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Studies were conducted in Chile and the United States to compare the attractiveness of various commercial sex pheromone lures and two experimental lures for oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), in peach orchards treated with or without sex pheromone dispensers. The experimental lures contained the three‐component sex pheromone blend of G. molesta: Z‐8‐dodecenyl acetate, E‐8‐dodecenyl acetate and Z‐8‐dodecenol (Z8‐12:OH), and the sex pheromone of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol, (codlemone). Commercial lures varied in their substrate, initial loading and blend ratio of components. Significant differences in male catches were found among commercial lures in orchards treated with or without sex pheromone dispensers. Experimental lures with the addition of codlemone significantly increased the catches of G. molesta using lures loaded with 0%, 1% or 5% Z8‐12:OH in the G. molesta blend compared with the same ratio of components in just the G. molesta blend. The experimental lures were significantly more attractive than all commercial lures in the untreated orchard. However, moth catch with the experimental lures in the sex pheromone‐treated orchard was only intermediate among all of the lures tested. These findings highlight the need to develop more effective and standardized lures that can be used in trap‐based monitoring programme for this important pest.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in North and South America during 2012–2013 to evaluate the use of lure combinations of sex pheromones (PH), host plant volatiles (HPVs) and food baits in traps to capture the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), and codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), in pome and stone fruit orchards treated with sex pheromones. The combination of the sex pheromone of both species (PH combo lure) significantly increased G. molesta and marginally decreased C. pomonella captures as compared with captures of each species with either of their sex pheromones alone. The addition of a HPV combination lure [(E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl decadienoate plus (E)‐β‐ocimene] or acetic acid used alone or together did not significantly increase the catch of either species in traps with the PH combo lure. The Ajar trap baited with terpinyl acetate and brown sugar (TAS bait) caught significantly more G. molesta than the delta trap baited with PH combo plus acetic acid in California during 2012. The addition of a PH combo lure to an Ajar trap significantly increased catches of G. molesta compared to the use of the TAS bait or PH combo lure alone in 2013. Female G. molesta were caught in TAS‐baited Ajar traps at similar levels with or without the use of additional lures. Ajar traps baited with the TAS bait alone or with (E)‐β‐ocimene and/or PH combo lures caught significantly fewer C. pomonella than delta traps with sex pheromone alone. Ajar traps with 6.4‐mm screened flaps caught similar numbers of total and female G. molesta as similarly baited open Ajar traps, and with a significant reduction in the catch of non‐targets. Broader testing of HPV and PH combo lures for G. molesta in either delta or screened or open Ajar traps is warranted.  相似文献   

Studies in Argentina and Chile during 2010–2011 evaluated a new trap (Ajar) for monitoring the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck). The Ajar trap was delta‐shaped with a jar filled with a terpinyl acetate plus brown sugar bait attached to the bottom centre of the trap. The screened lid of the jar was inserted inside the trap, and moths were caught on a sticky insert surrounding the lid. The Ajar trap was evaluated with and without the addition of a sex pheromone lure and compared with delta traps left unbaited or baited with a sex pheromone lure and a bucket trap filled with the same liquid bait. Studies were conducted in a sex pheromone‐treated orchard in Argentina and an untreated orchard in Chile. In Chile, the Ajar trap without the sex pheromone lure caught significantly fewer males, females and total moths than the bucket trap, and fewer males and more females than the sex pheromone‐baited delta trap. Total moth catch did not differ between the Ajar trap without a sex pheromone lure and the sex pheromone‐baited trap. Adding a sex pheromone lure to the Ajar trap significantly increased total moth catches to levels not different from those in the bucket trap. However, the Ajar trap with the sex pheromone lure caught significantly more males and fewer females than the bucket trap. In Argentina, the Ajar trap with or without the addition of a sex pheromone lure caught similar numbers of both sexes and total moths as the bucket trap. The sex pheromone‐baited delta trap caught <4% of the number of moths as these three traps. The bucket trap in both studies caught significantly more non‐targets than the delta and Ajar traps. Moth catches in the Ajar trap declined significantly after 2–3 weeks when the bait was not replaced.  相似文献   

