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Environmental enrichment involves increasing the complexity of a fish's environment in order to improve welfare. Researchers are legally obliged to consider the welfare of laboratory animals and poor welfare may result in less robust data in experimental science. Laboratory zebrafish Danio rerio are usually kept in bare aquaria for ease of husbandry and, despite being a well-studied species, little is known about how laboratory housing affects their welfare. This study shows that environmental enrichment, in the form of the addition of gravel substratum and plants into the tank, affects survivorship, growth and behaviour in laboratory-maintained D. rerio. Larvae reared in enriched tanks had significantly higher survivorship compared with larvae reared in bare tanks. Effects of the tank conditions on growth were more variable. Females from enriched tanks had a higher body condition than females maintained in bare tanks, but intriguingly this was not the case for males, where the only difference was a more variable body condition in males maintained in bare tanks. Sex ratio in the rearing tanks did not differ between treatments. Resource monopolisation was higher for fish in enriched tanks than for those in bare tanks. Fish from enriched tanks displayed lower levels of behaviours associated with anxiety compared with fish from bare tanks when placed into a novel environment. Thus, this study demonstrates differences in welfare for D. rerio maintained under different environmental conditions with enhancements in welfare more commonly associated with tank enrichment.  相似文献   

Guidelines for creating rearing substrate for sturgeon early life stages are needed for restoration programmes creating habitats for spawning and rearing of early life stages. To determine the effects of rock size on motile early life stages, experiments were conducted in artificial streams to observe the behaviour of free embryos and larvae of Kootenai River white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) relative to rock size. Most (≥90%) of the free embryos in replicate test streams with 100% gravel, 100% pebble, or 100% rubble hid under rocks, with few moving downstream. There was no difference in downstream movement of free embryos among rock treatments, therefore all rock types provided cover habitat. Similarly, in rock mixture tests, with a variable percentage of pebble, small rubble, or large rubble in different tanks, even fewer free embryos moved downstream. With increasing age, larvae increasingly used the open bottom and velocity refuges downstream of or alongside rocks of any size while drift feeding. Downstream movement of larvae in both rock regime tests was affected by rock size, with significantly reduced movement relative to increasing abundance of large rock (rubble). However, in all rock mixtures, free embryos (and later, larvae when they stopped dispersing) preferred the smallest rock size available (pebble; P = 0.0001). This suggests a strong innate preference of both life stages for small substrate that is likely related to increased survival. A rock mixture of 10% gravel (16–32 mm diameter) and 30–40% pebble (diameter, 30–60 mm) should provide adequate rearing substrate for free embryos and early‐larvae. The remaining 50–60% should be mixed rubble and boulders for spawning and egg rearing.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the effects of environment and genotype on behavior during early ontogenetic stages of many fish species including lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) is generally lacking. Understanding these effects is particularly important at a time when human activities are fundamentally altering habitats and seasonal and diel physical and biotic stream features. Artificial stream channels were used in a controlled experiment to quantify lake sturgeon yolk‐sac larvae dispersal distance and stream substrate preference from different females (N = 2) whose eggs were incubated at different temperatures (10 and 18°C) that simulated stream conditions during early and late spawning and incubation periods in the Black River, Michigan. Data revealed that yolk‐sac larvae exhibited considerable variability in dispersal distance as a function of family (genotype), temperature experienced during previous (embryonic) ontogenetic stages, and environmental ‘grain’. Yolk‐sac larvae dispersal distance varied as a function of the juxtaposition of substrate to location of egg hatch. Lake sturgeon yolk‐sac larvae dispersed from mesh screens attached to bricks and settled exclusively in gravel substrate. Dispersal distance also varied as a function of family and egg incubation temperatures, reflecting differences in offspring body size and levels of endogenous yolk reserves (yolk sac area) at hatch. Expression of plasticity in dispersal behavior may be particularly important to individual survival and population levels of recruitment contingent upon the location, size, and degree of fragmentation of suitable (gravel) habitats between adult spawning and yolk‐sac larvae rearing areas.  相似文献   

