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油茶象甲Curculio chinensis Chevrolat是油茶的重要果实害虫,为害严重林分果实被害率高达79.3%。本文详细描述了该虫的形态特征;对其生物学特性进行了研究,结果表明该虫在广东省2年发生1代,以老熟幼虫在土内越过第1个冬天、以初羽化的成虫在土内越过第2个冬天,4月上中旬开始出土,5-6月为出土盛期。成虫栖息环境、产卵和油茶果实的生长发育有密切的关系,成虫无交配时多栖息在油茶嫩枝、嫩芽或油茶果实基部的枯萎花絮上,成虫交配盛期多被发现在油茶果实上;油茶果实一般以果皮厚度4.0-6.0 mm着卵量最多,林间每果一般只有1粒卵或1头幼虫。 相似文献
Thomson 分类研究
(鞘翅目:天牛科:沟胫天牛亚科) 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
记述泥色天牛属 Uraecha的主要特征及地理分布 ,并报道 1新种 :龙州泥色天牛 Uraecha longzhouensis,sp.nov.,编制了我国已知 9种的检索表。新种的模式标本保存在西南农业大学植物保护系昆虫标本馆。 相似文献
中国白条天牛属比较形态学研究(鞘翅目,天牛科,沟胫天牛亚科,白条天牛族) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
比较研究了白条天牛属10种的外部形态特征.结果表明:颊、触角、前胸背板斑纹、鞘翅斑纹、鞘翅基部瘤突、中胸后侧片、前足第1跗节等外部形态特征在白条天牛属中具有种间分类学意义.上颚基部、腹部第7节腹板形状、触角长度可用于雌雄鉴别.通过比较云斑白条天牛Batocera lineolata Chevrolat,1852与多斑白条天牛Batocera horsfieldi(Hope,1839)的外部形态与雄性外生殖器特征,结果表明上述两种均为有效种. 相似文献
记述了沟胫天牛亚科楔天牛族2新种,即黑斑双脊天牛Paraglenea nigromaculata sp.nov。和黑缘并脊天牛Glenea nigromarginella sp.nov。,新种模式标本保存在西南农业大学植保系昆虫标本馆。 相似文献
记录了中国天牛科2新纪录属和8新纪录种:显毛天牛属Cristaphanes Vives,2009和毛长角天牛属Trichacanthocinus Breuning,1963;泰森显毛天牛Cristaphanes tysoni Vives,2017、狭拟裂眼天牛Dymasius angustatus(Pic,1925)comb.nov.、多毛绿虎天牛Chlorophorus capillatus Holzschuh,2006、门字纹艳虎天牛Rhaphuma subvarimaculata GressittRondon,1970、查氏脊虎天牛Xylotrechus chatterjeei(Gardner,1940)、金斑类蜡天牛Cereopsius aureomaculatus Breuning,1968、毛长角天牛Trichacanthocinus rondoni Breuning,1963和斜带艾格天牛Egesina partealboantennata Breuning,1965。 相似文献
金丝花天牛Leptura aurosericans Fairmaire,1895广泛分布在中国南方与东南亚地区,而金绒花天牛Leptura auratopilosa(Matsushita,1931)仅分布于台湾岛。最近10年,国内在金绒花天牛与金丝花天牛的鉴定及分布记录方面出现了一些不一致的报道。为了澄清这些问题,在核对模式标本及检视系列标本(包括许多正在自然交配的成对标本)的基础上,重新描述了这两个种的形态特征,给出了这两个种的鉴别特征并提供了彩色照片,认为金绒花天牛是台湾特有种,目前在大陆尚未发现。 相似文献
对毛角天牛属Aegolipton进行了研究,并记述中国1新种,即云南毛角天牛Aegolipton yunnanensis sp.nov..标本采自云南,模式标本保存在西南大学昆虫标本馆. 相似文献
对分布于北京的10种脊虎天牛属甲虫开展了分类研究,恢复了北京脊虎天牛Xylotrechus pekingensis Pic,1939的地位,不再是宽带脊虎天牛Xylotrechus yanoi Gressitt,1934的异名,报道了本种在河北和陕西的新分布记录.提出双带脊虎天牛Xylotrechus bifenestratus Pic,1916是四带脊虎天牛Xylotrechus polyzonus (Fairmaire,1888)的新异名,两者的模式标本均产自北京.本文还报道了3种北京新记录种:显纹脊虎天牛X.ibex (Gebler,1825)、葡脊虎天牛X.pyrrhoderus Bates,1873和黑胸脊虎天牛X.robusticollis (Pic,1936).通过检视标本,很多新的分布信息被加入到相关的种类.最后本文提供了分布于北京的10种脊虎天牛属甲虫的分种检索表. 相似文献
对扁角天牛属进行了研究,并记述中国1新种,即毛扁角天牛Sarmydus trichodes sp.nov..标本采自云南天宁,模式标本保存在西南大学昆虫标本馆. 相似文献
Three new species and two new genera of longhorn beetles are described from Peru: Cosmoplatus polis n. sp. (Pteroplatini), Hemilocallia grishami n. gen., n. sp. (Calliini) and Arabela ramirezi n. gen., n. sp. (Hemilophini). Esmeralda laetifica Bates, 1869 (Prioninae), Stratone transversalis (Chevrolat, 1862) (Cerambycinae), Gymnocerina cratosomoides (Bates, 1862) (Lamiinae), and Trachysomus verrucosus (Olivier, 1795) (Lamiinae) are new records for Peru. 相似文献
Stephen Goodwin 《Australian Journal of Entomology》2005,44(1):71-76
Abstract Chemical control trials against fig longicorn, Acalolepta vastator , were conducted on grapes in New South Wales between 1989 and 1994 using materials, some registered and others unregistered, for use in grapevines. Emerging adults and newly hatched larvae were exposed to direct and residual contact in a seasonal spraying strategy. Azinphos-methyl, chlorpyrifos and methidathion initially demonstrated efficacy, but later trials produced variable results with the first two insecticides. Azinphos-methyl gave superior residual adult control to chlorpyrifos. An urgent need for field control resulted in azinphos-methyl, chlorpyrifos and methidathion being recommended against A. vastator . Initial industry adoption resulted in an immediate reduction in the pest population, but a subsequent pest resurgence stimulated further study into more effective chemicals. In a trial of some new chemicals, imidacloprid and λ-cyhalothrin gave excellent control. A new spraying strategy comprising concentrated λ-cyhalothrin applied twice, the first early in the season and the second post-vintage gave excellent control. Difficulties with seasonal spraying provide encouragement for further development of this approach. 相似文献
