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The initiation and growth of axillary bud primordia in relationto the growth of their subtending leaves was observed at theapices of three clones (A. B. and C) of white clover grown invarious combinations of photoperiod and temperature. ClonesA, B, and C flower in response to low temperatures, and clonesA and C, but not B, in response to a transfer from short tolong photoperiods at higher temperatures. The rate of growth of buds and leaves from node to node waslittle influenced by the various treatments imposed, but theinitiation of axillary bud primordia relative to the apicaldome was stimulated in conditions conducive to flowering. The number of budless leaf primordia at the apex ranged froma maximum average of 2.25 at 20° C. to approximately o.8oat 10° C. in all three clones. At the higher temperatures,runners possessed 2.06 budless nodes in short days but only1.12 in long days in clones A and C. In clone B, daylength didnot influence bud initiation at the higher temperature. The results provide evidence of the homology between vegetativeand repro-ductive axillary bud primordia. It is suggested thatflowering is brought about by the removal of an inhibition withinthe apex which leads to the precocious initiation of axillarybud primordia. Following the initiation of axillary bud primordia, the resultsshow their growth to be uninhibited for 6-7 plastochrons. Rapidinflorescence development occurs during this phase. Apical dominancehas no apparent influence on vegetative axillary buds untilthe onset of rapid petiole elongation in their subtending leaves.  相似文献   

The numbers of nodes on single flush terminal and axillary shootmodules were determined in a range of Persea species and cultivars.They were compared with node numbers in apical and axillarybuds to investigate whether preformation or neoformation ofnodes occurred. Mean number of nodes on terminal shoots was14 for vegetative shoot modules and 21 for reproductive shootmodules, and was similar across species, cultivars, rootstocks,locations and climates. In the cultivar 'Hass', numbers of nodeson axillary shoot modules were variable, and lower than thosefor primary shoot modules forming the dominant growth axis ofannual growth modules. There was a mean of 12 nodes for vegetativeproleptic shoot modules, 15 for reproductive proleptic shootmodules and six for sylleptic shoot modules, which were invariablyvegetative. All nodes were preformed within both apical andaxillary proleptic buds. This was not the case in syllepticbuds, which burst contemporaneously with extension of the parentaxis. The majority (63%) of reproductive buds formed indeterminatecompound inflorescences. They carried six basal bud scales,six axillary inflorescences and their subtending bracts, andup to nine true leaves.Copyright 1994, 1999 Academic Press Persea Clus., avocado, Persea americana Mill., bud morphology, shoot growth, preformation, prolepsis  相似文献   

Regulation of Branching in Decussate Species with Unequal Lateral Buds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In the decussate plants Alternanthera philoxeroides and Hygrophilasp. the opposite axillary bud primordia are of unequal sizefrom the time of their inception; the larger or + buds lie alongone helix and the smaller or – buds along another (helicoidalsystem). In decapitated plants of Alternanthera both buds grewout, but unequally; if the node was vertically split growthof the two shoots was more equal, and if the + buds were excisedgrowth of the – shoots approximately equalled that ofcontrol + shoots. In decapitated shoots of Hygrophila grownin sterile culture only one bud, the + or larger one, grew outat each of the upper nodes. In excised cultured nodes, also,only the + bud grew out; but if the nodes were split longitudinallyboth buds grew out, initially rather unequally. These experimentssupport the view that the regulation of branching in these specieshas two components, apical dominance and the dominance of thelarger (+) bud over the smaller (–) bud at the same node.The restriction of growth potentiality imposed on the –bud is not permanent but can be modified. Further correlativeeffects on bud outgrowth include those of the subtending leavesand of buds at other nodes.  相似文献   

