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Developmental instability (DI) as measured by fluctuating asymmetry (FA) has been proposed to reflect fitness and stress. Furthermore, the associated developmental buffering may reduce morphological variation, conceal the expression of genetic variation and as such play an important role in evolutionary biology. However, observed associations between FA and various forms of stress and quality appear very heterogeneous. Presently it is difficult to interpret the biological relevance of this heterogeneity because little is known about the link between FA and the underlying process of DI, casting doubt whether DI can be viewed as an individual property and how closely FA reflects the underlying process of DI. Therefore, studies that explicitly test the validity of assumptions of the proposed theoretical models and estimate between‐individual variations in DI are needed. We present data on Opuntia cacti floral traits confirming that the normal distribution can be viewed as an appropriate approximation of the distribution of DI and that the concept of hypothetical repeatability can provide useful insights into the interpretation of patterns in FA as a measure of DI. Furthermore, we detected significant between‐individual variation in DI. Measuring petals from several flowers within individual plants allowed making inference of individual DI.  相似文献   

Characters in animals used in signalling and subjected to strong directional selection often demonstrate (i) an elevated level of fluctuating asymmetry (small random deviations from bilateral symmetry) and (ii) a negative relationship between the degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry and the size of a given character. We tested these two predictions in plants since flowers are subjected to strong directional selection and are involved in signalling to pollinators, whereas leaves are supposed not to be directly involved in signalling. The overall level of fluctuating asymmetry in a number of plant species with bilaterally or radially symmetric flowers was not generally higher in floral traits than in leaves. The level of fluctuating asymmetry in plants was sometimes significantly consistent within individuals. The absolute degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry in floral traits was generally negatively related to the size of the trait, while there was a positive relationship for leaves. The degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry in floral traits was marginally negatively related to the degree of individual fluctuating asymmetry in leaf traits. These patterns of fluctuating asymmetry in plants suggest that (i) the degree of asymmetry in flowers signals different aspects of quality than does the degree of asymmetry in leaves, and that (ii) fluctuating asymmetry in flowers often reflects the phenotypic quality of individual plants.  相似文献   

Several studies of fluctuating asymmetry (FA) in animals show that secondary sexual characters used in signalling have a negative relationship between size and asymmetry. Larger sexual traits are presumably more costly to produce, which should lead to greater developmental stress and corresponding increases in asymmetry. In the absence of among individual variation in the ability to handle these costs, the relationship between size and asymmetry should thus be positive. A negative relationship therefore suggests that expression of these traits is condition-dependent. In plants, flowers act as signals for pollinators and may show similar trends to animal signals. Leaves which are uninvolved in signalling should not. Moller & Eriksson (1994) found that 89% of species ( n = 16 of 18) with insect-pollinated flowers showed a negative relationship between petal size and asymmetry, while 79% of species ( n = 15 of 19) showed a positive relationship between leaf size and asymmetry. I carried out a similar study of 18 plant species. The average relationship between petal size and asymmetry did not differ significantly from zero in those species showing measurable FA in flowers ( n = 12). The relationship was significantly negative in one species, and significandy positive in another. On average, leaves in species with FA did not show a significant positive relationship between size and asymmetry ( n = 7). There was no significant difference in the slopes of the relationship between size and asymmetry for leaves and flowers. Levels of floral asymmetry for species with FA were significandy repeatable on individual plants in 33% ( n = 4 of 12) of species, but leaf asymmetry was not significantly repeatable in any species. It is argued that condition-dependence of traits need not result in a negative relationship between size and asymmetry.  相似文献   

