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Despite recent advances in the derivation of rat embryonic stem cells, clear comprehension of the timing and mechanisms underlying rat early embryo lineage selection is lacking. We have previously shown the in vivo contribution of rat embryonic stem-like cells exclusively to developing extraembryonic tissues. To elucidate possible mechanisms governing the in vitro and in vivo behaviors of these rat blastocyst-derived stem cells, we evaluated their developmental capacity by using several approaches. Molecular marker analysis demonstrated the expression profile of genes characterizing not only pluripotency but also extraembryonic endoderm and trophoblast. In vitro differentiation through embryoid body formation showed in vitro pluripotent capacity through differentiation into derivatives of all three embryonic germ layers. Following either blastocyst injection, diploid or tetraploid aggregation, and embryo transfer, these rat blastocyst-derived stem cells also demonstrated in vivo multipotency through contribution to multiple developmentally distinct extraembryonic lineages. Features of phenotypic heterogeneity were revealed following examination of cell line morphology and culture behavior, as well as quantitative analysis of marker expression in discrete undifferentiated and differentiated populations of cells by flow cytometry. We demonstrate for the first time that stem cells derived from the rat blastocyst have the ability to contribute to the embryonic and extraembryonic lineages. Together, these results provide a valuable new model for rat stem cell biology and for the elucidation of early lineage selection in the embryo.  相似文献   

T-box gene family members have important roles during murine embryogenesis, gastrulation, and organogenesis. Although relatively little is known about how T-box genes are regulated, published gene expression studies have revealed dynamic and specific patterns in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues of the mouse conceptus. Mutant alleles of the T-box gene Brachyury (T) have identified roles in formation of mesoderm and its derivatives, such as somites and the allantois. However, given the cell autonomous nature of T gene activity and conflicting results of gene expression studies, it has been difficult to attribute a primary function to T in normal allantoic development. We report localization of T protein by sectional immunohistochemistry in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues during mouse gastrulation, emphasizing T localization within the allantois. T was detected in all previously reported sites within the conceptus, including the primitive streak and its derivatives, nascent embryonic mesoderm, the node and notochord, as well as notochord-associated endoderm and posterior neurectoderm. In addition, we have clarified T within the allantois, where it was first detected in the proximal midline of the late allantoic bud (approximately 7.5 days postcoitum, dpc) and persisted within an expanded midline domain until 6-somite pairs (s; approximately 8.5 dpc). Lastly, we have discovered several novel T sites, including the developing heart, visceral endoderm, extraembryonic ectoderm, and its derivative, chorionic ectoderm. Together, these data provide a unified picture of T in the mammalian conceptus, and demonstrate T's presence in unrelated cell types and tissues in highly dynamic spatiotemporal patterns in both embryonic and extraembryonic tissues.  相似文献   

Dorsal closure in Drosophila embryogenesis involves expansion of the dorsal epidermis, followed by closure of the opposite epidermal edges. This process is driven by contractile force generated by an extraembryonic epithelium covering the yolk syncytium known as the amnioserosa. The secreted signaling molecule Dpp is expressed in the leading edge of the dorsal epidermis and is essential for dorsal closure. We found that the outermost row of amnioserosa cells (termed pAS) maintains a tight basolateral cell-cell adhesion interface with the leading edge of dorsal epidermis throughout the dorsal closure process. pAS was subject to altered cell motility in response to Dpp emanating from the dorsal epidermis, and this response was essential for dorsal closure. alphaPS3 and betaPS integrin subunits accumulated in the interface between pAS and dorsal epidermis, and were both required for dorsal closure. Looking at alphaPS3, type I Dpp receptor, and JNK mutants, we found that pAS cell motility was altered and pAS and dorsal epidermis adhesion failed under the mechanical stress of dorsal closure, suggesting that a Dpp-mediated mechanism connects the squamous pAS to the columnar dorsal epidermis to form a single coherent epithelial layer.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells, derived from the inner cell mass of blastocyst can differentiate into multiple cell lineages. In this study, we examined the possible involvement of Ras in ES cell differentiation. We found that Ras was activated upon formation of embryoid bodies (EBs), an initial step in ES cell differentiation. When expressed during EB differentiation, a dominant-negative mutant of Ras suppressed induction of marker genes for extraembryonic endoderm differentiation, including GATA-4, GATA-6, alpha-fetoprotein, and hepatocyte nuclear factor 3beta, while an activated mutant promoted their induction. Expression of a Ras mutant that selectively activates the Raf/MEK/Erk pathway also enhanced induction of extraembryonic endoderm markers, and treatment with a MEK inhibitor resulted in their decreased expression. In addition, Ras stimulated downregulation of Nanog, a suppressor of endoderm differentiation in ES cells. These data suggest that Ras activation during EB differentiation plays a crucial role in initiation of extraembryonic endoderm differentiation.  相似文献   

