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Studies of functional modules in a Protein-Protein Interaction (PPI) network contribute greatly to the understanding of biological mechanisms. With the development of computing science, computational approaches have played an important role in detecting functional modules.


We present a new approach using multi-agent evolution for detection of functional modules in PPI networks. The proposed approach consists of two stages: the solution construction for agents in a population and the evolutionary process of computational agents in a lattice environment, where each agent corresponds to a candidate solution to the detection problem of functional modules in a PPI network. First, the approach utilizes a connection-based encoding scheme to model an agent, and employs a random-walk behavior merged topological characteristics with functional information to construct a solution. Next, it applies several evolutionary operators, i.e., competition, crossover, and mutation, to realize information exchange among agents as well as solution evolution. Systematic experiments have been conducted on three benchmark testing sets of yeast networks. Experimental results show that the approach is more effective compared to several other existing algorithms.


The algorithm has the characteristics of outstanding recall, F-measure, sensitivity and accuracy while keeping other competitive performances, so it can be applied to the biological study which requires high accuracy.  相似文献   

An approach is presented for computing meaningful pathways in the network of small molecule metabolism comprising the chemical reactions characterized in all organisms. The metabolic network is described as a weighted graph in which all the compounds are included, but each compound is assigned a weight equal to the number of reactions in which it participates. Path finding is performed in this graph by searching for one or more paths with lowest weight. Performance is evaluated systematically by computing paths between the first and last reactions in annotated metabolic pathways, and comparing the intermediate reactions in the computed pathways to those in the annotated ones. For the sake of comparison, paths are computed also in the un-weighted raw (all compounds and reactions) and filtered (highly connected pool metabolites removed) metabolic graphs, respectively. The correspondence between the computed and annotated pathways is very poor (<30%) in the raw graph; increasing to approximately 65% in the filtered graph; reaching approximately 85% in the weighted graph. Considering the best-matching path among the five lightest paths increases the correspondence to 92%, on average. We then show that the average distance between pairs of metabolites is significantly larger in the weighted graph than in the raw unfiltered graph, suggesting that the small-world properties previously reported for metabolic networks probably result from irrelevant shortcuts through pool metabolites. In addition, we provide evidence that the length of the shortest path in the weighted graph represents a valid measure of the "metabolic distance" between enzymes. We suggest that the success of our simplistic approach is rooted in the high degree of specificity of the reactions in metabolic pathways, presumably reflecting thermodynamic constraints operating in these pathways. We expect our approach to find useful applications in inferring metabolic pathways in newly sequenced genomes.  相似文献   

Interactions between the structure of a metabolic network and its functional properties underlie its evolutionary diversification, but the mechanism by which such interactions arise remains elusive. Particularly unclear is whether metabolic fluxes that determine the concentrations of compounds produced by a metabolic network, are causally linked to a network's structure or emerge independently of it. A direct empirical study of populations where both structural and functional properties vary among individuals’ metabolic networks is required to establish whether changes in structure affect the distribution of metabolic flux. In a population of house finches (Haemorhous mexicanus), we reconstructed full carotenoid metabolic networks for 442 individuals and uncovered 11 structural variants of this network with different compounds and reactions. We examined the consequences of this structural diversity for the concentrations of plumage‐bound carotenoids produced by flux in these networks. We found that concentrations of metabolically derived, but not dietary carotenoids, depended on network structure. Flux was partitioned similarly among compounds in individuals of the same network structure: within each network, compound concentrations were closely correlated. The highest among‐individual variation in flux occurred in networks with the strongest among‐compound correlations, suggesting that changes in the magnitude, but not the distribution of flux, underlie individual differences in compound concentrations on a static network structure. These findings indicate that the distribution of flux in carotenoid metabolism closely follows network structure. Thus, evolutionary diversification and local adaptations in carotenoid metabolism may depend more on the gain or loss of enzymatic reactions than on changes in flux within a network structure.  相似文献   

