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Arabidopsis thaliana mutants in FAS1 and FAS2 subunits of chromatin assembly factor 1 (CAF1) show progressive loss of 45S rDNA copies and telomeres. We hypothesized that homology‐dependent DNA damage repair (HDR) may contribute to the loss of these repeats in fas mutants. To test this, we generated double mutants by crossing fas mutants with knock‐out mutants in RAD51B, one of the Rad51 paralogs of Athaliana. Our results show that the absence of RAD51B decreases the rate of rDNA loss, confirming the implication of RAD51B‐dependent recombination in rDNA loss in the CAF1 mutants. Interestingly, this effect is not observed for telomeric repeat loss, which thus differs from that acting in rDNA loss. Involvement of DNA damage repair in rDNA dynamics in fas mutants is further supported by accumulation of double‐stranded breaks (measured as γ‐H2AX foci) in 45S rDNA. Occurrence of the foci is not specific for S‐phase, and is ATM‐independent. While the foci in fas mutants occur both in the transcribed (intranucleolar) and non‐transcribed (nucleoplasmic) fraction of rDNA, double fas rad51b mutants show a specific increase in the number of the intranucleolar foci. These results suggest that the repair of double‐stranded breaks present in the transcribed rDNA region is RAD51B dependent and that this contributes to rDNA repeat loss in fas mutants, presumably via the single‐stranded annealing recombination pathway. Our results also highlight the importance of proper chromatin assembly in the maintenance of genome stability.  相似文献   

Aging is associated with increased vulnerability to inflammatory challenge. However, the effects of altered inflammatory response on the metabolic status of tissues or organs are not well documented. In this study, we present evidence demonstrating that lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced upregulation of the inflammasome/IL-1β pathway is accompanied with an increased inflammatory response and abnormal lipid accumulation in livers of aged rats. To monitor the effects of aging on LPS-induced inflammation, we administered LPS (2 mg kg−1) to young (6-month old) and aged (24-month old) rats and found abnormal lipid metabolism in only aged rats with increased lipid accumulation in the liver. This lipid accumulation in the liver was due to the dysregulation of PPARα and SREBP1c. We also observed severe liver inflammation in aged rats as indicated by increased ALT levels in serum and increased Kupffer cells in the liver. Importantly, among many inflammation-associated factors, the aged rat liver showed chronically increased IL-1β production. Increased levels of IL-1β were caused by the upregulation of caspase-1 activity and inflammasome activation. In vitro studies with HepG2 cells demonstrated that treatment with IL-1β significantly induced lipid accumulation in hepatocytes through the regulation of PPARα and SREBP1c. In summary, we demonstrated that LPS-induced liver inflammation and lipid accumulation were associated with a chronically overactive inflammasome/IL-1β pathway in aged rat livers. Based on the present findings, we propose a mechanism of aging-associated progression of steatohepatitis induced by endotoxin, delineating a pathogenic role of the inflammasome/IL-1β pathway involved in lipid accumulation in the liver.  相似文献   

DNA methylation is catalyzed by a family of DNA methyltransferases (DNMTs) including the maintenance enzyme DNMT 1 and de novo methyltransferases DNMT 3a and DNMT 3b. Elevated levels of DNMTs have been found in cancer cells and in several types of human tumors. A polymorphism found in DNMT3b has been associated with increased risk for several cancers. The factors influencing DNMT expression in human tissues have not been clearly determined. he present study examined TDNMT3a and DNMT3b levels in human liver tissue samples and compared the effect of ageing, cigarette smoking, and gender. DNMT3a and DNMT3b expression levels in the samples from older individuals (56–78 years, n = 28) were both significantly higher than those of the younger group (16–48 years, n = 27) (73.2 ± 3.4 vs 8.3 ± 2.8 and 56.1 ± 1.9 vs 17.5 ± 5.7, respectively; p < 0.05). Levels of DNMT3b in females were significantly higher than those in males (75.4 ± 2.2 vs 16.3 ± 4.7; p < 0.05); however, DNMT3a levels were similar for females and males (52.7 ± 2.7 vs 48.4 ± 2.0). Expression levels of DNMT3a and DNMT3b were similar in smokers and nonsmokers (58.1 ± 3.5 vs 60.8 ± 3.1 and 54.5 ± 2.3 vs 48.3 ± 1.8, respectively). Genotyping for DNMT3b (C→T) variant in this sample pool showed a frequency distribution of CC (41%), CT (50%), and TT (9%). The findings from this study suggest that ageing and gender may be important factors influencing DNA methylation status.  相似文献   