The early life‐history of Chinese rock carp Procypris rabaudi was investigated during a 56‐day rearing period: 318 artificially propagated P. rabaudi larvae were reared throughout metamorphosis in a small‐scale recirculation system (345 L water volume, 10 × 18 L rearing tanks, 150 L storage and filter compartment with bioballs, 20–30 larvae L?1) at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China. The newly hatched larvae had an initial total length of 8.93 ± 0.35 mm SD (n = 10) at 3 days post‐hatch and reached an average total length of 33.29 mm (±1.88 mm SD, n = 10) 56 days after hatching. Length increment averaged 0.45 mm day?1, resulting in a mean growth of 24.4 mm within the 56‐day period. High mortality rates of up to 92% derived from an introduced fungus infection and subsequent treatment stress with malachite green. Our results indicate that Chinese rock carp can be raised successfully from artificially fertilized eggs. We therefore assume this species to be a candidate for commercial aquaculture.  相似文献   

We reared shortnose and Atlantic sturgeons at different temperatures after hatch and measured yolk utilization rate and efficiency (YUE), maximum standard length, survival and development of escape response. Newly hatched Atlantic sturgeon, were smaller in size, more efficient at utilizing yolk (incorporating yolk to body tissue) and reached developmental stages sooner than shortnose sturgeon reared at the same temperatures (13–15°C). Within each species, decreasing temperature delayed yolk absorption, escape initiation, time to reach maximum size, and time to 100% mortality. However, YUEs and the size of the larvae at these 'stages' were independent of rearing temperature for both species. These results suggest that even as temperature drives metabolic processes to speed up development, these two species are still extremely efficient at transferring yolk energy to body tissues. The lower efficiencies experienced by larval shortnose may reflect difference in yolk quality between the two species and/or the Atlantic sturgeon's higher conversion efficiency. The ability of these two sturgeon species to develop successfully and efficiently under a wide range in temperatures may provide a competitive advantage over more stenothermic species and explain their persistence through evolutionary time.  相似文献   

The Kootenai River white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus population in Idaho, US and British Columbia (BC), Canada became recruitment limited shortly after Libby Dam became fully operational on the Kootenai River, Montana, USA in 1974. In the USA the species was listed under the Endangered Species Act in September of 1994. Kootenai River white sturgeon spawn within an 18‐km reach in Idaho, river kilometer (rkm) 228.0–246.0. Each autumn and spring Kootenai River white sturgeon follow a ‘short two‐step’ migration from the lower river and Kootenay Lake, BC, to staging reaches downstream of Bonners Ferry, Idaho. Initially, augmented spring flows for white sturgeon spawning were thought to be sufficient to recover the population. Spring discharge mitigation enhanced white sturgeon spawning but a series of research investigations determined that the white sturgeon were spawning over unsuitable incubation and rearing habitat (sand) and that survival of eggs and larvae was negligible. It was not known whether post‐Libby Dam management had changed the habitat or if the white sturgeon were not returning to more suitable spawning substrates farther upstream. Fisheries and hydrology researchers made a team effort to determine if the spawning habitat had been changed by Libby Dam operations. Researchers modeled and compared velocities, sediment transport, and bathymetry with post‐Libby Dam white sturgeon egg collection locations. Substrate coring studies confirmed cobbles and gravel substrates in most of the spawning locations but that they were buried under a meter or more of post‐Libby Dam sediment. Analysis suggested that Kootenai River white sturgeon spawn in areas of highest available velocity and depths over a range of flows. Regardless of the discharge, the locations of accelerating velocities and maximum depth do not change and spawning locations remain consistent. Kootenai River white sturgeon are likely spawning in the same locations as pre‐dam, but post‐Libby Dam water management has reduced velocities and shear stress, thus sediment is now covering the cobbles and gravels. Although higher discharges will likely provide more suitable spawning and rearing conditions, this would be socially and politically unacceptable because it would bring the river elevation to or in excess of 537.66 m, which is flood stage. Thus, support should be given to habitat modifications incorporated into a management plan to restore suitable habitat and ensure better survival of eggs and larvae.  相似文献   