Most biological networks are modular but previous work with small model networks has indicated that modularity does not necessarily lead to increased functional efficiency. Most biological networks are large, however, and here we examine the relative functional efficiency of modular and non-modular neural networks at a range of sizes. We conduct a detailed analysis of efficiency in networks of two size classes: ‘small’ and ‘large’, and a less detailed analysis across a range of network sizes. The former analysis reveals that while the modular network is less efficient than one of the two non-modular networks considered when networks are small, it is usually equally or more efficient than both non-modular networks when networks are large. The latter analysis shows that in networks of small to intermediate size, modular networks are much more efficient that non-modular networks of the same (low) connective density. If connective density must be kept low to reduce energy needs for example, this could promote modularity. We have shown how relative functionality/performance scales with network size, but the precise nature of evolutionary relationship between network size and prevalence of modularity will depend on the costs of connectivity.  相似文献   

Elementary flux mode analysis is a promising approach for a pathway-oriented perspective of metabolic networks. However, in larger networks it is hampered by the combinatorial explosion of possible routes. In this work we give some estimations on the combinatorial complexity including theoretical upper bounds for the number of elementary flux modes in a network of a given size. In a case study, we computed the elementary modes in the central metabolism of Escherichia coli while utilizing four different substrates. Interestingly, although the number of modes occurring in this complex network can exceed half a million, it is still far below the upper bound. Hence, to a certain extent, pathway analysis of central catabolism is feasible to assess network properties such as flexibility and functionality.  相似文献   

Rates of protein evolution are thought to be influenced by features of protein-protein interaction (PPI). However, the most important features of interaction for determining the evolutionary rate are poorly understood. Here, we consider four categories for PPIs in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Properties we consider are the extent to which proteins interact with proteins of the same function or different function (DF) and the extent to which these interactions involve connections in the dense part or sparse part (SP) of a PPI network. Our findings are that proteins with DF-SP interactions evolve at the slowest rate of all the proteins examined.  相似文献   

We address the problem of cultural diversification by studying selection on cultural ideas that colonize human hosts and using diversification of religions as a conceptual example. In analogy to studying the evolution of pathogens or symbionts colonizing animal hosts, we use models for host-pathogen dynamics known from theoretical epidemiology. In these models, religious content colonizes individual humans. Rates of transmission of ideas between humans, i.e., transmission of cultural content, and rates of loss of ideas (loss of belief) are determined by the phenotype of the cultural content, and by interactions between hosts carrying different ideas. In particular, based on the notion that cultural non-conformism can be negative frequency-dependent (for example, religion can lead to oppression of lower classes and emergence of non-conformism and dissent once a religious belief has reached dominance), we assume that the rate of loss of belief increases as the number of humans colonized by a particular religious phenotype increases. This generates frequency-dependent selection on cultural content, and we use evolutionary theory to show that this frequency dependence can lead to the emergence of coexisting clusters of different cultural types. The different clusters correspond to different cultural traditions, and hence our model describes the emergence of distinct descendant cultures from a single ancestral culture in the absence of any geographical isolation.  相似文献   

Characterizing the architecture of bipartite networks is increasingly used as a framework to study biotic interactions within their ecological context and to assess the extent to which evolutionary constraint shape them. Orchid mycorrhizal symbioses are particularly interesting as they are viewed as more beneficial for plants than for fungi, a situation expected to result in an asymmetry of biological constraint. This study addressed the architecture and phylogenetic constraint in these associations in tropical context. We identified a bipartite network including 73 orchid species and 95 taxonomic units of mycorrhizal fungi across the natural habitats of Reunion Island. Unlike some recent evidence for nestedness in mycorrhizal symbioses, we found a highly modular architecture that largely reflected an ecological barrier between epiphytic and terrestrial subnetworks. By testing for phylogenetic signal, the overall signal was stronger for both partners in the epiphytic subnetwork. Moreover, in the subnetwork of epiphytic angraecoid orchids, the signal in orchid phylogeny was stronger than the signal in fungal phylogeny. Epiphytic associations are therefore more conservative and may co‐evolve more than terrestrial ones. We suggest that such tighter phylogenetic specialization may have been driven by stressful life conditions in the epiphytic niches. In addition to paralleling recent insights into mycorrhizal networks, this study furthermore provides support for epiphytism as a major factor affecting ecological assemblage and evolutionary constraint in tropical mycorrhizal symbioses.  相似文献   

