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Mythimna separata (Walker) moths captured in light traps were monitored in Luohe, central‐northern China, from 1980 to 2016. Annual average temperature recorded an increase of 0.298°C/10 years in this region in the period. Our results indicate that a rising April and May average temperature and earlier occurrences of days recording the highest day temperature (30°C) caused an advanced peak and increasing proportion of high ovarian development levels of first‐generation females in earlier summers. Results using Johnson's formulation of “oogenesis‐flight syndrome” indicate that increasing sexual maturity proportion has resulted in more emigrant individuals in the local first‐generation moth becoming residents, and then increased individuals rapidly in the local second‐generation moth since 2006. Consequences of this action have a boom in corn damage since 2007 in this region. Advanced peak dates of the first and second‐generation moth revealed the same response to increasing average monthly temperatures in the monitoring period. Increasing temperatures, the average May temperature exceeds or equal to 22°C, during the early 2000's may represent a physiological threshold for M. separata development. Our results suggest that climate warming may impact M. separata migratory status and cause a problem of crop production in this region.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the addition of an acetic acid colure (AA) to traps baited with pear ester, (E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl‐decadienoate, and codlemone, (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol, the sex pheromone (PH) of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.) (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae), (Combo lure) can significantly increase moth catches. A commercial AA colure was developed to be used with the Combo lure using a specialized cardboard lure holder. However, research in 2011 suggested that the addition of the AA colure placed in the holder was reducing moth catches. Studies were subsequently conducted in both North America and South America to examine the factors affecting these unexpected results. Hanging the AA colure from the inside top of the delta trap was found to be a primary factor reducing moth catches of male but not female codling moth. Significantly, more males were caught if the AA colure was placed on the sticky liner of the trap than in the holder. Laboratory and field studies found that this negative effect on moth catches lessens over time with aged AA colures that had lower emission rates. The position of the holder in the trap (upwind or downwind) relative to the direction where moths approached was not a significant factor affecting moth catch with the AA colure. However, the spacing of the lures on the holder was an important factor with significantly higher male catches with lures 5.5 cm apart and the AA lure above the Combo lure than with lures 1.5 cm apart and the Combo lure above the AA lure. Similarly, pinning the Combo lure to the roof of the trap was more effective than the use of the holder with the AA lure on the liner. Standardization of lure placement will be important to fully utilize the use of bisexual, multilure monitoring systems for codling moth and likely for other pests.  相似文献   

Studies in Oregon, California, Pennsylvania and Italy evaluated the relative performance of the Ajar trap compared with several other traps for the capture of Grapholita molesta (Busck), in pome and stone fruit orchards treated with sex pheromone dispensers for mating disruption. The Ajar is a delta‐shaped trap with a screened jar filled with an aqueous terpinyl acetate plus brown sugar bait solution (TAS) that opens inside the trap and is surrounded by a sticky liner. The TAS‐baited Ajar trap was evaluated with and without the addition of a sex pheromone lure and compared with a delta trap baited with a sex pheromone lure and a bucket trap filled with the TAS bait. Although the Ajar trap had a 90% lower evaporation of the TAS bait than the bucket trap, both of them caught similar numbers in the majority of the field tests of both sexes of G. molesta. The addition of the sex pheromone lure did not increase moth catches by the TAS‐baited Ajar trap. The TAS‐baited Ajar trap caught significantly greater numbers of moths than the sex pheromone‐baited delta trap in 18 of the 20 orchards. Few hymenopterans were caught in orange TAS‐baited Ajar traps, but the catch of flies and other moths relative to the target pest remained high. Flight tunnel and field tests evaluated the effect of several screen designs on the catches of G. molesta and non‐target species. All exclusion devices significantly reduced the catch of larger moths. However, designs that did not reduce the catch of male G. molesta did not reduce the catch of muscid flies. Exclusion devices with openings <7.0 mm significantly reduced the catch of female G. molesta. The addition of (E)‐β‐farnesene, (E)‐β‐ocimene or butyl hexanoate septa lures to TAS‐baited Ajar traps significantly increased total moth catch. The addition of (E)‐β‐ocimene also significantly increased female moth catch.  相似文献   

