus Cephalothrix that is commonly found in European waters. In order to gain information on the number and distribution of European cephalotrichids and to test different tree‐based and non‐tree‐based delimitation methods, we analyzed a dataset comprising the barcoding region of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) of 215 European Cephalothrix specimens, of which 78 were collected for this study. Our results show the presence of 12–13 European lineages of which several can be assigned to known European species. Analyzing a second dataset comprising 74 additional sequences from the Pacific and the Atlantic Oceans helped identify some of the unassigned European specimens. One resulting clade seems to represent a non‐native introduced Cephalothrix species, while another has never been recorded from Europe before. In our analysis, especially the tree‐based methods and the phylogenetic analysis proved to be a useful tool when delimiting species. It remains unclear whether the different identified clades result from cryptic speciation or from a high genetic variability of the COI gene.  相似文献   

Three new species of orchid bees are described and figured from the Amazon and Atlantic forests of Brazil. Euglossa clausi sp. n., Euglossa moratoi sp. n., and Euglossa pepei sp. n. are distinguished from their close congeners Euglossa crassipunctata Moure, Euglossa parvula Dressler, and Euglossa sapphirina Moure, previously placed in the subgenus Euglossa (Glossurella) Dressler, 1982, a demonstrably paraphyletic assemblage requiring serious reconsideration. Their affinities with related species are discussed and pertinent characters are figured.  相似文献   

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