Theories on the origin of vertebrate teeth have long focused on chondrichthyans as reflecting a primitive condition—but this is better informed by the extinct placoderms, which constitute a sister clade or grade to the living gnathostomes. Here, we show that ‘supragnathal’ toothplates from the acanthothoracid placoderm Romundina stellina comprise multi-cuspid teeth, each composed of an enameloid cap and core of dentine. These were added sequentially, approximately circumferentially, about a pioneer tooth. Teeth are bound to a bony plate that grew with the addition of marginal teeth. Homologous toothplates in arthrodire placoderms exhibit a more ordered arrangement of teeth that lack enameloid, but their organization into a gnathal, bound by layers of cellular bone associated with the addition of each successional tooth, is the same. The presence of enameloid in the teeth of Romundina suggests that it has been lost in other placoderms. Its covariation in the teeth and dermal skeleton of placoderms suggests a lack of independence early in the evolution of jawed vertebrates. It also appears that the dentition—manifest as discrete gnathal ossifications—was developmentally discrete from the jaws during this formative episode of vertebrate evolution.  相似文献   

Biodiversity patterns are largely determined by variation of diversification rates across clades and geographic regions. Although there are multiple reasons for this variation, it has been hypothesized that metabolic rate is the crucial driver of diversification of evolutionary lineages. According to the metabolic theory of ecology (MTE), metabolic rate – and consequently speciation – is driven mainly by body size and environmental temperature. As environmental temperature affects metabolic rate in ecto‐ and endotherms differently, its impact on diversification rate should also differ between the two types of organisms. Employing two independent approaches, we analysed correlates of speciation rates and, ultimately, net diversification rates for two contrasting taxa: plethodontid salamanders and carnivoran mammals. Whereas in the ectothermic plethodontids speciation rates positively correlated with environmental temperature, in the endothermic carnivorans a reverse, negative correlation was detected. These findings comply with predictions of the MTE and suggest that similar geographic patterns of biodiversity across taxa (e.g. ecto‐ and endotherms) might have been generated by different ecological and evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

The information provided by completely sequenced genomes of methanogens can yield insights into a deeper molecular understanding of evolutionary mechanisms.This review describes the advantages of using...  相似文献   

使用图论方法对基因组尺度代谢网络进行途径搜索是目前途径设计中最常用的方法之一.然而,由于流通代谢物(如H+、H2O、CO2和ATP等)的影响,图论搜索得到的途径在生物学上经常是不可行的.虽然前人提出了一些方法对流通代谢物进行处理,但均存在一些问题,目前还没有标准的处理方法.文中基于流通代谢物在反应中作为转移磷酸等功能基...  相似文献   

代谢网络在各种细胞功能和生命过程中发挥着至关重要的作用。随着细胞网络重建工程的迅速发展,可用的基因组水平代谢网络越来越多,因而计算方法在这些网络的结构功能分析中越来越重要。基于约束的建模方法不像图论方法那样仅考虑代谢模型的纯拓扑结构,也不像各种动力学建模方法那样需求详尽的热力学参数,因而极具优势。采用基于约束的建模方法对一个含619个基因,655个代谢物和743个代谢反应的金黄色葡萄球菌(Staphylococcusaureus)代谢网络进行了分析,主要研究了该模型的网络结构特征,以及其最优生长率、动态生长情况和基因删除学习等。本研究提供了一个对金黄色葡萄球菌代谢网络进行约束建模分析的初步框架。  相似文献   

The KEGG pathway maps are widely used as a reference data set for inferring high-level functions of the organism or the ecosystem from its genome or metagenome sequence data. The KEGG modules, which are tighter functional units often corresponding to subpathways in the KEGG pathway maps, are designed for better automation of genome interpretation. Each KEGG module is represented by a simple Boolean expression of KEGG Orthology (KO) identifiers (K numbers), enabling automatic evaluation of the completeness of genes in the genome. Here we focus on metabolic functions and introduce reaction modules for improving annotation and signature modules for inferring metabolic capacity. We also describe how genome annotation is performed in KEGG using the manually created KO database and the computationally generated SSDB database. The resulting KEGG GENES database with KO (K number) annotation is a reference sequence database to be compared for automated annotation and interpretation of newly determined genomes.  相似文献   

