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Rhodothermus marinus: physiology and molecular biology   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Rhodothermus marinus has been the subject of many studies in recent years. It is a thermohalophilic bacterium and is the only validly described species in the genus Rhodothermus. It is not closely related to other well-known thermophiles and is the only thermophile within the family Crenotrichaceae. R. marinus has been isolated from several similar but distantly located geothermal habitats, many of which are subject to large fluctuations in environmental conditions. This presumably affects the physiology of R. marinus. Many of its enzymes show optimum activity at temperatures considerably higher than 65°C, the optimum for growth, and some are active over a broad temperature range. Studies have found distinguishing components in the R. marinus electron transport chain as well as in its pool of intracellular solutes, which accumulate during osmotic stress. The species hosts both bacteriophages and plasmids and a functional intein has been isolated from its chromosome. Despite these interesting features and its unknown genetics, interest in R. marinus has been mostly stimulated by its thermostable enzymes, particularly polysaccharide hydrolysing enzymes and enzymes of DNA synthesis which may be useful in industry and in the laboratory. R. marinus has not been amenable to genetic analysis until recently when a system for gene transfer was established. Here, we review the current literature on R. marinus.  相似文献   

木瓜凝乳酶基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过设计一对特异性的引物,采用RT-PCR方法从未成熟的木瓜组织中扩增得到木瓜凝乳酶基因,并将其重组到pPIC9K载体中,转化大肠杆菌并筛选阳性克隆,序列测定并利用BLAST软件进行核酸及氨基酸序列相似性分析,结果表明:通过序列组成及特征结构分析,扩增得到的基因为木瓜凝乳酶基因。  相似文献   

The substrate specificity of human sphingosine kinase was investigated using a bacterially expressed poly(His)-tagged protein. Only the D-erythro isomer of the sphingoid bases, sphinganine and sphingenine, was effectively phosphorylated. Long chain 1-alkanols, alkane-1,2-diols, 2-amino-1-alkanol or 1-amino-2-alkanol and short chain 2-amino-1,3-alkanediols were very poor substrates, indicating that the kinase is recognizing the chain length and the position of the amino and secondary hydroxy group. A free hydroxy group at carbon 3 is not a prerequisite, however, since 1-O-hexadecyl-2-desoxy-2-amino-sn-glycerol was an efficient substrate with an apparent K(m) value of 3.8 microM (versus 15.7 microM for sphingenine). This finding opens new perspectives to design sphingosine kinase inhibitors. It also calls for some caution since it cannot be excluded that this ether lipid analogue is formed from precursors that are frequently used in research on platelet activating factor or from phospholipid analogues which are less prone to degradation.  相似文献   

从土壤中分离到一株降解2,4-二氯酚能力较强的假单胞菌菌株GT241-1,从中克隆出参与降解2,4-二氯酚的双烯内酯水解酶基因(dcpD)。该基因编码的双烯内酯水解酶可将顺式-2-氯双烯内酯水解成2-氯马来乙酸。采用的基因克隆策略是用Southem杂交对其邻近基因进行定位后构建基因组库,再用斑点杂交筛选目的转化子。经序列测定得知dcpD基因编码区702bp。核苷酸和推测编码的氨基酸序列分析表明,dcpD与已在GenBank登记的相关基因有一定的差异。  相似文献   

A family 18 chitinase gene chiA from the thermophile Rhodothermus marinus was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The gene consisted of an open reading frame of 1,131 nucleotides encoding a protein of 377 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 42,341 Da. The deduced ChiA was a non-modular enzyme with one unique glycoside hydrolase family 18 catalytic domain. The catalytic domain exhibited 43% amino acid identity with Bacillus circulans chitinase C. Due to poor expression of ChiA, a signal peptide-lacking mutant, chiAsp, was designed and used subsequently. The optimal temperature and pH for chitinase activity of both ChiA and ChiAsp were 70°C and 4.5–5, respectively. The enzyme maintained 100% activity after 16 h incubation at 70°C, with half-lives of 3 h at 90°C and 45 min at 95°C. Results of activity measurements with chromogenic substrates, thin-layer chromatography, and viscosity measurements demonstrated that the chitinase is an endoacting enzyme releasing chitobiose as a major end product, although it acted as an exochitobiohydrolase with chitin oligomers shorter than five residues. The enzyme was fully inhibited by 5 mM HgCl2, but excess ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid relieved completely the inhibition. The enzyme hydrolyzed 73% deacetylated chitosan, offering an attractive alternative for enzymatic production of chitooligosaccharides at high temperature and low pH. Our results show that the R. marinus chitinase is the most thermostable family 18 chitinase isolated from Bacteria so far.  相似文献   

