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Gynodioecy is a reproductive system of interest for evolutionary biologists, as it poses the question of how females can be maintained while competing with hermaphrodites that possess both male and female functions. One necessary condition for the maintenance of this polymorphism is the occurrence of a female advantage, i.e. a better seed production or quality by females compared with hermaphrodites. Theoretically, its magnitude can be low when sterility mutations are cytoplasmic, while a 2-fold advantage is needed in the case of nuclear sterility. Such a difference is often thought to be due to reduced inbreeding depression in obligatory outcrossed females. Finally, variation in sex ratio and female advantage occur among populations of some gynodioecious species, though the prevalence of such variation is unknown.Scope
By reviewing and analysing the data published on 48 gynodioecious species, we examined three important issues about female advantage. (1) Are reduced selfing and inbreeding depression likely to be the major cause of female advantage? (2) What is the magnitude of female advantage and does it fit theoretical predictions? (3) Does the occurrence or the magnitude of female advantage vary among populations within species and why?Conclusions
It was found that a female advantage occurred in 40 species, with a magnitude comprised between 1 and 2 in the majority of cases. In many species, reduced selfing may not be a necessary cause of this advantage. Finally, female advantage varied among populations in some species, but both positive and negative correlations were found with female frequency. The role of reduced selfing in females for the evolution of gynodioecy, as well as the various processes that affect sex ratios and female advantage in populations are discussed. 相似文献2.
Bumble bee pollinated Chamaecrista fasciculata provides pollen as the sole reward to its pollinators. Male sterility, expressed as an absence or nearly complete absence of pollen production, occurs in low frequency in populations of C. fasciculata. Here we describe experiments, using C. fasciculata, to examine frequently cited determinants of the spread and maintenance of male sterility: compensation and the genetic basis of male sterility. In addition, we examine the role the pollination system plays in determining the reproductive success of the male steriles. Seventeen populations in Maryland, Illinois, and Kansas were surveyed and found to range from 0 to 6% male sterility per population. An artificial population of male-sterile simulants and hermaphrodites was created to examine how the local frequency of nonrewarding male steriles might affect male-sterile female reproductive success. Male steriles performed equally poorly, with respect to seed production, whether surrounded by other male-sterile simulants or hermaphrodites. Compensation was examined by comparison of male steriles and hermaphrodites with respect to several reproductive and nonreproductive characters. Male steriles outperformed hermaphrodites in terms of nonreproductive biomass, but performed equally in terms of ovule number and produced many fewer flowers. The genetic basis of male sterility was examined by performing both intra- and interpopulational crosses of male steriles to hermaphrodites and indicate that male sterility is not purely cytoplasmic. The low frequency of male sterility in C. fasciculata populations may reflect reduced female reproductive success because of pollinator avoidance, lack of reproductive compensation, and a mode of inheritance that is not purely cytoplasmic. 相似文献
The evolution of separate males and females is an important evolutionary transition that has occurred multiple times in flowering plants. While empirical studies have stressed the potential importance of natural enemies and organismal interactions in the evolution of separate sexes, there has been no treatment of natural enemies in the theoretical literature. We investigated the effects of disease on the evolution of females in gynodioecious populations composed of females and hermaphrodites, where sex is determined by the interaction of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and nuclear restorer genes. When females are significantly more resistant than hermaphrodites, disease drives an increase in the frequency of females and sex determination becomes nuclear, creating the pre-conditions for the evolution of separate males and females. However, when females are only moderately more resistant, disease drives changes in the frequency of CMS and restorer alleles, but has little effect on the frequency of females. We discuss our results in the context of the evolution of mating systems and cyto-nuclear epistasis. 相似文献
Thymus vulgaris is a gynodioecious species (in which females and hermaphrodites coexist) with a highly variable frequency of females among natural populations (5–95%) and a high average female frequency (60%). Sex determination involves both cytoplasmic genes responsible for male sterility, i.e. the female phenotype, and specific nuclear factors responsible for the restoration of male fertility, and thus a hermaphrodite phenotype. In this study, molecular markers of the mitochondrial genome have been used to quantify the cytoplasmic diversity in 11 clumps of individuals observed in four recently founded populations. The very low diversity within patches in conjunction with the strong diversity among patches strongly suggests that clumps of individuals are the result of single matrilinear families. In clumps that contain mainly females, all the analysed females showed the same cytoplasmic pattern. This pattern differed from that shown by neighbouring hermaphrodites, indicating that the determination of sex is locally cytoplasmic. A comparison of genetic diversity before and after fire in one population showed that disturbances may cause a reduction in genetic diversity and a concurrent induction of local cytoplasmic determination of sex. Such cytoplasmic determination of sex in colonizing populations, together with the greater seed set of females, may largely improve the colonizing ability of the species. 相似文献
