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Ampullary organs of the transparent catfish, Kryptopterus bicirrhus, are present in large numbers on the head and in a regular pattern of lines on the body and fins. The organs lie in the epidermis, and have a pore that opens to the surface. Flattened cells form a roof and walls. On the floor of the organ there are a “sensory hillock,” composed of spherical receptor cells and columnar supporting cells, and a “secretory hillock” composed of columnar secretory cells. The receptor cells are nonciliated and have only afferent innervation. The organ cavity is filled with jelly. The organs are compared with ampullary organs of the weakly electric fish Eigenmannia, ampullae of Lorenzini of Raja, and small pit organs of Amiurus. Structural characteristics of the ampullary organs of Kryptopterus make them especially suitable for electrophysiological studies.  相似文献   

Ampullary receptor organs of the South American weakly electric gymnotid fish Eigenmannia virescens consist of a pore at the surface of the skin, a canal through the epidermis, and the expanded basal end of the canal in the corium. The cavity of the organ contains a jelly that is filled with fine fibers. The canal wall consists of three to six layers of flattened cells that appear to be derived from the adjacent skin. Along the lumen of the organ the cells are joined by tight junctions. Usually there are four spherical receptor cells in the base of the organ. They are innervated by single neural terminals. These organs are compared to tuberous receptor organs found in the same species, and the functional significance of the fine structure observed in these cells is discussed.  相似文献   

The special cutaneous receptor organs of the fresh water weakly electric fish have previously been proposed to be electroreceptors. In the gymnotid, E. virescens, two types of special cutaneous receptor organs, ampullary and tuberous, are distinguished from each other, as well as from the ordinary lateral line receptor organs, by their characteristic distribution and size. The tuberous organs usually contain 25 to 35 elongate nonciliated receptor cells within a cellular capsule. A single layer of supporting cells is present between the base of the receptor cells and the base of the capsule. A single thin myelinated nerve fiber innervates each group of organs and branches so that the base of each receptor cell is supplied with a single nerve ending. Synaptic contact is made at many points on each nerve ending. The synapses are characterized by fingers of receptor cell cytoplasm which contain dense presynaptic rods. The organ capsule is open toward the surface of the fish. A cellular plug partly obscures the opening, but continuity is maintained between the intracapsular fluid and the external water. Microvilli, projecting from the surfaces of the receptor cells, maintain an open gap between adjacent receptor cells. About 95% of the surface area of these cells is therefore in contact with the fluid. The functional implications of some of the ultrastructural observations are discussed.  相似文献   

The ampulla of Lorenzini of juvenile Carcharhlinus leucas differ histologically from those previously described for other elasmobranchs. The wall of the ampullary canal consists of protruding hillock-shaped epidermal cells that appear to secrete large quantities of a mucopolysaccharide gel. The ampullary organs comprise a long canal sheathed in collagen terminating in an ampulla. Each ampulla contains six alveolar sacs, with each sac containing hundreds of receptor cells. The receptor cells are characteristic of others described for elasmobranchs being pear-shaped cells with a central nucleus and bearing a single kinocilium in the exposed apical region of the cell. The supportive cells differ from general elasmobranch ampullary histology in that some have an apical nucleus. These ampullary structures allow Carcharhinus leucas to detect and respond to artificial electrical fields. Carcharhinus leucas from freshwater habitats respond to electrical signals supplied in freshwater aquaria by abruptly turning towards low voltage stimuli (< or = 10 microA) and either swimming over or biting at the origin of the stimulus.  相似文献   