Attractive properties of pear ester, ethyl (E,Z)‐2,4‐decadienoate, and codlemone, (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol, the sex pheromone of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), were utilized in experiments on behavioural disruption of mating. Standard dispensers loaded with codlemone alone or in combination with pear ester (combo) were applied at 500–1000/ha. Larger (10‐fold) combo dispensers (Meso) were evaluated at a rate of 80/ha. The addition of microencapsulated pear ester, PE‐MEC, sprayed with insecticides at 30 ml/ha was also evaluated. Male moth catches in unmated female‐baited traps were lower in standard combo dispenser than in codlemone dispenser–treated plots. Female moth catch in traps baited with the combination of pear ester, codlemone and acetic acid was lower in standard combo dispenser than in codlemone dispenser–treated plots. In 12 comparative experiments spanning from 2006 to 2012, male moth catch in unmated female‐baited traps was consistently and significantly lower in combo than in codlemone dispenser–treated plots. Male catch in codlemone‐baited traps did not differ between dispenser treatments in eight studies from 2006 to 2009. These results emphasize the benefit of alternatively using traps baited with unmated females over codlemone lures for the analysis of dispenser activity. Fruit injury was significantly reduced with the addition of PE‐MEC to insecticide applications across untreated and dispenser treatments. Proportion of unmated females trapped was higher in standard combo dispenser than in codlemone dispenser–treated and untreated plots. Similarly, the proportion of unmated females caught was higher in the Meso combo dispenser than in nearby or distant codlemone dispenser–treated plots. These field studies conducted in apple over 3 years demonstrate that adding pear ester both to pheromone dispensers, either standard or Meso, and to supplementary insecticide sprays can provide a significant increase in the disruption of sexual communication, reductions in female mating and reductions in fruit injury.  相似文献   

We evaluated the effectiveness of 2‐phenylethanol (PET) in combination with acetic acid (AA) as a binary lure for monitoring male and female obliquebanded leafroller, Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris). Studies were conducted in apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen, orchards treated with or without sex pheromone dispensers for mating disruption (MD). Open polypropylene vials, closed membrane cups, and rubber septa loaded with AA and/or PET in varying amounts were first evaluated in a series of trapping experiments. Membrane cups loaded with 800 mg of PET were as effective as 10‐mg septa, but longer lasting, and were comparable to the open vials. A membrane cup AA lure was effective in tests, but further work is needed to increase its release rate and extend its activity. Catches of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), and C. rosaceana were unaffected by combining PET with (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol, the sex pheromone of codling moth, pear ester, (E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl‐decadienoate and AA lures. Adding (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene to this blend to enhance codling moth catch significantly reduced catches of C. rosaceana. PET + AA was a more attractive binary lure than AA plus phenylacetonitrile (PAN) for C. rosaceana. The addition of PET or PAN to traps already baited with the sex pheromone of C. rosaceana significantly reduced male catches. Traps baited with PET + AA placed in blocks not treated with MD caught significantly fewer C. rosaceana than traps baited with sex pheromone. In comparison, sex pheromone‐baited traps in MD blocks caught ≤1 male moth per season which was significantly lower than total moth (>10) or female moth (≥3) catch in these blocks with PET + AA. A high proportion (>70%) of trapped females were mated in both untreated and MD‐treated orchards. Further refinement of this binary, bisexual lure using membrane cup technology may allow the establishment of action thresholds and improve management timings for C. rosaceana.  相似文献   

