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The membrane orientation of the NB protein of influenza B virus, a small (Mr, approximately 18,000) glycoprotein with a single internal hydrophobic domain, was investigated by biochemical and genetic means. Cell fractionation and protein solubility studies indicate NB is an integral membrane protein, and NB has been shown to be a dimer under nonreducing conditions. Treatment of infected-cell surfaces with proteinase K and endoglycosidase F and immunoprecipitation with a site-specific antibody suggests that the 18-amino-acid NH2-terminal region of NB is exposed at the cell surface. Oligonucleotide-directed mutagenesis to eliminate each of the four potential sites of N-linked glycosylation and expression of the mutant NB proteins in eucaryotic cells suggest that the two sites adjacent to the NH2 terminus are glycosylated. This provides further evidence that NB, which lacks a cleavable NH2-terminal signal sequence, has an exposed NH2 terminus at the cell surface.  相似文献   

The earliest steps in nascent protein maturation greatly affect its overall efficiency. Constraints placed on maturing proteins at these early stages limit available conformations and help to direct the native maturation process. For type II membrane proteins, these cotranslational constraints include N- and C-terminal membrane tethering, chaperone binding, and disulfide bond formation. The cotranslational maturation process for the type II membrane glycoprotein influenza neuraminidase (NA) was investigated to provide a deeper understanding of these initial endoplasmic reticulum events. The type II orientation provides experimental advantages to monitor the first maturation steps. Calnexin was shown to cotranslationally interact with NA prior to calreticulin. These interactions were required for the efficient maturation of NA as it prematurely formed intramolecular disulfides and aggregated when calnexin and calreticulin interactions were abolished. Lectin chaperone binding slowed the NA maturation process, increasing its fidelity. Carbohydrates were required for NA maturation in a regio-specific manner. A subset of NA formed intermolecular disulfides and oligomerized cotranslationally. This fraction increased in the absence of calnexin and calreticulin binding. NA dimerization also occurred for an NA mutant lacking the critical large loop disulfide bond, indicating that dimerization did not require proper NA oxidation. The strict evaluation of proper maturation carried out by the quality control machinery was instilled at the tetramerization step. This study illustrates the type II membrane protein maturation process and shows how important cotranslational events contribute to the proper cellular maturation of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPPIV) is a membrane glycoprotein with a type II orientation in the plasma membrane. As shown in a cell-free translation system, the amino-terminal 34 amino acids of rat DPPIV are involved in translocating nascent polypeptide across the membrane of microsomes and in anchoring the translocated polypeptide in the microsomal membrane. The amino-terminal sequence performing this dual function is composed of: a central hydrophobic core of 22 amino acid residues; 6 amino-terminal residues preceding the hydrophobic core (MKTPWK); and 6 residues following the hydrophobic core. The six residues preceding the hydrophobic core are exposed on the outside (cytoplasmic side) of the microsomal membrane. Site-directed mutagenesis studies show that deletion of this cytoplasmic domain, excluding the amino-terminal initiating methionine, does not affect translocation of nascent DPPIV polypeptide, but does affect significantly anchoring of the translocated polypeptide in the microsomal membrane. In contrast, changing the two cytoplasmic Lys to Glu residues or shortening of the hydrophobic core from 22 to 15 residues or converting the last 11e of the shortened hydrophobic core into Ala affects neither translocation across nor anchoring of the DPPIV polypeptide in the microsomal membrane. These and other structural features of the DPPIV amino-terminal signal-anchor sequences are discussed along with other types of sequences for their role in targeting nascent polypeptides to the RER.  相似文献   

The beta-galactoside alpha 2,6 sialyltransferase, an integral membrane protein localized to the trans-region of the Golgi apparatus, has been converted into a catalytically active secreted protein by the replacement of the NH2-terminal signal-anchor domain with the cleavable signal peptide of human gamma-interferon. Pulse-chase analysis of the wild type and recombinant proteins expressed in stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells showed that the wild type sialyltransferase (47 kDa) remained cell-associated. In contrast, the signal peptide-sialyltransferase fusion protein yielded an enzymatically active 41-kDa polypeptide which was secreted with a half-time of 2-3 h, consistent with cleavage of the signal peptide. The data indicate that the catalytic domain does not contain sufficient information for retention in the Golgi apparatus and that retention signals are likely to be found in the NH2-terminal 57 amino acids of the wild type enzyme.  相似文献   

