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The purpose of this analysis was to determine if there were differences in selected fertility characteristics including parity, pregnancy spacing, age at 1st pregnancy, age of menarche, breastfeeding postpartum, and contraceptive practices among white, black, Hmong, and other Southeast Asian mothers attending a maternal infant care program in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during 1980-1982. White and black mothers were younger than the Hmong and other Asian mothers. The lowest mean age of 1st pregnancy was among blacks. Ages of 1st pregnancy were similar for whites, Hmong, and other Asians, although the mean age of menarche was approximately 2 years later for Hmong and other Southeast Asian mothers compared to the white and black mothers. Based on self reports at the 1st postpartum visit 1 month after delivery, 39% of the whites and 25% of the blacks were breastfeeding. In comparison 8.7% of the Hmong and 17% of the other southeast Asian mothers were breastfeeding. Maternal aged age at 1st pregnancy were significant predictors of parity for whites, blacks, Hmong, and other Southeast Asians. Ever-use of contraception was significant predictor of parity only for Hmong. The highest proportion of ever-users of contraception was among the white mothers (80%) followed by the blacks (69.3%) and other Asian mothers (34.85). Hmong mothers had the lowest proportion having used contraception (17.1%).  相似文献   


The purpose of this analysis was to determine if there were differences in selected fertility characteristics including parity, pregnancy spacing, age at first pregnancy, age of menarche, breastfeeding postpartum, and contraceptive practices among white, black, Hmong, and other Southeast Asian mothers attending a maternal infant care program in Minneapolis, Minnesota, during 1980–82.

White and black mothers were younger than the Hmong and other Asian mothers. The lowest mean age of first pregnancy was among blacks. Ages of first pregnancy were similar for whites, Hmong, and other Asians, although the mean age of menarche was approximately two years later for Hmong and other Southeast Asian mothers compared to the white and black mothers.

Based on self reports at the first postpartum visit one month after delivery, 39 per cent of the whites and 25 per cent of the blacks were breastfeeding. In comparison 8.7 per cent of the Hmong and 17 per cent of the other southeast Asian mothers were breastfeeding.

Maternal age and age at first pregnancy were significant predictors of parity for whites, blacks, Hmong, and the other Southeast Asians. Ever‐use of contraception was a significant predictor of parity only for Hmong.

The highest proportion of ever‐users of contraception was among the white mothers (80 per cent) followed by the blacks (69.3 per cent) and other Asian mothers (34.8 per cent). Hmong mothers had the lowest proportion having used contraception (17.1 per cent).  相似文献   

In Denmark the number of births and induced abortions among teenagers has reduced and teenage parenthood is now rare. This paper evaluates the correlation between this observed fertility and reported sexual and contraceptive behaviour. In 1989 a sample of 16-20-year-olds in Denmark was selected at random and personally interviewed about sexual and contraceptive behaviour. Ninety-five per cent of the young women who had experienced sexual intercourse used contraception at the most recent sexual intercourse. In order to support the validity of this finding a model was developed to estimate an expected number of conceptions in the age groups concerned. The model included both the information on coital frequency and use of contraception from the questionnaire and available efficacy rates on contraception. The estimates derived by the model were compared with the registered number of births and induced abortions derived from public registers. The analysis revealed a high accordance between the estimated number of conceptions and the registered number of births and induced abortions for each age group. This underlines the validity of the data on sexual and contraceptive behaviour sampled among teenagers in Denmark. The findings indicate that contraceptive failure is a much greater problem than non-use of contraception for teenagers in Denmark.  相似文献   