Studies in Oregon, California, Pennsylvania and Italy evaluated the relative performance of the Ajar trap compared with several other traps for the capture of Grapholita molesta (Busck), in pome and stone fruit orchards treated with sex pheromone dispensers for mating disruption. The Ajar is a delta‐shaped trap with a screened jar filled with an aqueous terpinyl acetate plus brown sugar bait solution (TAS) that opens inside the trap and is surrounded by a sticky liner. The TAS‐baited Ajar trap was evaluated with and without the addition of a sex pheromone lure and compared with a delta trap baited with a sex pheromone lure and a bucket trap filled with the TAS bait. Although the Ajar trap had a 90% lower evaporation of the TAS bait than the bucket trap, both of them caught similar numbers in the majority of the field tests of both sexes of G. molesta. The addition of the sex pheromone lure did not increase moth catches by the TAS‐baited Ajar trap. The TAS‐baited Ajar trap caught significantly greater numbers of moths than the sex pheromone‐baited delta trap in 18 of the 20 orchards. Few hymenopterans were caught in orange TAS‐baited Ajar traps, but the catch of flies and other moths relative to the target pest remained high. Flight tunnel and field tests evaluated the effect of several screen designs on the catches of G. molesta and non‐target species. All exclusion devices significantly reduced the catch of larger moths. However, designs that did not reduce the catch of male G. molesta did not reduce the catch of muscid flies. Exclusion devices with openings <7.0 mm significantly reduced the catch of female G. molesta. The addition of (E)‐β‐farnesene, (E)‐β‐ocimene or butyl hexanoate septa lures to TAS‐baited Ajar traps significantly increased total moth catch. The addition of (E)‐β‐ocimene also significantly increased female moth catch.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the addition of an acetic acid colure (AA) to traps baited with pear ester, (E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl‐decadienoate, and codlemone, (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol, the sex pheromone (PH) of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), (Combo lure) can significantly increase moth catches. A commercial AA colure was developed to be used with the Combo lure using a specialized cardboard lure holder. However, research in 2011 suggested that the addition of the AA colure placed in the holder was reducing moth catches. Studies were subsequently conducted in both North America and South America to examine the factors affecting these unexpected results. Hanging the AA colure from the inside top of the delta trap was found to be a primary factor reducing moth catches of male but not female codling moth. Significantly, more males were caught if the AA colure was placed on the sticky liner of the trap than in the holder. Laboratory and field studies found that this negative effect on moth catches lessens over time with aged AA colures that had lower emission rates. The position of the holder in the trap (upwind or downwind) relative to the direction where moths approached was not a significant factor affecting moth catch with the AA colure. However, the spacing of the lures on the holder was an important factor with significantly higher male catches with lures 5.5 cm apart and the AA lure above the Combo lure than with lures 1.5 cm apart and the Combo lure above the AA lure. Similarly, pinning the Combo lure to the roof of the trap was more effective than the use of the holder with the AA lure on the liner. Standardization of lure placement will be important to fully utilize the use of bisexual, multilure monitoring systems for codling moth and likely for other pests.  相似文献   

Studies compared moth captures of three pests (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) of apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen, in delta traps using removable liners coated with either a sticky gel (SG) or a hot‐melt pressure sensitive (HMPS) adhesive. Laboratory and field studies with Cydia pomonella (L.), Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) and Grapholita molesta (Busck) demonstrated that traps with either liner, baited with a pair of virgin females catch males, but at significantly different levels. In the field, male moth captures in traps with the HMPS liner were significantly greater than in traps with the SG liner for C. rosaceana, and G. molesta; but not for C. pomonella. Similar results were observed in laboratory studies using flight tunnels. Additional studies demonstrated that this difference in moth captures between liners was not due to levels of female mortality, but instead was correlated with the occurrence of the female's ventral abdominal surface becoming stuck in the adhesive. Studies showed that a significantly greater proportion of females of all species had their ventral abdomen stuck in the SG than HPMS adhesive on day 1, but only G. molesta and C. rosaceana on day 3. In addition, the tackiness of the two adhesives affected moth movement on the liner with males and females of all species moving farther on liners with SG than HMPS adhesive. A greater proportion of female G. molesta and C. pomonella were either stuck supined or laterally on the SG than HMPS adhesive, and females in this position captured as many males as when prone and unstuck on the liner. Our studies demonstrate that adhesives can secondarily influence male moth captures on trap liners when used with bisexual attractants, and that adhesive type should be considered when developing action thresholds.  相似文献   