We have investigated the site of surface expression of the neuraminidase (NA) glycoprotein of influenza A virus, which, in contrast to the hemagglutinin, is bound to membranes by hydrophobic residues near the NH2-terminus. Madin-Darby canine kidney or primary African green monkey kidney cells infected with influenza A/WSN/33 virus and subsequently labeled with monoclonal antibody to the NA and then with a colloidal gold- or ferritin-conjugated second antibody exhibited specific labeling of apical surfaces. Using simian virus 40 late expression vectors, we also studied the surface expression of the complete NA gene (SNC) and a truncated NA gene (SN10) in either primary or a polarized continuous line (MA104) of African green monkey kidney cells. The polypeptides encoded by the cloned NA cDNAs were expressed on the surface of both cell types. Analysis of [3H]mannose-labeled polypeptides from recombinant virus-infected MA104 cells showed that the products of cloned NA cDNA comigrated with glycosylated NA from influenza virus-infected cells. Both the complete and the truncated glycoproteins were found to be preferentially expressed on apical plasma membranes, as detected by immunogold labeling. These results indicate that the NA polypeptide contains structural features capable of directing the transport of the protein to apical cell surfaces and the first 10 amino-terminal residues of the NA polypeptide are not involved in this process.  相似文献   

Barman S  Nayak DP 《Journal of virology》2000,74(14):6538-6545
Influenza virus neuraminidase (NA), a type II transmembrane protein, is directly transported to the apical plasma membrane in polarized MDCK cells. Previously, it was shown that the transmembrane domain (TMD) of NA provides a determinant(s) for apical sorting and raft association (A. Kundu, R. T. Avalos, C. M. Sanderson, and D. P. Nayak, J. Virol. 70:6508-6515, 1996). In this report, we have analyzed the sequences in the NA TMD involved in apical transport and raft association by making chimeric TMDs from NA and human transferring receptor (TR) TMDs and by mutating the NA TMD sequences. Our results show that the COOH-terminal half of the NA TMD (amino acids [aa] 19 to 35) was significantly involved in raft association, as determined by Triton X-100 (TX-100) resistance. However, in addition, the highly conserved residues at the extreme NH(2) terminus of the NA TMD were also critical for TX-100 resistance. On the other hand, 19 residues (aa 9 to 27) at the NH(2) terminus of the NA TMD were sufficient for apical sorting. Amino acid residues 14 to 18 and 27 to 31 had the least effect on apical transport, whereas mutations in the amino acid residues 11 to 13, 23 to 26, and 32 to 35 resulted in altered polarity for the mutant proteins. These results indicated that multiple regions in the NA TMD were involved in apical transport. Furthermore, these results support the idea that the signals for apical sorting and raft association, although residing in the NA TMD, are not identical and vary independently and that the NA TMD also possesses an apical determinant(s) which can interact with apical sorting machineries outside the lipid raft.  相似文献   

