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Seasonal and diurnal patterns of larval and juvenile fish drift were investigated in the Marchfeldkanal, a man‐made side branch of the Danube River near Vienna, Austria. A clear seasonal pattern with peak densities in mid‐June was found. Species composition varied over time, showed a site specific pattern and was dominated by tubenose goby Proterorhinus marmoratus . Water temperature was the main factor responsible for the increase of drift densities until the median drift date and repeated occurrence of early larval stages in drift indicated repeated spawning for many species. Significant differences in drift densities between different time periods of the day (day, dusk, night and dawn) were found for common bream Abramis brama , barbel Barbus barbus , chub Leuciscus cephalus , tubenose goby and roach Rutilus rutilus . The highest drift rates occurred at night (2200–0400 hours), with 86% of all larvae drifting during the hours of darkness. Fish larvae of different lengths drifting at different phases of the day were found for common bream, bleak Alburnus alburnus and chub, with largest larvae drifting during dusk (chub) and day (bleak and common bream). For bleak, all gudgeon species Gobio spp., tubenose goby, roach and for all cyprinid species combined, one 2 h night sample was found to be sufficient to predict the total 24 h drift.  相似文献   

Approximately 200 km from the mouth of the Fraser River, British Columbia, Canada, adult sockeye salmon Oncorhynchus nerka , were gastrically implanted with radio transmitters without anaesthetic. Subsets of the transmitter implanted fish were also biopsied which included drawing blood from the caudal peduncle (3 ml), removal of gill tissue (0·03 g) and quantification of energetic status using a microwave fat meter. Several experiments were used to test the hypothesis that the biopsy had a negligible effect on the subsequent survival and migratory behaviour of transmitter implanted fish. In the first experiment, no difference was found in the survival (both 100%) or tag retention (both 100%) between the two treatment groups (transmitter implanted with and without biopsy) when fish were held in pens for 24 h in the marine environment. Similarly, in other experiments where fish were released to the ocean to resume their migratory journey, no statistical differences were found in the travel times of fish in the two treatment groups, or in the proportion of fish that passed in‐river telemetry checkpoints. These results indicated that the handling and biopsy methods produced similar levels of mortality and tag retention as the telemetry treatment alone and that any changes in behaviour between the two treatment groups did not adversely affect migration time. Based upon the evidence provided from the biotelemetry of >300 adult sockeye salmon, it was felt that this general type of approach could be applicable to other fish species.  相似文献   

Hatchery‐reared Atlantic salmon Salmo salar ( n  = 25) and wild anadromous brown trout (sea trout) Salmo trutta ( n  = 15) smolts were tagged with coded acoustic transmitters and released at the mouth of the River Eira on the west coast of Norway. Data logging receivers recorded the fish during their outward migration at 9, 32, 48 and 77 km from the release site. Seventeen Atlantic salmon (68%) and eight sea trout (53%) were recorded after release. Mean migratory speeds between different receiver sites ranged from 0·49 to 1·82 body lengths (total length) per second (bl s−1) for Atlantic salmon and 0·11–2·60 bl s−1 for sea trout. Atlantic salmon were recorded 9, 48 and 77 km from the river mouth on average 28, 65 and 83 h after release, respectively. Sea trout were recorded 9 km from the release site 438 h after release. Only four (23%) sea trout were detected in the outer part of the fjord system, while the rest of the fish seemed to stay in the inner fjord system. The Atlantic salmon stayed for a longer time in the inner part than in the outer parts of the fjord system, but distinct from sea trout, migrated through the whole fjord system into the ocean.  相似文献   

We use individual-based stochastic simulations and analytical deterministic predictions to investigate the interaction between drift, natural selection and gene flow on the patterns of local adaptation across a fragmented species' range under clinally varying selection. Migration between populations follows a stepping-stone pattern and density decreases from the centre to the periphery of the range. Increased migration worsens gene swamping in small marginal populations but mitigates the effect of drift by replenishing genetic variance and helping purge deleterious mutations. Contrary to the deterministic prediction that increased connectivity within the range always inhibits local adaptation, simulations show that low intermediate migration rates improve fitness in marginal populations and attenuate fitness heterogeneity across the range. Such migration rates are optimal in that they maximize the total mean fitness at the scale of the range. Optimal migration rates increase with shallower environmental gradients, smaller marginal populations and higher mutation rates affecting fitness.  相似文献   

