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唐娟  郭云山  郭婷  蒋建利  陈志南 《生物磁学》2014,(27):5352-5355
目的:探讨PBL教学法在临床医学专业本科生细胞生物学讨论课中的应用效果。方法:以2011级第四军医大学临床医学专业本科生为对象,随机分为PBL教学组和传统教学组,通过考试与问卷调查的方式,对应用PBL教学法的细胞生物学讨论课的教学效果进行分析与比较。结果:PBL教学组课后随堂测试成绩和学生满意度均明显高于传统教学组,PBL教学法能激发学生的学习兴趣、提高学习效率、培养学生分析与解决问题能力和团结协作的能力。结论:PBL教学法有利于提高教学效果和学生综合素质,值得在细胞生物学教学中推广和应用。  相似文献   

Stem Elongation and Cell Wall Proteins in Flowering Plants   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract: The growth of stems (hypocotyls, epicotyls) and stem-like organs (coleoptiles) in developing seedlings is largely due to the elongation of cells in the sub-apical region of the corresponding organ. According to the organismal concept of plant development, the thick outer epidermal wall, which can be traced back to the peripheral cell wall of the zygote, creates a sturdy organ sheath that determines the rate of stem elongation. The cells of the inner tissues are the products of secondary partitioning of one large protoplast; these turgid, thin-walled cells provide the driving force for organ growth. The structural differences between these types of cell walls are described (outer walls: thick, sturdy, helicoidal cellulose architecture; inner walls: thin, extensible, transversely-oriented cellulose microfibrils). On the basis of these facts, current models of cell wall loosening (and wall stiffening) are discussed with special reference to the expansin, enzymatic polymer remodelling and osmiophilic particle hypothesis. It is concluded that the exact biochemical mechanism(s) responsible for the coordinated yielding of the growth-controlling peripheral organ wall(s) have not yet been identified.  相似文献   

About 20 new isolates of Carpediemonas-like organisms (CLOs) have been reported since 2006. Small subunit rRNA gene phylogenies divide CLOs into six major clades: four contain described exemplars (i.e. Carpediemonas, Dysnectes, Hicanonectes, and Kipferlia), but two include only undescribed organisms. Here we describe a representative of one of these latter clades as Ergobibamus cyprinoides n. g., n. sp., and catalogue its ultrastructure. Ergobibamus cyprinoides is a bean-shaped biflagellated cell, 7-11.5 μm long, with a conspicuous groove. Instead of classical mitochondria there are cristae-lacking rounded organelles 300-400 nm in diameter. The posterior flagellum has a broad ventral vane and small dorsal vane. There are normally four basal bodies, two non-flagellated. There is one anterior root (AR), containing six microtubules. The posterior flagellar apparatus follows the "typical excavate" pattern of a splitting right root supported by fibres "I,"B," and "A," a "composite" fibre, a singlet root, and a left root (LR) with a "C" fibre. The B fibre originates against the LR--a synapomorphy of the taxon Fornicata--supporting the assignation of Ergobibamus to Fornicata, along with diplomonads, retortamonads, and other CLOs. Distinctive features of E. cyprinoides include the complexity of the AR, which is intermediate between Hicanonectes, and Carpediemonas and Dysnectes, and a dorsal extension of the C fibre.  相似文献   

pH敏感型荧光蛋白, 即pHluorin, 是荧光强度及光谱特征随环境pH值的变化而改变的一类荧光蛋白。人们通过对密码子使用偏好和特定剪切位点的修饰, 已使pHluorin及其衍生物成功地在动物、植物和真菌细胞中正常表达, 为测量细胞内微环境pH值的变化, 并研究活细胞内依赖或导致pH变化的生理过程提供了有力工具。该文总结了目前已报道的pH敏感型荧光蛋白的种类及特性, 并对其在细胞生物学, 特别是植物细胞生物学中的应用进行了详细介绍。随着报告基因技术及检测方法的不断改进, pHluorin将在植物科学领域发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

光激活荧光蛋白是指用特定光照射时,其荧光特性发生显著改变的一类荧光蛋白。借助光激活荧光蛋白的这种特性,可以实现对活细胞、细胞器或胞内分子的时空标记和追踪。该文介绍了目前光激活荧光蛋白的性质,并从多个方面对其应用进行了概括,包括分子标记与动态分析、蛋白质相互作用、细胞器及细胞组分动态研究、细胞追踪以及在光激活定位显微镜中的应用等,且对目前光激活荧光蛋白在植物分子细胞生物学中的应用进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