Fusion of influenza viruses with target membranes is induced by acid and involves complex changes in the viral fusion protein hemagglutinin (HA) and in the contact sites between viruses and target membranes (Stegmann, T., White, J. M., and Helenius, A. (1990) EMBO J. 9, 4231-4241). At 0 degrees C, in a first, kinetically distinct step, target membranes irreversibly adhere to the viruses. Fusion itself starts only after a lag-phase of several minutes (X-31 strain viruses) or after raising the temperature (PR8/34 strain viruses). We now provide evidence that the initial conformational change resulting in virus-target membrane adhesion is restricted to a (minor) subpopulation of the HA molecules. These molecules become susceptible to bromelain digestion, and they could be labeled with the photoactivatable reagent [3H]PTPC/11, a nonexchangeable lipid present in the target lipid bilayer (Harter, C., B?chi, T., Semenza, G., and Brunner, J. (1988) Biochemistry 27, 1856-1864). Only the HA2 subunit was labeled, and analyses of 2-nitro-5-thio-cyanobenzoic acid fragments derived thereof indicate that the HA2 NH2-terminal segment (fusion peptide) inserted into the target membrane bilayer. When the temperature was raised to trigger fusion of PR8/34 viruses, labeling of HA2 increased by a factor of 130. Most (74%) of that label was incorporated into the COOH-terminal membrane anchor region, but there was also a strong increase (about 30-fold) of NH2-terminal fusion peptide labeling. This suggests that fusion is preceded., or accompanied, by further changes in HA which lead to additional extensive lipid insertions of HA2 fusion peptides.  相似文献   

The 20-amino acid signal peptide of human pre (delta pro)apolipoprotein A-II contains the tripartite domain structure typical of eukaryotic prepeptides, i.e. a positively charged NH2-terminal (n) region, a hydrophobic core (h) region, and a COOH-terminal polar domain (c region). This signal sequence has multiple potential sites for cotranslational processing making it an attractive model for assessing the consequences of systematic structural alterations on the site selected for signal peptidase cleavage. We previously analyzed 40 mutant derivatives of this model preprotein using an in vitro translation/canine microsome processing assay. The results showed that the position of the boundary between the h and c regions and properties of the -1 residue are critical in defining the site of cotranslational cleavage. To investigate whether structural features in the NH2-terminal region of signal peptides play a role in cleavage specificity, we have now inserted various amino acids between the positively charged n region (NH2-Met-Lys) and the h region of a "parental" pre(delta pro)apoA-II mutant that has roughly equal cleavage between Gly18 decreases and Gly20 decreases. Movement of the n/h boundary toward the NH2 terminus results in a dramatic shift in cleavage to Gly18 decreases. Replacement of the Lys2 residue with hydrophilic, negatively charged residues preserves the original sites of cleavage. Replacement with a hydrophobic residue causes cleavage to shift "upstream." Simultaneous alteration of the position of n/h and h/c boundaries has an additive effect on the site of signal peptidase cleavage. None of these mutations produced a marked decrease in the efficiency of in vitro cotranslational translocation or cleavage. However, in sequence contexts having poor signal function, introduction of hydrophobic residues between the n and h regions markedly improved the efficiency of translocation/processing. We conclude that the position of the n/h boundary as well as positioning of the h/c boundary affects the site of cleavage chosen by signal peptidase.  相似文献   

The glycoprotein accounting for most of the nonadrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), non-beta-lipotropin (beta LPH) region of mouse tumor cell pro-ACTH/endorphin was purified from tumor cell culture medium and shown to contain 1/2 cystine residues. Preparations of the 16,000-dalton fragment-related material (referred to as 16K fragment) were heterogeneous with respect to size and charge. Despite this heterogeneity, a partial amino acid sequence for the NH2-terminal region of the molecule was determined by automated Edman degradationof the 16K fragment labeled by reduction and alkylation with [3H]iodoacetic acid or labeled biosynthetically with [3H]tryptophan. The sequence of 1/2 cystine and tryptophan residues in the mouse tumor 16K fragment can be aligned with one region of the amino acid sequence predicted from the cDNA for a bovine precursor to ACTH/beta LPH (Nakanishi, S., Inoue, A., Kita, T., Nakamura, M., Chang, A.C.Y., Cohen, S.N., and Numa, S. (1979) Nature 278, 423--427).  相似文献   