Information on growth during the larval and young‐of‐year life stages in natural river environments is generally lacking for most sturgeon species. In this study, methods for estimating ages and quantifying growth were developed for field‐sampled larval and young‐of‐year shovelnose sturgeon Scaphirhynchus platorynchus in the upper Missouri River. First, growth was assessed by partitioning samples of young‐of‐year shovelnose sturgeon into cohorts, and regressing weekly increases in cohort mean length on sampling date. This method quantified relative growth because ages of the cohorts were unknown. Cohort increases in mean length among sampling dates were positively related (P < 0.05, r2 > 0.59 for all cohorts) to sampling date, and yielded growth rate estimates of 0.80–2.95 mm day−1 (2003) and 0.44–2.28 mm day−1 (2004). Highest growth rates occurred in the largest (and earliest spawned) cohorts. Second, a method was developed to estimate cohort hatch dates, thus age on date of sampling could be determined. This method included quantification of post‐hatch length increases as a function of water temperature (growth capacity; mm per thermal unit, mm TU−1), and summation of mean daily water temperatures to achieve the required number of thermal units that corresponded to post‐hatch lengths of shovelnose sturgeon on sampling dates. For six of seven cohorts of shovelnose sturgeon analyzed, linear growth models (r2 ≥ 0.65, P < 0.0001) or Gompertz growth models (r2 ≥ 0.83, P < 0.0001) quantified length‐at‐age from hatch through 55 days post‐hatch (98–100 mm). Comparisons of length‐at‐age derived from the growth models indicated that length‐at‐age was greater for the earlier‐hatched cohorts than later‐hatched cohorts. Estimated hatch dates for different cohorts were corroborated based on the dates that newly‐hatched larval shovelnose sturgeon were sampled in the drift. These results provide the first quantification of growth dynamics for field‐sampled age‐0 shovelnose sturgeon in a natural river environment, and provide an accurate method for estimating age of wild‐caught individuals. Methods of age determination used in this study have applications to sturgeons in other regions, but require additional testing and validation.  相似文献   

Described is the sequence and timing of embryologic development of shovelnose sturgeon, (Scaphirhynchus platorynchus) reared at a constant temperature 20 ± 0.5°C. Artificially spawned, fertilized eggs were held in a recirculating system. Embryos were sampled hourly during the first 48 h of development and every 3 h thereafter. Embryos were viewed and imaged at 35× magnification. The first cleavage furrow appeared 2 h post‐fertilization; early (synchronous) cleavage was completed after 7 h. Blastulation concluded at 16 h when the dorsal blastopore lip formed. The slitlike blastopore appeared at 29 h, signifying the completion of gastrulation. At 33 h, the rudiments of the excretory system emerged, followed by closing of the neural tube at 36 h and formation of the s‐shaped heart at 60 h. The body continued to elongate with mass hatch occurring at 102 h. After hatch, larvae swam into the water column and drifted in the flow for approximately 2 days after which the larvae became positively rheotaxic. After expulsion of the pigment plug, the larvae began exogenous feeding and other structures continued to develop. Metamorphosis was completed after 26 days of development. Because the shovelnose sturgeon possesses developmental patterns similar to those of other sturgeon, we can use this species as a model for the closely related pallid and Alabama sturgeon.  相似文献   

The feeding rate effects were studied on the growth performance of gynogenetic diploid larvae of sterlet Acipenser ruthenus during the first 4 weeks of exogenous feeding. The experimental rearing was conducted from 7 to 38 days post‐hatch (dph) in a circulation system. This was set up in four groups with three replicates (440 individuals/replicate), viz: AC‐control larvae fed Artemia sp., CFC‐control larvae fed compound feed, AG‐gynogenetic larvae fed Artemia sp., and CFG‐gynogenetic larvae fed compound feed. The larvae were reared in glass tanks (44 L volume, 10 individuals/L) with the temperature maintained at 18 ± 0.5°C, photoperiod of 12L:12D and water flow regime of 1‐L/min and fed 50%, 25%, 25%, and 9% of their total biomass/day during feeding. Highest TL and WBW of gynogenetic diploid larvae (AG) were observed with 50.6 ± 1.2 mm and 607.3 ± 36.1 mg (n = 30) at 38 dph. Highest TL and WBW of control larvae (AC) were recorded with 49.5 ± 3.8 mm and 600.8 ± 88.0 mg (n = 30), respectively, with 73.1% ± 11.4% survival; the lowest survival rate was at 46.4% ± 7.1% (n = 30) for the CFG group. The results indicate that the gynogenetic and normal larvae of sterlet fed with live food (Artemia nauplii) from 7 dph can achieve higher growth and survivability compared to the larvae fed with formulated test feed. Results of this study suggest that the effective rearing of sterlet larvae from 7 to 38 dph strongly depends upon the types of feed rather than the genome manipulation performed.  相似文献   

