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This study examined whether menstrual cycle phase was associated with performance on the Primary Mental Abilities Test of Spatial Relations, a test of mental rotation, in undergraduate students (N = 82). As cortisol levels also vary across the menstrual cycle under conditions of stress and influence cognitive performance, saliva samples were obtained before and after the test session to examine whether cortisol levels were related to between- and within-group differences in spatial performance. Men scored higher on the spatial test than all the groups of women, although the difference between men and women in the menstrual phase was not significant. Women in the luteal phase scored lower than the menstrual, follicular, and oral contraceptive user groups of women. There were no sex or menstrual cycle differences in cortisol levels, and no association between cortisol levels and spatial performance. The poorer performance of women in the luteal phase was not related to differences in ratings of perceived stress, perceived success on the test, or mood. Although menstrual cycle phase accounted for a significant proportion of the variance (15%) in performance on the spatial test, this does not explain why men outperformed women regardless of the phase of the cycle. Thus, there are clearly several other variables, sociocultural and physiological, involved in mediating individual differences in spatial performance.  相似文献   

Background. The dynamics of testosterone levels exhibits several cyclic patterns with various period lengths. Circadian and circannual rhythms of testosterone are known in both genders. Among infradian rhythms only the circalunar cycle in women is widely accepted. In our previous studies we have found a circatrigintan (30 days) and a circavigintan (20 days) cycle in men. Whether cyclic patterns with higher frequencies are present in the dynamics of testosterone levels in men or in women is unknown.

Aim. To analyze the infradian dynamics of salivary testosterone in both genders for the presence of cyclic patterns.

Subjects and methods. Seventeen young and healthy women and 15 men were asked to collect saliva samples during 30 consecutive days. Testosterone levels were determined using radioimmunoassay, Analysis of Rhythmic Variance II (ANORVA II) was used for statistical analysis. Potential period lengths of 3 - 15 days were evaluated.

Results. The dynamics of salivary testosterone showed high intra-individual variability in both genders (coefficient of variation - 28% in women and 26% in men). ANORVA II analysis showed no significant rhythms, although a weak circaseptan cyclic pattern has been found in women.

Discussion. Our results showed no significant infradian cyclic variation with a period between 3 and 15 days. Further studies should concentrate on potential longer periods. Described intra-individual variability of testosterone levels in both genders should be considered in endocrine research.  相似文献   

An experiment was designed to investigate the relation among salivary testosterone, mood, and selective attention to threat. The participant group consisted of 32 nonclinical subjects (16 men and 16 women). Individuals completed the Profile Of Mood States (POMS) and performed a pictorial emotional Stroop task measuring selective attention to angry faces. Anticipating a time lag between testosterone (as measured in saliva) and cognitive emotional behavior, multiple time-coursed saliva samples were taken preceding the assessment of questionnaire and task for every subject. In both sexes, salivary testosterone was significantly related to mood (i.e., anger and tension) and selective attention to angry faces when saliva samples were taken 6 h before questionnaire and task assessment. Research on the relation between testosterone and human behavior might benefit by taking into account time lags between the behavioral manifestations and the continuously changing levels of testosterone.  相似文献   

Testosterone plays an important role in mediating male reproductive trade-offs in many vertebrate species, augmenting muscle and influencing behavior necessary for male–male competition and mating-effort. Among humans, testosterone may also play a key role in facilitating male provisioning of offspring as muscular and neuromuscular performance is deeply influenced by acute changes in testosterone. This study examines acute changes in salivary testosterone among 63 Tsimane men ranging in age from 16 to 80 (mean 38.2) years during one-hour bouts of tree-chopping while clearing horticultural plots. The Tsimane forager-horticulturalists living in the Bolivian Amazon experience high energy expenditure associated with food production, have high levels of parasites and pathogens, and display significantly lower baseline salivary testosterone than age-matched US males. Mixed-effects models controlling for BMI and time of specimen collection reveal increased salivary testosterone (p < 0.001) equivalent to a 48.6% rise, after one hour of tree chopping. Age had no effect on baseline (p = 0.656) or change in testosterone (p = 0.530); self-reported illness did not modify testosterone change (p = 0.488). A comparison of these results to the relative change in testosterone during a competitive soccer tournament in the same population reveals larger relative changes in testosterone following resource production (tree chopping), compared to competition (soccer). These findings highlight the importance of moving beyond a unidimensional focus on changes in testosterone and male–male aggression to investigate the importance of testosterone–behavior interactions across additional male fitness-related activities. Acutely increased testosterone during muscularly intensive horticultural food production may facilitate male productivity and provisioning.  相似文献   

Women's preferences for masculinity in men's faces, voices and behavioral displays change during the menstrual cycle and are strongest around ovulation. While previous findings suggest that change in progesterone level is an important hormonal mechanism for such variation, it is likely that changes in the levels of other hormones will also contribute to cyclic variation in masculinity preferences. Here we compared women's preferences for masculine faces at two points in the menstrual cycle where women differed in salivary testosterone, but not in salivary progesterone or estrogen. Preferences for masculinity were strongest when women's testosterone levels were relatively high. Our findings complement those from previous studies that show systematic variation in masculinity preferences during the menstrual cycle and suggest that change in testosterone level may play an important role in cyclic shifts in women's preferences for masculine traits.  相似文献   

