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Recent genetic studies in Drosophila identified a novel non-canonical Wnt pathway, the planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, that signals via JNK to control epithelial cell polarity in Drosophila. Most recently, a pathway regulating convergent extension movements during gastrulation in vertebrate embryos has been shown to be a vertebrate equivalent of the PCP pathway. However, it is not known whether the JNK pathway functions in this non-canonical Wnt pathway to regulate convergent extension movements in vertebrates. In addition, it is not known whether JNK is in fact activated by Wnt stimulation. Here we show that Wnt5a is capable of activating JNK in cultured cells, and present evidence that the JNK pathway mediates the action of Wnt5a to regulate convergent extension movements in Xenopus. Our results thus demonstrate that the non-canonical Wnt/JNK pathway is conserved in both vertebrate and invertebrate and define that JNK has an activity to regulate morphogenetic cell movements.  相似文献   

The vertebrate branchiomotor neurons are organized in a pattern that corresponds with the segments, or rhombomeres, of the developing hindbrain and have identities and behaviors associated with their position along the anterior/posterior axis. These neurons undergo characteristic migrations in the hindbrain and project from stereotyped exit points. We show that lazarus/pbx4, which encodes an essential Hox DNA-binding partner in zebrafish, is required for facial (VIIth cranial nerve) motor neuron migration and for axon pathfinding of trigeminal (Vth cranial nerve) motor axons. We show that lzr/pbx4 is required for Hox paralog group 1 and 2 function, suggesting that Pbx interacts with these proteins. Consistent with this, lzr/pbx4 interacts genetically with hoxb1a to control facial motor neuron migration. Using genetic mosaic analysis, we show that lzr/pbx4 and hoxb1a are primarily required cell-autonomously within the facial motor neurons; however, analysis of a subtle non-cell-autonomous effect indicates that facial motor neuron migration is promoted by interactions amongst the migrating neurons. At the same time, lzr/pbx4 is required non-cell-autonomously to control the pathfinding of trigeminal motor axons. Thus, Pbx/Hox can function both cell-autonomously and non-cell-autonomously to direct different aspects of hindbrain motor neuron behavior.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling controls a wide range of developmental processes and its aberrant regulation can lead to disease. To better understand the regulation of this pathway, we identified zebrafish homologues of Naked Cuticle (Nkd), Nkd1 and Nkd2, which have previously been shown to inhibit canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling. Zebrafish nkd1 expression increases substantially after the mid-blastula transition in a pattern mirroring that of activated canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling, being expressed in both the ventrolateral blastoderm margin and also in the axial mesendoderm. In contrast, zebrafish nkd2 is maternally and ubiquitously expressed. Overexpression of Nkd1 or Nkd2a suppressed canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling at multiple stages of early zebrafish development and also exacerbated the cyclopia and axial mesendoderm convergence and extension (C&E) defect in the non-canonical Wnt/PCP mutant silberblick (slb/wnt11). Thus, Nkds are sufficient to antagonize both canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling. Reducing Nkd function using antisense morpholino oligonucleotides resulted in increased expression of canonical Wnt/beta-catenin target genes. Finally, reducing Nkd1 function in slb mutants suppressed the axial mesendoderm C&E defect. These data indicate that zebrafish Nkd1 and Nkd2 function to limit both canonical and non-canonical Wnt signaling.  相似文献   

