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Lepidoptera are among the most severe pests of food and fibre crops in the world and are mainly controlled using broad spectrum insecticides. This does not lead to environmentally sustainable control and farmers are demanding alternative control tools which are both effective and friendly to the environment. The sterile insect technique (SIT), within an area‐wide integrated pest management (AW‐IPM) approach, has proven to be a powerful control tactic for the creation of pest‐free areas or areas of low pest prevalence. Improving the quality of laboratory‐reared moths would increase the efficacy of released sterile moths applied in AW‐IPM programmes that integrate the (SIT). Factors that might affect the quality and field performance of released sterile moths are identified and characterized in this study. Some tools and methods to measure, predict and enhance moth quality are described such as tests for moth quality, female moth trapping systems, ‘smart’ traps, machine vision for recording behaviour, marking techniques, and release technologies. Methods of enhancing rearing systems are discussed with a view to selecting and preserving useful genetic traits that improve field performance.  相似文献   

Most people agree that arthropod natural enemies are good for insect pest management in agriculture. However, the population suppressive effects of predators, which consume their prey and often leave no direct evidence of their activity, are more difficult to study than the effects of parasitoids, which can be sampled from host populations relatively easily. We critically reviewed field studies which investigated the relationship between lepidopteran pests and their associated predatory fauna, published in 11 leading entomology and applied ecology journals between 2003 and 2008. Each study was appraised to determine whether or not it demonstrated that predators had an impact on prey (pest) populations and, if so, whether it was conducted at an ecological scale relevant to pest management. Less than half (43%) of the 54 field studies adopted methodologies that allowed the impact of predators on target pest populations to be measured. Furthermore, 76% of the studies were conducted at the scale of experimental plots rather than at the ecological scale which determines pest and predator population dynamics or at which pest‐management decisions are made. In almost one‐third of the studies, predator abundance and/or diversity was measured, but this metric was not linked with pest suppression or mortality. We conclude that much current research does not provide evidence that predatory arthropods suppress target lepidopteran pest populations and, consequently, that it has little relevance to pest management. Well‐designed ecological experiments combined with recent advances in molecular techniques to identify predator diets and the emergence of organic agriculture provide both the mechanisms and a platform upon which many predator–prey interactions can be investigated at a scale relevant to pest management. However, benefits will only be reaped from this opportunity if current approaches to research are changed and relevant ecological data are collected at appropriate ecological scales.  相似文献   

The codling moth Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera Tortricidae) is a key pest of pome fruit (apple, pear and quince) and walnut orchards in most temperate regions of the world. Efforts to control the codling moth in the past mostly relied on the use of broad spectrum insecticide sprays, which has resulted in the development of insecticide resistance, and the disruption of the control of secondary pests. In addition, the frequent reliance and use of these insecticides are a constant threat to the environment and human health. Consequently, there have been increased demands from the growers for the development of codling moth control tactics that are not only effective but also friendly to the environment. In that respect, the sterile insect technique (SIT) and its derivative, inherited sterility (IS), are, together with mating disruption and granulosis virus, among the options that offer great potential as cost‐effective additions to available control tactics for integration in area‐wide integrated pest‐management approaches. In support of the further development of the SIT/IS for codling moth control, the Joint FAO/IAEA Programme of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture implemented a 5‐year Coordinated Research Project (CRP) entitled ‘Improvement of codling moth SIT to facilitate expansion of field application’. Research focussed on sterile codling moth quality and management (e.g. mobility and life‐history traits in relation to rearing strategy, dispersal, flight ability, radiosensitivity and mating compatibility) and a better understanding of the basic genetics of codling moth to assist the development of genetic sexing strains (e.g. cytogenetics, the development of dominant conditional lethal mutations, molecular characterization of the sex chromosomes, sex identification in embryos and cytogenetic markers). The results of the CRP are presented in this special issue.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Two management systems, biological and integrated, were compared to control the major pest, codling moth ( Cydia pomonella ) in apple orchards. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of these two systems on arboreal spiders. The biological system was based on the use of biological preparations, whereas in the integrated system selective pesticides were employed. The control plot had no pesticide treatment. The abundance of spiders was similar in all study plots during 3 years of study. Diversity, however, was higher in the biological plot than in the control and the integrated plots, suggesting that the response of spiders to management was guild-specific. Four spider families dominanted in all plots: Araneidae (orb weavers), Theridiidae (space-web weavers), and Philodromidae and Thomisidae (ambushers). While Araneidae and Thomisidae were similarly abundant on all plots, the density of Theridiidae and Philodromidae differed. In the integrated plot there were significantly more theridiid spiders, whereas in the control plot philodromid spiders were significantly more abundant. On the biological plot, the two families were similarly abundant. These differences were attributed to different age of trees in the control and treated plots, different prey spectrum, different susceptibility of the two families to applied chemicals and intraguild predation of theridiids by philodromids.  相似文献   

