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Morphological and histochemical examination of the blood and connective tissue of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis injected with various types of foreign particulate materials has shown the existence of free as well as fixed phagocytic cells. The morphology of the fixed phagocytes is described, and the phagocytic system of the snail is compared with that of other molluscan species.  相似文献   

Summary Electron micrographs of pore cells of Lymnaea stagnalis suggest that these cells produce and store haemocyanin.  相似文献   

InLymnaea stagnalis, oral uptake of ambient medium was studied using51Cr-ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid. In normal snails Cr-ethylenediaminetetra-acetic acid uptake showed two components: a high uptake rate within the first hour followed by moderate uptake proportional with time. The tracer accumulated mainly in the digestive system. All animals showed initial, transient uptake. Moderate uptake proportional with time did not occur in snails in which the buccal ganglia had been extirpated, in which both the buccal ganglia had been extirpated and the oesophagus was sectioned, or in snails provided with an oesophageal fistula. These snails did not accumulate tracer in the intestinal system. This type of tracer accumulation clearly represented oral ingestion of surrounding water. The oral water ingestion rate ranged from 8 to 12 μl·h−1·g−1. Assuming complete absorption, this accounts for 20–30% of the urine production rate. At low external concentrations the contribution of oral water ingestion to Na+ balance is negligible. However, its importance will grow with increasing external concentrations and becomes a major factor at higher concentrations. The ingestion rate increased almost sixfold when starving snails were allowed to feed. It is suggested that oral water ingestion is a consequence of making bite cycles and swallowing.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Final urine is intermittently released from the pneumostome of the pulmonate freshwater snail Lymnaea slagnalis. A technique is described to sample this fluid.
  • 2.2. The ionic composition of final urine greatly differs from that of haemolymph; Na+ and Cl are reabsorbed to a considerable degree. In lettuce fed snails K+ is excreted.
  • 3.3. The urine Na+ and Cl concentrations are about 38 and 31 mM lower, respectively, than the haemolymph concentrations, also when the latter concentrations vary.

This study examines the interaction between the caudodorsal cell hormone (CDCH) and schistosomin, a peptide secreted by the central nervous system of the snail (Lymnaea stagnalis) infected with the avian schistosome Trichobilharzia ocellata. Non-infected snails were injected with synthetic as well as native CDCH in the absence or presence of purified schistosomin. The response to 2 pmol of synthetic CDCH was blocked for 90% by coinjection with 3.5 pmol of schistosomin. The ovulation-inducing activity of extracts of cerebral commissures (the storage area of native CDCH) was also blocked by schistosomin. The degree of inhibition (65%), however, was less than that observed with synthetic CDCH. These results show that schistosomin inhibits ovulation and egg laying in Lymnaea. This explains the decrease or absence of egg laying in schistosome-infected freshwater snails.  相似文献   

The disturbance of plasma membrane carbohydrates and of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) ligands in relation to cytoskeletal transformations of haemocytes has been investigated after chronic exposure of pond snails (Lymnaea stagnalis) to the peroxidizing toxicant fomesafen. Neither of the two lectins used (concanavalin A and wheat germ agglutinin) showed any binding modification after incubation of the snails in the presence of the toxicant. However, after exposure of the snails to fomesafen, a clear and persistent reduction in LPS labelling of haemocytes occurred. The actin cytoskeleton of the same cells also appeared to be sensitive to the toxicant. The reduction in LPS-binding sites was related to actin staining, leading to the hypothesis that LPS ligands and actin could be similarly modulated by the toxicant. Damaged cells showed non-adherent membrane portions with reduced filopodial extrusions, exhibiting a smooth surface free of microvilli. These changes could lower the spreading and adhesion of the cells and could therefore account for the loss in their phagocytic capabilities.  相似文献   