Fifty white sturgeon (Acipenser transmontanus) eleutheroembryos (average size 0.17 g) were placed onto each of four quadrants (0.45 m2 quadrant−1; 200 fish tank−1) of different sized substrates in four circular tanks (approximately 562 L). Each of three quadrants had a different size substrate and the fourth quadrant was left bare. We used one replicate of smaller size substrates (0.5–11.9 mm) and one replicate of larger size substrates (21.7–88 mm). It was found that the white sturgeon eleutheroembryos preferred substrate with an average size (longest diameter) of 12 mm (11.9) in the smaller substrate range and 22 mm (21.7) in the larger substrate range. These data improve our knowledge of white sturgeon early life history, and if confirmed in the wild can be used to protect areas that are crucial for white sturgeon recruitment and survival.  相似文献   

Thermal requirements of larval weatherfish Misgurnus fossilis were investigated in terms of growth, survival and aerobic performance. Growth and survival of M. fossilis larvae acclimated to five temperatures (11, 15, 19, 23 and 27° C) were measured over 25 days. In the upper temperature treatments (19, 23 and 27° C), survival of larvae was stable throughout the entire rearing period (>75%), whereas 11 and 15° C resulted in severe declines in survival (to <10%). Growth of larvae (expressed as dry mass and total length) was highest at 19 and 23° C, but significantly decreased at 27° C. Routine metabolic rate of 3 days post‐hatch larvae was estimated as oxygen consumption rate (?O2) during acute exposure (30 min to 1 h) to seven temperatures (11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31 and 35° C). Larval oxygen uptake increased with each consecutive temperature step from 11 to 27° C, until a plateau was reached at temperatures >27° C. All larvae of the 35° C regime, however, died within the ?O2 measurement period. M. fossilis larvae show greater than expected tolerance of high temperatures. On the other hand, low temperatures that are within the range of likely habitat conditions are critical because they might lead to high mortality rates when larvae are exposed over periods >10 days. These findings help to improve rearing conditions and to identify suitable waters for stocking and thus support the management of re‐introduction activities for endangered M. fossilis.  相似文献   

Gypsy moth (Lymantria dispar (L.) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae)) larvae were reared from hatch on 1.25% N or 3.5% N artificial diet (previous diet) and switched reciprocally to the other diet (current diet) after molting into the second, third, fourth, or fifth instar. The nitrogen concentration of food consumed during previous instars had a strong residual effect on the growth rate in subsequent instars when a diet switch was made during instars two through four, but did not affect growth rate of fifth-instar larvae despite effects on food consumption and utilization. In early instars, larvae reared on 1.25% N artificial diet and then switched to 3.75% N diet had lower mass-adjusted growth rates than larvae continuously reared on 3.75% N diet. Conversely, larvae reared on 3.75% N diet and switched to 1.25% N had higher mass-adjusted growth rates than larvae reared continuously on 1.25% N diet. Relative to larvae previously reared on 1.25% N diet, fifth-instar male larvae previously reared on 3.75% N diet had slightly lower consumption rates, higher net growth efficiency (ECD), and higher gross growth efficiency (ECI). Larvae previously reared on 3.75% N diet tended to have lower food assimilation efficiency (AD) and lower nitrogen assimilation efficiency (AD(N)). Although both previous and current diet nitrogen concentration strongly affected larval growth and food utilization, the interaction term between these was not significant for any response variables except ECD and ECI. Because the interaction term reflects the effect of switching per se, the results indicate that there was a metabolic cost associated with switching, but no inherent net cost or benefit of diet-switching to growth.  相似文献   