The viscera were compartmentalised in relation to non-specific phosphomonoesterase in a major carp, a catfish and a murrel. Activity was highest in the middle region of the kidney and lowest in the cephalic region of muscle. The observed variations in various regions of the viscera are discussed in relation to feeding habits, growth rate and biochemical make-up of the viscera.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of the neuropeptide substance P, which is considered to be a neurotransmitter or neuromodulator of the central nervous system, has been studied in the cutaneous electroreceptor organs (tuberous and ampullary organs) of 3 species of gymnotid fish: Apteronotus leptorhynchus, Eigenmannia virescens and Sternopygus sp. Immunohistochemical data have revealed that substance P is never present in the afferent fibers but is specifically localized in the electroreceptors of the three species examined. Substane P immunoreactivity is strictly localized in the sensory cells of the ampullary organs of all three species and in those of the tuberous organs of Apteronotus leptorhynchus and Sternopygus sp. In contrast, weak substance P immunoreactivity was observed only in certain tuberous sensory cells of Eigenmannia. Substance P immunoreactivity was also found in the accessory cells of certain organs: it was detected in the two types of accessory cells of the tuberous organs of Eigemmannia virescens, in the accessory cells type 2 of the tuberous organs of Sternopygus sp., and in all accessory cells of ampullary organs of Sternopygus sp. and Apteronotus leptorhynchus. In Sternopygus sp., positive staining was only evident if the substance P antibody was used at low concentration. Immunoreactivity for substance P in the sensory cells suggests that it has a transmitter or modulator function in these electroreceptors; the presence of substance P in the accessory cells remains to be explained.  相似文献   

Recent progress in the comparative analysis of the vertebrate cerebellar organization shows that the cerebella of different tetrapods have a basically similar intrinsic organization, whereas the cerebellum of fishes displays a number of fundamental differences in this respect. Clear examples of teleostean cerebellar specializations are present in the gigantocerebellum of mormyrids, including a valvula cerebelli, the absence of a parasagittal zonal organization, the presence of eurydendroid projection neurons instead of deep cerebellar nuclei, a precerebellar nucleus lateralis valvulae, olivocerebellar fibers that do not climb into the molecular layer, uni- and bilateral locations of granule cells, parallel fibers without a T-shaped bifurcation and with a coextensive distribution in the transverse plane, and different Purkinje cell arrangements including a dendritic palisade pattern. A theoretical exploration of the possible significance of these configurations suggests that they all might be involved in a single main cerebellar function, i.e. coincidence detection of parallel fiber activity by Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

The fish Tribolodon hakonensis lives in good health in Lake Usoriko, which has been acidified and naturally contaminated with arsenic by volcanic activities. We have determined the contents of various metals in various fish organs of T. hakonensis, collected at Lake Usoriko. We found that a large amount of arsenic was accumulated in the eye, especially in the choroid-retina part. The arsenic concentrations in the liver and kidneys were about 0.4 microgram/g (wet), whereas the muscle contained less arsenic. The arsenic accumulation in the skin was also observed, especially in the epaxial part. Zinc and arsenic contents in various fish organs correlated well.  相似文献   

Photoreceptor cells in the fish pineal gland transduce light-dark information differentially into a neuroendocrine melatonin message; distinguishing features are the presence or absence of endogenous oscillators that drive these rhythms. In the present study, we have analysed the presence and distribution of nitric oxide (NO) synthase in both pineal types by NADPH-diaphorase (NADPHd) histochemistry and determined the effects of NO donors on cGMP formation and melatonin production. NADPHd staining was confined to photoreceptor cells in clock-driven pineal organs of zebrafish and goldfish as evidenced by a codistribution with S-antigen-immunoreactivity (-ir) or cyclic GMP-ir and, in the pineal of the trout, to cells that are S-antigen negative. In the trout pineal, but not in the other species, NADPHd staining was clearly codistributed with growth associated protein-43 (GAP-43) immunoreactivity, an antibody that recognizes developing and regenerating neurons in the fish brain. The presence of a functional NO system in photosensory pineal organs is supported by the fact that NO donors like S-nitroso N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) elevate intracellular cGMP levels. However, despite the significant rise in cGMP levels nitric oxide donors did neither affect acute light-dependent melatonin formation in the trout pineal nor the rhythmic production of melatonin in the zebrafish pineal.  相似文献   

