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As pollen tubes grow through the pistil they are thought to perceive and respond to diverse signals. The tomato pollen-specific receptor kinases LePRK1 and LePRK2 might participate in signaling during pollen tube growth. We previously showed that the extracellular domain of LePRK2 interacts with a pollen protein, LAT52, before but not after pollen germination. To determine whether LePRK2 might have different binding partner(s) after pollen germination, we characterized two more proteins that, like LAT52, were identified in yeast two-hybrid screens using the extracellular domains of LePRK1 and LePRK2 as baits. We show that LeSHY, a leucine-rich repeat protein from pollen, and LeSTIG1, a small cysteine-rich protein from pistil, can bind the extracellular domains of both LePRK1 and LePRK2 in vitro. In vitro binding assays with the extracellular domain of LePRK2 suggested that LeSTIG1 could displace binding of LAT52, consistent with the idea that LePRK1 and LePRK2 might interact with different ligands at different stages of pollen tube growth. Exogenous LeSTIG1 promotes pollen tube growth in vitro. The interaction of these pollen kinases with LeSTIG1 supports the notion that LePRK1 and LePRK2 are involved in mediating pollen-pistil interactions.  相似文献   

为筛选出优质亲本及杂交组合,确定最佳授粉时期,探究观赏海棠品种间的杂交亲和性,为观赏海棠的新品种培育提供参考,该研究以15个性状互补的海棠品种为供试材料,用离体培养法测定花粉活力、悬液法测定花粉含量并对其雄性育性进行评价;联苯胺-过氧化氢法测定其不同开花时期的柱头可授性;荧光显微观察法观察授粉后花粉管的生长及受精情况;人工控制授粉法研究5个杂交组合的坐果动态变化情况。结果显示,(1)根据花粉活力可将15个海棠品种的雄性育性分为不育型、较低型、中等型、优质型4类,其中‘印第安之夏’、‘冬红’等6个品种为优质父本。(2)海棠从开花前1 d至第6天的柱头可授性呈现“弱—强—弱”的变化规律,开花第3天时的柱头可授性最强。(3)授粉后4~8 h花粉开始萌发,48~96 h完成受精。(4)花粉育性和柱头可授性与杂交坐果率、种子饱满率间均存在显著的正相关性。授粉后2个月内是落果集中期,此后至果实成熟坐果率基本趋于稳定。‘冬红’ב印第安之夏’、‘草莓果冻’ב印第安之夏’为高坐果率杂交组合。研究表明,海棠雌雄蕊存在发育不同步现象,选择育性优质的亲本是杂交取得成功的关键,而受精后障碍是本研究中海棠杂交...  相似文献   

A better understanding of how schistosomes exploit host nutrients, neuro-endocrine hormones and signalling pathways for growth, development and maturation may provide new insights for improved interventions in the control of schistosomiasis. This paper describes recent advances in the identification and characterisation of schistosome tyrosine kinase and signalling pathways. It discusses the potential intervention value of insulin signalling, which may play an important role in glucose uptake and carbohydrate metabolism in schistosomes, providing the nutrients essential for parasite growth, development and, notably, female fecundity. Significant progress has also been made in the characterisation of other schistosome growth factor receptors, such as transforming growth factor beta receptor and epidermal growth factor receptor, and in our understanding of their roles in the host-parasite molecular dialogue and parasite development. The use of parasite signal transduction components as novel vaccine or drug targets may prove invaluable in prevention, treatment and control strategies to combat schistosomiasis.  相似文献   

Programmed cell death is an essential mechanism of the host to combat infectious agents and to regulate immunity during infection. Consequently, activation and deactivation of the hosts' cell death pathways by protozoan parasites play critical roles in parasite control, pathogenesis, immune evasion and parasite dissemination within the host. Here, we discuss advances in the understanding of these fascinating host-parasite interactions with special emphasis on how protozoa can modulate the cell death apparatus of its host.  相似文献   

It is proposed that ATP is released from both neurons and glia during electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) and that this leads to reduction of depressive behaviour via complex stimulation of neurons and glia directly via P2X and P2Y receptors and also via P1 receptors after extracellular breakdown of ATP to adenosine. In particular, A1 adenosine receptors inhibit release of excitatory transmitters, and A2A and P2Y receptors may modulate the release of dopamine. Sequential ECT may lead to changes in purinoceptor expression in mesolimbic and mesocortical regions of the brain implicated in depression and other mood disorders. In particular, increased expression of P2X7 receptors on glial cells would lead to increased release of cytokines, chemokines and neurotrophins. In summary, we suggest that ATP release following ECT involves neurons, glial cells and neuron–glial interactions acting via both P2 and after breakdown to adenosine via P1 receptors. We suggest that ecto-nucleotidase inhibitors (increasing available amounts of ATP) and purinoceptor agonists may enhance the anti-depressive effect of ECT.  相似文献   

The genetic regulatory networks controlling major developmental processes seem to be conserved in bilaterians regardless of an independent or a common origin of the structures. This has been explained by the employment of a genetic toolkit that was repeatedly used during bilaterian evolution to build the various forms and body plans. However, it is not clear how genetic networks were incorporated into the formation of novel structures and how homologous genes can regulate the disparate morphological processes. Here we address this question by analysing the role of Notch signalling, which is part of the bilaterian toolkit, in neural stem cell evolution in arthropods. Within arthropods neural stem cells have evolved in the last common ancestor of insects and crustaceans (Tetraconata). We analyse here for the first time the role of Notch signalling in a crustacean, the branchiopod Daphnia magna, and show that it is required in neural stem cells for regulating the time of neural precursor production and for binary cell fate decisions in the ventral neuroectoderm. The function of Notch signalling has diverged in the ventral neuroectoderm of insects and crustaceans accompanied by changes in the morphogenetic processes. In the crustacean, Notch controlled mechanisms of neuroblast regulation have evolved that are surprisingly similar to vertebrates and thus present a remarkable case of parallel evolution. These new data on a representative of crustaceans complete the arthropod data set on Notch signalling in the nervous system and allow for reconstructing how the Notch signalling pathway has been co-opted from pre-existing structures to the development of the evolving neural stem cells in the Tetraconata ancestor.  相似文献   

