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The effect of shoal size on patterns of body colour segregation in mollies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Individual white and black mollies Poecilia latipinna spent significantly more time near the larger group when given the choice between two shoals of similar colouration to themselves. When given the choice between a large and a small shoal of dissimilar colouration to themselves, black test fish spent significantly more time with the larger shoal while white test fish showed no preference for either group. Both white and black mollies chose the smaller of two shoals when given the choice between a large dissimilarly coloured shoal and a small similarly coloured shoal. The results indicate that mollies actively discriminate between shoals on the basis of both body colour and shoal size. However, body colour segregation appears to have a stronger influence on shoal choice.  相似文献   

Parasitism, oddity and the mechanism of shoal choice   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
When choosing between shoals differing in Schistocephalus solidus infection status, uninfected test sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus showed a preference for joining uninfected conspecifics when shoal sizes were equal, but reversed this preference when the relative size of the infected shoal was increased by a factor of 3. When given a choice between a shoal composed of size-matched minnows Phoxinus phoxinus and a shoal composed of the same number of all uninfected or all S. solidus -infected sticklebacks, test fish always preferred the sticklebacks, regardless of their infection status, over the minnow shoal. These observations suggest that species, parasite status and shoal size are all of importance when fish decide which shoal to join.  相似文献   

Numerous factors affect the fine-scale social structure of animal groups, but it is unclear how important such factors are in determining how individuals encounter resources. Familiarity affects shoal choice and structure in many social fishes. Here, we show that familiarity between shoal members of sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus) affects both fine-scale social organization and the discovery of resources. Social network analysis revealed that sticklebacks remained closer to familiar than to unfamiliar individuals within the same shoal. Network-based diffusion analysis revealed that there was a strong untransmitted social effect on patch discovery, with individuals tending to discover a task sooner if a familiar individual from their group had previously done so than if an unfamiliar fish had done so. However, in contrast to the effect of familiarity, the frequency with which individuals had previously associated with one another had no effect upon the likelihood of prey patch discovery. This may have been due to the influence of fish on one another''s movements; the effect of familiarity on discovery of an empty ‘control’ patch was as strong as for discovery of an actual prey patch. Our results demonstrate that factors affecting fine-scale social interactions can also influence how individuals encounter and exploit resources.  相似文献   

Foraging in social groups has a number of benefits but can also increase the risk of exploitation. High tendency to shoal may be correlated with groups foraging, although facultatively social fish adjust both shoaling decisions and food resource defence based on intrinsic and extrinsic factors. The main aim of this study was to examine the relationships between shoaling, solitary foraging and aggression, forager tolerance of conspecifics joining at a discovered food patch and forager exploitation of resources discovered by others. We used two intra‐lacustrine three‐spined stickleback morph pairs, lava and mud, and monomorphic morphs from each of lava and mud habitats. The lava morph formed less cohesive shoals, was bolder during solitary foraging, approached and entered an occupied food patch less frequently than the mud morph, suggesting a link between shoaling and the propensity for social foraging. However, shoaling tendency and joiner tolerance were not correlated at a population level. Intralacustrine lava and mud morphs differed more markedly in joiner tolerance than morphs from single habitat lakes, whereas the opposite was true for shoaling tendency. We conclude that, in addition to differentiation in shoaling tendency, the lava and mud morphs differ in social foraging and these variations may act to promote population divergence. © 2014 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2014, 113 , 194–203.  相似文献   

The ubiquity of cooperation in nature is puzzling because cooperators can be exploited by defectors. Recent theoretical work shows that if dynamic networks define interactions between individuals, cooperation is favoured by natural selection. To address this, we compare cooperative behaviour in multiple but independent repeated games between participants in static and dynamic networks. In the latter, participants could break their links after each social interaction. As predicted, we find higher levels of cooperation in dynamic networks. Through biased link breaking (i.e. to defectors) participants affected their social environment. We show that this link-breaking behaviour leads to substantial network clustering and we find primarily cooperators within these clusters. This assortment is remarkable because it occurred on top of behavioural assortment through direct reciprocity and beyond the perception of participants, and represents a self-organized pattern. Our results highlight the importance of the interaction between ecological context and selective pressures on cooperation.  相似文献   

