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花曲柳窄吉丁的寄主植物范围、危害和防治对策   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
花曲柳窄吉丁(emerald ash borer, EAB) Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是木犀科(Oleaceae)梣属Fraxinus植物树木的毁灭性蛀干害虫,目前发现其主要危害欧梣亚属Subgen. Fraxinus欧梣组(Section Fraxinus)和象蜡树组(Section Meliodes)的一些树木种类,如美国白蜡Fraxinus americana、洋白蜡F. pennsylvanica var subintegerrima、绒毛白蜡F. velutina、黑白蜡F. nigra和水曲柳F. mandshurica等。与早期文献上的记载不同,很少发现花曲柳窄吉丁对苦枥木亚属Subgen. Ornus白蜡树组(Section Ornaster)的白蜡树F. chinensis Roxb和花曲柳F. rhynchophylla造成危害。不同寄主白蜡树对花曲柳窄吉丁的敏感性不同,洋白蜡、绒毛白蜡等北美白蜡树种受其危害重于亚洲的水曲柳。这可能是由于长期的适应进化,分布在亚洲地区的梣属寄主树木发展了对花曲柳窄吉丁的抗虫性。中国部分地区发生的花曲柳窄吉丁灾害应该归属于引进的北美白蜡树种对本地害虫敏感所致。在天津、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、河北、山东、四川、台湾、内蒙古和新疆等省市和自治区,都曾发现花曲柳窄吉丁的危害或分布。白蜡属树木广泛分布于我国除了青藏地区和海南省之外的大部分地区,其中大面积引种北美白蜡树种的北方和西北地区,以及近年来种植发展水曲柳的东北地区都是花曲柳窄吉丁这种毁灭性蛀干害虫的潜在发生地。花曲柳窄吉丁在我国部分地区为检疫性林业害虫,做好检疫是杜绝其扩散蔓延的首要方法。我国局部地区出现花曲柳窄吉丁灾害说明,北美白蜡树种在我国的适应性还需要进行更进一步科学的全面的风险评估,在我国生态建设中应重视利用我国本地的白蜡树种。在花曲柳窄吉丁灾害的治理中,可采用营造混交林以降低蔓延的速度和发挥自然控制能力,加强肥水管理以增强树木的抗虫能力,清除被害木消灭虫源,以及幼虫期树干注射、成虫期喷洒化学农药等防治措施。  相似文献   

白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂的羽化和产卵与寄主之间的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白蜡窄吉丁是危害白蜡属树木的一种重要蛀干害虫,因其幼虫期高度的隐蔽性生活而极难检测和防治.白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂是新发现外寄生于白蜡窄吉丁幼虫的优势天敌种,对寄主害虫的控制作用较强,具有良好的生物防治利用前景.研究调查了白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂及其寄主白蜡窄吉丁越冬代成虫羽化的时序差异、不同时期林间的寄生率、寄主密度与寄生率的关系以及寄主幼虫大小与茧蜂产卵量的关系.结果表明,越冬后白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂的羽化时间比其寄主害虫白蜡窄吉丁的羽化要晚1个多月.2003年白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂越冬代成虫的羽化从6月中旬持续到8月中旬,羽化高峰期在7月份;寄主白蜡窄吉丁的羽化期在5月中下旬.2004年白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂越冬代成虫的羽化从5月下旬持续到7月下旬,羽化高峰期在6月下旬至7月上旬;寄主羽化期在4月中旬至5月中旬(室内).越冬后天敌的羽化时间刚好适应最早寄主发育到可供寄生的龄期,这是二者长期协同进化的结果,也表明白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂很可能是一种专性寄生蜂.林间白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂对白蜡窄吉丁幼虫的自然寄生率随着时间的推移总体上是逐步上升的.自然条件下茧蜂决定是否产卵与寄主幼虫的大小即龄期有关,它仅在前胸宽和体宽1.5 mm、体长12 mm以上,即3~4龄的寄主幼虫体表产卵,但只要接受寄主并产卵,不同龄期寄主幼虫上的产卵量无显著的差异.  相似文献   