Monitoring codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), with its sex pheromone (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol (codlemone) alone or in combination with plant volatiles (PH‐plant volatile lures) with and without the addition of an acetic acid (AA) lure was compared in apple and walnut orchards treated with PVC Cidetrak® dispensers (CM‐DA Combo) loaded with 60 mg pear ester, ethyl (E, Z)‐2,4‐decadienoate (PE) and 185 mg codlemone. Lures were also evaluated in untreated apple and walnut orchards and apple orchards treated with Cidetrak® dispensers (CM) loaded with 120 mg codlemone. Traps with codlemone lures caught more moths than PE plus AA but similar numbers as traps with the PH‐PE lure in untreated apple and walnut orchards. The PH‐PE outperformed codlemone lures in apple orchards treated with CM dispensers. Codlemone outperformed PH‐PE lures in apple but not in walnut orchards treated mid‐season with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combining AA with PE significantly increased moth catch and together they performed similarly to the PH‐PE lure in all dispenser treatments in apple orchards. However, adding AA with the PH‐PE lure did not increase moth catches. The addition of AA to any of the lures tested except codlemone alone significantly increased the catch of females. Adding AA to either PE or the PH‐PE lure created a similarly attractive lure in orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combining (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene (DMNT) with codlemone in a combinational lure plus AA performed as well as any lure tested in apple orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers. Combinational lures loaded with either (E,E)‐farnesol, (E)‐β‐farnesene or DMNT performed significantly better than the PH‐PE lure in apple orchards treated with CM‐DA Combo dispensers only in the first generation. Both PH‐DMNT and PH‐farnesol lures were comparable to PH‐PE, except that the PH‐farnesol lure was less attractive to female moths.  相似文献   

Oriental fruit moth (OFM) Grapholita molesta Busck (Lep., Tortricidae) is a very important pest in commercial orchards in Victoria, Australia. Pheromone‐mediated mating disruption (MD) applied in stone fruit orchards successfully controlled OFM populations for many years, but damage to shoot tips and fruit at the edge of peach blocks located adjacent to pear blocks under insecticide treatments has become problematic. To improve protection of stone fruit against edge damage and outbreaks of OFM, all orchards were treated with sex pheromone dispensers for MD on an area‐wide basis. Area‐wide MD treatment, including all pome and stone fruit orchards in a discrete area, successfully controlled edge infestations of OFM, but was expensive. To reduce the cost of OFM control, sex pheromone dispensers for MD were applied as barrier treatments to 54–60 m of neighbouring pears adjacent to peaches under MD. Detailed monitoring of the OFM population, shoot tip and fruit damage assessments indicated that application of MD barriers on pears during two consecutive seasons provided sufficient control of OFM on peaches. This MD barrier treatment was able to reduce the number of OFM caught in all experimental peach blocks, with damage to shoot tips and fruit giving similar results to MD treatment of the whole neighbouring pear block. Extending the MD treatment area for 54–60 m into the neighbouring pear block significantly reduced the edge damage in MD‐treated peaches in the first season and almost eliminated OFM damage in the second season.  相似文献   

