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The Metabolic Theory of Ecology predicts that the slope of the rate–temperature relationship, E, remains consistent across traits and organisms, acting as a major determinant of large‐scale ecological patterns. Although E has recently been shown to vary systematically, we have a poor understanding of its ecological significance. To address this question, we conducted a common‐garden experiment involving six damselfly species differing in distribution, estimating E at the level of full‐sib families. Each species was sampled throughout its latitudinal range, allowing us to characterise variation in E along a latitudinal gradient spanning 3600 km. We show that E differs among populations and increases with latitude. E was right‐skewness across species, but this was largely an artefact of the latitudinal trend. Increased seasonality towards higher latitude may contribute to the latitudinal trend in E. We conclude that E should be seen as a trait involved in local adaptation.  相似文献   

The effect of minimum, maximum and mean ambient air temperatures and the temperature-humidity index (THI) of the same and the previous day on morning (a.m.) and afternoon (p.m.) rectal temperatures (RT), respiration rates (RR) and pulse rates (PR) were studied in 17 Holstein-Friesian cows over the first 125 days in the 3rd and 4th lactations. Physiological responses showed a diurnal pattern, being lower in the mornings than the afternoons: 38.6 vs 39.0° C for RT, 52.2 vs 60.7 breaths/min for RR and 58.1 vs 64.1 beats/min for PR. Correlations between RT and RR (r = – 0.043 to –0.046) and RT and PR (r = –0.178 to –0.261) were low (P> 0.05). Correlations between RR and PR (r = 0.353 to 0.365) were moderate (P<0.05). Weather variables, especially ambient temperature of the previous day, were more important and influenced physiological responses to a greater extent than other thermal factors the same day. Generally, physiological responses were influenced to a greater extent by ambient temperature than THI. Weather variables explained variations in RT (5.1–59.6%), in RR (13.0–17.8%) and in PR (22.1–25.4%). Relationships between weather variables the previous day and physiological responses were contradictory, with minimum and maximum values showing a negative relationship in contrast with a positive relationship for mean values.  相似文献   

The pulse rates of natural atmospherics, recorded at the frequencies of 10 and 27 kHz respectively, were correlated with the measured diffusion times (TD) of ions in gelatin films. It was found that the difference S of the atmospherics pulse rates at 10 and 27 kHz correlates well with the variations of the TD-values. The correlation coefficient is 0.75 (S/TD) in each case. It is evident that the natural electromagnetic radiation is able to change the chemical structure of the gelatin resulting in the observed variations of diffusion times of ions.  相似文献   

不同种群中海南粗榧(Cephalotaxus mannii)形态变异研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
向志强  付永川  刘玉成  杜道林   《广西植物》1999,19(2):131-135
通过变异系数和性状差异显著性检验,研究了海南粗榧在坝王岭等5个种群内和种群间不同形态变异以及形态总体变异。结果表明:①海南粗榧营养器官性状比生殖器官性状变异大;枝性状组中,分枝角度变异较小;叶性状组中,叶数量变异较大;球果、种子生物量变异都大于它们的其它性状。②在5个种群内,同一性状变异幅度基本相同。③同一性状在种群间和种群内的变异基本接近。④不同性状在种群间存在差异,有的显著,有的不显著,但种群间形态总体差异都不显著  相似文献   

A.M. Kuznetsov  J. Ulstrup 《BBA》1981,636(1):50-57
We have investigated rate data for the temperature and free energy dependence of the primary electron-transfer processes in bacterial photosynthesis. Rather than representing the whole electronic-nuclear coupling by a frequently applied discrete single-mode model, we have incorporated a continuum of modes characterized by a certain distribution function. In this way, we can illuminate the role of both a broad distribution of low-frequency modes representing the medium and a narrow distribution representing local nuclear modes. Furthermore, it emerges from the calculations that both sets are important in the overall scheme of primary photosynthetic electron-transfer processes. By means of this model and quantum-mechanical rate theory, we can reproduce a number of important features of the primary photosynthetic processes concerning in particular the temperature (tunnelling or thermally activated nuclear motion) and free energy dependence (‘normal’, ‘activationless’, or ‘inverted’ regions) of the rate constants and estimate such parameters as nuclear-reorganization energy, electron-exchange integrals and electron-transfer distances. We have finally considered some of the important factors which determine the potential drop across the membrane and estimated the extent to which variations in the potential drop affect the rate constants of the electron-transfer processes.  相似文献   