During development, facial branchiomotor (FBM) neurons, which innervate muscles in the vertebrate head, migrate caudally and radially within the brainstem to form a motor nucleus at the pial surface. Several components of the Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) pathway, including the transmembrane protein Vangl2, regulate caudal migration of FBM neurons in zebrafish, but their roles in neuronal migration in mouse have not been investigated in detail. Therefore, we analyzed FBM neuron migration in mouse looptail (Lp) mutants, in which Vangl2 is inactivated. In Vangl2(Lp/+) and Vangl2(Lp/Lp) embryos, FBM neurons failed to migrate caudally from rhombomere (r) 4 into r6. Although caudal migration was largely blocked, many FBM neurons underwent normal radial migration to the pial surface of the neural tube. In addition, hindbrain patterning and FBM progenitor specification were intact, and FBM neurons did not transfate into other non-migratory neuron types, indicating a specific effect on caudal migration. Since loss-of-function in some zebrafish Wnt/PCP genes does not affect caudal migration of FBM neurons, we tested whether this was also the case in mouse. Embryos null for Ptk7, a regulator of PCP signaling, had severe defects in caudal migration of FBM neurons. However, FBM neurons migrated normally in Dishevelled (Dvl) 1/2 double mutants, and in zebrafish embryos with disrupted Dvl signaling, suggesting that Dvl function is essentially dispensable for FBM neuron caudal migration. Consistent with this, loss of Dvl2 function in Vangl2(Lp/+) embryos did not exacerbate the Vangl2(Lp/+) neuronal migration phenotype. These data indicate that caudal migration of FBM neurons is regulated by multiple components of the Wnt/PCP pathway, but, importantly, may not require Dishevelled function. Interestingly, genetic-interaction experiments suggest that rostral FBM neuron migration, which is normally suppressed, depends upon Dvl function.  相似文献   

In Caenorhabditis elegans, Wnt signaling pathways are important in controlling cell polarity and cell migrations. In the embryo, a novel Wnt pathway functions through a (beta)-catenin homolog, WRM-1, to downregulate the levels of POP-1/Tcf in the posterior daughter of the EMS blastomere. The level of POP-1 is also lower in the posterior daughters of many anteroposterior asymmetric cell divisions during development. I have found that this is the case for of a pair of postembryonic blast cells in the tail. In wild-type animals, the level of POP-1 is lower in the posterior daughters of the two T cells, TL and TR. Furthermore, in lin-44/Wnt mutants, in which the polarities of the T cell divisions are frequently reversed, the level of POP-1 is frequently lower in the anterior daughters of the T cells. I have used a novel RNA-mediated interference technique to interfere specifically with pop-1 zygotic function and have determined that pop-1 is required for wild-type T cell polarity. Surprisingly, none of the three C. elegans (beta)-catenin homologs appeared to function with POP-1 to control T cell polarity. Wnt signaling by EGL-20/Wnt controls the migration of the descendants of the QL neuroblast by regulating the expression the Hox gene mab-5. Interfering with pop-1 zygotic function caused defects in the migration of the QL descendants that mimicked the defects in egl-20/Wnt mutants and blocked the expression of mab-5. This suggests that POP-1 functions in the canonical Wnt pathway to control QL descendant migration and in novel Wnt pathways to control EMS and T cell polarities.  相似文献   

We identified a zebrafish homologue of Dickkopf-1 (Dkk1), which was previously identified in Xenopus as a Wnt inhibitor with potent head-inducing activity. Zebrafish dkk1 is expressed in the dorsal marginal blastoderm and also in the dorsal yolk syncytial layer after mid-blastula transition. At later blastula stages, the expression expands to the entire blastoderm margin. During gastrulation, dkk1-expressing cells are confined to the embryonic shield and later to the anterior axial mesendoderm, prospective prechordal plate. Embryos, in which dkk1 was ectopically expressed, exhibited enlarged forebrain, eyes, and axial mesendoderm such as prechordal plate and notochord. dkk1 expression in the dorso-anterior mesendoderm during gastrulation was prominently reduced in zebrafish mutants bozozok (boz), squint (sqt), and one-eyed pinhead (oep), which all display abnormalities in the formation and function of the Spemann organizer and axial mesendoderm. dkk1 expression was normal in these embryos during the blastula period, indicating that zygotic functions of these genes are required for maintenance but not establishment of dkk1 expression. Overexpression of dkk1 suppressed defects in the development of forebrain, eyes, and notochord in boz mutants. Overexpression of dkk1 promoted anterior neuroectoderm development in the embryos injected with antivin RNA, which lack most of the mesoderm and endoderm, suggesting that Dkk1 can affect regionalization of neuroectoderm independently of dorso-anterior mesendoderm. These data indicate that Dkk1, expressed in dorsal mesendoderm, functions in the formation of both the anterior nervous system and the axial mesendoderm in zebrafish.  相似文献   

