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Kennedy Roche 《Hydrobiologia》1990,198(1):163-183
Spatial overlap between Acanthocyclops robustus, with special emphasis on the adult females, and other zooplankton in one basin of a shallow (approximate depth of 2 m) eutrophic lake was studied.Horizontal distribution patterns were analysed on two dates. On both dates, most taxa examined showed large-scale patchiness between the three sections of the lake basin (approximate length of 1.2 km). Similarly, most taxa, with the important exception of the adult female Acanthocyclops robustus, were significantly patchily distributed on the small-scale (i.e. within sections). However, the intensity of such patchiness was, in general, relatively low. There was no consistent evidence of aggregation by the adult females or copepodites and adult males (the latter two were considered together) of the predator in such small-scale prey patches.Diurnal vertical distribution patterns were studied on two 24–25 hour periods. The first period was characterized by calm weather. Adult female, and perhaps male, Acanthocyclops robustus, Chydorus sphaericus, Bosmina Coregoni, Keratella cochlearis, Asplanchna species, Polyarthra vulgaris and Pompholyx sulcata seemed to show diurnal migration patterns, while seven other taxa showed consistent preferences for particular depths. Only copepod nauplii and Daphnia species were approximately evenly distributed. Negative correlations were found between the vertical distributions of the adult female predator and seven of the seventeen potential prey recognized.The first half of the second period was characterised by strong winds which abated during the second half. Most zooplankton taxa showed inconsistent heterogeneous vertical distributions or were homogeneously distributed with vertical heterogeneity developing towards the end of the period. Only Bosmina longirostris and Daphnia species seemed to show vertical migration patterns. Thus, no consistent vertical segregation between predator and prey was detected.  相似文献   

TheNeomysis integer population of a shallow Frisian freshwater lake, situated in the north of the Netherlands, was studied from May until October 1980. The results were compared with observations on populations in other Frisian lakes, and with the results reported by other authors on brackish-water and marine populations of this species.Three generations were observed: one overwintering generation and two summer generations. Reproduction stopped completely during winter. During 1980 population densities ofN. integer were relatively low in all Frisian lakes. In Slotermeer the maximum population density was only 6 individuals m–2, production amounted to 10 mg dry wt m–2 yr–1. The annual P/B ratio was 4.0. The diet ofN. integer consisted, in terms of biomass, of more than 95% detritus and animal food, the latter mainly consisting ofBosmina and cyclopoid copepods. Feeding intensity reached a maximum at sunset. It was still high during first part of the night and was low in the morning just after sunrise.  相似文献   

We tested the outcome of predation by juvenile roach on the calanoid copepod Eudiaptomus gracilis and the similar sized cyclopoid copepod Cyclops vicinus in laboratory experiments with mixed and single-prey. When ovigerous females and adult non-ovigerous females of the calanoid copepod and the cyclopoid copepod were offered in equal numbers to the fish in the mixed-prey experiments, the cyclopoid copepods were significantly more heavily preyed upon than the calanoids. Between 14 and 16 females of the cyclopoid copepod and only between 2 and 4 calanoids had been consumed after the observation period of two hours. The single-prey experiments revealed that the conspicuousness of the calanoid vs the cyclopoid depended on sex and gravidity. Ovigerous females of the cyclopoid copepod were slightly earlier detected by the fish than ovigerous females of the calanoid, probably a result of the highly visible egg-sacs carried by the cyclopoid females. Females without eggs and males of the cyclopoid copepod were recognized later by the predator than females without eggs or males of the calanoid, probably a result of the different behaviours of the different copepod taxa. Cyclopoids frequently congregated near the aquarium bottom while calanoids were closer to the water surface where they were better visible. The calanoid copepod could better escape the fish's attacks than the cyclopoid copepod. Egg-bearing females of both the calanoid and the cyclopoid copepod could significantly better escape than non-ovigerous females or males. Probably ovigerous females react very early to water disturbances caused by the predator. Activity measurements showed that the cyclopoid copepod displayed 2 to 4 times more hops per time unit than the calanoid. Probably the high number of jerky movements displayed by the cyclopoid attracted attention of the predator and contributed to its greater vulnerability.  相似文献   

