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1. Age-related changes in reproductive effort have been predicted by theoretical models and observed in a wide range of organisms. However, for indeterminate growers such as fish, an allometric relationship linking gonad weight to body size is commonly observed. There is often a positive linear relationship when these variables are log-transformed, which by implication reduces the influence of age on reproductive effort.
2. Contrasting with this usual pattern, we report a nonlinear relationship between gonad weight and fish size (after log-transformation) in mosquitofish ( Gambusia holbrooki ), clearly resulting from age changes. The declining rate of increase of gonad mass as a function of body size revealed a higher reproductive effort for younger individuals relative to size.
3. This size-independent age effect on reproductive effort was predicted based on previous studies of mosquitofish and is certainly related to their particular life-history strategy, combining an early maturation and short lifespan with the physiological costs of reproduction and over-wintering. Our findings probably apply to other small, short-lived species with similar life history.  相似文献   

In this issue of Molecular Ecology, Yamasaki et al. (2020) use genetic data from extensive sampling of Rhinogobius goby fish across the Ryukyu Archipelago in Japan to demonstrate the parallel speciation of a freshwater form from an ancestral amphidromous form. They then show that ecosystem size strongly predicts the probability of speciation between the two forms across islands. In doing so, this study connects population‐level processes (microevolution) to broad‐scale biodiversity patterns (macroevolution), an important but understudied link in evolutionary biology. Moving forward, we can build on this research to (a) more directly determine how geographic, ecological and historical factors influence the different stages of the speciation process, and (b) understand whether mechanisms inferred from insular radiations extend to those on continents, where both demographic histories and environmental regimes are likely more complex.  相似文献   

Introduced Gambusia holbrooki in a natural lagoon of southern Spain consisted of two age groups: 1992 cohort, 7-11 months old and 1993 cohort, <4 months old. In the 1992 cohort, females grew even during the gestation period at about 0·30 mm day-1. In the 1993 cohort, females displayed a high growth rate (0·55 mm day-1) and reached reproductive size in a few weeks, but stopped growing when they matured. All the 1992 cohort reproduced from mid-May to mid-June, but only 50% of the 1993 cohort reproduced, from mid-August to mid-September. Reproducing females were significantly larger in the 1992 cohort (39·8 mm) than in the 1993 one (34·8 mm). The largest 1992 females cohort had reproduced previously; the 1993 cohort had not. The mean dry weight of intra-ovarian embryos decreased to a minimum immediately before birth. These metabolic costs represented 29·8 and 31·4% of the initial weights of the 1992 and 1993 embryos, respectively. Mean dry weight of full-term embryo was significantly higher in the 1992 cohort (0·80 ± 0·129 mg; 95% CL) than in the 1993 one (0·70 ± 0·086 mg; 95% CL). With more females in 1992, cohort fecundity was considerably higher (number of embryos=7151; 63%) than in the 1993 (4193; 37%) cohort. The population completed two generations each year (spring and summer). The spring stock grew slower than the summer one but continued to grow during the gestation period, reaching larger final lengths, with more synchronous reproduction and clearer evidence of a second reproductive event. Each reproductive stock displayed its own life-history characteristics, with significant differences between mean length of reproducing females, growth rate, mean brood size, offspring size, standard fecundity and minimum length at reproduction.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the relationship between the annual cycle of testicular development and external environment and the rate of spermatogenesis in the mosquitofish Gambusia affinis based on histological observations of testes. The annual reproductive cycle of the mosquitofish was divided into two periods, i.e., the spermatogenic period (May–October) and resting period (October–April). In the spermatogenic period, the transition from spermatogonia to spermatocytes begins and meiosis actively progresses. In the resting period, the transition from spermatogonia to spermatocytes ceases, meiosis of spermatocytes that already shifted by this period gradually progresses, and a considerable number of sperm balls are produced. Onset of spermatogenesis seems to be related to both a rise in water temperature and a prolonged photoperiod. 5-bromo-2-deoxyuridine (BrdU) was a useful in vivo marker of DNA synthesizing spermatogenic cells. The results of immunohistochemical detection of injected BrdU indicated that 5 days are needed for the conversion of spermatocytes to spermatids, 5 days for spermatids to spermatozoa, and 10 days for spermatozoa to sperm balls.  相似文献   