A long-standing question in community ecology is what determines the identity of species that coexist across local communities or metacommunity assembly. To shed light upon this question, we used a network approach to analyse the drivers of species co-occurrence patterns. In particular, we focus on the potential roles of body size and trophic status as determinants of metacommunity cohesion because of their link to resource use and dispersal ability. Small-sized individuals at low-trophic levels, and with limited dispersal potential, are expected to form highly linked subgroups, whereas large-size individuals at higher trophic positions, and with good dispersal potential, will foster the spatial coupling of subgroups and the cohesion of the whole metacommunity. By using modularity analysis, we identified six modules of species with similar responses to ecological conditions and high co-occurrence across local communities. Most species either co-occur with species from a single module or are connectors of the whole network. Among the latter are carnivorous species of intermediate body size, which by virtue of their high incidence provide connectivity to otherwise isolated communities playing the role of spatial couplers. Our study also demonstrates that the incorporation of network tools to the analysis of metacommunity ecology can help unveil the mechanisms underlying patterns and processes in metacommunity assembly.  相似文献   

The connectome, or the entire connectivity of a neural system represented by a network, ranges across various scales from synaptic connections between individual neurons to fibre tract connections between brain regions. Although the modularity they commonly show has been extensively studied, it is unclear whether the connection specificity of such networks can already be fully explained by the modularity alone. To answer this question, we study two networks, the neuronal network of Caenorhabditis elegans and the fibre tract network of human brains obtained through diffusion spectrum imaging. We compare them to their respective benchmark networks with varying modularities, which are generated by link swapping to have desired modularity values. We find several network properties that are specific to the neural networks and cannot be fully explained by the modularity alone. First, the clustering coefficient and the characteristic path length of both C. elegans and human connectomes are higher than those of the benchmark networks with similar modularity. High clustering coefficient indicates efficient local information distribution, and high characteristic path length suggests reduced global integration. Second, the total wiring length is smaller than for the alternative configurations with similar modularity. This is due to lower dispersion of connections, which means each neuron in the C. elegans connectome or each region of interest in the human connectome reaches fewer ganglia or cortical areas, respectively. Third, both neural networks show lower algorithmic entropy compared with the alternative arrangements. This implies that fewer genes are needed to encode for the organization of neural systems. While the first two findings show that the neural topologies are efficient in information processing, this suggests that they are also efficient from a developmental point of view. Together, these results show that neural systems are organized in such a way as to yield efficient features beyond those given by their modularity alone.  相似文献   

An organism's energy budget is strongly related to resource consumption, performance, and fitness. Hence, understanding the evolution of key energetic traits, such as basal metabolic rate (BMR), in natural populations is central for understanding life-history evolution and ecological processes. Here we used quantitative genetic analyses to study evolutionary potential of BMR in two insular populations of the house sparrow (Passer domesticus). We obtained measurements of BMR and body mass (Mb) from 911 house sparrows on the islands of Leka and Vega along the coast of Norway. These two populations were the source populations for translocations to create an additional third, admixed ‘common garden’ population in 2012. With the use of a novel genetic group animal model concomitant with a genetically determined pedigree, we differentiate genetic and environmental sources of variation, thereby providing insight into the effects of spatial population structure on evolutionary potential. We found that the evolutionary potential of BMR was similar in the two source populations, whereas the Vega population had a somewhat higher evolutionary potential of Mb than the Leka population. BMR was genetically correlated with Mb in both populations, and the conditional evolutionary potential of BMR (independent of body mass) was 41% (Leka) and 53% (Vega) lower than unconditional estimates. Overall, our results show that there is potential for BMR to evolve independently of Mb, but that selection on BMR and/or Mb may have different evolutionary consequences in different populations of the same species.  相似文献   

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