Diel drift samples utilizing nets with mesh size less than 200 microns were taken in Linesville Creek, Pennsylvania, an eastern deciduous forest stream, and Inlet Run, Wyoming, an alpine snow melt stream. Identification of drifting Chironomidae larvae to lowest level taxonomic categories indicated 51 species or species group categories representing 51.95% of the total insect drift in Linesville Creek and 18 species or species group categories representing 70.47% of the total insect drift in Inlet Run. Orthocladiinae were the predominant larvae in the drift in Linesville Creek, with 19 species comprising 43.84% of the Chironomidae drift. In decreasing abundance were Chironomini (12 species, 40.36% of Chironomidae drift), Tanytarsini (10 species, 8.89%), and Tanypodinae (10 species, 6.91%). By contrast, Diamesinae were the predominant larvae in the drift in Inlet Run, (5 species, 71.43%) followed by Orthocladiinae (10 species, 27.25%), Tanytarsini (2 species, 1.20%), and Podonominae (1 species, 0.12%). Comparison of drift composition with substrate samples and/ or emergence data indicated a close relationship between relative abundance in drift and relative abundance in the benthos. Behavioral drift patterns with nocturnal peaks were seen for 3 species or species groups in Linesville Creek. Four species with diurnal drift peaks were present in Inlet Run. Analysis of the size distribution of drifting larvae indicates that a mesh size as small as 200 microns is required to resolve diel drift patterns. It is postulated that random factors greatly influence the apparent diel drift pattern of Chironomidae when nets with mesh size in excess of 400 microns are employed in drift studies. Conflicting literature reports of behavioral drift for Chironomidae may be due to differing species composition of drifting larvae and net mesh size related artifacts.  相似文献   

Direct DNA delivery via microprojectile bombardment has become an established approach for gene transfer into peanut ( Arachis hypogaea L.). To optimize our transformation protocol and to simultaneously explore the function of a heterologous promoter whose activity is developmentally regulated, embryogenic cultures from three peanut cultivars were bombarded with two plasmid constructs containing a uidA gene controlled by either a soybean vegetative storage protein gene promoter or a cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter. We found that GUS transient expression was useful to predict stable transformation and confirmed that image analysis could provide a quick and efficient method for semi‐quantitation of transient expression. One hundred and sixty hygromycin‐resistant cell lines were recovered from and maintained on selective medium, and those tested by Southern blot analysis showed integration of the foreign gene. Over 200 transgenic plants were regenerated from 38 cell lines. More than 100 plants from 32 cell lines flowered and 79 plants from 19 cell lines produced pods. Over 1000 R1 seeds were harvested. Analysis of expression in primary transgenic plants showed that GUS expression driven by the vspB promoter was modulated by chemical and positional information.  相似文献   

A new chimaerid species closely related to Hydrolagus pallidus is described from 13 specimens captured on the Portuguese continental slope (north‐east Atlantic) by commercial longliners at depths of c . 1600 m. The new species is large‐bodied with a rose to light brown body colouration. Hydrolagus lusitanicus n.sp. presents a combination of external morphological characters that allow it to be clearly differentiated from its congeners, in particular, the ratios of pectoral fin length: pectoral fin width and pelvic fin length: pelvic fin width; in having a serrated posterior edge of the dorsal spine; a high number of ridges in the dental plates. Additionally in males, there are differences on the shape and number of hooks in the frontal tenacula, on the number of spines in the prepelvic tenacula and on the length of the pectoral fin margin.  相似文献   