The present study examined whether women's testosterone levels are influenced by being with a sexual and romantic partner after a period of sexual abstinence. Women in long distance relationships (n = 15) provided five saliva samples: at least 1 week before seeing their partner (and at least 2 weeks since their last visit), the day before seeing their partner, when they were with their partner but prior to engaging in sexual activity, the day after their first sexual activity, and 3 days after they were separated from their partners. Salivary testosterone was lowest when participants had been away from their partners for at least 2 weeks and highest the day before they were to see their partners and the day after sexual activity. Results from this study indicated that women's testosterone increased both the day before they were with their partners and they day after they first engaged in sexual activity. However, something about initially reuniting with their partners returned their testosterone to baseline levels, which may be an effect of being in the same location as a partner, or just a state fluctuation due to nervousness or other psychological state.  相似文献   

We examined the influences of regular sexual activity and marital status on salivary testosterone levels in healthy adult Japanese men. Forty-four men (20–66 years) collected their saliva thrice a day (0900–1000, 1300–1400, and 1700–1800). The testosterone levels at each collection time negatively correlated with the ages of the participants; therefore, residual testosterone levels were used for analyses after correcting for age by linear regression. The testosterone-lowering effect of marriage was marginal and the regular sexual activity more strongly associated with lower testosterone levels in morning saliva. The possible neurofeedback systems underlying the phenomenon are discussed.  相似文献   

Male variation in testosterone (T) levels may, in part, reflect a differential behavioral allocation to mating and parenting effort. This research tests whether demographic indicators of pair bonding and parenting were associated with salivary T levels among Kenyan Swahili men. Men in the sample were either unmarried (N = 17), monogamously married (N = 57), or polygynously married (N = 14), and between ages 29-52. In contrast with earlier findings among North American men, monogamously married men did not have lower T levels than unmarried men. However, among all married men, men with younger genetic children tended to have marginally lower T levels. Polygynously married men, all of whom had two wives, had higher T levels than all other Swahili men. Possible explanations of higher T levels among polygynously married men are explored.  相似文献   

Measures of testosterone among women are potentially useful in behavioral research, but information is needed on how much error is introduced by variability across the menstrual cycle. Morning and evening salivary testosterone concentrations were measured at weekly intervals across one menstrual cycle in each of 22 women, using the luteinizing hormone surge to mark midcycle. Menstrual cycles were statistically significant but smaller than daily cycles or individual differences. Menstrual cycle effects can be ignored in most research relating psychological and behavioral variables to individual differences in testosterone.  相似文献   

Evidence suggests that female sexual preferences change across the menstrual cycle. Women''s extra-pair copulations tend to occur in their most fertile period, whereas their intra-pair copulations tend to be more evenly spread out across the cycle. This pattern is consistent with women preferentially seeking men who evidence phenotypic markers of genetic benefits just before and during ovulation. This study examined whether women''s olfactory preferences for men''s scent would tend to favour the scent of more symmetrical men, most notably during the women''s fertile period. College women sniffed and rated the attractiveness of the scent of 41 T-shirts worn over a period of two nights by different men. Results indicated that normally cycling (non-pill using) women near the peak fertility of their cycle tended to prefer the scent of shirts worn by symmetrical men. Normally ovulating women at low fertility within their cycle, and women using a contraceptive pill, showed no significant preference for either symmetrical or asymmetrical men''s scent. A separate analysis revealed that, within the set of normally cycling women, individual women''s preference for symmetry correlated with their probability of conception, given the actuarial value associated with the day of the cycle they reported at the time they smelled the shirts. Potential sexual selection processes and proximate mechanisms accounting for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Daily luteal progesterone levels were measured for 124 regularly menstruating women, aged 18-44, by radioimmunoassay of steroid levels in saliva. A consistent pattern of age variation in luteal function was found, with the lowest levels of progesterone in the 18-19-year-old and 40-44-year-old groups, the highest values in the 25-34 year olds, and intermediate values in the 20-24 and 35-39-year-old groups. The striking similarity of this pattern of age variation with empirically and theoretically generated curves of apparent fecundability, suggests that age-related changes in ovarian function may underlie observed age variation in fecundability.  相似文献   

A contribution to a special issue on Hormones and Human Competition.This study investigated the relation between competition, testosterone (T), and cortisol (C) in women. One hundred and twenty female participants competed against a male confederate in a computerized laboratory task. The task was preprogrammed so that half the women won and half of the women lost the competition. T and C concentrations were measured in saliva samples collected at four time points before and after the competition. Accuracy and reaction time during the competition were recorded. T and C increased directly after the competition, though not significantly for C, and then decreased over time regardless of the competition outcome. Regression analyses demonstrated that baseline T was significantly and positively associated with competition accuracy, though only in individuals who were low in C. Individuals who were high in C showed no relation between T and accuracy. This relation was further qualified by competition outcome. Losers of the competition showed a significant positive relation between baseline T levels and competition accuracy, though only if they were low in C. No relation was found between T and accuracy in losers who were high in C. Winners of the competition showed no relation between T and accuracy, regardless of whether C levels were high or low. These results are in line with the dual-hormone hypothesis, whereby the effects of T on status-seeking behaviors are dependent on C levels for individuals whose status is threatened.  相似文献   