苯胺双加氧酶基因的克隆与序列分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过设计苯胺双加氧酶基因特异引物,以苯胺降解菌株ANA5基因组DNA为模板,PCR扩增出目的基因片断。然后利用粘粒pLAFR3作为载体,以E.coliEPI100作为受体,构建了菌株ANA5的基因组粘粒文库。以PCR扩增产物作为探针,通过菌落原位杂交筛选得到两个阳性克隆,经Southern杂交及亚克隆测序分析,初步确认克隆到苯胺双加氧酶基因。同时完成了苯胺双加氧酶基因atdA3A4A5序列的测定,并对其核苷酸及其推导的氨基酸序列进行分析,结果表明克隆到的苯胺双加氧酶基因与GenBank报道的基因有一定的差异,同时体现了该基因在进化上的保守性。  相似文献   

Extremophiles - This work presents an evaluation of batch, fed-batch, and sequential batch cultivation techniques for production of R. marinus DSM 16675 and its exopolysaccharides (EPSs) and...  相似文献   

果胶酶基因片段的克隆及其序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据Genbank上登录的果胶酶基因序列设计三对不同果胶酶片段的引物,从本实验室已筛选的一株具有降解果胶质功能的细菌(暂编号为:C105)中克隆到了果胶裂解酶(PL)和果胶甲酯酶(PE)基因片段。通过分析,PL基因片段与PE基因片段均与来源Erwiniachrysanthemi的果胶裂解酶和果胶甲酯酶基因的同源性很高,达到90%以上。  相似文献   

The aim of this work was to develop an approach for chromosomal engineering of the thermophile Rhodothermus marinus. A selection strategy for R. marinus had previously been developed; this strategy was based on complementing a restriction-negative trpB strain with the R. marinus trpB gene. The current work identified an additional selective marker, purA, which encodes adenylosuccinate synthase and confers adenine prototrophy. In a two-step procedure, the available Trp(+) selection was used during the deletion of purA from the R. marinus chromosome. The alternative Ade(+) selection was in turn used while deleting the endogenous trpB gene. Since both deletions are unmarked, the purA and trpB markers may be reused. Through the double deletant SB-62 (ΔtrpB ΔpurA), the difficulties that are associated with spontaneous revertants and unintended chromosomal integration of marker-containing molecules are circumvented. The selection efficiency in R. marinus strain SB-62 (ΔtrpB ΔpurA) was demonstrated by targeting putative carotenoid biosynthesis genes, crtBI, using a linear molecule containing a marked deletion with 717 and 810 bp of 5' and 3' homologous sequences, respectively. The resulting Trp(+) transformants were colorless rather than orange-red. The correct replacement of an internal crtBI fragment with the trpB marker was confirmed by Southern hybridization analysis of the transformants. Thus, it appears that target genes in the R. marinus chromosome can be readily replaced with linear molecules in a single step by double-crossover recombination.  相似文献   

肌生成抑制素(Myostation,MSTN)是一种骨骼肌生长的负调控因子,其生物功能主要是抑制骨骼肌的生长。肌生成抑制素的活性降低或丧失,可使肌肉与其他组织的比例大大提高,因此在动物育种和医疗上有很大的潜在应用价值。目前包括鱼类在内的20多种脊椎动物的MSTN cDNA已经得到克隆和测序。本实验依据已知的鱼MSTN cDNA的保守区域设计一对特异引物,利用PCR技术分别从军曹鱼基因组中扩增出一个约1000bp的特异片段和300bp片段,所得目的片段回收纯化,将其酶切产物连接到pMDl8-T克隆载体上,转化入JM109感受态细胞中,挑取阳性克隆进行转化子鉴定,其质粒测序结果与文献报道的一致,证明成功地克隆了军曹鱼肌生成抑制素基因。  相似文献   

目的:克隆小鼠IL-33基因全长编码区cDNA,并对其进行序列分析。方法:从BALB/c小鼠的脊髓组织中提取总RNA,逆转录为cDNA,用热启动PCR技术,扩增小鼠IL-33基因全长编码区cDNA,经双酶切后,克隆入pcDNA3.1( )载体中,构建真核表达载体pcDNA3.1-mIL-33,然后进行酶切鉴定与序列分析。结果:小鼠IL-33基因的PCR产物和重组载体经凝胶电泳和酶切鉴定、测序分析证实,其序列与GenBank中数据一致。小鼠IL-33基因的全长编码序列为801 bp,编码266个氨基酸。结论:小鼠IL-33基因成功的克隆并构建了其真核表达载体,为进一步进行IL-33的表达与功能研究奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:获取蚯蚓纤溶酶(EFE)的基因,并对其进行序列分析。方法:从赤子爱胜蚓中提取总RNA,然后利用RT-PCR技术扩增EFE的基因,并将其插入pUCm-T载体,经PCR和酶切鉴定后进行序列测定及分析。结果:DNA序列分析表明,所克隆的EFE基因全长为738bp,其中编码区段为735bp,共编码245个氨基酸残基,成熟肽为238个氨基酸残基。与GenBank中已报道的粉正蚓的EFE序列F-Ⅲ-2的同源性最高,两者在核苷酸序列上有2处不同,即第137位(T→C)和第632位(G→T),密码子也因而分别由GTC、GGT变为GCC、GTT,导致第46位、211位的氨基酸残基分别由缬氨酸、甘氨酸变为丙氨酸和缬氨酸。结论:从赤子爱胜蚓中成功克隆了1条EFE基因F245。序列测定及同源性分析表明,蚯蚓纤溶酶F245与已报道的多条EFE基因序列具有高度同源性,且具备完整的编码区。该序列的克隆为用基因工程的方法生产单一成分的高酶活性EFE奠定了基础。  相似文献   