肿腿蜂是防治林木蛀干害虫的重要天敌。为了解肿腿蜂搜索寄主的行为机制,研究了白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂Sclerodermus pupariae Yang et Yao搜索和寄生我国重大林木蛀干害虫——栗山天牛Massicus raddei(Blessig)幼虫过程中的学习行为。结果表明,白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂的记忆效应随着搜索次数的增加而增加。用寄主虫粪和木屑混合物预处理后,白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂搜索到寄主的时间缩短。不同学习经历的白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂对与寄主栗山天牛相关的气味源物质嗅觉测定结果表明,白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂经历栗山天牛幼虫虫粪和蛀屑环境后明显倾向于选择栗山天牛虫粪和木屑混合物,而经历栗山天牛幼虫或辽东栎树皮环境的肿腿蜂对相应的气味选择偏好性不显著。研究结果表明,多寄主型寄生蜂白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂具有较强的联系性学习能力有利于用来防治多种非原始寄主害虫,能够明显提高其对新寄主的寄生作用。  相似文献   

白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂的生物学和生态学特性及繁殖技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用室内测定并结合林间实地调查的方法,研究了新发现的寄生于蛀干害虫白蜡窄吉丁的外寄生蜂——白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂Sclerodermus pupariae Yang et Yao的生物学特性及其人工繁殖技术。结果表明,白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂外寄生于白蜡窄吉丁的幼虫和蛹及预蛹,是自然控制该害虫的一种重要寄生蜂,自然寄生率为13.9%左右。该蜂在天津1年发生5代,世代重叠明显,寿命长。白蜡吉丁肿腿蜂的卵、幼虫、茧蛹期和全世代的发育起点温度分别为(16.89±0.79)℃,(17.03±1.42)℃,(16.90±1.68)℃和(15.31±0.47)℃。有效积温分别为(33.82±4.13)日·度、(49.11±7.93)日·度、(128.88±27.87)日·度和(277.00±14.15)日·度。雌性成蜂易于低温保存,对寄主有较强的搜索力和攻击力。繁蜂寄主容易大量获得,是生物防治白蜡窄吉丁的重要理想天敌之一。  相似文献   

【目的】为了明确白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire幼虫及其天敌在寄主树上的分布规律和相互关系。【方法】对天津和北京两个地区绒毛白蜡Fraxinus velutina和辽宁地区水曲柳F mandshurica上白蜡窄吉丁幼虫及其天敌的种群生态位进行研究。【结果】白蜡窄吉丁幼虫及其天敌的数量均随着寄主树干高度的增加而逐渐减少,但在不同寄主树种上的分布范围不同。绒毛白蜡上的分布范围较广,而在水曲柳主干上的分布高度相对较低。天敌对白蜡窄吉丁幼虫在空间资源的利用上也存在差异。在天津地区,白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂Spathius agrili Yang(膜翅目:茧蜂科)和啄木鸟(■形目:啄木鸟科)的跟随作用最强,且白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂与啄木鸟之间对空间资源的利用存在激烈竞争。在北京地区,啄木鸟的跟随作用最强,病原微生物、扁胫旋小蜂、白蜡吉丁柄腹茧蜂之间对空间和营养资源利用的竞争较激烈。而在辽宁地区,白蜡窄吉丁幼虫和天敌的分布范围较窄,各类天敌在空间上对寄主幼虫的跟随作用不是很明显,但不同天敌种类之间对空间和营养资源的利用也存在竞争。【结论】研究结果为白蜡窄吉丁的综合治理和天敌资源的保护利用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

【目的】为准确识别和鉴定目前国内新上升的4种吉丁甲科蛀干害虫,便于生产上对其开展有效的监测和防治。【方法】将收集到的标本通过比对文献以及与国内外同行讨论、标本检视、生物学危害特征观察等方法进行比较和分析。【结果】对中国新记录的沙蒿尖翅吉丁Sphenoptera sp.和柠条窄吉丁Agrilus sp.鉴定到种,对栎窄吉丁Agrilus cyaneoniger Saunders体色多型现象进行了描述,对弗氏窄吉丁Agrilus fleischeri Obenberger的形态特征进行了再描述,并根据4种吉丁甲科害虫生物学特性和危害特征提出了相应的防治建议。【结论】沙蒿尖翅吉丁学名为Sphenoptera canescens Motschulsky,柠条窄吉丁学名为Agrilus unguiculosus Obenberger;栎窄吉丁体二色型主要分布于中国东北,南方分布的主要为全体黑色型;弗氏窄吉丁的分布范围在不断扩大。对这些具有潜在高风险的蛀干类吉丁甲害虫,加强检疫和营林措施防止其扩散传播是非常必要的,保护天敌有助于抑制其种群数量快速上升,局部暴发时采取化学防治也是必要的应急手段。  相似文献   