Paul N  Rognan D 《Proteins》2002,47(4):521-533
Protein-based virtual screening of chemical libraries is a powerful technique for identifying new molecules that may interact with a macromolecular target of interest. Because of docking and scoring limitations, it is more difficult to apply as a lead optimization method because it requires that the docking/scoring tool is able to propose as few solutions as possible and all of them with a very good accuracy for both the protein-bound orientation and the conformation of the ligand. In the present study, we present a consensus docking approach (ConsDock) that takes advantage of three widely used docking tools (Dock, FlexX, and Gold). The consensus analysis of all possible poses generated by several docking tools is performed sequentially in four steps: (i) hierarchical clustering of all poses generated by a docking tool into families represented by a leader; (ii) definition of all consensus pairs from leaders generated by different docking programs; (iii) clustering of consensus pairs into classes, represented by a mean structure; and (iv) ranking the different means starting from the most populated class of consensus pairs. When applied to a test set of 100 protein-ligand complexes from the Protein Data Bank, ConsDock significantly outperforms single docking with respect to the docking accuracy of the top-ranked pose. In 60% of the cases investigated here, ConsDock was able to rank as top solution a pose within 2 A RMSD of the X-ray structure. It can be applied as a postprocessing filter to either single- or multiple-docking programs to prioritize three-dimensional guided lead optimization from the most likely docking solution.  相似文献   

In the rice blast fungus Magnaporthe oryzae, the high‐affinity cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) phosphodiesterase MoPdeH is important not only for cAMP signalling and pathogenicity, but also for cell wall integrity (CWI) maintenance through an unknown mechanism. By utilizing affinity purification, we found that MoPdeH interacts with MoMck1, one of the components of the mitogen‐activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade that regulates CWI. Overexpression of MoMCK1 suppressed defects in autolysis and pathogenicity of the ΔMopdeH mutant, although partially, suggesting that MoPdeH plays a critical role in CWI maintenance mediated by the MAP kinase pathway. We found that MoMck1 and two other MAP kinase cascade components, MoMkk1 and MoMps1, modulate intracellular cAMP levels by regulating the expression of MoPDEH through a feedback loop. In addition, disruption of MoMKK1 resulted in less aerial hyphal formation, defective asexual development and attenuated pathogenicity. Moreover, MoMkk1 plays a role in the response to osmotic stress via regulation of MoOsm1 phosphorylation levels, whereas endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress enhances MoMps1 phosphorylation and loss of the MAP kinase cascade component affects the unfolded protein response (UPR) pathway. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that MoPdeH functions upstream of the MoMck1–MoMkk1–MoMps1 MAP kinase pathway to regulate CWI, and that MoPdeH also mediates crosstalk between the cAMP signalling pathway, the osmotic sensing high osmolarity glycerol (HOG) pathway and the dithiothreitol (DTT)‐induced UPR pathway in M. oryzae.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the evidence for the role of CREB in neural stem/progenitor cell (NSPC) function and oncogenesis and how these functions may be important for the development and growth of brain tumours. The cyclic-AMP response element binding (CREB) protein has many roles in neurons, ranging from neuronal survival to higher order brain functions such as memory and drug addiction behaviours. Recent studies have revealed that CREB also has a role in NSPC survival, differentiation and proliferation. Recent work has shown that over-expression of CREB in transgenic animals can impart oncogenic properties on cells in various tissues and that aberrant CREB expression is associated with tumours in patients. It is the central position of CREB, downstream of key developmental and growth signalling pathways, which give CREB the ability to influence a spectrum of cell activities, such as cell survival, growth and differentiation in both normal and cancer cells.  相似文献   

The lipid raft hypothesis proposed that these microdomains are small (10–200 nM), highly dynamic and enriched in cholesterol, glycosphingolipids and signalling phospholipids, which compartmentalize cellular processes. These membrane regions play crucial roles in signal transduction, phagocytosis and secretion, as well as pathogen adhesion/interaction. Throughout evolution, many pathogens have developed mechanisms to escape from the host immune system, some of which are based on the host membrane microdomain machinery. Thus lipid rafts might be exploited by pathogens as signalling and entry platforms. In this review, we summarize the role of lipid rafts as players in the overall invasion process used by different pathogens to escape from the host immune system.  相似文献   

Phytophthora capsici causes devastating diseases on a broad range of plant species. To better understand the interaction with its host plants, knowledge obtained from a model pathosystem can be instrumental. Here, we describe the interaction between P. capsici and Arabidopsis and the exploitation of this novel pathosystem to assign metabolic pathways involved in defence against P. capsici. Inoculation assays on Arabidopsis accessions with different P. capsici isolates revealed interaction specificity among accession‐isolate combinations. In a compatible interaction, appressorium‐mediated penetration was followed by the formation of invasive hyphae, haustoria and sporangia in leaves and roots. In contrast, in an incompatible interaction, P. capsici infection elicited callose deposition, accumulation of active oxygen species and cell death, resulting in early pathogen encasement in leaves. Moreover, Arabidopsis mutants with defects in salicylic acid signalling, camalexin or indole glucosinolates biosynthesis pathways displayed severely compromised resistance to P. capsici. It is anticipated that this model pathosystem will facilitate the genetic dissection of complex traits responsible for resistance against P. capsici.  相似文献   

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