The simian virus 40 (SV40) large T antigen was immunoprecipitated from extracts of infected monkey cells and cleaved with trypsin under conditions of mild proteolysis. The digestion generated fragments from the NH2-terminal region of T antigen which were released from the immunoprecipitates. Pulse-chase experiments showed that most of the newly made T antigen (form A) generated an NH2-terminal fragment of 17 kDa in size, whereas most of the T antigen that had aged in the cell (form C) generated a fragment of 20 kDa. An intermediate form of T antigen (form B), which generated an 18.5- kDa NH2-terminal fragment, was produced in part from form A and was converted to form C during the chase. Phosphate-labeling experiments showed that form C was the species of T antigen that incorporated the most 32P radioactivity at the NH2-terminal region, although some label was also incorporated into forms A and B. In vitro dephosphorylation of gel-purified 18.5- and 20-kDa fragments labeled with [35S]methionine increased the electrophoretic mobility of the fragments to that of 17 kDa. This signified that phosphorylation of the NH2-terminal fragments was directly responsible for their aberrant behavior in acrylamide gels. Although peptide maps of the methionine-labeled tryptic peptides of the 17-, 18.5-, and 20-kDa fragments were very similar to one another, maps of the 32P-labeled tryptic Pronase E peptides of these fragments contained qualitative and quantitative differences. Analysis of the labeled phosphoamino acids of various peptides from these fragments indicated that the 20-kDa fragment was highly phosphorylated at Ser 123 and Thr 124, whereas the 17- and 18.5-kDa fragments were mostly unphosphorylated at these sites. These experiments indicated that T antigen is phosphorylated at the NH2-terminal region in a specific stepwise process and, therefore, that this post-translational modification of T antigen is tightly regulated.  相似文献   

Rotavirus, a non-enveloped reovirus, buds into the rough endoplasmic reticulum and transiently acquires a membrane. The structural glycoprotein, VP7, a 38-kD integral membrane protein of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), presumably transfers to virus in this process. The gene for VP7 potentially encodes a protein of 326 amino acids which has two tandem hydrophobic domains at the NH2-terminal, each preceded by an in-frame ATG codon. A series of deletion mutants constructed from a full-length cDNA clone of the Simian 11 rotavirus VP7 gene were expressed in COS 7 cells. Products from wild-type, and mutants which did not affect the second hydrophobic domain of VP7, were localized by immunofluorescence to elements of the ER only. However, deletions affecting the second hydrophobic domain (mutants 42-61, 43-61, 47-61) showed immunofluorescent localization of VP7 which coincided with that of wheat germ agglutinin, indicating transport to the Golgi apparatus. Immunoprecipitable wild-type protein, or an altered protein lacking the first hydrophobic sequence, remained intracellular and endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H sensitive. In contrast, products of mutants 42-61, 43-61, and 47-61 were transported from the ER, and secreted. Glycosylation of the secreted molecules was inhibited by tunicamycin, resistant to endo-beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase H digestion and therefore of the N-linked complex type. An unglycosylated version of VP7 was also secreted. We suggest that the second hydrophobic domain contributes to a positive signal for ER location and a membrane anchor function. Secretion of the mutant glycoprotein implies that transport can be constitutive with the destination being dictated by an overriding compartmentalization signal.  相似文献   

The influenza virus neuraminidase (NA), a type II transmembrane protein, is directly transported to the apical plasma membrane in polarized MDCK cells. By using deletion mutants and chimeric constructs of influenza virus NA with the human transferrin receptor, a type II basolateral transmembrane protein, we investigated the location of the apical sorting signal of influenza virus NA. When these mutant and chimeric proteins were expressed in stably transfected polarized MDCK cells, the transmembrane domain of NA, and not the cytoplasmic tail, provided a determinant for apical targeting in polarized MDCK cells and this transmembrane signal was sufficient for sorting and transport of the ectodomain of a reporter protein (transferrin receptor) directly to the apical plasma membrane of polarized MDCK cells. In addition, by using differential detergent extraction, we demonstrated that influenza virus NA and the chimeras which were transported to the apical plasma membrane also became insoluble in Triton X-100 but soluble in octylglucoside after extraction from MDCK cells during exocytic transport. These data indicate that the transmembrane domain of NA provides the determinant(s) both for apical transport and for association with Triton X-100-insoluble lipids.  相似文献   

