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描述毛真革赛螨Gamasellus vibrissatus Emberson,1967雄螨、后若螨和前若螨。  相似文献   

亚洲革板螨(Gamasholaspis asiaticus Petrova,1967)在所查到的文献中仅描述了雌螨[1],本文描述其雄螨和后若螨. 文中测量单位为μm,括号内为测量均值. 亚洲革板螨(Gamasholaspis asiaticus Petrova,1967) 雄螨(图1):体黄色,椭圆形,长宽,一标本为804×540,另一标本为689×425.背板覆盖整个背面,具29对光滑长毛,末端远超过下位毛基部.胸前板1对,发达,楔形.  相似文献   

描述纳氏厉螨Laelaps nuttalli Hirst,1915雄螨与后若螨。  相似文献   

本文重新描述峰革赛螨Gamasellus montanus(Willmann,1936)成螨。  相似文献   

描述新囊螨(Asca novaW illm ann,1939)雄螨和云囊螨(Asca nubesIsh ikawa,1969)成螨前各期。  相似文献   

峰革赛螨幼若螨描述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股:胭螨科)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在所查到的献中,峰革赛螨Gamasellus montanus(Willmann,1936)仅描述了雌和雄螨(BpereToBa和Щep5aK,1977),本描述其后若螨、前若螨和幼螨。中测量单位为μm,括号内为测量均值。  相似文献   

报道中气门螨3新记录和3已知种雄螨后若螨描述。  相似文献   

马立名 《蛛形学报》2011,20(2):77-83
记述仿胭螨属1新种:湖北仿胭螨Rhodacarellus hubeiensis sp.nov.和革赛螨属1新种:拟羽革赛螨Gamasellus imitoplumosus sp.nov.。并对细毛革赛螨Gamasellus leptinochaetus Ma,2005进行补充描述。  相似文献   

记述革赛螨属一新种:细毛革赛螨Gamasellus leptinochaetus sp.nov.和囊螨属一新种:拟异囊螨Asca subidiobasis sp.nov.,并对异基囊螨Asca idiobasis Gu et Guo,1997,安氏囊螨Asca anwenjui Ma,2003和拟巨囊螨Asca submajor Ma,2003进行补充描述.  相似文献   

克瓦厚厉螨(Pachylaelaps kievati Davydova,1971),在所查到的献中仅描述了雌螨(KoponeBa,1977),本描述其雄螨及后若螨。  相似文献   

萎缩巨螯螨 Macrocheles reductus Petrova,1 96 6在所查到的文献中仅见雌螨描述(Брегетова,1 977)。本文描述其雄螨与后若螨 ,并补充雌螨特征。萎缩巨螯螨 Macrochelesreductus Petrova,1966雌螨形态补充描述 (图 1 - 2 ) 形态与原描述所绘图 ( Брегетова,1 977)比较 ,中国标本胸板后缘凹陷较深 ;腹肛板较狭长 ,长宽为 2 53- 31 0× 1 1 5- 1 4 9(平均 2 81× 1 30 )μm,呈有变异。图 1 萎缩巨螯螨 Macrocheles reductus Petrova♀1.胸板 ;2 .腹肛板变异雄螨 (图 1 - 4) 体黄色 ,椭圆形。背板 885× 575μm,后部明…  相似文献   

在所查到的献中,多变革板螨(Gamasholaspis variabilis Petrova,1967)已描述了雌螨、前若螨和幼螨,本描述其雄螨和后若螨。中测量单位为μm,括号内为测量均值。  相似文献   

Mature male sockeye salmon ( Oncorhynchus nerka Walbaum) were measured, tagged and released into a gravel holding pond adjacent to the spawning site, then remeasured when dead for possible changes in shape or size. Body length, depth, snout length and caudal peduncle thickness decreased at the end of life, 1–2 weeks later.  相似文献   