The analytical model of Bongaarts and Potter is employed to compare the proximate determinants of fertility among 3 populations in Nepal's Kathmandu valley. 3 sub-groups are studied: high caste (Brahmin and Chetri) urban residents, high caste urban fringe residents, and low caste untouchables (Sarki). Both survey and anthropological methods are employed. According to the analytical model, the transition in fertility follows 4 phases. The changes in fertility levels from Phase 1 to Phase 4 generally indicate that the transition from natural to controlled fertility is characterized by declines in the proportions of women married and the duration of postpartum infecundability, and a substantial increase in the prevalence and effectiveness of contraceptive practices. The results of this study show that Nepal as a whole is entrenched in Phase 1 of the fertility transition. However, data from the 3 populations reported here clearly indicate that each has begun to experience a demographic transition to different degrees. The Sarkis in this study fall between Phases 2 and 3, as indicated by the total fertility rate (TFR). The rural high castes most closely approximate a population in Phase 3, while urban high castes included in this study are approaching Phase 4. Each of the 3 populations is characterized by a decline in the proportion of women married when compared to all of Nepal. It is also apparent that the relative use-effectiveness of contraceptive methods currently employed is high. Gains in the reduction of fertility, then, will have to be made from increasing and retaining the number of acceptors and in reducing the desired family size of those at reproductive risk.  相似文献   

Using Bongaarts' model, the relative importance of the proximate determinants of fertility is explored in five populations on the US-Mexico border. For the groups closest to natural fertility (the two Mexican groups), lactation, use of contraception, and marriage all were moderately important in terms of their direct effect on fertility. For the group with lowest fertility (Anglo-American), contraceptive use was an important factor inhibiting fertility; marriage was important but not nearly as important as contraceptive use. For the two US Mexican-American groups, contraceptive use was an important intermediate variable, not as important as for Anglo-Americans, but more important than it was for the two populations in Mexico. The proportion married was a moderately important factor for the Mexican-American groups. For these five populations the principal differences in fertility rates result from substantial differences in the use of effective contraception. Bongaarts' model proved very useful as an analytical framework in this study.  相似文献   

Sibanda A 《Social biology》1999,46(1-2):82-99
This study examines trends in proximate determinants of fertility in Zimbabwe and Kenya. Findings from the four Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in these countries show that the dramatic fall in fertility in these countries is consistent with the underlying trends in the most important proximate determinants of fertility. In Zimbabwe, contraceptive use far exceeds other proximate determinants in influencing fertility levels and trends. The results show that the fertility inhibiting effects of contraception are more important than the effects of postpartum infecundability, marriage patterns, or sterility. The results also show that contraceptive use has its greatest suppressing effects in the middle and younger age groups. However, in Kenya, the dominant fertility inhibiting effect is postpartum infecundability, with contraception coming in second.  相似文献   

The remarkable decline in fertility in Iran, which saw the total fertility rate fall from 7 children per woman in 1986 to 2 in 2000, has received only limited analysis in the demographic literature. Using the 2000 Iran Demographic and Health Survey and Bongaarts' age-specific fertility model, this paper examines the role of the major proximate determinants of fertility in bringing about the rapid decrease in fertility in Iran. The analysis indicates that contraception had the largest effect on fertility, accounting for 61% of the reduction in fertility from its theoretical maximum. The fertility-inhibiting effect of marriage patterns accounted for an additional 31% reduction, and was most important among the young. Further analysis of contraceptive behaviour suggests that the current period fertility rate of 2.0 children per woman is an outcome of a synchronization of delaying and spacing of births among younger women with stopping of childbearing among women in the middle and late reproductive ages. The policy implications of the results are discussed.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that human mothers are cooperative breeders, as they need help from others to successfully raise offspring. Studies working under this framework have found correlations between the presence of kin and both child survival and female fertility rates. This study seeks to understand the proximate mechanisms by which kin influence fertility using data from the 1987 Thailand Demographic and Health Survey (DHS), a nationally representative sample of 6775 women. Kin influence is measured by the length of time couples live with the husband's or wife's parents after marriage. Event history analysis, multilevel modeling and structural equation modeling are used to investigate both fertility outcomes and potential pathways through which postnuptial residence may influence fertility outcomes, including employment status, maternal and child outcomes, contraceptive use, breastfeeding duration, and age at marriage. We show that living virilocally (with husband's kin after marriage) increases total fertility by shortening time from marriage to first birth, and increasing the likelihood of progression to each subsequent birth. These effects are mediated through correlations between virilocal residence and earlier age at marriage as well as delayed initiation of contraceptive use. We find no influence of husband's kin on maternal or child outcomes. Living uxorilocally (with wife's kin after marriage) also reduces age at marriage, shortens time from marriage to first birth and (marginally) improves child survivorship, but has no effect on other child and maternal outcomes or progression to subsequent births and results in a similar number of living children as women living neolocally.  相似文献   

