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Currently the main focus of structural biology is the determination of static three-dimensional representations of biomolecules that for the most part correspond to low energy (ground state) conformations. However, it is becoming increasingly well recognized that higher energy structures often play important roles in function as well. Because these conformers are populated to only low levels and are often only transiently formed their study is not amenable to many of the tools of structural biology. In this perspective we discuss the role of CPMG-based relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy in characterizing these low populated, invisible states. It is shown that robust methods for measuring both backbone chemical shifts and residual anisotropic interactions in the excited state are in place and that these data provide valuable restraints for structural studies of invisible conformers.  相似文献   

A method based on the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion experiment is presented for measuring the temperature coefficients of amide proton chemical shifts of low populated ‘invisible’ protein states that exchange with a ‘visible’ ground state on the millisecond time-scale. The utility of the approach is demonstrated with an application to an I58D mutant of the Pfl6 Cro protein that undergoes exchange between the native, folded state and a cold denatured, unfolded conformational ensemble that is populated at a level of 6% at 2.5°C. A wide distribution of amide temperature coefficients is measured for the unfolded state. The distribution is centered about –5.6 ppb/K, consistent with an absence of intra-molecular hydrogen bonds, on average. However, the large range of values (standard deviation of 2.1 ppb/K) strongly supports the notion that the unfolded state of the protein is not a true random coil polypeptide chain.  相似文献   

The refolding kinetics of bistable RNA sequences were studied in unperturbed equilibrium via (13)C exchange NMR spectroscopy. For this purpose a straightforward labeling technique was elaborated using a 2'-(13)C-methoxy uridine modification, which was prepared by a two-step synthesis and introduced into RNA using standard protocols. Using (13)C longitudinal exchange NMR spectroscopy the refolding kinetics of a 20 nt bistable RNA were characterized at temperatures between 298 and 310K, yielding the enthalpy and entropy differences between the conformers at equilibrium and the activation energy of the refolding process. The kinetics of a more stable 32 nt bistable RNA could be analyzed by the same approach at elevated temperatures, i.e. at 314 and 316 K. Finally, the dynamics of a multi-stable RNA able to fold into two hairpin- and a pseudo-knotted conformation was studied by (13)C relaxation dispersion NMR spectroscopy.  相似文献   

Mittermaier A  Korzhnev DM  Kay LE 《Biochemistry》2005,44(47):15430-15436
A major challenge to the study of protein folding is the fact that intermediate states along the reaction pathway are generally unstable and thus difficult to observe. Recently developed NMR relaxation dispersion experiments present an avenue to accessing such states, providing kinetic, thermodynamic, and structural information for intermediates with small (greater than or equal to approximately 1%) populations at equilibrium. We have employed these techniques to study the three-state folding reaction of the G48M Fyn SH3 domain. Using (13)C-, (1)H-, and (15)N-based methods, we have characterized backbone and side-chain interactions in the folded, unfolded, intermediate, and transition states, thereby mapping the energy landscape of the protein. We find that the intermediate, populated to approximately 1%, contains nativelike structure in a central beta-sheet, and is disordered at the amino and carboxy termini. The intermediate is stabilized by side-chain van der Waals contacts, yet (13)C chemical shifts indicate that methyl-containing residues remain disordered. This state has a partially structured backbone and a collapsed yet mobile hydrophobic core and thus closely resembles a molten globule. Nonpolar side-chain contacts are formed in the unfolded-intermediate transition state; these interactions are disrupted in the intermediate-folded transition state, possibly allowing side chains to rearrange as they adopt the native packing configuration. This work illustrates the power of novel relaxation dispersion experiments in characterizing excited states that are "invisible" in even the most sensitive of NMR experiments.  相似文献   

Nuclear magnetic relaxation measurements are reported as a function of field strength corresponding to the frequency range from 0.01 to 20 MHz for water protons in monoclinic lysozyme crystals at 278 and 298 K. Though the instrumentation used selects only a portion of the total magnetization to sample, the data clearly indicate a field dependence of the relaxation rate that signals the presence of slow motions characterized by time constants in the range of tenths of microseconds and slower. The data support, but do not uniquely prove, the hypothesis that this time scale is that appropriate to the isotropic averaging of locally anisotropic water molecule motion at the protein surface.  相似文献   

