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Poor conditions during early development can initiate trade‐offs that favour current survival at the expense of somatic maintenance and subsequently, future reproduction. However, the mechanisms that link early and late life‐history are largely unknown. Recently it has been suggested that telomeres, the nucleoprotein structures at the terminal end of chromosomes, could link early‐life conditions to lifespan and fitness. In wild purple‐crowned fairy‐wrens, we combined measurements of nestling telomere length (TL) with detailed life‐history data to investigate whether early‐life TL predicts fitness prospects. Our study differs from previous studies in the completeness of our fitness estimates in a highly philopatric population. The association between TL and survival was age‐dependent with early‐life TL having a positive effect on lifespan only among individuals that survived their first year. Early‐life TL was not associated with the probability or age of gaining a breeding position. Interestingly, early‐life TL was positively related to breeding duration, contribution to population growth and lifetime reproductive success because of their association with lifespan. Thus, early‐life TL, which reflects growth, accumulated early‐life stress and inherited TL, predicted fitness in birds that reached adulthood but not noticeably among fledglings. These findings suggest that a lack of investment in somatic maintenance during development particularly affects late life performance. This study demonstrates that factors in early‐life are related to fitness prospects through lifespan, and suggests that the study of telomeres may provide insight into the underlying physiological mechanisms linking early‐ and late‐life performance and trade‐offs across a lifetime.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that an evolutionary trade‐off exists between the capacity to run on level terrain and the ability to climb inclined structures in lacertid lizards. Biomechanical and physiological models of lizard locomotor performance suggest that the morphological design requirements of a ground‐dwelling vs. scansorial life style are difficult to reconcile. This conflict is thought to preclude simultaneous evolution of maximal locomotor performance on level and inclined terrain. This notion has been corroborated by comparative studies on lizard species from other groups (Anolis, Chamaeleo, Sceloporus), but is not supported by our data on 13 species from the family Lacertidae. We found no indication of a negative association between maximal sprint speed of lizards over a level racetrack (indicative of ground‐dwelling locomotor performance), on an inclined stony surface (indicative of climbing performance over rock faces) and inclined mesh surface (indicative of clambering performance among vegetation). Moreover, morphological characteristics associated with fast sprinting capacities (e.g. long hind limbs) apparently enhance, rather than hinder climbing and clambering performance. We conclude that in our sample of lacertid lizards, the evolution of fast sprinting capacity on level terrain has not inflicted major restrictions on climbing and clambering performance.  相似文献   

Despite the complexity of nature, most comparative studies of phenotypic evolution consider selective pressures in isolation. When competing pressures operate on the same system, it is commonly expected that trade‐offs will occur that will limit the evolution of phenotypic diversity, however, it is possible that interactions among selective pressures may promote diversity instead. We explored the evolution of locomotor performance in lizards in relation to possible selective pressures using the Ornstein–Uhlenbeck process. Here, we show that a combination of selection based on foraging mode and predator escape is required to explain variation in performance phenotypes. Surprisingly, habitat use contributed little explanatory power. We find that it is possible to evolve very different abilities in performance which were previously thought to be tightly correlated, supporting a growing literature that explores the many‐to‐one mapping of morphological design. Although we generally find the expected trade‐off between maximal exertion and speed, this relationship surprisingly disappears when species experience selection for both performance types. We conclude that functional integration need not limit adaptive potential, and that an integrative approach considering multiple major influences on a phenotype allows a more complete understanding of adaptation and the evolution of diversity.  相似文献   

Wind has a significant yet complex effect on bird migration speed. With prevailing south wind, overall migration is generally faster in spring than in autumn. However, studies on the difference in airspeed between seasons have shown contrasting results so far, in part due to their limited geographical or temporal coverage. Using the first full‐year weather radar data set of nocturnal bird migration across western Europe together with wind speed from reanalysis data, we investigate variation of airspeed across season. We additionally expand our analysis of ground speed, airspeed, wind speed, and wind profit variation across time (seasonal and daily) and space (geographical and altitudinal). Our result confirms that wind plays a major role in explaining both temporal and spatial variabilities in ground speed. The resulting airspeed remains relatively constant at all scales (daily, seasonal, geographically and altitudinally). We found that spring airspeed is overall 5% faster in Spring than autumn, but we argue that this number is not significant compared to the biases and limitation of weather radar data. The results of the analysis can be used to further investigate birds'' migratory strategies across space and time, as well as their energy use.  相似文献   