The synapsins are a family of neuron-specific phosphoproteins that selectively bind to small synaptic vesicles in the presynaptic nerve terminal. Using the cDNA encoding rat synapsin IIb, we employed an Escherichia coli expression system to synthesize a variety of fusion proteins containing a truncated protein A linked to different portions of the NH2-terminal region of synapsin II. The recombinant proteins were purified by IgG-Sepharose chromatography and tested in vitro for their ability to bind to purified synaptic vesicles. These experiments identified a region between amino acids 43 and 121 of the amino-terminal portion of synapsin II which binds to synaptic vesicles. Mild trypsinization of synaptic vesicles reduces binding of recombinant proteins to synaptic vesicles, suggesting that the interaction between synapsin II and the vesicles is in part mediated by a synaptic vesicle protein. The 42 NH2-terminal amino acids of synapsin II are not necessary for binding to synaptic vesicles, although this domain contains the phosphorylation site for cAMP-dependent protein kinase.  相似文献   

Both mammalian nonmuscle and muscle actins possess an AcAsp(Glu)NH2 terminus. The nonmuscle actin genes code for a polypeptide with a Met-Asp NH2 terminus (class I) whereas the muscle actin genes code for a polypeptide with a Met-Cys-Asp NH2 terminus (class II). Two amino acids must be removed for mature muscle actin synthesis, whereas only the Met must be removed for nonmuscle actin synthesis. We wished to know whether a nonmuscle cell which normally does not synthesize a class I actin can correctly process a muscle actin with its extra NH2-terminal amino acid in vivo. To answer this question we have used L/LK165 cells, a mouse L-cell transfected with a human cardiac muscle actin gene. When these cells were labeled overnight with [35S]Cys, an actin with an NH2-terminal tryptic peptide corresponding to that of mature cardiac muscle actin was detected. When the cells were pulse-labeled for 20 min, a new actin intermediate containing an AcCys-Asp amino terminus was observed which then disappeared with time. Furthermore, the muscle actin was processed as fast if not faster than the nonmuscle actin in these cells. This actin intermediate was also seen in chick myotube cultures. Our results show that the ability to correctly process muscle specific actins is not tissue specific. Furthermore, these results confirm a processing pathway for class II actins proposed by us earlier on the basis of experiments with a cell-free translation system.  相似文献   

Influenza NA (neuraminidase) is an antiviral target of high pharmaceutical interest because of its essential role in cleaving sialic acid residues from cell surface glycoproteins and facilitating release of virions from infected cells. The present paper describes the use of structural information in the progressive design from a lead binding ion (a sulfate) to a potent submicromolor inhibitor (K(i) 0.13 microM). Structural information derived from the X-ray structure of an NA complexed with several sulfate ions, in combination with results derived from affinity labelling and molecular modelling studies, was used to guide design of potent sulfonic acid-based inhibitors. These inhibitors are structural fragments of the polysulfonate triazine dye Cibacron Blue 3GA and represent novel lead scaffolds for designing non-carbohydrate inhibitors for influenza neuraminidases.  相似文献   