[目的]白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是一种危害极隐蔽、具有毁灭性的林木蛀干害虫.北京市延庆区栽植的洋白蜡Fraxinus pennsylvanica,受白蜡窄吉丁危害严重,当地林业保护站积极采取多种防控措施,其中阻隔网作为一种新的防控方法,可有效控制白蜡窄吉丁的危害.本研究调查不同防控管理措施林地内洋白蜡的受害情况,并估算不同管理措施所需的费用,以期评价阻隔网技术的防治效果.[方法]2017-2019年,在北京市延庆区选择使用阻隔网防治白蜡窄吉丁(样地1)、伐除受害严重的白蜡树后更植其它树种(样地2)和仅伐除受害严重的白蜡树(样地3)的样地3块,调查各样地内洋白蜡受害情况,调查指标包括:树冠枝枯梢率、树冠活力等级、羽化孔数量、萌蘖枝条数量和啄木鸟刻痕数.通过Tukey检验对各样地内地面调查指标进行差异性比较,并统计不同防控措施下每年单位面积样地的防治成本.[结果]样地1内白蜡保存率(100%)高于样地2(80%)和样地3(34%),且样地1的白蜡受害情况在树冠枝枯梢率、树冠活力等级、羽化孔数量、萌蘖枝条数量和啄木鸟刻痕数指标上显著低于样地2和样地3.样地1每年单位面积的防治成本为2150元/hm2,低于样地2(5625元/hm2)和样地3(5720元/hm2).[结论]使用阻隔网防治白蜡窄吉丁成效显著,且防治成本低,建议今后可与其它无公害防治技术相结合进行害虫综合治理.  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是近年来发生和影响比较严重的国际性检疫害虫,主要危害白蜡属(Fraxinus sPP.)树木.它以幼虫在树木的韧皮部、形成层和木质部浅层蛀食,从而切断树木的营养输导组织,导致树木衰弱死亡.为了深入了解该害虫,探索合理的治理策略,本文对国内外有关白蜡窄吉丁的生物学特性,包括生活习性、生活史、分布与危害、寄主范围等方面以及防治技术的研究进展进行了系统总结,并讨论了白蜡窄吉丁今后的研究方向和研究趋势.  相似文献   

白蜡窄吉丁虫在中国的研究现状与分布调查   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
2002年在美国密执安州发现了一重大外来入侵害虫,白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire, 由于该虫新近在美国发现,危害白蜡树,故英文名称为Emerald Ash Borer (EAB)。初步分析显示,该虫至少在5年前就已传入美国,只是现在刚爆发被发现。目前该虫在美国密执安州和加拿大安大略省可致死各种大小的白蜡树。该虫在我国曾被定名为花曲柳窄吉丁Agrilus marcopoli Obenberger,为鞘翅目吉丁科。据资料报道分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、山东、内蒙古和台湾等地;在国外分布于朝鲜,日本,蒙古,俄罗斯远东地区。危害木樨科属树木。两年一代或一年一代,因地而已。在东北三省主要危害水曲柳和花曲柳等树木,但不是主要害虫。天津市1993年在引种白蜡树上发现了白蜡窄吉丁,1998年严重爆发造成大面积白蜡树死亡。在亚洲的其他分布区,该虫还危害另外一些阔叶树,如多种蜡树、榆树等。鉴于该虫的广泛分布和寄主树种多及毁灭性危害的特点,美国一些专家认为其潜在危害不亚于1996年在美国发现的光肩星天牛。因此,美国已全面开展对该虫的研究,包括资料收集,风险性评估,研究各种控制措施等。 本文是中美对此虫合作研究的一部分,旨在对该虫在我国的分布、 危害、 研究基础作一调查与回顾, 为下一步深入研究提供信息与参考资料。白蜡窄吉丁入侵北美再一次显示随着贸易的全球化发展, 外来入侵种问题也越来越严重。国际合作共同开展研究是控制入侵种的重要举措之一。  相似文献   

