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Aortic valve (AoV) calcification is common in aged populations. Its subsequent aortic stenosis has been linked with increased morbidity, but still has no effective pharmacological intervention. Our previous data show endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress is involved in AoV calcification. Here, we investigated whether deficiency of ER stress downstream effector CCAAT/enhancer‐binding protein homology protein (CHOP) may prevent development of AoV calcification. AoV calcification was evaluated in Apoe?/? mice (n = 10) or in mice with dual deficiencies of ApoE and CHOP (Apoe?/?CHOP?/?, n = 10) fed with Western diet for 24 weeks. Histological and echocardiographic analysis showed that genetic ablation of CHOP attenuated AoV calcification, pro‐calcification signaling activation, and apoptosis in the leaflets of Apoe?/? mice. In cultured human aortic valvular interstitial cells (VIC), we found oxidized low‐density lipoprotein (oxLDL) promoted apoptosis and osteoblastic differentiation of VIC via CHOP activation. Using conditioned media (CM) from oxLDL‐treated VIC, we further identified that oxLDL triggered osteoblastic differentiation of VIC via paracrine pathway, while depletion of apoptotic bodies (ABs) in CM suppressed the effect. CM from oxLDL‐exposed CHOP‐silenced cells prevented osteoblastic differentiation of VIC, while depletion of ABs did not further enhance this protective effect. Overall, our study indicates that CHOP deficiency protects against Western diet‐induced AoV calcification in Apoe?/? mice. CHOP deficiency prevents oxLDL‐induced VIC osteoblastic differentiation via preventing VIC‐derived ABs releasing.  相似文献   

Increasing antibiotic resistance urges for new technologies for studying microbes and antimicrobial mechanism of action. We adapted thermal proteome profiling (TPP) to probe the thermostability of Escherichia coli proteins in vivo. E. coli had a more thermostable proteome than human cells, with protein thermostability depending on subcellular location—forming a high‐to‐low gradient from the cell surface to the cytoplasm. While subunits of protein complexes residing in one compartment melted similarly, protein complexes spanning compartments often had their subunits melting in a location‐wise manner. Monitoring the E. coli meltome and proteome at different growth phases captured changes in metabolism. Cells lacking TolC, a component of multiple efflux pumps, exhibited major physiological changes, including differential thermostability and levels of its interaction partners, signaling cascades, and periplasmic quality control. Finally, we combined in vitro and in vivo TPP to identify targets of known antimicrobial drugs and to map their downstream effects. In conclusion, we demonstrate that TPP can be used in bacteria to probe protein complex architecture, metabolic pathways, and intracellular drug target engagement.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that F‐box proteins constitute a large family in eukaryotes, and play pivotal roles in regulating various developmental processes in plants. However, their functions in monocots are still obscure. In this study, we characterized a recessive mutant dwarf and deformed flower 1‐1 (ddf1‐1) in Oryza sativa (rice). The mutant is abnormal in both vegetative and reproductive development, with significant size reduction in all organs except the spikelet. DDF1 controls organ size by regulating both cell division and cell expansion. In the ddf1‐1 spikelet, the specification of floral organs in whorls 2 and 3 is altered, with most lodicules and stamens being transformed into glume‐like organs and pistil‐like organs, respectively, but the specification of lemma/palea and pistil in whorls 1 and 4 is not affected. DDF1 encodes an F‐box protein anchored in the nucleolus, and is expressed in almost all vegetative and reproductive tissues. Consistent with the mutant floral phenotype, DDF1 positively regulates B‐class genes OsMADS4 and OsMADS16, and negatively regulates pistil specification gene DL. In addition, DDF1 also negatively regulates the Arabidopsis LFY ortholog APO2, implying a functional connection between DDF1 and APO2. Collectively, these results revealed that DDF1, as a newly identified F‐box gene, is a crucial genetic factor with pleiotropic functions for both vegetative growth and floral organ specification in rice. These findings provide additional insights into the molecular mechanism controlling monocot vegetative and reproductive development.  相似文献   

  • Trade‐offs between reproduction, growth and survival arise from limited resource availability in plants. Environmental stress is expected to exacerbate these negative correlations, but no studies have evaluated variation in life‐history trade‐offs throughout species geographic ranges. Here we analyse the costs of growth and reproduction across the latitudinal range of the widespread herb Plantago coronopus in Europe.
  • We monitored the performance of thousands of individuals in 11 populations of P. coronopus, and tested whether the effects of growth and reproduction on a set of vital rates (growth, probability of survival, probability of reproduction and fecundity) varied with local precipitation and soil fertility. To account for variation in internal resources among individuals, we analysed trade‐offs correcting for differences in size.
  • Growth was negatively affected by previous growth and reproduction. We also found costs of growth and reproduction on survival, reproduction probability and fecundity, but only in populations with low soil fertility. Costs also increased with precipitation, possibly due to flooding‐related stress. In contrast, growth was positively correlated with subsequent survival, and there was a positive covariation in reproduction between consecutive years under certain environments, a potential strategy to exploit temporary benign conditions.
  • Overall, we found both negative and positive correlations among vital rates across P. coronopus geographic range. Trade‐offs predominated under stressful conditions, and positive correlations arose particularly between related traits like reproduction investment across years. By analysing multiple and diverse fitness components along stress gradients, we can better understand life‐history evolution across species’ ranges, and their responses to environmental change.

