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 Apomixis has never been reported in natural populations of pearl millet [Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R.Br.], although many wild relatives of pearl millet are obligate or facultative aposporous apomicts. Four-nucleate aposporous embryo sacs are formed from somatic cells of the nucellus that do not undergo meiosis. Two mutants of pearl millet, female sterile (fs) and stubby head, have two developmental characteristics in common: a significant reduction in head length compared with the wild-type and the formation of aposporous embryo sacs. Reproductive development in fs and stubby head mutants was examined in depth because of the potential for illuminating basic cellular or developmental factors that may function to alter embryo sac development. Genetic analysis of stubby head showed that this phenotype is conferred by genes at two loci linked in coupling within 29 cM. Crosses between fs and stubby head mutants showed that, despite the similarities in phenotypes, the mutations are at different loci. The mutants differ from wild-type in their inflorescence structure from the time of initiation of spikelet primordia through terminal differentiation of the ovule. Both mutations could be categorized as meristic, since a change in inflorescence branch or organ number was common and gynoecium development varied. We speculate that heterochronic development of the floral meristem and organ initiation/specification programs may be the underlying mechanism for phenotypic changes in these mutants throughout the floral phase. Received: 25 October 1996 / Accepted: 13 March 1997  相似文献   

We investigated the inflorescence structure of Rhynchospora following the methodology and terminology of Troll's school, with the objective of providing a characterization of the inflorescence suitable to evaluate the processes responsible for the diversity observed. Homogenization of inflorescence structures may occur fully or partially. In the first case, all branches of the inflorescence are homogeneous, while in the later, distal and proximal parts of the inflorescence bear homogeneous branches, but in the middle portions of the inflorescence non-homogeneous branches exist. Other characters leading to different forms of inflorescences are branching degree, internode elongation along the main axis of the synflorescence, degree of epipodium elongation of distal paraclades, development of bract and prophyll, and development of prophyllar paraclades. We identified three main types of inflorescences: (1) partially homogeneous paniculodia, (2) partially homogeneous capitate heads, and (3) a fully homogeneous capitate head. Within the first type, four subtypes were also recognized. Finally, we discuss how these processes can operate to produce the variation of the inflorescence shape.  相似文献   

Stefan Andersson 《Ecography》1991,14(3):186-191
In a natural population of the self-incompatible Achillea ptarmica , many-headed inflorescences attracted most pollinators (flies), and each pollinator visited more heads on large inflorescences than on smaller ones. The visitation rate did not increase disproportionately with inflorescence size, as would be expected if clusters of heads had a synergetic effect on pollinator attraction. Both the calculated visitation rate per head and the percentage seed set increased slightly as a function of head number. The removal of rays from all heads in the inflorescence reduced the approach rate by 51%, but had only a small negative effect on seed set (12%). Hence, ray removal probably affected male fertility (pollen donation) to a greater extent than female fertility. The decline in pollination success was similar for all inflorescence sizes, suggesting that ray and inflorescence size have independent effects on the total display, and thus represent separate targets for pollinator-mediated selection. Residual variation in seed set was strongly correlated with patch identity, indicating clonal or environmentally induced differences in female reproductive success.  相似文献   

This work presents the basics for interpreting the adult inflorescence structure in Cyperaceae. It provides an analysis of the variations of the synflorescence and inflorescence structure in the family. Three types of synflorescence may be recognized in this family: a synflorescence with a foliate stem, a terminal inflorescence and a variable number of lateral inflorescences; a synflorescence with a foliate stem and only the terminal inflorescence; and a synflorescence with a scape and a terminal inflorescence. Variations in the structure and form of the inflorescences are related to variations in inflorescence branching, inflorescence homogenization degree, presence or absence of the distal part of the inflorescence, phyllotaxis, inflorescence position, types of bracts and leaves subtending branches, elongation of inflorescence internodes and spikelet structure. These variations are correlated with some of the developmental processes that give origin to the inflorescence.  相似文献   

Previous studies of reproductive structures in the helobial monocotyledons (Alismatidae) indicate that partitioning between flower and inflorescence is not always clear (e.g.,Lilaea,Scheuchzeria) and that this may be the result of ancestral, unisexual modules coming together to form flowers and/or inflorescences. Later evolutionary changes may have included the inflorescence becoming involved or mixed in with vegetative growth. Substitution of vegetative buds for flowers is the simplest version, and there can be additional modifications to the growth behavior of the inflorescence, such as horizontal growth and dorsiventrality. In the Alismataceae and Limnocharitaceae the derivation of stolonlike structures from inflorescences is obvious: vegetative features have been incorporated into structures that are recognizably inflorescences. In the Hydrocharitaceae the interrelationships between the inflorescence and the vegetative body are much less well defined. We previously suggested forHydrocharis, where a single axillary complex can contain both inflorescence and stolons, that the stolon is basically a sterilized inflorescence and that features of the inflorescence have become incorporated into the vegetative body. Here we will explore this theme further for the Hydrocharitaceae, using information from within and outside the family.  相似文献   

