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Septins comprise a eukaryotic guanine nucleotide binding protein subfamily which form filamentous heteropolymer complexes. Although mechanism of cytokinesis is diverged by species and tissues, loss of septin function results in the multinuclear phenotype in many organisms. Hence septin filaments beneath the cleavage furrow are hypothesized as a structural basis to ensure completion of cytokinesis. However, molecular mechanisms of septin assembly, disassembly and function have been elusive despite the potential importance of this ubiquitous cytoskeletal system. Meanwhile, growing evidence suggests that mammalian septins functionally or physically interact with diverse molecules such as actin, actin-binding proteins, proteins of membrane fusion machinery, Cdc42 adapter proteins, a ubiquitin-protein ligase, and phosphoinositides. Careful integration of these data may provide insights into the mechanism of mammalian septin organization and functions in cytokinesis.  相似文献   



Cellularization of the Drosophila embryo is an unusually synchronous form of cytokinesis in which polarized membrane extension proceeds in part through incorporation of new membrane via fusion of apically-translocated Golgi-derived vesicles.


We describe here involvement of the signaling enzyme Phospholipase D (Pld) in regulation of this developmental step. Functional analysis using gene targeting revealed that cellularization is hindered by the loss of Pld, resulting frequently in early embryonic developmental arrest. Mechanistically, chronic Pld deficiency causes abnormal Golgi structure and secretory vesicle trafficking.


Our results suggest that Pld functions to promote trafficking of Golgi-derived fusion-competent vesicles during cellularization.  相似文献   


In this extra view, we comment on our recent work concerning the mRNA localization of the gene slow as molasses (slam). slam is a gene essential for the polarized invagination of the plasma membrane and separation of basal and lateral cortical domains during cellularization as well as for germ cell migration in later embryogenesis. We have demonstrated an intimate relationship between slam RNA and its encoded protein. Slam RNA co-localizes and forms a complex with its encoded protein. Slam mRNA localization not only is required for reaching full levels of functional Slam protein but also depends on Slam protein. The translation of slam mRNA is subject to tight spatio-temporal regulation leading to a rapid accumulation of Slam protein and zygotic slam RNA at the furrow canal. In this extra view, we first discuss the mechanism controlling localization and translation of slam RNA. In addition, we document in detail the maternal and zygotic expression of slam RNA and protein and provide data for a function in membrane stabilization. Furthermore, we mapped the region of Slam protein mediating cortical localization in cultured cells.  相似文献   

Septins are a family of GTP-binding proteins implicated in mammalian cell division. Most studies examining the role of septins in this process have treated the family as a whole, thus neglecting the possibility that individual members may have diverse functions. To address this, we individually depleted each septin family member expressed in HeLa cells by siRNA and assayed for defects in cell division by immunofluorescence and time-lapse microscopy. Depletion of SEPT2, SEPT7, and SEPT11 causes defects in the early stages of cytokinesis, ultimately resulting in binucleation. In sharp contrast, SEPT9 is dispensable for the early stages of cell division, but is critical for the final separation of daughter cells. Rescue experiments indicate that SEPT9 isoforms containing the N-terminal region are sufficient to drive cytokinesis. We demonstrate that SEPT9 mediates the localization of the vesicle-tethering exocyst complex to the midbody, providing mechanistic insight into the role of SEPT9 during abscission.  相似文献   

Localization and possible functions of Drosophila septins.   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
The septins are a family of homologous proteins that were originally identified in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, where they are associated with the "neck filaments" and are involved in cytokinesis and other aspects of the organization of the cell surface. We report here the identification of Sep1, a Drosophila melanogaster septin, based on its homology to the yeast septins. The predicted Sep1 amino acid sequence is 35-42% identical to the known S. cerevisiae septins; 52% identical to Pnut, a second D. melanogaster septin; and 53-73% identical to the known mammalian septins. Sep1-specific antibodies have been used to characterize its expression and localization. The protein is concentrated at the leading edge of the cleavage furrows of dividing cells and cellularizing embryos, suggesting a role in furrow formation. Other aspects of Sep1 localization suggest roles not directly related to cytokinesis. For example, Sep1 exhibits orderly, cell-cycle-coordinated rearrangements within the cortex of syncytial blastoderm embryos and in the cells of post-gastrulation embryos; Sep1 is also concentrated at the leading edge of the epithelium during dorsal closure in the embryo, in the neurons of the embryonic nervous system, and at the baso-lateral surfaces of ovarian follicle cells. The distribution of Sep1 typically overlaps, but is distinct from, that of actin. Both immunolocalization and biochemical experiments show that Sep1 is intimately associated with Pnut, suggesting that the Drosophila septins, like those in yeast, function as part of a complex.  相似文献   