The ability of a sufficient number of individuals to disperse is crucial for long‐term survival of populations. However, dispersal is often energetically costly, and thus is expected to trade‐off against other life‐history traits. In insect pest species, the occurrence of individuals with high flight activity challenges management practices. We performed artificial selection on flight activity and measured correlated responses to selection in the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita (= Cydia) molesta, a widely distributed and expanding lepidopteran pest of fruit crops. Both sexes rapidly responded to the imposed regime of divergent selection, indicating an adaptive potential of flight activity in this species. Upward‐selected moths died sooner than downward‐selected ones, providing evidence for a cost of flight activity to adult survival, reputedly associated with enhanced metabolic rates. Oppositely‐selected females had similar total reproductive output, disproving a trade‐off between dispersal and reproduction, although females with higher flight activity laid their eggs sooner. The ratio of body weight to forewing surface (forewing loading) did not significantly differ between selected lines. The present study contributes to the understanding of dispersal evolution, and also provides new insights into life‐history theory as well as important baseline data for the improvement of pest management practices. © 2010 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2010, 100 , 879–889.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Oriental fruit moth Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lep., Tortricidae) has recently become a key pest of apples throughout the eastern USA. Pheromone-mediated mating disruption of Oriental fruit moth was successfully used in North Carolina apple orchards in the past few years. However, low levels of late-season fruit damage occurred in some orchards treated in late May with hand-applied pheromone dispensers because of inadequate dispenser longevity. To investigate alternative pheromone application schedules for extended mating disruption control, the following pheromone treatments were compared with conventional insecticides in Henderson County (NC) in 2002: late May application of hand-applied dispensers; late June application of hand-applied dispensers; late May application of hand-applied dispensers supplemented with a late August application of sprayable pheromone dispensers; late May application of hand-applied dispensers which have a longer activity period; and conventional insecticides as a control. All treatments were sprayed with an insecticide at petal fall in late April for thinning and for control of the first generation Oriental fruit moth adults. Pheromone trap catches were significantly reduced in all mating disruption blocks compared with conventional insecticide blocks. Among pheromone treatments, the highest trap captures were recorded in the delayed hand-applied dispenser treatment in June before treatment. However, the mean percentage fruit damage did not vary with timing of application of hand-applied dispensers and the type of pheromone dispenser used. Clearly, the combination of each mating disruption treatment with insecticide application against first generation Oriental fruit moth was as effective as the conventional insecticide treatment under moderate population pressure.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Oriental fruit moth (OFM) Grapholita molesta Busck (Lep., Tortricidae) is one of the most important pests of commercial stone fruit orchards in the Goulburn-Murray Valley region of Victoria, Australia. OFM populations have been successfully controlled by the use of the mating disruption (MD) technique for many years, but damage to shoot tips and fruit has now started to increase. The most severe damage under MD is found at the edge of peach blocks, adjacent to the pear blocks under insecticide treatment. In 1997–98, OFM infestation levels were examined in a newly planted peach block surrounded by older peaches, pears, apples and pasture. The infestation distribution was followed up for four consecutive years. No treatments were used against OFM for the first 2 years in the newly planted peaches, but in years 3 and 4 the whole block was treated with MD. At the end of year 2, shoot tip damage was randomly distributed throughout the newly planted peach block with no 'edge effect'. After MD was applied in year 3, the damage was confined to the edges of the block adjacent to insecticide-sprayed apples and pears. No 'edge effect' was detected along the border with an older peach block treated with MD or on the border with pasture. Extending the MD treated area for 25–30 m into the neighbouring apples and pears in year 4 reduced the 'edge effect'.  相似文献   

梨小食心虫化学通信中的信息物质   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
陆鹏飞  黄玲巧  王琛柱 《昆虫学报》2010,53(12):1390-1403
梨小食心虫Grapholitha molesta Busck是我国北方果区发生的重要害虫。当前对该虫的防治主要依赖化学农药, 但引起的害虫抗药性、 杀伤天敌和环境污染等问题非常严重。食心虫自身的信息素、 寄主/非寄主的他感化学物质对于调节其配偶选择和寄主定位起着至关重要的作用, 基于信息化学物质的害虫管理策略为果园食心虫的治理提供了新的途径。本文综述了国内外有关梨小食心虫化学信息物质研究进展, 包括雌蛾释放的性信息素组分及对雄、 雌两性的引诱, 雄蛾释放的信息素, 利用性信息素的迷向研究, 寄主植物挥发性引诱物质的鉴定和筛选, 以及梨小食心虫寄主转换机制等方面的研究现状和存在的问题。具体来说, 雌蛾的性信息素包括顺-8-十二碳烯醋酸酯、反-8-十二碳烯醋酸酯、顺-8-十二碳烯-1-醇和十二碳-1-醇, 各个组分的比例在地理种群间存在变异。在室内, 通过行为试验证实两种醋酸酯对雄蛾的引诱是必不可少的, 微量的顺-8-十二碳烯-1-醇对二元组分起到增效作用。在田间, 上述3种物质组成的诱芯具有较强的活性; 由此开发的性信息素迷向技术(人工迷向丝、 可喷施的微胶囊和蜡滴)被用于梨小食心虫交配干扰, 取得了很好的效果。梨小食心虫最主要的寄主植物桃梢挥发物包括22种化合物, 其中绿叶挥发物占到50%, 行为生测证实6~8个碳原子的物质是主要的活性化合物。顺-3-己烯丁酸酯、顺-3-己烯醇、反-2-己烯醛、苯甲醛和苯甲腈的五组分混合物, 其引诱力与天然桃梢挥发物相当。通过钙成像试验证实, 尽管苯甲腈在桃梢天然挥发物中仅占0.14%, 但雌蛾对含有该物质的混合物有显著趋性, 该物质对梨小食心虫成功识别寄主具有重要意义。最后对梨小食心虫信息化学物质下一步的研究和应用前景进行了探讨。  相似文献   