Facial branchiomotor neurons (FBMNs) in zebrafish and mouse embryonic hindbrain undergo a characteristic tangential migration from rhombomere (r) 4, where they are born, to r6/7. Cohesion among neuroepithelial cells (NCs) has been suggested to function in FBMN migration by inhibiting FBMNs positioned in the basal neuroepithelium such that they move apically between NCs towards the midline of the neuroepithelium instead of tangentially along the basal side of the neuroepithelium towards r6/7. However, direct experimental evaluation of this hypothesis is still lacking. Here, we have used a combination of biophysical cell adhesion measurements and high-resolution time-lapse microscopy to determine the role of NC cohesion in FBMN migration. We show that reducing NC cohesion by interfering with Cadherin 2 (Cdh2) activity results in FBMNs positioned at the basal side of the neuroepithelium moving apically towards the neural tube midline instead of tangentially towards r6/7. In embryos with strongly reduced NC cohesion, ectopic apical FBMN movement frequently results in fusion of the bilateral FBMN clusters over the apical midline of the neural tube. By contrast, reducing cohesion among FBMNs by interfering with Contactin 2 (Cntn2) expression in these cells has little effect on apical FBMN movement, but reduces the fusion of the bilateral FBMN clusters in embryos with strongly diminished NC cohesion. These data provide direct experimental evidence that NC cohesion functions in tangential FBMN migration by restricting their apical movement.  相似文献   

Vertebrate gastrulation entails massive cell movements that establish and shape the germ layers. During gastrulation, the individual cell behaviors are strictly coordinated in time and space by various signaling pathways. These pathways instruct the cells about proliferation, shape, fate and migration into proper location. Convergence and extension (C&E) movements during vertebrate gastrulation play a major role in the shaping of the embryonic body. In vertebrates, the Wnt/Planar Cell Polarity (Wnt/PCP) pathway is a key regulator of C&E movements, essential for several polarized cell behaviors, including directed cell migration, and mediolateral and radial cell intercalation. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying the acquisition of Planar Cell Polarity by highly dynamic mesenchymal cells engaged in C&E are still not well understood. Here we review new evidence implicating the Wnt/PCP pathway in specific cell behaviors required for C&E during zebrafish gastrulation, in comparison to other vertebrates. We also discuss findings on the molecular regulation and the interaction of the Wnt/PCP pathway with other signaling pathways during gastrulation movements.  相似文献   

Trunk neural crest cells delaminate from the dorsal neural tube as an uninterrupted sheet; however, they convert into segmentally organized streams before migrating through the somitic territory. These neural crest cell streams join the segmental trajectories of pathfinding spinal motor axons, suggesting that interactions between these two cell types might be important for neural crest cell migration. Here, we show that in the zebrafish embryo migration of both neural crest cells and motor axons is temporally synchronized and spatially restricted to the center of the somite, but that motor axons are dispensable for segmental neural crest cell migration. Instead, we find that muscle-specific receptor kinase (MuSK) and its putative ligand Wnt11r are crucial for restricting neural crest cell migration to the center of each somite. Moreover, we find that blocking planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling in somitic muscle cells also results in non-segmental neural crest cell migration. Using an F-actin biosensor we show that in the absence of MuSK neural crest cells fail to retract non-productive leading edges, resulting in non-segmental migration. Finally, we show that MuSK knockout mice display similar neural crest cell migration defects, suggesting a novel, evolutionarily conserved role for MuSK in neural crest migration. We propose that a Wnt11r-MuSK dependent, PCP-like pathway restricts neural crest cells to their segmental path.  相似文献   

