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The proteolysis of flu virions of the strain A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (subtype H1N1) by enzymes of various classes was studied to develop an approach to the study of the structural organization and interaction of the basic protein components of the virion environment: hemagglutinin (HA), transmembrane homotrimeric glycoprotein, and matrix protein M1 forming a layer under the lipid membrane. Among the tested proteolytic enzymes and enzymic preparations (thermolysin, trypsin, chymotrypsin, subtilisin Carlsberg, pronase, papain, and bromelain), the cysteine proteases bromelain and papain and the enzymic preparation pronase efficiently deleted HA ectodomains, while chymotrypsin, trypsin, and subtilisin Carlsberg deleted only a part of them. An analysis by MALDI TOF mass spectrometry allowed us to locate the sites of HA hydrolysis by various enzymic preparations. Bromelain, papain, trypsin, and pronase split the polypeptide chain after the K177 residue located before the transmembrane domain (HA2 185-211). Subtilisin Carlsberg hydrolyzed the peptide bond at other neighboring points: after L178 (a basic site) or V176. The hydrolytic activity of bromelain measured by a highly specific chromogenic substrate of cysteine proteases Glp-Phe-Ala-pNA was almost three times higher in the presence of 5 mM beta-mercaptoethanol than in the presence of 50 mM. However, the complete removal of exodomains of HA, HA, and low-activity enzyme by the HA high- and low-activity enzyme required identical time intervals. In the absence of the reducing reagent, the removal of HA by bromelain proceeded a little more slowly and was accompanied by significant fragmentation of protein Ml1. The action of trans-epoxysuccinyl-L-leucylamido)butane (E-64), a specific inhibitor of cysteine proteases, and HgCl2 on the hydrolysis of proteins HA and M1 by bromelain was investigated.  相似文献   

A comparative analysis of MALDI TOF mass spectra of low-molecular products resulting from the hydrolysis of native collagen I by collagenases of various classes (bacterial metallocollagenase from Clostridium histolyticum, serine collagenase from the Morikrasa commercial preparation, cysteine collagenase from Serratia proteomaculans, and cysteine collagenases from larvae of beetles Dermestes frischi and D. maculatus) was carried out. The spectra contain a number of ion peaks common for all collagenases; nevertheless, the mass spectra of each hydrolysate contains a unique set of peaks (“fingerprint”) characteristic of each enzyme. This is especially true for the peaks of major products with relative intensities of more than 50%. At the same time, the enzymes of one class (cysteine collagenases) exhibit in their mass spectra peaks of identical major products. The results show a potential opportunity for MALDI TOF application in the primary screening of collagenases according to the fingerprints of collagen hydrolysis products.  相似文献   

Mass spectrometry using matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) is a widespread technique for various types of proteomic analysis. In the identification of proteins using peptide mass fingerprinting, samples are enzymatically digested and resolved into a number of peptides, whose masses are determined and matched with a sequence data-base. However, the presence inside the cell of several splicing variants, protein isoforms, or fusion proteins gives rise to a complex picture, demanding more complete analysis. Moreover, the study of species with yet uncharacterized genomes or the investigation of post-translational modifications are not possible with classical mass fingerprinting, and require specific and accurate de novo sequencing. In the last several years, much effort has been made to improve the performance of peptide sequencing with MALDI. Here we present applications using a fast and robust chemical modification of peptides for improved de novo sequencing. Post-source decay of derivatized peptides generates at the same time peaks with high intensity and simple spectra, leading to a very easy and clear sequence determination.  相似文献   

During the past few years, the structural analysis of proteins and protein complexes by chemical crosslinking and mass spectrometry has enjoyed increasing popularity. With this approach we have investigated the quaternary structure of the complex between annexin A2 and p11, which is involved in numerous cellular processes. Although high-resolution data are available for both interaction partners as well as for the complex between two p11 subunits and two annexin A2 N-terminal peptides, the structure of the complete annexin A2/p11 heterotetramer has not yet been solved at high resolution. Thus, the quaternary structure of the biologically relevant, membrane-bound annexin A2/p11 complex is still under discussion, while the existence of a heterotetramer or a heterooctamer is the prevailing opinion. We gained further insight into the spatial organization of the annexin A2/p11 heterotetramer by employing chemical crosslinking combined with high-resolution mass spectrometry. Furthermore, tandem mass spectrometry served as a tool for an exact localization of crosslinked amino acid residues and for a confirmation of crosslinked product assignment. On the basis of distance constraints from the crosslinking data we derived structural models of the annexin A2/p11 heterotetramer by computational docking with Rosetta. We propose an octameric model for the annexin A2/p11 complex, which exerts annexin A2 function. The proposed structure of the annexin A2/p11 octamer differs from so far suggested models and sheds new light into annexin A2/p11 interaction.  相似文献   

