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Somatic embryogenesis was induced from full-sib immature zygotic embryos of hybrid larch (Larix x leptoeuropaea) that were collected at three different dates. Analysis of variance showed interaction between the collection date and the induction medium. The highest response (55%) was observed from embryos that were at the precotyledonary stage. Twelve media containing various concentrations of abscisic acid and sucrose were used to promote the development of high quality mature somatic embryos that would undergo a period of developmental arrest. Only media supplemented with abscisic acid (20, 40, and 60 M), indolebutyric acid (1 M), and 0.1 or 0.2 M sucrose supported such a development. The number of mature somatic embryos produced per gram fresh weight of embryonal mass was significantly affected by the three factors tested: embryogenic line, sucrose concentration, and abscisic acid concentration. Moreover, strong interaction effects among these factors existed, complicating the formulation of a universal maturation medium that would be optimal for all embryogenic lines.Abbreviations ABA abscisic acid - BA benzyladenine - IBA indolebutyric acid - 2,4-d 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - EM embryonal mass - EPot embryogenic potential  相似文献   

The effect of exogenous abscisic acid, provided to somatic embryos during the maturation step, on endogenous abscisic acid and its main conjugated form (abscisic acid glucose ester), germination and conversion frequencies is presented in this paper. Abscisic acid measurements were obtained after a methanolic extraction, a fractionation through high performance liquid chromatography, quantitation with an immunoassay and identification of the quantitated compound using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Results show that endogenous abscisic acid and abscisic acid glucose ester levels are clearly correlated with the exogenous abscisic acid concentration provided to the embryos. Maturation was clearly enhanced by exogenous abscisic acid, but no correlation was found between abscisic acid concentration and germination frequency. Conversely, development of the aerial part of the germinated somatic embryos was dependent upon the abscisic acid concentration in the culture medium and results suggest that this dependence could be related to the endogenous abscisic acid content.  相似文献   

An integrated physiological and proteomic approach was used to investigate the effects of high gellan gum concentration in the medium during maturation of somatic embryos (SE) of hybrid larch, by comparing embryos incubated in media with a high gellan gum concentration (8 g l(-1) ) and the standard concentration (4 g l(-1) ) after 1, 3, 6 and 8 weeks of maturation. Because of the reduced availability of water in the 8 g l(-1) medium, the cultured embryos had a lower osmotic water potential (Ψπ) and water contents, but higher dry weights (DWs), at 8 weeks compared with embryos cultured on the standard medium. The high gellan gum concentration induced a desiccation that is characteristic in zygotic embryo maturation. Total soluble proteins were extracted from SE with trichloroacetic acid (TCA)-acetone after 1 and 8 weeks of maturation on media with 4 and 8 g l(-1) of gellan gum, and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DE) at pH 4-7. More than 1100 proteins were reproducibly detected on each gel. At 1 and 8 weeks respectively, the abundances of 62 and 49 spots detected in analyses of embryos matured at the two gellan gum concentrations, significantly differed. Among 62 significantly differing spots at 1 week of maturation, the corresponding proteins of 56 were reliably identified by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry/mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), and were found to be mainly involved in 'carbohydrate metabolism', 'genetic information processing' or 'environmental information processing' according to kegg taxonomy. Both physiological parameters and the proteins identified suggested that the embryos were stressed when they were cultured on 4 g l(-1) of gellan gum.  相似文献   

