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An important feature of microbial biofilms is the development of four-dimensional physical and chemical gradients in space and time. There is need for novel approaches to probe these so-called microenvironments to determine their effect on biofilm-specific processes. In this study, we describe the use of seminaphthorhodafluor-4F 5-(and-6) carboxylic acid (C-SNARF-4) for pH microenvironment analysis in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. C-SNARF-4 is a fluorescent ratiometric probe that allows pH quantification independent of probe concentration and/or laser intensity. By confocal scanning laser microscopy, C-SNARF-4 revealed pH heterogeneity throughout the biofilm in both the x,y and x,z planes, with values ranging from pH 5.6 (within the biofilm) to pH 7.0 (bulk fluid). pH values were typically remarkably different than those just a few micrometers away. Although this probe has been successfully used in a number of eukaryotic systems, problems have been reported which describe spectral emission changes as a result of macromolecular interactions with the fluorophore. To assess how the biofilm environment may influence fluorescent properties of the dye, fluorescence of C-SNARF-4 was quantified via spectrofluorometry while the probe was suspended in various concentrations of representative biofilm matrix components (i.e., proteins, polysaccharides, and bacterial cells) and growth medium. Surprisingly, our data demonstrate that few changes in emission spectra occur as a result of matrix interactions below pH 7. These studies suggest that C-SNARF-4 can be used as a reliable indicator of pH microenvironments, which may help elucidate their influence on the medical and geobiological roles of natural biofilms.  相似文献   

Stratified growth in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this study, stratified patterns of protein synthesis and growth were demonstrated in Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms. Spatial patterns of protein synthetic activity inside biofilms were characterized by the use of two green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene constructs. One construct carried an isopropyl-beta-d-thiogalactopyranoside (IPTG)-inducible gfpmut2 gene encoding a stable GFP. The second construct carried a GFP derivative, gfp-AGA, encoding an unstable GFP under the control of the growth-rate-dependent rrnBp(1) promoter. Both GFP reporters indicated that active protein synthesis was restricted to a narrow band in the part of the biofilm adjacent to the source of oxygen. The zone of active GFP expression was approximately 60 microm wide in colony biofilms and 30 microm wide in flow cell biofilms. The region of the biofilm in which cells were capable of elongation was mapped by treating colony biofilms with carbenicillin, which blocks cell division, and then measuring individual cell lengths by transmission electron microscopy. Cell elongation was localized at the air interface of the biofilm. The heterogeneous anabolic patterns measured inside these biofilms were likely a result of oxygen limitation in the biofilm. Oxygen microelectrode measurements showed that oxygen only penetrated approximately 50 microm into the biofilm. P. aeruginosa was incapable of anaerobic growth in the medium used for this investigation. These results show that while mature P. aeruginosa biofilms contain active, growing cells, they can also harbor large numbers of cells that are inactive and not growing.  相似文献   

In nature, the bulk of bacterial biomass is believed to exist as an adherent community of cells called a biofilm. Pseudomonas aeruginosa has become a model organism for studying this mode of growth. Over the past decade, significant strides have been made towards understanding biofilm development in P. aeruginosa and we now have a clearer picture of the mechanisms involved. Available evidence suggests that construction of these sessile communities proceeds by many different pathways, rather than a specific programme of biofilm development. A cell-to-cell communication mechanism known as quorum sensing (QS) has been found to play a role in P. aeruginosa biofilm formation. Because both QS and biofilms are impacted by the surrounding environment, understanding the full involvement of cell-to-cell signalling in establishing these complex communities represents a challenge. Nevertheless, under set conditions, several links between QS and biofilm formation have been recognized, which is the focus of this review. A role for antibiotics as alternative QS signalling molecules influencing biofilm development is also discussed.  相似文献   