Total length ( L T) and its inter annual variation of walleye Sander vitreus from Oneida Lake, New York, based on 51 years (1950–2000) of data for ages 1 to 7 years were analysed. Growth increased over time at young ages, did not change at intermediate ages and decreased at old ages. Total length at age increased over time to age 4 or 5 years, but was stable at older ages. Principle component analysis was used to study the pattern of variations in annual L T increments among years. More than 92 and 91% of inter annual variability in growth was described by the first three principal components for males and females, respectively. The first principal component was a general indicator of annual growth at all ages, but was dominated by annual growth at intermediate ages. The second and third principal components represented contrasts among yearling L T, yearling growth and growth at older ages. Therefore, changes in the three stage‐specific parameters, yearling L T, yearling growth and asymptotic L T, explained most of the variance in observed growth. Using these three stage‐specific parameters for the von Bertalanffy growth function facilitated interpretations of growth comparisons.  相似文献   

Many marine organisms can be transported hundreds of kilometres during their pelagic larval stage, yet little is known about spatial and temporal patterns of larval dispersal. Although traditional population‐genetic tools can be applied to infer movement of larvae on an evolutionary timescale, large effective population sizes and high rates of gene flow present serious challenges to documenting dispersal patterns over shorter, ecologically relevant, timescales. Here, we address these challenges by combining direct parentage analysis and indirect genetic analyses over a 4‐year period to document spatial and temporal patterns of larval dispersal in a common coral‐reef fish: the bicolour damselfish (Stegastes partitus). At four island locations surrounding Exuma Sound, Bahamas, including a long‐established marine reserve, we collected 3278 individuals and genotyped them at 10 microsatellite loci. Using Bayesian parentage analysis, we identified eight parent‐offspring pairs, thereby directly documenting dispersal distances ranging from 0 km (i.e., self‐recruitment) to 129 km (i.e., larval connectivity). Despite documenting substantial dispersal and gene flow between islands, we observed more self‐recruitment events than expected if the larvae were drawn from a common, well‐mixed pool (i.e., a completely open population). Additionally, we detected both spatial and temporal variation in signatures of sweepstakes and Wahlund effects. The high variance in reproductive success (i.e., ‘sweepstakes’) we observed may be influenced by seasonal mesoscale gyres present in the Exuma Sound, which play a prominent role in shaping local oceanographic patterns. This study documents the complex nature of larval dispersal in a coral‐reef fish, and highlights the importance of sampling multiple cohorts and coupling both direct and indirect genetic methods in order disentangle patterns of dispersal, gene flow and variable reproductive success.  相似文献   

A low-water organic solvent two-phase system suitable for glycosylation of hydrophobic substrates is described. Almond β-glucosidase adsorbed on polymeric supports has been shown to catalyse alkyl-β-glucoside synthesis via a transferase reaction or through direct condensation of the glucosidic bond. High concentrations of glucosyl donors were present in the aqueous phase, while water-immiscible primary alcohols, which form the organic phase, served as acceptors of glucose. Reaction yield appeared to be thermodynamically controlled. The influence of various support materials, glucosyl donors, and glucosyl acceptors on reaction rate and product yield was investigated.  相似文献   

Changes in plant biomass allocation in response to varying resource availabilities may result from ontogenetic drift caused by allometric growth (i.e., apparent plasticity), a true adjustment of ontogenetic trajectories (true plasticity) or both (complex plasticity). Given that the root allocation of annual species usually decreases during the growth, the developmentally explicit model predicts that annual herbs will exhibit true plasticity in root allocation under above-ground resource limitation and apparent plasticity for moderate stress of below-ground resource. For perennial species, the root allocation of which increases during growth, the reverse patterns would be expected. In this study, we tested the developmentally explicit model with a perennial weed, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb. We report its adaptive changes and ontogenetic drift of root allocation in response to different resource levels (i.e., light, water and nutrient availability) by comparing root allocation on both an age and a size basis. The root allocation of A. philoxeroides increased with the size (i.e., ontogenetic drift) during the growth, and exhibited significant changes in response to different resource availabilities. Furthermore, the root allocation in response to water or nutrient availability exhibited typical complex plasticity, while the light stress only slowed down the growth, with the ontogenetic trajectory unchanged (apparent plasticity). The contrasting responses to above-ground and below-ground stresses were consistent with the prediction of the developmentally explicit model.  相似文献   