Background and Aims In conifers, mature somatic embryos and zygotic embryos appear to resemble one another physiologically and morphologically. However, phenotypes of cloned conifer embryos can be strongly influenced by a number of in vitro factors and in some instances clonal variation can exceed that found in nature. This study examines whether zygotic embryos that develop within light-opaque cones differ from somatic embryos developing in dark/light conditions in vitro. Embryogenesis in larch is well understood both in situ and in vitro and thus provides a suitable system for addressing this question.Methods Features of somatic and zygotic embryos of hybrid larch, Larix × marschlinsii, were quantified, including cotyledon numbers, protein concentration and phenol chemistry. Somatic embryos were placed either in light or darkness for the entire maturation period. Embryos at different developmental stages were embedded and sectioned for histological analysis.Key Results Light, and to a lesser degree abscisic acid (ABA), influenced accumulation of protein and phenolic compounds in somatic and zygotic embryos. Dark-grown mature somatic embryos had more protein (91·77 ± 11·26 µg protein mg–1 f.wt) than either dark-grown zygotic embryos (62·40 ± 5·58) or light-grown somatic embryos (58·15 ± 10·02). Zygotic embryos never accumulated phenolic compounds at any stage, whereas somatic embryos stored phenolic compounds in the embryonal root caps and suspensors. Light induced the production of quercetrin (261·13 ± 9·2 µg g–1 d.wt) in somatic embryos. Mature zygotic embryos that were removed from seeds and placed on medium in light rapidly accumulated phenolics in the embryonal root cap and hypocotyl. Delaying germination with ABA delayed phenolic compound accumulation, restricting it to the embryonal root cap.Conclusions In larch embryos, light has a negative effect on protein accumulation, but a positive effect on phenol accumulation. Light did not affect morphogenesis, e.g. cotyledon number. Somatic embryos produced different amounts of phenolics, such as quercetrin, depending on light conditions. The greatest difference was seen in the embryonal root cap in all embryo types and conditions.  相似文献   

Somatic embryogenesis in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) is accelerated when the plant regeneration medium is supplemented with haemoglobin (erythrogen). In cotton SVPR 2 lines, a higher frequency of embryoid formation was observed when the medium contained 400 mg/l haemoglobin. Fresh weight of the callus, rate of embryoid induction, number of embryoids formed and the percentage of plant regeneration from somatic embryos were increased. Among the two different cultivars tested, MCU 11 showed no response to the presence of haemoglobin when compared to SVPR 2, and embryogenic callus formation was completely absent in the former. Medium containing MS salts, 100 mg/l myo-inositol , 0.3 mg/l thiamine-HCL, 0.3 mg/l Picloram (PIC), 0.1 mg/l kinetin and 400 mg/l haemoglobin effected a better response with respect to embryogenic callus induction. After 8 weeks of culture, a high frequency of embryoid induction was observed on medium containing MS basal salts, 100 mg/l myo-inositol, 0.3 mg/l PIC , 0.1 mg/l isopentenyl adenine, 1.0 g/l NH4NO3 and 400 mg/l haemoglobin. Plant regeneration was observed in 75.8% of the mature somatic embryos, and whole plant regeneration was achieved within 6–7 months of culture. The regenerated plantlets were fertile and similar to in vivo-grown, seed-derived plants except that they were phenotypically smaller. A positive influence of haemoglobin was observed at concentrations up to 400 mg/l at all stages of somatic embryogenesis. The increase in the levels of antioxidant enzyme activities, for example superoxide dismutase and peroxidase, indicated the presence of excess oxygen uptake and the stressed condition of the plant tissues that arose from haemoglobin supplementation. This increased oxygen uptake and haemoglobin-mediated stress appeared to accelerate somatic embryogenesis in cotton.Abbreviations BAP Benzylaminopurine - 2,4-D 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid - GA3 Gibberellic acid - GR Glutathione reductase - 2iP Isopentenyl adenine - KT Kinetin - NAA Naphthaleneacetic acid - PFC Perfluorocarbon - PIC Picloram - PO Peroxidase - ROS Reactive oxygen species - SOD Superoxide dismutase - T.HCl Thiamine hydrochloride  相似文献   


Key message

Elevated CO 2 enhances the photosynthesis and growth of hybrid larch F 1 seedlings. However, elevated CO 2 -induced change of tree shape may have risk to the other environmental stresses.


The hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi) is one of the most promising species for timber production as well as absorption of atmospheric CO2. To assess the ability of this species in the future high CO2 environment, we investigated the growth and photosynthetic response of hybrid larch F1 seedlings to elevated CO2 concentration. Three-year-old seedlings of hybrid larch F1 were grown on fertile brown forest soil or infertile volcanic ash soil, and exposed to 500 μmol mol?1 CO2 in a free-air CO2 enrichment system located in northern Japan for two growing seasons. Regardless of soil type, the exposure to elevated CO2 did not affect photosynthetic traits in the first and second growing seasons; a higher net photosynthetic rate was maintained under elevated CO2. Growth of the seedlings under elevated CO2 was greater than that under ambient CO2. We found that elevated CO2 induced a change in the shape of seedlings: small roots, slender-shaped stems and long-shoots. These results suggest that elevated CO2 stimulates the growth of hybrid larch F1, although the change in tree shape may increase the risk of other stresses, such as strong winds, heavy snow, and nutrient deficiency.  相似文献   