Bacteria are capable of forming elaborate multicellular communities called biofilms. Pattern formation in biofilms depends on cell proliferation and cellular migration in response to the available nutrients and other external cues, as well as on self-generated intercellular signal molecules and the production of an extracellular matrix that serves as a structural 'scaffolding' for the biofilm cells. Pattern formation in biofilms allows cells to position themselves favorably within nutrient gradients and enables buildup and maintenance of physiologically distinct subpopulations, which facilitates survival of one or more subpopulations upon environmental insult, and therefore plays an important role in the innate tolerance displayed by biofilms toward adverse conditions.  相似文献   

Bacterial biofilms infect 2–4% of medical devices upon implantation, resulting in multiple surgeries and increased recovery time due to the very great increase in antibiotic resistance in the biofilm phenotype. This work investigates the feasibility of thermal mitigation of biofilms at physiologically accessible temperatures. Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms were cultured to high bacterial density (1.7?×?109 CFU cm?2) and subjected to thermal shocks ranging from 50°C to 80°C for durations of 1–30 min. The decrease in viable bacteria was closely correlated with an Arrhenius temperature dependence and Weibull-style time dependence, demonstrating up to six orders of magnitude reduction in bacterial load. The bacterial load for films with more conventional initial bacterial densities dropped below quantifiable levels, indicating thermal mitigation as a viable approach to biofilm control.  相似文献   

Surface-catalysed disinfection of thick Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Transition metal catalysts were incorporated into polymers which formed the surface for bacterial attachment and biofilm formation in a constant depth film fermenter (100 μm thickness), flow chamber (about 30 μm thickness) and in batch culture (<30 μm thickness). The catalysts drive the breakdown of persulphates to reactive oxygen species. When Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms were exposed to dilute solutions of potassium monopersulphate (20 μg ml−1–1 mg ml−1), significant enhancement of killing was notable for catalyst-containing surfaces over that of controls. The degree of enhancement was greatest for thin films, but was nevertheless significant for the 100 μm thick biofilms. Fluorescence probes and viability staining, in conjunction with laser confocal microscopy, showed that reactive species were generated at the biofilm–substratum interface and killed the biofilm from the inside. Reaction-diffusion limitation now concentrates the active species within the biofilm rather than protecting it, and a diffusion pump is established whereby further treatment agent is drawn to the substratum enabling relatively thick biofilms to be disinfected.  相似文献   

pH in the extracellular matrix of bacterial biofilms is of central importance for microbial metabolism. Biofilms possess a complex three-dimensional architecture characterized by chemically different microenvironments in close proximity. For decades, pH measurements in biofilms have been limited to monitoring bulk pH with electrodes. Although pH microelectrodes with a better spatial resolution have been developed, they do not permit the monitoring of horizontal pH gradients in biofilms in real time. Quantitative fluorescence microscopy can overcome these problems, but none of the hitherto employed methods differentiated accurately between extracellular and intracellular microbial pH and visualized extracellular pH in all areas of the biofilms. Here, we developed a method to reliably monitor extracellular biofilm pH microscopically with the ratiometric pH-sensitive dye C-SNARF-4, choosing dental biofilms as an example. Fluorescent emissions of C-SNARF-4 can be used to calculate extracellular pH irrespective of the dye concentration. We showed that at pH values of <6, C-SNARF-4 stained 15 bacterial species frequently isolated from dental biofilm and visualized the entire bacterial biomass in in vivo-grown dental biofilms with unknown species composition. We then employed digital image analysis to remove the bacterial biomass from the microscopic images and adequately calculate extracellular pH values. As a proof of concept, we monitored the extracellular pH drop in in vivo-grown dental biofilms fermenting glucose. The combination of pH ratiometry with C-SNARF-4 and digital image analysis allows the accurate monitoring of extracellular pH in bacterial biofilms in three dimensions in real time and represents a significant improvement to previously employed methods of biofilm pH measurement.  相似文献   

Heterogeneity in a Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm was quantified by measuring distributions of thickness in biofilm samples and a distribution of particle sizes in effluent samples. The mean steady-state thickness was approximately 33 microns, but individual measurements ranged from 13.3 to 60.0 microns. Particles exceeding 100 microns3 were observed in the reactor effluent. The results reveal a rough biofilm surface and indicate that most biomass detaches in the form of multicellular particles.  相似文献   

