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Sequestration of solutes within liposomes was the basis of the liposome drug-carrier concept, proposed and demonstrated in the early 70′s (1). Subsequent work established the feasibility of using liposomes in a multitude of therapies where site-directed delivery of drugs, coupled with avoidance of premature drug loss, inactivation and toxicity are required for optimal pharmacological action. Instrumental to the remarkable transition of the liposome from a laboratory curiosity 30 years ago to life-saving products today (2), were on the one hand substantial progress in the understanding of its behaviour in vivo (which led to strategies for behaviour control) and, on the other, sophisticated advances in the technology of the system.  相似文献   

Mary  Key 《American anthropologist》1964,66(5):1149-1149

Some Introductory Remarks on the Coryneform Bacteria   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

ABSTRACT. Leishmania differentiation in the gut of phlebotomine sand flies was evaluated based on five light and electron microscopic studies of natural (Leishmania panamensis/Lutzomyia gomezi, Leishmania chagasi/Lutzomyia longipalpis) and unnatural (Leishmania mexicana/Lutzomyia abonnenci, Leishmania panamensis/Phlebotomus papatasi, Leishmania major/Lutzomyia longipalpis) life cycles. In the bloodmeal, transformation of amastigotes into stumpy promastigotes occurred before or during division. Further division in pairs or rosettes resulted in the development of spatulate and/or elongate nectomonad (free-swimming) promastigotes. Elongate, short, and metacyclic nectomonad promastigotes, and nectomonad paramastigotes were present in the midgut lumen. Dividing short promastigotes predominated in the cardia, and appeared to generate metacyclic forms which were observed in three life cycles. Haptomonad (attached) forms of Leishmania panamensis in the hindgut were primarily spatulate promastigotes (natural host) or pear-shaped promastigotes (unnatural host); paramastigotes and dividing forms were rare. At the stomodeal valve, short haptomonad promastigotes predominated in unnatural hosts, while both short and pear-shaped haptomonads were abundant, along with paramastigotes in natural hosts. Haptomonad paramastigotes and pear-shaped promastigotes colonized the esophagus, while paramastigotes predominated in the pharynx. Metacyclics were free-swimming in the lumen of the foregut.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Phylogenetic relations are ultimately determined by homologous relationships, including both structural and functional data. Following the establishment of those relationships, the direction of evolutionary change must be determined using paleontologic, developmental, and especially morphocline, data. From that perspective the direction of subsequent development becomes clearer and the problems of origins become more explicit. Using the foregoing methodology it has been possible to identify plausibly monophyletic groups of animal protists or protozoa. Allowing for attendant difficulties, there nevertheless emerges certain fairly convincing generalities: (a) the predominantly pseudopodial forms, with a few minor exceptions, have direct origins from apochlorotic algae; (b) the predominantly kinetidal forms (zooflagellates and ciliates), though also derived originally from apochlorotic algae, give evidence of extended evolutionary development with the especially noteworthy emergence of a permanent ingestatory structure; (c) both groups have increased size, a tendency towards multinuclearity and polyploidy, cytoplasmic differentiations of various sorts, and complex life cycles. In terms of further evolution, namely the emergence of multicellular animals, the pseudopodial forms are almost certainly a dead end while the kinetidal forms are arguably the ancestors of at least 2 metazoan phyla.  相似文献   

Cells of the order Kinetoplastida possess a single mitochondrion which contains a large amount of a uniquely organized DNA. This kinetoplastic DNA (K-DNA), representing 10–20% of the total cell DNA in different species, has as its major molecular component a small closed circular molecule present in large numbers. The size and thereby the amount of genetic information carried by the minicircles varies from species to species: Leishmania tarentolae and the Salivarian trypanosomes have the smallest, the Stercorarian trypanosomes Trypanosoma lewisi and Trypanosoma cruzi intermediate, and Crithidia and also Trypanosoma mega the largest minicircles. In L. tarentolae, purified minicircles, which are the size of 1 gene, have been shown by renaturation kinetics to consist of only 1 or 2 classes. L. tarentolae K-DNA also contains another molecular species—a long molecule which may represent up to 30% of the total K-DNA. The minicircles, nevertheless, represent a gene amplification of the order of 104. In all species that have been examined so far, the K-DNA consists of a single sheet of interlocked closed circular molecules which can be isolated in an intact form because of its resistance to shear forces and its high molecular weight. In addition, at least in L. tarentolae, 6–9% of the K-DNA is either free in the mitochondrion or loosely bound. The main K-DNA structure has been termed a “network” and can be seen in the light microscope after staining in solution with acridine orange or after fixing and staining with Giemsa's, or in the electron microscope. The quaternary structure of such networks in terms of the organization of minicircles and long molecules is not understood. Controlled breakdown of networks from L. tarentolae was achieved by sonication, and the release of open and closed monomeric minicircles, catenated dimers, trimers and higher oligomers, and short linear fragments was measured. A maximum of 43% of the total network DNA was released in the form of closed monomers, dimers, and trimers, thus providing a minimal estimate for the percentage of minicircles in K-DNA from this species. K-DNA replicates fairly synchronously with nuclear DNA in all species that have been examined. Replication of DNA molecules in the kinetoplast networks is limited to the periphery, as seen in autoradiographs of networks isolated from cells (L. tarentolae, Crithidia fasciculata) pulsed with 3H-thymidine. The molecular implications of this unusual replication pattern remain an open question, as does the genetic function of the K-DNA itself.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This report serves to introduce the symposium on food chains and food webs that is jointly sponsored by the Society of Protozoologists and the Phycological Society of America. A brief history of the field of aquatic microbial ecology is presented with an emphasis on the development of theoretical models that have directed the course of research — research that has shaped the development of new and more complex models of the present. the paper aims to provide historical background for all symposium participants and an introduction to the specific presentations of the four guest speakers.  相似文献   

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