Parallel profiling of mRNA and protein on a global scale and integrative analysis of these two data types could provide additional insights into the metabolic mechanisms underlying complex biological systems. However, because mRNA and protein abundance are affected by many cellular and physical processes, there have been conflicting results on their correlation. Using whole-genome microarray and LC-MS/MS proteomic data collected from Desulfovibrio vulgaris grown under three different conditions, we systematically investigate the relationship between mRNA and protein abundance by a multiple regression approach, in which some of the key covariates that may affect mRNA-protein relationship were included. The results showed that mRNA abundance alone can explain only 20-28% of the total variation of protein abundance, suggesting mRNA-protein correlation can not be determined by mRNA abundance alone. Among various covariates, analytic variation of protein abundance is the major source for the variation of mRNA-protein correlation, which contributes to 34-44% of the total variation of mRNA-protein correlation. The cellular functional category of genes/proteins contributes 10-15% of the total variation of mRNA-protein correlation, with a more pronounced correlation of the two properties was observed for "central intermediary metabolism" and "energy metabolism" categories. In addition, protein stability also contributes 5% of the total variation of mRNA-protein correlation. The study presents the first quantitative analysis of the contributions of various biochemical and physical sources to the correlation of mRNA and protein abundance in D. vulgaris.  相似文献   

In life-testing situations under bivariate normality of (X, U), a few smallest or a few largest Y-observations may not be available. Tests for μ = 0 (mean vector) and o = 0 (correlation coefficient) are developed from the available Y-observations and their concomitant X-observations. The robustness of these tests to departures from normality is investigated.  相似文献   

The sequential probability ratio test (SPRT) for the correlation coefficient is examined in the normal and non-normal situations. In the latter case, we evaluate the robustness of the normal procedure when sampling from the mixtures of normal distributions. Two models are introduced for this type of nonnormality. It is shown that in the case of moderate nonnormality, the normal procedure is robust while for extreme nonnormality, the normal procedure is not recommended.  相似文献   

封闭群五指山小型猪主要脏器重量与体重的相关性分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的测定封闭群五指山小型猪主要脏器重量和脏器系数,对脏器重量与体重的相关性进行分析,并计算出相应的直线回归方程和多元回归方程。方法实验选用6-10月龄普通级封闭群五指山小型猪30头(其中♂16头、♀14头),分别测定体重和7个主要脏器重量,计算脏器系数,通过SAS软件进行脏器系数的性别间比较和各脏器重与体重间的相关与回归分析。结果性别间比较,小型猪仅有心脏的脏器系数差异有显著性(P〈0.05)。除公猪的胃脏和母猪的肺脏外,所测脏器重量与体重间均有明显的正相关线性关系;多因素分析显示公猪的肝脏和肾脏,母猪的心脏、肝脏和肾脏对各自体重有影响。结论封闭群五指山小型猪主要脏器系数性别间差异较小,其体重与某些脏器重量存在一定的线性关系。  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of pulse repetition rate (PRR), pulse intensity, and bicuculline on the minimum threshold (MT) and latency of inferior collicular neurons of the big brown bat, Eptesicusfuscus, under free-field stimulation conditions. It tests the hypothesis that changes in MT and latency of collicular neurons are co-dependent on PRR. The number of impulses in inferior collicular neurons (n = 245) increased either monotonically (25%) or non-monotonically (75%) with pulse intensity. Latencies either decreased to a plateau (72%), fluctuated unpredictably within 3 ms (21%) or changed very little (7%) with increasing pulse intensity. Latencies and MTs of most collicular neurons increased by 1.5–24 ms (mean ± SD = 4.8 ± 3.3 ms) and 4–75 dB (mean ± SD = 22.1 ± 16.2 dB) with increasing PRR. In most neurons (94%), the latency increase was completely (42%) or partially (52%) eliminated when pulse intensity was compensated for the MT increase with PRR. Complete elimination of latency was achieved by bicuculline application. In a few neurons (6%), the latency increase with PRR was not affected by compensated pulse intensity or bicuculline application. Accepted: 8 October 1997  相似文献   

对从全国收集的75份山茱萸种质资源,从叶长、叶宽、果实横径、果实纵径、鲜果百粒重、种子千粒重、种子含水量、枣皮灰分、枣皮水分、水溶性浸出物和马钱素含量等表型性状,分析其变异系数和各性状间的相关性.分析结果显示,75份山茱萸种质资源在叶长、叶宽、鲜果百粒重、种子千粒重、枣皮灰分和马钱素含量等性状上的变异系数均高于10%,说明这些性状变化范围较大,个体间性状不稳定,易受环境因素的影响;而果实横径、果实纵径、种子含水量、枣皮水分和水溶性浸出物的变异系数均低于10%,说明这些性状变异较小,表型性状比较稳定.相关性分析结果显示,各性状间都存在一定的相关性,其中果实纵径和果实横径与鲜果百粒重呈显著正相关(0.396和0.312,P <0.01),说明果实纵横径是影响果实重量的关键因素;水溶性浸出物大小与果实横径(0.481,P<0.01)、果实纵径(0.280,P<0.05)、马钱素含量(0.372,P<0.01)呈现显著性正相关,表明水溶性浸出物含量的高低与山茱芰有效成分马钱素含量和果实大小及形状密切正相关,这将为种质的筛选、评价和新品种选育提供依据.  相似文献   