Migratory birds often form flocks on their wintering grounds, but important details of social structure such as the patterns of association between individuals are virtually unknown. We analysed networks of co‐membership in short‐term flocks for wintering golden‐crowned sparrows (Zonotrichia atricapilla) across three years and discovered social complexity unsuspected for migratory songbirds. The population was consistently clustered into distinct social communities within a relatively small area (~ 7 ha). Birds returned to the same community across years, with mortality and recruitment leading to some degree of turnover in membership. These spatiotemporal patterns were explained by the combination of space use and social preference – birds that flocked together in one year flocked together again in the subsequent year more often than were expected based on degrees of home range overlap. Our results suggest that a surprising level of social fidelity across years leads to repeatable patterns of social network structure in migratory populations.  相似文献   

Terrestrial mammals with differentiated social relationships live in 'semi-closed groups' that occasionally accept new members emigrating from other groups. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops sp.) in Shark Bay, Western Australia, exhibit a fission-fusion grouping pattern with strongly differentiated relationships, including nested male alliances. Previous studies failed to detect a group membership 'boundary', suggesting that the dolphins live in an open social network. However, two alternative hypotheses have not been excluded. The community defence model posits that the dolphins live in a large semi-closed 'chimpanzee-like' community defended by males and predicts that a dominant alliance(s) will range over the entire community range. The mating season defence model predicts that alliances will defend mating-season territories or sets of females. Here, both models are tested and rejected: no alliances ranged over the entire community range and alliances showed extensive overlap in mating season ranges and consorted females. The Shark Bay dolphins, therefore, present a combination of traits that is unique among mammals: complex male alliances in an open social network. The open social network of dolphins is linked to their relatively low costs of locomotion. This reveals a surprising and previously unrecognized convergence between adaptations reducing travel costs and complex intergroup-alliance relationships in dolphins, elephants and humans.  相似文献   

Social structure influences ecological processes such as dispersal and invasion, and affects survival and reproductive success. Recent studies have used static snapshots of social networks, thus neglecting their temporal dynamics, and focused primarily on a limited number of variables that might be affecting social structure. Here, instead we modelled effects of multiple predictors of social network dynamics in the spotted hyena, using observational data collected during 20 years of continuous field research in Kenya. We tested the hypothesis that the current state of the social network affects its long‐term dynamics. We employed stochastic agent‐based models that allowed us to estimate the contribution of multiple factors to network changes. After controlling for environmental and individual effects, we found that network density and individual centrality affected network dynamics, but that social bond transitivity consistently had the strongest effects. Our results emphasise the significance of structural properties of networks in shaping social dynamics.  相似文献   

Understanding why individuals carry out behaviours that benefit others, especially genetically unrelated others, has been a major undertaking in many fields and particularly in biology. Here, we focus on the cooperation literature from natural populations and present the benefits of a social network approach in terms of how it can help to identify and understand factors that influence the maintenance and spread of cooperation, but are not easily captured when solely considering independent dyadic interactions. We describe how various routes to cooperation can be tested within the social network framework. Applying the social network approach to data from natural populations can help to uncover the evolutionary and ecological pressures that lead to differences in cooperation and other social processes.  相似文献   

The invasive multicolored Asian ladybeetle, Harmonia axyridis (Pallas) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), aggregates inside dwellings during winter to avoid cold weather. This adaptive behavior disturbs homeowners, because of the large numbers of individuals that aggregate, which induces allergic reactions. The migratory flight patterns of this species have been well documented, with individuals preferentially moving toward prominent and high color contrast elements. However, the factors involved in the selection of aggregation sites by this species have yet to be elucidated. Here, we evaluated the influence of (i) the density of individuals and (ii) the type of available shelters on decisions by H. axyridis to settle and aggregate under shelters. A dual choice bioassay conducted in the laboratory demonstrated the presence of mutual attraction to conspecifics. We also found that individuals preferentially settled under red covered shelters compared to transparent shelters, and that the type of shelter outweighed the effect of social interactions among conspecifics. Moreover, this experiment was performed under non‐wintering conditions, providing the first evidence that aggregative behavior in this species can also occur under those specific conditions.  相似文献   

