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Three species of Dipsocoromorpha found from China are reported in this paper.The type material of new species is preserved in the Shanghai Institute of Entomology,Shanhai, China excepting a part of the paratypes in collection of Nankai University,Tianjin, China.  相似文献   

记述采自中国海南、贵州、广东的短象蜡蝉属Dictyopharina Melichar(半翅目,蜡蝉总科,象蜡蝉科,象蜡蝉亚科)1新种,即六突短象蜡蝉D.hexasaca sp.nov..编制了短象蜡蝉属分种检索表,提供了新种的鉴别特征图.新种模式标本保存于贵州大学昆虫研究所.  相似文献   

Eight new species of disteniid beetles from south and southw-estern China are described. All the type specimens are deposited in theEntomological Laboratory, Southwest Agricultural University.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new species of Lithodidae is reported. The type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology, Hangzhou University and the Donghai Fisheries Research Institute. Diagnosis of the new species is given as below.  相似文献   

In the present paper, five new species and two new subspecies of Chinesebutterflies belonging to 4 families and 6 genera are described. The butterflies here dealt with were collected by Chinese entomologistsduring their expeditions of the forest pests and diseases of Yunnan province inthe years 1979-1981.  相似文献   

In early summer, 1957, a small collection of parasitic copepods was obtained from the body surface of certain marine fishes along the coast of peichihli Bay. From the material obtained, four species belonging to the genus Lepeophtheirus and one species to the genus Caligus, have been identified.  相似文献   

In the present paper,two genera and ten species of Acrididae are described as newfrom Yunnan,Kweichow and northern part of Szechwan. All type specimens are deposited in the Department of Biology,Shensi NormalUniversity. Gesonula mundata szemaoensis ssp.nov.(fig.1)  相似文献   

The present papers deals with psocids collected from Shaanxi Province. A totalof 18 species belonging to 9 genera under 2 families are new to science. The typeare deposited in the Collections of the Beijing Agricultural University.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new genus and species of Noetuidae are reported. Type specimenis kept in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica, Jingia, gen. nov. Proboscis fully developed; palpi obliquely porrect to just beyond frons, the 3rdjoint very short; frons with rounded prominence, with corneous plate below it; eyeslarge, rounded, naked; head and thorax elothed with hairs and few scales; fore tibiae  相似文献   

In this paper 9 new species and subspecies belonging to the genus Pogillia Servillecollected from southwestern China are described. Popillia cerinmaculata, sp. nov. Length: 8--8.5 mm, breadth: 4.5--4.8 mm. Blaek or black brown, elytra with a large red brown spot enclosing scutellum;  相似文献   

Two new species of Nipponohockeria Habu (first recorded in China) and two newspecies of Uga Kerrich are described and figured. The type specimens are deposited in the Laboratory of Biological Control, Department of Plant Protection, Zhejiang Agricultur-al University.  相似文献   

Aurelianus Yunnananus Xiong,sp.nov.(figs.1—5) Length 24.5mm,26mm. Width between pronotal angles 7mm,8mm. Dark blackish-ochraceous with golden fine hairs.4th antennalsegmentblack.Length of antennal segment4.4:4.05:3.4:4.6mm.Length of rost-rum segmet2.1:1.3:1.0:1.4mm.Hemelytra not reaching apex of abdomen  相似文献   

A new species Euchorthippus fusigeniculatus, collected from Changbai Mountains, Jilin Province has been described and illustrated. This new species is allied to Eu. cheui Hsia, but differs from the latter in: 1) lateral carinae of the pronotum weakly incurved in the prozona, 2) the hind femora with dark knees, 3) the sides of supra-anal plate in the male with brown carinae.  相似文献   

This paper deals with 12 species of Callaphididae from China. Among them 7 species and a genus are described as new to science. All the types are deposited in the Institute of Zoology, Academia Sinica. Tinocallis hemipteleae Zhang, sp. nov. (figs. 1—12) Allied to T. takachihoensis Higuchi, 1972, but forewing with pigment bordering the veins, with spots at apices of veins, and with apical 1/5 of Rs indistinct; 1st segment of all tarsi with 7 setae; 3rd antennal segment with 14—18 transversely elongate sensoria.  相似文献   

In the present paper, 1 new genus, 3 new species and 1 new subspecies of Lycae-nidae are described. The specimens here dealt with were collected by entomologists during their expedi-tions to the Sinkiang Province in the years 1957-1960. The diagnostic characters of the new genus, species and subspecies are as follows:  相似文献   

This paper is a report on Typhlocybinae collected and preserved by the Northwestern College of Agriculture. Among the studied specimens there are 18 species described as new to science and 28 species recorded for the first time from China. All type specimens are kept in the collection of that college.  相似文献   

'I.DESCR1PTIoNorderPerissodactylaOwen,l848SuperfamilyCbalicotherioideacall,l872'Family?EomoropidaeVret,l958GehusDanjiangiagen.nov.TypespeciesDaniiangiapingigen.etsp-nov.DiagnoaisSma1lprimitivecha1icothere(lengthofM/l=8.3mm),skullshallowwithcranialrostrumrelatively1ong,mandibularhorizontalramusandmandibularsymphysisfairlylongandsha1low,teeth1ow-crowned,dentitionformula:3.l.4.3/,P2/2tIenchant,P4/withincipientmesostyle.M/widerthan1engthwithW-shapedectoIoph,…  相似文献   

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