Heterotrimeric G‐proteins consisting of Gα, Gβ and Gγ subunits play an integral role in mediating multiple signalling pathways in plants. A novel, recently identified plant‐specific Gγ protein, AGG3, has been proposed to be an important regulator of organ size and mediator of stress responses in Arabidopsis, whereas its potential homologs in rice are major quantitative trait loci for seed size and panicle branching. To evaluate the role of AGG3 towards seed and oil yield improvement, the gene was overexpressed in Camelina sativa, an oilseed crop of the Brassicaceae family. Analysis of multiple homozygous T4 transgenic Camelina lines showed that constitutive overexpression of AGG3 resulted in faster vegetative as well as reproductive growth accompanied by an increase in photosynthetic efficiency. Moreover, when expressed constitutively or specifically in seed tissue, AGG3 was found to increase seed size, seed mass and seed number per plant by 15%–40%, effectively resulting in significantly higher oil yield per plant. AGG3 overexpressing Camelina plants also exhibited improved stress tolerance. These observations draw a strong link between the roles of AGG3 in regulating two critical yield parameters, seed traits and plant stress responses, and reveal an effective biotechnological tool to dramatically increase yield in agricultural crops.  相似文献   

Evaluation of population dynamics for rare and declining species is often limited to data that are sparse and/or of poor quality. Frequently, the best data available for rare bird species are based on large‐scale, population count data. These data are commonly based on sampling methods that lack consistent sampling effort, do not account for detectability, and are complicated by observer bias. For some species, short‐term studies of demographic rates have been conducted as well, but the data from such studies are typically analyzed separately. To utilize the strengths and minimize the weaknesses of these two data types, we developed a novel Bayesian integrated model that links population count data and population demographic data through population growth rate (λ) for Gunnison sage‐grouse (Centrocercus minimus). The long‐term population index data available for Gunnison sage‐grouse are annual (years 1953–2012) male lek counts. An intensive demographic study was also conducted from years 2005 to 2010. We were able to reduce the variability in expected population growth rates across time, while correcting for potential small sample size bias in the demographic data. We found the population of Gunnison sage‐grouse to be variable and slightly declining over the past 16 years.  相似文献   

Global climate change may fundamentally alter population dynamics of many species for which baseline population parameter estimates are imprecise or lacking. Historically, the Pacific walrus is thought to have been limited by harvest, but it may become limited by global warming‐induced reductions in sea ice. Loss of sea ice, on which walruses rest between foraging bouts, may reduce access to food, thus lowering vital rates. Rigorous walrus survival rate estimates do not exist, and other population parameter estimates are out of date or have well‐documented bias and imprecision. To provide useful population parameter estimates we developed a Bayesian, hidden process demographic model of walrus population dynamics from 1974 through 2006 that combined annual age‐specific harvest estimates with five population size estimates, six standing age structure estimates, and two reproductive rate estimates. Median density independent natural survival was high for juveniles (0.97) and adults (0.99), and annual density dependent vital rates rose from 0.06 to 0.11 for reproduction, 0.31 to 0.59 for survival of neonatal calves, and 0.39 to 0.85 for survival of older calves, concomitant with a population decline. This integrated population model provides a baseline for estimating changing population dynamics resulting from changing harvests or sea ice.  相似文献   

Small heat shock proteins (sHSPs) play a central role in protein homeostasis under conditions of stress by binding partly unfolded, aggregate‐prone proteins and keeping them soluble. Like many sHSPs, the widely expressed human sHSP, αB‐crystallin (‘αB’), forms large polydisperse multimeric assemblies. Molecular interactions involved in both sHSP function and oligomer formation remain to be delineated. A growing database of structural information reveals that a central conserved α‐crystallin domain (ACD) forms dimeric building blocks, while flanking N‐ and C‐termini direct the formation of larger sHSP oligomers. The most commonly observed inter‐subunit interaction involves a highly conserved C‐terminal ‘IxI/V’ motif and a groove in the ACD that is also implicated in client binding. To investigate the inherent properties of this interaction, peptides mimicking the IxI/V motif of αB and other human sHSPs were tested for binding to dimeric αB‐ACD. IxI‐mimicking peptides bind the isolated ACD at 22°C in a manner similar to interactions observed in the oligomer at low temperature, confirming these interactions are likely to exist in functional αB oligomers.  相似文献   

A life‐history trade‐off between low mortality in the dark and rapid growth in the light is one of the most widely accepted mechanisms underlying plant ecological strategies in tropical forests. Differences in plant functional traits are thought to underlie these distinct ecological strategies; however, very few studies have shown relationships between functional traits and demographic rates within a functional group. We present 8 years of growth and mortality data from saplings of 15 species of Dipterocarpaceae planted into logged‐over forest in Malaysian Borneo, and the relationships between these demographic rates and four key functional traits: wood density, specific leaf area (SLA), seed mass, and leaf C:N ratio. Species‐specific differences in growth rates were separated from seedling size effects by fitting nonlinear mixed‐effects models, to repeated measurements taken on individuals at multiple time points. Mortality data were analyzed using binary logistic regressions in a mixed‐effects models framework. Growth increased and mortality decreased with increasing light availability. Species differed in both their growth and mortality rates, yet there was little evidence for a statistical interaction between species and light for either response. There was a positive relationship between growth rate and the predicted probability of mortality regardless of light environment, suggesting that this relationship may be driven by a general trade‐off between traits that maximize growth and traits that minimize mortality, rather than through differential species responses to light. Our results indicate that wood density is an important trait that indicates both the ability of species to grow and resistance to mortality, but no other trait was correlated with either growth or mortality. Therefore, the growth mortality trade‐off among species of dipterocarp appears to be general in being independent of species crossovers in performance in different light environments.  相似文献   

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