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Anaerobic acetate degradation at 70°C and at 55°C (as a reference) was studied by running laboratory upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactors inoculated with mesophilic granular sludge. In UASB reactors fed with acetate-containing media (3 g of chemical oxygen demand [COD] per liter, corresponding to 47 mM acetate) approximately 50 days was needed at 70°C and less than 15 days was needed at 55°C to achieve an effluent COD of 500 to 700 mg/liter. In the UASB reactors at both 70 and 55°C up to 90% of the COD was removed. Batch assays showed that sludges from two 70°C UASB reactors, one run at a low effluent acetate concentration and the other run at a high effluent acetate concentration, exhibited slightly different responses to temperatures in the range from 37 to 70°C. Both 70°C sludges, as well as the 55°C sludge, produced methane at temperatures of 37 to 73°C. The 55°C sludge exhibited shorter lag phases than the 70°C sludges and higher specific methane production rates between 37 and 65°C.  相似文献   

Campylobacter jejuni is a leading cause of bacterial gastroenteritis in humans, and contamination of poultry has been implicated in illness. The bacteria are fastidious in terms of their temperature requirements, being unable to grow below ca. 31 degrees C, but have been found to be physiologically active at lower temperatures and to tolerate exposure to low temperatures in a strain-dependent manner. In this study, 19 field isolates of C. jejuni (10 of clinical and 9 of poultry origin) were studied for their ability to tolerate prolonged exposure to low temperature (4 degrees C). Although substantial variability was found among different strains, clinical isolates tended to be significantly more likely to remain viable following cold exposure than poultry-derived strains. In contrast, the relative degree of tolerance of the bacteria to freezing at -20 degrees C and freeze-thawing was strain specific but independent of strain source (poultry versus clinical) and degree of cold (4 degrees C) tolerance.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of temperature on methanogenesis from acetate or CO2 in a thermophilic (58°C) anaerobic digestor were studied by incubating digestor sludge at different temperatures with 14C-labeled methane precursors (14CH3COO or 14CO2). During a period when Methanosarcina sp. was numerous in the sludge, methanogenesis from acetate was optimal at 55 to 60°C and was completely inhibited at 65°C. A Methanosarcina culture isolated from the digestor grew optimally on acetate at 55 to 58°C and did not grow or produce methane at 65°C. An accidental shift of digestor temperature from 58 to 64°C during this period caused a sharp decrease in gas production and a large increase in acetate concentration within 24 h, indicating that the aceticlastic methanogens in the digestor were the population most susceptible to this temperature increase. During a later period when Methanothrix sp. was numerous in the digestor, methanogenesis from 14CH3COO was optimal at 65°C and completely inhibited at 75°C. A partially purified Methanothrix enrichment culture derived from the digestor had a maximum growth temperature near 70°C. Methanogenesis from 14CO2 in the sludge was optimal at 65°C and still proceeded at 75°C. A CO2-reducing Methanobacterium sp. isolated from the digestor was capable of methanogenesis at 75°C. During the period when Methanothix sp. was apparently dominant, sludge incubated for 24 h at 65°C produced more methane than sludge incubated at 60°C, and no acetate accumulated at 65°C. Methanogenesis was severely inhibited in sludge incubated at 70°C, but since neither acetate nor H2 accumulated, production of these methanogenic substrates by fermentative bacteria was probably the most temperature-sensitive process. Thus, there was a correlation between digestor performance at different temperatures and responses to temperature by cultures of methanogens believed to play important roles in the digestor.  相似文献   

This work aims to enhance the flavor of functional cucumber juice using herbal extracts of peppermint, basil, lavender, and lemongrass ethanolic extracts and extend its lifetime by controlling the chemical and microbial fluctuations. Cucumber juices were processed as; non-supplemented (J-Con), J-PME, J-BE, J-LE, and J-LEE supplemented with peppermint, basil, lavender, and lemongrass ethanolic extracts, respectively. Peppermint extract was significantly scavenged 88% of DPPH radicals and inhibited the growth of tested gram-positive, gram-negative bacteria and fungi followed by the lemongrass extract. The antioxidant activity of cucumber juices increased due to polyphenols and aroma compounds in the added extracts. However, the antioxidant content was decreased after two months of storage at 4 °C, due to the decrease in polyphenols. The flavor compounds were determined using GC mass, wherein hydrocarbons, acids, alcohols, and carbonyl compounds were the main aroma contents in cucumber juices, and their contents decreased with storage time. Peppermint and lemongrass extracts were significantly (p ≤ 0.05) increased the whiteness of J-PME, and J-LEE, respectively. The highest score of flavor and taste was observed in J-PME that scored 8.3 based on panelists'' reports followed by J-LEE. The PME was significantly maintained 91% of the odor and color of J-PME as compared to other juices.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the growth responses of different Rhizobium japonicum strains to increasing temperatures, determine the degree of variability among strains in those responses, and identify temperature-related growth characteristics that could be used to select temperature-tolerant strains. Each of 42 strains was grown in liquid culture for 96 h at 19 incubation temperatures ranging from 27.4 to 54.1°C in a temperature gradient apparatus. Growth was estimated by measuring the change in optical density over time. Strains differed in their responses to increasing temperatures. Three characteristic temperatures were determined for each strain: the temperature giving the maximum optical density at 96 h (optimum temperature), the maximum temperature allowing a continuous increase in optical density during the 96-h period (maximum permissive temperature), and the maximum temperature allowing growth of the cultures after they were transferred to a uniform incubation temperature of 28°C (maximum survival temperature). The three characteristic temperatures varied among strains and had the following ranges: optimum temperature, from 27.4 to 35.2°C; maximum permissive temperature, from 29.8 to 38.0°C; and maximum survival temperature, from 33.7 to 48.7°C. Significant positive correlations were found between maximum permissive temperature and optimum temperature and between maximum permissive temperature and maximum survival temperature. Eight strains which had the highest maximum permissive temperature, optimum temperature, and maximum survival temperature were considered tolerant of high temperatures and were able to grow at temperatures higher than those previously reported for the most tolerant R. japonicum strains. The strains were of diverse geographical origin, but the response to high temperatures was not related to their origin. Evaluation of the temperature responses in pure culture may be useful in the search for R. japonicum strains better suited to environments in which high soil temperature is a limiting factor.  相似文献   