It has been well established that certain heterologous tissue antibodies may induce abnormal embryonic development when injected into pregnant rodents during the organogenetic period. It has been postulated that these antibodies indirectly cause embryopathy by interfering with the normal functions of the yolk-sac placenta. The exact mechanism whereby these antibodies may induce placental pathology is not known. Specific teratogenic antibodies against a homogeneous rat kidney glycoprotein or a visceral yolk-sac glycoprotein antigen were injected intraperitoneally into 9th day pregnant rats. Electron microscopic examinations of the extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells of the egg cylinder were performed at 4, 6, 9, and 24 hours after the administration of the teratogenic antibodies. Control animals were injected with normal rabbit serum proteins. Extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells were similarly processed and examined as the experimental groups. The results seemed to indicate that the teratogenic antibodies induced increased autophagocytosis and morphologic changes associated with the phagolysosomes (secondary lysosomes) within the extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells at 9 hours following antibody administration. After 24 hours there was an apparent reduction or a complete disappearance of the supranuclear phagolysosome-like and lysosome-like structures, and the appearance of many large and small electron lucent vacuoles containing finely granular materials. Similar ultrastructural pathology was not observed in the 4 and 6 hour experimental and all of the control groups of animals. No other obvious intracellular or intercellular changes were observed in all of the experimental groups. Although the exact mechanism whereby the teratogenic antibodies may induce pathologic changes in the extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells remains to be determined, the present ultrastructural study demonstrated, for the first time, that teratogenic antibodies induced abnormal pathology in the extraembryonic visceral endodermal cells during the critical period of organogenesis.  相似文献   

Expression of the human epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) in murine Schwann cells results in loss of axon-Schwann cell interactions and collagen deposition, modeling peripheral nerve response to injury and tumorigenesis. Mast cells infiltrate nerves in all three situations. We show that mast cells are present in normal mouse peripheral nerve beginning at 4 weeks of age, and that the number of mast-cells in EGFR(+) nerves increases abruptly at 5-6 weeks of age as axons and Schwann cells dissociate. The increase in mast cell number is preceded and accompanied by elevated levels of mRNAs encoding the mast-cell chemoattractants Rantes, SCF and VEGF. Genetic ablation of mast cells and bone marrow reconstitution in W(41) x EGFR(+) mice indicate a role for mast cells in loss of axon-Schwann cell interactions and collagen deposition. Pharmacological stabilization of mast cells by disodium cromoglycate administration to EGFR(+) mice also diminished loss of axon-Schwann cell interaction. Together these three lines of evidence support the hypothesis that mast cells can contribute to alterations in peripheral nerves.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES) cells are pluripotent cells with the potential capacity to generate any type of cell. We describe here the isolation of pluripotent ES-like cells from equine blastocysts that have been frozen and thawed. Our two lines of ES-like cells (E-1 and E-2) appear to maintain a normal diploid karyotype indefinitely in culture in vitro and to express markers that are characteristic of ES cells from mice, namely, alkaline phosphatase, stage-specific embryonic antigen-1, STAT-3 and Oct 4. After culture of equine ES-like cells in vitro for more than 17 passages, some ES-like cells differentiated to neural precursor cells in the presence of basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), epidermal growth factor and platelet-derived growth factor. We also developed a protocol that resulted in the differentiation of ES-like cells in vitro to hematopoietic and endothelial cell lineages in response to bFGF, stem cell factor and oncostatin M. Our observations set the stage for future developments that may allow the use of equine ES-like cells for the treatment of neurological and hematopoietic disorders.  相似文献   