An integrated approach to management in epidemiology and pest control   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Management of biological systems involves the application of ecological and evolutionary principles within a decision theory framework. In the present review, we focus on epidemiology and pest (insect and plant) control. By studying their similarities and differences, it is possible to outline a broad conceptual background for the antagonistic interactions involved, and hence to begin to develop a classification system of predictive value in management situations. In particular, we address issues of scale in space and time, and relate these to contrasting practical problems associated with deploying biocontrol agents and disease control. Additionally, we discuss three areas where an integrated approach to natural enemies, using ecological and evolutionary insights, and decision theory have much to offer: (i) management and resistance, (ii) the problems of emerging diseases, and (iii) the links between disease and behaviour.  相似文献   

Insect pests and phytophagous mites cause a considerable loss to tropical root crops in the field. Major pests include the sweet potato weevil Cylas puncticollis, cassava mealybug Phenacoccus manihoti, cassava green spider mite Mononychellus tanajoa, yam beetle Heteroligus meles, and taro hornworm Hippotion celerio. Field and laboratory evaluation experiments indicate that entomopathogenic microorganisms may be adequately used in the management of insect and mite pests in root crops. The highest promise probably lies with fungal pathogens (Beauvaria bassiana, Hirsutella thompsonii, Metarhizium anisopliae, Nomuraea rileyi, Entomophthora thaxteriana, and E. parvispora), but bacterial (Bacillus thuringiensis), microsporidian (Nosema locustae) nematode (Steinernema feltiae) and even viral (Baculoviruses) pathogens may be exploited in an integrated pest management programme of tropical root crop pests.  相似文献   

齐心  傅建炜  尤民生 《昆虫学报》2019,62(2):255-262
生命表是种群生态学与害虫治理的重要工具,由于传统雌性生命表无法正确描述昆虫的变态且忽略雄性个体,近年来国内外学者普遍采用年龄-龄期两性生命表。本文首先从昆虫种群的龄期分化、性比对种群增长的影响、总产卵前期与成虫产卵前期的差异、产卵期与产卵日数的差异4个方面概述了年龄-龄期两性生命表(age-stage, two-sex life table)的基本原理,进而阐明了基于bootstrap技术的生命表分析技术及其主要优点,然后介绍了年龄-龄期两性生命表各软件(TWOSEX-MSChart, CONSUME-MSChart, TIMING-MSChart)的主要用途,即预测种群的增长与防治适期、正确分析天敌的捕食率与害虫的取食量、预测天敌的种群增长与捕食潜能以及指导天敌的大量繁育。昆虫生命表作为一种强有力的分析技术,不仅在研究种群生态学和害虫治理方面已有广泛的应用,展望未来,这项技术还可以用于昆虫生理、抗药性、亚致死剂量、共生菌等方面的研究。  相似文献   