A period of growth under shade netting in the glasshouse allowedthe cultivation of white clover stolons with an accumulationof undeveloped axillary buds similar to that often found onstolons from grass/clover swards. The subsequent capacity ofthese nodes to develop branches under different circumstanceswas investigated in three experiments. Removal of the laminaeand petioles subtending sets of four buds along a stolon reducedthe rate at which branches were initiated from the buds. Treatmentsin which petioles, or petioles plus laminae, were retained initiatedbranches more quickly. Shading the stolons reduced both therate of initiation and the percentage of buds which developed,unless both petioles and laminae were retained. There was someevidence that conditions applied to individual buds may actin the same way as the same conditions applied to sets of fourbuds and that illuminated nodes may depress the performanceof neighbouring shaded notes. Fewer buds developed at older nodes than at younger nodes duringthe summer, but during the autumn younger buds initially developedmore slowly than older buds. This suggests that buds can developat a younger nodal age in summer than in winter. When leafless stolons were cut up into component internodesbuds developed faster than on intact stolons, provided the budwas located at the end of the internode nearest the main stolongrowing point. If the bud was at the other end, branch developmentwas slower than on intact stolons. The results are discussedin relation to clover growth in sward conditions. White clover, Trifolium repens, axillary bud development, branching, growing points, defoliation, shading  相似文献   

The length and basal diameter of all lateral and terminal budsof vegetative annual shoots of 7-year-oldJuglans regia treeswere measured. All buds were dissected and numbers of cataphylls,embryonic leaves and leaf primordia were recorded. Each axillarybud was ranked according to the position of its associated leaffrom the apex to the base of its parent shoot. Bud size andcontent were analysed in relation to bud position and were comparedwith the size and number of leaves of shoots in equivalent positionswhich extended during the following growing season. Length andbasal diameter of axillary buds varied according to their positionon the parent shoot. Terminal buds contained more embryonicleaves than any axillary bud. The number of leaves was smallerfor apical and basal axillary buds than for buds in intermediatepositions on the parent shoot only. All new extended shootswere entirely preformed in the buds that gave rise to them.Lateral shoots were formed in the median part of the parentshoot. These lateral shoots derived from buds which were largerthan both apical and basal ones. Copyright 2001 Annals of BotanyCompany Juglans regia L., Persian walnut tree, branching pattern, preformation, bud content, shoot morphology  相似文献   

The annual cycle of kiwifruit [Actinidia deliciosa(A. Chev.)C. F. Liang et A. R. Ferguson var.deliciosacv. Hayward] shootaxillary bud (first-order axillary bud, FOAB) morphogenesisis described. FOABs developed quickly with the majority of budscales and leaf primordia present approx. 125 d after budbreak(dab). Mature FOABs had, on average, 23.2 bud scales and leafprimordia. Most second-order axillary structures were also presentapprox. 125 dab. During the growing season, the second-orderstructures developed into second-order axillary buds (SOABs)or remained as simple, dome-shaped meristems (SDSMs). At maturity,nearly all FOABs had four SOABs and, on average, 12.4 SDSMs.Most SDSMs were fused to the subtending leaf primordia, butsome SDSMs developed so that they were ‘free’ fromthe subtending leaf primordia. Third-order axillary meristems(third-order SDSMs) were observed in the axils of most SOABs,and, on average, there were 20.6 per FOAB. Our observationson the development of second-order axillary structures are consistentwith evocation in kiwifruit occurring earlier than the generally-acceptedtime of late summer. Actinidia deliciosa; bud morphogenesis; development; flowering; evocation  相似文献   