Barr CM 《Journal of evolutionary biology》2004,17(4):786-794
I tested whether a region of high female frequencies in the gynodioecious plant, Nemophila menziesii, may be due to hybridization between regionally distributed populations with different corolla colours. I crossed plants in the greenhouse from populations with different corolla colours and found that hybrid crosses yielded higher frequencies of females than within-colour crosses. In the field, I found that populations with high female frequencies had intermediate mean corolla colours and higher variance in corolla colour, two traits suggesting hybridization. Nemophila menziesii has nuclear-cytoplasmic sex inheritance, thus if populations with different corolla colours are fixed for different male-sterile cytoplasms and matching nuclear restorer alleles, hybridization between populations with different corolla colour should yield high frequencies of females. Two populations that are all hermaphroditic in the field segregated females in hybrid crosses suggesting that field populations may contain sex ratio distorters but appear undistorted, a prediction of genomic conflict theory. 相似文献
Stewart T. Schultz 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》1994,48(6):1933-1945
Population-genetic models of nucleo-cytoplasmic gynodioecy are shown to allow invasion of males and conversion to dioecy in a single cytotype. Pleiotropic effects of restorer alleles on fertility through male or female function can maintain a cytoplasmic polymorphism in a population that prevents evolution to dioecy regardless of the pollen fertility of males. However, a cytoplasmic polymorphism has little effect on, and may even reduce, the minimum pollen fertility required for the spread of males into an equilibrium gynodioecious population. Where the thresholds for dioecy are similar, the presence of males during a transient preequilibrium high frequency of females can accelerate evolution to dioecy by more than 50 times relative to nuclear male sterility. However, the appearance of a nonrestorable male-sterile cytotype generally eliminates males from both subdioecious and dioecious populations, converting them to purely cytoplasmic gynodioecy. These models contradict the previously suggested notion that nucleo-cytoplasmic gynodioecy represents a “stable” intermediate breeding system and instead show that such gynodioecy can generally evolve to subdioecy, and often to dioecy, as easily as nuclear gynodioecy. 相似文献
Theoretical models suggest that population structure can interact with frequency dependent selection to affect fitness in such a way that adaptation is dependent not only on the genotype of an individual and the genotypes with which it co-occurs within populations (demes), but also the distribution of genotypes among populations. A canonical example is the evolution of altruistic behavior, where the costs and benefits of cooperation depend on the local frequency of other altruists, and can vary from one population to another. Here we review research on sex ratio evolution that we have conducted over the past several years on the gynodioecious herb Silene vulgaris in which we combine studies of negative frequency dependent fitness on female phenotypes with studies of the population structure of cytoplasmic genes affecting sex expression. This is presented as a contrast to a hypothetical example of selection on similar genotypes and phenotypes, but in the absence of population structure. Sex ratio evolution in Silene vulgaris provides one of the clearest examples of how selection occurs at multiple levels and how population structure, per se, can influence adaptive evolution. 相似文献
John Pannell 《Biological journal of the Linnean Society. Linnean Society of London》1997,61(1):95-116
The widespread coexistence of male and monoecious (cosexual) plants in Spanish, Portuguese and Moroccan populations of Mercurialis annua , an annual wind-pollinated ruderal, represents an important case of functional androdioecy, a rare breeding system in plants and animals. In M. annua , both males and cosexes disperse fully competent pollen. Quantitative gender varies discontinuously between males and cosexes, with males producing a mean of 6.09 times as much pollen as cosexes. It appears that gender is determined by a simple developmental switch, with male and cosexual inflorescences differing markedly in morphology: staminate flowers are borne on erect peduncles in males and in tight spiral clusters around a subsessile pistillate flower in cosexes. Males do not differ from cosexes in their biomass, but they are significantly taller, principally as a result of their greater internode lengths. The cosexual inflorescence is strongly protogynous so that outcrossing is favoured in dense stands, but seed-set is assured in cosexes isolated from prospective mates because of their ability to self-fertilize. Males typically occur at frequencies of less than about 30% in androdioecious populations, in accordance with theoretical predictions for functional androdioecy. In the genus Mercurialis , dioecy is the ancestral condition and monoecy and androdioecy, which occur in polyploid populations of M. annua , are derived. I argue here that androdioecy is most likely to evolve in plants (1) from dioecy, (2) in wind-pollinated species, and (3) in species with a colonizing habit. These predictions are also consistent with the limited published data available for other species. 相似文献
Bailey MF 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2002,56(11):2178-2186