The mysid shrimp Neomysis integer is a common invertebrate predator in brackish waters of Western Europe and is thought to play a central role in the food web owing to its predation on zooplankton. Neomysis distribution and abundance were investigated for 3 years in brackish, shallow and hypertrophic Lake Ferring (surface area: 3.2 km2, mean depth: 1.4 m, salinity: 3–6, total P: 0.29–0.78 mg P l-1, Secchi depth: 0.14–0.22 m). Mean summer abundance of Neomysis varied from 53 to 882 ind. m-2. Neomysis density within the lake was relatively uniform and not related to sediment type, but increased with increasing depth. The high abundance of Neomysis is considered to reflect a fish stock almost completely dominated by small-sized fish species (mainly three-spined stickleback, Gasterosteus aculeatus). Three-spined stickleback density was high and catch per unit effort ranged between 30 and 80 per gill net. Stomach analyses showed that the sticklebacks preyed on Neomysis, but preferred specimens smaller than 3–4 mm, and only occasionally consumed those larger than 5–7 mm. In summer, between 33 and 67% of the Neomysis ingested by sticklebacks were smaller than 3 mm, while in the lake as a whole, only 5–14% were smaller than 3 mm. The periods when Neomysis is vulnerable to stickleback predation are restricted to a few weeks in late May and late July, when the new generations emerge. Sticklebacks therefore have a limited capacity for controlling large Neomysis, including gravid females.  相似文献   

Irvine  K.  Moss  B.  Stansfield  J. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,200(1):379-389
The Norfolk Broads are a series of shallow lakes which are highly eutrophic and typified by dense populations of phytoplankton and an absence of submerged aquatic plants. The zooplankton community is subject to intense predation pressure by young fish and is dominated by small-bodied organisms which have a low potential for reducing phytoplankton populations through grazing. Various designs and densities of artificial refugia for zooplankton against fish predation were established in Hoveton Great Broad in order to enhance populations of large-bodied Cladocera. Initially some of the refuges contained higher densities and larger individuals ofDaphnia andCeriodaphnia than the surrounding open water. However, towards the end of the first season and throughout the subsequent two years, population densities and size-structure were similar both within and outside the refuges, although there was still evidence of enhanced body-size ofDaphnia within the refuges compared with the open water. The provision of habitat structures designed as refugia from fish predation did not enhance large-bodied cladoceran populations enough to promote this restoration strategy as feasible for eutrophic and shallow lakes.  相似文献   

Processes leading to biomass variation of Ulva were investigated at two contrasting sites in the eutrophic Veerse Meer (The Netherlands). Ulva species dominated at the Middelplaten site, while at the Kwistenburg site a mixture of Ulva spp. and Chaetomorpha linum dominated. Total summer macroalgal biomass was higher at Middelplaten than at Kwistenburg (282 and 79 g DW m–2, respectively). Growth rates of Ulva spp. were high at both sites in May 1992 (cage mean 0.28–0.30 day–1), but quickly dropped to lower values (0.05–0.10 day–1). In May, growth rates were significantly highest at Kwistenburg, while during the rest of the season growth rates were similar for both sites. Temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, light attenuation, phytoplankton and nutrient concentrations did not differ between sites. The relation between variation in Ulva spp. growth rates and environmental parameters was analysed using stepwise multiple regression, showing that light and temperature were the main variables regulating Ulva spp. growth rates. As Ulva growth rates were similar for both sites but biomass was much lower at Kwistenburg it was concluded that a large amount of produced biomass was lost at Kwistenburg. Although the exact reason for this remains unclear, it seems most likely that transport of macroalgae by wind and waves is a very important factor. This study shows the importance of simultaneously measuring growth rates and biomass at a high temporal resolution to reveal the mechanisms responsible for spatial variation in macroalgal biomass in shallow coastal areas. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Pelecus cultratus (razor fish), a cyprinid fish, has become a dominant species in Neusiedler See. Gut content analyses of 400 specimens collected in 1989 and 1990 showed that Pelecus fed mainly on large zooplankton (Diaphanosoma, Leptodora and Arctodiaptomus), although their diet also included Insecta (larvae, pupae and adults) and Arachnida (spiders), occasionally small fishes. Comparison of the relative abundance of the zooplankton species in the stomach to the lake indicated that Pelecus strongly selected cladocerans over copepods, and fed mostly on large-sized individuals of Diaphanosoma, Leptodora and Arctodiaptomus. The fish showed a significant positive selectivity only for individuals of Diaphanosoma > 1.0 mm and Leptodora > 4.0 mm. In contrast, selectivity increased continuously in relation to the diameter of the compound eye of both prey species. This suggested that prey visibility was a key factor in determining the prey selectivity by Pelecus. It also seems likely that the persistence of the Leptodora population in Neusiedler See can be attributed to negligible predation pressure on the smaller sized individuals of this species.  相似文献   