The conserved central and COOH-terminal regions of troponin T (TnT) interact with troponin C, troponin I, and tropomyosin to regulate striated muscle contraction. Phylogenic data show that the NH2-terminal region has evolved as an addition to the conserved core structure of TnT. This NH2-terminal region does not bind other thin filament proteins, and its sequence is hypervariable between fiber type and developmental isoforms. Previous studies have demonstrated that NH2-terminal modifications alter the COOH-terminal conformation of TnT and thin filament Ca2+-activation, yet the functional core structure of TnT and the mechanism of NH2-terminal modulation are not well understood. To define the TnT core structure and investigate the regulatory role of the NH2-terminal variable region, we investigated two classes of model TnT molecules: (1) NH2-terminal truncated cardiac TnT and (2) chimera proteins consisting of an acidic or basic skeletal muscle TnT NH2-terminus spliced to the cardiac TnT core. Deletion of the TnT hypervariable NH2-terminus preserved binding to troponin I and tropomyosin and sustained cardiac muscle contraction in the heart of transgenic mice. Further deletion of the conserved central region diminished binding to tropomyosin. The reintroduction of differently charged NH2-terminal domains in the chimeric molecules produced long-range conformational changes in the central and COOH-terminal regions to alter troponin I and tropomyosin binding. Similar NH2-terminal charge effects are demonstrated in naturally occurring cardiac TnT isoforms, indicating a physiological significance. These results suggest that the hypervariable NH2-terminal region modulates the conformation and function of the TnT core structure to fine-tune muscle contractility.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus poses a great threat to global health, and oseltamivir (trade marked as Tamiflu), which targets influenza surface glycoprotein neuraminidase (NA), is used clinically as a major anti-influenza treatment. However, certain substitutions in NA can render an influenza virus resistant to this drug. In this study, using a lentiviral pseudotyping system, which alleviates the safety concerns of studying highly pathogenic influenza viruses such as avian influenza H5N1, that utilizes influenza surface glycoproteins (hemagglutinin or HA, and NA) and an HIV-core combined with a luciferase reporter gene as a surrogate assay, we first assessed the functionality of NA by measuring pseudovirion release in the absence or presence of oseltamivir. We demonstrated that oseltamivir displays a dose-dependent inhibition on NA activity. In contrast, a mutant NA (H274Y) is more resistant to oseltamivir treatment. In addition, the effects of several previously reported substitution NA mutants were examined as well. Our results demonstrate that this lentivirus-based pseudotyping system provides a quick, safe, and effective way to assess resistance to neuraminidase inhibitors. And we believe that as new mutations appear in influenza isolates, their impact on the effectiveness of current and future anti-NA can be quickly and reliably evaluated by this assay.  相似文献   

Class I major histocompatibility complex-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that recognize the neuraminidase (NA) glycoprotein of subtype N1 influenza A viruses have been demonstrated in BALB/c mice. Responses to NA were obtained only in protocols that use two in vivo inoculations of virus, including a recombinant vaccinia virus containing the NA of subtype N1 influenza virus (NA-VAC) to prime or boost. Restimulation in vitro was also required for CTL recognition of NA and strongly depended on the specific N1 virus used. Influenza viruses A/Puerto Rico/8/34 (H1N1), A/CAM/46 (H1N1), J1 (H3N1), and JAP/BEL (H2N1), but not A/Bellamy (H1N1) or MEM/BEL (H3N1) virus, were able to stimulate NA-specific memory T cells in vitro. Single or double in vivo inoculation of any of the N1 viruses or a single injection of NA-VAC failed to elicit restimulatable NA-specific CTL. Lysis of NA-VAC-infected cells at low effector/target ratios was comparable to that observed toward other influenza virus proteins known to be major targets of CTL in BALB/c mice, indicating that antigenic determinants of the subtype N1 NA molecule can be efficiently presented in the context of major histocompatibility complex class I.  相似文献   

The structure of the carbohydrate components of NB, the small integral membrane glycoprotein of influenza B virus, was investigated. The carbohydrate chains of NB are processed from the high-mannose form (NB18) to a heterogeneous form of much higher molecular weight, designated NBp. Selection of this carbohydrate-containing form of NB with Datura stramonium lectin, its susceptibility to digestion by endo-beta-galactosidase, and determination of the size of NBp glycopeptides by gel filtration chromatography suggested that the increase in molecular weight is due to processing to polylactosaminoglycan. Investigation of the polypeptides produced by influenza B/Lee/40 virus infection of several cell types and another strain of influenza B virus suggested that the signal for modification to polylactosaminoglycan is contained in NB. Expression of mutants of NB lacking either one or both of the normal N-terminal sites of asparagine-linked glycosylation indicated that both carbohydrate chains are modified to contain polylactosaminoglycan. NBp and a small amount of unprocessed NB18 are expressed at the infected-cell surface, as determined by digestion of the surfaces of intact cells with various endoglycosidases. Unglycosylated NB, expressed either in influenza B virus-infected cells treated with tunicamycin or in cells expressing the NB mutant lacking both N-linked glycosylation sites, was expressed at the cell surface, indicating that NB does not require carbohydrate addition for transport.  相似文献   

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