Disentangling the relationship between age and reproduction is central to understand life‐history evolution, and recent evidence shows that considering condition‐dependent mortality is a crucial piece of this puzzle. For example, nonrandom mortality of ‘low‐condition’ individuals can lead to an increase in average lifespan. However, selective disappearance of such low‐condition individuals may also affect reproductive senescence at the population level due to trade‐offs between physiological functions related to survival/lifespan and the maintenance of reproductive functions. Here, we address the idea that condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality (i.e. simulated predation) may increase the age‐related decline in male reproductive success and with it the potential for sexual conflict, by comparing reproductive ageing in Drosophila melanogaster male/female cohorts exposed (or not) to condition‐dependent simulated predation across time. Although female reproductive senescence was not affected by predation, male reproductive senescence was considerably higher under predation, due mainly to an accelerated decline in offspring viability of ‘surviving’ males with age. This sex‐specific effect suggests that condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality can exacerbate survival‐reproduction trade‐offs in males, which are typically under stronger condition‐dependent selection than females. Interestingly, condition‐dependent extrinsic mortality did not affect mating success, hinting that accelerated reproductive senescence is due to a decrease in male post‐copulatory fitness components. Our results support the recent proposal that male ageing can be an important source of sexual conflict, further suggesting this effect could be exacerbated under more natural conditions.  相似文献   

The evolution of ecological trade-offs is an important component of ecological specialization and adaptive radiation. However, the pattern that would show that evolutionary trade-offs have occurred between traits among species has not been clearly defined. In this paper, we propose a phylogeny-based definition of an evolutionary trade-off, and apply it to an analysis of the evolution of trade-offs in locomotor performance in emydid turtles. We quantified aquatic and terrestrial speed and endurance for up to 16 species, including aquatic, semi-terrestrial and terrestrial emydids. Emydid phylogeny was reconstructed from morphological characters and nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequences. Surprisingly, we find that there have been no trade-offs in aquatic and terrestrial speed among species. Instead, specialization to aquatic and terrestrial habitats seems to have involved trade-offs in speed and endurance. Given that trade-offs between speed and endurance may be widespread, they may underlie specialization to different habitats in many other groups.  相似文献   

Lack ( 1967 ) proposed that clutch size in species with precocial young was determined by nutrients available to females at the time of egg formation; since then others have suggested that regulation of clutch size in these species may be more complex. We tested whether incubation limitation contributes to ultimate constraints on maximal clutch size in Black Brent Geese (Black Brant) Branta bernicla nigricans. Specifically, we investigated the relationship between clutch size and duration of the nesting period (i.e. days between nest initiation and the first pipped egg) and the number of goslings leaving the nest. We used experimental clutch manipulations to assess these questions because they allowed us to create clutches that were larger than the typical maximum of five eggs in this species. We found that the per‐capita probability of egg success (i.e. the probability an egg hatched and the gosling left the nest) declined from 0.81 for two‐egg clutches to 0.50 for seven‐egg clutches. As a result of declining egg success, clutches containing more than five eggs produced, at best, only marginally more offspring. Manipulating clutch size at the beginning of incubation had no effect on the duration of the nesting period, but the nesting period increased with the number of eggs a female laid naturally prior to manipulation, from 25.4 days (95% CI 25.1–25.7) for three‐egg clutches to 27.7 days (95% CI 27.3–28.1) for six‐egg clutches. This delay in hatching may result in reduced gosling growth rates due to declining forage quality during the brood rearing period. Our results suggest that the strong right truncation of Brent clutches, which results in few clutches greater than five, is partially explained by the declining incubation capacity of females as clutch size increases and a delay in hatching with each additional egg laid. As a result, females laying clutches with more than five eggs would typically gain little fitness benefit above that associated with a five‐egg clutch.  相似文献   