Nuclear elongation and cytokinesis in Drosophila montana   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

Embryonic development in Drosophila melanogaster begins with a rapid series of mitotic nuclear divisions, unaccompanied by cytokinesis, to produce a multi-nucleated single cell embryo, the syncytial blastoderm. The syncytium then undergoes a process of cell formation, in which the individual nuclei become enclosed in individual cells. This process of cellularization involves integrating mechanisms of cell polarity, cell-cell adhesion and a specialized form of cytokinesis. The detailed molecular mechanism, however, is highly complex and, despite extensive analysis, remains poorly understood. Nevertheless, new insights are emerging from recent studies on aspects of membrane polarization and insertion, which show that membrane components from intracellular organelles are involved. In addition, actin and actin-associated proteins have been heavily implicated while new evidence shows that microtubule cytoskeletal elements are mechanistically involved in all aspects of cellularization. This review will draw on both the traditional models and the new data to provide a current perspective on the nature of cellular blastoderm formation in Drosophila melanogaster.  相似文献   

Formation of the Drosophila cellular blastoderm involves both membrane invagination and cytoskeletal regulation. Mutations in src64 and tec29 reveal a novel role for these genes in controlling contraction of the actin-myosin microfilament ring during this process. Although membrane invagination still proceeds in mutant embryos, its depth is not uniform, and basal closure of the cells does not occur during late cellularization. Double-mutant analysis between scraps, a mutation in anillin that eliminates microfilament rings, and bottleneck suggests that microfilaments can still contract even though they are not organized into rings. However, the failure of rings to contract in the src64 bottleneck double mutant suggests that src64 is required for microfilament ring contraction even in the absence of Bottleneck protein. Our results suggest that src64-dependent microfilament ring contraction is resisted by Bottleneck to create tension and coordinate membrane invagination during early cellularization. The absence of Bottleneck during late cellularization allows src64-dependent microfilament ring constriction to drive basal closure.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Embryonic cleavage leads to the formation of an epithelial layer during development. In Drosophila, the process is specialized and called cellularization. The trafficking pathways that underlie this process and that are responsible for the mobilization of membrane pools, however, remain poorly understood. RESULTS: We provide functional evidence for the role of endocytic trafficking through Rab11 endosomes in remobilizing vesicular membrane pools to ensure lateral membrane growth. Part of the membrane stems from endocytosed apical material. Mutants in the endocytic regulators rab5 and shibire/dynamin inhibit basal-lateral membrane growth, and apical endocytosis is blocked in shibire mutants. In addition, shibire controls vesicular trafficking through Rab11-positive endosomes. In shibire mutants, the transmembrane protein Neurotactin follows the secretory pathway normally but is not properly inserted in the plasma membrane and accumulates instead in Rab11 subapical endosomes. Consistent with a direct role of shibire in vesicular trafficking through Rab11 endosomes, Shibire is enriched in this compartment. Moreover, we show by electron microscopy the large accumulation of intracellular coated pits on subapical endocytic structures in shibire mutants. Finally, we show that Rab11 is essential for membrane growth and invagination during cellularization. CONCLUSION: Together, the data show that endocytic trafficking is required for basal-lateral membrane growth during cellularization. We identify Rab11 endosomes as key trafficking intermediates that control vesicle exocytosis and membrane growth during cellularization. This pathway may be required in other morphogenetic processes characterized by the growth of a membrane domain.  相似文献   