The involucre of each female ray floret of Melampodium, as revealed by its anatomy, is found to be formed by the fusion of two bracts. The inflorescence in this genus is, therefore, actually a compound head with several uniflorate female capitula surrounding a central multiflorate male capitulum. It is not a simple head as is usually described.  相似文献   

During angiosperm evolution, innovations in vegetative and reproductive organs have resulted in tremendous morphological diversity, which has played a crucial role in the ecological success of flowering plants. Morindeae (Rubiaceae) display considerable diversity in growth form, inflorescence architecture, flower size, and fruit type. Lianescent habit, head inflorescence, small flower, and multiple fruit are the predominant states, but arborescent habit, non-headed inflorescence, large flower, and simple fruit states occur in various genera. This makes Morindeae an ideal model for exploring the evolutionary appearances and transitions between the states of these characters. We reconstructed ancestral states for these four traits using a bayesian approach and combined nuclear/chloroplast data for 61 Morindeae species. The aim was to test three hypotheses: 1) self-supporting habit is generally ancestral in clades comprising both lianescent and arborescent species; 2) changes from lianescent to arborescent habit are uncommon due to "a high degree of specialization and developmental burden"; 3) head inflorescences and multiple fruits in Morindeae evolved from non-headed inflorescences and simple fruits, respectively. Lianescent habit, head inflorescence, large flower, and multiple fruit are inferred for Morindeae, making arborescent habit, non-headed inflorescence, small flower, and simple fruit derived within the tribe. The rate of change from lianescent to arborescent habit is much higher than the reverse change. Therefore, evolutionary changes between lianescent and arborescent forms can be reversible, and their frequency and trends vary between groups. Moreover, these changes are partly attributed to a scarcity of host trees for climbing plants in more open habitats. Changes from large to small flowers might have been driven by shifts to pollinators with progressively shorter proboscis, which are associated with shifts in breeding systems towards dioecy. A single origin of dioecy from hermaphroditism is supported. Finally, we report evolutionary changes from headed to non-headed inflorescences and multiple to simple fruits.  相似文献   

试论竹类的花序及其演变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文旨在讨论竹类花序的类型。它共有两大类型,即单次发生花序(简称“真花序”)与续次发生花序(简称“假花序”)。前者具有一延续的花序轴,这与竹类的一般营养轴是迥然不同的;此外,整个花序是在一单次发育的周期内所产生的,并且它在植物体上有着一定的生长部位;它们的基本单位是小穗(真小穗),每小穗通常具一明显的柄。后一类型,则实是竹株的具花枝条,而非是真正的花序,故称为“假花序”。它具有原来就是营养轴所成的“花序轴”,此轴仍有节与节间两部分的区别,仅在其节处始能生有小穗;它们在发生上是续次(successivus)的,其小穗可不固定地着生在植物体任何级别的营养轴之各节,甚至可直接生长在主竿的节上;生长在此种类型花序上的通常或大多是假小穗,它无柄或近于无柄。多数情况都是形成紧密的簇团。又此种类型的花序仅见于竹类的一部分属种中,而决不发现在其他禾草(包括另一部分的竹类)的植株上。作者认为真正的花序可以通过演化而转变为续次发生的花序即“假花序”。举例来说,他曾设想筱竹Thamnocalamus spathiflorus Munro含2-3枚小穗的总状花序能够演化为浦竹仔Indosasa hispida McClure那样形态的一小段花枝。作者还相信在竹类的两大类型的花序之间并非仅有一个方向的演化途径,甚至还可能有着逆向演化之存在。  相似文献   