Seasonal and experimental conditions induce morphological and cytochemical variations in the outer mantle epithelium (OME) of the freshwater bivalve Anodonta cygnea, probably influencing the shell calcification mechanism. In this study, OME samples were taken from untreated animals in autumn, winter, spring and summer as well as from animals exposed to divalent metals (cadmium, chromium, lead, copper and zinc) and pesticides (setoxidim and dimethoate) and observed by light microscopy. The present results showed that OME cells have larger cell volumes and increased amounts of secreted macromolecules during spring and summer than in autumn and winter. This correlates with higher shell calcification rates in spring and summer and lower shell calcification rates in autumn and winter. The experiments showed that incubation with pollutants for 8 months dramatically reduced the cellular volume so that the density of cytoplasmic material appeared higher that in the control samples. The pronounced changes in OME cells suggest a significant decrease in secretory activity following exposure to toxic agents and this has implications for the shell calcification process.  相似文献   

研究寡核苷酸芯片的重复性与间隔臂(spacer)和探针长度之间的相关性。设计12条不同长度的带有不同spacer的探针,与749bp荧光标记靶序列杂交。扫描分析三次杂交结果,用Quantrray定量分析软件进行分析,随探针长度的延长,杂交信号的变异系数逐步降低,15mer的探针杂交的信号较弱,杂交不够稳定,重复性也相对较差,20mer、25mer、30mer的探针的变异系数逐渐降低。spacer为15时变异系数最小。说明选择spacer为poly(dT)15的25mer和30mer的探针可以获得较好的重复性。  相似文献   

崔慎坤  常亚青  宋坚  程龙 《生态学杂志》2013,32(7):1819-1824
将6个刺参幼参全同胞家系置于E1(高密度,自然光周期)、E2(低密度,全黑暗)和E3(低密度,自然光周期)3种不同环境下养殖60 d,通过建立模型分析环境、基因型及环境与基因型互作对刺参幼参成活率、生长性状的特定生长率和变异系数的影响.结果表明:环境、基因型及其互作对刺参幼参成活率无显著性影响(P>0.05);环境对刺参幼参体长和体重的特定生长率有极显著性影响(P<0.01),对其变异系数无显著性影响;基因型对刺参幼参体长和体重的特定生长率、体长变异系数有极显著性影响,对刺参幼参体重变异系数有显著性影响(P<0.05);基因型与环境互作对刺参幼参体长和体重的特定生长率、变异系数均无显著性影响,因此实验室育种过程中可忽略家系与环境(光周期和密度)互作的影响;E3环境下有利于刺参幼参的生长,其体长和体重的平均特定生长率可达0.03%和1.58%.本研究为刺参家系育种和建立刺参健康养殖模式提供理论依据.  相似文献   

目的:探讨踝肱指数(ABI)与糖尿病周围神经病变及中医证候积分的相关性。方法:选取我院内分泌科收治辩证以气阴两虚 为证型的糖尿病患者66 例,根据踝肱指数实验将患者分为ABI降低组(0.9>ABI>0.5)和ABI 正常组(1.4>ABI>0.9)。记录患者神 经病变症状尼龙丝检查以及中医症候评分,分析ABI与糖尿病周围神经病变及中医证候积分的相关性。结果:ABI降低组的糖尿 病周围神经病变的患病率高于ABI正常组(P<0.05)。ABI 降低组发麻、针刺感症状的发生率高于ABI 正常组,且有统计学差异 (P<0.05)。ABI降低组10 g尼龙丝检查异常者多于ABI正常组,差异显著(P<0.05)。ABI降低组的感觉振动阈值高于ABI正常组 (P<0.05)。ABI数值与中医证候积分呈负向直线相关(P<0.05)。结论:糖尿病患者ABI数值与糖尿病周围神经病变和中医证候积 分具有相关性。  相似文献   