Key to invasiveness is the ability of tumor cells to modify the extracellular matrix, become motile, and engage in directed migration towards the vasculature. One significant protein associated with metastatic progression is membrane-type 1 matrix metalloproteinase (MT1-MMP/MMP14). How MMP14 activity is coordinated with other signaling pathways to regulate cell migration in vivo is largely unknown. Here we have used zebrafish embryogenesis as a model to understand the potential relationship between MMP14-dependent pericellular proteolysis, cell polarity, and motility. Knockdown of zebrafish Mmp14 function disrupted gastrulation convergence and extension cell movements and craniofacial morphogenesis. Using time-lapse imaging and morphometric analyses, we show that Mmp14 is required for proper cell polarity underlying the directed migration of mesodermal cells during gastrulation. We have identified a genetic interaction between mmp14 and non-canonical Wnt signaling, a pathway that also regulates cell polarity in embryonic tissues and is increasingly being linked with tumor cell migration. Finally, we demonstrate that Van Gogh-like 2, a key regulator of the non-canonical Wnt pathway, co-localizes with MMP14 and becomes redistributed towards the leading edge of polarized human cancer cells. Together, our results support the notion that pathways regulating pericellular proteolysis and cell polarity converge to promote efficient cell migration.  相似文献   

Directed cell migration is crucial for development, but most of our current knowledge is derived from in vitro studies. We analyzed how neural crest (NC) cells migrate in the direction of their target during embryonic development. We show that the proteoglycan Syndecan-4 (Syn4) is expressed in the migrating neural crest of Xenopus and zebrafish embryos. Loss-of-function studies using an antisense morpholino against syn4 show that this molecule is required for NC migration, but not for NC induction. Inhibition of Syn4 does not affect the velocity of cell migration, but significantly reduces the directional migration of NC cells. Furthermore, we show that Syn4 and PCP signaling control the directional migration of NC cells by regulating the direction in which the cell protrusions are generated during migration. Finally, we perform FRET analysis of Cdc42, Rac and RhoA in vitro and in vivo after interfering with Syn4 and PCP signaling. This is the first time that FRET analysis of small GTPases has been performed in vivo. Our results show that Syn4 inhibits Rac activity, whereas PCP signaling promotes RhoA activity. In addition, we show that RhoA inhibits Rac in NC cells. We present a model in which Syn4 and PCP control directional NC migration by, at least in part, regulating membrane protrusions through the regulation of small GTPase activities.  相似文献   

During the early vertebrate body plan formation, convergent extension (CE) of dorsal mesoderm and neurectoderm is coordinated by the evolutionarily conserved non-canonical Wnt/PCP signaling. Disheveled (Dvl), a key mediator of Wnt/PCP signaling, is essential for the medial–lateral polarity formation in the cells undergoing convergent extension movements. NEDD4L, a highly conserved HECT type E3 ligase, has been reported to regulate the stability of multiple substrates including Dvl2. Here we demonstrate that NEDD4L is required for the cellular polarity formation and convergent extension in the early Xenopus embryos. Depletion of NEDD4L in early Xenopus embryos results in the loss of mediolateral polarity of the convergent-extending mesoderm cells and the shortened body axis, resembling those defects caused by the disruption of non-canonical Wnt signaling. Depletion of xNEDD4L also blocks the elongation of the animal explants in response to endogenous mesoderm inducing signals and partially compromises the expression of Brachyury. Importantly, reducing Dvl2 expression can largely rescue the cellular polarity and convergent extension defects in NEDD4L-depleted embryos and explants. Together with the data that NEDD4L reduces Dvl2 protein expression in the frog embryos, our findings suggest that regulation of Dvl protein levels by NEDD4L is essential for convergent extension during early Xenopus embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Early shaping of Xenopus laevis embryos occurs through convergent and extension movements, a process that is driven by intercalation of polarized dorsal mesodermal cells and regulated by non-canonical Wnt signalling. Here, we have identified Xenopus syndecan-4 (xSyn4), a cell-surface transmembrane heparan sulphate proteoglycan. At the gastrula stage, xSyn4 is expressed in the involuting dorsal mesoderm and the anterior neuroectoderm. Later, it is found in the pronephros, branchial arches, brain and tailbud. Both gain- and loss-of-function of xSyn4 impaired convergent extension movements in Xenopus embryos and in activin-treated ectodermal explants. xSyn4 interacts functionally and biochemically with the Wnt receptor Frizzled7 (xFz7) and its signal transducer Dishevelled (xDsh). Furthermore, xSyn4 is necessary and sufficient for translocation of xDsh to the plasma membrane - a landmark in the activation of non-canonical Wnt signalling. Our results suggest that the ability of xSyn4 to translocate xDsh is regulated by fibronectin, a component of the extracellular matrix required for proper convergent extension movements. We propose a model where xSyn4 and fibronectin cooperate with xFz7 and Wnt in the specific activation of the non-canonical Wnt pathway.  相似文献   

