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大卫·格里芬在《后现代科学》中说:"中国如果能够避免西式现代化的弊端,又整合自己的优秀传统,这样中国就是后现代化了."这句话给我留下深刻印象.为进一步了解"建设性后现代主义"这一思潮,38岁那年,我决定到美国读博士.在美国,我有幸遇到格里芬和他的老师小约翰·柯布博士,却没想到由此彻底改变了我的生活.  相似文献   

《神经美学》课程在中国科学院大学(国科大)生命科学学院首次开设,吸引了来自生命科学学院内外34种不同专业的99位研究生选课.神经科学或心理学专业的学生占26.5%,虽来自生命科学专业但神经科学知识基础相对薄弱的学生占63.5%,完全没有涉猎过神经科学和心理学的理工科学生占10%.因此,在教学过程中,既要讲授神经科学等方面的基础知识使初学者得以理解《神经美学》,又要时时吸引神经科学和心理学专业研究生的学习兴趣.为此,我们设计了一个有针对性的教学方案,即把《神经美学》专业内容与相关神经科学的基础知识和前沿研究成果匹配在一起讲授,同时注意与学生互动、讨论.比如,在讲授弗洛伊德"人格心理结构"时,先介绍麦克林"脑三位一体"学说和"脑的弥散性调节系统",再讲解"本我"与原始皮层和古皮层、"超我"与新皮层,以及"自我"、"本我"和"超我"的关系.然后讨论艺术创作、审美体验的神经基础,以及对经典画作的理解和审美等.课程内容从人格心理、脑结构、神经元、分子(神经递质)四个层次,为学生构建了一个较为宽广的思维空间.从学生课后提交的学习心得来看,此次教学不仅激发了他们对《神经美学》的兴趣和学习热情,同时提高了学生从美学角度进行思考以及追求美的意识.  相似文献   

<正>这是新年后的第一场春雨,糖兄糖妹还有许多野生动物都不想错过,他们一起相约在户外,和细雨打个招呼,和新发芽的小草见个面,感觉却要陶醉了!哥迷们,一起来吧!【趣事贴吧】1.上课铃还没响,我对同桌说:"我先睡一会儿,等老师来了,你赶紧叫我。"结果同桌来了一句:"我也好困啊,一起睡吧!老师来了会叫醒我们的!"岳阳康伟东2.同学甲:"你为什么会近视?"同学乙:"为了看淡世间事,才模糊了双眼……"3.虾妈妈听说女儿要嫁给蛤蟆,十分恼火:"蛤蟆那么丑,你是不是瞎?"  相似文献   

编者按:有读者在我刊的电子信箱swxt@chinajournal.net.cn来信询问:在阅读2005年<生物学通报>第10期基础知识部分"一分子葡萄糖完全氧化产生多少个ATP"一文时,里面有许多"穿梭",如"磷酸甘油穿梭"、"苹果酸-天冬氨酸穿梭"等,是什么意思?为此我刊请北京大学医学部生理系博士俎鲁霞给读者答复相关问题.欢迎读者就我刊登的文章及教学中涉及的知识及问题提出讨论.  相似文献   

一、名区与聚宝盆 "蓝水色似蓝,月夜长潺潺"是唐代大诗人白居易长诗"游悟真寺"中的一句.我用它做这篇纪念蓝田直立人(俗称"蓝田人")头盖骨发现40周年文字的题目,是想表达两层意思.一是蓝田山川给予我的感受,二是我对蓝田科学探索之路的认识.  相似文献   

正各位亲爱的小哥迷,咱们又在这里碰头啦!糖兄糖妹谢谢大家一年来的支持与厚爱,千言万语汇成一句话:新年好!笑话对对碰1.今天我跟老妈去买菜,走到一个摊位前,我看到一种不认识的菜,就问大爷:"这是韭菜吗?"大爷回答:"喵。"我说:"这是韭菜吗?"大爷又答:"喵。"我寻思这也太吓人了,赶紧拖着我妈就走了。回家的时候我跟我妈说起这事,我妈说:"哦,那是韭菜苗……"重庆安筱姿2.猪八戒刚加入取经队伍,怕自己不懂礼数,师傅怪罪,就问孙悟空:"猴哥,等会儿见到师傅该怎么请安?"孙悟空表示:"等会儿我怎么说,你就怎么说,绝对没问题。"两人见到了师傅,孙悟空跪下说:"师  相似文献   

正开学啦,我又有盼头了!可以盼着放寒假了!趣话连篇快,动用你汉语十级的能力,好好读下面的句子!1.刚才我骑车差点儿摔倒,好在我一把把把把住了。2.小龙女动情地说:"我也想过过过儿过过的生活。"3.校长说:"衣服上除了校徽别别别的。"4.你家的地得扫了。5.这几天天天天气不好。6.她是滑花滑滑得最好的选手。你也会造类似于上面的句子吗?试试看吧!  相似文献   

