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A substantial fraction of the eukaryotic genome consists of repetitive DNA sequences that include satellites, minisatellites, microsatellites, and transposable elements. Although extensively studied for the past three decades, the molecular forces that generate, propagate and maintain repetitive DNAs in the genomes are still discussed. To further understand the dynamics and the mechanisms of evolution of repetitive DNAs in vertebrate genome, we searched for repetitive sequences in the genome of the fish species Hoplias malabaricus. A satellite sequence, named 5SHindIII-DNA, which has a conspicuous similarity with 5S rRNA genes and spacers was identified. FISH experiments showed that the 5S rRNA bona fide gene repeats were clustered in the interstitial position of two chromosome pairs of H. malabaricus, while the satellite 5SHindIII-DNA sequences were clustered in the centromeric position in nine chromosome pairs of the species. The presence of the 5SHindIII-DNA sequences in the centromeres of several chromosomes indicates that this satellite family probably escaped from the selective pressure that maintains the structure and organization of the 5S rDNA repeats and become disperse into the genome. Although it is not feasible to explain how this sequence has been maintained in the centromeric regions, it is possible to hypothesize that it may be involved in some structural or functional role of the centromere organization.  相似文献   

Chromosomal localization of 5S rDNA and 5SHindIII repetitive sequences was carried out in several representatives of the Erythrinidae family, namely in karyomorphs A, D, and F of Hoplias malabaricus, and in H. lacerdae, Hoplerythrinusunitaeniatus and Erythrinus erythrinus. The 5S rDNA mapped interstitially in two chromosome pairs in karyomorph A and in one chromosome pair in karyomorphs D and F and in H. lacerdae. The 5SHindIII repetitive DNA mapped to the centromeric region of several chromosomes (18 to 22 chromosomes) with variations related to the different karyomorphs of H. malabaricus. On the other hand, no signal was detected in the chromosomes of H. lacerdae, H. unitaeniatus and E. erythrinus, suggesting that the 5SHindIII-DNA sequences have originated or were lost after the divergence of H. malabaricus from the other erythrinid species. The chromosome distribution of 5S rDNA and 5SHindIII-DNA sequences contributes to a better understanding of the mechanisms of karyotype differentiation among the Erythrinidae members.  相似文献   

Three species of cichlids belonging to the genus Symphysodon have demonstrated interspecific and intraspecific variation in nucleolus organizer regions (NOR) detected with silver nitrate. In order to understand the evolution of this marker in the genus, the structural variability of these sequences in mitotic chromosomes from Symphysodon aequifasciatus, Symphysodon discus and Symphysodon haraldi was investigated using both silver nitrate impregnation and hybridization of the 18S rRNA gene probe. For the three species, the two markers were intraspecifically and interspecifically variable both in the number and in the size of the sites. This polymorphism may stem from duplications and translocations, which suggests that structural chromosome rearrangements effectively act in the karyoevolution of wild Symphysodon species and may have favoured the adaptability of these fishes to diverse aquatic environments in the Amazon.  相似文献   

In this study, genetic differentiation between karyomorphs A (2n = 42) and D (2n = 39/40) of the wolf fish Hoplias malabaricus, which is comprised of several cryptic species that present a wide variety of diploid chromosome numbers and sex chromosome systems, resulting in the identification of seven distinct karyomorphs (A–G), was investigated using a combination of molecular and cytogenetic tools. Deep sequence divergences for both karyomorphs were observed and indicate a long period of reproductive isolation between karyomorphs A and D. Additionally, one individual with 61 chromosomes was identified, which, as far as is known, is the first case of natural triploidy resulting from the hybridization between these highly differentiated karyomorphs of H. malabaricus. Molecular and cytogenetic analyses revealed that this allotriploid specimen carries two sets of maternal chromosomes from karyomorph D (2n = 40) and one set of chromosomes from karyomorph A (n = 21). Moreover, ribosomal sites and active nucleolus organizer regions from both parental contributors were found in the triploid hybrid. Considering the significant genetic distances between karyomorphs A and D, one of the primary reasons for the lack of recurrent reports of hybridization in the H. malabaricus species complex may be due to post‐zygotic barriers, such as hybrid sterility or unviability.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the Braconidae were examined using homologous 16S rDNA, 28S rDNA D2 region, and 18S rDNA gene sequences and morphological data using both PAUP* 4.0 and MRBAYES 3.0B4 from 88 in-group taxa representing 35 subfamilies. The monophyletic nature of almost all subfamilies, of which multiple representatives are present in this study, is well-supported except for two subfamilies, Cenocoelinae and Neoneurinae that should probably be treated as tribal rank taxa in the subfamily Euphorinae. The topology of the trees generated in the present study supported the existence of three large generally accepted lineage or groupings of subfamilies: two main entirely endoparasitic lineages of this family, referred to as the "helconoid complex" and the "microgastroid complex," and the third "the cyclostome." The Aphidiinae was recovered as a member of the non-cyclostomes, probably a sister group of Euphorinae or Euphorinae-complex. The basal position of the microgastroid complex among the non-cyclostomes has been found in all our analyses. The cyclostomes were resolved as a monophyletic group in all analyses if two putatively misplaced groups (Mesostoa and Aspilodemon) were excluded from them. Certain well-supported relationships evident in this family from the previous analyses were recovered, such as a sister-group relationships of Alysiinae+Opiinae, of Braconinae+Doryctinae, and a close relationship between Macrocentrinae, Xiphozelinae, Homolobinae, and Charmontinae. The relationships of "Ichneutinae + ((Adeliinae + Cheloninae) + (Miracinae + (Cardiochilinae + Microgastrinae)))" was confirmed within the microgastroid complex. The position of Acampsohelconinae, Blacinae, and Trachypetinae is problematic.  相似文献   