井冈山森林凋落物分解动态及磷、钾释放速率   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用网袋分解法对井冈山地区亚热带常绿阔叶林、针阔叶混交林和高山矮林地上和地下(10 cm)2个分解组的叶凋落物进行了连续2年的分解试验,测定了凋落物的分解速率以及P、K元素的释放动态.结果表明: 3种林分叶凋落物残留率与时间呈负指数衰减关系.各林分凋落物干质量损失前期较快,第1年末两组平均质量损失率分别为50.6%(常绿阔叶林)、41.7%(针阔叶混交林)和40.13%(高山矮林),且地上组显著高于地下组;后期较慢,至第2年末2组平均质量损失率分别达到60.95%(常绿阔叶林)、57.06%(针阔叶混交林)和56.60%(高山矮林),均以常绿阔叶林、针阔叶混交林、高山矮林为序递减,地上组与地下组的差异不显著.根据Olson指数衰减模型对质量损失率结果进行拟合,发现3种林分样地上凋落物分解95%所需的时间(t0.95)为6.8~9.9年,其大小排序为常绿阔叶林<针阔叶混交林<高山矮林.P在不同林分凋落物分解过程中均存在明显的净固持效应,其强度顺序为高山矮林>针阔叶混交林>常绿阔叶林,凋落物初始P含量和C/P可能是导致上述情形的原因.K在各林分的多数时间均表现为净释放.以试验末期的元素释放量计算,P的释放速率在地上组和地下组之间无显著差异,而K则为地上组显著高于地下组.  相似文献   

An integrated pest management programme for control of the psyllid,Ctenarytaina thysanura (Ferris & Klyver) (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) in commercial boronia plantations was developed and implemented from 1986–1989. The programme involved spraying boronia stems only with the systemic organophosphate mevinphos at peak incidence of late stage nymphs. At this time, the majority of parasitoids were pupating within mummified hosts. Consequently, actively feeding nymphs were potentially susceptible to mevinphos but the parasitoids were not. Stem application negated any contact effect on parasitoids and predators. The conservation of natural enemies subsequently reduced psyllid numbers and no insecticide has been required since 1989. In economic terms the benefit to cost ratio of the IPM programme was $22.40: $1.0 and this was 40 times greater than the conventional 10 demeton-S-methyl sprays used by growers prior to the study.  相似文献   

Plant derived protease inhibitors(PIs)are a promising defensin for crop im-provement and insect pest management.Although agronomist made significant efforts in utilizing PIs for managing insect pests.the potentials of PIs are still obscured.Insect ability to compensate nutrient starvation induced by dietary PI feeding using different strategies,that is,overexpression of PI-sensitive protease,expression of PI-insensitive proteases,degradation of PI,has made this innumerable collection of PIs worthless.A practical challenge for agronomist is to identify potent PI candidates,to limit insect compensatory responses and to elucidate insect compensatory and resistance mechanisms activated upon herbivory.This knowledge could be further efficiently utilized to identify potential targets for RNAi-mediated pest control.These vital genes of insects could be functionally anno-tated using the advanced gene-editing technique,CRISPR/Cas9.Contemporary research is exploiting different in silico and modern molecular biology techniques to utilize PIs in controlling insect pests efficiently.This review is structured to update recent advancements in this field,along with is chronological background.  相似文献   

Advances in gene editing have made feasible the potential use of gene drive for pest control. Ecological risk assessments will certainly be required before this technology can be released into open fields. In this article, I argue for the importance to include host-associated differentiation (HAD) as part of ecological risk assessment models due to its potential to modulate gene drive spread and risk. Depending on the context, HAD may hamper or facilitate pest control efforts using gene drives. Overlooking HAD may impair pest suppression goals and inflate estimations of effective population sizes, whereas its inclusion within gene drive deployment strategies, as a form of ecological containment, may facilitate gene drive implementation under specific scenarios. Because HAD varies geographically and among closely related species, it will need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis. Failure to incorporate HAD within ecological risk assessment models may undermine pest control goals and diminish the accuracy of estimated ecological risks associated with gene drive releases.  相似文献   