Studies compared moth captures of three pests (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) of apple, Malus domestica Borkhausen, in delta traps using removable liners coated with either a sticky gel (SG) or a hot‐melt pressure sensitive (HMPS) adhesive. Laboratory and field studies with Cydia pomonella (L.), Choristoneura rosaceana (Harris) and Grapholita molesta (Busck) demonstrated that traps with either liner, baited with a pair of virgin females catch males, but at significantly different levels. In the field, male moth captures in traps with the HMPS liner were significantly greater than in traps with the SG liner for C. rosaceana, and G. molesta; but not for C. pomonella. Similar results were observed in laboratory studies using flight tunnels. Additional studies demonstrated that this difference in moth captures between liners was not due to levels of female mortality, but instead was correlated with the occurrence of the female's ventral abdominal surface becoming stuck in the adhesive. Studies showed that a significantly greater proportion of females of all species had their ventral abdomen stuck in the SG than HPMS adhesive on day 1, but only G. molesta and C. rosaceana on day 3. In addition, the tackiness of the two adhesives affected moth movement on the liner with males and females of all species moving farther on liners with SG than HMPS adhesive. A greater proportion of female G. molesta and C. pomonella were either stuck supined or laterally on the SG than HMPS adhesive, and females in this position captured as many males as when prone and unstuck on the liner. Our studies demonstrate that adhesives can secondarily influence male moth captures on trap liners when used with bisexual attractants, and that adhesive type should be considered when developing action thresholds.  相似文献   

Male and female moth catches of Grapholita molesta (Busck) in traps were evaluated in stone and pome fruit orchards untreated or treated with sex pheromones for mating disruption in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, USA, and Italy from 2015 to 2017. Trials evaluated various blends loaded into either membrane cup lures or septa. Membrane lures were loaded with terpinyl acetate (TA), acetic acid (AA) and (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate alone or in combinations. Two septa lures were loaded with either the three‐component sex pheromone blend for G. molesta alone or in combination with codlemone (2‐PH), the sex pheromone of Cydia pomonella (L). A third septum lure included the combination sex pheromone blend plus pear ester, (E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl decadienoate (2‐PH/PE), and a fourth septum was loaded with only β‐ocimene. Results were consistent across geographical areas showing that the addition of β‐ocimene or (Z)‐3‐hexenyl acetate did not increase moth catches. The addition of pear ester to the sex pheromone lure marginally increased moth catches. The use of TA and AA together significantly increased moth catches compared with the use of only one of the two components. Traps with the TA/AA lure outperformed the Ajar trap baited with a liquid TA plus sugar bait. The emission rate of AA was not a significant factor affecting the performance of the TA/AA lure. The addition of TA/AA significantly increased moth catches when combined with the 2‐PH lure. The TA/AA lure also allowed traps to catch both sexes. Catch of C. pomonella with the 2‐PH lure was comparable to the use of codlemone; however, moth catch was significantly reduced with the 2‐PH/PE lure. Optimization of these complex lures can likely further improve managers’ ability to monitor G. molesta and help to develop multispecies tortricid lures for use in individual traps.  相似文献   

Relationships between a pheromone-trap catch, adult emergence and penetration of fruit by first-instar larvae of Cydia pomonella were investigated from 1975 to 1977 in an orchard in South West England. For the first generation the times of moth emergence and catch in the pheromone trap were not significantly different; nor were male and female emergence times. The catch of moths of the first generation in the pheromone trap anticipated the appearance of their larvae in the fruit by 140–169 day-degrees > 10 °C. Eggs hatched after 94 day-degrees in the laboratory but in the orchard, wind and sunshine modified the microclimate so that the number of day-degrees required for egg development, as measured by standard meteorological instruments, was affected by wind and sunshine but development lasted on average about 90 day-degrees. This indicated a lag of 50–80 day-degrees between the curves for trap catch and oviposition: the pre-oviposition period in the orchard was shorter than expected from laboratory studies. In 1975 and 1976, some larvae developed to produce a second generation of moths which gave rise to a second generation of eggs and larvae, after an interval of 161 day-degrees in 1975, but only 41 day-degrees in 1976, indicating that in 1976 some eggs were laid before moths of the second generation were trapped. These results indicate that the first insecticidal spray against first-generation larvae should be applied about 140 day-degrees after the start of the reference week in which five moths of the spring brood are caught per trap. A second spray, if required to maintain insecticidal cover, should be applied about 100 day-degrees later. A spray should be applied against second-generation larvae immediately after the reference week for second-generation moths.  相似文献   