Growth, survival, fecundity, and nutrition of Tirathaba rufivena (Walker) fed on two artificial and one natural diet were studied at 29±1°C and 75±5% relative humidity. Larvae reared on the two artificial diets showed faster growth and development, higher pupal survival and weight, and higher adult fecundity than those reared on a natural diet of young coconuts, Cocos nucifera L. The relative growth rate, efficiency of ingested food conversion, and efficiency of digested food conversion in larvae fed on artificial diets were significantly higher than those of larvae fed on young coconuts. The relative consumption rate of larvae fed on artificial diets was significantly lower than that of larvae fed on young coconuts. T. rufivena showed no significant degradation in ability to propagate after being reared on the artificial diet for five successive generations. These results indicated that two artificial diets are suitable for mass rearing of T. rufivena.  相似文献   

We reared white sturgeon Acipenser transmontanus under laboratory conditions and found that a random-forest model containing scute counts and total length predicted age significantly better than total length alone. Scute counts are rapid, inexpensive and non-lethal meristics to gather in the field. This technique could improve age estimates of imperilled sturgeon populations.  相似文献   

Improved methods for experimental rearing ofPagurus bernhardus andCarcinus maenas larvae are presented. Isolated maintenance was found essential for reliable statistical evaluation of results obtained from stages older than zoea-1. Only by isolated rearing is it possible to calculate mean values ±95% confidence intervals of stage duration. Mean values (without confidence intervals) can only be given for group-reared larvae if mortality is zero. Compared to group rearing, isolated rearing led to better survival, shorter periods of development and stimulated growth. Due to different swimming behaviorP. bernhardus zoeae needed larger water volumes thanCarcinus maenas larvae.P. bernhardus zoeae were reared with best results when isolated in Petri dishes (ca. 50 ml). They fed on newly hatched brine shrimp nauplii (Artemia spp.).P. bernhardus megalopa did not require any gastropod shell or substratum; it developed best in glass vials without any food.C. maenas larvae could be reared most sucessfully in glass vials (ca 20 ml) under a simulated day-night regime (LD 16:8); constant darkness had a detrimental effect on development, leading to prolonged stage-duration times.C. maenas larvae were fed a mixture of newly hatched brine shrimp naupli and rotifers (Brachionus plicatilis).  相似文献   

Survival rates and growth parameters of hatchery‐reared sea trout (Salmo trutta trutta L.) fry were determined after stocking in the wild. The larvae were hatchery‐reared for 12 weeks in two groups: fry were fed either on live zooplankton and live chironomidae larvae (LFG), or fed a pellet diet (PFG). The survival rate and specific growth rates were higher in the LFG than in the PFG group. Most effective for hatchery‐reared fish intended for stocking was the natural, live feed. The mean number of chironomid larvae found in the stomachs of fish that were initially captured in the wild was significantly higher in the LFG than in the PFG group. The live diet supplied in the rearing period had a positive impact on the foraging skills of the sea trout fry and their survival in the wild after their release on 24 April 2010.  相似文献   

In recent years, much progress has been made in the rearing of fish larvae fed only artificial diets. A preliminary study was made in an attempt to evaluate the effects of live food and formulated diets on survival, growth and body protein content of first‐feeding larvae of Plelteobagrus fulvidraco. Three test diets varying in protein level were formulated: Feed 1 containing 45% protein, Feed 2 with 50% protein and Feed 3 with 55% protein. Larvae fed live food (newly hatched Artemia, unenriched) were the control. The experiment started 3 days post‐hatch and lasted for 23 days. At the end of the 23‐day trial, survival was best in the control group (65.6%) whereby the final body weight and specific growth rate (SGR) were significantly lower than those in the test feed groups. At the same time, coefficients of variation for SGR and final body weight in the test groups were significantly higher than those in the control. Whole body protein content in all treatments showed a similar tendency during development: significantly higher 3 days post‐hatch, then decreasing significantly, and then increasing unstatistically 10 days post‐hatch. All results suggest that live food is still better for first‐feeding larvae of P. fulvidraco, since live food leads to healthier larvae growth.  相似文献   