An infrared radiation-detecting system was used to measure initial heat production in bull frog sartorius muscle at 15°C. Numerous tests with the system showed that thermal artifacts were not noticeable. Many previous measurements with myothermic thermopiles were corroborated with this method. In addition, a cooling phase as large as 0.39 of peak exothermicity was found during and after relaxation. Cooling diminished with both increasing sarcomere length and increasing duration of mechanical activity. No large rapid increase in heat rate accompanied a 0.6 reactivation at the peak of twitch tension. Above rest length, initial heat rate and the heat produced up to the peak of tension decreased nearly proportionally with overlap of myofilaments, while the total twitch initial heat decreased slightly.  相似文献   

The abundance of viable microorganisms recovered from deep subsurface volcanic rock samples increased after rock perturbation and storage for 1 week at 4°C, while the diversity and evenness of recoverable heterotrophic bacterial communities generally decreased. One sample of each morphologically distinct colony type, recovered both before and after storage of U12n rock samples, was purified and characterized by fatty acid methyl ester (MIDI) and API rapid NFT strips. As determined by MIDI cluster analysis, the composition of the recoverable microbial communities changed with storage of rock samples; some groups of organisms were recovered only before, only after, or at both sample times. In general, the isolates recovered only after storage of rock samples had a greater ability to utilize the carbohydrates included in API test strips and had faster generation times than isolates recovered only on initial plating. The nutritional versatility and faster growth rates of organisms recovered in higher proportions after sample storage provide evidence that some microbial community changes may be due to the proliferation of a few bacterial types. However, because some new genera are recovered only after storage, the possibility also exists that dormant bacterial types are resuscitated during sample perturbation and storage.  相似文献   

Arctic wintertime sea-ice cores, characterized by a temperature gradient of −2 to −20°C, were investigated to better understand constraints on bacterial abundance, activity, and diversity at subzero temperatures. With the fluorescent stains 4′,6′-diamidino-2-phenylindole 2HCl (DAPI) (for DNA) and 5-cyano-2,3-ditoyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) (for O2-based respiration), the abundances of total, particle-associated (>3-μm), free-living, and actively respiring bacteria were determined for ice-core samples melted at their in situ temperatures (−2 to −20°C) and at the corresponding salinities of their brine inclusions (38 to 209 ppt). Fluorescence in situ hybridization was applied to determine the proportions of Bacteria, Cytophaga-Flavobacteria-Bacteroides (CFB), and Archaea. Microtome-prepared ice sections also were examined microscopically under in situ conditions to evaluate bacterial abundance (by DAPI staining) and particle associations within the brine-inclusion network of the ice. For both melted and intact ice sections, more than 50% of cells were found to be associated with particles or surfaces (sediment grains, detritus, and ice-crystal boundaries). CTC-active bacteria (0.5 to 4% of the total) and cells detectable by rRNA probes (18 to 86% of the total) were found in all ice samples, including the coldest (−20°C), where virtually all active cells were particle associated. The percentage of active bacteria associated with particles increased with decreasing temperature, as did the percentages of CFB (16 to 82% of Bacteria) and Archaea (0.0 to 3.4% of total cells). These results, combined with correlation analyses between bacterial variables and measures of particulate matter in the ice as well as the increase in CFB at lower temperatures, confirm the importance of particle or surface association to bacterial activity at subzero temperatures. Measuring activity down to −20°C adds to the concept that liquid inclusions in frozen environments provide an adequate habitat for active microbial populations on Earth and possibly elsewhere.  相似文献   