The degree to which fine‐scaled variation in floral symmetry is associated with variation in plant fitness remains unresolved, as does the question of whether floral symmetry is in itself a target of pollinator‐mediated selection. Geranium robertianum (Geraniaceae) is a broadly distributed species whose five‐petaled flowers vary widely with respect to their degree of rotational asymmetry. In this study, we used a naturally occurring population of plants to investigate whether floral rotational asymmetry and leaf bilateral symmetry were phenotypically correlated with a series of fitness‐related traits, and also used an experimental array with model flowers to investigate the preference of insect visitors for varying degrees of floral size and symmetry. We found that leaf asymmetry was not associated with any of the phenotypic traits measured, and that the degree of floral rotational asymmetry was strongly associated with decreased flower size and decreased pollen production. Our experimental arrays showed that insect visitors did not discriminate among model flowers on the basis of size or symmetry alone; however, insect visitors preferentially visited smaller, symmetric model flowers over larger, severely asymmetric model flowers. Taken together, our results suggest that floral and leaf symmetry in G. robertianum are not likely strong indicators of phenotypic quality, and that floral symmetry is unlikely to be a target of pollinator‐mediated selection. However, the relationship between floral asymmetry and pollen production may provide a role for fecundity selection on symmetry in this species. These data importantly add to the growing literature on the adaptive nature of floral symmetry in the wild.  相似文献   

Adaptive phenotypic plasticity allows sessile organisms such as plants to match trait expression to the particular environment they experience. Plasticity may be limited, however, by resources in the environment, by responses to prior environmental cues, or by previous interactions with other species, such as competition or herbivory. Thus, understanding the expression of plastic traits and their effects on plant performance requires evaluating trait expression in complex environments, rather than across levels of a single variable. In this study, we tested the independent and combined effects of two components of a plant’s environment, herbivory and water availability, on the expression of attractive and defensive traits in Nicotiana quadrivalvis in the greenhouse. Damage and drought did not affect leaf nicotine concentrations but had additive and non-additive effects on floral attractive and defensive traits. Plants in the high water treatment produced larger flowers with more nectar than in the low water treatment. Leaf damage induced greater nectar volumes in the high water treatment only, suggesting that low water limited plastic responses to herbivore damage. Leaf damage also tended to induce higher nicotine concentrations in nectar, consistent with other studies showing that leaf damage can induce floral defenses. Our results suggest that there are separate and synergistic effects of leaf herbivory and drought on floral trait expression, and thus plasticity in response to complex environments may influence plant fitness via effects on floral visitation and defense.  相似文献   

Developmental instability of floral traits is examined in four populations of Clarkia tembloriensis (Onagraceae) with different natural outcrossing rates. Developmental instability is estimated using fluctuating asymmetry (FA) and within plant variance. The results are coupled with those from a previous study of leaf traits. In the first experiment, flowers were collected from the same growth chamber-grown plants that had been previously used to estimate leaf developmental stability in two C. tembloriensis populations. These populations differed in FA for only one floral trait, long filament length. After adjusting for organ size differences, we found floral FA values were about half those of leaves. These are the first quantitative data indicating that flowers are more developmentally stable than leaves. In a second experiment, greenhouse grown plants from two other C. tembloriensis populations (one highly outcrossing and one predominantly self-pollinating) did not differ significantly in floral FA or in within-plant variance of floral traits, though earlier studies of the same populations revealed significant differences in FA of leaf traits. In both experiments, FA values of different floral traits were uncorrelated. We attribute the lack of significant differences in floral stability between populations to the greater canalization of floral organs and to the magnification of measurement error that occurs when calculating FA. We also found that the shorter styles of selfers are the greatest difference in flower form between predominantly self-pollinating and predominantly outcrossing populations of C. tembloriensis.  相似文献   

Fluctuating asymmetry (FA) is considered to be a good measure of developmental stability. We measured the asymmetry of leaves and flowers of 16 different genotypes of Lotus corniculatus grown in four different experimental environments to estimate the plasticity or developmental stability of asymmetry itself. We found that an index of FA (absolute difference between size of left and right sides, corrected for trait size) differed significantly across environments, with the treatment CO2+/N+ inducing the greatest FA for both flowers and leaves. Genotypes did not differ in FAs. Individual plants showed significantly different FAs only for flowers. At the individual level, we found no significant relationship between flower FA and fitness. Previous work indicates that change in asymmetry in a poor or perturbing environment versus a good environment could reflect the intrinsic quality of a particular genotype. However, in our experiment, genotype effect was significant only for change in asymmetry of leaves, and this last trait was not significantly correlated with our fitness estimate for each genotype in either the most or the least perturbing environment.  相似文献   