DNMT1 is recruited by PCNA and UHRF1 to maintain DNA methylation after replication. UHRF1 recognizes hemimethylated DNA substrates via the SRA domain, but also repressive H3K9me3 histone marks with its TTD. With systematic mutagenesis and functional assays, we could show that chromatin binding further involved UHRF1 PHD binding to unmodified H3R2. These complementation assays clearly demonstrated that the ubiquitin ligase activity of the UHRF1 RING domain is required for maintenance DNA methylation. Mass spectrometry of UHRF1-deficient cells revealed H3K18 as a novel ubiquitination target of UHRF1 in mammalian cells. With bioinformatics and mutational analyses, we identified a ubiquitin interacting motif (UIM) in the N-terminal regulatory domain of DNMT1 that binds to ubiquitinated H3 tails and is essential for DNA methylation in vivo. H3 ubiquitination and subsequent DNA methylation required UHRF1 PHD binding to H3R2. These results show the manifold regulatory mechanisms controlling DNMT1 activity that require the reading and writing of epigenetic marks by UHRF1 and illustrate the multifaceted interplay between DNA and histone modifications. The identification and functional characterization of the DNMT1 UIM suggests a novel regulatory principle and we speculate that histone H2AK119 ubiquitination might also lead to UIM-dependent recruitment of DNMT1 and DNA methylation beyond classic maintenance.  相似文献   

Abnormal genome hypermethylation participates in the tumorigenesis and development of prostate cancer. Prostate cancer cells highly express DNA methyltransferase 3 (DMNT3) family genes, essential for maintaining genome methylation. In the present study, multi-target siRNA, based on the homologous region of the DNMT3 family, was designed for the in vitro investigation of its effects on the proliferation, migration, and invasion of TSU-PR1 prostate cancer cells. The consequential cell-cycle derangement, through DNMT3A/B or only DNMT3B silencing, was partially efficient, without affecting apoptosis. DNMT3A silencing had absolutely no effect on changing TSU-PR1 cell biological behavior. Hence, DNMT3B alone apparently plays a key role in maintaining the unfavorable behavior of prostate-cancer cells, thereby implying its potential significance as a promising therapeutic target, with DNMT3A simply in the role of helper.  相似文献   

In mammals, recombination activating gene 1 (RAG1) plays a crucial role in adaptive immunity, generating a vast range of immunoglobulins. Rag1?/? zebrafish (Danio rerio) are viable and reach adulthood without obvious signs of infectious disease in standard nonsterile conditions, suggesting that innate immunity could be enhanced to compensate for the lack of adaptive immunity. By using microarray analysis, we confirmed that the expression of immunity‐ and apoptosis‐related genes was increased in the rag1?/? fish. This tool also allows us to notice alterations of the DNA repair and cell cycle mechanisms in rag1?/? zebrafish. Several senescence and aging markers were analyzed. In addition to the lower lifespan of rag1?/? zebrafish compared to their wild‐type (wt) siblings, rag1?/? showed a higher incidence of cell cycle arrest and apoptosis, a greater amount of phosphorylated histone H2AX, oxidative stress and decline of the antioxidant mechanisms, an upregulated expression and activity of senescence‐related genes and senescence‐associated β‐galactosidase, respectively, diminished telomere length, and abnormal self‐renewal and repair capacities in the retina and liver. Metabolomic analysis also demonstrated clear differences between wt and rag1?/? fish, as was the deficiency of the antioxidant metabolite l ‐acetylcarnitine (ALCAR) in rag1?/? fish. Therefore, Rag1 activity does not seem to be limited to V(D)J recombination but is also involved in senescence and aging. Furthermore, we confirmed the senolytic effect of ABT‐263, a known senolytic compound and, for the first time, the potential in vivo senolytic activity of the antioxidant agent ALCAR, suggesting that this metabolite is essential to avoid premature aging.  相似文献   

Recent studies provide evidence of correlations of DNA methylation and expression of protein‐coding genes with human aging. The relations of microRNA expression with age and age‐related clinical outcomes have not been characterized thoroughly. We explored associations of age with whole‐blood microRNA expression in 5221 adults and identified 127 microRNAs that were differentially expressed by age at < 3.3 × 10?4 (Bonferroni‐corrected). Most microRNAs were underexpressed in older individuals. Integrative analysis of microRNA and mRNA expression revealed changes in age‐associated mRNA expression possibly driven by age‐associated microRNAs in pathways that involve RNA processing, translation, and immune function. We fitted a linear model to predict ‘microRNA age’ that incorporated expression levels of 80 microRNAs. MicroRNA age correlated modestly with predicted age from DNA methylation (= 0.3) and mRNA expression (= 0.2), suggesting that microRNA age may complement mRNA and epigenetic age prediction models. We used the difference between microRNA age and chronological age as a biomarker of accelerated aging (Δage) and found that Δage was associated with all‐cause mortality (hazards ratio 1.1 per year difference, = 4.2 × 10?5 adjusted for sex and chronological age). Additionally, Δage was associated with coronary heart disease, hypertension, blood pressure, and glucose levels. In conclusion, we constructed a microRNA age prediction model based on whole‐blood microRNA expression profiling. Age‐associated microRNAs and their targets have potential utility to detect accelerated aging and to predict risks for age‐related diseases.  相似文献   