Embryonic stem (ES)-like cells were isolated from in vivo-produced cat embryos. Total of 101 blastocysts were collected from female cats. The inner cell mass (ICM) were mechanically isolated and cultured on mitomycin-C-treated cat embryonic fibroblast feeder layers in medium supplemented with knockouttrade mark Serum Replacement (KSR-medium) or fetal bovine serum (FBS-medium). Putative ES-like cell colonies developed in both KSR- and FBS-medium conditions, but formed domed and flat colonies, respectively. ICM cell attachment and ES-like cell colony formation were significantly higher in KSR-medium, but subsequent cell proliferation was significantly lower than in FBS-medium. For passaging, 32 and 18 colonies in KSR- and FBS-medium were separated by enzymatic dissociation or mechanical disaggregation. Enzymatic dissociation resulted in cell differentiation; however, mechanical disaggregation generated cells that remained undifferentiated over more than four passages and yielded two cat ES-like cell lines that continued to grow for up to eight passages in FBS-medium. These cells had typical stem cell morphology, expressed high levels of alkaline phosphatase activity, and were positive for the ES cell-markers Oct-4, stage-specific embryonic antigen-1 (SSEA-1), SSEA-3, and SSEA-4. These cells formed embryoid bodies (EBs) in suspension culture after extended suspension culture. When simple EBs were cultured on tissue culture plates, they differentiated into several cell types, including epithelium-like and neuron-like cells. In addition, EBs were positive for mesoderm marker, desmin. After prolonged in vitro culture, some colonies spontaneously differentiated into beating myocardiocytes, and were positive for alpha-actinin. These observations indicate that cat ES-like cells were successfully isolated and characterized from in vivo-produced blastocysts.  相似文献   

The demonstration that mouse somatic cells can be reprogrammed following fusion with embryonic stem (ES) cells may provide an alternative to somatic cell nuclear transfer (therapeutic cloning) to generate autologous stem cells. In an attempt to produce cells with an increased pool of reprogramming factors, tetraploid ES cells were produced by polyethylene glycol mediated fusion of two ES cell lines transfected with plasmids carrying puromycin or neomycin resistance cassettes, respectively, followed by double antibiotic selection. Tetraploid ES cells retain properties characteristic of diploid ES cells, including the expression of pluripotent gene markers Oct4 and Rex1. On injection into the testis capsule of severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) mice, tetraploid ES cells are able to form teratomas containing cells representative of all three germ layers. Further, these cells demonstrated the ability to integrate into the inner cell mass of blastocysts. This study indicates that tetraploid ES cells are promising candidates as cytoplasm donors for reprogramming studies.  相似文献   