It is suggested that colorectal cancer might be prevented by changes in diet, and vegetable consumption has been demonstrated to have a protective effect. Until now, little is known about the effects of vegetable consumption at the proteome level. Therefore, the effect of increased vegetable intake on the protein expression in the colonic mucosa of healthy mice was studied. Aim was to identify the proteins that are differentially expressed by increased vegetable consumption and to discriminate their possible role in the protection against colorectal cancer. Mice were fed four different vegetable diets, which was followed by analysis of total cellular protein from colonic mucosal cells by a combination of 2-DE and MS. We found 30 proteins that were differentially expressed in one or more diets as compared to the control diet. Six could be identified by MALDI-TOF MS: myosin regulatory light chain 2, carbonic anhydrase I, high-mobility group protein 1, pancreatitis-associated protein 3, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and ATP synthase oligomycin sensitivity conferral protein. Alterations in the levels of these proteins agree with a role in the protection against colon cancer. We conclude that these proteins are suitable markers for the health effect of food on cancer. The observed altered protein levels therefore provide support for the protective effects of vegetables against colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

A general assay for proteolytic enzymes using bacterial luciferase as a substrate is described. This luciferase is rapidly inactivated by unusually small amounts of different proteases having a wide spectrum of specificities. The activity is lost exponentially; the pseudo-first-order rate constant for inactivation is proportional to the amount of protease. Since luciferase activity can be measured by a very simple and rapid assay, it affords an accurate, sensitive, and convenient assay for proteolytic activity. This technique is capable of detecting as little as 20 ng of trypsin, requires no centrifugation, and is not hampered by the presence of contaminating pigments in the protease preparation. It is compared at pH 6, 7, and 8 to the phenol color assay and the azocoll assay using seven different proteases.  相似文献   

The tau protein plays an important role in some neurodegenerative diseases including Alzheimer's disease (AD). Neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), a biological marker for AD, are aggregates of bundles of paired helical filaments (PHFs). In general, the alpha-sheet structure favors aberrant protein aggregates. However, some reports have shown that the alpha-helix structure is capable of triggering the formation of aberrant tau protein aggregates and PHFs have a high alpha-helix content. In addition, the third repeat fragment in the four-repeat microtubule-binding domain of the tau protein (residues 306-336: VQIVYKPVDLSKVTSKCGSLGNIHHKPGGGQ, according to the longest tau protein) adopts a helical structure in trifluoroethanol (TFE) and may be a self-assembly model in the tau protein. In the human brain, there is a very small quantity of copper, which performs an important function. In our study, by means of matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS), circular dichroism (CD), and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy, the binding properties of copper (II) ion to the R3 peptide derived from the third repeat fragment (residues 318-335: VTSKCGSLGNIHHKPGGG) have been investigated. The results show that copper ions bind to the R3 peptide. CD spectra, ultraviolet (UV)-visible absorption spectra, and MALDI-TOF MS show pH dependence and stoichiometry of Cu2+ binding. Furthermore, CD spectra and NMR spectroscopy elucidate the copper binding sites located in the R3 peptide. Finally, CD spectra reveal that the R3 peptide adopts a mixture structure of random structures, alpha-helices, and beta-turns in aqueous solutions at physiological pH. At pH 7.5, the addition of 0.25 mol eq of Cu2+ induces the conformational change from the mixture mentioned above to a monomeric helical structure, and a beta-sheet structure forms in the presence of 1 mol eq of Cu2+. As alpha-helix and beta-sheet structures are responsible for the formation of PHFs, it is hypothesized that Cu2+ is an inducer of self-assembly of the R3 peptide and makes the R3 peptide form a structure like PHF. Hence, it is postulated that Cu2+ plays an important role in the aggregation of the R3 peptide and tau protein and that copper (II) binding may be another possible involvement in AD.  相似文献   