A non‐invasive tagging system for individual identification of three‐spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus was evaluated. The tags were easily detected via video, and tagged and non‐tagged fish did not differ in terms of growth, activity levels or shoaling behaviour.  相似文献   

Frequency‐dependent selection is thought to be a major contributor to the maintenance of phenotypic variation. We tested for frequency‐dependent selection on contrasting behavioural strategies, termed here ‘personalities’, in three species of social spiders, each thought to represent an independent evolutionary origin of sociality. The evolution of sociality in the spider genus Anelosimus is consistently met with the emergence of two temporally stable discrete personality types: an ‘aggressive’ or ‘docile’ form. We assessed how the foraging success of each phenotype changes as a function of its representation within a colony. We did this by creating experimental colonies of various compositions (six aggressives, three aggressives and three dociles, one aggressive and five dociles, six dociles), maintaining them in a common garden for 3 weeks, and tracking the mass gained by individuals of either phenotype. We found that both the docile and aggressive phenotypes experienced their greatest mass gain in mixed colonies of mostly docile individuals. However, the performance of both phenotypes decreased as the frequency of the aggressive phenotype increased. Nearly identical patterns of phenotype‐specific frequency dependence were recovered in all three species. Naturally occurring colonies of these spiders exhibit mixtures dominated by the docile phenotype, suggesting that these spiders may have evolved mechanisms to maintain the compositions that maximize the success of the colony without compromising the expected reproductive output of either phenotype.  相似文献   

As a prerequisite to the elucidation of the sex pheromone of the green capsid bug Lygocoris pabulinus (L.), we studied the bug's reproductive development and behaviour. When kept under long-day conditions (L18:D6) at 25 °C, both males and females start to copulate 4 days after the final moult. Second matings occur in some females, even on consecutive days. The premating period is 10 min on average and copulation lasts 1 to 2 min. At long range, when males are attracted to traps baited with live females, we did not observe a specific calling position of the females. At short range, a characteristic courtship behaviour of the females was not observed either. Males showed a characteristic vibration of the abdomen, which was repeated several times before copulation. This behaviour can be used as a bioassay to test potential sex pheromone compounds.  相似文献   

Proboscis monkey (Nasalis larvatus) socioecology was studied at the Natai Lengkuas Station, Tanjung Puting National Park, in Kalimantan Tengah, Indonesia. Data on the nature of intergroup interactions were collected on ten one-male groups and two all-male groups using event sampling during follows and also through evening census surveys. Proboscis monkeys form stable one-male groups, with specific groups regularly associating at their sleeping sites (band members). Both intraband and interband high-intensity agonistic displays (slapping, chasing, biting) were rare. Lower intensity agonistic displays (vocalizations, leaping-branch shaking, and erect penis and open-mouth displays) occurred frequently. Temporal avoidance between bands may have been mediated by early morning vocalizations and branch shaking displays by the adult males. Associations between groups may play a role in displacement avoidance and/or predation avoidance.  相似文献   

A growth‐related QTL on chicken chromosome 1 has previously been shown to influence domestication behaviour in chickens. In this study, we used Red Junglefowl (RJF) and White Leghorn (WL) as well as the intercross between them to investigate whether stress affects the way birds allocate their time between familiar and unfamiliar conspecifics in a social preference test (‘social support seeking’), and how this is related to genotype at specific loci within the growth QTL. Red Junglefowl males spent more time with unfamiliar chickens before the stressful event compared to the other birds, whereas all birds except WL males tended to spend less time with unfamiliar ones after stress. A significant QTL locus was found to influence both social preference under undisturbed circumstances and social support seeking. The WL allele at this QTL was associated not only with a preference for unfamiliar individuals but also with a shift towards familiar ones in response to stress (social support seeking). A second, suggestive QTL also affected social support seeking, but in the opposite direction; the WL allele was associated with increased time spent with unfamiliar individuals. The region contains several possible candidate genes, and gene expression analysis of a number of them showed differential expression between RJF and WL of AVPR2 (receptor for vasotocin), and possibly AVPR1a (another vasotocin receptor) and NRCAM (involved in neural development) in the lower frontal lobes of the brains of RJF and WL animals. These three genes continue to be interesting candidates for the observed behavioural effects .  相似文献   

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