A buffering mechanism in co-evolutionary relationships could be to display phenotypic plasticity in response to environmental changes. In the nursery pollination mutualism between the European globeflower and its exclusive fly pollinators, adults feed and mate in flowers, and larvae develop feeding on seeds. Flower number and size influence fitness for both partners, and large flowers attract more flies. We tested floral plasticity in plants from two contrasting environments: a high-altitude heath and low- and intermediate-altitude meadow forests. High-altitude plants have single flowers, while meadow-forest plants sometimes have multiple flowers. Plants were grown for 3 years in a garden and supplied with eight times more nutrients than available in natural soils, given to controls. During the experiment, over 90% of all plants with excess nutrients flowered, while in controls, 40% (high-altitude) to 75–78% (meadow-forest) plants flowered. Excess nutrients stimulated 30% larger flowers, and in meadow-forest plants flower number increased 4.5–5 times. Flower number was only doubled in high-altitude plants. High-altitude plants displayed less plasticity, and possibly, a different genetic strategy involving meristem limitation.  相似文献   

Studies of pollination ecology have been hindered by an absence of biochemical information about the basis of polymorphism. Using model plants and mutant lines described by molecular genetics may circumvent this difficulty. Mutation of genes controlling petal colour and petal epidermal cell shape in Antirrhinum majus was previously shown to influence fruit set. White flowers set less fruit than magenta flowers and mutants with flat petal epidermal cells set less fruit than flowers with conical cells. Here we analyse the causal pathway underlying this phenomenon through a study of floral characteristics and bee behaviour. Results indicate that bees recognized plants with magenta conical‐celled flowers at a distance and did not approach white flowers or magenta flat‐celled flowers so frequently. Petal cell shape interacted with colour in determining whether an approaching bee landed on a flower within a plot and whether a bee landing on a flower would probe it. The intrafloral temperature of flowers with conical petal cells was shown to increase with solar irradiance, unlike the intrafloral temperature of flowers with flat petal cells. The difference in fruit set may reflect pollinator discrimination between genotypes as a consequence of the effect of intrafloral temperature on nectar quality and quantity.  相似文献   

The family of phytochrome photoreceptors mediates stem-elongation responses to ambient ratios of red?:?far-red light (R?:?FR). Although phytochrome genes are expressed in flowers in addition to vegetative parts, nothing is known about floral plasticity to R?:?FR or the pleiotropic effects of phytochrome genes on flowers. Here, the following floral morphologies were compared: (1) wild-type Arabidopsis thaliana and Brassica rapa plants experiencing high R?:?FR characteristic of sunlight vs. low R?:?FR typical of foliar shade and (2) wild-type and phytochrome-deficient A. thaliana plants. Wild-type A. thaliana exposed to low R?:?FR had diminished petal and pistil lengths but longer filaments for a given petal size than plants experiencing high R?:?FR. Brassica rapa plants had qualitatively similar responses. In comparison to wild-type A. thaliana, mutants lacking phytochrome A had smaller flowers (smaller petals, pistils, and filaments), whereas phytochrome B-deficient mutants exhibited longer filament lengths. These results provide the first evidence that R?:?FR and phytochromes affect floral phenotypes in addition to vegetative ones. Although the ecological relevance remains to be established, the observed plasticity of flowers to R?:?FR may be relevant to individual fitness in some species because stigma and filament positions can affect pollen removal and levels of self-pollination.  相似文献   