In many species, male mating behaviour is correlated with male body size, with large males often being preferred by females. Small surface-dwelling Poecilia mexicana males compensate for this disadvantage by being more sexually active and using sneaky copulations. In a cave-dwelling population, however, small males do not show this behaviour. Do small males alter their behaviour in the presence of a large rival? Here, we investigated the influence of male competition on male mating behaviour in the cave form. Two males of different sizes were mated with a female either alone or together with the other male. No aggressive interactions were observed between either fish. There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of sexual behaviours between the two treatments. In both treatments, large males were more sexually active than small males. Thus, small cave molly males do not switch to an alternative mating behaviour in the presence of a larger rival. Possibly, the extreme environmental conditions in the cave (e.g. low oxygen content and high levels of hydrogen sulphide) favour saving energetic costs, resulting in the absence of alternative mating behaviour in small males.  相似文献   

Metabolic activity in livebearing fishes increases with embryonic development so that embryos prior to parturition may have a higher mass-specific oxygen requirement than maternal tissues, temporarily increasing the total routine oxygen requirement of the female. We examined whether females of the livebearing poeciliid Poecilia latipinna (sailfin molly) increase their routine metabolic oxygen consumption during development of their broods. We also quantified effects of gestation on time allocation to aquatic surface respiration (ASR) under hypoxic conditions. Mass-adjusted routine metabolic rate (RMR) of female mollies showed a significant increase during late gestation. The RMR of males did not differ from females that were in their early or mid stage of gestation, but was lower than females in late gestation. Gestating females spent approximately 27% more time conducting ASR than non-gestating females when exposed to chronic hypoxia (1mgl–1), further supporting a brood-related increase in oxygen demand. Increased time allocation to ASR may directly affect maternal predation risk in low-oxygen conditions.  相似文献   

We examined the multivariate life‐history trajectories of age 0 and age 1 female Gambusia affinis to determine relative effects of age‐based and environment‐based cues on reproductive investment. Age 0 females decreased reproductive investment prior to the onset of fall and winter months, while age 1 females increased reproductive investment as the summer progressed. The reproductive restraint and terminal investment patterns exhibited by age 0 and age 1 females, respectively, were consistent with the predictions from the cost of reproduction hypothesis. Age 0 females responded to environment‐based cues, decreasing reproductive investment to increase the probability of overwinter survival and subsequent reproductive opportunities in the following summer. Age 1 females responded to age‐based cues, or the proximity of death, increasing investment to current reproduction as future reproductive opportunities decreased late in life. Thus, individuals use multiple cues to determine the level of reproductive investment, and the response to each cue is dependent on the age of an individual.  相似文献   

Dissolved oxygen and fish distribution in a Florida spring   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This study examined the distribution and relative abundance of fishes along a dissolved oxygen gradient in Singing Springs, Florida. Over the 1-year study, dissolved oxygen concentration in the spring exhibited a strong gradient ranging from an average of 0.20 mg l–2AM1 at the boil to 1.81 mg l–2AM1 110 meters downstream. Seasonal variation in dissolved oxygen was very low relative to the spatial variation along the spring gradient. Fish community composition was evaluated monthly at the boil of the spring, 45 m downstream just after the confluence of the spring and the main river, and 110 m downstream. The fish community in the spring was characterized by species generally considered to be tolerant of low oxygen. Gambusia holbrooki was the most abundant species at all sites comprising an average of 88.1% of the fish captured at the boil, 63.2% of the fish captured at 45 m, and 74.8% of the fish captured at 110 m downstream. The diversity of fishes (G. holbrooki, Heterandria formosa, Notropis harperi, Lucania goodei, and Poecilia latipinna) increased with distance from the boil. Although there were some seasonal differences in patterns of diversity and community structure, the inter-site differences were much more apparent throughout the study. It is likely that the pattern of variation in dissolved oxygen interacts with the respiratory abilities of the fishes to affect the distribution pattern and community composition along the gradient.  相似文献   