This glasshouse experiment was performed to assess the effectsof a range of constant defoliation regimes applied to cuttingsof a single large-leaved genotype ofTrifolium repens L. on theviability of its axillary buds. Plants were established to comprisea single main stolon (axillary branches were removed) and defoliationtreatments were applied by removing the older (basal) leavesuntil leaf complements of 1·0, 1·5, 2·0,2·5, 3·0 or all leaves (control) remained. Basalleaves were subsequently removed as necessary to maintain thetarget leaf complements. Only severe defoliation (leaf complements of 1·0 and1·5) induced a loss of viability in axillary buds. Lossof viability was greatest in reproductive buds present withinthe apical bud when the treatments were first imposed. Althoughthe most severe treatment (leaf complement 1·0) resultedin death of half the plants, in plants surviving that treatment,death of vegetative axillary buds was restricted to 21% of thevegetative buds at the three youngest node positions withinthe apical bud at the time of treatment application. No othertreatment induced any loss of viability of vegetative buds.There was no loss of viability of axillary buds at nodes formedafter the treatments were imposed. The frequency of initiationof inflorescences at nodes formed after treatments were imposeddecreased as defoliation severity increased. Severe defoliation resulted in marked changes in plant morphologyindicative of a sharp decrease in availability of intraplantresources. It was concluded that under severe defoliation: (1)the potential for vegetative growth (as represented by viablevegetative axillary buds) was maintained at the expense of reproductivegrowth; and (2) that the loss of viability of axillary budswas associated with the sudden changes in physiological processesinduced by defoliation as there was no loss of viability inbuds formed after plants had adjusted their phenotype to oneof smaller size. Trifolium repens L.; white clover; defoliation; axillary buds; viability; inflorescences  相似文献   

Branching Principles Governing the Architecture of Cornus kousa (Cornaceae)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The complex structure of the crown of Cornus kousa, generallyfive-forked in vegetative branching and two-forked in reproductivebranching, is analysed quantitatively and described by two basicbranching principles: decussate phyllotaxy and the resettingrule for planes of branching. Most Cornus species have opposite,decussate phyllotaxis. The leaf pair (with axillary buds) definesthe branching plane of a node. Because of regular phyllotaxis,the fundamental branching pattern is that every branching planealong an axis is perpendicular to the preceding one. However,the first node of a lateral horizontal shoot always has a horizontalbranching plane; we term this the resetting rule. We observedthat resetting occurs when the first nodes initiated in thevertical plane are repositioned by a twisting of their firstinternodes. All later nodes alternate directions, i.e. showusual decussate alternation. Foliage leaf nodes usually producethree-forked branchings. When vegetative winter buds are formed,a foliar node and adjacent scale leaf node produce a five-forkedbranching. When reproductive winter buds with a terminal inflorescenceare formed, the last foliar node and two adjacent scale leafnodes can produce a variety of branchings but usually producean equal two-forked branching. To understand better the architecturein C. kousa, we contrast it with C. capitata which does notproduce buds with scale leaves and whose vegetative nodes areclearly separated. Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Branching pattern, Cornaceae, Cornus kousa, decussate branching, dogwood, Japanese strawberry tree, tree architecture, tree geometry.  相似文献   

The development of axillary buds, terminal buds, and the shoots extended from them was studied inHydrangea macrophylla. The upper and lower parts in a nonflower-bearing shoot are discernible; the preformed part of a shoot develops into the lower part and the neoformed part into the upper part (Zhou and Hare, 1988). These two part are formed by the different degrees of internode elongation at early and late phases during a growth season, respectively. Leaf pairs in the neoformed part of the shoot are initiated successively with a plastochron of 5–20 days after the bud burst in spring. The upper axillary buds are initiated at approximately the same intervals as those of leaf pairs, but 10–30 days later than their subtending leaves. Changes in numbers of leaf pairs and in lengths of successive axillary buds show a pattern similar to the changes in internode lengths of the shoot at the mature stage. The uppermost axillary buds of the flower-bearing shoot often begin extending into new lateral shoots when the flowering phase has ended. The secondary buds in terminal and lower axillary buds are initiated and developed in succession during the late phase of the growth season. Internode elongation seems to be important in determining the degrees of development of the axillary buds. Pattern of shoot elongation is suggested to be relatively primitive. Significances of apical dominance and environmental conditions to shoot development are discussed.  相似文献   