Summary Embryogenic cultures were established from silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) female megagametliophytes with developing embryos and from excised mature embryos after pollination with Abies cephalonica Lond. or Abies numidica DeLann pollea The frequency of embryogenic callus formation was dependent on genotype, collection time, medium and explants used. The embryogenic callus initiation potential of megagamethophytes with developing embryos in both hybrids was higher in early July and dropped as the zygotic embryos matured. Excised cotyledonary embryos were less suitable for induction of embryogenic cultures. SH medium supplemented with 1mg/l BAP was the most efficient for callus induction and maintenance. Cultures were composed of early somatic embryos with an embryonal mass formed of highly cytoplasmic cells, rich in cell organelles and a suspensor built up by vacuolated, strongly elongated cells. Maturation of embryos was detected with the formation of bipolar structures with shoot and root apices. Nutrition reserves were observed in cells of embryos cultured on DCR medium containing 1 or 10 mg/l ABA. Cotyledon formation, hypocotyl elongation and low frequency germination occured following transfer of the embryos to the same medium without ABA.  相似文献   

We studied the growth and photosynthesis of the hybrid larch F1 (Larix gmelinii var. japonica × L. kaempferi) grown on serpentine soil and the effects of soil N load, to determine the performance of this species as reforestation material in serpentine regions. We prepared 16 experimental plots (2 m × 4 m each), eight on serpentine and eight on brown forest soil, and planted one-year-old cutting seedlings of the hybrid larch F1 in each plot, in May 2007. Ammonium sulfate was supplied to half of the plots of each soil type in 2008 and 2009, at a load of 47 kg N ha−1 year−1. Although the growth and photosynthetic capacity of hybrid larch F1 seedlings in the serpentine soil were limited, the rate of growth in serpentine soil was greater than that of Sakhalin spruce (Picea glehnii) that is dominant species in serpentine regions. There was significant interaction between soil type and N load for the growth and photosynthetic parameters. The N load adversely affected growth and photosynthetic parameters in the serpentine soil, while improved them in brown forest soil. Although the growth rate of hybrid larch F1 without N loading showed high potential as an afforestation species in serpentine region, increasing deposition of N might be a threat to the growth and photosynthesis of the hybrid larch F1 in serpentine soil.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) play essential roles in numerous developmental and metabolic processes in animals and plants. Although the framework of miRNA biogenesis and function is established, the mechanism of miRNA degradation or modification remains to be investigated in plants. Mature miRNAs may be truncated or added nucleotides to generate variants. A detailed analysis of small RNA deep sequencing data sets resulted in the cloning of a large number of variants derived from larch miRNAs. Many 5′- and/or 3′-end truncated versions of miRNAs suggested that larch miRNAs might be degraded through either 5′–3′ or 3′–5′. The relative abundance of variants truncated from 3′-end was higher than that of 5′-end for most miRNAs. The addition of adenine, uridine, and cytidine to the 3′-end of miRNAs was globally present, and the subtle variability in isomiR abundance might be regulated and biologically meaningful. It is the first report for cytidine addition in plant, and our examination of published small RNA deep sequencing data sets of Arabidopsis, rice, and moss suggests that cytidine addition to miRNA 3′-end exists broadly in plants. In addition, the nucleotide addition might be associated with 3′–5′ miRNA degradation. Our results provide valuable information for a genome-wide survey of miRNA truncation and modification in larch or plants.  相似文献   