迅速吃完早饭,我跟随猎人老蔡向龙马山走去.走了一个多小时,静寂的山野响起杂乱的狗吠.老蔡警觉地对我说:"有人打猴子!"我的心立刻提到嗓子眼上,加快步伐向前走去.狗吠一声声近了.骤然,劈啪的枪声如晴天霹雳炸响,肃静的山林顿时杀机四起……  相似文献   

正"我思故我在"是笛卡尔由"思"而知"在"的著名哲学命题。我对生命本源和哲学没有任何研究,但我却常常莫名地对"我在(在茫茫宇宙中我的存在)"心存感激。地球从一个无机的世界经历了40多亿年沧海桑田演变才造就人类,造就了我;我的存在需要阳光、空气、水和食物等等,在茫茫宇宙中地球为我提供生存所需的一切,并为我们提供如此绚丽多彩的生命世界。我常常感叹生命的神奇和神  相似文献   

<正>四月,是春回大地、鲜花绽放的美好季节。在和煦的春光里,我们不妨做些有意义的事吧,比如,多读几遍《思维跳跳糖》!笑一笑1.大象正在游泳,突然,一只蚂蚁气冲冲地跑过来:"大象,你给我站起来!"大象很不解:"为什么?有什么事吗?"蚂蚁气呼呼地说:"我的泳裤不见了,我看看你有没有偷穿!"2.狮子受伤后在家养伤,兔子友好地问狮子:"狮子,你想吃胡萝卜  相似文献   

Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry - Vitamin C, also known as ascorbic acid or ascorbate, is a water-soluble vitamin synthesized in plants as well as in animals except humans and several other...  相似文献   

《Biochemical education》1998,26(1):18-19
Two hundred medical students from the Faculty of Medicine, Ahmadu Bello University, and twenty five general practitioners (GPs) were used to deduce how far the present method of teaching affected the perception conception of biochemistry in relation to medical studies and practices. About half of the surveyed population did not enjoy the teaching and 60% of students described various difficult aspects of the subject. Fourteen percent of students and 8% of GPs believed in training medical students without Biochemistry, although all agreed its relevance in medicine. Suggestions were then made for overall improvement of Biochemistry teaching.  相似文献   

Mycothiol (MSH) is a novel thiol comprised of N-acetylcysteine amide-linked to GlcN-alpha(1-1)-Ins. It is the major thiol in most actinomycetes and is produced at millimolar levels in mycobacteria and streptomycetes. MSH biosynthesis occurs by linkage of GlcNAc to Ins, deacetylation to GlcN-Ins, ligation of the latter to L-cysteine, and transacetylation of the cysteinyl residue by CoASAc to produce MSH. The genes encoding the respective enzymes have been designated mshA, mshB, mshC, and mshD; all but mshA have been identified. Mycobacterium smegmatis mutants deficient in mshA, mshC, and mshD have been characterized. MSH plays a significant role in the detoxification of thiol-reactive substances, including formaldehyde, various electrophiles, and antibiotics. Mycothiol S-conjugates derived from electrophiles and antibiotics are cleaved by mycothiol S-conjugate amidase to release GlcN-Ins, used to resynthesize MSH, and a mercapturic acid which is excreted from the cell. A mycothiol-disulfide-selective reductase has been identified and likely helps to maintain cellular MSH in the reduced state. Mycothiol biochemistry has characteristics similar to those of glutathione but also has a variety of unique features.  相似文献   

The rates of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) production by isolated mitochondria and mitochondrial creatime kinase incubated in isotopically pure media containing, separately, 24Mg2+, 25Mg2+, and 26Mg2+ ions were shown to be strongly dependent on the magnesium nuclear spin and magnetic moment. The rate of adenosine 5′-diphosphate phosphorylation in mitochondria with magnetic nuclei25Mg is about twice higher than that with the spinless, nonmagnetic nuclei24.26Mg. When mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation was selectively blocked by treatment with 1-methylnicotine amide, 25Mg2+ ions were shown to be nearly four times more active in mitochondrial ATP synthesis than 24,26Mg2+ ions. The rate of ATP production associated with creatine kinase is twice higher for 25Mg2+ than for 24.26Mg and does not depend on the blockade of oxidative phosphorylation. There is no difference between 24Mg2+ and 26Mg2+ effects in both oxidative and substrate phophorylation. These observations demonstrate that the enzymatic phosphorylation is a nuclear spin selective process controlled by magnetic isotope effect. The reaction mechanism proposed includes a participation of intermediate ion-radical pairs with Mg+ cation as a radical partner. Therefore, the key mitochondrial phosphotransferases work as a magnesium nuclear spin mediated molecular machines.  相似文献   

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