Bruchids (Callosobruchus spp.) are recognised as the most detrimental storage pest of pulses, especially in the tropics and subtropics. They invade matured pods as well as seeds during storage and, to some extent, farming fields, in turn reducing the net yield of the crops. Several approaches including cultural, biological, physical and chemical control measures have been implemented with the aim of managing these pests, but none of these have been successful across time and space. Recently, transgenic‐ and marker‐assisted breeding approaches have appeared as promising tools for the successful management of these pests. Although some efforts have been made on the development of bruchid‐resistant transgenic crops, the cultivars developed are yet to be commercialised worldwide because of various limitations. In contrast, marker‐assisted breeding involving the identification of DNA‐based markers linked to host resistance against bruchids, have shown some success in the quest for the development of bruchid‐resistant cultivar(s). DNA markers linked to bruchid resistance have been identified in various grain legumes, particularly in the genus Vigna, and include mung bean (Vigna radiata), azuki bean (Vigna angularis), rice bean (Vigna umbellata), cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) and black gram (Vigna mungo). After their validation in different genetic backgrounds, these markers could be utilised for marker‐assisted selection and breeding ventures to protect pulse crops. The present study discusses the pros and cons of different approaches for the successful management of the bruchid pests in pulses. The review also highlights about the integrative approach aided with molecular interventions to improve productivity by avoiding losses incurred due to bruchids, and to attain sustainable yields for major pulse crops.  相似文献   


In many agricultural landscapes, significant biodiversity gains can be made by improving the ecological condition of degraded remnants of semi‐natural habitat. Recent emphasis has been on the level of management intervention required to initiate vegetation recovery in small forest remnants, but no comparable emphasis has been placed on benefits for invertebrate communities. In the Waikato region, New Zealand, we tested the effects of livestock exclusion, mammalian pest control, and their interaction, on leaf‐litter invertebrate communities in 30 forest remnants, using a space‐for‐time substitution approach. A total of 87 376 invertebrates were extracted from 964 leaf‐litter samples. Invertebrate density was an order of magnitude lower in remnants than in nearby large forest reserves. For key taxa, such as Diplopoda, Isopoda, Coleoptera and Mollusca, 10‐ to 100‐fold lower densities were recorded in remnants with no pest control, particularly where livestock were not excluded. By contrast, other taxa such as Thysanoptera and For‐micidae (Hymenoptera) had up to 100‐fold greater densities in remnants with recent stock exclusion and pest control. These changes led to a significant livestock exclusion x pest control interaction effect on the degree of invertebrate community dissimilarity between forest remnants and forest reserves. Using structural equation modelling, we found that treatment effects were largely mediated by a cascading series of indirect causal paths involving altered soil chemistry, vegetation composition, and litter mass relative to large forest reserves, although the livestock exclusion × pest control interaction was inadvertently confounded with differing slopes and areas of remnants in different treatments. Livestock exclusion and mammalian pest control have significant, but contrasting, effects on invertebrates in the first 10–20 years following livestock exclusion from forest remnants, with mammalian pest control having limited benefit for the leaf‐litter invertebrate fauna without livestock exclusion.  相似文献   

Social insects present unique challenges to chemically based management strategies, especially because fast‐acting compounds commonly applied for many pest insects may not be the most effective for colony elimination. The reproductive caste of a colony is the most protected from direct damage by insecticides, and compounds that cause rapid mortality among foragers frequently do not impact the reproductive members or even markedly reduce overall colony size. With recent bans on persistent insecticides that previously have been used to control social insects, especially termites, new compounds must be used. Island and coastal ecosystems are particularly sensitive to the effects of widespread pesticide use and concerns about unintentional water pollution and runoff are common, and international attention is being paid to developing sustainable pesticide options for agricultural and urban pest insects in particularly sensitive environments. Given the precarious status of many native insects and arthropods care must be taken to minimize exposure to potentially harmful insecticides and the non‐target impacts of these chemicals. However, recent developments in the synthesis and discovery of highly selective insecticides with low mammalian and non‐target toxicity provide viable alternatives to the broad‐spectrum persistent organochlorine insecticides that have been largely deregistered. Novel technologies, particularly synthetic analogues of biologically active compounds, yield new chemical control options and management strategies for island and other sensitive ecosystems; case studies from Australia, the Galapagos Islands and New Zealand highlight current challenges and successes.  相似文献   