The regenerative ability of small strips of stem of the Dutch elm hybrid ‘Commelin’ was tested as well as its sensitivity to neomycins. Cambium explants (1 mm thick), were excised from woody stems collected in the field. Up to 20 buds/explant were induced within 2–3 weeks giving 2–5 rootable shoots/explant after 5–6 weeks. Shoot excision every week from week three improved the yield up to 7 shoots per explant. Fourteen and 2.9 μM GA3 promoted shoot growth. Cytokinins (1 μM zeatin or 5 μM BA or 0.05 μM TDZ) completely inhibited shoot production and promoted callus formation. Kanamycin and paromomycin at between 240 and 360 μM inhibited shoot formation as did geneticin at 80 μM. The shoot-forming ability of the explants was high from leaf fall in the autumn to the spring flush, but could be maintained up to September by using cold storage (5–7 °C). Ninety-six percent of the shoots rooted with 0.5 μM IBA and were successfully acclimatized despite having a large basal callus. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This paper describes the development and validation of a novel GC-FID method for the determination of α-tocopherol concentration in human plasma which does not requires derivatization. The standard solutions and the plasma working solutions were prepared in absolute ethanol. To determine the concentration of α-tocopherol in human plasma, an aliquot of the plasma sample was deproteinized with ethanol. α-tocopherol was extracted with a mixture of hexane and dichloromethane (9:1). GC separation was performed using a HP-5 capillary column. Nitrogen was used as carrier gas at a flow-rate of 2 ml min 1. Calibration curves were linear over the concentration range 1–30 μg ml 1 (for standard solutions and solutions without endogenous α-tocopherol in plasma) and 5–34 μg ml 1 (for solutions with endogenous α-tocopherol in plasma). Absolute recovery, precision, sensitivity and accuracy assays were carried out. The analytical recovery of α-tocopherol from plasma averaged 97.44%. The limit of quantification (LOQ) and the limit of detection (LOD) of method for standard samples were 0.35 μg.ml 1 and 0.30 μg.ml 1, respectively. Within-day and between-day precision, expressed as the relative standard deviation (RSD) were less than 4%, and accuracy (relative error) was better than 8%. This novel method, developed and validated in our laboratory, could be successfully applied to the in-vivo determination of α-tocopherol. The endogenous α-tocopherol amounts in blood of twelve healthy volunteers with no vitamin drug usage were measured with this method.  相似文献   


Methylation of a 4-desmethylwyosine derivative fixed in anti-conformation has afforded a higher yield of fluorescent N-4-methyl isomer, 2,5′-cyclo-2-oxo-2′,3′-O-isopropylidenewyosine (7), which has been shown to be relatively stable in acidic media.  相似文献   

Cord blood hematopoietic progenitor cells (CB-HPCs) transplanted immunodeficient NOD/LtsZ-scidIL2Rγ(null) (NSG) and NOD/SCID/IL2Rγ(null) (NOG) mice need efficient human cell engraftment for long-term HIV-1 replication studies. Total body irradiation (TBI) is a classical myeloablation regimen used to improve engraftment levels of human cells in these humanized mice. Some recent reports suggest the use of busulfan as a myeloablation regimen to transplant HPCs in neonatal and adult NSG mice. In the present study, we further ameliorated the busulfan myeloablation regimen with fresh CB-CD34+cell transplantation in 3-4 week old NSG mice. In this CB-CD34+transplanted NSG mice engraftment efficiency of human CD45+cell is over 90% in peripheral blood. Optimal engraftment promoted early and increased CD3+T cell levels, with better lymphoid tissue development and prolonged human cell chimerism over 300 days. These humanized NSG mice have shown long-lasting viremia after HIV-1JRCSF and HIV-1Bal inoculation through intravenous and rectal routes. We also saw a gradual decline of the CD4+T cell count, widespread immune activation, up-regulation of inflammation marker and microbial translocation after HIV-1 infection. Humanized NSG mice reconstituted according to our new protocol produced, moderate cellular and humoral immune responses to HIV-1 postinfection. We believe that NSG mice reconstituted according to our easy to use protocol will provide a better in vivo model for HIV-1 replication and anti-HIV-1 therapy trials.  相似文献   