In the Kingdom of Tonga, migration to overseas developed countries has prevailed. To elucidate the effects of migration on population dynamics, an interview survey was conducted in the migrant-sending community of Kolovai, in the outer region of Tongatapu Island. All births, deaths, marriages and in- and out-migrations that took place between 1983 and 2002 were recorded for all members of the 'Kolovai population', consisting of persons who had lived in this community for at least a one-year period during this 20 years. The 'Kolovai population' members, numbering 1184 (564 males and 620 females), were divided into three groups based on residence at the end of each year, i.e. Kolovai (called KK), other places in Tonga (KT) or overseas countries (KO). The KK population decreased from 774 in 1982 to 570 in 2002, owing mostly to an increase of 167 persons as the natural balance and a decrease of 324 persons as the balance of international migration. Comparison of total fertility rate (TFR) between KK and KO women revealed that the mean TFR of the former decreased from 3.460 in the earlier 10-year period (1983-1992) to 2.240 in the later 10-year period (1993-2002), while that of the latter was more than 3.5 in both 10-year periods. This difference was largely due to the decrease in the proportion married among KK women. If the current trends of international migration and fertility continue, the population of Kolovai will be reduced and its age composition will become cylinder-shaped in the near future.  相似文献   

An interview survey of 450 Muslim women in a rural village of south Jordan under the early stage of fertility transition was conducted to explore major causes of contraceptive use, taking both their sociodemographic attributes and fatwa (Islamic jurisprudence)–based perception into account. Discriminant analysis, which was performed for the subject women divided into 15- to 29-, 30- to 39-, and 40- to 49-year age groups, revealed that “the number of living children” in the former and “to do contraception for good care of children” in the latter played significant roles in discrimination into contraceptive user and nonuser groups for any age groups. To cope with demographically and socioeconmically vulnerable situations, contraceptive prevalence rate should be increased by means of government-led family planning programs in cooperation with the imam (Muslim religious leaders and priests) through fatwa, in which special attention is paid to traditional norms, represented by good childcare.  相似文献   

The substantial areal variation in Bangladesh's demographic dynamics is demonstrated by the differential fertility in 2 rural areas--Teknaf, where the total fertility rate is 8.0 and Matlab, where this rate is 6.5 in comparison areas and 5.0 in treatment areas. The fertility differences between the comparison and treatment areas of Matlab are usually attributed to the differential use of contraception, while the fertility difference between Teknaf and Matlab as a whole is assumed to reflect dissimilarities in socioeconomic, environmental, and cultural conditions. Application of a model proposed by Bongaarts which permits analysis of the effects of intermediate variables on fertility reveals similar marital patterns in Teknaf and Matlab but different indexes of infecundability and contraceptive use. Both the comparison and treatment areas of Matlab had 1 birth less than Teknaf because of their high infecundability due to a longer duration of breastfeeding (median duration of 30 months in Matlab compared with 22 months for Teknaf). Contraceptive use contributed 0.51 and 2.36 fewer births in Matlab's comparison and treatment areas, respectively, than in Teknaf. The reasons Teknaf mothers breastfeed their infants for shorter durations than Matlab mothers merit further investigation given the significant contribution of prolonged lactational amenorrhea to lowering fertility. Much of the effect on fertility of the increase in contraceptive use in Matlab's experimental area could not have been achieved if lactation durations were at Teknaf levels, further emphasizing the need for research on breastfeeding behavior in different parts of Bangladesh.  相似文献   