While the ecology and evolution of partial migratory systems (defined broadly to include skip spawning) have been well studied, we are only beginning to understand how partial migratory populations are responding to ongoing environmental change. Environmental change can lead to differences in the fitness of residents and migrants, which could eventually lead to changes in the frequency of the strategies in the overall population. Here, we address questions concerning the life history of the endangered Gila cypha (humpback chub) in the regulated Colorado River and the unregulated tributary and primary spawning area, the Little Colorado River. We develop eight multistate models for the population based on three movement hypotheses, in which states are defined in terms of fish size classes and river locations. We fit these models to mark–recapture data collected in 2009–2012. We compare survival and growth estimates between the Colorado River and Little Colorado River and calculate abundances for all size classes. The best model supports the hypotheses that larger adults spawn more frequently than smaller adults, that there are residents in the spawning grounds, and that juveniles move out of the Little Colorado River in large numbers during the monsoon season (July–September). Monthly survival rates for G. cypha in the Colorado River are higher than in the Little Colorado River in all size classes; however, growth is slower. While the hypothetical life histories of life‐long residents in the Little Colorado River and partial migrants spending most of its time in the Colorado River are very different, they lead to roughly similar fitness expectations when we used expected number of spawns as a proxy. However, more research is needed because our study period covers a period of years when conditions in the Colorado River for G. cypha are likely to have been better than has been typical over the last few decades.  相似文献   

We investigated the link between heterozygosity and the reaction norm attributes of reproductive performance in female house sparrows (Passer domesticus). We collected data on clutch size, egg size, hatching success and nestling survival in 2816 nesting attempts made by 791 marked individuals over a 16-year period. Pedigree analysis revealed no evidence of inbreeding. Neither parent-offspring regression nor an animal model revealed significant heritability in clutch or egg size. We selected 42 females that laid at least seven clutches at our study site and used a survey of 21 autosomal microsatellite loci to estimate heterozygosity for each female. We controlled for phenotypic plasticity and found that both clutch and egg size showed significant positive correlations with heterozygosity. We found no evidence that heterozygosity influenced the slope of individual reaction norms. Further analysis suggested that clutch size was affected by heterozygosity across the genome, but egg size had more complex relationships, with evidence favouring the influence of multiple loci. Given the apparent lack of inbreeding and large population size, our results suggest associative overdominance as the likely mechanism for the impact of heterozygosity, but also created a puzzle about the process producing associations between neutral markers and the genes affecting clutch size or egg size. One possible explanation is a long-term residual effect of the historical bottleneck that occurred when house sparrows were introduced into North America. The existence of heterozygosity-fitness correlations in a population with considerable phenotypic plasticity and little inbreeding implies that the effects of heterozygosity may be more significant than previously thought.  相似文献   

Costs of dispersal   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dispersal costs can be classified into energetic, time, risk and opportunity costs and may be levied directly or deferred during departure, transfer and settlement. They may equally be incurred during life stages before the actual dispersal event through investments in special morphologies. Because costs will eventually determine the performance of dispersing individuals and the evolution of dispersal, we here provide an extensive review on the different cost types that occur during dispersal in a wide array of organisms, ranging from micro‐organisms to plants, invertebrates and vertebrates. In general, costs of transfer have been more widely documented in actively dispersing organisms, in contrast to a greater focus on costs during departure and settlement in plants and animals with a passive transfer phase. Costs related to the development of specific dispersal attributes appear to be much more prominent than previously accepted. Because costs induce trade‐offs, they give rise to covariation between dispersal and other life‐history traits at different scales of organismal organisation. The consequences of (i) the presence and magnitude of different costs during different phases of the dispersal process, and (ii) their internal organisation through covariation with other life‐history traits, are synthesised with respect to potential consequences for species conservation and the need for development of a new generation of spatial simulation models.  相似文献   

According to theory, edge populations may be poised to expand species’ ranges if they are locally adapted to extreme conditions, or ill‐suited to colonise beyond‐range habitat if their offspring are genetically and competitively inferior. We tested these contrasting predictions by transplanting low‐, mid‐, and high‐elevation (edge) populations of an annual plant throughout and above its elevational distribution. Seed from poor‐quality edge habitat (one of two transects) had inferior emergence, but edge seeds also had adaptive phenology (both transects). High‐elevation plants flowered earlier, required less heat accumulation to mature seed, and so achieved higher lifetime fitness at and above the range edge. Experimental warming improved fitness above the range, but eliminated the advantage of local cold‐edge populations, supporting recent models in which cold‐adapted edge populations do not facilitate warming‐induced range shifts. The highest above‐range fitness was achieved by a ‘super edge phenotype’ from a neighbouring mountain, suggesting key adaptations exist regionally even if absent from local edge populations.  相似文献   

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