Botanically derived insecticides have gained favour in recent years. They are more safe or natural. Also, they are comparatively safe to natural enemies and higher organisms. Neem, pyrethrum, rotenone, nicotine, sabadilla, ryania and a number of different available botanicals were used to protect agricultural crops from the ravages of insects, mites and nematodes in different parts of the world. In Egypt, experiments were carried out on the efficacy of neem seed kernel extract fractions and formulations against different pests. Promising results were obtained showing feeding deterrency, repellency, toxicity, sterilant and growth disruptive activities. However, few of these can be exploited as crop protectants. Those that are proven to have sufficient efficacy against pests in the field and can be produced in adequate quantities are suitable candidates for commercial development.  相似文献   

We previously discovered that (2,4,4‐trimethyl‐2‐cyclohexenyl)‐methyl butyrate (cyclolavandulyl butyrate, CLB) is an attractant for the mealybug‐parasitic wasp Anagyrus sawadai Ishii (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae: Anagyrini). This wasp is not likely to parasitize the Japanese mealybug, Planococcus kraunhiae (Kuwana) (Hemiptera: Pseudococcidae), under natural conditions. In this study, we showed that this ‘non‐natural’ enemy wasp can parasitize P. kraunhiae in the presence of CLB in field experiments. Laboratory‐reared mealybugs placed on persimmon trees with CLB‐impregnated rubber septa were parasitized significantly more often by endoparasitic wasps than those on non‐treatment trees (18.1–40.3 vs. 0–6.3%). Anagyrus sawadai accounted for 20% of the wasps that emerged from mealybugs placed on CLB‐treated trees. Moreover, CLB attracted another minor parasitoid, Leptomastix dactylopii Howard (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae: Anagyrini), which also parasitized more P. kraunhiae in the presence of CLB. All wasps that emerged from the mealybugs on control trees were Anagyrus fujikona Tachikawa, a major parasitoid of P. kraunhiae around the test location. These results demonstrated that CLB can recruit an indigenous, but ‘non‐natural’ enemy that does not typically attack P. kraunhiae under natural conditions, as well as a minor natural enemy, for biological control of this mealybug species.  相似文献   

1. A cactus, Opuntia stricta , has invaded almost 16 000 ha of conserved, natural habitatand has become a major weed problem in Kruger National Park (KNP), South Africa.
2. The main objectives in the control of O. stricta are to reduce the density of the weed and to curb long-range dispersal of seeds by preventing young plants from reaching the size (28 cladodes) at which they start to produce fruits.
3. Herbicides have failed to provide satisfactory control of O. stricta because the weed infestations are replenished from seeds in the soil and from small plants that are overlooked during spraying.
4. A phycitid moth, Cactoblastis cactorum , was released in KNP during 1988 in an attempt to control O. stricta biologically.
5. Population counts of the biological control agent and of the weed over a 5-year period showed that, even though C. cactorum has not provided complete control of O. stricta in KNP, the moderate levels of larval damage have stunted the growth of O. stricta and have considerably extended the time that the young plants take to reach sexual maturity.
6. Comparisons of modelled (i.e. with no C. cactorum ) and actual populations of O. stricta showed that C. cactorum is making a substantial contribution to the control of O. stricta in residual infestations of the weed that have been treated with herbicides.
7. The need for long-term evaluation studies in biological weed control is demon strated by the development of an integrated management programme for effective control of O. stricta .  相似文献   

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