Processes such as competition and facilitation are believed to be important in defining pollination niches in species-rich plant communities. Species with similar floral phenotypes are expected to flower together where this facilitates pollination, while differences in floral phenology are expected if such flowers compete for pollinators. These expectations were tested at seven sites by comparing the observed co-flowering of plants with similar floral phenotypes with null model outcomes. Phenotypic classifications were evaluated using observations of plant–pollinator interactions. Pollinator guilds differed in the number of visits made to flowers in different floral colour and shape categories, indicating that such categories were ecologically relevant. For species with complex flowers, each floral category contained few species, so that the observed low occurrence of co-flowering could be explained by chance. In contrast, within phenotypic categories species with simple flowers bloomed together more than expected at three sites, but these overlaps could be explained by family membership. Most species with complex flowers could be segregated into unique pollination niches by broad floral colour and shape categories, so that there was little opportunity for competition between flowers within such categories. Species with simple floral phenotypes were less well defined by floral phenotype and phenology. Historical sorting may explain differences between complex flowers, while co-flowering between species with simple flowers requires further investigation. Differences found between species with simple and complex flowers suggest that levels of phenotypic specialisation should be taken into account in community level studies of pollination systems.  相似文献   

We studied among-individual variation in developmental instability (DI) and fitness-related parameters in 80 individual plants of Fucus vesiculosus (Phaeophyta). To minimize differential environmental effects, plants were sampled from one environmentally homogenous population. DI was measured as fluctuating asymmetry (FA) of four bilaterally symmetric traits (branch length, receptacle length and width, and bladder width) for an average total of 30 structures per individual. FA levels varied significantly among individual plants, consistent with a coefficient of variation of 0.12 for organism-wide DI or 0.13–0.21 for trait-specific DI. These values are lower than estimates for other organisms, suggesting that the genetic heterogeneity in DI was low. The data provide some evidence for organism-wide DI, but simulations show that organism-wide and trait-specific variation cannot be conclusively separated. Growth rate of branch tips was determined experimentally, demonstrating significant variation among individuals. FA was not significantly correlated with growth rate or with morphological variables associated with fecundity, age, size, and health. At the same time, the signs of all the correlation coefficients were consistent with the expectation of a negative relationship between DI and fitness. The simulations indicated that the correlation between FA and the underlying DI was comparatively strong (high hypothetical repeatability), implying that the lack of significant associations between FA and fitness variables reflected a weak relationship between DI and these fitness parameters. This weak relationship may be related to the low amount of DI variation in the study population.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 92 , 277–286.  相似文献   

Pollination limitation is common in flowering plants and is thought to be a factor driving the evolution of floral traits.The plasticity of floral longevity to pollination may be an adaptation of plants to pollen limitation.However,this adaptation is less critical in short-lived flowers.To evaluate pollen limitation and the plasticity of floral longevity to pollination in Potentilla tanacetifolia,a gynodioecious herb with short-lived flowers,we analyzed its breeding system,tested sex-differential pollen limitation,and compared variations in floral display size in natural populations in Duolun County,Inner Mongolia,China.Hand pollination experiments and pollinator exclusion treatments revealed that P tanacetifolia is self-compatible and non-autonomously apomictic and shows sex-differential pollen limitation.The plasticity of floral longevity to pollination was observed; the floral duration of female plants was prolonged by approximately 3-4 hours with pollination exclusion treatment.Moreover,the percentage of flowers displayed on female plants during pollination exclusion treatment was significantly higher than that during natural pollination.Under natural pollination conditions,the percentage of flowers displayed on female plants was significantly higher than on hermaphrodite plants.Furthermore,approximately 50% of the pollen grains spread out of the anthers of hermaphrodite flowers within 2 h of anthesis; the number of pollen grains adhering to the stigmas of hermaphrodite flowers was significantly higher than that adhering to female flowers when flowers shed their petals.These results indicate that variation in floral longevity may be an adaptive strategy to pollination conditions for gynodioecious P tanacetifolia.  相似文献   