Variations in how pleasant sugar solutions are, as rated by women, occur at different stages of the menstrual cycle. Following a glucose meal sweet solutions become less pleasant, but this shift is slower at the time of ovulation. The significance of these changes is discussed.  相似文献   

P Grace 《BMJ (Clinical research ed.)》1991,303(6817):1582-1583

Fitzgerald, Margaret D., Hirofumi Tanaka, Zung V. Tran, andDouglas R. Seals. Age-related declines in maximal aerobic capacityin regularly exercising vs. sedentary women: a meta-analysis. J. Appl. Physiol. 83(1): 160-165, 1997.Our purpose was to determine the relationship between habitualaerobic exercise status and the rate of decline in maximal aerobiccapacity across the adult age range in women. A meta-analytic approachwas used in which mean maximal oxygen consumption(O2 max) values fromfemale subject groups (ages 18-89 yr) were obtained from thepublished literature. A total of 239 subject groups from 109 studiesinvolving 4,884 subjects met the inclusion criteria and werearbitrarily separated into sedentary (groups = 107; subjects = 2,256),active (groups = 69; subjects = 1,717), and endurance-trained (groups = 63; subjects = 911) populations.O2 max averaged 29.7 ± 7.8, 38.7 ± 9.2, and 52.0 ± 10.5 ml · kg1 · min1,respectively, and was inversely related to age within each population (r = 0.82 to 0.87, allP < 0.0001). The rate of decline inO2 max withincreasing subject group age was lowest in sedentary women (3.5ml · kg1 · min1· decade1), greater inactive women (4.4ml · kg1 · min1· decade1), andgreatest in endurance-trained women (6.2ml · kg1 · min1 · decade1)(all P < 0.001 vs. each other). Whenexpressed as percent decrease from mean levels at age ~25 yr, therates of decline inO2 max were similarin the three populations (10.0 to 10.9%/decade). Therewas no obvious relationship between aerobic exercise status and therate of decline in maximal heart rate with age. The results of thiscross-sectional study support the hypothesis that, in contrast to theprevailing view, the rate of decline in maximal aerobic capacity withage is greater, not smaller, in endurance-trained vs. sedentary women.The greater rate of decline inO2 max in endurance-trained populations may be related to their higher values asyoung adults (baseline effect) and/or to greater age-related reductions in exercise volume; however, it does not appear to berelated to a greater rate of decline in maximal heart rate with age.


S B Pal 《Endokrinologie》1979,73(3):296-300
Urinary testosterone and epitestosterone were determined in 90 normal healthy women and in 90 women with idiopathic hirsutism, both groups aged between 16 and 46 years. Testosterone and epitestosterone excretion values were above the normal range in 27 of the 90 hirsute women (30%), and these 27 women had much more prominent hair growth than the others. When these results were statistically analysed according to the age groups or for all ages as a whole, they were found to be highly significant (P less than 0.0005). Therefore, it is concluded that the estimation of urinary testosterone and epitestosterone could be meaningfully applied to study the androgen status of hirsute women.  相似文献   



Geographic variation in traditional cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors has been observed among women in the US. It is not known whether state-level variation in cardiovascular inflammation exists or could be explained by traditional clinical risk factors and behavioral lifestyle factors.

Methods and Results

We used multilevel linear regression to estimate state-level variation in inflammatory biomarker patterns adjusted for clinical and lifestyle characteristics among 26,029 women free of CVD. Participants derived from the Women''s Health Study, a national cohort of healthy middle-aged and older women. Inflammatory biomarker patterns (plasma levels of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP), soluble intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (sICAM-1), and fibrinogen) were compared to state-level patterns of traditional CVD risk factors and global risk scores. We found that all three inflammatory biomarkers exhibited significant state-level variation including hsCRP (lowest vs. highest state median 1.3 mg/L vs. 2.7 mg/L, unadjusted random effect estimate 1st to 99th percentile range for log hsCRP 0.52, p<.001), sICAM-1 (325 ng/ml vs. 366ng/ml, unadjusted random effect estimate 1st to 99th percentile range 0.44, p<.001), and fibrinogen (322 mg/dL vs. 367 mg/dL, unadjusted random effect estimate 1st to 99th percentile range 0.41, p = .001). Neither demographic, clinical or lifestyle characteristics explained away state-level effects in biomarker patterns. Southern and Appalachian states (Arkansas, West Virginia) had the highest inflammatory biomarker values. Regional geographic patterns of traditional CVD risk factors and risk scores did not completely overlap with biomarkers of inflammation.


There is state-level geographic variation in inflammatory biomarkers among otherwise healthy women that cannot be completely attributed to traditional clinical risk factors or lifestyle characteristics. Future research should aim to identify additional factors that may explain geographic variation in biomarkers of inflammation among healthy women.  相似文献   

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