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Infant and child mortality in Bangladesh   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Socioeconomic differences and trends in infant and child mortality in Bangladesh are examined using data from the 1975 World Fertility Survey and 1979 Contraceptive Prevalence Survery. There is evidence of some recent decline in infant mortality and child mortality. Logit analysis of infant and child mortality indicates that sociodemographic variables such as mother's education, recent period, or higher birth orders, has significant independent effects upon the reduction of infant and child mortality. Other variables such as fetal loss, father's education, or land ownership had no consistent significant effect. On the other hand the effect of urban residence on infant and child mortality was positive after the control of sociodemographic variables. Mere concentration on the supply of modern medical services may bring limited returns unless they are reinforced by appropriate social changes, in particular those affecting the socioeconomic status of women. Educated mothers are likely to belong to higher income households, have better knowledge of how to care for children, and can bring more resources to the care of a sick child.  相似文献   

Infant mortality in Bangladesh: a review of recent evidence   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Estimates of child mortality are mainly based on reports by mothers on the survival status of their children. Infant mortality estimates from such data do not seem to have declined in recent years. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics sample registration infant mortality estimates appear to be suspiciously low.  相似文献   

This research examines determinants of infant and child mortality in rural Egypt, primarily the effects of household economic status and the availability of health services. Certain features of the health service environment affect survival in the neonatal period. In early childhood, survival chances improve markedly as income increases and if the household depends almost exclusively on employment income. In infancy and in early childhood, mortality is strongly associated with region of residence and maternal demographic characteristics, and is weakly associated with parental schooling.  相似文献   

This paper uses prospective data from the Matlab surveillance system in rural Bangladesh to demonstrate that initially co-resident spouses and sons have a major impact on the subsequent mortality of old people, with significant differences by the sex of the elderly person, and the age of the son. Spouses significantly reduce mortality by similar magnitudes for both elderly men and women. On the other hand, co-resident adult sons reduce mortality for elderly women much more than for elderly men, with younger sons being more beneficial than older sons. Furthermore, both married and unmarried females appear to benefit equally from co-resident adult sons. Finally, this analysis suggests that the impact of spouses and sons on mortality in old age is not substantially mediated through changes in elderly economic status.  相似文献   

Five hundred and fifty one children aged between 3 months and 3 years were followed up at home for 12 months after treatment of diarrhoea in a rural treatment centre of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. During follow up the children were found to have a significantly higher mortality than generally observed in the community. The first three months after discharge appeared to be crucial, some 70% of the deaths occurring in that period. Severely malnourished children (nutritional state below 56% of the American National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) standard of weight for age ratio) had a risk of death 14 times that of their well nourished counterparts (nutritional state 66% or more of the NCHS standard). The highest mortality occurred in 2 year olds, one in three of the severely malnourished children dying compared with one in 10 of the moderately malnourished. This pattern was not seen in children aged under 2 years. Immediate priority should be given to providing nutritional rehabilitation for malnourished children who contract diarrhoea.  相似文献   

This study investigates the socio-demographic differentials in mortality during the 1974-75 famine in a rural area of Bangladesh. It is based on household socioeconomic information collected in the 1974 census and registration data on births, deaths and migrations for the period 1974-79 from the Demographic Surveillance System of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh. Ownership of selected household items was considered in the analysis as an indicator of household socioeconomic status. Mortality was 62% higher during the famine period and 31% higher during the post-famine period compared to the non-famine period. The mortality of both the poor and the rich increased during the famine period, by 117% and 28% respectively compared to the non-famine period. The poor suffered significantly in all age groups except 5-14 years, while the rich suffered only for ages 65 and over. Poor males suffered more than poor females except for ages 65 and over, while rich females suffered more than rich males except for ages under 1 year.  相似文献   

Infant mortality in Sri Lanka declined substantially between 1961 and 1980, the reduction being higher during the post-natal period. 3 distinct phases were identified: 1) a declining trend in the face of several fluctuations; 2) a sharp reversal of the trend and then an increase; and 3) a more consistent decline. Between the periods 1961-65 and 1976-80, deaths from exogenous and endogenous causes were reduced considerably and nearly equally. The probabilities of survival increased in every age group, proportionally more in the 1st week of life. There was no evidence that changes in national income or total food supply were factors, but protein calorie availability appeared to affect the rate. Distribution of free supplementary food, increase in public health personnel, more immunization, and a rise in the number of institutional births appeared to have initiated and sustained the more recent decline in infant mortality. Increasing levels of female education also augmented these developments. Further efforts to improve living conditions, access to safe water and flush or water-seal toilets, and motivating women to deliver in institutions and extend their postnatal stay, would probably result in a further decline, as well as general strategies such as integrating public health and medical services and improving health education programs.  相似文献   