Developmental stability, the ability of organisms to buffer their developmental processes against developmental noise is often evaluated with fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Natural genetic variation in FA has been investigated using Drosophila wings as a model system and the recent estimation of the heritability of wing shape FA was as large as 20 %. Because natural genetic variation in wing shape FA was found to localize in a partial component of the wings, heritable variation in specific parts of the wings might be responsible for FA estimation based on the whole wing shape. In this study, we quantified the shape of three partial components of the wings, and estimated the heritability of the wing shape FA based on artificial selections. As a result, FA values for the partial wing shape components did not respond to artificial selections and the heritability scores estimated were very small. These results indicate that natural additive genetic variation in FA of partial wing components was very small compared with that in a complex wing trait.  相似文献   

Being sessile organisms, plants show a high degree of developmental plasticity to cope with a constantly changing environment. While plasticity in plants is largely controlled genetically, recent studies have demonstrated the importance of epigenetic mechanisms, especially DNA methylation, for gene regulation and phenotypic plasticity in response to internal and external stimuli. Induced epigenetic changes can be a source of phenotypic variations in natural plant populations that can be inherited by progeny for multiple generations. Whether epigenetic phenotypic changes are advantageous in a given environment, and whether they are subject to natural selection is of great interest, and their roles in adaptation and evolution are an area of active research in plant ecology. This review is focused on the role of heritable epigenetic variation induced by environmental changes, and its potential influence on adaptation and evolution in plants.  相似文献   

Blue light controls solar tracking by flowers of an alpine plant   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In at least 18 plant families, leaves or flowers can maintain a specific orientation with respect to diurnal movements of the sun. Previous work on heliotropic leaves has demonstrated that blue light (400–500nm) provides the cue for their tracking response. Floral heliotropism occurs in several families of arctic and alpine plants, but the spectral sensitivity of the response has not been studied previously. Moreover, no studies on the spectral sensitivity of any heliotropism have been conducted on wild plants growing in their natural habitat. Working under field conditions, we used coloured acrylic filters to determine whether heliotropism by flowers of the snow buttercup (Ranunculus adoneus) is responsive to broad-band blue or red light. Flowers were able to orient towards the sun under boxes made entirely of blue-transmitting filters and in red-transmitting boxes having a single blue side that faced the sun. In these treatments, solar tracking ability was not significantly different from that observed in adjacent control flowers. In contrast, the precision of solar orientation was significantly reduced in red-transmitting boxes and red boxes with a single blue side oriented away from the sun. In the early morning, flowers covered by red-transmitting boxes failed to orient in the direction of sunrise, suggesting that this floral response, unlike that seen in some heliotropic leaves, lacks a residual‘memory’ for previous solar movements.  相似文献   

Pollinators are known to exert natural selection on floral traits, but the extent to which combinations of floral traits are subject to correlational selection (nonadditive effects of two traits on fitness) is not well understood. Over two years, we used phenotypic manipulations of plant traits to test for effects of flower colour, flower shape and their interaction on rates of pollinator visitation to Polemonium foliosissimum. We also tested for correlational selection based on weighting visitation by the amount of conspecific pollen delivered per visit by each category of insect visitor. Although bumblebees were the presumed pollinators, solitary bees and flies contributed substantially (42%) to pollination. In manipulations of one trait at a time, insects visited flowers presenting the natural colour and shape over flowers manipulated to present artificial mutants with either paler colour or a more open or more tubular flower. When both colour and shape were manipulated in combination, selection on both traits arose, with bumblebees responding mainly to colour and flies responding mainly to shape. Despite selection on both floral traits, in a year with many bumblebees, we saw no evidence for correlational selection of these traits. In a year when flies predominated, fly visitation showed a pattern of correlational selection, but not favouring the natural phenotype, and correlational selection was still not detected for expected pollen receipt. These results show that flower colour and shape are subject to pollinator‐mediated selection and that correlational selection can be generated based on pollinator visitation alone, but provide no evidence for correlational selection specifically for the current phenotype.  相似文献   