目的:通过Touch-UpPCR(上升PCR)的方法从中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中克隆存活蛋白基因,并对其进行序列分析。方法:分别从293、H22、CHO-S细胞中提取总RNA并反转录得cDNA,然后用Touch-UpPCR克隆存活蛋白基因。结果:获得了存活蛋白基因,全长423bp,序列测定及同源性分析表明其与GenBank中报道的人以及小鼠的存活蛋白基因高度同源,同源性分别为84.8%和88.2%;氨基酸序列分析表明它们的蛋白产物具有功能相同的BIR结构域。结论:从中国仓鼠卵巢细胞中首次克隆到存活蛋白基因。  相似文献   

棉花水孔蛋白基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用RT-PCR的方法,根据GenBank上公布的棉花水孔蛋白基因序列设计引物,克隆得到4个棉花质膜水孔蛋白基因,分别为GhPIP1;1、GhPIP1;2、GhPIP2;1和GhPIP2;2,测序结果与公布序列的相似性都在98%以上,氨基酸序列在99%以上。这是首次从新陆早系列棉花(Gossypium hirsutum)的叶片中克隆得到,为以后研究棉花的质膜水孔蛋白提供参考。  相似文献   

玉米FAD2基因的克隆及序列分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
高等植物中的A12脂肪酸脱饱和酶是将油酸转化为亚油酸的酶。根据已发表的其他高等植物的FAD2基因的保守序列设计同源引物,通过RT—PCR从玉米幼胚中扩增得到一个特异的cDNA基因片段。通过生物信息学分析,从玉米幼胚cDNA和基因组中均扩增得到1164 bp FAD2基因(GenBank登陆号:DQ496227),它编码387个氨基酸,含有完整的ORF框,在ORF框内无内含子。序列联配与树状分析结果表明,FAD2推导的氨基酸序列与其他物种的A12脱饱和酶基因具有同源性。它含有3个组氨酸保守域和2段很长的疏水区,是一个跨膜4次的膜结合蛋白。半定量RT—PCR分析显示FAD2基因在玉米幼胚中表达量最高,在叶、茎、根中亦有低水平表达。  相似文献   

以耐贮辣椒品系P98为材料,采用RACE方法,首次获得辣椒果实多聚半乳糖醛酶(PG)基因的全长cDNA,命名为CaPG,登录号为FJ596175.序列分析结果表明,该基因cDNA长1 668 bp,5′非编码区为119 bp,3′非编码区为442 bp,CDS长1 107 bp,编码368个氨基酸.Blast比对发现,该基因核苷酸序列与已报道的番茄和番木瓜PG基因具有84%和85%的相似性.聚类分析表明,该基因与番茄和番木瓜的亲缘关系较近,与拟南芥PG基因的亲缘关系较远.  相似文献   

偶氮染料脱色菌株AZR偶氮还原酶基因的克隆及其序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用16S rRNA鉴定偶氮染料脱色菌株AZR属于葡萄球菌属(Staphylococcus)中的科氏葡萄球菌(Staphylococcus cohnii), 根据GeneBank上登录的葡萄球菌属的3个偶氮还原酶基因序列设计扩增引物, 从菌株AZR的基因组中扩增出偶氮还原酶基因, 其大小为567 bp, 编码188个氨基酸。GenBank搜索表明其为新基因, 递交GenBank数据库, 获得登录号为EU849488。通过互联网数据库及生物信息学分析工具进行初步分析表明, 该基因编码的蛋白属于黄素蛋白家族,  相似文献   

Genetic manipulation of Rhodothermus marinus has been hampered by the lack of a selection system for gene transfer. We report construction of a Rhodothermus/Escherichia coli shuttle plasmid, containing the R. marinus trpB gene, based on pUC18 and the cryptic R. marinus plasmid pRM21. A plasmid-less R. marinus recipient strain was selected on the basis of growth characteristics and absence of restriction activity. The shuttle plasmid, pRM100, was successfully introduced into a TrpB mutant of the recipient strain using electroporation and was found to transform it to prototrophy. No loss or rearrangement of pRM100 was observed after growth for 80 generations in non-selective medium. The relative copy numbers of pRM100 and of the parental plasmid, pRM21, were determined as 7±1 and 42±4, respectively. The shuttle plasmid was used to optimize an electroporation protocol, and the maximal number of transformants obtained was 4.3±0.7×106 cfu/g DNA at 22.5 kV/cm, 200 and 25 F. Transformation failed, however, after chemical preparation of cells according to several protocols. This is the first report of genetic transformation in the genus Rhodothermus.  相似文献   

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