The marrow stromal cell is the principal source of the key osteoclastogenic cytokine receptor activator of NF-kappaB (RANK) ligand (RANKL). To individualize the role of marrow stromal cells in varying states of TNF-alpha-driven osteoclast formation in vivo, we generated chimeric mice in which wild-type (WT) marrow, immunodepleted of T cells and stromal cells, is transplanted into lethally irradiated mice deleted of both the p55 and p75 TNFR. As control, similarly treated WT marrow was transplanted into WT mice. Each group was administered increasing doses of TNF-alpha. Exposure to high-dose cytokine ex vivo induces exuberant osteoclastogenesis irrespective of in vivo TNF-alpha treatment or whether the recipient animals possess TNF-alpha-responsive stromal cells. In contrast, the osteoclastogenic capacity of marrow treated with lower-dose TNF-alpha requires priming by TNFR-bearing stromal cells in vivo. Importantly, the osteoclastogenic contribution of cytokine responsive stromal cells in vivo diminishes as the dose of TNF-alpha increases. In keeping with this conclusion, mice with severe inflammatory arthritis develop profound osteoclastogenesis and bone erosion independent of stromal cell expression of TNFR. The direct induction of osteoclast recruitment by TNF-alpha is characterized by enhanced RANK expression and sensitization of precursor cells to RANKL. Thus, osteolysis attending relatively modest elevations in ambient TNF-alpha depends upon responsive stromal cells. Alternatively, in states of severe periarticular inflammation, TNF-alpha may fully exert its bone erosive effects by directly promoting the differentiation of osteoclast precursors independent of cytokine-responsive stromal cells and T lymphocytes.  相似文献   

Domestic animal embryonic stem (ES) cells would provide an invaluable research tool for genetic breeding and the production of transgenic animals. Unfortunately, authentic domestic animals ES cells have not been established despite progress made over more than two decades. Here, we show that ovine ES-like cells can be efficiently derived and propagated in a semi-defined medium that contains N2, B27, GSK3 inhibitor (CHIR99021), and basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF). These ovine ES-like cells had a characteristic three-dimensional appearance, showed a bFGF dose-dependence, expressed specific markers such as alkaline phosphatase (AP), Oct-4, Sox2, Nanog and can be maintained for 30 passages. Moreover, these cells differentiated in vitro into neuronal cells, and formed teratomas containing a variety of different tissues including cartilage and neural tissue when injected into kidney capsules of severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) mice. But the cell lines fail to contribute to embryonic development upon blastocyst transplantation. To our knowledge, this is the first experiment to use semi-defined medium without feeder-cells to derive ES-like cells from ovine blastocysts, and opens the door to deriving authentic ES cells from domesticated ungulates.  相似文献   

Pollinator‐mediated reproductive isolation is a major factor in driving the diversification of flowering plants. Studies of floral traits involved in reproductive isolation have focused nearly exclusively on visual signals, such as flower color. The role of less obvious signals, such as floral scent, has been studied only recently. In particular, the genetics of floral volatiles involved in mediating differential pollinator visitation remains unknown. The bumblebee‐pollinated Mimulus lewisii and hummingbird‐pollinated Mimulus cardinalis are a model system for studying reproductive isolation via pollinator preference. We have shown that these two species differ in three floral terpenoid volatiles – d ‐limonene, β‐myrcene, and E‐β‐ocimene – that are attractive to bumblebee pollinators. By genetic mapping and in vitro analysis of enzyme activity we demonstrate that these interspecific differences are consistent with allelic variation at two loci, LIMONENE‐MYRCENE SYNTHASE (LMS) and OCIMENE SYNTHASE (OS). Mimulus lewisii LMS (MlLMS) and OS (MlOS) are expressed most strongly in floral tissue in the last stages of floral development. Mimulus cardinalis LMS (McLMS) is weakly expressed and has a nonsense mutation in exon 3. Mimulus cardinalis OS (McOS) is expressed similarly to MlOS, but the encoded McOS enzyme produces no E‐β‐ocimene. Recapitulating the M. cardinalis phenotype by reducing the expression of MlLMS by RNA interference in transgenic M. lewisii produces no behavioral difference in pollinating bumblebees; however, reducing MlOS expression produces a 6% decrease in visitation. Allelic variation at the OCIMENE SYNTHASE locus is likely to contribute to differential pollinator visitation, and thus promote reproductive isolation between M. lewisii and M. cardinalis. OCIMENE SYNTHASE joins a growing list of ‘speciation genes’ (‘barrier genes’) in flowering plants.  相似文献   