The implications of the presence of a root, either at the parentnode or at neighbour nodes, on branch formation of Trifoliumrepens (white clover) was investigated. Plants were freely rootedor rooting was restricted to every sixth or every twelfth nodealong the parent axis. The absence of a root at the parent nodehad little influence on the probability of the subtending axillarybud forming a branch but, on average, delayed the outgrowthof the bud. The probability that an axillary bud, emerging froma non-rooted parent node, developed to a lateral branch (branchwith elongated internodes) decreased with decreasing proximityof the parent node to a rooted node. Lateral branches emergingfrom non-rooted parent nodes which were two nodes distal toa rooted node had a higher rate of node appearance, a greatermean internode length and area per leaf, and were more branchedthan lateral branches emerging from other non-rooted parentnodes. The dry mass of each single root and of branches grownat rooted parent nodes were significantly higher in plants withrestricted rooting than in freely rooted plants. Restrictionin the number of rooted nodes per plant increased the numberof inflorescences. It is concluded that the whole plant responseto restricted root formation was continuous growth of the parentaxis and compensatory growth of the branch at the rooted node.In general, growth was slow for axillary buds whose developmentwas dependent on the basipetal movement or cross-transport withinthe stolons of resources exported from roots. Trifolium repens (L.); white clover; axillary bud outgrowth; branch development; clonal growth; nodal root  相似文献   

Buds of shoots from the trunk, main branches, secondary branchesand short branches of 10–21 year-old Nothofagus pumiliotrees were dissected and their contents recorded. The numberof differentiated nodes in buds was compared with the numberof nodes of sibling shoots developed at equivalent positionsduring the following growing season. Axillary buds generallyhad four cataphylls, irrespective of bud position in the tree,whereas terminal buds had up to two cataphylls. There were morenodes in terminal buds, and the most distal axillary buds, oftrunk shoots than in more proximal buds of trunk shoots, andin all buds of shoots at all other positions. The highest numberof nodes in the embryonic shoot of a bud varied between 15 and20. All shoots had proximal lateral buds containing an embryonicshoot with seven nodes, four with cataphylls and three withgreen leaf primordia. The largest trunk, and main branch, shootswere made up of a preformed portion and a neoformed portion;all other shoots were entirely preformed. In N. pumilio, theacropetally-increasing size of the sibling shoots derived froma particular parent shoot resulted from differences in: (1)the number of differentiated organs in the buds; (2) the probabilityof differentiation of additional organs during sibling shootextension; (3) sibling shoot length; (4) sibling shoot diameter;and (5) the death of the apex and the most distal leaves ofeach sibling shoot. Copyright 2000 Annals of Botany Company Axis differentiation, branching, bud structure, leaf primordia, neoformation, Nothofagus pumilio, preformation, size gradient  相似文献   

Seedling morphology and vascular course inTribulus terrestris were studied. This species has no erect stem, but four buds appear immediately above the cotyledonary node and grow into prostrate shoots. They were determined to be the main axis of the seedling and the axillary branches of the earliest three foliage leaves, which arise very close to each other. All the leaves, including cotyledons, are vascularized with four bundles among which two are related to a single median gap. When two leaves are attached to one node, lateral traces to the opposed leaves are derived by bifurcation of a single bundle at either side of the stem. In the shoot with a series of alternate leaves, the median pair of traces to every other leaf are found on the same orthostichy. In the branch of which the first node bears no flower but an anisophyllous pair of leaves, the smaller leaf at the node was proven to be the first prophyll because its median traces are superposed by those to the leaf at the next node.  相似文献   

Clonal species are characterised by having a growth form in which roots and shoots originate from the same meristem so that adventitious nodal roots form close to the terminal apical bud of stems. The nature of the relationship between nodal roots and axillary bud growth was investigated in three manipulative experiments on cuttings of a single genotype of Trifolium repens. In the absence of locally positioned nodal roots axillary bud development within the apical bud proceeded normally until it slowed once the subtending leaf had matured to be the second expanded leaf on the stem. Excision of apical tissues indicated that while there was no apical dominance apparent within fully rooted stems and very little in stems with 15 or more unrooted nodes, the outgrowth of the two most distal axillary buds was stimulated by decapitation in stems with intermediate numbers of unrooted nodes. Excision of the basal branches from stems growing without local nodal roots markedly increased the length and/or number of leaves on 14 distally positioned branches. The presence of basal branches therefore prevented the translocation of root-supplied resources (nutrients, water, phytohormones) to the more distally located nodes and this caused the retardation in the outgrowth of their axillary buds. Based on all three experiments we conclude that the primary control of bud outgrowth is exerted by roots via the acropetal transport of root-supplied resources necessary for axillary bud outgrowth and that apical dominance plays a very minor role in the regulation of axillary bud outgrowth in T. repens.  相似文献   