The performance of clear delta traps baited with 3.0 mg of pear ester, ethyl (E,Z)-2,4-decadienoate, and 5.0 ml of acetic acid in separate lures was compared with orange delta traps baited with a single lure containing 3.0 mg of both pear ester and the sex pheromone, (E,E)-8,10-dodecadien-1-ol (codlemone) for codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), in apple, Malus domestica (Borkhausen). Residual analyses and field tests demonstrated that both the pear ester and acetic acid lures were effective for at least 8 wk. The two trap-lure combinations caught a similar number of total moths in an orchard treated with sex pheromone dispensers during short-term trials in 2008. However, the mean catch of female moths was significantly higher and male moths significantly lower in clear traps baited with pear ester and acetic acid versus orange traps baited with pear ester and codlemone. Season-long studies were conducted with these two trap-lure combinations in orchards treated with (n = 6) and without (n = 7) sex pheromone dispensers during 2009. The two trap-lure combinations caught similar numbers of moths in dispenser-treated orchards. In contrast, total catch was significantly higher (>2-fold) in the orange compared with the clear traps in untreated orchards. The clear caught >6-fold more females than the orange trap in both types of orchards. These studies suggest that deploying clear delta traps baited with pear ester and acetic acid can be an effective monitoring tool for female codling moth and an alternative to codlemone-baited traps in sex pheromone-treated orchards.  相似文献   

Field studies were conducted to evaluate new kairomone blends in combination with pear ester (E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl decadienoate (PE) and acetic acid (AA) for their attraction of male and female codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), in apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen. The addition of decanal to either AA or PE alone significantly increased total and female moth catches. However, the addition of decanal did not improve the attraction of PE + AA. The addition of either the pyranoid (PyrLOX) or furanoid (FurLOX) linalool oxide but not linalool (LOL) increased moth catches with PE but did not increase catches with PE + AA. Similarly, the addition of PyrLOX plus decanal did not improve PE + AA. The addition of (E)‐4,8‐dimethyl‐1,3,7‐nonatriene (DMNT) to either AA, PE + AA or PE + AA+decanal did not significantly increase moth catches. However, the addition of PyrLOX to traps with PE + AA and DMNT (4‐component lure) significantly increased moth catches compared with PE + AA alone or any of the ternary blends of these volatiles. Females accounted for 60%–80% of the total catch with this 4‐component lure. The 4‐component blend with PyrLOX was a more attractive lure than similar blends that substituted LOL, or a binary blend of LOL and FurLOX for PyrLOX. The 4‐component blend caught nearly fourfold more total and female moths than the purported attractant N‐butyl sulphide when it was used in combination with PE + AA. These results indicate that significant improvements in monitoring, mating disruption and mass trapping of codling moth are possible. Further studies are needed to assess the new attractive blend's effectiveness in combination with sex pheromone lures and to evaluate whether other host plant volatiles can be added or substitute for DMNT or LOX when used in combination with PE + AA.  相似文献   