中国白蜡窄吉丁研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白蜡窄吉丁Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire是近年来发生和影响比较严重的国际性检疫害虫,主要危害白蜡属(Fraxinus spp.)树木。它以幼虫在树木的韧皮部、形成层和木质部浅层蛀食,从而切断树木的营养输导组织,导致树木衰弱死亡。为了深入了解该害虫,探索合理的治理策略,本文对国内外有关白蜡窄吉丁的生物学特性,包括生活习性、生活史、分布与危害、寄主范围等方面以及防治技术的研究进展进行了系统总结,并讨论了白蜡窄吉丁今后的研究方向和研究趋势。  相似文献   

Preparations, XPS and electronic spectroscopy, and magnetism of seven new one-dimensional cyano-bridged coordination polymers, chiral [Cu(RR-chxn)2][Pd(CN)4] · 2H2O (1), [Cu(trans-chxn)2][M(CN)4] · 2H2O (2, 4, and 6 for M = Pd, Ni, and Pt), and [Cu(cis-chxn)2][M(CN)4] · 2H2O (3, 5, and 7 for M = Pd, Ni, and Pt) (RR-chxn = cyclohexane-(1R,2R)-diamine, trans-chxn = racemic trans-cyclohexane-(1,2)-diamine, and cis-chxn = racemic cis-cyclohexane-(1,2)-diamine) have been reported in view of tuning of their electronic properties by stereochemistry of chxn ligands and metal-substitution. Comparison of Cu 2p1/2 and 2p3/2 peaks of XPS and broad d-d bands around 18 000 cm−1 of electronic spectra are described systematically for 1-7. Variable-temperature magnetic measurement shows that complexes 1-7 indicate weak antiferromagnetic interactions via cyano-bridges. Because of semi-coordination coupled with pseudo Jahn-Teller elongation and electrostatic interaction for 1, the axial Cu-N coordination bond distances of 2.330(7) and 3.092(8) Å are considerably longer than those of equatorial ones in the range from 2.016(6) to 2.030(6) Å. The former bond distances of 1 are intermediate values among the related Ni (2.324(6) and 3.120(8) Å) and Pt (2.34(1) and 3.09(1) Å) complexes.  相似文献   

The aim of the study has been to determine and compare the influence upon the kidney antioxidative system, exercised by administration of vitamin E, and vitamin E in combination with methionine, under conditions of oxidative stress induced by sodium fluoride. The experiment was carried out on Wistar FL rats (adult males) that, for 35 days, were administered water, NaF, NaF with vitamin E, or vitamin E with methionine (doses: 10 mg NaF/kg of body mass/24 h, 3 mg vitamin E per 10 μl per rat for 24 h, 2 mg methionine per rat for 24 h). The influence of administered sodium fluoride and antioxidants upon the antioxidative system in kidney was examined by analyzing the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA) and the activity of the most important antioxidative enzymes (SOD, total and both its isoenzymes, GPX, GST, GR, and CAT). The studies carried out confirmed the disadvantageous effect of the administered dose of NaF upon the antixodiative system in rats (increase in the concentration MDA, decrease activity of all antioxidative enzymes). The administration of vitamin E increased the activity of studied enzymes with the exception of glutathione reductase GR; it also reduced the procesess of lipid peroxidation. It has been found that combined doses of vitamin E and methionine were most effective in inhibiting lipid peroxidation processes. The results confirmed the antioxidative properties of methionine.  相似文献   