Cytogenetic studies carried out in the tetraploid accession BRA001068 of Brachiaria decumbens, also known as cv. Basilisk, revealed an unusual pattern of microsporogenesis. The spindle in metaphase I and anaphase I became heavily stained with propionic carmine. In telophase I, the interzonal microtubules continued to be intensely stained, and during the phragmoplast formation the fibers were pushed to the cell wall, persisting until prophase II, even after cytokinesis. Due to its tetraploid condition, the accession presented many cells with precocious chromosome migration to the poles in metaphase I and laggards in anaphase I that gave rise to micronuclei in telophase I. While in other polyploid accessions of Brachiaria micronuclei remained in this condition until the second cytokinesis, the micronuclei in this accession organized their own spindle in the second division. In several microsporocytes, the micronuclei with their minispindle were divided further into microcytes by additional cytokinesis. Some curious planes of cytokinesis were found in some cells, with partitioning of cytoplasm into cells of irregular shape. The result consisted of a high frequency of abnormal products of meiosis. Quadrivalents were observed in diakinesis at low frequency, which suggests a segmental allotetraploid and the inability of both genomes to co-ordinate their activities, leading to multiple spindle and precocious cellularization. In spite of abnormal meiotic products reducing pollen fertility, seed production was normal. Enough normal pollen was available to fertilize the central-cell nucleus of the embryo sac and produce normal endosperm in this pseudogamous aposporous apomictic accession.  相似文献   

Mitochondria are maternally inherited in many organisms. Mitochondrial morphology and activity regulation is essential for cell survival, differentiation, and migration. An analysis of mitochondrial dynamics and function in morphogenetic events in early metazoan embryogenesis has not been carried out. In our study we find a crucial role of mitochondrial morphology regulation in cell formation in Drosophila embryogenesis. We find that mitochondria are small and fragmented and translocate apically on microtubules and distribute progressively along the cell length during cellularization. Embryos mutant for the mitochondrial fission protein, Drp1 (dynamin-related protein 1), die in embryogenesis and show an accumulation of clustered mitochondria on the basal side in cellularization. Additionally, Drp1 mutant embryos contain lower levels of reactive oxygen species (ROS). ROS depletion was previously shown to decrease myosin II activity. Drp1 loss also leads to myosin II depletion at the membrane furrow, thereby resulting in decreased cell height and larger contractile ring area in cellularization similar to that in myosin II mutants. The mitochondrial morphology and cellularization defects in Drp1 mutants are suppressed by reducing mitochondrial fusion and increasing cytoplasmic ROS in superoxide dismutase mutants. Our data show a key role for mitochondrial morphology and activity in supporting the morphogenetic events that drive cellularization in Drosophila embryos.  相似文献   

To identify genes that modulate Rho signalling during cytokinesis we tested the effect of overexpressing a set of 2190 genes on an eye phenotype caused by defective Rho activation. The resulting 112 modifier loci fell into three main classes: cell cycle genes, signalling effectors and metabolic enzymes. We developed a further series of genetic tests to refine the interactors into those most likely to modify Rho signalling during cytokinesis. In addition to a number of genes previously implicated in the Rho pathway during cytokinesis, we identified four novel primary candidates: cdc14, Pitslre, PDK1 and thread/diap1. cdc14 orthologs have, however, been implicated in cytokinesis in other organisms, as have molecules related to Thread/Diap1. The identification of several modifiers that are genetically redundant paralogs highlights the ability of overexpression screens to identify genes that are refractory to traditional loss-of-function approaches. Overexpression screens and sensitized phenotypes, therefore, may help identify the many factors that are expected to be involved in cytokinesis but have not been discovered by previous genetic screens.  相似文献   

We have used Drosophila male meiosis as a model system for genetic dissection of the cytokinesis mechanism. Drosophila mutants defective in meiotic cytokinesis can be easily identified by their multinucleate spermatids. Moreover, the large size of meiotic spindles allows characterization of mutant phenotypes with exquisite cytological resolution. We have screened a collection of 1955 homozygous mutant male sterile lines for those with multinucleate spermatids, and thereby identified mutations in 19 genes required for cytokinesis. These include 16 novel loci and three genes, diaphanous, four wheel drive, and pebble, already known to be involved in Drosophila cytokinesis. To define the primary defects leading to failure of cytokinesis, we analyzed meiotic divisions in male mutants for each of these 19 genes. Examination of preparations stained for tubulin, anillin, KLP3A, and F-actin revealed discrete defects in the components of the cytokinetic apparatus, suggesting that these genes act at four major points in a stepwise pathway for cytokinesis. Our results also indicated that the central spindle and the contractile ring are interdependent structures that interact throughout cytokinesis. Moreover, our genetic and cytological analyses provide further evidence for a cell type-specific control of Drosophila cytokinesis, suggesting that several genes required for meiotic cytokinesis in males are not required for mitotic cytokinesis.  相似文献   