We tested artificial diets for rearing the coconut hispine beetle, Brontispa longissima, a serious invasive pest of coconut (Cocos nucifera) in Southeast Asia. We examined three artificial diets that were identical except for their agar content. The survival rate from hatching to adult emergence was 26.0% when beetles were reared on a ‘soft diet’ (20 g/l agar), 16.0% on a ‘hard diet’ (40 g/l agar), and 41.0% on a ‘mixed diet’, in which the hard diet was used for the first instar and the soft diet for later instars. Females raised as larvae on the mixed diet and then as adults on the soft diet laid few eggs, which did not hatch. However, females reared on the mixed diet as larvae and then on fresh leaves as adults consistently laid eggs that hatched. We then examined the suitability of B. longissima larvae reared on the mixed diet as hosts for the larval parasitoid Asecodes hispinarum, a specialist parasitoid of this beetle. Of the oviposited hosts, 75.0% became mummified and 41.7% produced adult wasps. These results indicate that the mixed diet may be useful for rearing B. longissima larvae as hosts for the rearing of A. hispinarum.  相似文献   

Prior to anthropogenic modifications, the historic Missouri River provided ecological conditions suitable for reproduction, growth, and survival of pallid sturgeon Scaphirhynchus albus. However, little information is available to discern whether altered conditions in the contemporary Missouri River are suitable for feeding, growth and survival of endangered pallid sturgeon during the early life stages. In 2004 and 2007, nearly 600 000 pallid sturgeon free embryos and larvae were released in the upper Missouri River and survivors from these releases were collected during 2004–2010 to quantify natural growth rates and diet composition. Based on genetic analysis and known‐age at release (1–17 days post‐hatch, dph), age at capture (dph, years) could be determined for each survivor. Totals of 23 and 28 survivors from the 2004 and 2007 releases, respectively, were sampled. Growth of pallid sturgeon was rapid (1.91 mm day?1) during the initial 13–48 dph, then slowed as fish approached maximum length (120–140 mm) towards the end of the first growing season. The diet of young‐of‐year pallid sturgeon was comprised of Diptera larvae, Diptera pupae, and Ephemeroptera nymphs. Growth of pallid sturgeon from ages 1–6 years was about 48.0 mm year?1. This study provides the first assessment of natural growth and diet of young pallid sturgeon in the wild. Results depict pallid sturgeon growth trajectories that may be expected for naturally produced wild stocks under contemporary habitat conditions in the Missouri River and Yellowstone River.  相似文献   

Lake sturgeon, Acipenser fulvescens, are considered threatened or endangered throughout most of their North American Range. Current hatchery rearing for re-stocking programs utilise conventional methods with little to no understanding of the relationship between rearing conditions and the development of the hypothalamic-pituitary-interrenal (HPI) stress axis. In the present study we examined the effects of substrate type and temperature on the development of the HPI stress axis in prolarval and larval lake sturgeon. Lake sturgeon raised over either gravel or no substrate did not consistently show an increase in whole body cortisol at the prolarval stage. However, after the onset of exogenous feeding a consistent increase in whole body cortisol following a stress was evident. Lake sturgeon larvae raised in gravel substrate demonstrated a sustained increase in whole body cortisol for at least 240 min post stress whereas whole body cortisol in larvae raised in no substrate returned to baseline within 240 min post stress. Lake sturgeon larvae raised at 9, 12 and 15°C exhibited markedly different cortisol responses with baseline whole body cortisol being, 38.6 ± 3, 5.67 ± 0.41 and 25.38 ± 2.84 ng.g−1 respectively. Furthermore, the chase induced increases in whole body cortisol at the larval stage were significantly different for each temperature treatment. These experiments demonstrate that physical environment has a significant impact on the development of the HPI stress axis in lake sturgeon.  相似文献   

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