多马胺能药物对鲇鱼促性腺激素(GtH)分泌活动的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以珠江流域鲇鱼(silurus asotus)为实验材料,研究了多巴胺(DA)能药物(DA及其D-2型受体拮抗物 ,DOM)对鲇鱼促性腺激素(GtH)释放的影响,结果表明,在性腺发育的各个时期,单独注射DOM(5ug/g)均不能显著提高鲇鱼血液基础GtH水平,当DOM与LHRH-A联合注射时能显著增强LHRH-A刺激GtH释放的作用;DA只能抑制GnRH诱导的GtH释放,对基础GtH释放无抑制作用,这种生殖内分泌调节方式与鲇形目的革胡子鲇(Clarias gariepinus)和大鳍Hu(Mystus macropterus)相似,而与鲤形目的鲁科(Cyrpindiae)鱼类不同。  相似文献   

Auxin-mediated elongation growth of isolated subapical coleoptile segments of maize (Zea mays L.) is controlled by the extensibility of the outer cell wall of the outer epidermis (Kutschera et al., 1987). Here we investigate the hypothesis that auxin controls the extensibility of this wall by changing the orientation of newly deposited microfibrils through a corresponding change in the orientation of cortical microtubules. On the basis of electron micrographs it is shown that cessation of growth after removal of the endogenous source of auxin is correlated with a relative increase of longitudinally orientated microfibrils and microtubules at the inner wall surface. Conversely, reinduction of growth by exogenous auxin is correlated with a relative increase of transversely orientated microfibrils and microtubules at the inner wall surface. These changes can be detected 30–60 min after the removal and addition of auxin, respectively. The functional significance of directional changes of newly desposited wall microfibrils for the control of elongation growth is discussed.  相似文献   

Though the advancement of chemotherapy drugs alleviates the progress of cancer, long-term therapy with anticancer agents gradually leads to acquired multidrug resistance (MDR), which limits the survival outcomes in patients. It was shown that dihydromyricetin (DMY) could partly reverse MDR by suppressing P-glycoprotein (P-gp) and soluble resistance-related calcium-binding protein (SORCIN) independently. To reverse MDR more effectively, a new strategy was raised, that is, circumventing MDR by the coadministration of DMY and ondansetron (OND), a common antiemetic drug, during cancer chemotherapy. Meanwhile, the interior relation between P-gp and SORCIN was also revealed. The combination of DMY and OND strongly enhanced antiproliferative efficiency of adriamycin (ADR) because of the increasing accumulation of ADR in K562/ADR-resistant cell line. DMY could downregulate the expression of SORCIN and P-gp via the ERK/Akt pathways, whereas OND could not. In addition, it was proved that SORCIN suppressed ERK and Akt to inhibit P-gp by the silence of SORCIN, however, not vice versa. Finally, the combination of DMY, OND, and ADR led to G2/M cell cycle arrest and apoptosis via resuming P53 function and restraining relevant proteins expression. These fundamental findings provided a promising approach for further treatment of MDR.  相似文献   

Tang SN  Huang JF 《FEBS letters》2005,579(6):1441-1445
There are two oligomeric types of glycyl-tRNA synthetases (GlyRSs) in genome, the alpha2beta2 tetramer and alpha2 dimer. Here, we showed that the anticodon-binding domains (ABDs) of dimeric and tetrameric GlyRSs are non-homologous, although their catalytic central domains (CCDs) are homologous. The dimeric GlyRS_ABD is fused to the C-terminal of CCD in alpha-subunit, but the tetrameric GlyRS_ABD is to the C-terminal in beta-subunit during evolution. Generally, one species only contains one oligomeric type of GlyRS, but the both oligomeric GlyRSs with the multiple homologous domains can be observed in Magnetospirillum magnetotacticum genome, nevertheless, these homologous domains are probably from different genomes.  相似文献   