This paper examines incorrect use of oral contraceptives (OCs) in rural Bangladesh by using data from an OC compliance survey. Of the 1031 current users of OCs interviewed, about 13% took their pills out of sequence, while 17% left incorrect intervals between pill packs. Forty per cent of the women reported missing one active pill during the 6 months prior to the survey, and 74% of them took correct action with the missed pill. Of the women who missed two active pills (16%), only 9% took correct action. Multivariate analyses revealed that women's education and their husbands' support helped protect against taking incorrect action with a missed pill. The fieldworker's contact was found to protect against leaving an incorrect interval between pill packs. Women who had membership of non-government organizations were less likely to interrupt their pill use, and more likely to take their pill out of sequence. The present study underscores the need for providing women with more support in their pill use, and advocates that service providers should be the focal point of efforts. Husbands' support is essential to improve the pill-taking behaviour of Bangladeshi women.  相似文献   

In South Asia women are often the primary decision-makers regarding child health care, family health and nutrition. This paper examines the proposition that constraints on women's status adversely affect the survival of their children. Survey data are used to construct indices of women's household autonomy and authority, which are then linked to longitudinal data on survival of their children. Proportional hazard models indicate that enhanced autonomy significantly decreases post-neonatal mortality. Enhanced household authority significantly decreases child mortality. A simulation based on estimated effects of eliminating gender inequality suggests that achieving complete gender equality could reduce child mortality by nearly fifty per cent and post-neonatal mortality by one-third.  相似文献   

The pill is the most popular family planning method in Bangladesh. However, the failure rate of this method in Matlab, a typical rural area, has been found to be very high. It is estimated that with the current level of failure of the pill and other temporary contraceptives in Matlab, it is unlikely that fertility in Bangladesh will come down to replacement level without a change in contraceptive method mix. It is, therefore, important to know the reasons for the high failure in pill use. Data for this study came from a case-control study in Matlab. A pill failure was considered a case, and no-failure was considered a control. The study included 167 cases and 167 controls. In addition, five focus group discussions were conducted to supplement the data collected from the cases and controls to gain a deeper understanding of pill failure. Results of the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative data suggested that the following were the risk factors for pill failure: no mobility of women, poor knowledge of women about the effectiveness and consequences of drop-out from pill use, weak confidence in the pill, a gap between the use of subsequence pill cycles, delay in starting the pill after menstruation for the first use, not taking any measures consistently for missing the pill, and not following the arrow sign given on the pill cycle. Extensive training of field workers and pill users, covering the reasons for pill failure identified in this study and strong supervision of the work of field workers, is likely to reduce the rate of pill failure in Bangladesh. Also, information, education and communication services for users, and management of side-effects, may be helpful in reducing pill failure.  相似文献   

An analysis of the relationship between fetal mortality (early fetal death and stillbirth), pregnancy order, maternal age, and previous fetal deaths in a rural Bangladesh population characterized by high fertility and mortality and the virtual absence of obstetric and other medical care indicates that early fetal wastage and stillbirth are higher among pregnancy orders 1 and 6, or higher than among orders 2 and 3, with the increased risk particularly apparent among those pregnancies following 2 or more previous fetal deaths. The data consist of the 21,144 pregnancies that occurred to the women in Matlab, Bangladesh, 1966-1969. By a multiple regression technique allowing for pregnancy order and previous fetal deaths, adjustments were made for age of the mother, and after allowances were made for previous fetal deaths, adjustments were made for pregnancy order. Results show the fewest fetal deaths in 2nd and 3rd pregnancies, and most at the highest parities. 10% of all pregnancy terminations 1966-1969 were registered as fetal deaths. Women in the higher pregnancy orders who have not experienced previous fetal deaths or only 1 fetal death have only a slight increase in the risk of fetal death compared to women in pregnancy orders 2 and 3. It is concluded that the virtual absence of medical care facilities is responsible for the large numbers of fetal deaths due to complications of gestation, delivery, and environmental influences. It also results in a higher maternal mortality of women with pregnancy complications related to fetal deaths. This absence of obstetric care and the high maternal mortality in this population may allow only women without reproductive impairments to reach the higher pregnancy orders.  相似文献   