活动时间分配是指动物根据环境和自身需求从事各种基本行为和活动的过程,受季节性变化的食物和温度等生态因素的影响。2013年3月至2014年2月,在太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区天坛山管护区,采用目标动物取样法,观察并记录了一个野生太行山猕猴群(WW-1群)内成年雌性个体的活动特征及其季节性变化,旨在了解成年雌性猕猴的日活动时间分配及其影响因素。结果表明:(1)成年雌性猕猴的活动时间分配表现出明显的季节性变化。春季,雌性猕猴花费52.9%时间于休息、19.5%时间于取食、11.8%时间于移动;夏季,用于休息、取食、移动的时间比例分别为53.4%、18.0%和11.3%;秋季,猕猴花费35.9%时间于取食、30.0%时间于休息,15.9%时间于移动;冬季,用于取食、休息和移动的时间比例分别为35.4%、39.7%和8.0%;(2)春季,成年雌性太行山猕猴主要取食种子(35.4%)和树叶(34.3%);夏季,树叶(73.5%)主导其每日食物组成;秋季,主要取食种子(98.1%);冬季,树皮(82.1%)则成为猕猴的主要食物;(3)当每日食物组成以草和树叶为主时,猕猴用于取食的时间增加,移动时间减少;当每日食物组成以种子为主时,则取食时间减少,移动时间增加;(4)随着气温降低,猕猴取食时间增加,而移动时间减少。总之,成年雌性太行山猕猴的日活动时间分配主要受季节性变化的食物资源和气温的影响,它们可通过日活动时间的调整以适应食物和环境温度的季节性变化。  相似文献   

GIS支持下青海湖地区草地蝗虫发生与月均温的相关性   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
为有效地进行草地蝗虫发生的预测预报,必须摸清其生长和繁殖与地理环境特征的关系,在青海湖地区,气温是影响草地蝗虫发生的主要因素,在Arc/Info和ArcView地理信息系统的支持下,选择了环湖地区邻近的16个气象站点,采用综合方法,在小尺度上模拟该区所需月份的月均温,建立了空间分布式气温信息数据库,然后,把野外调查的蝗虫密度在空间数据与相对应的月均温空间数据进行叠加,计算并分析月均温与草地蝗虫发生的关系。结果表明,月均温对草地蝗虫发生的影响是和该区蝗虫优势种的生命史密切相关的,即5、6月(孵化期)和7月(蝗蝻期)的月均温影响当年草地蝗虫发生;8、9月(交尾、产卵期)的月均温则影响次年草地蝗虫的发生,为该区草地蝗虫发生预报模型的建立提供依据。  相似文献   

实验室观测表明,3种歪水蚤的卵皆覆以半透明外鞘,仅特氏歪水蚤生产一定数量的不孵的无鞘卵。特氏歪水蚤夏卵与滞育卵的外鞘形态不同,前者较窄(≤15μm)且折皱均匀,后者多宽而折皱不均匀,随其外鞘加宽,活力明显提高。在钳形歪水蚤,两种卵的形态无明显差异;而右突歪水蚤尚未发现能够生产滞育卵。歪水蚤卵型的复杂多变,可能与其能够生产两种不同生理型卵的遗传特性正相适应。在短至12小时和6天的驯养期内,右突歪水蚤所产卵的卵径和鞘宽均分别与温度呈显著负相关及正相关,并随季节而异;这进一步表明动物对本海区温度季节性变化的适应。  相似文献   

Seasonal and experimental conditions induce morphological and cytochemical variations in the outer mantle epithelium (OME) of the freshwater bivalve Anodonta cygnea, probably influencing the shell calcification mechanism. In this study, OME samples were taken from untreated animals in autumn, winter, spring and summer as well as from animals exposed to divalent metals (cadmium, chromium, lead, copper and zinc) and pesticides (setoxidim and dimethoate) and observed by light microscopy. The present results showed that OME cells have larger cell volumes and increased amounts of secreted macromolecules during spring and summer than in autumn and winter. This correlates with higher shell calcification rates in spring and summer and lower shell calcification rates in autumn and winter. The experiments showed that incubation with pollutants for 8 months dramatically reduced the cellular volume so that the density of cytoplasmic material appeared higher that in the control samples. The pronounced changes in OME cells suggest a significant decrease in secretory activity following exposure to toxic agents and this has implications for the shell calcification process.  相似文献   

西瓜种质资源主要植物学性状的遗传多样性及相关性分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以我国西瓜、甜瓜种质资源中期库内1200份西瓜种质为材料,对果实重量、果肉颜色、中心糖、种子千粒重等12项主要植物学性状进行遗传多样性和相关性分析。多样性分析结果表明:我国西瓜资源12项植物学性状多样性指数平均值为1.70,种子千粒重多样性指数最大为2.37,果实形状多样性指数最小为1.02,其中果皮底色、果皮覆纹颜色、果肉颜色、果实重量、果实中心糖、种子千粒重性状数据分布较为分散。数量性状变异系数平均值为31.8,变异幅度均比其平均值大1~3倍。相关性分析结果表明:果实形状和果形指数、果肉颜色和果实中心糖、果肉颜色和种子千粒重、果皮厚度和硬度4对性状相关性极显著。种子千粒重和果实中心糖、果实重量和果皮厚度、果实重量和果皮硬度、覆纹颜色和形状4对性状相关性显著。  相似文献   

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