Enhancement of methylesterase activity of the response regulator CheB is dependent upon phosphorylation of the N-terminal regulatory domain of the enzyme. This domain plays a dual role in the regulation of methylesterase activity with an inhibitory effect in the unphosphorylated state and a stimulatory effect in the phosphorylated state. Structural studies of the unphosphorylated state have indicated that the basis for the regulatory domain's inhibitory effect is partial blockage of access of substrate to the active site suggesting that the activation upon phosphorylation involves a repositioning of the two domains with respect to each other. We report in this study evidence for phosphorylation-dependent conformational changes in CheB. Differences in rates of proteolytic cleavage by trypsin between the phosphorylated and unphosphorylated states have been observed at three sites in the protein with one site, 113, within the regulatory domain and two sites, 134 and 148, lying within the interdomain linker. These results support the hypothesis for the mechanism for the activation of CheB wherein phosphorylation of a specific aspartate residue within the N-terminal domain results in a propagated conformational change within the regulatory domain leading to a repositioning of its two domains. Presumably, structural changes in the regulatory domain of CheB facilitate a repositioning of the N- and C-terminal domains, leading to stimulation of methylesterase activity.  相似文献   

Recruitment of substrates to the 26S proteasome usually requires covalent attachment of the Lys48‐linked polyubiquitin chain. In contrast, modifications with the Lys63‐linked polyubiquitin chain and/or monomeric ubiquitin are generally thought to function in proteasome‐independent cellular processes. Nevertheless, the ubiquitin chain‐type specificity for the proteasomal targeting is still poorly understood, especially in vivo. Using mass spectrometry, we found that Rsp5, a ubiquitin‐ligase in budding yeast, catalyzes the formation of Lys63‐linked ubiquitin chains in vitro. Interestingly, the 26S proteasome degraded well the Lys63‐linked ubiquitinated substrate in vitro. To examine whether Lys63‐linked ubiquitination serves in degradation in vivo, we investigated the ubiquitination of Mga2‐p120, a substrate of Rsp5. The polyubiquitinated p120 contained relatively high levels of Lys63‐linkages, and the Lys63‐linked chains were sufficient for the proteasome‐binding and subsequent p120‐processing. In addition, Lys63‐linked chains as well as Lys48‐linked chains were detected in the 26S proteasome‐bound polyubiquitinated proteins. These results raise the possibility that Lys63‐linked ubiquitin chain also serves as a targeting signal for the 26S proteaseome in vivo.  相似文献   

Protein-nucleic acid complexes are commonly studied by photochemical cross-linking. UV-induced cross-linking of protein to nucleic acid may be followed by structural analysis of the conjugated protein to localize the cross-linked amino acids and thereby identify the nucleic acid binding site. Mass spectrometry is becoming increasingly popular for characterization of purified peptide-nucleic acid heteroconjugates derived from UV cross-linked protein-nucleic acid complexes. The efficiency of mass spectrometry-based methods is, however, hampered by the contrasting physico-chemical properties of nucleic acid and peptide entities present in such heteroconjugates. Sample preparation of the peptide-nucleic acid heteroconjugates is, therefore, a crucial step in any mass spectrometry-based analytical procedure. This study demonstrates the performance of four different MS-based strategies to characterize E. coli single-stranded DNA binding protein (SSB) that was UV-cross-linked to a 5-iodouracil containing DNA oligomer. Two methods were optimized to circumvent the need for standard liquid chromatography and gel electrophoresis, thereby dramatically increasing the overall sensitivity of the analysis. Enzymatic degradation of protein and oligonucleotide was combined with miniaturized sample preparation methods for enrichment and desalting of cross-linked peptide-nucleic acid heteroconjugates from complex mixtures prior to mass spectrometric analysis. Detailed characterization of the peptidic component of two different peptide-DNA heteroconjugates was accomplished by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and allowed assignment of tryptophan-54 and tryptophan-88 as candidate cross-linked residues. Sequencing of those peptide-DNA heteroconjugates by nanoelectrospray quadrupole time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry identified tryptophan-54 and tryptophan-88 as the sites of cross-linking. Although the UV-cross-linking yield of the protein-DNA complex did not exceed 15%, less than 100 pmole of SSB protein was required for detailed structural analysis by mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Aims: The chromosomal ail gene (attachment and invasion locus) is commonly used as target gene for the detection of pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strains in food testing. The ail PCR does not detect strains of biotype 1A (BT1A), which are regarded as non‐pathogenic because BT1A strains lack the virulence plasmid and chromosomally encoded virulence genes. In some recent reports, however, BT1A strains were discovered that harboured the ail gene. We isolated an ail‐positive strain and characterized this strain with phenotypic and genotypic methods to study its possible relation to pathogenic Y. enterocolitica strains. Methods and Results: The ail region of the BT1A strain was sequenced and compared with the corresponding region of nonpathogenic BT1A strains and pathogenic strains. Pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) analysis was applied revealing no similarity of the PFGE pattern of this strain to the patterns of pathogenic strains. Virulence‐gene‐based PCR analyses showed the strain to be positive for ystB, but negative for virulence genes ystA, virF and yadA. Whole‐cell MALDI‐TOF MS combined with a shrinkage discriminant analysis approach was applied and clearly classified the ail‐positive biotype 1A strain within the cluster of BT1A strains. Conclusions: PCR detection of ail sequences in food matrices should be followed by the isolation of the responsible strain and its characterization using phenotypic or genotypic methods. Significance and Impact of the Study: The ail gene may be present in Y. enterocolitica BT1A strains, which are commonly considered as nonpathogenic. Efficient methods such as PCR typing of other virulence genes or rapid MALDI‐TOF MS‐based bacterial profiling allow a more comprehensive assessment of the pathogenicity potential of Yersinia strains.  相似文献   