Among the wild-type ecotypes of Arabidopsis thaliana whose shape of inflorescence is categorized as raceme, the ecotype Landsberg harboring the erecta (er) mutation shows a corymb-like inflorescence, namely, a compact inflorescence with a flattened arrangement of flower buds at the tip. The fact that the ER gene encodes a receptor-like protein kinase implies the presence of a signaling cascade responsible for the inflorescence morphology of flowering plants. We report here the characterization of another mutant with a corymb-like inflorescence, named corymbosa2 (crm2), and the isolation of the CRM2 gene. While the er mutation causes a severe reduction in the length of pedicels, the crm2 mutation results in a significant delay in the initiation of internode elongation and in the development of flowers, despite having little effect on the timing of floral induction. Consequently, the number of flower buds is apparently increased at the tip of crm2 inflorescence. The crm2 er double mutant shows an additive phenotype. These results suggest that CRM2 and ER may act in different ways to generate wild-type inflorescence. The CRM2 gene was isolated by positional cloning and appears to encode a polypeptide with no significant homology to known sequences.  相似文献   

Previous supraspecific classifications of the genus Kobresia are evaluated. The evolution of the genus is discussed, and a preliminary revised supraspecific classification based on putative evolution is proposed. Previous classifications were mostly based on inflorescence characters. The spicate inflorescence might have evolved in parallel from a paniculate one, and unisexual spikelet might also be the result of parallel evolution from bisexual spikelets. Therefore, the subgenera or sections Elyna and Hemicarex , which were recognized by previous authors and characterized by the spicate inflorescence (the former with bisexual spikelets and the latter with unisexual ones), may be polyphyletic. In the classification presented here, three subgenera are recognized. A new subgenus Blysmocarex (N. A. Ivanova) S. R. Zhang is proposed. A key to subgenera and sections is included, and types, synonymies and representative species are given under each supraspecific rank.  相似文献   

Deceptive orchids are generally characterized by low levels of fruit set; however, there may be substantial variations in fruit set between sites and years. Within a single population, individual plants may also differ greatly in their reproductive output as a result of differences in inflorescence size or local density. In this study, we determined flower and fruit production over 5 years in two populations of the food-deceptive orchid, Orchis purpurea . All plants were monitored annually for survival and flowering at each site to determine whether flowering and fruiting induced costs. The number of flowers per inflorescence varied considerably from year to year (min: 36.6, max: 49.5). Average fruit set was low (7%) and varied considerably among years and populations. A considerable proportion of plants also failed to set any fruit. However, the probability of producing at least one fruit was not affected by inflorescence size or local density. The number of fruits was significantly related to inflorescence size, but proportional fruit set was not. Local density also did not affect the number of fruits, nor proportional fruit set. There was also no evidence that plants with large inflorescence size or high fruiting success had a larger probability of remaining vegetative the year after flowering than plants with small inflorescence size or low fruiting success. Our results suggest that pollinator-mediated selective forces on inflorescence size through female reproductive success alone are weak, most likely because of the low overall level of visitation and the resulting uncertainty of pollination at the individual level. Our results further demonstrate that investigation of patterns of fruit set over several years is needed to better understand the variability in female reproductive success that is typical of most plant–pollinator interactions.  相似文献   

Any disabling injury of the elbow or wrist should be studied roentgenographically for evidence of fracture which may not be otherwise evident but which may cause permanent disability unless the joint is immobilized for healing.“Tennis elbow” may be treated with physical therapy and analgesic injection but may require splinting or tendon stripping. Elbow sprain can occur in the growing epiphysis but is rare in adults. A jarring fall on the hand may cause fracture or dislocation at the elbow.Full extension of the joint should be restored gradually by active exercise rather than passive or forcible stretching.Fracture at the head of the radius may cause joint hemorrhage with severe pain which can be relieved by aspiration. A displacing fracture at the head of the radius requires removal of the head to prevent arthritic changes. Myositis ossificans contraindicates operation until after it has cleared.Healing of wrist fractures may be facilitated by exercise of the shoulder and elbow while the wrist is still in a cast. Fractures of the navicular bone are difficult to detect even roentgenographically and splinting may have to be done on clinical evidence alone.  相似文献   