Studies exploring the course of period fertility in Iran after the 1979 Islamic Revolution have not examined systematically the role played by changes in the timing of births. Using retrospective data from the 2000 Iran Demographic and Health Survey and frailty hazard models, this study finds that the rise in fertility in the early 1980s was due to faster transitions to the first birth among all social groups of women and to the fourth birth largely among illiterate and less educated women. In contrast, the rapid fertility decline after 1985 is attributed to slower transition to successive births, especially to the second, third, and fourth births. These findings point to the importance of education and contraceptive use (measured by length of previous birth interval) as key determinants of birth timing in Iran. Interaction between age at marriage and education positively influenced the timing of births, with stronger effects among highly educated women, suggesting that the onset of rapid fertility decline was likely driven by these highly educated women. Another interaction between the gender of prior children and education shows that birth timing, even among highly educated women, appears to have been influenced by son preference in Iran.  相似文献   

David Bromham''s editorial on contraceptive implants ignores the wider issues to voice concern that trial by media could limit contraceptive choice by jeopardising research into new methods. However, it is more beneficial to the public for points of conflict to be debated openly. Furthermore, the impetus for research into new contraceptive technology is driven by profit and political motives and is only marginally affected by the media. Implanted contraceptives may increase the choice of contraceptive methods, but they put control of fertility increasingly into the hands of the medical profession. Herein lies their greatest problem: their potential to increase providers'' control over clients'' choice. There is the danger that certain groups of women may be targeted for their use: in the United States the coercive use of Norplant for mothers receiving welfare benefit has been suggested. Long acting contraceptives are a contraceptive of choice only when they are available without pressure, as part of a wider menu; when instant removal on request is guaranteed; and when there is an open and free flow of information and opinions between users, health professionals, and special interest groups.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine if the risk for fetal growth inhibition among gastroschisis-afflicted fetuses is heightened among younger gravidas (teen mothers). METHOD: This was a retrospective cohort study on live-born infants with isolated gastroschisis delivered in New York State from 1983 through 1999. We compared infants of mature (>20 years) mothers with those of younger (<20 years) mothers with respect to the following indices of fetal morbidity outcomes: low birth weight and very low birth weight, preterm and very pre-term, and small for gestational age. We used adjusted odds ratios to approximate relative risks. RESULTS: A total of 368 infants with isolated gastroschisis were analyzed. The two groups differed in terms of mean gestational age at delivery [Mean + standard deviation(SD) for infants with gastroschisis born to mature mothers = 37.2 weeks +/- 2.8 versus 36.3 weeks + 3.6 for those of teenage mothers(p = 0.01)], as well as mean birth weight [mean birth weight +/- SD for infants with gastroschisis born to mature mothers = 2562.4 grams +548.8 versus 2367.9 grams +/- 645.2 for those of younger mothers (p = 0.004)]. Infants of teen mothers were about twice as likely to be of low birth weight (OR = 1.70; 95% CI = 1.05-2.77) and about three times as likely to be born very preterm when compared to those of mature mothers (OR = 2.80; 95% Cl = 1.02-8.00). No significant differences were observed with respect to very low birth weight, pre-term and small for gestational age. CONCLUSION: Low maternal age appears to be a risk factor for low birth weight and very preterm birth among gastroschisis-affected fetuses. This information is potentially useful for planning by care providers and in counseling affected parents.  相似文献   