The lysine-specific crosslinker 3,3'-dithiobis(sulfosuccinimidylpropionate) (DTSSP) is commonly used in the structural characterization of proteins by chemical crosslinking and mass spectrometry and we here describe an efficient two-step LC-MALDI-TOF/TOF procedure to detect crosslinked peptides. First MS data are acquired, and the properties of isotope-labeled DTSSP are used in data analysis to identify candidate crosslinks. MSMS data are then acquired for a restricted number of precursor ions per spot for final crosslink identification. We show that the thiol-catalyzed exchange between crosslinked peptides, which is due to the disulfide bond in DTSSP and known to possibly obscure data, can be precisely quantified using isotope-labeled DTSSP. Crosslinked peptides are recognized as 8 Da doublet peaks and a new isotopic peak with twice the intensity appears in the middle of the doublet as a consequence of the thiol-exchange. False-positive crosslinks, formed exclusively by thiol-exchange, yield a 1:2:1 isotope pattern, whereas true crosslinks, formed by two lysine residues within crosslinkable distance in the native protein structure, yield a 1:0:1 isotope pattern. Peaks with a 1:X:1 isotope pattern, where 0 < X < 2, can be trusted as true crosslinks, with a defined proportion of the signal [2X/(2 + X)] being noise from the thiol-exchange. The thiol-exchange was correlated with the protein cysteine content and was minimized by shortening the trypsin incubation time, and for two molecular chaperone proteins with known structure all crosslinks fitted well to the structure data. The thiol-exchange can thus be controlled and isotope-labeled DTSSP safely used to detect true crosslinks between lysine residues in proteins.  相似文献   

Arthropod‐borne diseases are important causes of morbidity and mortality. The identification of vector species relies mainly on morphological features and/or molecular biology tools. The first method requires specific technical skills and may result in misidentifications, and the second method is time‐consuming and expensive. The aim of the present study is to assess the usefulness and accuracy of matrix‐assisted laser desorption/ionization time‐of‐flight mass spectrometry (MALDI‐TOF MS) as a supplementary tool with which to identify mosquito vector species and to invest in the creation of an international database. A total of 89 specimens belonging to 10 mosquito species were selected for the extraction of proteins from legs and for the establishment of a reference database. A blind test with 123 mosquitoes was performed to validate the MS method. Results showed that: (a) the spectra obtained in the study with a given species differed from the spectra of the same species collected in another country, which highlights the need for an international database; (b) MALDI‐TOF MS is an accurate method for the rapid identification of mosquito species that are referenced in a database; (c) MALDI‐TOF MS allows the separation of groups or complex species, and (d) laboratory specimens undergo a loss of proteins compared with those isolated in the field. In conclusion, MALDI‐TOF MS is a useful supplementary tool for mosquito identification and can help inform vector control.  相似文献   

Acetyltransferase enzymes target specific lysine residues in substrate proteins. While the list of histone and nonhistone substrates is growing, the mechanisms of substrate selection remain unclear. Here, we describe a mass spectrometric approach to examine the site selection of the acetyltransferase p300 in the HIV-1 protein Tat. Tat is acetylated by p300 at a single lysine (K50) within its basic RNA-binding domain. To determine the sequence requirements for K50 recognition within this domain, we synthesized mixtures of "degenerated" Tat peptides, in which one of the surrounding residues was substituted by all proteinogenic amino acids. Peptide mixtures were assembled based on nonoverlapping peptide masses and acetylated by p300 in a standard in vitro acetylation reaction. Analysis by matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry identified amino acid substitutions that prevented acetylation by p300. This approach represents a fast and comprehensive screening method that was applied to the six surrounding residues of K50 in Tat. It can be applied to any known acetyltransferase substrate and might help to define consensus recognition sequences for individual acetyltransferase enzymes.  相似文献   