Using a unique set of birth registration data from the Demographic Surveillance System of the International Center for Diarrheal Disease Research, Bangladesh, for the period 1974-77, and socioeconomic information collected in the 1974 census, fertility was studied in relation to occupation, size of dwelling, number of cows and number of boats owned. The total fertility rate was found to vary between 6 and 6.5 except in the famine year of 1975. There was no consistent relationship between fertility and education of women. The age-specific fertility rates by religion show that Muslims had higher fertility at all ages in 1974 and 1977 and at older ages in 1975 and 1976. Overall, however, fertility of Hindus is consistently lower than that of Muslims, but the relative differences are under 10%. Fertility differentials by occupation showed that the household heads who were farm laborers had relatively lower fertility compared to other occupational groups, except for the year 1977 where the families of service holders were found to have relatively lower fertility. Women in households whose heads were businessmen or farmers (owning their land) had above average fertility. In 1974, households in the business occupational groups had, on average, 1 birth more than other households. Women in households with fishermen as heads had below average fertility in 1974 and 1975, but very high fertility in 1976 and 1977. Fertility levels differed according to the type of household in which the family resided. Nuclear families had below average fertility up to the age of 35 and above average fertility at the end of the reproductive age. In the 15-19 age group, augmented families had higher fertility each year examined. The association between dwelling place and fertility is positive each year, the relative differences in fertility between the groups being largest in 1974. Positive relations were found between economic status and fertility.  相似文献   

Contraceptive prevalence has risen markedly in rural Bangladesh due in part to a doorstep-delivery system initiated by the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh (ICDDR,B). This study investigates effects of residence in the Matlab MCH-FP treatment area on men's involvement in family planning. The analysis compares for treatment and comparison areas knowledge of and attitudes toward contraception, as well as levels of contraceptive use, among 413 married men interviewed at the baseline of an ICDDR,B men's involvement project. Although residence in the MCH-FP area is associated with a higher overall contraceptive prevalence, it also is associated with a lower adjusted ratio of male-to-female method use, and lower odds of other indicators of men's involvement in family planning. Historical decisions to exclude men from contraceptive decision-making may place the 'burden' of contraception on women and may preclude the productive involvement of men. These and other implications and strategies for increased men's involvement are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study we investigate the incidence of twin births over a period of 16 years in a rural area of Bangladesh using data from the Demographic Surveillance System of the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research. Over the study period twinning rates fluctuated between 7.8 and 11.2 per 1000 live births. The twinning rate was strongly correlated with maternal age; the rate for mothers over 35 years of age was about 3 times higher than for mothers younger than 20 years. The variation in twinning rate with maternal age is due to the variation in dizygotic twinning; the rate of monozygotic twinning is almost constant for all ages. Twinning rates were higher in the treatment area than in the comparison area after controlling for maternal age and parity. The rates were lower for monozygotic twinning and higher for dizygotic twinning in the treatment area than in the comparison area. Seasonality was observed for both twins and singletons, but the peak for twinning precedes that for singleton births by more than a month.  相似文献   

Child health is a central issue in the public policy agenda of developing countries. Several policies aimed at improving child health have been implemented over the years, with varying degrees of success. In Brazil, such policies have triggered a significant decline in infant mortality rates over the last 30 years. Despite this improvement, however, mortality rates are still high compared to international standards. Moreover, there is considerable imbalance across Brazilian municipalities suggesting that various policies should be adopted. We investigate the determinants of infant mortality at the municipal level and provide an analysis of the factors affecting child health at the individual level. To analyze the mortality rate, we estimate static and dynamic panel data models using four censuses covering the period from 1970 to 2000. The demand for child health, on the other hand, is addressed through a household decision model, estimated using anthropometric data from the 1996 Standard of Living Survey. The results obtained indicate that a rise in sanitation, education and per capita income contributed to the decline of infant mortality in Brazil, with stronger impacts in the long run than in the short run. The fixed effects associated with county characteristics explain the observed dispersion in child mortality rates. The results from the decision model are confirmed by the findings of the mortality model: education, sanitation and poverty are the most important causes of poor child health in Brazil.  相似文献   