The role of calcium (Ca(2+)) in cytokinesis is controversial, and the precise pathways that lead to its release during cleavage are not well understood. Ca(2+) is released from intracellular stores by binding of inositol trisphosphate (IP3) to the IP3 receptor (IP3R), yet no clear role in cytokinesis has been established for the precursor of IP3, phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate (PIP2). Here, using transgenic flies expressing PLCdelta-PH-GFP, which specifically binds PIP2, we identify PIP2 in the plasma membrane and cleavage furrows of dividing Drosophila melanogaster spermatocytes, and we establish that this phospholipid is required for continued ingression but not for initiation of cytokinesis. In addition, by inhibiting phospholipase C, we show that PIP2 must be hydrolyzed to maintain cleavage furrow stability. Using an IP3R antagonist and a Ca(2+) chelator to examine the roles of IP3R and Ca(2+) in cytokinesis, we demonstrate that both of these factors are required for cleavage furrow stability, although Ca(2+) is dispensable for cleavage plane specification and initiation of furrowing. Strikingly, providing cells with Ca(2+) obviates the need to hydrolyze PIP2. Thus, PIP2, PIP2 hydrolysis, and Ca(2+) are required for the normal progression of cytokinesis in these cells.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylinositol transfer proteins (PITPs) are highly conserved polypeptides that bind phosphatidylinositol or phosphatidylcholine monomers, facilitating their transfer from one membrane compartment to another . Although PITPs have been implicated in a variety of cellular functions, including lipid-mediated signaling and membrane trafficking, the precise biological roles of most PITPs remain to be elucidated . Here we show for the first time that a class I PITP is involved in cytokinesis. We found that giotto (gio), a Drosophila gene that encodes a class I PITP, serves an essential function required for both mitotic and meiotic cytokinesis. Neuroblasts and spermatocytes from gio mutants both assemble regular actomyosin rings. However, these rings fail to constrict to completion, leading to cytokinesis failures. Moreover, gio mutations cause an abnormal accumulation of Golgi-derived vesicles at the equator of spermatocyte telophases, suggesting that Gio is implicated in membrane-vesicle fusion. Consistent with these results, we found that Gio is enriched at the cleavage furrow, the ER, and the spindle envelope. We propose that Gio mediates transfer of lipid monomers from the ER to the equatorial membrane, causing a specific local enrichment in phosphatidylinositol. This change in membrane composition would ultimately facilitate vesicle fusion, allowing membrane addition to the furrow and/or targeted delivery of proteins required for cytokinesis.  相似文献   

Drosophila cellularization and animal cell cytokinesis rely on the coordinated functions of the microfilament and microtubule cytoskeletal systems. To identify new proteins involved in cellularization and cytokinesis, we have conducted a biochemical screen for microfilament/microtubule-associated proteins (MMAPs). 17 MMAPs were identified; seven have been previously implicated in cellularization and/or cytokinesis, including KLP3A, Anillin, Septins, and Dynamin. We now show that a novel MMAP, Lava Lamp (Lva), is also required for cellularization. Lva is a coiled-coil protein and, unlike other proteins previously implicated in cellularization or cytokinesis, it is Golgi associated. Our functional analysis shows that cellularization is dramatically inhibited upon injecting anti-Lva antibodies (IgG and Fab) into embryos. In addition, we show that brefeldin A, a potent inhibitor of membrane trafficking, also inhibits cellularization. Biochemical analysis demonstrates that Lva physically interacts with the MMAPs Spectrin and CLIP190. We suggest that Lva and Spectrin may form a Golgi-based scaffold that mediates the interaction of Golgi bodies with microtubules and facilitates Golgi-derived membrane secretion required for the formation of furrows during cellularization. Our results are consistent with the idea that animal cell cytokinesis depends on both actomyosin-based contraction and Golgi-derived membrane secretion.  相似文献   

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