Woody plants, as sessile and long-lived organisms, are expected to have effective mechanisms for dealing with recurrent environmental stresses. In the present study, we hypothesized that phenotypic plasticity (the ability to express alternative phenotypes) and integration (covariation among functionally related traits) are elicited in plants under stressful wind speed conditions. We investigated the within-crown variation of nine vegetative traits of a tree species (Olea europaea subsp. guanchica) in six populations that represented a gradient of wind speed exposures. Wind-exposed twigs in outer-canopy layers had smaller leaves; thinner, lighter, and shorter internodes; and a larger internode cross-sectional area to leaf area ratio. Comparison between field and greenhouse trials revealed that field differences among populations were mediated by phenotypic plasticity. Outer-canopy twigs expressed plastic responses in populations exposed to high wind speeds, whereas inner-canopy twigs displayed high phenotypic convergence among populations. In addition, phenotypic integration increased with wind exposure (outer canopy > inner canopy > greenhouse) and was consequently affected by canopy openness. We conclude that exposure to wind above a certain speed threshold in this woody species elicits a plastic response that is associated with increased integration among traits and involves mechanical and hydraulic rearrangements in more exposed parts of the trees.  相似文献   

Cold stress (temperature <8 °C) during reproductive growth of chickpea is detrimental to flowering and pod set. Cold-sensitive genotypes either delay their flowering or abort their flowers produced during intermittent warm spells upon exposure to cold stress. To find out the mechanism of floral abortion in chickpea, a cold-sensitive genotype (PBG1) was grown under controlled (28 °C/12 °C) and cold-stressed conditions (12–15 °C/4–6 °C). Pod set was 95% in controlled conditions versus 20% under cold stress. The relative leaf water content (RLWC) of stressed plants was decreased by 26% over controls. The retained and aborted flowers harvested from the plants growing under cold stress along with flowers from control plants were examined for functioning of gametes, endogenous levels of ABA, sucrose, glucose, fructose, trehalose and proline in whole flowers, and their male (pollen, anthers) as well as female (stigma–style, ovary) parts. Flowers from stressed plants showed a decrease in functioning of gametes in comparison to those from control plants. The pollen germination (in vivo and in vitro) and viability did not differ significantly between the retained and aborted flowers of the stressed plants but stigma receptivity and ovary viability were significantly lower in aborted flowers. The ABA content in aborted flowers was 23% higher than in retained flowers. The content of sucrose, glucose and fructose in aborted flowers was 40, 25 and 23% lower, respectively, and the content of trehalose and proline was 50 and 73% lower, respectively, than in flowers on the plant. Male parts of aborted flowers contained 7–12% greater concentration of ABA and solutes than those retained on the mother plant but the female parts of the former, especially ovary contained 25% more ABA and 23–26% lower solute levels. Since the male parts of aborted flowers were relatively little affected by cold stress, the events in female parts appeared to be primarily responsible for floral abortion in chickpea. Reciprocal pollination between plants growing in controlled and stressed conditions indicated greater impairment of female parts than male parts under cold stress. Proline (5 mM) application to stressed plants improved the floral retention and pod set by 33%.  相似文献   

The phenotypic effects of genetic and environmental manipulations have been rarely investigated simultaneously. In addition to phenotypic plasticity, their effect on the amount and directions of genetic and phenotypic variation is of particular evolutionary importance because these constitute the material for natural selection. Here, we used heterozygous insertional mutations of 16 genes involved in the formation of the Drosophila wing. The flies were raised at two developmental temperatures (18°C and 28°C). Landmark-based geometric morphometrics was used to analyze the variation of the wing size and shape at different hierarchical levels: among genotypes and temperatures; among individuals within group; and fluctuating asymmetry (FA). Our results show that (1) the phenotypic effects of the mutations depend on temperature; (2) reciprocally, most mutations affect wing plasticity; (3) both temperature and mutations modify the levels of FA and of among individuals variation within lines. Remarkably, the patterns of shape FA seem unaffected by temperature whereas those associated with individual variation are systematically altered. By modifying the direction of available phenotypic variation, temperature might thus directly affect the potential for further evolution. It suggests as well that the developmental processes responsible for developmental stability and environmental canalization might be partially distinct.  相似文献   

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