Mature females of the copepodTemora longicornis from the Marsdiep tidal inlet were incubated at ambient water temperature during the winter of 1989/1990 to estimate their egg production during 24 hours. Throughout winter this production remained at a level of 0 to 10 eggs per female. In March a steep rise to 60 to 80 eggs coincided with an equally steep rise in chlorophyll-a from 4 to 20 g.l–1. Excess food given during incubation tended to increase the observed production rate only in October at relatively high temperature. Additive effects of rising food level and temperature on daily egg production were found in spring. In March and April 1988 and 1990 the observed maximum daily egg production per female increased from about 20 at 5°C and 5 g.l–1 chlorophyll to 70 at almost 10°C and 20 g.l–1. The egg production in winter gives a prebloom potential to maintain a stock of premature stages ready to utilize the algal spring bloom. Early spawning before April can also contribute to the development of the abundance peak of adults in May–June. Due to growth rates increasing with temperature in the months March and April, most of the adults at their peak density may have hatched from eggs before the period of maximum egg production rate at the end of April. The exceptionally high production rate observed at the end of March may be related to a developingPhaeocystis bloom.  相似文献   

Over a period of four years, the seasonal periodicity of dominant phytoplankton species in a shallow, eutrophic Danish lake changed markedly. Cyanophytes prevailed during the summer period of all four years. In the first three years, species of Microcystis, Anabaena and Aphanothece dominated, whereas in the fourth year of investigation, these algae were replaced by Gloeotrichia echinulata (J. E. Smith) Richter and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae (L.) Ralfs. The most striking environmental differences in the fourth year as compared with the previous three years, were an increase in tranparency, from about 0.5 meter in 1989–1991 to more than 2 metres preceding the summer maximum in 1992, and a simultaneous occurrence of low oxygen concentrations. A collapse of the fish population was followed by an increased proportion of large Cladocerans in the zooplankton. Improved light conditions at the bottom and grazing pressure from large Cladocerans favoured growth of the large colony forming blue-green algae, Gloeotrichia echinulata and Aphanizomenon flos-aquae. These species germinate from resting spores in the sediment and are able to sustain some growth there before migration to the lake water. The transfer of algal biomass from the bottom sediment to the water phase was accompanied by a marked increase in concentrations of particulate phosphorus and nitrogen in the entire lake.  相似文献   

Zooplankton distribution in a small, eutrophic lake was studiedover two seasons as part of a wider analysis of the fish-planktoninteraction. Patchiness was evident at all sample spacings,but autocorrelation between adjacent samples became significantonly at mean spacings of <10 m. Patchiness could only rarelybe correlated with environmental variables in open water, butthere were consistent trends in the distribution of most taxawith respect to the shore. The limnetic assemblage within 10m of the shore showed some littoral influence in the presenceof littoral taxa and the relative paucity of euplankters. Emphasisis placed on the impact on plankton distribution of fish predation,which varies markedly in the study lake. 1 Present address: Department of Conservation, PO Box 1493,Taupo, New Zealand  相似文献   