A wind of change has swept through palaeontology in the past few decades. Contrast Sir Peter Medawar’s dismissive: ‘palaeontology is a particularly undemanding branch of science’ (as recalled by John Maynard Smith in Sabbagh 1999, p. 158) with ‘Palaeontology: grasping the opportunities in the science of the twenty–first century’, the title of a contribution to a special issue of Geobios by the Cambridge palaeontologist, Simon Conway Morris (1998a). The winds of change have come partly from palaeontologists seeking to broaden the impact of their studies and partly from biologists (neontologists) realizing the contributions that palaeontology can make to their disciplines. Consequently, impressions of past life preserved in stone are coming alive. Fossils are being described and analyzed using new tools and languages as the static fossil record becomes a record of transitions in patterns that can be explained and related to biological, ecological, climatic and tectonic changes. The latest addition is evolutionary developmental biology, or ‘evo–devo’, whose language provides a new basis upon which to interpret anatomical change, both materially and mechanistically. In this review I examine the major contributions made by palaeontology, how palaeontology has been linked to evolution and to embryology in the past, and how links with evo–devo have enlivened and will continue to enliven both palaeontology and evo–devo. Closer links between the two fields should illuminate important unresolved issues related to the origin of the metazoans (e.g. Why is there a conflict between molecular clocks and the fossil record in timing the metazoan radiation; were Precambrian metazoan ancestors similar to extant larvae or to miniature adults?) and to diversification of the metazoans (e.g. How do developmental constraints bias the direction of evolution; how do microevolutionary developmental processes relate to macroevolutionary changes?).  相似文献   

车前属(Plantago L.)植物生态与进化生物学研究进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郭水良 《植物学通报》2002,19(5):567-574
车前属植物是理论生态学、生理生态学、进化生物学研究的理想材料。本文综述了近年来国内外学者在车前属生态学、进化生物学、系统分类学方面的研究概况。  相似文献   

植物激素是植物生长发育过程中必不可少的重要调节物质, 它们直接或间接参与调控从种子萌发到成熟的各个发育阶段以及对生物/非生物胁迫的响应。随着利用小分子化合物探究生物体生理代谢分子机制的不断发展, 植物生物学与化学之间一个新的前沿交叉学科——化学生物学随之诞生, 并在短时间内取得了重要进展。化学生物学的思路与方法在植物激素研究领域中起到了不可替代的作用, 尤其是在激素合成及信号转导研究领域。该文概述了主要植物激素的小分子类似物及其在植物生长发育和生物/非生物胁迫响应等方面的作用机制, 并讨论了激素类似物在实际生产中的应用潜力及未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

光激活荧光蛋白是指用特定光照射时, 其荧光特性发生显著改变的一类荧光蛋白。借助光激活荧光蛋白的这种特性,可以实现对活细胞、细胞器或胞内分子的时空标记和追踪。该文介绍了目前光激活荧光蛋白的性质, 并从多个方面对其应用进行了概括, 包括分子标记与动态分析、蛋白质相互作用、细胞器及细胞组分动态研究、细胞追踪以及在光激活定位显微镜中的应用等, 且对目前光激活荧光蛋白在植物分子细胞生物学中的应用进行了详细介绍。  相似文献   

植物离子通道特征、功能、调节与分子生物学   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
本文对植物离子通道的特征、生理功能、影响通道启闭的因素和通道分子生物学研究的新进展作了较为系统的综述  相似文献   

"图启"教学模式是以"图"为主线,培养教师的制图能力、学生的识图能力和学生的绘图能力,并将三者有机结合,即将教师的备课、理论授课、实践教学三个环节融为一体,最大限度地提高教学质量,提升学生的综合能力。本文论述了在细胞生物学教学中构建"图启"教学模式的方法和意义,为"图启"教学模式在生物学教学中的推广与实施奠定基础。  相似文献   

固有无序蛋白质(intrinsically disordered proteins,IDPs)是天然条件下自身不能折叠为明确唯一的空间结构,却具有生物学功能的一类新发现的蛋白质.这类蛋白质的发现是对传统的"结构-功能"关系认识模式的挑战.本文首先总结了无序蛋白质的实验鉴定手段、预测方法、数据库;并介绍了无序蛋白质结构(包括一级结构、二级结构、结构域无序性及变构效应)和功能特征;然后重点总结了无序蛋白质在进化角度研究的进展,包括无序区域产生的进化机制、进化速率,蛋白无序性的进化在蛋白质功能进化及生物学复杂性增加等方面的重要作用;最后展望了无序蛋白质在医药方面的应用前景.本文对于深入认识无序蛋白质的形成机制、结构和功能特征及其潜在的临床应用前景具有重要意义.  相似文献   

植酸酶的分子生物学与基因工程   总被引:61,自引:6,他引:61  
植酸酶是一种新型的、可作为动物饲料添加剂的重要酶制剂,它对提高饲料中磷的利用率,提高动物的生产性能,以及减轻因动物高磷粪便所导致的环境水域的磷污染有着重要意义。本文综述了植酸酶的分子生物学及基因工程研究的最新进展,讨论了其进一步的研究发展方向。  相似文献   