Summary This study describes the neural basis of respiratory behavior in a pulmonate mollusc, Lymnaea stagnalis. We describe and identify muscles of the respiratory orifice (pneumostome) and mantle cavity as well as relevant motor neurons innervating these muscles. All of these identified motor neurons are active during spontaneously occurring respiratory behavior and a sporadically occurring synaptic input, termed Input 3, controls the activities of these motor neurons. This spontaneous input can also be recorded from isolated brain preparations, suggesting that the respiratory motor program is generated centrally. However, evidence is also presented that in semi-intact preparations the role of peripheral feedback is important for the initiation and termination of respiratory behavior in Lymnaea.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Glycogen and galactogen contents of the albumen gland of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis were determined under different conditions, known to influence these polysaccharides viz egg laying, photoperiod and starvation.
  • 2.2. After oviposition, the galactogen content is restored within 32 hr, whereas glycogen remains constant during this period. Short-day photoperiods favour accumulation, long-day photoperiods induce depletion of glycogen. In contrast, the galactogen content is not affected by the photoperiod.
  • 3.3. Since glycogen and galactogen are present in the same cells of the albumen gland, the independent variation of these polysaccharides would imply the presence of separate intracellular regulation mechanisms.

Conclusion The overt oviposition rhythm ofLymnaea stagnalis should be regarded as an endogenous one. Despite considerable deviations of its period from 24 hrs, entrainment by 24 hr. external periodicities is possible. Possibly, entrainment is effectuated via a second — covert — internal rhythm. The fact that similar rhythms have not been established before, is probably connected with the nature of the phenomena to which previous studies have generally been limited.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have demonstrated that the freshwater pulmonate snail Lymnaea stagnalis is extremely sensitive to metals (Co, Ni, Pb) in chronic exposures. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the acute and chronic sensitivity of L. stagnalis to Cu and investigate the underlying mechanism(s) of toxic action. A 96-h LC50 of 31μg L(-1) Cu was estimated indicating L. stagnalis was moderately acutely sensitive to Cu relative to other aquatic organisms. However, in a 30-day chronic exposure using juvenile snails an EC20 of 1.8μg L(-1) Cu was estimated for snail growth making L. stagnalis the most sensitive organism tested to date for Cu. Hardness-based and BLM-based water quality criteria for Cu at the water quality conditions used in this study were 7.8 and 1.5μg L(-1), respectively, indicating L. stagnalis is significantly under-protected by hardness-based WQC. Investigations into the mechanism(s) of toxic action for Cu were conducted on young adult snails necessitating higher Cu exposures. Exposure to Cu at 12μg L(-1) resulted in no detectable effects on hemolymph osmolality, net Ca(2+) uptake, titratable acid excretion, or ammonia excretion. Exposure to 48μg L(-1) Cu was shown to significantly reduce (91%) net Ca(2+) uptake which is strongly correlated with shell deposition and corresponding snail growth. Snails exposed to 48μg L(-1) Cu also exhibited reduced ammonia excretion, a marked hemolymph acidosis, and a compensatory increase in titratable acid excretion. The reduction in net Ca(2+) uptake was hypothesized to be a secondary effect of Cu-induced inhibition of carbonic anhydrase, but no reduction in carbonic anhydrase activity was detected. Overall, it remains unclear whether inhibition of Ca(2+) uptake is a direct result of Cu exposure or, along with the other observed physiological effects, is secondary to an unidentified primary mode of toxic action. Given the hypersensitivity of L. stagnalis to Cu, further study into the mechanisms of action and effects of varying water chemistry on Cu toxicity is clearly warranted.  相似文献   