Bacteria in biofilms have higher antibiotic tolerance than their planktonic counterparts. A major outstanding question is the degree to which the biofilm-specific cellular state and its constituent genetic determinants contribute to this hyper-tolerant phenotype. Here, we used genome-wide functional profiling of a complex, heterogeneous mutant population of Pseudomonas aeruginosa MPAO1 in biofilm and planktonic growth conditions with and without tobramycin to systematically quantify the contribution of each locus to antibiotic tolerance under these two states. We identified large sets of mutations that contribute to antibiotic tolerance predominantly in the biofilm or planktonic setting only, offering global insights into the differences and similarities between biofilm and planktonic antibiotic tolerance. Our mixed population-based experimental design recapitulated the complexity of natural biofilms and, unlike previous studies, revealed clinically observed behaviors including the emergence of quorum sensing-deficient mutants. Our study revealed a substantial contribution of the cellular state to the antibiotic tolerance of biofilms, providing a rational foundation for the development of novel therapeutics against P. aeruginosa biofilm-associated infections.  相似文献   

The process of detachment, through which bacteria use active mechanisms to leave biofilms and return to the planktonic (free-living) state, is perhaps the least understood aspect of the biofilm life cycle. Like other stages of biofilm development, detachment is a dynamic, regulated process, controlled by specific genes, and induced by particular environmental cues. In previous work we discovered Pseudomonas aeruginosa variants that exhibit accelerated biofilm detachment. These hyper-detaching variants arise spontaneously from biofilms at a high frequency, and they exhibit robust detachment under different biofilm growth conditions. Here we show that these variants detach by a mechanism requiring the biosurfactant rhamnolipid and that this detachment mechanism rapidly restores antibiotic sensitivity to separating bacteria. We also show that rhamnolipids can bring about detachment in wild-type P. aeruginosa biofilms. These findings raise the possibility that this detachment mechanism may be useful as a treatment to disrupt established biofilms. Interestingly, the rhamnolipid-mediated detachment mechanism involves the formation of cavities within the centre of biofilm structures. Our data suggest a model to explain detachment that occurs via this pattern.  相似文献   

Activity of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in biofilms: Steady state   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aerobic glucose metabolism by Pseudomonas aeruginosa in steady-state biofilms at various substrate loading rates and reactor dilution rates was investigated. Variables monitored were substrate (glucose), biofilm cellular density, biofilm extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) density, and suspended cellular and EPS concentrations. A mathematical model developed to describe the system was compared to experimental data. Intrinsic yield and rate coefficients included in the model were obtained from suspended continuous culture studies of glucose metabolism by P. aeruginosa. Experimental data compared well with the mathematical model, suggesting that P. aeruginosa does not behave differently in steady-state biofilm cultures, where diffusional resistance is negligible, than in suspended cultures. This implies that kinetic and stoichiometric coefficients for P. aeruginosa derived in suspended continuous culture can be used to describe steady-state biofilm processes.  相似文献   

Environmental biofilms often contain mixed populations of different species. In these dense communities, competition between biofilm residents for limited nutrients such as iron can be fierce, leading to the evolution of competitive factors that affect the ability of competitors to grow or form biofilms. We have discovered a compound(s) present in the conditioned culture fluids of Pseudomonas aeruginosa that disperses and inhibits the formation of biofilms produced by the facultative plant pathogen Agrobacterium tumefaciens. The inhibitory activity is strongly induced when P. aeruginosa is cultivated in iron-limited conditions, but it does not function through iron sequestration. In addition, the production of the biofilm inhibitory activity is not regulated by the global iron regulatory protein Fur, the iron-responsive extracytoplasmic function σ factor PvdS, or three of the recognized P. aeruginosa quorum-sensing systems. In addition, the compound(s) responsible for the inhibition and dispersal of A. tumefaciens biofilm formation is likely distinct from the recently identified P. aeruginosa dispersal factor, cis-2-decenoic acid (CDA), as dialysis of the culture fluids showed that the inhibitory compound was larger than CDA and culture fluids that dispersed and inhibited biofilm formation by A. tumefaciens had no effect on biofilm formation by P. aeruginosa.  相似文献   