Large-plot studies were used to compare pheromone-mediated mating disruption and conventional insecticide applications for management of tufted apple bud moth, Platynota idaeusalis (Walker), in North Carolina in 1993 and 1994. Pheromone trap catches were reduced in mating disruption blocks, and traps placed in the lower stratum of the canopy had a higher level of trap capture reduction compared with traps placed in the upper stratum. First-generation tufted apple bud moth exposure to either pheromones for mating disruption or insecticides affected second generation pheromone trap catches in the lower and upper canopy. More second generation male moths were caught in pheromone traps placed in the upper compared with the lower canopy in blocks treated with pheromones for mating disruption during the first generation, whereas the opposite was true in blocks treated with insecticides during the first generation. Despite reduced trap catches in pheromone-treated blocks, egg mass densities were not reduced in these blocks compared with insecticide-treated blocks. Furthermore, fruit damage was not significantly different between mating disruption blocks and conventionally treated blocks in orchards with relatively low populations of tufted apple bud moth, but damage was greater in mating disruption blocks in orchards with higher moth densities.  相似文献   

Predation by small mammals has been reported as an important mortality factor for the cocoons of sawfly species. However, it is difficult to provide an accurate estimate of newly spun cocoons and subsequent predation rates by small mammals for several reasons. First, all larvae do not spin cocoons at the same time. Second, cocoons are exposed to small mammal predation immediately after being spun. Third, the cocoons of the current generation are indistinguishable from those of the previous generation. We developed a hierarchical Bayesian model to estimate these values from annual one‐time soil sampling datasets. To apply this model to an actual data set, field surveys were conducted in eight stands of larch plantations in central Hokkaido (Japan) from 2009 to 2012. Ten 0.04‐m2 soil samples were annually collected from each site in mid‐October. The abundance of unopened cocoons (I), cocoons emptied by small‐mammal predation (M), and empty cocoons caused by something other than small‐mammal predation (H) were determined. The abundance of newly spun cocoons, the predation rate by small mammals before and after cocoon sampling, and the annual rate of empty cocoons that remained were estimated. A posterior predictive check yielded Bayesian P‐values of 0.54, 0.48, and 0.07 for I, M, and H, respectively. Estimated predation rates showed a significant positive correlation with the number of trap captures of small mammals. Estimates of the number of newly spun cocoons had a significant positive correlation with defoliation intensity. These results indicate that our model showed an acceptable fit, with reasonable estimates. Our model is expected to be widely applicable to all hymenopteran and lepidopteran insects that spin cocoons in soil.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in North and South America during 2012–2013 to evaluate the use of lure combinations of sex pheromones (PH), host plant volatiles (HPVs) and food baits in traps to capture the oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), and codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), in pome and stone fruit orchards treated with sex pheromones. The combination of the sex pheromone of both species (PH combo lure) significantly increased G. molesta and marginally decreased C. pomonella captures as compared with captures of each species with either of their sex pheromones alone. The addition of a HPV combination lure [(E,Z)‐2,4‐ethyl decadienoate plus (E)‐β‐ocimene] or acetic acid used alone or together did not significantly increase the catch of either species in traps with the PH combo lure. The Ajar trap baited with terpinyl acetate and brown sugar (TAS bait) caught significantly more G. molesta than the delta trap baited with PH combo plus acetic acid in California during 2012. The addition of a PH combo lure to an Ajar trap significantly increased catches of G. molesta compared to the use of the TAS bait or PH combo lure alone in 2013. Female G. molesta were caught in TAS‐baited Ajar traps at similar levels with or without the use of additional lures. Ajar traps baited with the TAS bait alone or with (E)‐β‐ocimene and/or PH combo lures caught significantly fewer C. pomonella than delta traps with sex pheromone alone. Ajar traps with 6.4‐mm screened flaps caught similar numbers of total and female G. molesta as similarly baited open Ajar traps, and with a significant reduction in the catch of non‐targets. Broader testing of HPV and PH combo lures for G. molesta in either delta or screened or open Ajar traps is warranted.  相似文献   