The advantages of developing mutagenicity tests using the nematode, Caenorhabditis elegans, are discussed and an efficient in vivo test for detecting heritable autosomal recessive lethals over 40 map units is described. The test uses the reciprocal translocation, eTl(III;V), as a balancer. Dose-response curves for EMS (0.004–0.06 M) and γ-radiation (500–3000 R) were obtained. The spontaneous induction frequency for lethal mutations in 40 map units was found to be 0.06%. Mutations could be detected within 10 days and confirmed within another 5 days. From the point of view of C. elegans genetics, the EMS and γ-ray curves demonstrate that eTl can be used to test the efficacy of a particular mutagen in this organism. Although the present eTl protocol simultaneously screens hermaphrodite oocyte and sperm chromosomes, variations of the protocol that screen oocyte and sperm chromosomes separately are described.  相似文献   

Genetic techniques and long‐term behavioural observations were combined to investigate dispersal patterns and changes in social position in Neolamprologus pulcher , a co‐operatively breeding cichlid from Lake Tanganyika. Comparisons of genetic variance ( F ST) across sub‐populations demonstrated that fish were genetically more similar to individuals from proximate sub‐populations compared to individuals from distant sub‐populations. Microsatellite analyses revealed year‐long philopatry for some individuals and that other individuals dispersed to new territories and sub‐populations. Individuals appeared to disperse farther (across many territories in a sub‐population or to new sub‐populations) to achieve breeding status. Non‐breeding group members (or helpers) were observed to inherit breeding positions and male breeders were replaced faster than female breeders. These results demonstrate that important and difficult to obtain life‐history information can be obtained from genetic sampling.  相似文献   

Water depth in the Amazon basin can differ by more than 11 m between low and high water periods in the annual cycle. When the water is high, the forest streams inundate the surrounding low-lying forest creating vast lakes. Where the water originates from the forest it is rich in humic acids and low in dissolved nutrients. Such waters are termed blackwaters. Igapó is the specialized inundation forest of blackwater regions. Until recently it was generally held that the blackwater fauna was impoverished and of low biomass. However, recent studies have shown that these waters hold a specialized fauna living within and upon allochthonous input from the forest. Within submerged litter banks a diverse ichthyofauna forming dense local populations has been found.
Information on the spatial organization, population density and food web of this fauna will be presented. It is argued that this community is highly vulnerable to deforestation and its long-term future can only be assured if the forest is conserved. This is not to suggest that these fish are not adaptable to disturbance as the community has evolved to live with changing water levels and the loss of submerged wood and leaf-litter habitat. It is a remarkable example of a climax community exhibiting high diversity and low total population sizes within a variable habitat. Its conservation is of economic importance to the local human population whose diet includes a high proportion of fish.  相似文献   

Abstract Vegetation is a dynamic habitat component and successional changes in vegetation structure can lead to concomitant changes in the communities of animals living in a particular area. Heathland rodents are a classic example, with vegetation at different ages post fire being dominated by different species. While broad associations are often demonstrated between the distribution and abundance of species and vegetation structure, the causal relationships are poorly understood. Studies of temporal and sex‐ or age‐specific patterns can provide strong insights into the processes underling patterns of habitat selection. In an attempt to better understand the mechanistic links between rodent successional patterns and vegetation structure in heathlands, we conducted a detailed study of microhabitat use by the swamp rat, Rattus lutreolus, in a native heathland in south‐eastern Australia. Rattus lutreolus typically occurs in late‐succession heath and is frequently associated with high vegetation density. Our assessment of vegetation at trapping stations, and also along trails used by the animals (using the spool‐and‐line tracking technique), revealed strong selection by the rats for dense vegetation by both day and night. The spool‐and‐line tracking approach revealed distinct intraspecific and temporal patterns. During the day, females foraged in vegetation of much higher density than did juveniles, with males behaving intermediately. During the night, however, all animals selected dense vegetation irrespective of sex or age, although the mean density of vegetation selected during the night was lower than it was during the day. These patterns were independent of daily maximum and minimum air temperature and were therefore unlikely to be related to microclimate. We propose instead that high vegetation density acts as a source of protection from predators, allowing R. lutreolus to forage safely both by day and by night.  相似文献   