A contraceptive study of rural Bangladeshi women indicated that the previous death of children, number of living children, desire for additional children and son preference were important determinants of contraceptive continuation. The importance of these factors varies to some extent with use of different contraceptive methods.  相似文献   

Senescence is the age‐related deterioration of the phenotype, explained by accumulation of mutations, antagonistic pleiotropy, free radicals or other mechanisms. I investigated patterns of actuarial senescence in a sample of 169 species of birds in relation to latitude and migration, by analysing longevity records adjusted for sampling effort, survival rate and body mass. Senescence might decrease at low latitudes because of elevated adult survival rates and generally slow life histories. Alternatively, the rate of senescence might increase at low latitudes because of the greater impact of biological interactions such as parasitism, predation and competition on fitness through differential effects of age‐specific mortality (e.g. because immunologically naïve young individuals and immuno‐senescent old individuals might die more frequently than individuals belonging to intermediate age classes). Bird migration entails extensive exercise twice annually, with migrants spending more time in benign environments with little abiotic mortality than residents, migrants having higher adult survival rate and lower annual fecundity than residents, and migrants suffering more from the consequences of oxidative stress than residents. The rate of senescence increased with latitude, as expected because of slow life histories at low latitudes. Independently, rate of senescence decreased with increasing migration distance. These findings were robust to control for potentially confounding effects of body mass, age of first reproduction and phenotypic similarity among species because of common descent.  相似文献   

The standard marriage model is evaluated with respect to its applicability in Bangladesh, so that reliable and consistent estimates of mean marriage age for females in Bangladesh can be made. The standard marriage model proposes that a person enters the marriage market and waits until marriage occurs. The distribution of age at entry into the marriage market is generally normal. The delays until marriage occurs are modelled as negative exponential distributions. In a population where marriage is universal, the standard schedule of 1st marriage frequencies developed by Coale and McNeil is a close approximation to the convolution of a normal curve and several exponential distributions G(x), the cumulative probability of marriage at age x. Since the standard distribution of age at 1st marriage is closely approximated by the convolution of a normal curve and several negative exponential distributions, the age at entry to the marriage market for females, and whether this is normally distributed, should be examined. 1 cross-sectional study in Bangladesh concludes that onset of menarche determines entry into the marriage market. The proportion of ever married females by single year of age which is available from cross sectional demographic surveys can be fitted to the Coale-McNeil model. Marriages in the rural areas of Bangladesh seem to follow the pattern of entering the marriage market at puberty, then waiting until actual marriage takes place. This model of entries and delays can also be fitted to cross-sectional data from rural Bangladesh. The use of the Coale-McNeil marriage model in rural Bangladesh is appropriate for estimating the mean age of marriage.  相似文献   

A survey was conducted among 2800 students studying in Wroc?aw, Poland. The questionnaire included questions on the body height of the students and their parents, and place of residence and migration patterns of the students themselves, their parents and their grandparents. Body height in both students and their parents was positively correlated with the size of their place of residence. This was particularly true for male students and their fathers. Body height in students and parents from mobile families was not significantly different from that of their peers from non-mobile families. Body height in mobile individuals was generally between that of non-mobile individuals from rural areas and that of non-mobile individuals from large urban centres. Students from families that had migrated from smaller urban centres to larger ones were taller than students from families that had migrated from rural areas to urban centres. Body height in students was also correlated with the kind of migration that took place. In the students' mothers, body height was higher if the maternal grandparents moved from smaller urban centres to larger urban centres than if the maternal grandparents moved from rural areas to urban centres. In female students, body height depended on whether their mothers had migrated from smaller places of residence to larger places of residence, but was not affected by the degree of migration. Intra-generational migration during the generation of the students' grandparents was associated with increased body height in the students' mothers. On the other hand, intergenerational migration during the generations of the students' grandparents and parents was associated with increased body height in the students' fathers and in female students. Body height was not a reliable indicator of whether an individual migrated from rural areas to Wroc?aw. Far more reliable indicators were the size of the place the student lived their whole life and whether the family had lived in an urban environment for at least two generations.  相似文献   

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