G. G. Ganf 《Oecologia》1974,16(1):9-29
Summary Lake George, a shallow lake in western Uganda, supports a permanent and dense crop of phytoplankton, and may be regarded as eutrophic although the ambient concentrations of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus are low. The figures for the annual nutrient loadings (Viner and Smith, 1973) would suggest, however, a eutrophic lake when analysed on the scheme of eutrophication proposed by Vollenweider (1968).The horizontal distribution of chlorophyll a shows a concentric pattern, with the maximum values occurring towards the center. This horizontal variation is thought to reflect water movements, and a general pattern of water flow is proposed.The majority of the species show no seasonal variation but populations of both Anabaena and Melosira show annual variations. These two species also have a horizontal distribution pattern which is the reverse of other species. This pattern is used to support the proposed movements of water.Phytoplankton generation times are discussed in relation to the diurnal cycle occurring in Lake George.  相似文献   

1. The seasonal development of crustacean zooplankton, heterotrophic nanoflagellates (HNF) and bacteria was examined in Grosser Binnensee, a shallow, eutrophic lake in northern Germany. The grazing impact of Daphnia on bacteria and nanoflagellates was estimated from field data on population abundances and from clearance rates obtained in laboratory experiments. 2. The seasonal succession of zooplankton showed distinct peaks of Daphnia magna, cyclopopid copepods, Bosmina longirostris and Daphnia galeata and D. hynlina. The population dynamics of Dapfinia had the strongest impact on all sestonic components. Daphnia maxima coincided with clearwater phases, and were negatively correlated with particulate organic carbon (POC), HNF and phytoplankton. Bacterial abundance was only slightly affected although daphnids were at times more important as bacterial consumers than HNF, as estimated from measured bacterial clearance rates. Other crustaceans (copepods, Bosmina) were probably of minor importance as grazers of bacteria and nanoplankton. 3. HNF abundance varied from 550 ml?1 to more than 30000 ml?1. HNF appeared to be suppressed by daphnids and reached highest densities when copepods dominated the metazooplankton. The variation in HNF abundance was not reflected in the concentration of heterotrophic bacteria, which fluctuated rather irregularly between 5 and 20 ± 106 ml?1. Long filamentous bacteria which were probably resistant to protozoan grazing, however, appeared parallel to the development of HNF. These bacterial cells, although small in number, could comprise more than 30% of the total bacterial biomass.  相似文献   

Old Fort Lake, a small (1.6 ha), shallow, and recreational water body in Delhi (India) was studied through monthly surveys in two consecutive years (January, 2000–December, 2001). Precipitation is the major source of water for this closed basin lake. In addition, ground water is used for replenishing the lake regularly. This alkaline, hyposaline hard water lake contains very high ionic concentration, especially of nitrates. Based on overall ionic composition, this lake can be categorized as chloride–sulfate alkaline waters with the anion sequence dominated by SO4 2− > Cl > HCO3 , and the cations by Mg++ > Ca++. The overall seasonal variability in physicochemical profile was largely regulated by the annual cycle of evaporation and precipitation, whereas the ground water largely influences its water quality. The lake exhibited phytoplankton-dominated turbid state due to dominance of the blue green alga, Microcystis aeruginosa. The persistent cyanobacterial blooms and the elevated nutrient levels are indicative of the cultural eutrophication of the lake. This study focuses on the relative importance of eutrophic vis-à-vis hyposaline conditions in determining the structure and seasonal dynamics of zooplankton species assemblages. A total of 52 zooplankton species were recorded and rotifers dominated the community structure qualitatively as well as quantitatively. The genus Brachionus comprised a significant component of zooplankton community with B. plicatilis as the most dominant species. The other common taxa were B. quadridentatus, B. angularis, Lecane grandis, L. thalera, L. punctata, Mesocyclops sp., and Alona rectangula. Multivariate data analysis techniques, Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) along with Monte Carlo Permutation Tests were used to determine the minimum number of environmental factors that could explain statistically significant (P < 0.05) proportions of variation in the species data. The significant variables selected by CCA were NH3–N followed by percent saturation of DO, COD, SS, BOD, NO2–N, rainfall, silicates, and PO4–P. The results indicate that the seasonal succession patterns of the zooplankton species were largely controlled by physicochemical factors related directly or indirectly to the process of eutrophication, whereas hyposaline conditions in the lake determined the characteristic species composition. Guest Editors: J. John & B. Timms Salt Lake Research: Biodiversity and Conservation—Selected papers from the 9th Conference of the International Society for Salt Lake Research  相似文献   