Structure and function of S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
In mammals, S-adenosylhomocysteine hydrolase (AdoHcyase) is the only known enzyme to catalyze the breakdown of S-adenosylhomocysteine (AdoHcy) to homocysteine and adenosine. AdoHcy is the product of all adenosylmethionine (AdoMet)-dependent biological transmethylations. These reactions have a wide range of products, and are common in all facets of biometabolism. As a product inhibitor, elevated levels of AdoHcy suppress AdoMet-dependent transmethylations. Thus, AdoHcyase is a regulator of biological transmethylation in general. The three-dimensional structure of AdoHcyase complexed with reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate (NADH) and the inhibitor (1′R, 2′S, 3′R)-9-(2′,3′-dihyroxycyclopenten-1-yl)adenine (DHCeA) was solved by a combination of the crystallographic direct methods program, SnB, to determine the selenium atom substructure and by treating the multiwavelength anomalous diffraction data as a special case of multiple isomorphous replacement. The enzyme architecture resembles that observed for NAD-dependent dehydrogenases, with the catalytic domain and the cofactor binding domain each containing a modified Rossmann fold. The two domains form a deep active site cleft containing the cofactor and bound inhibitor molecule. A comparison of the inhibitor complex of the human enzyme and the structure of the rat enzyme, solved without inhibitor, suggests that a 17° rigid body movement of the catalytic domain occurs upon inhibitor/substrate binding.  相似文献   

It was earlier hypothesized that the malarial parasite may convert precursors of folate analogues to synthesize de novo inhibitors toxic to itself, but not to the mammalian cell. It was suggested that one such analogue, 2,4-diamino-6-hydroxymethylpteridine (DAP) may be converted to aminopterin (AMP), a known dihydrofolate reductase inhibitor. In the present study, we evaluated the ability of DAP to inhibit proliferation of Plasmodium berghei NK65 in mice, with(out) folinic acid rescue. Cumulative dosages of DAP ranging from 0.1 to 20 mg/kg bw. administered either orally or intraperitoneally showed no suppression of parasite growth, or gave mild activities that were not statistically significant (P > 0.05). Our findings do not seem to support the hypothesis of selective de novo metabolism of DAP to AMP by the malarial parasite.  相似文献   

The mitogenic responses of separated rabbit lymphocyte populations functionally analogous to mouse T and B cells have been tested in vitro. Purified T cells were prepared by passage over nylon wool (NW) and purified B cells prepared by treatment with antithymocyte serum and complement (ATS + C). ATS + C kills 70% of peripheral blood lymphocytes (PBL's) and 50% of the spleen cells while passage over NW yields 40% of the applied PBL's and 5–23% of the applied spleen cells. NW-purified T cells from the spleen or PBL's respond fully to concanavalin A (Con A) but have a reduced response to phytohemaglutinin (PHA) and little or no response to goat anti-rabbit immunoglobulin (anti-Ig). PBL's that survive ATS + C (B cells) are stimulated by anti-Ig but not by Con A or PHA. B cells purified from spleen do not respond to Con A or PHA but will respond to anti-Ig under appropriate conditions. A full spleen B-cell response to anti-Ig required removal of Ig produced by the cultures that blocked anti-Ig stimulation. It is concluded that, for rabbit lymphocytes, Con A and PHA are primarily T-cell mitogens and that anti-Ig is primarily a B-cell mitogen. However, the mitogen response of unfractionated PBL or spleen cell populations indicates an overlap in reactivity. This could be due to cells sharing T and B properties, alteration of cell populations by the fractionation procedures used, or recruitment of one population in the presence of a mitogenic response of the other population.  相似文献   

围隔藻类水华演替过程中二甲基硫化物的含量动态   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李猛  袁东星  汤坤贤 《生态学报》2007,27(12):5308-5317
于2005年6月至7月,研究了海洋围隔不同藻类水华演替过程中二甲基硫化物的含量动态,并考察了相关环境参数对二甲基硫化物含量的影响。2个围隔实验组均出现未知藻水华-硅藻水华-甲藻水华的演替过程,这3次不同藻类水华分别对应了二甲基硫化物含量的3次高峰,表明藻类水华对二甲基硫化物含量有重要贡献。不同藻类水华的贡献有较大差异,甲藻水华的贡献最大,硅藻次之,未知藻类水华的贡献最小。实验结果还表明PO4^3-、NO2^-和NH4^+主要通过影响藻类生长状态,进而影响DMSP和DMSO的含量;NO2^-和NH4^+亦可能通过调节DMSP和DMSO在藻细胞内的生理功能,影响DMSP和DMSO的含量;PO4^3-、NO2^-和NH4^+与DMS含量无显著相关。  相似文献   

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