In newborn mice, PLRP2 is essential for fat digestion. In human infants, the role of PLRP2 in fat digestion is unclear, as it has poor activity against long-chain triglycerides in vitro. Also, many infants carry a genetic polymorphism resulting in a truncated protein, PLRP2 W340X, which may impact function significantly. We re-examined the properties of recombinant human PLRP2 and studied the impact of W340X mutation on its function. In the presence of bile salt micelles and colipase, human PLRP2 hydrolyzed long-chain tri-, di-, and monoglycerides. It hydrolyzed triolein at a level much lower than that of pancreatic triglyceride lipase, but close to that of carboxyl ester lipase, after a long lag phase, which could be eliminated by the addition of oleic acids. Human PLRP2 W340X was poorly secreted and largely retained inside the cell. The retention of the mutant protein triggered endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein responses. Our results show that earlier studies underestimated human PLRP2 activity against triolein by employing suboptimal assay conditions. In vivo, dietary fat emulsions contain fatty acids as a result of the action of gastric lipase. Consequently, PLRP2 can contribute to fat digestion during early infancy. Furthermore, infants with homozygous W340X alleles will not secrete functional PLRP2 and may have inefficient dietary fat digestion, particularly when breastfeeding is unavailable. Additionally, the aberrant folding of W340X mutant may cause chronic cellular stress and increase susceptibility of pancreatic exocrine cells to other metabolic stressors.  相似文献   

The application of human embryonic stem cells (HESCs) to provide differentiated cells for regenerative medicine will require the continuous maintenance of the undifferentiated stem cells for long periods in culture. However, chromosomal stability during extended passaging cannot be guaranteed, as recent cytogenetic studies of HESCs have shown karyotypic aberrations. The observed karyotypic aberrations probably reflect the progressive adaptation of self-renewing cells to their culture conditions. Genetic change that increases the capacity of cells to proliferate has obvious parallels with malignant transformation, and we propose that the changes observed in HESCs in culture reflect tumorigenic events that occur in vivo, particularly in testicular germ cell tumors. Further supporting a link between culture adaptation and malignancy, we have observed the formation of a chromosomal homogeneous staining region in one HESC line, a genetic feature almost a hallmark of cancer cells. Identifying the genes critical for culture adaptation may thus reveal key players for both stem cell maintenance in vitro and germ cell tumorigenesis in vivo.  相似文献   

(C57BL x CBA)F1 hybrid female mice were mated with hemizygous Rb(X.2)2Ad males to distinguish the paternal X chromosome. Homozygous tetraploids were produced by blastomere fusion at the 2-cell stage, and 161 of these were transferred to recipients and analysed on the 10th day of gestation. 59 implants contained resorptions and 76 contained either an embryo and/or extraembryonic membranes. 38 (20, XXXX and 18, XXYY) were analysed to investigate their X-inactivation pattern. Embryonic and yolk sac endodermally- and mesodermally-derived samples were analysed by G-banding and by Kanda analysis. In the XX and XY controls, the predicted pattern of X-inactivation was observed, though 12.2% of metaphases in the XX series displayed no X-inactivation. In the XY series the Y chromosome was seen in a high proportion of metaphases. In the XXXX tetraploids, 8 cell lineages were recognized with regard to their X-inactivation pattern, though most belonged to the following 3 categories: (XmXm)XpXp, Xm(XmXp)Xp and XmXm(XpXp). The other categories were only rarely encountered. In the embryonic and mesodermally-derived tissue the ratio of these groups was close to 1:2:1, whereas in the endodermally-derived tissue it was 1:4.11:4.88, due to preferential paternal X-inactivation. A significant but small proportion of all 3 tissues analysed displayed no evidence of X-inactivation. Indirect evidence suggests that this represents a genuine group because of the high efficiency of the Kanda staining. The presence of the Xm(XmXp)Xp category is consistent with the expectation that X-inactivation occurs randomly in 2 of the 4 X chromosomes present. The presence of small numbers of preparations with no evidence of X-inactivation and other unexpected categories suggests that these are probably selected against during development.  相似文献   

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