Natural hybridization is common among oaks. We studied the variability of morphological and ecophysiological variables in the hybrid Quercus subpyrenaica and its assumed parental species Q. faginea and Q. pubescens, which co-occur in NE Spain. To assess the fitness of these taxa we studied several ecophysiological variables (hydraulic conductivity, Kh; hydraulic specific conductivity, Ks; leaf specific conductivity, LSC; water potential corresponding to a 50% loss of conductivity, PLC50; efficiency of light absorption, Ea). We performed a correspondence analysis (CA) to ordinate seedlings, grown under homogeneous environmental conditions, according to their plant and leaf morphology. The CA axis 1 synthesized intra-taxon variability, while the CA axis 2 summarized inter-taxa variability. Q. subpyrenaica showed a wide spectrum of forms, but they were overall closer to those of Q. faginea. We defined three phenotypes within the hybrid based on morphology, which were: (i) the robur group (Qs-r; auriculate leaf base, rounded lobe apex); (ii) Q. pubescens (Qs-p; rounded leaf base, acute lobe apex); and (iii) Q. faginea (Qs-f; acute leaf base, acute-spiny lobe apex). The mean values of Ks and PLC50 arranged the hybrid groups in the same order as the ordination based on leaf morphology. The Qs-r group showed the highest values of Ks and PLC50, while the Qs-f group showed the lowest. Both morphologically and ecophysiologically, the hybrids showed a wide range of values, which spanned and even exceeded the variation of parental taxa.  相似文献   

Node and internode explants of Mallotus repandus were precultured on basal medium (BM: Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium with 3% sucrose and 0.55% Agargel) for 0–18 d before culture on shoot induction Medium (SIM: BM added with 4.44 μM of benzylaminopurine) for 4 wk. The cultures were subsequently transferred to BM for 4 wk for shoot elongation. Node explants precultured on BM for 14 d before incubation on SIM were at an optimum for shoot regeneration with the response rate of 95%, compared to a 21% response for the control without preculture. Internode explants precultured on BM for 16 d responded with an optimal shoot formation response rate of 69%, whereas the control response rate was 6%. The maximum shoot regeneration rates were 3.1 ± 0.3 and 2.7 ± 0.4 shoots/responding explant in node and internode explants, respectively. This study demonstrates for the first time that shoot organogenesis can be induced from internode explants of M. repandus. Furthermore, the results suggest that the explants need to acquire competence before shoot organogenesis. Rooting was obtained by incubation of regenerated shoots on half-strength MS with 10.74 μM of 1-naphthylacetic acid for a week before culture on half-strength MS for 4 wk. Regenerated plants were successfully transferred to soil.  相似文献   

Using in combination an analysis of (i) the levels of enzyme activities present, (ii) the pool sizes of metabolic intermediates and end products and (iii) the effects of feeding metabolic intermediates, the limitations ? flux into tropane alkaloids in a Datura root culture have been examined. This culture, produced by transforming a Datura candida × D. aurea hybrid with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, is found to be highly competent in the biosynthesis of both hyoscyamine and scopolamine as well as a wide range of other hygrine-derived alkaloids. It has been found that, of six enzymes which are involved in this pathway, the two initial activities, ornithine decarboxylase (EC and arginine decarboxylase (EC, are present at potentially flux-limiting levels, in contrast to those other enzymes assayed which act further down the pathway. An additional limitation to flux, involving the supply of activated acids for condensation with tropine to form the identified tropoyl and tigloyl derivatives, is also indicated from the observed effect of feeding free acids. The relative contribution to flux limitation caused by these two interacting phenomena is inferred from an analysis of the changing relative levels of metabolic intermediates and end products as cultures mature.  相似文献   

Strategies were developed for the successful isolation of large numbers of highly viable protoplasts from the leaves, stems and roots of axenic plants of the hybrid ornamental shrubWeigela ×florida cv Bristol Ruby. Protoplasts, of all sources, were cultured on different media, leading to the establishment of sustained divisions, and coupled with the production of multi-celled (>50 cells) colonies. However, those colonies derived from mesophyll protoplasts only were capable of a further proliferation to the callus stage. Upon transfer to a regeneration medium consisting of MS salts and organics plus a range of concentrations of NAA and BAP, such calli underwent caulogenesis, with optimum responses for a medium with 1.0 mg l−1 NAA and 1.0 mg l−1 BAP. The protoplast-derived shoots thus obtained were multiplied on MS medium with 0.1 mg l−1 IBA, 0.5 mg l−1 BAP and 0.1 mg l−1 GA3. Individual shoots were subsequently rooted on a half-strength MS medium plus 3.0 mg l−1 IBA, and complete protoplast-derived plants were finally transferred to the glasshouse for acclimatization.  相似文献   

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