Replicated ecological gradients are prime systems to study processes of molecular evolution underlying ecological divergence. Here, we investigated the repeated adaptation of the neotropical fish Poecilia mexicana to habitats containing toxic hydrogen sulphide (H2S) and compared two population pairs of sulphide‐adapted and ancestral fish by sequencing population pools of >200 individuals (Pool‐Seq). We inferred the evolutionary processes shaping divergence and tested the hypothesis of increase of parallelism from SNPs to molecular pathways. Coalescence analyses showed that the divergence occurred in the face of substantial bidirectional gene flow. Population divergence involved many short, widely dispersed regions across the genome. Analyses of allele frequency spectra suggest that differentiation at most loci was driven by divergent selection, followed by a selection‐mediated reduction of gene flow. Reconstructing allelic state changes suggested that selection acted mainly upon de novo mutations in the sulphide‐adapted populations. Using a corrected Jaccard index to quantify parallel evolution, we found a negligible proportion of statistically significant parallel evolution of Jcorr = 0.0032 at the level of SNPs, divergent genome regions (Jcorr = 0.0061) and genes therein (Jcorr = 0.0091). At the level of metabolic pathways, the overlap was Jcorr = 0.2545, indicating increasing parallelism with increasing level of biological integration. The majority of pathways contained positively selected genes in both sulphide populations. Hence, adaptation to sulphidic habitats necessitated adjustments throughout the genome. The largely unique evolutionary trajectories may be explained by a high proportion of de novo mutations driving the divergence. Our findings favour Gould's view that evolution is often the unrepeatable result of stochastic events with highly contingent effects.  相似文献   

Fishes introduced into western reservoirs are intrinsically shallow-water, littoral inhabitants and remain so because of inherent limnological factors characteristic of mid-latitude lentic systems. Depth of euphotic zone and thermocline and dissolved oxygen concentrations limited the majority (90%) of fish in two desert reservoirs to the upper 10 m of water.  相似文献   

Variation in mating preferences coupled with selective predation may allow for the maintenance of alternative mating strategies. Males of the South American live‐bearing fish Poecilia parae fall in one of five discrete morphs: red, yellow, blue, stripe‐coloured tail (parae) and female mimic (immaculata). Field surveys indicate that the red and yellow morphs are the rarest and that their rarity is consistent across years. We explored the role of variable female mating preference and selective predation by visual predators in explaining the rarity of red and yellow males, and more generally, the maintenance of this extreme colour polymorphism. We presented wild‐caught P. parae females and Aequidens tetramerus, the most common cichlid predator, with the five male colour morphs in separate trials to determine mating and prey preferences, respectively. We found that a large proportion of females shared a strong preference for the rare carotenoid‐based red and yellow males, but a distinct group also preferred the blue and parae morphs. The cichlid predator strongly preferred red and yellow males as prey. Together, these results suggest that the interaction between premating sexual selection favouring and predation acting against the red and yellow morphs may explain their rarity in the wild. The trade‐off between sexual and natural selection, accompanied by variation in female mating preferences, may therefore facilitate the maintenance of the striking colour polymorphism in P. parae.  相似文献   