Abstract.— Models allowing the coexistence of females and hermaphrodites in gynodioecious populations assume a simple genetic system of sex determination, a seed fitness advantage of females (compensation), and a negative pleiotropic effect of nuclear sex-determining genes on fitness (cost of restoration). In Lobelia siphilitica , sex is determined by both mitochondrial genes causing cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) and nuclear genes that restore fertility when present with specific CMS haplotypes (nuclear restorers). I tested for a cost of restoration in L. siphilitica by measuring restored hermaphrodites for five fitness components and estimating the number of nuclear restorers by crosses with females carrying CMS1 and CMS2. A cost of restoration appears as a significant negative coefficient (B) in the regression model explaining fitness. I found that hermaphrodites carrying more nuclear restorer genes for CMS2 (or restorer genes of greater effect) have lower pollen viability (B =– 1.08, P = 0.001). This pollen viability cost of restoration in L. siphilitica supports the theoretical prediction that negative pleiotropic effects of restorers will exist in populations of gynodioecious species containing females. The existence of such a cost supports the view that gynodioecy can be a stable breeding system in nature. 相似文献
Plant mating systems are known to influence population genetic structure because pollen and seed dispersal are often spatially restricted. However, the reciprocal outcomes of population structure on the dynamics of polymorphic mating systems have received little attention. In gynodioecious sea beet (Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima), three sexual types co‐occur: females carrying a cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) gene, hermaphrodites carrying a non‐CMS cytoplasm and restored hermaphrodites that carry CMS genes and nuclear restorer alleles. This study investigated the effects of fine‐scale genetic structure on male reproductive success of the two hermaphroditic forms. Our study population was strongly structured and characterized by contrasting local sex‐ratios. Pollen flow was constrained over short distances and depended on local plant density. Interestingly, restored hermaphrodites sired significantly more seedlings than non‐CMS hermaphrodites, despite the previous observation that the former produce pollen of lower quality than the latter. This result was explained by the higher frequency of females in the local vicinity of restored (CMS) hermaphrodites as compared to non‐CMS hermaphrodites. Population structure thus strongly influences individual fitness and may locally counteract the expected effects of selection, suggesting that understanding fine scale population processes is central to predicting the evolution of gender polymorphism in angiosperms. 相似文献
《Current biology : CB》2022,32(10):2325-2333.e6
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Gynodioecy, the coexistence of female and hermaphrodite plants within a species, is often under nuclear–cytoplasmic sex determination, involving cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) genes and nuclear restorers. A good knowledge of CMS and restorer polymorphism is essential for understanding the evolution and maintenance of gynodioecy, but reciprocal crossing studies remain scarce. Although mitochondrial diversity has been studied in a few gynodioecious species, the relationship between mitotype diversity and CMS status is poorly known. From a French sample of Silene nutans, a gynodioecious species whose sex determination remains unknown, we chose the four most divergent mitotypes that we had sampled at the cytochrome b gene and tested by reciprocal crosses whether they carry distinct CMS genes. We show that gynodioecy in S. nutans is under nuclear–cytoplasmic control, with at least two different CMSs and up to four restorers with epistatic interactions. Female occurrence and frequency were highly dependent on the mitotype, suggesting that the level of restoration varies greatly among CMSs. Two of the mitotypes, which have broad geographic distributions, represent different CMSs and are very unequally restored. We discuss the dynamics of gynodioecy at the large-scale meta-population level. 相似文献
In gynodioecious species, in which hermaphroditic and female plants co-occur, the maintenance of sexual polymorphism relies on the genetic determination of sex and on the relative fitness of the different phenotypes. Flower production, components of male fitness (pollen quantity and pollen quality) and female fitness (fruit and seed set) were measured in gynodioecious Beta vulgaris spp. maritima, in which sex is determined by interactions between cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) genes and nuclear restorers of male fertility. The results suggested that (i) female had a marginal advantage over hermaphrodites in terms of flower production only, (ii) restored CMS hermaphrodites (carrying both CMS genes and nuclear restorers) suffered a slight decrease in fruit production compared to non-CMS hermaphrodites and (iii) restored CMS hermaphrodites were poor pollen producers compared to non-CMS hermaphrodites, probably as a consequence of complex determination of restoration. These observations potentially have important consequences for the conditions of maintenance of sexual polymorphism in B. vulgaris and are discussed in the light of existing theory on evolutionary dynamics of gynodioecy. 相似文献
Mathilde Dufay Joël Cuguen Jean‐François Arnaud Pascal Touzet 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2009,63(6):1483-1497
This study is devoted to assess sex ratio variation among 33 populations of the gynodioecious Beta vulgaris ssp. maritima in Brittany (France) and to explore the causes of this variation. We showed that three different CMS (cytoplasmic male sterility) cytotypes occurred in populations, but strongly differed for their frequencies and the frequency of their associated nuclear restorer alleles (which counteract the effect of CMS and restore male fertility). No correlation was found between CMS and restorer frequencies within populations, which has been previously interpreted as a result of stochasticity. However, neutral genetic variation did not indicate recent population bottlenecks in studied populations. Moreover, no significant correlation was found between female frequency or variance and current population size. Consequently, stochastic processes could not be the major cause of sex ratio variation. Alternatively, empirical estimations of the variation of females, CMS genes and nuclear restorer allele's frequencies were compared to theoretical predictions based on a frequency‐dependent selection model of gynodioecy. In particular, we showed that an absence of correlation between CMS and restorer frequencies could also occur without stochasticity. The large variation of sex ratio in Beta vulgaris could thus be explained by frequency‐dependent selection acting on CMS genes and restorer alleles. 相似文献