The effects of lead (5 or 10 ppm) on the survival of the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis (L.) collected from lead contaminated or uncontaminated environments were evaluated under controlled laboratory conditions. The animals from the contaminated environment had significantly greater survivability than those from the unpolluted environment to subsequent acute (up to 24 days) exposure to lead. Acute (72 h) exposure to lead inhibited several behavioural activities including locomotion, feeding, tentacle extension and emergence from the shell. Lead bioaccumulated in the snail tissues, especially the buccal mass and stomach. The freshwater snail provides a valuable system for studying the bioaccumulation and development of tolerance to environmental lead. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The main purpose of the studies presented in this paper is twofold: 1) to evaluate whether phyto-adaptogens (Acanthopanax senticosus and Rhodiola rosea) are able to exert a protective action against stress-induced death of embryos of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis; and 2) whether a possible protective action by phyto-adaptogens can be explained by the induction of heat shock proteins. Enhancement in resistance by phyto-adaptogens was studied by applying plant extracts for a period of 20 hours to 3-day old larvae of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Subsequently they were exposed to a high and toxic dose of different environmental stressors. The following stress conditions were selected: a physical stress condition (heat shock: 43 degrees C for 4 minutes), an oxidative stress condition (superoxide radicals induced by menadione (600 microM for 2 hours)) and heavy metal-induced stress (copper (150 microM for 1 hour) or cadmium (20 microM during 1 hour)). Both Acanthopanax and Rhodiola exert a strong protective action against a lethal heat shock. These adaptogens also significantly protect against the negative effect of superoxide radicals as induced by menadione. With respect to the protective action against exposure to heavy metals a small but significant protection was observed against intoxication with copper or cadmium by the phyto-adaptogens. In summary, there appears to be a difference in efficiency in enhancing resistance to the various stress conditions used (heat shock>menadione>copper>cadmium). Based on the results presented in this paper, we can conclude that phyto-adaptogens are able to enhance the resistance against the different stress conditions tested in developing individuals of Lymnaea. Although the degree to which resistance is enhanced appears to depend on the type of stressor applied, our results confirm the definition of phyto-adaptogens as being universal enhancers of non-specific resistance against different kinds of stress conditions. With respect to the mechanism of enhanced resistance, the question was asked whether this protective action is caused by an induction of heat shock proteins (hsps), which are known to be involved in tolerance and adaptation. The phyto-adaptogens did not induce the synthesis of any of the hsps, nor did they modulate the normal heat shock induced synthesis of these stress proteins. We conclude that it is unlikely that hsps play a major role in obtaining an enhanced state of resistance provided by phyto-adaptogens.  相似文献   

Small population size is expected to induce heterosis, due to the random fixation and accumulation of mildly deleterious mutations, whereas within‐population inbreeding depression should decrease due to increased homozygosity. Population bottlenecks, although less effective, may have similar consequences. We tested this hypothesis in the self‐fertile freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis, by subjecting experimental populations to a single bottleneck of varied magnitude. Although patterns were not strong, heterosis was significant in the most severely bottlenecked populations, under stressful conditions. This was mainly due to hatching rate, suggesting that early acting and highly deleterious alleles were involved. Although L. stagnalis is a preferential outcrosser, inbreeding depression was very low and showed no clear relationship with bottleneck size. In the less reduced populations, inbreeding depression for hatching success increased under high inbreeding. This may be consistent with the occurence of synergistic epistasis between fitness loci, which may contribute to favour outcrossing in L. stagnalis.  相似文献   

We have studied the glycoconjugates in trail mucus of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis. The mucus was dissolved with 6 M guanidinium hydrochloride (GuHCl) and the major component was comprised of very high-Mr glycoconjugates that were eluted in the void volume of a Sepharose CL-4B gel-filtration column. This high-Mr material was pooled and thereafter subjected to density gradient centrifugation first in 4 M GuHCl/CsCl and subsequently 0.2 M GuHCl/CsCl to further remove non-glycosylated proteins and DNA. The harvested glycoconjugate pool chromatographed in the void volume of Sepharose CL-2B. However, reduction of disulfide bonds lowered the molecular size of approximately 80% of the void material yielding a major fragment and some minor smaller fragments in gel chromatography. The reduced glycoconjugates were digested with papain and yielded high molecular weight, proteinase-resistant glycopeptides. This fragmentation pattern is similar to that found for oligomeric gel-forming mucins in mammals and the amino acid composition (60% Ser/Thr) and sugar analysis of the glycopeptides is consistent with mucin-like molecules, there being no significant amounts of xylose or uronic acids. The residual 20% of the preparation, which apparently resisted reduction and protease digestion, had a similar amino acid composition to the bulk, but was somewhat different in sugar composition, containing some xylose and a significant amount of glucuronic acid. The two groups of molecules had very different morphologies in the electron microscope. Taken together, these data suggest that trail mucus is a complex mixture of at least two families of protein-glycoconjugate molecules based upon the gel-forming mucin and proteoglycan families, though we cannot rule out that polysaccharides may also be present.  相似文献   