Riverine fish populations are traditionally considered to be highly structured and subject to strong genetic drift. Here, we use microsatellites to analyse the population structure of the guppy (Poecilia reticulata), focussing on the headwater floodplain area of the Caroni drainage in Trinidad. We also analyse the population genetics of guppies in the Northern Drainage in Trinidad, a habitat characterized by rivers flowing directly into the sea, and a small isolated population in Tobago. Upland Caroni populations are highly differentiated and display low levels of genetic diversity. However, we found no evidence to suggest that these upland populations experienced recent population crashes and the populations appear to approach mutation–drift equilibrium. Dominant downstream migration over both short‐ and long‐time frames has a strong impact on the population genetics of lowland Caroni populations. This drainage system could be considered a source–sink metapopulation, with the tributary furthest downstream representing a ‘super sink’, receiving immigrants from rivers upstream in the drainage. Moreover, the effective population size in the lowlands is surprisingly low in comparison with the apparently large census population sizes.  相似文献   

This study asks if the geographic boundary delineating two fish communities in western Costa Rica is congruent with a phylogeographic break in a single widespread fish species Poeciliopsis turrubarensis (Poeciliidae) that spans this area. Such congruence would suggest that a common historical event (e.g. geological or climatic) could be responsible for both patterns. It was found that there was a shared break across a region in central Costa Rica suggesting a common cause may be responsible for both the abrupt shift in fish community composition and the genetic break in P. turrubarensis.  相似文献   

Cave fishes need to rely on non-visual senses, such as the sense of smell or the lateral line to communicate in darkness. In the present study, we investigated sex identification by females of a cave-dwelling livebearing fish, Poecilia mexicana (cave molly), as well as its surface-dwelling relatives. Unlike many other cave fishes, cave mollies still possess functional eyes. Three different modes of presentation of the stimulus fish (a male and an equally sized female) were used: (i) the stimulus fish were presented behind wire-mesh in light, allowing the focal female to perceive multiple cues, (ii) the experiment was carried out under infrared conditions, such that only non-visual cues could be perceived and (iii) the stimulus fish were presented in light behind transparent Plexiglas, allowing for the use of visual cues only. Females of all populations examined preferred to associate with the stimulus female in at least one of the treatments, but only when visible light was provided, suggesting that far-range sex recognition is limited or even absent in the cave molly under naturally dark conditions.  相似文献   

The evolutionary origin of complex organs challenges empirical study because most organs evolved hundreds of millions of years ago. The placenta of live-bearing fish in the family Poeciliidae represents a unique opportunity to study the evolutionary origin of complex organs, because in this family a placenta evolved at least nine times independently. It is currently unknown whether this repeated evolution is accompanied by similar, repeated, genomic changes in placental species. Here, we compare whole genomes of 26 poeciliid species representing six out of nine independent origins of placentation. Evolutionary rate analysis revealed that the evolution of the placenta coincides with convergent shifts in the evolutionary rate of 78 protein-coding genes, mainly observed in transporter- and vesicle-located genes. Furthermore, differences in sequence conservation showed that placental evolution coincided with similar changes in 76 noncoding regulatory elements, occurring primarily around genes that regulate development. The unexpected high occurrence of GATA simple repeats in the regulatory elements suggests an important function for GATA repeats in developmental gene regulation. The distinction in molecular evolution observed, with protein-coding parallel changes more often found in metabolic and structural pathways, compared with regulatory change more frequently found in developmental pathways, offers a compelling model for complex trait evolution in general: changing the regulation of otherwise highly conserved developmental genes may allow for the evolution of complex traits.  相似文献   

Mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) were collected from 17 reservoirs on three islands in Hawaii, USA. Genetic and life history traits for adult females from these populations were used to evaluate hypotheses concerning short-term evolutionary divergence of populations recently established from a common ancestral source. The effects of founder events and drift on genetic variability and population differentiation were also examined. Significant differences in life history characteristics, allele frequencies, and multi-locus heterozygosities (H) were found among fish populations collected from different reservoirs and between reservoirs classified as stable or fluctuating on the basis of temporal fluctuation in water level. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited greater standard length (35.1 vs 32.8 mm), lower fecundity (11.9 vs 15.2 embryos), lower reproductive allocation (18.2% vs 22.8%), but larger mean embryo size (1.95 vs 1.67 mg) than females from fluctuating reservoirs. Consistency in means among replicates of each reservoir class and concordance in direction and magnitude of differences reported here and results of sampling conducted from these same locations 10 years previously (Stearns, 1983a) suggest that ecological factors intrinsic to these two environments are important in determing population life history traits. Females from stable reservoirs exhibited lower heterozygosity than females from fluctuating reservoirs (0.134 vs 0.158, respectively). Levels and direction od differences in heterozygosity, the high proportion of polymorphic loci and lack of fixation of alternative alleles argue against a purely stochastic explanation for genetic and life history variation among reservoir populations. Levels of genetic variability and interpopulation differentiation were similar to those observed in mainland populations of this species. A high proportion of the genetic diversity was apportioned between populations and within populations due to differences between juveniles and adults. Significant genotypic differences between adult and juvenile age classes suggest that the genetic divergence of local populations may occur over short periods of time.  相似文献   

The Amazon molly, Poecilia formosa, is an all-female species that reproduces by gynogenesis, i.e., it relies on sperm of males of closely related species to trigger embryogenesis. Sperm is supplied by males of P. latipinna and P. mexicana. Amazon mollies live in sympatry with at least one of these species, a few populations live in sympatry with two sperm-donor species. As P. formosa is sperm dependent, it needs mechanisms for species and mate recognition. To investigate the effect of rearing conditions on sexual preferences of Amazon mollies, we raised Amazon mollies in sympatry with P. latipinna and P. mexicana males. We used simultaneous choice tests to determine the effect of age on female sexual preferences. Immature Amazon mollies do not exhibit a preference if given a choice between a P. latipinna and a P. mexicana male, whereas adult P. formosa do have a preference for the P. latipinna male. We used two different stimuli in this study, live males and videotapes of males.  相似文献   

Archived data from a long-term (1973–1988) monitoring study were used to assess the impacts of kraft mill effluents (KME) on fish community dynamics in Elevenmile Creek, a small blackwater stream located in Cantonment, Florida, compared to a neighboring stream, Black Creek, that did not receive KME. The fish community in Elevenmile Creek was generally lower in species richness and diversity than the reference stream. The exception was the mill outfall site, which had similar species richness and diversity to the reference stream. Neither species richness nor diversity changed substantially during the survey period in either stream. Throughout the survey, Elevenmile Creek was numerically dominated by bluegill, Lepomis macrochirus, and eastern mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis. Black Creek had greater abundances of minnows, suckers, and darters. Time series analysis of L. macrochirus for Elevenmile Creek showed that this species was more abundant during winter than summer, but no overall long-term trend was found. Although data used in this study may not be representative of the fish community in Elevenmile Creek as it exists today, results suggest that Elevenmile Creek was highly disturbed during the survey and that species diversity did not increase following mill treatment upgrades.  相似文献   

木姜子属及山胡椒属的平行演化   总被引:6,自引:4,他引:2  
本文阐述樟科木姜子属及山胡椒属两者在形态、分布、起源及演化等方面有许多共同之处,不仅在属内具有平行演化的情况,而且各自平行演化成单花木姜子属Dodecade-nia和单花山胡椒属Iteadaphne。同时两者又分别自4药室的拟檫木属Parasassafras和2药室的黄脉檫木属Sinosassafras演化而来。本文将单花木姜子亚属Litsea subg.UniflosYang et P.H.Huang归入单花木姜子属,并把Litsea monantha Yang et P.H.Hu-ang一种作为单花木姜子(原变种)Dodecadenia grandiflora Nees var.grandiflora的新异名,恢复了单花山胡椒属Iteadaphne B1.,并将香面叶Lindera caudata(Nees)Hook.f.重新组合归入该属为I.caudata(Nees)H.W.Li,comb.nov。此外,本文还发表了一个新属即黄脉檫木属Sinosassafras H.W.Li,gen.nov.,它具有2药室花药而不同于其平行演化的拟檫木属。  相似文献   

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