It is assumed that the activity of osteoblasts and osteoclasts is decreased in bone tissue of aged individuals. However, detailed investigation of the molecular signature of human bone from young compared to aged individuals confirming this assumption is lacking. In this study, quantitative expression analysis of genes related to osteogenesis and osteoclastogenesis of human cancellous bone derived from the distal radius of young and aged individuals was performed. Furthermore, we additionally performed immunohistochemical stainings. The young group included 24 individuals with an average age of 23.2 years, which was compared to cancellous bone derived from 11 body donators with an average age of 81.0 years. In cancellous bone of young individuals, the osteogenesis‐related genes RUNX‐2, OSTERIX, OSTEOPONTIN and OSTEOCALCIN were significantly up‐regulated compared to aged individuals. In addition, RANKL and NFATc1, both markers for osteoclastogenesis, were significantly induced in cancellous bone of young individuals, as well as the WNT gene family member WNT5a and the matrix metalloproteinases MMP‐9. However, quantitative RT‐PCR analysis of BMP‐2, ALP, FGF‐2, CYCLIN‐D1, MMP‐13, RANK, OSTEOPROTEGERIN and TGFb1 revealed no significant difference. Furthermore, Tartrate‐resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) staining was performed which indicated an increased osteoclast activity in cancellous bone of young individuals. In addition, pentachrome stainings revealed significantly less mineralized bone matrix, more osteoid and an increased bone density in young individuals. In summary, markers related to osteogenesis as well as osteoclastogenesis were significantly decreased in the aged individuals. Thus, the present data extends the knowledge about reduced bone regeneration and healing capacity observed in aged individuals.  相似文献   

Zhang J  Gao Q  Li P  Liu X  Jia Y  Wu W  Li J  Dong S  Koseki H  Wong J 《Cell research》2011,21(12):1723-1739
Recent studies demonstrate that UHRF1 is required for DNA methylation maintenance by targeting DNMT1 to DNA replication foci, presumably through its unique hemi-methylated DNA-binding activity and interaction with DNMT1. UHRF2, another member of the UHRF family proteins, is highly similar to UHRF1 in both sequence and structure, raising questions about its role in DNA methylation. In this study, we demonstrate that, like UHRF1, UHRF2 also binds preferentially to methylated histone H3 lysine 9 (H3K9) through its conserved tudor domain and hemi-methylated DNA through the SET and Ring associated domain. Like UHRF1, UHRF2 is enriched in pericentric heterochromatin. The heterochromatin localization depends to large extent on its methylated H3K9-binding activity and to less extent on its methylated DNA-binding activity. Coimmunoprecipitation experiments demonstrate that both UHRF1 and UHRF2 interact with DNMT1, DNMT3a, DNMT3b and G9a. Despite all these conserved functions, we find that UHRF2 is not able to rescue the DNA methylation defect in Uhrf1 null mouse embryonic stem cells. This can be attributed to the inability for UHRF2 to recruit DNMT1 to replication foci during S phase of the cell cycle. Indeed, we find that while UHRF1 interacts with DNMT1 in an S phase-dependent manner in cells, UHRF2 does not. Thus, our study demonstrates that UHRF2 and UHRF1 are not functionally redundant in DNA methylation maintenance and reveals the cell-cycle-dependent interaction between UHRF1 and DNMT1 as a key regulatory mechanism targeting DNMT1 for DNA methylation.  相似文献   