The structure of shoots, in particular of winter buds, ofHydrangea macrophylla was examined. The non-flower-bearing shoot is usually composed of a lower and an upper part, between which a boundary is discernible by means of a distinctly short internode. This internode is the lowermost of the upper part, and it is usually shorter than the internodes immediately above and below, although the internodes tend to shorten successively from the proximal to the distal part of the shoot. Variations exist in the following characters among the terminal bud, the axillary bud on the lower part of the shoot and the axillary bud on the upper part: (1) length of bud; (2) character of the outermost pair of leaf primordia; (3) degree of development of secondary buds in the winter bud; and (4) the number of leaf primordia. Usually, the terminal bud contains several pairs of foliage leaf primordia with a primordial inflorescence at the terminal of the bud, but the axiallary bud contains only the primordia of foliage leaves in addition to a pair of bud scales.  相似文献   

The outgrowth of lateral buds is known to be controlled by theupper shoot tissues, which include the apex, the young leavesand the upper stem. An analysis of the influence of these plantparts on axillary bud elongation in Ipomoea nil was carriedout by various treatments on these specific tissues. A restriction of elongation in the main shoot due to eitherdecapitation or shoot inversion resulted in the release of apicaldominance A non-linear type of compensating growth relationshipwas observed between the 13 cm apical growing region of thestem and the lateral buds. It was determined by decapitation,defoliation and AgNO3 treatments that both the 13 cm stem-growthregion and the young leaves (1–5 cm in length) had a muchgreater inhibitory influence on the outgrowth of specified lateralbuds than did the stem apex (consisting of the terminal 0.5cm of the shoot). The specified lateral buds which were analyzedfor outgrowth were located a number of nodes below the shootapex. The intervening nodes were debudded. Although the importanceof young leaves in the control of apical dominance has beenpreviously recognized, the most significant result from thepresent study with Ipomoea was the strong influence of the 13cm apical growth region of the stem on the out growth of thelateral buds. Apical dominance, Ipomoea nil L., Pharbitis nil, growth region, lateral bud outgrowth, decapitation, defoliation, shoot inversion  相似文献   

The effect of assimilate supply on axillary bud developmentand subsequent shoot growth was investigated in roses. Differencesin assimilate supply were imposed by differential defoliation.Fresh and dry mass of axillary buds increased with increasedassimilate supply. The growth potential of buds was studiedeither by pruning the parent shoot above the bud, by graftingthe bud or by culturing the bud in vitro. Time until bud breakwas not clearly affected by assimilate supply during bud development,Increase in assimilate supply slightly increased the numberof leaves and leaf primordia in the bud; the number of leavespreceding the flower on the shoot grown from the axillary budsubstantially increased. No difference was found in the numberof leaves preceding the flower on shoots grown from buds attachedto the parent shoot and those from buds grafted on a cutting,indicating that at the moment of release from inhibition thebud meristem became determined to produce a specific numberof leaves and to develop into a flower. Assimilate supply duringaxillary bud development increased the number of pith cells,but the final size of the pith in the subsequent shoot was largelydetermined by cell enlargement, which was dependent on assimilatesupply during shoot growth. Shoot growth after release frominhibition was affected by assimilate supply during axillarybud development only when buds sprouted attached to the parentshoot, indicating that shoot growth is, to a major extent, dependenton the assimilate supply available while growth is taking place.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Assimilate supply, axillary bud, cell number, cell size, defoliation, development, growth potential, meristem programming, pith, Rosa hybrida, rose, shoot growth  相似文献   