Biofilm-embedded bacteria are generally more resistant to antimicrobial agents than are planktonic bacteria. Two possible mechanisms for biofilm resistance are that the glycocalyx matrix secreted by cells in a biofilm reacts with and neutralizes the antimicrobial agent and that the matrix creates a diffusion barrier to the antimicrobial agent. This study was therefore conducted to examine the relationship between glycocalyx and enhanced povidone-iodine resistance in biofilms of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (ATCC 27853). Biofilms were generated by inoculation of polycarbonate membranes with broth-grown cells and incubation of them on the surfaces of nutrient agar plates. The quantities of glycocalyx material per cell were found not to be significantly different between biofilm and planktonic samples. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the distributions of glycocalyx material around cells differed in biofilm and in planktonic samples. Addition of alginic acid to planktonic cell suspensions resulted in a slight increase in resistance to povidone-iodine, suggesting some neutralizing interaction. However, the iodine demands created by biofilm and planktonic samples of equivalent biomass were not significantly different and, therefore, do not explain the contrast in resistance observed between biofilm and planktonic samples. Examination of the relationship between cell death and biomass detachment from the glycocalyx matrix revealed that most cell death occurred in the fraction of biomass that detached from a biofilm during treatment. The overall rate of iodine diffusion through biofilms was not different from that of planktonic cells collected on a polycarbonate membrane.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Luminescent silica nanoparticles are frequently employed for biotechnology applications mainly because of their easy functionalization, photo-stability, and biocompatibility. Bifunctional silica nanoparticles (BSNPs) are described here as new efficient tools for investigating complex biological systems such as biofilms. Photoluminescence is brought about by the incorporation of a silylated ruthenium(II) complex. The surface properties of the silica particles were designed by reaction with amino-organosilanes, quaternary ammonium-organosilanes, carboxylate-organosilanes and hexamethyldisilazane. BSNPs were characterized extensively by DRIFT, 13C and 29Si solid state NMR, XPS, and photoluminescence. Zeta potential and contact angle measurements exhibited various surface properties (hydrophilic/hydrophobic balance and electric charge) according to the functional groups. Confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) measurements showed that the spatial distribution of these nanoparticles inside a biofilm of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 depends more on their hydrophilic/hydrophobic characteristics than on their size. CLSM observations using two nanosized particles (25 and 68?nm) suggest that narrow diffusion paths exist through the extracellular polymeric substances matrix.  相似文献   

Aerobic glucose metabolism by Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms at various calcium loading rates was investigated. The influence of calcium on specific growth rate, extracellular polymeric substance (EPS) formation rate, biofilm detachment rate, and biofilm calcium concentrations was determined. Calcium accumulated in the biofilm in proportion to the liquid phase concentration. Increasing calcium concentration increased the cohesiveness of the biofilm as indicated by a lower relative detachment rate. Specific activity in the biofilm was the same as that measured in a chemostat and was not influenced by changing calcium concentration. EPS formation rate in the biofilm was unaffected by calcium concentration but was higher than that observed in a chemostat.  相似文献   

A Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm is studied with pulsed field gradient echo nuclear magnetic resonance. Although not all spectral components are assigned yet, the experimental results show that a biofilm consists of components with very different diffusion coefficients. The various biofilm components that give motionally narrowed 1H NMR signals, can be grouped into five classes with diffusion coefficients, ranging from 2 x 10(-9) to 1 x 10(-13) m2 s-1. Investigation of the diffusion behavior of water in the biofilm shows three fractions with different diffusion coefficients. Besides the highly mobile bulk water at least two other fractions with much lower diffusion coefficients are detected. It is shown that one of the fractions with the low diffusion coefficient probably arises from intracellular water. Also for another component of the biofilm, glycerol, three fractions with diffusion coefficients that differ more than a factor ten are detected. Also a group of signals exists which result from practically immobile components.  相似文献   

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