The solvent proton spin-lattice relaxation time of high spin Fe3+ (S=5/2) human A fluoromethaemoglobin aqueous solutions was measured at 14 Larmor frequencies in the range from 2.2 to 96 MHz. The observed paramagnetic relaxation rates are analysed in terms of the Solomon-Bloembergen theory, with the g-tensor value of 2 based on the consideration of the protein tertiary structure. From the H2O (pH 6) haemoprotein solution relaxation data, tau(c) =(9.3+/-0.3) X 10(-10) sec. If the total relaxation rates are corrected for the "outer-sphere" paramagnetic contribution, tau(c)=(6.5+/-0.4) X 10(-10) sec. The latter correction is obtained from the p.m.r. of the non-exchangeable aliphatic protons of C2H4(OD)2 added to the D2O-solution of fluoromethaemoglobin. Assuming that single proton transfer is taking place through the protein channel along the axis normal to the haem (g=2), the protein "binding" site is at a distance of 3.93 to 3.98 A from the haem Fe3+ ion.  相似文献   

The complex permittivities of aqueous suspensions of 1,2-dimyristoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DMPC) and of DMPC packaged gramicidin A' (DMPC-GA) have been determined over the frequency range of 1 MHz to 1 GHz and the temperature range of 0-60 degrees C. A dielectric relaxation/loss has been observed at about 66 MHz for the DMPC suspension (30 degrees C) and at about 57 MHz for the DMPC-GA suspension (30 degrees C). This dielectric relaxation/loss has been attributed to the rotational mobility of the zwitterionic group of DMPC. The temperature dependence (from 60 degrees C to 0 degrees C) of this dispersion/absorption process of the DMPC suspension indicates a sharp reduction of the dielectric relaxation at about 20 degrees C. This dielectric change is related to the conversions of shape and structure of bilayer aggregates. This sharp reduction of the dielectric relaxation disappears or broadens when GA is incorporated into the DMPC aqueous suspension. The interpretation of these results is that the GA addition into the DMPC aqueous suspension induces a small decrease of the rotational mobility of the zwitterionic group above the lipid phase transition, and a small increase of the rotational mobility of the zwitterionic group below the lipid phase transition.  相似文献   

Coupled equilibria play important roles in controlling information flow in biochemical systems, including allosteric molecules and multidomain proteins. In the simplest case, two equilibria are coupled to produce four interconverting states. In this study, we assessed the feasibility of determining the degree of coupling between two equilibria in a four-state system via relaxation dispersion measurements. A major bottleneck in this effort is the lack of efficient approaches to data analysis. To this end, we designed a strategy to efficiently evaluate the smoothness of the target function surface (TFS). Using this approach, we found that the TFS is very rough when fitting benchmark CPMG data to all adjustable variables of the four-state equilibria. After constraining a portion of the adjustable variables, which can often be achieved through independent biochemical manipulation of the system, the smoothness of TFS improves dramatically, although it is still insufficient to pinpoint the solution. The four-state equilibria can be finally solved with further incorporation of independent chemical shift information that is readily available. We also used Monte Carlo simulations to evaluate how well each adjustable parameter can be determined in a large kinetic and thermodynamic parameter space and how much improvement can be achieved in defining the parameters through additional measurements. The results show that in favorable conditions the combination of relaxation dispersion and biochemical manipulation allow the four-state equilibrium to be parameterized, and thus coupling strength between two processes to be determined.  相似文献   