Many factors contribute to the nonrandom processes of extinctions and invasions that are changing the structure of ecological communities worldwide. These factors include the attributes of the species, their abiotic environment, and the interactions and feedbacks between them. The relative importance of these factors has been difficult to quantify. We used nested subset theory and a novel permutation‐based extension of gradient analysis to disentangle the direct and indirect pathways by which these factors affect the metacommunity structure of freshwater fishes inhabiting the streams tributary to the San Francisco Bay. Our analyses provide quantitative measures of how species and stream attributes may influence extinction vulnerability and invasion risk, highlight the need for considering the multiple interacting drivers of community change concurrently, and indicate that the ongoing disassembly and assembly of Bay Area freshwater fish communities are not fully symmetric processes. Fish communities are being taken apart and put back together in only partially analogous trajectories of extinction and invasion for which no single explanatory hypothesis is sufficient. Our study thereby contributes to the forecasting of continued community change and its effects on the functioning of freshwater ecosystems.  相似文献   

 The echinorhynchid acanthocephalan Acanthocephalus sp. was collected and described from four species of fishes (rainbow trout Oncorhynchus mykiss, Sakhalin huchen Hucho perryi, Japanese pond smelt Hypomesus nipponensis, and threespine stickleback Gasterosteus aculeatus) from a lake system, the Tsugaru-Jūniko Lakes, in Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan. In rainbow trout, the prevalence and intensity of infection markedly differed between lakes, and the fish were most frequently and most heavily infected in the lakes with a dense population of the isopod intermediate host Asellus hilgendorfi. In isopods, the prevalence of acanthocephalan larvae increased in the late winter and reached its highest level in March or April. In rainbow trout, male worms were abundant from winter to spring, and female worms were immature during these seasons. Gravid females were abundant in summer and autumn. These findings indicate that Acanthocephalus sp. is an annual species and its recruitment from the intermediate host to the fish occurs mainly in winter and spring. Received: January 9, 2002 / Accepted: April 18, 2002 Acknowledgments We thank Professor Shōichi Saito, Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University, for his encouragement during this study. Thanks are also due to many students of the Nature Study Laboratory, Faculty of Education, Hirosaki University, for their assistance in the field. We are greatly indebted to the Iwasaki Village Office and Fukaura Forestry Office for giving us permission for the survey. Correspondence to:A. Ohtaka  相似文献   

Within populations, the stochastic effect of genetic drift and deterministic effect of natural selection are potentially weakened or altered by gene flow among populations. The influence of gene flow on Lake Erie populations of the common garter snake has been of particular interest because of a discontinuous colour pattern polymorphism (striped vs. melanistic) that is a target of natural selection. We reassessed the relative contributions of gene flow and genetic drift using genetic data and population size estimates. We compared all combinations of two marker systems and two analytical approaches to the estimation of gene flow rates: allozymes (data previously published), microsatellite DNA (new data), the island model ( F ST-based approach), and a coalescence-based approach. For the coalescence approach, mutation rates and sampling effects were also investigated. While the two markers produced similar results, gene flow based on F ST was considerably higher (Nm > 4) than that from the coalescence-based method (Nm < 1). Estimates of gene flow are likely to be inflated by lack of migration-drift equilibrium and changing population size. Potentially low rates of gene flow (Nm < 1), small population size at some sites, and positive correlations of number of microsatellite DNA alleles and island size and between M , mean ratio of number of alleles to range in allele size, and island size suggest that in addition to selection, random genetic drift may influence colour pattern frequencies. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 79, 389–399.  相似文献   

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