A solid, highly thermostable medium, based on the new gelling agent GELRITE, was devised to facilitate the culturing of extremely thermophilic microorganisms from submarine hydrothermal vents. The medium remained solid at temperatures to 120°C at vapor pressures and hydrostatic pressures to 265 atm. It proved useful to its maximum tested limits in isolating colonies of black smoker bacteria from hydrothermal fluids recently collected at the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the Pacific Ocean.  相似文献   

It has recently been noted that a diversity of hyperthermophilic microorganisms have the ability to reduce Fe(III) with hydrogen as the electron donor, but the reduction of Fe(III) or other metals by these organisms has not been previously examined in detail. When Pyrobaculum islandicum was grown at 100°C in a medium with hydrogen as the electron donor and Fe(III)-citrate as the electron acceptor, the increase in cell numbers of P. islandicum per mole of Fe(III) reduced was found to be ca. 10-fold higher than previously reported. Poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxide could also serve as the electron acceptor for growth on hydrogen. The stoichiometry of hydrogen uptake and Fe(III) oxide reduction was consistent with the oxidation of 1 mol of hydrogen resulting in the reduction of 2 mol of Fe(III). The poorly crystalline Fe(III) oxide was reduced to extracellular magnetite. P. islandicum could not effectively reduce the crystalline Fe(III) oxide minerals goethite and hematite. In addition to using hydrogen as an electron donor for Fe(III) reduction, P. islandicum grew via Fe(III) reduction in media in which peptone and yeast extract served as potential electron donors. The closely related species P. aerophilum grew via Fe(III) reduction in a similar complex medium. Cell suspensions of P. islandicum reduced the following metals with hydrogen as the electron donor: U(VI), Tc(VII), Cr(VI), Co(III), and Mn(IV). The reduction of these metals was dependent upon the presence of cells and hydrogen. The metalloids arsenate and selenate were not reduced. U(VI) was reduced to the insoluble U(IV) mineral uraninite, which was extracellular. Tc(VII) was reduced to insoluble Tc(IV) or Tc(V). Cr(VI) was reduced to the less toxic, less soluble Cr(III). Co(III) was reduced to Co(II). Mn(IV) was reduced to Mn(II) with the formation of manganese carbonate. These results demonstrate that biological reduction may contribute to the speciation of metals in hydrothermal environments and could account for such phenomena as magnetite accumulation and the formation of uranium deposits at ca. 100°C. Reduction of toxic metals with hyperthermophilic microorganisms or their enzymes might be applied to the remediation of metal-contaminated waters or waste streams.  相似文献   

The Campylobacter jejuni human clinical isolates NW and D2600 colonized C57BL/6 interleukin-10-deficient (IL-10−/−) mice without inducing a robust inflammatory response (J. A. Bell et al., BMC Microbiol. 9:57, 2009). We announce draft genome sequences of NW and D2600 to facilitate comparisons with strains that induce gastrointestinal inflammation in this mouse model.  相似文献   

Two species of Atriplex were grown under low temperature (8 C day/6 C night) and high temperature (28 C day/20 C night) regimes. The photosynthetic capacity of these plants was studied as a function of temperature in a leaf gas exchange cuvette. Both species showed substantial photosynthetic capacity between 4 and 10 C and this was not enhanced by growth at low temperatures but rather, was somewhat greater in plants grown at higher temperature. Photosynthetic capacity of low temperature-grown plants at high temperature was greater in Atriplex confertifolia (Torr. and Frem.) S. Watts., a native of cool deserts, than in Atriplex vesicaria (Hew. ex. Benth.) from warmer desert areas. Leaves of both species were also subjected to 14CO2 pulse-chase and steady-state feeding experiments under controlled temperature conditions. These experiments revealed that the kinetics of carbon assimilation through the intermediates of the C4 pathway is not substantially disrupted at low temperature in either species. There was, however, a substantial interchange of label between aspartate and malate at low temperature which was not evident at high temperature. There was also an increase in the pool sizes of the C4 acids involved in photosynthesis of A. confertifolia. Speculation as to the explanation of these changes and their possible significance in promoting low temperature C4 photosynthesis in these plants is presented.  相似文献   

The development of a microbial population and changes in the physicochemical and sensorial characteristics of Mediterranean boque (Boops boops), called gopa in Greece, stored aerobically at 0, 3, 7, and 10°C were studied. Pseudomonads and Shewanella putrefaciens were the dominant bacteria at the end of the storage period, regardless of the temperature tested. Enterobacteria and Brochothrix thermosphacta also grew, but their population density was always 2 to 3 log10 CFU g−1 less than that of pseudomonads. The concentration of potential indicators of spoilage, glucose and lactic acid, decreased while that of the α-amino groups increased during storage. The concentrations of these carbon sources also decreased on sterile fish blocks inoculated with strains isolated from fish microbial flora. The organic acid profile of sterile fish blocks inoculated with the above-mentioned bacteria and that of naturally spoiled fish differed significantly. An excellent correlation (r = −0.96) between log10 counts of S. putrefaciens or Pseudomonas bacteria with freshness was observed in this study.  相似文献   

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