In moth species, females emit a species‐specific sex pheromone that is perceived over long distance by conspecific males. The species‐specificity in the chemical communication channel is achieved by a combination of unique components in specific ratios and sometimes also by interspecific behavioural antagonists to deter sympatrically occurring heterospecific males. In this study, we determined possible antagonistic effects in Helicoverpa gelotopoeon Dyar (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) males to the major sex pheromone component of sympatrically occurring heliothine moths, Z11‐16:Ald, as well as to the sex pheromone of the sympatrically occurring Heliothis virescens (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) (Z11‐16:Ald and Z9‐14:Ald). We also explored whether other co‐occurring species are attracted to these pheromone blends. Our field experiments showed that the addition of Z11‐16:Ald alone or in combination with Z9‐14:Ald inhibited trap catches of H. gelotopoeon males and that this inhibition depended on the concentration of these compounds. In addition, other moth species were attracted to the blends. Together, our results confirm the antagonistic effect of heterospecific sex pheromone compounds of H. virescens to H. gelotopoeon.  相似文献   

The box‐tree pyralid Cydalima perspectalis (Walker 1859) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae), native to Eastern Asia, is a newly introduced species causing severe damage to box‐trees (Buxus sp.) in private and public gardens as well as in semi‐natural box‐tree forests in Central Europe. It is so far not known whether different box‐tree subspecies (or varieties) are similarly affected by this invasive moth. In a choice experiment offering branches of five different box‐tree varieties as oviposition sites, we found a preference of female moths for laying their egg clusters on the variety ‘Rotundifolia’, while other varieties were less frequently considered. The preference for ‘Rotundifolia’, the variety with the largest leaves in the tests, remained when intervariety differences in foliar area (mean leaf size × number of leaves) were taken into account. Feeding larvae on leaves of either of the five box‐tree varieties revealed a significant effect of the seasonal generation of C. perspectalis on the growth rate of individuals but no influence of the box‐tree variety. Larvae from the spring generation show the highest growth rate, those from the summer generation a moderate and those from the autumn generation the lowest growth rate. The moths used in the experiments may belong to the 10th to 12th generation present in Europe. The time elapsed since their introduction may be too short for an optimal adaptation to the partly novel diet encountered by the invasive moth.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in Chile and the United States to compare the attractiveness of various commercial sex pheromone lures and two experimental lures for oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), in peach orchards treated with or without sex pheromone dispensers. The experimental lures contained the three‐component sex pheromone blend of G. molesta: Z‐8‐dodecenyl acetate, E‐8‐dodecenyl acetate and Z‐8‐dodecenol (Z8‐12:OH), and the sex pheromone of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), (E,E)‐8,10‐dodecadien‐1‐ol, (codlemone). Commercial lures varied in their substrate, initial loading and blend ratio of components. Significant differences in male catches were found among commercial lures in orchards treated with or without sex pheromone dispensers. Experimental lures with the addition of codlemone significantly increased the catches of G. molesta using lures loaded with 0%, 1% or 5% Z8‐12:OH in the G. molesta blend compared with the same ratio of components in just the G. molesta blend. The experimental lures were significantly more attractive than all commercial lures in the untreated orchard. However, moth catch with the experimental lures in the sex pheromone‐treated orchard was only intermediate among all of the lures tested. These findings highlight the need to develop more effective and standardized lures that can be used in trap‐based monitoring programme for this important pest.  相似文献   

Resources added to agroecosystems to enhance biological control are potentially available to multiple members of the resident insect community—not only the biological control agents for which the resources are intended. Many studies have examined the effects of sugar feeding on the efficacy of biological control agents. However, such information is lacking for other, interacting species such as facultative hyperparasitoids, which may contribute to pest suppression but can also interfere with introduced biological control agents. Under greenhouse conditions, we tested the direct effects of sugar and nectar provisioning on the longevity, host‐killing impact and offspring production of two pupal parasitoids associated with leek moth, Acrolepiopsis assectella: the introduced biological control agent, Diadromus pulchellus, and the native facultative hyperparasitoid, Conura albifrons. Adding sucrose, buckwheat or a combination of buckwheat and common vetch to a sugar‐deprived system (potted leek plants in cages) increased parasitoid longevity and resulted in higher leek moth parasitism and mortality compared to water or common vetch treatments. However, the two parasitoid species exhibited a distinct temporal response to the treatments, likely influenced by differences in their life histories. This study provides insight into how integrating conservation biological control techniques could affect the success of a classical biological control programme.  相似文献   

The Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner), was selected as a representative stored-product moth to test the validity of contour mapping of trap catch for pest monitoring in warehouses and retail stores. Three experiments, each replicated five times, were conducted in a 3.2 by 9.0-m aluminum shed. Each experiment involved placing pupae at a single release point (source) and recording the numbers of emerging adult males captured after 24, 48, and 72 h in each of four pheromone-baited sticky traps. The experiments differed only with respect to the point of release. Distribution of trap catch reflected the general distribution of moths in the shed; and consecutive contour maps tracked their dispersal from the source. As emergence and dispersal progressed, cumulative trap catch increased throughout the shed, but it remained highest near the source. The observed spatial patterns of trap catch relative to sources of infestation and the inverse relationship of trap catch to distance from a source support the validity of contour mapping as a means of monitoring stored-product moths and locating foci of infestation. The relationship between trap catch and distance from a source of infestation was well described by two-parameter exponential decay, both in P. interpunctella and in the previously studied Lasioderma serricorne (F.). Analysis of data from retail pet stores also showed exponential decline in trap catch of P. interpunctella with distance from centers of infestation.  相似文献   

The box‐tree moth Cydalima perspectalis (Walker) is an invasive pest causing severe damage to box trees (Buxus spp.). It is native to Japan, Korea and China, but established populations have been recorded in a number of locations across Europe since 2007 and the spread of the insect continues. The developmental investigations suggest that larvae overwinter mainly in their 3rd instar in Europe and that diapause is induced by a day length of about 13.5 h. One and a half to 2 months in the cold are necessary to terminate diapause. Threshold temperatures for development and number of degree‐days to complete a generation are slightly different from those calculated in previous studies in Japan. A bioclimatic (CLIMEX®) model for C. perspectalis in Europe was developed, based on climate, ecological and developmental parameters from the literature and new field and laboratory studies on diapause termination, thermal requirements and phenology. The model was then validated with actual distribution records and phenology data. The current distribution and life history of C. perspectalis in Europe were consistent with the predicted distribution. The climate model suggests that C. perspectalis is likely to continue its spread across Europe, except for Northern Fenno‐Scandinavia, Northern Scotland and high mountain regions. The northern distribution of C. perspectalis is expected to be limited by a number of degree‐days above the temperature threshold insufficient to complete a generation, whereas its southern range is limited by the absence of a cold period necessary to resume diapause. The model predicts relatively high Ecoclimatic Indices throughout most of Europe, suggesting that the insect has the potential of becoming a pest in most of its predicted range. However, damage is likely to be higher in Southern and Central Europe where the moth is able to complete at least two generations per year.  相似文献   

The phenology of oriental fruit moth, Grapholita molesta (Busck), on apple (Malus spp.) in North Carolina was studied using pheromone traps and egg sampling in abandoned and commercial orchards in 2000 and 2001, with subsequent development of an oviposition degree-day model and management studies in relation to codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), phenology. Oriental fruit moth eggs were found in greater numbers on leaves early and on fruit later in the growing season, on the top versus the bottom of the leaf surface, and on the calyx area versus the side or stem end of the fruit. A degree-day (DD) model to predict oriental fruit moth oviposition was developed based on temperature accumulations from peak moth trap capture of the first (overwintering) generation, by using 7.2 and 32.2 degrees C as the temperature limits. The model predicted four ovipositing generations of oriental fruit moth with the second beginning 507 DD after peak moth catch. Using predictions of the oriental fruit moth and codling moth degree-day oviposition models, an experiment was conducted to determine the level of second generation oriental fruit moth control with methoxyfenozide applied under different scenarios for first generation codling moth. Methoxyfenozide was equally effective in managing codling moth and oriental fruit moth for all treatment timings.  相似文献   

Overcompensation is a plant tolerance response in which plants have higher fitness after herbivory than without damage. Although it has been demonstrated that plants are able to simultaneously express resistance and tolerance traits, it remains unclear whether overcompensating plants are also inducing resistance‐mediating secondary metabolite production and how herbivores perform on plants that overcompensate. Our previous work has shown that a potato variety [Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Pastusa Suprema (Solanaceae)] from Colombia can express overcompensatory responses to damage by larvae of the Guatemalan potato moth, Tecia solanivora Povolny (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae). Here we investigated (1) whether potatoes that express overcompensatory responses also induce resistance traits and (2) how the previous damage affects Guatemalan potato moth preference and performance. Our results show that larval feeding not only systemically induces higher tuber biomass but also an increased production of resistance‐related compounds, such as phenolics and proteinase inhibitors. Pupal mass increased with increasing tuber size, whereas changes in tuber secondary metabolism did not correlate with any metric of larval performance. Oviposition preference did not change between induced and undamaged plants. Our data show that potato plants expressing overcompensatory responses also induce secondary compounds known to increase resistance against herbivores. However, the induced response was relatively small, reducing the opportunities for a negative effect on the herbivore. Hypotheses for why larvae perform better in larger tubers and are not affected by the secondary metabolism are discussed. From an ecological and agricultural point of view, our results suggest that the expression of overcompensatory traits could have positive effects on herbivore performance.  相似文献   