粪巨螯螨雄螨描述(蜱螨亚纲:革螨股)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粪巨螯螨 Macrocheles merdarius( Berlese,1 889)在所查到的文献中仅描述有雌螨 [1 - 5] ,今根据集安标本描述其雄螨。图 1- 4 粪巨螯螨 Macrocheles merdarius(Berlese)♂1 .背面 ;2 .腹面 ;3 .螯钳 ;4.足 粪巨螯螨 Macrocheles merdarius( Berlese,1 889)雄螨 (图 1 - 4)体黄色 ,近六角形 ,长宽 4 0 2× 2 30μm。背毛 34对 ,均短小光滑 ,F1 基部距离较远。全腹板有胸毛 3对 ,胸后毛 1对 ,生殖毛 1对 ,腹毛 4对 ,围肛毛 3根。胸区有隙孔2对。Ad位于肛孔前缘水平 ,Ad与 PA约等于肛孔长。气门沟前端达到颚基。头盖看不清。螯钳导精…  相似文献   

Cryptorchidism, the most common endocrine disturbance in the newborn, is still present in 0.3% of all postpubertal men as monolateral or bilateral condition. The undescended testis, in postpubertal age, is permanently damaged, so about 80% of cryptorchids are subfertile or definitively sterile. In the present study we relate our observations on structure and ultrastructure of testicular biopsies obtained from 29 cryptorchid men aged from 16 to 64. The individual pattern of morphological alterations is closely related to age and position of undescended testis. The following aspects are recognizable in cryptorchid testis: 1) seminiferous tubules reduced in size and irregular in shape; 2) tubular lumen occluded; 3) reduced germ cell population; 4) altered stages of spermatogenesis; 5) increased thickness of spermatogonia layer; 6) vacuolization of germ cells; 7) polynucleated germ cells; 8) acrosomal deformities; 9) delivery of immature germ cells; 10) Sertolisation of the seminiferous tubule; 11) immature Sertoli cells; 12) multilayered and thickened basement lamina; 13) peritubular fibrosis; 14) vascular fibrosis; 15) vacuolisation of Leydig cells; 16) interstitial mastocytosis. The findings present a mosaic of the morphological events, that are characteristic not only of the undescended testis but also of numerous testicular pathologies as well as of other conditions as prolonged hyperthermia, experimental ischaemia and senescence.  相似文献   

Marked morphological changes occur during development from young seedlings to adults in Geissois pruinosa. At successive stages, leaves change from simple to trifoliolate and finally to 5-foliolate, palmately compound leaves, the margin of the blades changes from dentate to entire, the venation from craspedodromous to brochidodromous, and the stipules switch at about the 7th level from four free lateral ones per node to two fused intrapetiolar ones. Stems and leaves in young seedlings have sparse, erect hairs, but are glabrous in adults. Scattered and often incomplete information on other Cunoniaceae suggest that differences between seedlings and adults in other genera are generally less pronounced. Some seedling characters of G. pruinosa (including toothed leaflet margins and free lateral stipules) occur in the adult foliage of some of its close relatives (the genera Lamanonia and Pseudoweinmannia and Geissois in Australia) and are plesiomorphic within this clade.  相似文献   

Sperm morphometry is extremely variable across species, but a general adaptive explanation for this diversity is lacking. As sperm must function within the female, variation in sperm form may be associated with variation in female reproductive tract morphology. We investigated this and other potential evolutionary associations between male and female reproductive characters across the Scathophagidae. Sperm length was positively associated with the length of the spermathecal (sperm store) ducts, indicating correlated evolution between the two. No association was found between sperm length and spermathecal size. However, the size of the spermathecae was positively associated with testis size indicating co-evolution between male investment in sperm production and female sperm storage capacity. Furthermore, species with a higher degree of polyandry (larger testes) had longer spermathecal ducts. However, no associations between sperm length or length variation and testis size were found which suggests greater sperm competition sensu stricto does not select for longer sperm.  相似文献   

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