Morph-biased male sterility in the tropical distylous shrub Erythroxylum havanense (Erythroxylaceae)
Dominguez C Avila-Sakar G Vazquez-Santana S Marquez-Guzman J 《American journal of botany》1997,84(5):626-632
This study explores whether ecological factors, such as pollinators and pollen flow, or variation in pollen and ovule development account for the observed differences (approximately twofold) in the reproductive output of pin and thrum individuals of Erythroxylum havanense. The importance of ecological factors was assessed by means of comparison of the identity of pollinators and the rates of flower visitation, and by performing controlled hand pollinations and measurements of fruit set. In addition, we described the pollen and ovule development of thrum and pin individuals. Our results indicate that pollinators of E. havanense do not distinguish between floral morphs. The differences in fruit set between pin and thrum plants held even after hand pollination and, therefore, the observed differences in reproductive output between floral morphs of E. havanense cannot be explained in terms of asymmetrical pollen flow. There were no differences in the pattern of gynoecium development between the pin and thrum morphs, however androecium development showed marked differences between the morphs, and there was a resemblance between the developmental pathways leading to male sterility of the thrum morph of E. havanense with that of species with cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). 相似文献
Keiko Miyake Matthew S. Olson 《Evolution; international journal of organic evolution》2009,63(6):1644-1652
After over a half century of empirical and theoretical research regarding the evolution and maintenance of gynodioecy in plants, unexplored factors influencing the relative fitnesses of females and hermaphrodites remain. Theoretical studies suggest that hermaphrodite self-fertilization (selfing) rate influences the maintenance of gynodioecy and we hypothesized that population sex ratio may influence hermaphrodite selfing rate. An experimental test for frequency-dependent self-fertilization was conducted using replicated populations constructed with different sex ratios of the gynodioecious plant Silene vulgaris . We found that hermaphrodite selfing increased with decreased hermaphrodite frequency, whereas evidence for increased inbreeding depression was equivocal. We argue that incorporation of context dependent inbreeding into future models of the evolution of gynodioecy is likely to yield novel insights into sex ratio evolution. 相似文献
- Revealing the environmental pressures determining the frequency of females amongst populations of sexually dimorphic plants is a key research question. Analyses of sex ratio variation have been mainly done in dioecious plants, which misses key plant sexual systems that might represent intermediate stages in the evolution of dioecy from hermaphroditism.
- We investigated female frequency across populations of sexually dimorphic plant species in relation to environmental stressors (temperature, precipitation), totaling 342 species, 2011 populations, representing 40 orders and three different sexual systems (dioecy, gynodioecy and subdioecy). We also included the biome where the population was located to test how female frequency may vary more broadly with climate conditions.
- After correcting for phylogeny, our results for gynodioecious systems showed a positive relationship between female frequency and increased environmental stress, with the main effects being temperature‐related. Subdioecious systems also showed strong positive relationships with temperature, and positive and negative relationships related to precipitation, while no significant effects on sex ratio in dioecious plants were detected.
- Combined, we show that female frequencies in an intermediate sexual system on the pathway from hermaphroditism to dioecy respond strongly to environmental stressors and have different selective agents driving female frequency.
In gynodioecious species, sex expression is generally determined through cytoplasmic male sterility genes interacting with nuclear restorers of the male function. With dominant restorers, there may be an excess of females in the progeny of self-fertilized compared with cross-fertilized hermaphrodites. Moreover, the effect of inbreeding on late stages of the life cycle remains poorly explored. Here, we used hermaphrodites of the gynodioecious Silene vulgaris originating from three populations located in different valleys in the Alps to investigate the effects of two generations of self- and cross-fertilization on sex ratio and gender variation. We detected an increase in females in the progeny of selfed compared with outcrossed hermaphrodites and inbreeding depression for female and male fertility. Male fertility correlated positively with sex ratio differences between outbred and inbred progeny, suggesting that dominant restorers are likely to influence male fertility qualitatively and quantitatively in S. vulgaris. We argue that the excess of females in the progeny of selfed compared with outcrossed hermaphrodites and inbreeding depression for gamete production may contribute to the maintenance of females in gynodioecious populations of S. vulgaris because purging of the genetic load is less likely to occur. 相似文献