The magnetic relaxation dispersion profiles for formate, acetate, and water protons are reported for aqueous solutions of hemoglobin singly and doubly labeled with a nitroxide and mercury(II) ion at cysteines at beta-93. Using two spin labels, one nuclear and one electron spin, a long intramolecular vector is defined between the two beta-93 positions in the protein. The paramagnetic contributions to the observed 1H spin-lattice relaxation rate constant are isolated from the magnetic relaxation dispersion profiles obtained on a dual-magnet apparatus that provides spectral density functions characterizing fluctuations sensed by intermoment dipolar interactions in the time range from the tens of microseconds to approximately 1 ps. Both formate and acetate ions are found to bind specifically within 5 angstroms of the beta-93 spin-label position and the relaxation dispersion has inflection points corresponding to correlation times of 30 ps and 4 ns for both ions. The 4-ns motion is identified with exchange of the anions from the site, whereas the 30-ps correlation time is identified with relative motions of the spin label and the bound anion in the protein environment close to beta-93. The magnetic field dependence of the paramagnetic contributions in both cases is well described by a simple Lorentzian spectral density function; no peaks in the spectral density function are observed. Therefore, the high frequency motions of the protein monitored by the intramolecular vector defined by the electron and nuclear spin are well characterized by a stationary random function of time. Attempts to examine long vector fluctuations by employing electron spin and nuclear spin double-labeling techniques did not yield unambiguous characterization of the high frequency motions of the vector between beta-93 positions on different chains.  相似文献   

Probing protein dynamics using temperature jump relaxation spectroscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There have been recent advances in initiating and perturbing chemical reactions on very fast timescales, as short as picoseconds, thus making it feasible to study a vast range of chemical kinetics problems that heretofore could not be studied. One such approach is the rapid heating of water solutions using laser excitation. Laser-induced temperature jump relaxation spectroscopy can be used to determine the dynamics of protein motion, an area largely unstudied for want of suitable experimental and theoretical probes, despite the obvious importance of dynamics to protein function. Coupled with suitable spectroscopic probes of structure, relaxation spectroscopy can follow the motion of protein atoms over an enormous time range, from picoseconds to minutes (or longer), and with substantial structural specificity.  相似文献   

Goddard Y  Korb JP  Bryant RG 《Biopolymers》2007,86(2):148-154
The (1)H nuclear magnetic relaxation dispersion profiles were measured from 10 kHz to 30 MHz as a function of temperature for polyglycine, polyalanine, polyvaline, and polyphenylalanine to examine the contributions of different side chain motions to the polypeptide proton relaxation rate constants. The spin-fracton theory for (1)H relaxation is modified to account for high frequency motions of side chains that are dynamically connected to the linear polymer backbone. The (1)H relaxation is dominated by propagation of rare disturbances along the backbone of the polymer. The side-chain dynamics cause an off-set in the field dependence of the (1)H spin-lattice relaxation rate constants which obey a power law in the Larmor frequency in the limit of low and high magnetic field strength.  相似文献   

Phenomena studied by fluorescence spectroscopy, including differential perturbations of dye fluorescence by variations in DNA composition and interdye energy transfer, can be applied to cytological studies of chromosome structure, replication, and repair. When combined with fluorescence-activated flow sorting, fluorescent differentiation between metaphase chromosomes can be exploited to obtain recombinant DNA libraries enriched for all or parts of individual chromosomes. Cloned DNA segments from such libraries continue to find application in studies of human chromosome structure and function and in molecular linkage analyses, thus leading to molecular genetic investigations of human disease states.  相似文献   

Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) relaxation dispersion nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy has emerged as a powerful method for quantifying chemical shifts of excited protein states. For many applications of the technique that involve the measurement of relaxation rates of carbon magnetization it is necessary to prepare samples with isolated (13)C spins so that experiments do not suffer from magnetization transfer between coupled carbon spins that would otherwise occur during the CPMG pulse train. In the case of (13)CO experiments however the large separation between (13)CO and (13)C(alpha) chemical shifts offers hope that robust (13)CO dispersion profiles can be recorded on uniformly (13)C labeled samples, leading to the extraction of accurate (13)CO chemical shifts of the invisible, excited state. Here we compare such chemical shifts recorded on samples that are selectively labeled, prepared using [1-(13)C]-pyruvate and NaH(13)CO(3,) or uniformly labeled, generated from (13)C-glucose. Very similar (13)CO chemical shifts are obtained from analysis of CPMG experiments recorded on both samples, and comparison with chemical shifts measured using a second approach establishes that the shifts measured from relaxation dispersion are very accurate.  相似文献   

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