Stephen Goodwin 《Australian Journal of Entomology》2005,44(2):170-174
Abstract Difficulties in controlling the grapevine borer pest fig longicorn, Acalolepta vastator , were experienced. Variable results with azinphos-methyl, chlorpyrifos and methidathion applied as seasonal sprays at 2-weekly or monthly intervals, coupled with inconsistent grower spraying practices, provided unreliable control. Pest resurgence resulted in a range of new chemicals and usage strategies being tested to overcome the problem. After extensive trialling an effective strategy for control of A. vastator was developed. This involved a single application of insecticide at dormancy, and after vineyard pruning, at a much higher rate than that normally registered for crop use. Bifenthrin (Talstar 100 EC) at 1000 mL/100 L, fipronil (Regent 200 SC) at 100 mL/100 L and imidacloprid (Confidor 350 SC) at 200 mL/100 L controlled emerging adults and young. This strategy overcomes a number of problems experienced with the previous chemical application method for this pest. 相似文献
中国星斑天牛属一新种记述(鞘翅目:天牛科) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
记述星斑天牛属 1新种 :黑星斑天牛 Psacothea nigrostigma,sp.nov.。模式标本保存于天津自然博物馆动物研究室。黑星斑天牛 Psacothea nigrostigma,新种 (图 1~ 4)正模♂ ,云南西双版纳勐啊勐康 ,1 0 0 0 m,1 958- -1 9,朱志彬。本新种与黄星斑天牛 Psacothea hilaris ( Pascoe,1 857)的主要区别为鞘翅具许多不规则的黑色星斑而非蜡黄色圆斑 ,头顶中央淡色带有 1黑色纵脊 ,雄性外生殖器阳基侧突端刚毛仅限于端部 1 /4而非几达 1 /2 ,交配孔腹缘狭圆而非略宽圆 ,以及内囊中部具粗密微刺而非内囊具均匀一致细微刺等 相似文献
Encarsia meritoria Gahan, a Neartic species recorded only in the USA, was found naturally occurring in Catalonia (north‐east Spain) in 1987. The morphology of immature stages, the rate of development in the range 12°C‐34°C, the longevity and fecundity at 24°C and some observations on its searching and host feeding behaviour are presented in this paper. Mean development times from egg laying to adult emergence ranged from 75 days at 12° C to 11 days at 28°C. The Lower Developmental Threshold computed from linear regression equations was 9°C. Females laid an average of 198 eggs (range 89–330) in an average of 34 days (longevity range 19–54 days). The intrinsic rate of increase at 24° C was 0.1717, slightly greater than the rm of T. vaporariorum and smaller than the values reported for E. tricolor and E. formosa, which is not very promising for biological control. However, this may not be a definitive conclusion, because factors other than those considered in our experiments may play an important role infield conditions. 相似文献
毛药山茶 新种 图 1CamelliarenshanxiangiaeC .X .YeetX .Q .Zheng ,sp .nov . (Subgen .MetacamelliaH .T .Chang,Sect.EriandriaCohen Stuart) .Fig .1SpeciesC .crateraeH .T .ChangetC .trigonocarpaeH .T .Changaffinis,sedillafloribusrubris (testenotulacollectoris) ,bracteolissepalisqueutrinq… 相似文献
珍稀濒危植物,中国山茶属(山茶科)一新种——牦牛山山茶 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
描述了山茶科一新种——牦牛山山茶Camellia maoniushanensis J. L. Liu et Q. Luo,并绘制了形态图。本种与西南山茶Camellia pitardii Cohen Stuart 相近似,不同在于叶狭小,狭椭圆形,披针状椭圆形或披针形,长4~9 cm,宽1.1~2.7(-3)cm,叶面全部向上强烈内弯呈半圆形,花瓣在外面中部以下密被白色伏生短毛,外轮花丝长2.2~2.9 cm,在中部或中上部合生,易于区别。 相似文献
报道中国象天牛族3新纪录种:齿带瘤象天牛Coptops ocellifera Breuning,1965,黑带埃象天牛Ereis subfasciata Pic,1925和哈朗瘦象天牛Leptomesosa langana(Pic,1917)。其中埃象天牛属Ereis Pascoe,1865是中国新纪录属。圆尾长臂象天牛Golsinda basicornis Gahan,1894是贵州省新纪录种,皱胸角象天牛Mesocacia rugicollis Gressitt,1940被作为圆尾长臂象天牛的新异名,并指定了圆尾长臂象天牛的正副选模标本。 相似文献