The binding of oxygen by the haemocyanin of the gastropod Lymnaea stagnalis was studied by equilibrium and kinetic methods. The studies were performed under conditions in which the haemocyanin molecule was in the native state. Over the pH range 6.8-7.6, in the presence of 10mM-CaCl2 the haemocyanin bound O2 cooperatively. Over this pH range the haemocyanin molecule displayed a normal Bohr effect whereby the O2 affinity of the molecule decreased with a fall in the pH of the solution. The maximum slope of the Hill plot (hmax.) was 3.5, obtained at pH 7.5. An increase in the CaCl2 concentration from 5 to 20 mM at pH 6.8 resulted in a slight increase in the oxygen affinity, with hmax. remaining virtually unchanged. At constant pH and CaCl2 concentration, an increase in NaCl concentration from 0 to 50 mM resulted in a small decrease in O2 affinity, but a significant increase in the value of hmax. from 3.5 to 8.6. Temperature-jump relaxation experiments over a range of O2 concentrations produced single relaxation times. The dependence of the relaxation time on the reactant concentrations indicated a simple bimolecular binding process. The calculated association and dissociation rate constants for this process at pH 7.5 are 29.5 X 10(6) M-1 X S-1 and 49 S-1 respectively. The association rate constant kon was found to be essentially independent of pH and CaCl2 concentration. The dissociation rate constant, koff, however, increased with a decrease in the pH, but was also independent of CaCl2 concentration. These results indicate that the stability of the haemocyanin-O2 complex is determined by the dissociation rate constant.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemistry and Western blotting techniques demonstrated that the nervous system and foot of the pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis are rich sources of tubulin, which can be extracted and assembled in vitro in the presence of taxol. Various broad-spectrum antibodies raised against -tubulin and -tubulin yielded qualitatively similar results. One monoclonal antibody to trypanosome -tubulin, however, labelled -tubulin more strongly on both probed sections and Western blots. Cytochemistry and immunoblotting revealed that tyrosinated tubulin constitutes a large proportion of total -tubulin in locomotor cilia of the foot and in axons of the nervous system. Detyrosinated tubulin also appeared to be abundant in the foot cilia but only a very faint band of detyrosinated tubulin was found on protein blots extracted from the central ganglia, and staining was barely detectable in central ganglia or peripheral nerves. Similarly, acetylated tubulin appeared to be abundant in foot cilia, but Western blotting indicated only low levels of acetylated tubulin in the nervous system. Immunocytochemistry indicated that, while most neurons possessed little or no acetylated tubulin, a small number of axons contained significant amounts of this isoform. Thus, while a large amount of tubulin was expected in the nervous system and locomotor cilia of L. stagnalis, the observed distribution of isoforms was unanticipated. Specifically, neurons of other organisms have generally been reported to contain substantial amounts of both detyrosinated -tubulin and acetylated -tubulin. Our results indicate that such findings cannot be generalized across all species. L. stagnalis, with its well studied nervous system and unusual distribution of tubulin isoforms, may prove to be particularly useful for studying the roles of tubulin isoforms in microtubule function and cell activity.  相似文献   

A novel molluscan insulin-related peptide (MIP) III, has been isolated from alcohol extracts of the neurohaemal area of the cerebral neuroendocrine light-green neurones of Lymnaea stagnalis. MIP III was purified by sequential high-performance gel-permeation chromatography followed by reverse-phase HPLC. MIP III is a heterodimer connected by disulphide bonds. Edman degradation analysis and subsequent alignment with the A and B chains of the previously identified MIP I and II showed that the 24-amino-acid peptide with the sequence pQSRPSIVC(E)CCFNQCTVQ(E)LLAYC represents the MIP III A chain, and the 37-amino-acid peptide sequence TTQHTCSILSRPHPRGLCGSTLANMVQWLCSTYTTSS the B chain. The overall amino acid sequence of MIP III shows about 50% similarity with those of MIP I and II, and only 20-40% similarity with other peptides of the insulin superfamily. Important structural features, e.g. disulphide bridges and the hydrophobic core, are conserved in MIP III.  相似文献   


Male copulatory behavior of the hermaphroditic snail Lymnaea stagnalis is a complex one: the appetitive behavior consists of a number of elements which do not always appear in the same sequence and have variable durations. Backfills of the penis nerve revealed the neurons that send projections to the male copulatory apparatus. Immunocytochemical experiments have demonstrated that these neurons contain at least ten different messenger molecules. Based on in situ hybridization and chemical purification data, it is suspected that this number will probably be doubled. How the different neurons and the molecules they contain might be involved in generation of the different elements of male copulatory behavior is discussed.  相似文献   

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