In many plants, including orchids, differential fruit set along the inflorescence has been attributed to pollinator behaviour. For instance, the pollinator, moving up the inflorescence, becomes satiated with the resources and leaves before visiting the upper flowers. Consequently, the pollinators do not visit flowers as frequently higher up the inflorescence. Alternatively, flower size may vary along the inflorescence, making pollination ineffective as flowers decrease in size. I tested for the presence of differential pollination along the inflorescence in a pollinator-limited tropical epiphyte, Lepanthes rupestris Stimson, and determined the likely cause of the observed pattern. As this species has inflorescences with sequential flowering, pollinator behaviour, moving up the inflorescence as in synchronous multiflowering inflorescences, can be discounted as an explanation for differential fruit set. Fruit set is shown to be more frequent at the base of the inflorescence, but male reproductive success through pollinarium removal is basically independent of flower position. Moreover, cross-pollination by hand at variable flower positions along the inflorescence results in equal fruit set, suggesting that resources are not limiting and cannot explain the cause of differential fruit production along the inflorescence in natural populations. Furthermore, flower size is shown to diminish along the inflorescence, suggesting that the pollinator(s) may be ineffective at depositing the pollinarium in the smaller higher flowers. Consequently, pollinator behaviour and its interaction with flower size, and not resource limitation, is likely to be the main cause of differential fruit set along the inflorescence in L. rupestris .  © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society , 2006, 151 , 405–410.  相似文献   

Species of the palm family (Arecaceae) are remarkably diverse in their inflorescence and floral morphologies, which make them a particularly interesting group for studies of reproductive development and its evolution. Using light and scanning electron microscopy, we describe inflorescence and flower development in the African oil palm Elaeis guineensis from the initiation of the inflorescence meristem to flower maturity. In mature palms, the inflorescence develops over 2-3 years and is characterized by individual stages within which differentiation may be either relatively slow, as in the case of early inflorescence meristem development, or rapid, as in the case of flower organogenesis. The female inflorescence bears floral triads composed of single pistillate flowers flanked by two abortive staminate flowers, whereas the male inflorescence contains single functional staminate flowers. This suggests a possible evolutionary movement from an ancestral hermaphrodite inflorescence form containing fully functional floral triads to the situation of temporal dioecy observed at present. Wild type flowers are compared to those bearing an epigenetic homeotic abnormality, known as mantled, involving an alteration of the identity of the organs in the fertile and sterile androecium.  相似文献   

The PCK Clade, represented by six to nine genera, is a monophyletic group situated within the Paniceae tribe. The highly diverse inflorescences within the PCK Clade provide an interesting system for the study of morphological evolution and also may aid in better understanding its unclear systematics. The inflorescence structure of 110 members of the PCK Clade has been investigated. Inflorescences are polytelic showing different levels of truncation. At least 21 different inflorescence subtypes were identified. Fourteen variable inflorescence characters were found, among which some have suprageneric or infrageneric value and others are polymorphic. A key for the identification of inflorescence types is presented. Nine processes have been identified as responsible for inflorescence diversification. Highly branched inflorescences with different internode lengths are present in the basal genus whereas truncated inflorescence morphologies appear late in the history of the clade. The precise timing of morphological changes is impossible to assess until we have a well supported phylogeny for the PCK Clade.  相似文献   

Variation in flowering by long-lived plants may be correlated with current resource availability. If, however, there are trade-offs between current and future reproduction, or between reproduction and storage or growth, then understanding variation requires a whole-plant, longer-term perspective. Inflorescence production by Calyptrogyne ghiesbreghtiana Linden ex. H. Wendl., an understory palm, was studied over 3 years. Annual inflorescence production varied greatly and was correlated with variation in plant size and light environment. There was no trade-off between past inflorescence production and the frequency of future inflorescence production. On the contrary, individuals that produced more inflorescences than predicted from their size and light environment tended to continue to do so in subsequent years also. I manipulated the resource environment of a subset of plants by removal of leaves and/or reproductive spikes. Leaf removal suppressed inflorescence production for the following 2 years, but spike removal had no effect. One year after leaf removal stored reserves were, on average, back to pre-treatment levels. There was, however, a negative effect of recent inflorescence production on storage. Plants with higher levels of storage had higher inflorescence production in the next 75 days. In C. ghiesbreghtiana the resource cost of reproduction is apparent in short-term variation in stored reserves. In contrast, annual inflorescence production does not follow a trade-off pattern between successive years, but consistently reflects both plant size and the light environment. Received: 20 October 1996 / Accepted: 25 January 1997  相似文献   

The ontogeny of staminate tassels and pistillate ears in the maize mutant Fascicled ear was examined using scanning electron microscopy. The normal pattern of inflorescence development is perturbed by the Fascicled ear mutation at the transition stage. The Fascicled ear mutation promotes the development of an abnormal transition stage axis that is both shorter and broader than the wild type. The inflorescence apical meristem then undergoes a bifurcation, and two inflorescence axes arise in place of a single axis. Each derived inflorescence apical meristem may undergo a similar perturbation sequence. This expression of the Fascicled ear mutation may be repeated one to several times, which leads to the development of a fascicled pistillate inflorescence and a fascicled central spike in the staminate inflorescence. The apical meristems of some tassel branches are also bifurcated. Subsequent organogenesis during paired-spikelet and floral development in Fascicled ear plants follows the pattern of normal maize. However, triplet spikelets are occasionally observed. The organogenic disruption by the Fascicled ear mutation that we describe will aid genetic and molecular analysis on the regulation of inflorescence development in maize and other members of the genus Zea.  相似文献   