Evolutionary change of the numbers of homeobox genes in bilateral animals   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
It has been known that the conservation or diversity of homeobox genes is responsible for the similarity and variability of some of the morphological or physiological characters among different organisms. To gain some insights into the evolutionary pattern of homeobox genes in bilateral animals, we studied the change of the numbers of these genes during the evolution of bilateral animals. We analyzed 2,031 homeodomain sequences compiled from 11 species of bilateral animals ranging from Caenorhabditis elegans to humans. Our phylogenetic analysis using a modified reconciled-tree method suggested that there were at least about 88 homeobox genes in the common ancestor of bilateral animals. About 50-60 genes of them have left at least one descendant gene in each of the 11 species studied, suggesting that about 30-40 genes were lost in a lineage-specific manner. Although similar numbers of ancestral genes have survived in each species, vertebrate lineages gained many more genes by duplication than invertebrate lineages, resulting in more than 200 homeobox genes in vertebrates and about 100 in invertebrates. After these gene duplications, a substantial number of old duplicate genes have also been lost in each lineage. Because many old duplicate genes were lost, it is likely that lost genes had already been differentiated from other groups of genes at the time of gene loss. We conclude that both gain and loss of homeobox genes were important for the evolutionary change of phenotypic characters in bilateral animals.  相似文献   

Abstract: The plant cell wall is a dynamic apparatus responsible for both morphogenesis and responsiveness to environmental conditions. In the cell wall of most seed plants, cellulose microfibrils are cross-linked by xyloglucans to form a cellulose/xyloglucan framework, which functions as the mechanical underpinning of the cell wall. Endoxyloglucan transferases are a class of enzymes that play a central role in construction and modification of the plant cell wall. These enzymes are encoded by a large multi-gene family termed xyloglucan-related proteins (XRPs). More than 24 members of the XRP family have so far been identified in Arabidopsis thaliana. Each member of this family functions as either a hydrolase or a transferase acting on xyloglucans. The primary structures of proteins and gene-expression profiles have strongly suggested their potentially divergent roles in plant morphogenesis: different members of this family are expressed in different types of tissues at distinct developmental stages and respond differentially to individual hormones as well as environmental stimuli. These facts imply that each member of this gene family is individually committed to a specific process that proceeds in a specific tissue at a specific stage of development. Probably the generation and maintenance of the cell walls in a whole organ, and thus in the whole plant, is achieved by the ensemble of individual members of the XRP family.  相似文献   

高等植物光敏色素的分子结构、生理功能和进化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王静  王艇 《植物学通报》2007,24(5):649-658
光敏色素是植物感受外界环境变化的最重要光受体之一,对红光和远红外光非常敏感。本文综述了光敏色素的分子结构、它所包含的结构域和相应功能以及植物各主要类群中光敏色素基因家族的成员组成与进化关系;重点在分子水平上介绍了光敏色素的生理功能与作用机制。最后,基于最新的研究进展提出了将来的研究方向。  相似文献   

One foundational question in contemporarybiology is how to `rejoin evolution anddevelopment. The emerging research program(evolutionary developmental biology or`evo-devo) requires a meshing of disciplines,concepts, and explanations that have beendeveloped largely in independence over the pastcentury. In the attempt to comprehend thepresent separation between evolution anddevelopment much attention has been paid to thesplit between genetics and embryology in theearly part of the 20th century with itscodification in the exclusion of embryologyfrom the Modern Synthesis. This encourages acharacterization of evolutionary developmentalbiology as the marriage of evolutionary theoryand embryology via developmental genetics. Butthere remains a largely untold story about thesignificance of morphology and comparativeanatomy (also minimized in the ModernSynthesis). Functional and evolutionarymorphology are critical for understanding thedevelopment of a concept central toevolutionary developmental biology,evolutionary innovation. Highlighting thediscipline of morphology and the concepts ofinnovation and novelty provides an alternativeway of conceptualizing the `evo and the `devoto be synthesized.  相似文献   

微生物果胶酶的分子生物学及其应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
10多年来,随着生物技术的发展,国外在果胶酶分子生物学研究上取得了很大进展,其应用范围也在不断扩大,除在一些传统领域中的应用外,果胶酶的许多新的用途也正在不断地被挖掘和发现。本文从果胶酶的产生菌、果胶酶的理化性质、已克隆的果胶酶基因、基因的表达与调控及果胶酶的用途等方面简述了微生物果胶酶的研究进展。  相似文献   

为了更好地培养学生的能力,必须对传统的教学模式进行改革。针对传统教学模式下生物工程专业细胞生物学教学中学生积极性和主动性不强、缺少综合能力训练内容、作业抄袭、新知识与新进展反映不理想等问题,通过设定合理题目、规定格式和内容、单独报告、择优讲演等方式,利用学生的好胜心理、竞争性和成就感等,提出了新的教学模式。教学实践证明,新的教学模式能够充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,提高学生对专业知识的综合与归纳能力、表达演讲能力和电脑使用技能,同时也避免了作业抄袭现象的发生,强化了学生的自信心。另外,也对新模式中存在的问题进行了思考与建议。  相似文献   

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