The aim of this research is to explore the effect of miR‐200b‐3p targeting DNMT3A on the proliferation and apoptosis of osteoarthritis (OA) cartilage cells. Quantitative RT‐PCR was performed to analyse the expression of miR‐200b‐3p, DNMT3A, MMP1, MMP3, MMP9, MMP13 and COL II in normal and OA cartilage tissues. The dual‐luciferase reporter assay and Western blot assay were conducted to confirm the targeting relationship between miR‐200b‐3p and DNMT3A. We also constructed eukaryotic expression vector to overexpress miR‐200b‐3p and DNMT3A. We detected the expression level of MMPs and COL II in stable transfected cartilage cells using RT‐PCR and Western blot. Cell proliferation and apoptosis were evaluated using the MTS, pellet culture and Hoechst 33342 staining method. Finally, we explored the effect of miR‐200b‐3p targeting DNMT3A on the proliferation and apoptosis of OA cartilage cells. The results of RT‐PCR indicated that both miR‐200b‐3p and COL II were down‐regulated in OA cartilage tissues, while the expression of DNMT3A and MMPs was up‐regulated in OA cartilage tissues. The expressions of DNMT3A, MMPs and COL II detected by Western blot showed the same trend of the results of RT‐PCR. The dual‐luciferase reporter assay and Western blot assay confirmed the targeting relationship between miR‐200b‐3p and DNMT3A. In overexpressed miR‐200b‐3p cartilage cells, DNMT3A and MMPs were significantly down‐regulated, COL II was significantly up‐regulated, cell viability was enhanced and apoptosis rate was decreased (P < 0.05). In overexpressed DNM3T cartilage cells, MMPs were significantly up‐regulated, COL II was significantly down‐regulated, cell viability was weakened and apoptosis rate was increased (P < 0.05). MiR‐200b‐3p inhibited the secretion of MMPs, promoted the synthesis of COL II and enhanced the growth and proliferation of OA cartilage cells through inhibiting the expression of DNMT3A.  相似文献   

The mechanisms by which weedy rice (Oryza sativa f. spontanea) has adapted to endure low‐temperature stress in northern latitudes remain unresolved. In this study, we assessed cold tolerance of 100 rice varieties and 100 co‐occurring weedy rice populations, which were sampled across a broad range of climates in China. A parallel pattern of latitude‐dependent variation in cold tolerance was detected in cultivated rice and weedy rice. At the molecular level, differential cold tolerance was strongly correlated with relative expression levels of CBF cold response pathway genes and with methylation levels in the promoter region of OsICE1, a regulator of this pathway. Among all methylated cytosine sites of the OsICE1 promoter, levels of CHG and CHH methylation were found to be significantly correlated with cold tolerance among accessions. Furthermore, within many of the collection locales, weedy rice shared identical or near‐identical OsICE1 methylation patterns with co‐occurring cultivated rice. These findings provide new insights on the possible roles that methylation variation in the OsICE1 promoter may play in cold tolerance, and they suggest that weedy rice can rapidly acquire cold tolerance via methylation patterns that are shared with co‐occurring rice cultivars.  相似文献   

The Y chromosome, a sex chromosome that only exists in males, has been ignored in traditional epigenetic association studies for multiple reasons. However, sex differences in aging‐related phenotypes and mortality could suggest a critical role of the sex chromosomes in the aging process. We obtained blood‐based DNA methylation data on the Y chromosome for 624 men from four cohorts and performed a chromosome‐wide epigenetic association analysis to detect Y‐linked CpGs differentially methylated over age and cross‐validated the significant CpGs in the four cohorts. We identified 40–219 significant CpG sites (false discovery rate <0.05) with >82% of them hypermethylated with increasing age, which is in strong contrast to the patterns reported on the autosomal chromosomes. Comparing the rate of change in the Y‐linked DNA methylation across cohorts that represent different age intervals revealed a trend of acceleration in DNA methylation with increasing age. The age‐dependent DNA methylation patterns on the Y chromosome were further examined for their association with all‐cause mortality with results suggesting that the predominant pattern of age‐related hypermethylation on the Y chromosome is associated with reduced risk of death.  相似文献   

The interplay between molecular chaperones, ubiquitin/deubiquitinating enzymes, and proteasomes is a critical element in protein homeostasis. Among these factors, the conserved deubiquitinase, Ubp3, has the interesting ability, when overproduced, to suppress the requirement for the major cytosolic Hsp70 chaperones. Here, we show that Ubp3 overproduction counteracts deficiency of Hsp70s by the removal of damaged proteins deposited in inclusion bodies (JUNQ) during both aging and heat stress. Consistent with this, Ubp3 destabilized, deubiquitinated, and diminished the toxicity of the JUNQ-associated misfolded protein Ubc9ts in a proteasome-dependent manner. In contrast, another misfolded model protein, ssCPY*, was stabilized by Ubp3-dependent deubiquitination demonstrating a dual role for Ubp3, saving or destroying aberrant protein species depending on the stage at which the damaged protein is committed for destruction. We present genetic evidence for the former of these activities being key to Ubp3-dependent suppression of heat sensitivity in Hsp70-deficient cells, whereas protein destruction suppresses accelerated aging. We discuss the data in view of how heat stress and aging might elicit differential damage and challenges on the protein homeostasis network.  相似文献   

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