The prostrate rhizome of Butomus umbellatus produces branch primordia of two sorts, inflorescence primordia and nonprecocious vegetative lateral buds. The inflorescence primordia form precociously by the bifurcation of the apical meristem of the rhizome, whereas the non-precocious vegetative buds are formed away from the apical meristem. The rhizome normally produces a branch in the axial of each foliage leaf. However, it is unclear whether the rhizome is a monopodial or a sympodial structure. Lateral buds are produced on the inflorescence of B. umbellatus either by the bifurcation or trifurcation of apical meristems. The inflorescence consists of monochasial units as well as units of greater complexity, and certain of the flower buds lack subtending bracts. The upright vegetative axis of Limnocharis flava has sympodial growth and produces evicted branch primordia solely by meristematic bifurcation. Only certain leaves of the axis are associated with evicted branch primordia and each such primordium gives rise to an inflorescence. The flowers of L. flava are borne in a cincinnus and, although the inflorescence is simpler than that of Butomus umbellatus, the two inflorescences appear to conform to a fundamental body plan. The ultimate bud on the inflorescence of Limnocharis flava always forms a vegetative shoot, and the inflorescence may also produce supernumerary vegetative buds. Butomus umbellatus and Limnocharis flava exhibit a high degree of mirror image symmetry.  相似文献   

Details of organogenesis, anatomy, and some aspects of histogenesis are described for the inflorescence units and flowers of the mangrove palm, Nypa fruticans. The genus is of special interest in evolutionary studies because of its disjunct morphology and substantial fossil record. The inflorescence is an erect monopodial axis bearing 7–9 lateral branches and ending in a pistillate head. The lowest of the lateral branches bears up to six orders of branches, the next ones progressively fewer, and the uppermost is usually unbranched. Lateral branches of all orders end in thick spicate, staminate rachillae. The rachillae and the pistillate head consist of spirally inserted sessile flowers, each borne in the axil of a bract. Staminate and pistillate flowers are similar in structure. Both have three separate sepals and three separate petals, which are loosely closed in bud. Staminate flowers have no pistillodes; nor are there any staminodes in the pistillate flower. The androecium consists of a stalk bearing three anthers distally and is shown to represent three stamens with filaments congenitally fused and anthers connate by the ventral faces of the connectives. The pistillate flower has three separate carpels, which expand rapidly so that by anthesis they much exceed the perianth. Each carpel is cupulate in shape, with a two-crested distal opening, and receives ca. 150 vascular bundles, many of which may branch dichotomously. No dorsal or ventral bundles can be definitely distinguished, but a ventrally open ring of 10–12 bundles surrounding the locule matures first. Allometric growth clearly accounts for much of the morphological disjunction in the reproductive organs of Nypa contrasted with those of other palms. Resemblances to coryphoid, ceroxyloid, arecoid, and cocosoid palms are indicated by these studies. Different combinations of characters and several distinctive features justify a separate major taxonomic category for this genus within the Palmae.  相似文献   

In earlier work (Grimes, 1992) on inflorescence morphology in the mimosoid tribes Ingeae and Acacieae I proposed that differences in inflorescence morphology result from three properties: the organization of components of the inflorescence and their relative positions; the hierarchical arrangement of the axes of the inflorescence and the position they assume in total tree architecture; and the heterochronic development of components of the inflorescence. Further work shows that the first two properties are better stated in terms of heterochrony; namely, that the organization of components of the inflorescence differs due to differences in timing of the development of organ systems and that the hierarchy of axes likewise differs due to heterochronic changes. Neither de novo origin of organs or organ systems nor suppression or loss of organs or organ systems accounts for the diversity in form. Observed heterochronic differences in the inflorescence structure may be divided into three types: spatial differences in the relationship between the unit inflorescence and the subtending leaf (hysteranthy); differences in the time of formation and/or the duration of whole axes; and changes in development pathways, leading to shoot dimorphism. These heterochronies are used as characters in a cladistic analysis, and it is shown that although some are homoplasious, many provide synapomorphies of clades of exemplars representing genera in the Ingeae and Acacieae.  相似文献   

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