Genetic studies on endoderm-mesoderm specification in Caenorhabditis elegans have demonstrated a role for several Wnt cascade components as well as for a MAPK-like pathway in this process. The latter pathway includes the MAPK kinase kinase-like MOM-4/Tak1, its adaptor TAP-1/Tab1, and the MAPK-like LIT-1/Nemo-like kinase. A model has been proposed in which the Tak1 kinase cascade counteracts the Wnt cascade at the level of beta-catenin/TCF phosphorylation. In this model, the signal that activates the Tak1 kinase cascade is unknown. As an alternative explanation of these genetic data, we have explored whether Tak1 is directly activated by Wnt. We find that Wnt1 stimulation results in autophosphorylation and activation of MOM-4/Tak1 in a TAP-1/Tab1-dependent fashion. Wnt1-induced Tak1 stimulation activates Nemo-like kinase, resulting in the phosphorylation of TCF. Our results combined with the genetic data from C. elegans imply a mechanism whereby Wnt directly activates the MOM-4/Tak1 kinase signaling pathway. Thus, Wnt signal transduction through the canonical pathway activates beta-catenin/TCF, whereas Wnt signal transduction through the Tak1 pathway phosphorylates and inhibits TCF, which might function as a feedback mechanism.  相似文献   

The approximately 14 kb mRNA of the polycystic kidney disease gene PKD1 encodes a large ( approximately 460 kDa) protein, termed polycystin-1 (PC-1), that is responsible for autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease (ADPKD). The unique organization of its multiple adhesive domains (16 Ig-like domains/PKD domains) suggests that it may play an important role in cell-cell/cell-matrix interactions. Here we demonstrated that PKD1 promoted cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions in cancer cells, indicating that PC-1 is involved in the cell adhesion process. Furthermore in this study, we showed that PKD1 inhibited cancer cells migration and invasion. And we also showed that PC-1 regulated these processes in a process that may be at least partially through the Wnt pathway. Collectively, our data suggest that PKD1 may act as a novel member of the tumor suppressor family of genes.  相似文献   

Wnt signaling pathways are essential in various developmental processes including differentiation, proliferation, cell migration, and cell polarity. Wnt proteins execute their multiple functions by activating distinct intracellular signaling cascades, although the mechanisms underlying this activation are not fully understood. We identified a novel Daple-like protein in Xenopus and named it xDal (Xenopus Daple-like). As with Daple, xDal contains several leucine zipper-like regions (LZLs) and a putative PDZ domain-binding motif, and can interact directly with the dishevelled protein. In contrast to mDaple, injection of xDal mRNA into the dorso-vegetal blastomere does not induce ventralization and acted synergistically with xdsh in secondary axis induction. XDal also induced expression of siamois and xnr-3, suggesting that XDal functions as a positive regulator of the Wnt/beta-catenin pathway. Injection of xDal mRNA into the dorso-animal blastomere, however, induced gastrulation-defective phenotypes in a dose-dependent manner. In addition, xDal inhibited activin-induced elongation of animal caps and enhanced c-jun phosphorylation. Based on these findings, xDal is also thought to function in the Wnt/JNK pathway. Moreover, functional domain analysis with several deletion mutants indicated that xDal requires both a putative PDZ domain-binding motif and at least one LZL for its activity. These findings with xDal will provide new information on the Wnt signaling pathways.  相似文献   

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