A sample of 1871 women having a child under 3 years old in Bas Zaire was studied to determine the correlates of breastfeeding practices and to examine the interrelationships among breastfeeding, contraceptive practices and desire for pregnancy. The methods of analysis applied were life table analysis and its multivariate extensions. Most of the findings in this analysis are consistent with current literature on the correlates of the duration of breastfeeding. Maternal education, economic status, age, parity, urban residence, pregnancy, and sex of the index child were significantly related to the length of breastfeeding. Among non-pregnant women, current desire for pregnancy was also related to breastfeeding status when the length of time since birth of the last child was taken into consideration. Rural women were reportedly ready for another pregnancy sooner after the birth of their last child than were urban women. Breastfeeding appears to be the most important means of contraceptive protection in the study population. The effective traditional method of extended postpartum abstinence is not widely prevalent, particularly among the urban sample, and indeed seems to be on the decline. The data presented here also suggest that breastfeeding pratices are changing in this area of Africa where little economic development has occurred in the past 20 years. This research suggests that if current trends continue, fertility levels are likely to increase significantly. The findings also indicate that Bas Zairian mothers want to space their births and for this reason may be receptive to family planning programs that use appropriate strategies.  相似文献   

In a 1989 Family Planning Study in Iran, 40 percent of the married women of reproductive age reported that their last or current pregnancies were unwanted and unintended. This finding is consistent with the results obtained from a number of studies undertaken in the countries of North Africa and the Middle East. Although the phenomenon of unwanted pregnancy is a significant topic in the population studies, it has received very little attention. This paper shows the differences between two groups: group A, those married women who reported that their last or current pregnancies were wanted, and group B, those married women who reported that their last or current pregnancies were unwanted. The findings of this study clearly show significant differences between these two groups in regard to some key sociodemographic attributes: wife/husband's education, actual and desired fertility, wife's current age, past and present practice of contraceptive methods, and extent of satisfaction with family planning services are among the attributes differentiating these two groups. Our examination of these variables suggests that group B had higher parity, fertility, less desire for more children, less use of contraceptive techniques, and less satisfaction with the efficiency of the contraceptive techniques than group A. The relationship between education and wanted/unwanted pregnancies is mixed. The urban women who wanted pregnancies and were 25 years old or older were more educated than those who did not want pregnancies. On the contrary, the rural women whose pregnancies were not wanted were more educated than those who wanted pregnancies regardless of age, parity, and locality differences. Furthermore, the urban/rural women with different levels of parities who did not want to be pregnant were more educated than the urban/rural women who wanted pregnancies. Finally, the standardized regression coefficients, obtained in logistic regression, reveal that among urban women the desire for more children and parity are the first and second most significant independent variables differentiating between group A and group B. Among rural women, living children and the desire for more children were the first and second most important variables differentiating between group A and group B.  相似文献   

To test the effect of maternal habits and home exposures during early pregnancy on the occurrence of congenital heart disease in the offspring, 406 cases and 756 controls were studied. The cases included all cardiovascular malformations detected in Finland during 1982-1983, while the healthy controls were randomly selected from all babies born during the same period. Case and control mothers were interviewed after delivery using a structured and pre-tested questionnaire. Maternal overall drug consumption during the first trimester was as prevalent among case mothers (13.3%) as controls (14.6%). Neither was the risk of congenital heart disease associated with maternal use of contraceptive pills, salicylates, diazepam, or sweetening agents separately. Maternal exposures to disinfectants, dyes, lacquers, paints, pesticides, or glues at home were equally prevalent in case and control groups. Several earlier miscarriages was a predictor of an infant born with congenital heart disease (OR = 2.7, CI95 = 1.4-5.3). Maternal ultrasound examination was performed during the first 16 weeks of pregnancy more often among the case group (28.3%) than among the control group (22.0%). However, the association between ultrasound examination and the risk of congenital heart disease in the offspring was not statistically significant (OR = 1.2, 95% confidence interval 0.9-1.7) when adjusted for confounding factors such as the threat of miscarriage in logistic regression analysis. It is concluded that maternal ultrasound examination, intake of some common drugs, and exposure to a number of environmental factors at home during early pregnancy are probably not harmful for the developing fetal heart.  相似文献   