The effect of axillary bud age on the development and potentialfor growth of the bud into a shoot was studied in roses. Ageof the buds occupying a similar position on the plant variedfrom 'subtending leaf just unfolded' up to 1 year later. Withincreasing age of the axillary bud its dry mass, dry-matterpercentage and number of leaves, including leaf primordia, increased.The apical meristem of the axillary bud remained vegetativeas long as subjected to apical dominance, even for 1 year. The potential for growth of buds was studied either by pruningthe parent shoot above the bud, by grafting the bud or by culturingthe bud in vitro. When the correlative inhibition (i.e. dominationof the apical region over the axillary buds) was released, additionalleaves and eventually a flower formed. The number of additionalleaves decreased with increasing bud age and became more orless constant for axillary buds of shoots beyond the harvestablestage, while the total number of leaves preceding the flowerincreased. An increase in bud age was reflected in a greaternumber of scales, including transitional leaves, and in a greaternumber of non-elongated internodes of the subsequent shoot.Time until bud break slightly decreased with increasing budage; it was long, relatively, for 1 year old buds, when theysprouted attached to the parent shoot. Shoot length, mass andleaf area were not clearly affected by the age of the bud thatdeveloped into the shoot. With increasing bud age the numberof pith cells in the subsequent shoot increased, indicatinga greater potential diameter of the shoot. However, final diameterwas dependent on the assimilate supply after bud break. Axillarybuds obviously need a certain developmental stage to be ableto break. When released from correlative inhibition at an earlierstage, increased leaf initiation occurs before bud break.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Age, axillary bud, cell number, cell size, pith, shoot growth, Rosa hybrida, rose  相似文献   

Plant density and sowing date were shown to affect branchingin spring-sown white lupin (Lupinus albusL.), but the responsevaried among environments. The patterns of primary and secondarybranching in the cv. Lublanc were studied as a function of boththe number of axillary buds and the plant growth rate. Fieldexperiments that used a wide range of sowing dates and plantdensities to alter plant architecture were conducted over 5years, and these were supplemented with data from additionalglasshouse and growth cabinet experiments. The number of axillary buds on the main stem or primary branches,which determined the potential number of branches, increasedlinearly with the number of nodes. In situations where all axillarybuds did not produce branches, it was found that the numberof primary and secondary branches produced was related to theplant growth rate at the beginning of branch elongation. Knowledgeof the number of axillary buds improved the analysis of theinteraction between cultural practices and environmental conditionson plant architecture. The variability of branching potentialamong genotypes was discussed. Lupinus albus; branches; axillary buds; growth; sowing date; plant density  相似文献   

Tucker, Shirley C. (Northwestern U., Evanston, III.) Development and phyllotaxis of the vegetative axillary bud of Michelia fuscata . Amer. Jour. Bot. 50(7): 661–668. Illus. 1963.—The vegetative axillary buds of Michelia fuscala are dorsiventrally symmetrical with 2 ranks of alternately produced leaves. The direction of the ontogenetic spiral in each of these buds is related both to the symmetry of the supporting branch and to the position of the bud along the branch. On a radially symmetrical branch, all the axillary buds are alike—all clockwise, for example. But in a dorsiventrally organized branch the symmetry alternates from clockwise in 1 axillary bud to counterclockwise in the next bud along the axis. Leaf initiation and ontogeny of the axillary apical meristem conform with those of the terminal vegetative bud. The axillary bud arises as a shell zone in the second leaf axil from the terminal meristem. During this process the axillary apex develops a zonate appearance. The acropetally developing procambial supply of the axillary bud consists wholly of leaf traces. At the nodal level the bud traces diverge from the same gap as the median bundle trace of the subtending leaf. Only the basal 1–2 axillary buds which form immediately after the flowers elongate each year, while the majority remains dormant with 3 leaves or fewer.  相似文献   

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