Monitoring data were used to assess causes behind a recent shift from a clear-water to a turbid-water state in Lake Major, a 10 ha shallow lake in Hungary. In 1999–2000, fish manipulation was conducted in this hypertrophic lake. Reduced fish stock resulted in clearing water and the development of a dense (>80% coverage) submerged vegetation in 2005. During the recent abrupt shift, which occurred in 2007, submerged vegetation subsequently declined after a two-year period of clear water and abundant vegetation. An intense decay of macrophytes within the lake produced a rapid transition between the clear- and turbid-water states. During the clear-water state in 2005–2006, the most important variables predominantly correlating with macrophyte cover were Secchi transparency, temperature and TN, while TN, temperature, Secchi depth and chlorophyll-a were the most significant variables during the turbid-water state in 2007. Nitrogen may play a significant role in the cover of submerged macrophytes when TP is moderate. We argue that several factors in concert are necessary to initiate a shift. Water temperature likely has contributed to triggering shift through inter-year-dependent changes in cover of macrophytes, with fish recruitment having key roles in the dynamics of shallow lakes. Handling editor: Luigi Naselli-Flores  相似文献   

Boris Löhlein 《Hydrobiologia》1996,334(1-3):115-123
The Oligochaeta and Aphanoneura in the aufwuchs on Phragmites australis in a eutrophic hardwater lake were studied at two sites over a period of one year, in order to elucidate the structure and dynamics of this assemblage. The naidids Chaetogaster diastrophus, Nais spp., and Stylaria lacustris dominated the assemblage at any season. At both sites these taxa showed the same distinct pattern of successive population maxima in spring and summer: Chaetogaster diastrophus reached its peak density first, followed by Nais species, and eventually by Stylaria lacustris. Differences in temporal dynamics between sites were small apart from a second Stylaria maximum which was only observed at one site. Total naidid densities reached peak values of 3.8 individuals per cm2 reed stem surface area. With mean individual biomass of 2.2 µg dry mass for Chaetogaster diastrophus, 13.3 µg for Nais, and 86 µg for Stylaria lacustris, respectively, maximum total naidid biomass on reed stems was 44 µg dry mass per cm2. The biomass peak occurred later than that of total naidid density because in summer larger naidids dominated the assemblage. The observed succession appears to be consistent with seasonal changes in periphytic algal communities on the reed stems.  相似文献   

Rojo  C.  Alvarez Cobelas  M. 《Hydrobiologia》1994,(1):165-171
Populations of Limnothrix redekei, Oscillatoria lanceaeformis, Planktothrix agardhii and Pseudanabaena limnetica were found in a hypertrophic, gravel-pit lake near Madrid (Spain), throughout a one year sampling at weekly intervals. Physico-chemical factors, phytoplankton biomass and net growth rates were measured. Oscillatoria lanceaeformis was only observed a few weeks, probably being related to phosphorus limitation. Planktothrix agardhii biomass was related to PhAR irradiances, light attenuation coefficient in the water, Brunt-Väisäla frequency and decrease of soluble reactive phosphorus. Limnothrix redekei and Pseudanabaena limnetica biomass values were related to a decrease of inorganic nitrogen and temperature. A different lag response of populations was observed in relation to the environmental features.  相似文献   