The lactational histories of 500 Sudanese women were studied retrospectively to examine postpartum lactational amenorrhea as a method of family planning. Particular attention was given to the factors affecting postpartum lactational amenorrhea, including supplementary feeding and the use of modern contraceptive methods. Breast-feeding was overwhelmingly practised (90%) among this sample, which was roughly representative of the Sudanese population as a whole. The prevalence of amenorrhea among this group of lactating women was quite high (73%). Duration of lactational amenorrhea ranged from 2 to 36 months with a median of 12 months. Introduction of supplementary feeding had little effect on lactational amenorrhea up to the 9th month of breastfeeding. Beyond the 12th month of breastfeeding, lactational amenorrhea was significantly prolonged by postponing the introduction of supplementary feeding until the 4th month or later. Ovulation, and hence conception, during lactational amenorrhea was unpredictable. It occurred as early as the 3rd or as late as the 36th month postpartum. Conceptions interrupting lactational amenorrhea soon after delivery (3-9 months) were more frequent among primiparous women. The failure rate of lactational amenorrhea as a contraceptive was 8.4%. Though extremely high compared to that of the pill, lactational amenorrhea was more useful as a fertility control mechanism because, in this study, a high proportion of women initiated pill use, but soon discontinued it because of side effects. Modern contraceptive practice was not prevalent. Amenorrheic mothers accepted the pill after the 6th month postpartum (41%, compared to lactating mothers whose menses had returned who started much earlier. 49% of the women studied relied completely on the protection of lactational amenorrhea. 57% of all lactating women who used the combined pill reported a reduction in milk production. Knowledge of modern contraception was poor and incorrect in many cases, leading to several policy implications, including usage of sterilization.  相似文献   

Age at marriage is one of the factors that influence the fertility behaviour of women, particularly in a society like Nepal where contraceptive use is low. Socioeconomic and cultural factors, particularly religion and ethnicity, are important variables in determining age at marriage in Nepal. Fertility was negatively related with age at marriage. Marriage duration had a greater influence on fertility than age at marriage, although these were strongly correlated.  相似文献   

A sample of 1000 currently married women aged 25-39 and living in 3 geographic areas of the Ghanaian capital were interviewed about their contraceptive knowledge and practice. Slightly over 90% of the respondents said that they had heard of ways to delay or prevent pregnancy. There was no difference between the 3 areas, but more of those aged 30-34 had heard about contraception. The chances that a respondent had heard about contraception increased with the level of education. Catholics were less likely to have heard of any contraceptive methods than Protestants. Also, women engaged in traditional informal occupations were the least likely to have heard of any contraceptive methods. Overall, education emerged as the most important differentiating factor. The pill, condom, and IUD were the best known methods. Regarding actual contraceptive practice, only 41% of the respondents were currently using some form of contraception, with about 19% using modern and 27% traditional methods. Results of contraceptive usage by user characteristics show that the majority of women in 2/3 of the areas rely on a mixture of traditional and modern methods; that the % of users (any method) increases with age up to 30-34 years, after which it decreases. The % of ever-users of any type of contraception in this study is highest for the highest education levels, at 84% for women with 2ndary and post 2ndary education. With the exception of the IUD, douche and folklore methods, better educated women have higher ever-use %s for both traditional and modern methods. While the %s of users increases with education for foam, diaphragm and withdrawal; the reverse is observed for the pill and IUD, probably due to fear of negative side effects. Overall, there are no significant variations in contraceptive use by migration status; but the % of non-users is highest among recent migrants who are also the least likely to have ever used modern methods. Fertility differentials across ethnic groups have been observed in Ghana. The Akan have the highest fertility, followed by the Ewe and Ga-Adangbe with moderate fertility, and the northern ethnic groups with the lowest fertility. The Akan also have the highest % of ever users of modern contraceptives, an inconsistency which may be explained by their recent recognition of the burdens of high fertility and their attempts to control it. Religious differences are pronounced, especially between the traditional category on the 1 hand, and Christians and Muslims on the other. Results of an analysis of variance suggests that family size is the strongest motivation for adopting modern contraception, and that it may be used for limiting rather than spacing births.  相似文献   

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