梨小食心虫自然种群与室内继代饲养种群生物学特性比较   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】为明确梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta自然种群与室内继代饲养种群生物学特性的差异, 以期为梨小食心虫的人工饲养以及测报与防治提供理论依据。【方法】本研究对室内继代饲养的和从田间采集的梨小食心虫, 在室内同等条件下饲养, 较系统地观察两者的生物学特性并对其主要生命表参数进行了比较。【结果】在本试验条件下, 梨小食心虫室内继代饲养种群的蛹期极显著长于自然种群(t=-10.78, df=4, P=0.0004); 卵期、 幼虫期以及预蛹期均稍长于自然种群, 但无显著差异。室内继代饲养种群的幼虫存活率、 化蛹率、 羽化率极显著高于自然种群(存活率: t=-7.61, df=4, P=0.0016; 化蛹率: t=-24.32, df=4, P=0.0017; 羽化率: t=-6.96, df=4, P=0.0022); 两个种群的卵孵化率、 蛹重、 成虫寿命、 产卵前期、 产卵期及单雌产卵量均无显著差异。自然种群蛀果率高于室内继代饲养种群, 但差异不显著。生命表分析表明, 梨小食心虫室内继代饲养种群的种群趋势指数I、 净增殖率R0、 内禀增长率rm、 平均世代周期T、 周限增长率λ均极显著高于自然种群(I: t=-12.20, df=4, P=0.0003; R0: t=-11.72, df=4, P=0.0003; rm: t=-9.77, df=4, P=0.0006; T: t=-12.05, df=4, P=0.0003; λ: t=-9.79, df=4, P=0.0006), 种群加倍时间Dt极显著低于自然种群(t=7.17, df=4, P=0.0020)。【结论】室内继代饲养种群在室内连续饲养50多代后, 与自然种群比较, 不仅各生命表参数和钻蛀危害果实的能力没有下降, 反而在与自然种群同等的室内饲养条件下, 表现了更好的适应性, 在本供试条件下, 后代具有更大的种群增长潜力。所以, 利用室内继代饲养种群进行的相关试验研究结果可以作为梨小食心虫预测预报与防治实践的依据。  相似文献   

Acclimation to a particular environment may provide organisms with advantages in that environment. In species with multiple generations per year, acclimation may cause life‐history traits to vary with season and between generations. We investigated flight performance, lifetime egg production, and longevity in relation to the temperature experienced during development and adulthood in the invasive moth pest Grapholita molesta (Busck) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae). We found that females that developed at low temperature had good flight abilities when they were flown at low, intermediate, and high temperatures. At high temperature, females that developed at high temperature did not outperform females that developed at low temperature. Flight performance was generally poor at low ambient temperature. Our findings suggest a beneficial acclimation effect, occurring at low temperature. Nonetheless, there were potential costs of development at low temperature: development took longer, resulting in smaller females, which laid fewer eggs. Given temporal and spatial temperature variability in the field, dispersal potential should not be considered homogeneous within populations or across generations. Our results suggest that the most favourable time periods for female dispersal are at the beginning and towards the end of the host crop growing season, which has potential implications for monitoring the occurrence and range expansion of this invasive pest species.  相似文献   

陈浩  方程  许向利  仵均祥 《昆虫学报》2014,57(6):696-702
【目的】梨小食心虫Grapholita molesta (Busck)(鳞翅目:卷蛾科)是一种世界性的害虫,能使蔷薇科的果树严重减产。本研究旨在评估此害虫的耐热性及适应性。【方法】将梨小食心虫成虫暴露在不同温度(36, 38, 40, 42, 44 和46℃)和不同暴露时间(0.5, 1, 2, 4和8 h)下,测定其存活率以及短期高温(38或40℃热驯化1 h)对其热耐受力、寿命、生殖力及卵孵化率的影响。【结果】随着高温暴露时间的延长,梨小食心虫成虫存活率下降。在38或40℃热驯化1 h后,能显著提高梨小食心虫成虫在42℃下2 h的存活率(P<0.05)。在41℃处理1 h,梨小食心虫出现热休克现象,其寿命显著延长,但产卵量显著下降。进一步的试验证明雄虫受高温影响较大,导致与其配对后的雌虫产卵量降低。然而,不论亲代受到怎样的热刺激,其后代的孵化率均不受影响。【结论】结果说明,超过41℃,1 h的高温能对梨小食心虫带来负面影响,但梨小食心虫成虫有适应高温的潜力。  相似文献   

This study examined cross-species amplification of 33 microsatellite markers, previously developed for Cydia pomonella, in three related fruit moth species of the same tribe (Grapholitini), namely Grapholita molesta, Grapholita funebrana and Grapholita lobarzewskii. Eight microsatellite loci yielded polymorphic products for Gmolesta, nine for Gfunebrana and 11 for Globarzewskii. At all these loci, the number of alleles ranged between four and 11 in Gmolesta, and between four and nine in Gfunebrana and Globarzewskii each. The successful cross-amplified loci can be used for research on population genetics and gene flow of the three target species.  相似文献   

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