Trapping approaches developed for the emerald ash borer (EAB), Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire (Coleoptera: Buprestidae), were adapted for trapping several European oak buprestid species. These approaches included the use of natural leaf surfaces as well as green and purple plastic in sticky trap designs. Plastic surfaces were incorporated into novel ‘branch‐trap’ designs that each presented two 5 × 9‐cm2 rectangular surfaces on a cardboard structure wrapped around the leaves of a branch. We used visual adult Agrilus decoys in an attempt to evoke male mating approaches toward the traps. Our first experiment compared the attractiveness of visual characteristics of the surfaces of branch‐traps. The second looked at the effect on trap captures of adding semiochemical lures, including manuka oil, (Z)‐3‐hexen‐1‐ol, and (Z)‐9‐tricosene. In total, 1 962 buprestid specimens including 14 species from the genus Agrilus were caught on 178 traps in a 22‐day time‐span. Overall, the green plastic‐covered branch‐traps significantly out‐performed the other trap designs. We further found that the presence of an EAB visual decoy placed on the trap surface often increased captures on these green traps, but this effect was stronger for certain Agrilus species than for others. The visual decoy was particularly important for the most serious pest detected, Agrilus biguttatus Fabricius, which was captured 13 times on traps with decoys, but only once without a decoy. There were some small but significant effects of odor treatment on the capture of buprestids of two common species, Agrilus angustulus Illiger and Agrilus sulcicollis Lacordaire. There were also 141 Elateridae specimens on these traps, which were not influenced by trap type or decoys. The results suggest that small branch‐traps of this nature can provide a useful new tool for monitoring of buprestids, which have the potential to be further optimized with respect to visual and olfactory cues.  相似文献   

Climate change induces an alteration in the life cycle of many poikilothermic organisms, resulting in changes in the structure and function of communities. Changes in voltinism in the pine moth Dendrolimus spectabilis (Butler), which is known to be univoltine in South Korea, were studied to elucidate the effects of climate change on their voltinism. The developmental stages of the pine moth were evaluated through field surveys, and the developmental rate was estimated at five different temperatures: 17, 20, 25, 28, and 32°C. Field surveys showed that the moths completed two generations per year, indicating that the phenology of the pine moth in this area had changed from univoltinism to bivoltinism. Laboratory experiments showed that increasing the temperature could induce a change in voltinism in the pine moth population. Generations of the bivoltine population displayed phenotypic plasticity: the fitness of the first generation was greater than that of the second generation with regard to size and fecundity. The difference in fitness between the first and second generations could be due to the influence of factors such as low food quality and heat stress on the second generation. Therefore, changes in thermal conditions due to climate change have offered this species the chance to develop a bivoltine population, but they have also exerted ecological costs, especially for the second generation of the pine moth.  相似文献   

Trichokonins (TKs) are antimicrobial peptaibols that are extracted from Trichoderma pseudokoningii strain SMF2. We discovered that TK VI, the primary active constituent of TKs, not only promotes growth, but also induces systemic resistance against grey mould caused by Botrytis cinerea in moth orchid (Phalaenopsis). Firstly, following treatment with TK VI, the growth of several varieties of Phalaenopsis increased relative to the control treatment. Both the aboveground and belowground biomass increased, particularly the length, superficial area, volume and root branching. Secondly, treatment with TK VI by either root or foliar application controlled grey mould on the moth orchids. Following irrigation with TK VI, the activities of defence‐related enzymes, including peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase and phenylalanine ammonia‐lyase, and the resistance‐related enzymes, including superoxide dismutase and catalase, all increased, while those of harmful substance malondialdehyde decreased. These findings indicated that induced systemic resistance was the primary mechanism of control.  相似文献   

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