In order to further our understanding of the evolution of electric organs in the Neotropical gymnotiform fish, we studied the ontogeny of the electric organs in eight species. In Eigenmannia virescens, Sternopygus macrurus, and Apteronotus leptorhynchus the earliest electrocytes are located between muscle fibres of the hypaxial muscle (Type A electrocytes). We present arguments that these Type A electrocytes represent the plesiomorphic condition. In S. macrurus, in addition to the electrocytes in the hypaxial muscle, additional electrocytes were found in the epaxial muscle. In A. leptorhynchus a neurogenic organ develops later during ontogeny in the medial part of the hypaxial muscle in addition to the early myogenic organ. In E. virescens the early electrocytes in hypaxial muscle will degenerate later during ontogeny, and this organ will be replaced functionally by electrocytes located in the caudal appendage and below the hypaxial muscle. In Electrophorus electricus, two Gymnotus species, Rhamphichthys sp., and Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus the first electrocytes were found below the hypaxial muscle (Type B electrocytes); they are assumed to be the more derived stage. In R. sp., and B. pinnicaudatus the electrocytes of Type B developed directly into the adult organ. In the two Gymnotus ssp. electrocytes were also found in the medial part of the organ in-between muscle fibres of the hypaxial muscle. In E. electricus a germinative zone was observed to separate from the ventral myotome. This zone is generating electrocytes continuously so that, as a consequence, the relative proportion of electric organ to muscle increases greatly. In 45 mm long E. electricus a separation of low voltage orientation pulses and high voltage trains of pulses (shocks) was observed. A first appearance of Hunter’s organ was found in 140 mm specimens of E. electricus. The first discharges of all species studied were head- positive, with the exception of R. sp., which produced a triphasic discharge, its main component, however, being head-positive. The arguments presented indicate that the Type A electrocytes found in E. virescens, S. macrurus, and A. leptorhynchus would represent the plesiomorphic condition. On the basis of the evidence regarding the formation, cytological appearance, and anatomical location, as well as the early electrical recordings, we would hypothesise that during the evolution of gymnotiforms wave type species evolved first, and in a second step pulse type species followed. This view, however, is corroborated by only some phylogenetic hypotheses.  相似文献   

From various environmental pollutants studied so far, specific effects on the reproductive system of small fish species Poecilia reticulata (guppy) and Oryzias latipes (medaka) were noted in the case of beta-hexachlorocyclohexane (induction of vitellogenesis and hermaphroditism, both indicative of estrogenic activity; 32 micrograms/l) and methyl mercury (impaired spermatogenesis; 1.8 micrograms/l). The latter effect was attributed to a disturbance of mitosis.  相似文献   

Histological survey was made to determine nitrate toxicity on the Medaka fish, Oryzias latipes. In order to investigate the effects of short-term exposure to nitrate, one-month-old Medaka fish was exposed to NaNO3 at concentrations of 100 and 125 mg NO3-N l-1 for 96 hours. At the end of the exposure period, survival rate was found to be 30% and 10%, for the 100 and 125 mg NO3-N l-1 exposure concentrations, respectively. Histological examination of the organs showed that disruption of cell alignment was a common feature in the gills, intestinal ampulla, liver and kidney. A long-term exposure experiment was also carried out, whereby Medaka fish was exposed to NaNO3 (100 and 125 mg NO3-N l-1) for three months from its egg stage. Eggs treated with NaNO3 hatched within 10 days after fertilization. At the end of the exposure period, survival rate in the 100 and 125 mg NO3-N l-1 treatments were 40% and 30%, respectively. Fibrosis of the hepatic cells and curved spinal column were observed in the juveniles subjected to long-term nitrate exposure. The results of our experiments suggest that the high mortality resulting from short-term acute exposure to nitrate is caused by general dysfunction throughout the whole body. The chronic toxic effects attributed to nitrate, following long-term exposure, were likely to have resulted from nutrient deficiency caused by hepatic dysfunction.  相似文献   

Total gastrectomy (TG) causes cobalamin (Cbl) deficiency followed by increases in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha levels in the spinal cord (SC) of the rat. In order to understand how Cbl deficiency may influence cell Cbl transport, we have measured by immunoblotting protein levels of the receptor for the Cbl-transcobalamin (TC) complex (TC-R) in both animal and cell models. TC-R protein levels were elevated in the total membranes of duodenal mucosa, kidneys, liver, and SC of rats made Cbl-deficient (Cbl-D) by means of TG or feeding with a Cbl-D diet. Postoperative Cbl-replacement treatment normalized the TC-R protein levels in each of the tested organs, regardless of whether this treatment was given during the first two post-TG or during the third and fourth post-TG mo. In Caco-2 cells, progressively increasing TNF-alpha concentrations supplemented to culture medium induced an up-regulation of TC-R protein levels. We provide the first evidence of the regulation of a Cbl-specific receptor by the vitamin itself in some rat organs.  相似文献   

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