The crustacean zooplankton in Lake Mahinerangi, a polymictic, mesotrophic reservoir, were studied for 19 months. The cladocerans, Bosmina meridionalis and Ceriodaphnia dubia, had unimodal patterns of abundance with peak densities in summer; cyclopoids had a single peak of maximum abundance in autumn and Daphnia carinata showed a bimodal pattern with peak densities in early summer and early winter. The strong seasonality in abundance of zooplankton in Lake Mahinerangi distinguishes this lake from other temperate lakes in New Zealand and may reflect its cool winter temperatures (< 5 °C for 2 months). A calanoid, Boeckella hamata, bred throughout the year and was the dominant species numerically. Instar analysis indicated that there were at least three, and possibly four, generations per year. Instantaneous birth and death rates were low with annual mean values (0.036 and 0.057, respectively) that were 2-3.5 times less than those recorded in a population of the same species in Lake Pounui, but within the range of those recorded in calanoid populations elsewhere in New Zealand. The Boeckella population in Lake Mahinerangi appears to be controlled largely by temperature, parasitism and food, with predation having no, or a negligible, effect.  相似文献   

Jacques Castel 《Hydrobiologia》1995,311(1-3):85-101
Long-term changes in the population of Eurytemora affinis were investigated during 15 years (1978–1992) at a fixed station in the Gironde estuary (South West France). Total numbers, sex-ratio, % ovigerous females, proportion of copepodites and clutch-size were taken into account and their long-term distribution was related to temperature, river flow, salinity, suspended matter and chlorophyll a concentrations after the seasonal effect was removed for all variables.There was a great decrease of the river flow during the period of investigation, due to a general deficit in pluviosity. On the contrary, the general trend for salinity was an increase from 1978 to 1992. The same pattern was observed for chlorophyll, indicating an intrusion of marine phytoplankton. Water temperature increased significantly during the study period, following the general increase in air temperature observed in the area. For the suspended particulate matter (SPM), an increase was observed between 1978 and 1981–1982, then a very sharp decrease occurred from 1984 onwards.Numbers of E. affinis were inversely correlated with temperature and salinity, and positively correlated with the river flow. E. affinis was negatively correlated with chlorophyll concentration because of the covariation with salinity. No clear long-term trend was observed for the sex-ratio. A significant correlation was found between females carrying egg-sacs and SPM concentration, probably due to a decrease of the predation pressure in very turbid waters. The percentages of copepodites tended to decrease with time and were inversely correlated with temperature. Clutch-size significantly decreased during the 15-year period. This trend was mainly explained by temperature and salinity.It is concluded that, in the absence of strong human alteration in the Gironde estuary the long-term distribution of zooplankton can be explained by the natural environmental variability. The dominant factors are the river flow which governs the movement of the populations along the estuary and the temperature which influences the reproductive processes. Any change in climate will have consequences on the pelagic community.  相似文献   

W. F. DeBusk 《Hydrobiologia》1988,159(2):159-167
A field study was conducted (May 1981 to June 1982) to develop a data-base on seasonal changes of water and sediment chemistry of Lake Monroe (4 000 ha surface and ca. 2 m deep) located in central Florida, USA. This shallow eutrophic lake is a part of the St. Johns River. Quantitative samples of lake water and sediments were collected on a monthly basis from 16 stations and analyzed for various physico-chemical parameters. Relatively high levels of dissolved solids (mean electrical conductivity (EC) = 1832 µS cm1) prevailed in the lake water, and seasonal changes in EC were probably associated with hydrologic flushing from external sources, such as incoming water from upstream as well as precipitation. Average monthly levels of total N and P during the study period were 1.82 and 0.21 mg l–1, respectively. Nutrient concentrations in the water did not show any strong seasonal trends. Organic matter content of lake sediments ranged from 1 to 182 g C kg–1 of dry sediment, reflecting considerable spatial variability. All nutrient elements in the sediments showed highly significant (P < 0.01) correlations with sediment organic C, though little or no significant relationship appeared at any sampling period between water and sediment chemistry of the lake. Temporal trends in water and sediment chemical parameters may have been concealed by periodic hydrologic flushing of the St. Johns River into Lake Monroe.Florida Agricultural Experiment Stations Journal Series No. 7836.  相似文献   

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