Chen H  Xu X  Yao N  Deng C  Yang P  Zhang X 《Proteomics》2008,8(14):2778-2784
In this study, novel C8-functionalized magnetic polymer microspheres were prepared by coating single submicron-sized magnetite particle with silica and subsequent modification with chloro (dimethyl) octylsilane. The resulting C8-functionalized magnetic silica (C8-f-M-S) microspheres exhibit well-defined magnetite-core-silica-shell structure and possess high content of magnetite, which endow them with high dispersibility and strong magnetic response. With their magnetic property, the synthesized C8-f-M-S microspheres provide a convenient and efficient way for enrichment of low-abundance peptides from tryptic protein digest and human serum. The enriched peptides/proteins were subjected for MALDI-TOF MS analysis and the enrichment efficiency was documented. In a word, the facile synthesis and efficient enrichment process of the novel C8-f-M-S microspheres make them promising candidates for isolation of peptides even in complex biological samples such as serum, plasma, and urine.  相似文献   

Although colorectal cancer is one of the best-characterized tumors with regard to the multistep progression, it remains one of the most frequent and deadly neoplasms. For a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms behind the process of tumorigenesis and tumor progression, changes in protein expression between microdissected normal and tumorous colonic epithelium were analyzed. Cryostat sections from colorectal tumors, adenoma tissue, and adjacent normal mucosa were laser-microdissected and analyzed using ProteinChip Arrays. The derived MS profiles exhibited numerous statistical differences. One peak showing significantly high expression in the tumor was purified by reverse-phase chromatography and SDS-PAGE. The protein band of interest was passively eluted from the gel and identified as heat shock protein 10 (HSP 10) by tryptic digestion, peptide mapping, and MS/MS analysis. This tumor marker was further characterized by immunohistochemistry. Analysis of HSP 10-positive tissue by ProteinChip technology confirmed the identity of this protein. This work demonstrates that biomarker in colorectal cancer can be detected, identified, and assessed by a proteomic approach comprising tissue microdissection, protein profiling, and immunological techniques. In our experience, histological defined microdissected tissue areas should be used to identify proteins that might be responsible for tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The use of calf thymus histone as a substrate has revealed a previously unknown neutral protease, optimally active at pH 7.2–7.3, in rabbit PMN lysosomes. The Sakaguchi reaction for the colorimetric determination of arginine has been modified, allowing a slow, linear development of color measurable at 500 nm over a period of up to 4 hr at 0–2°C. Specificity for arginine was shown since no other amino acid tested gave any color in the reaction. This new method has been used to measure arginine-reactive hydrolysis products released from histone by PMN lysosomes at neutral pH. Release of tyrosine, measured by the Folin method, was also used as an indicator of hydrolytic activity. Histone proved to be a useful substrate for the acid cathepsins of PMN, comparing favorably with hemoglobin, commonly used to measure such activity. Crystalline trypsin and chymotrypsin also hydrolyzed histone. The kinetics of arginine release by these enzymes over a period of 24 hr resembled those of neutral protease from PMN lysosomes.  相似文献   

Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is a powerful tool for investigating the distribution of proteins and small molecules within biological systems through the in situ analysis of tissue sections. MALDI-IMS can determine the distribution of hundreds of unknown compounds in a single measurement and enables the acquisition of cellular expression profiles while maintaining the cellular and molecular integrity. In recent years, a great many advances in the practice of imaging mass spectrometry have taken place, making the technique more sensitive, robust, and ultimately useful. In this review, we focus on the current state of the art of MALDI-IMS, describe basic technological developments for MALDI-IMS of animal and human tissues, and discuss some recent applications in basic research and in clinical settings.  相似文献   

The utility of biomolecular interaction analysis-mass spectrometry (BIA/MS) in screening for protein-protein interactions was explored in this work. Experiments were performed in which proteins served as ligands for screening of possible interactions with other proteins from human plasma and urine. The proteins utilized were beta-2-microglobulin, cystatin C (cysC), retinol binding protein (RBP), transthyretin (TTR), alpha-1-microglobulin, C-reactive protein, transferrin and papain. The immobilization of functionally active proteins was confirmed via interactions with antibodies to the corresponding proteins. Various dilutions of human urine and plasma were injected over the protein-derivatized surfaces. It was observed that the urine injections generally yielded smaller SPR responses than those observed after the plasma injections. The BIA/MS experiments did not reveal novel protein-protein interactions, although several established interactions (such as those between RBP and TTR, and cysC and papain) were validated. Few protein ligand deficiencies (such as truncations) leading to false negative and false positive BIA/MS results were also discovered.  相似文献   

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