L F Levinger  G S Nass 《FEBS letters》1986,209(2):340-346
We have detected unique nucleoprotein particles specific for the 18-28 S rDNA nontranscribed spacer of Drosophila melanogaster. The particles migrate between di- and trinucleosomes on nucleoprotein gels, and are between mono- and dinucleosomal in DNA length. These migration properties suggest that the nontranscribed spacer particles could have a protein component larger than a histone core. The variant nucleoprotein structures map primarily within the nontranscribed spacer 235 base pair internal subrepeat, which is AT-rich and possesses a 50 base pair sequence homologous to the RNA polymerase I binding site.  相似文献   

The location of 18S and 5S rDNA sites was determined in eight species and populations of the fish genus Triportheus by using fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH). The males and females of all species had 2n = 52 chromosomes and a ZZ/ZW sex chromosome system. A single 18S rDNA site that was roughly equivalent to an Ag-NOR was detected on the short arms of a submetacentric pair in nearly all species, and up to two additional sites were also observed in some species. In addition, another 18S rDNA cluster was identified in a distal region on the long arms of the W chromosome; this finding corroborated previous evidence that this cluster would be a shared feature amongst Triportheus species. In T. angulatus, a heterozygotic paracentric inversion involving the short arms of one homolog of a metacentric pair was associated with NORs. The 5S rDNA sites were located on the short arms of a single submetacentric chromosomal pair, close to the centromeres, except in T. auritus, which had up to ten 5S rDNA sites. The 18S and 5S rDNA sites were co-localized and adjacent on the short arms of a chromosomal pair in two populations of T. nematurus. Although all Triportheus species have a similar karyotypic macrostructure, the results of this work show that in some species ribosomal genes may serve as species-specific markers when used in conjunction with other putatively synapomorphic features.  相似文献   

We estimated the phylogenetic relationships of 15 nemertean (phylum Nemertea) species from the four subclasses Hoplo-, Hetero-, Palaeo-, and Bdellonemertea with 18S rDNA sequence data. Three outgroup taxa were used for rooting: Annelida, Platyhelminthes, and Mollusca. Parsimony and maximum-likelihood analyses supported the monophyletic status of the Heteronemertea and a taxon consisting of hoplonemerteans and Bdellonemertea, while indicating that Palaeonemertea is paraphyletic. The monophyletic status of the two nemertean classes Anopla and Enopla is not supported by the data. The unambiguous clades are well supported, as assessed by a randomization test (bootstrapping) and branch support values.  相似文献   

Gai YH  Song DX  Sun HY  Zhou KY 《Zoological science》2006,23(12):1101-1108
Myriapods play a pivotal position in the arthropod phylogenetic tree. The monophyly of Myriapoda and its internal relationships have been difficult to resolve. This study combined nearly complete 28S and 18S ribosomal RNA gene sequences (3,826 nt in total) to estimate the phylogenetic position of Myriapoda and phylogenetic relationships among four myriapod classes. Our data set consists of six new myriapod sequences and homologous sequences for 18 additional species available in GenBank. Among the six new myriapod sequences, those of the one pauropod and two symphylans are very important additions because they were such difficult taxa to classify in past molecular-phylogenetic studies. Phylogenetic trees were constructed with maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood, and Bayesian analyses. All methods yielded moderate to strong support for the monophyly of Myriapoda. Symphyla grouped strongly with Pauropoda under all analytical conditions. The KH test rejected the traditional view of Dignatha and Progoneata, and the topology obtained here, though not significantly supported, was Diplopoda versus ((Symphyla + Pauropoda) + Chilopoda).  相似文献   

A phylogeny was reconstructed for 23 populations of fringe-toed lizards (genus Uma) from the three most northern species of the genus, including the Mojave fringe-toed lizard U. scoparia, the Colorado Desert fringe-toed lizard U. notata, and the endangered Coachella Valley fringe-toed lizard U. inornata. The outgroup taxa were the zebra-tailed lizard, Callisaurus draconoides; the lesser earless lizard, Holbrookia maculata; and the greater earless lizard, Cophosaurus texanus. Evaluation of 1630 combined nucleotide sequence from the mitochondrial genes ATPase 6 and cytochrome b yielded 10 most parsimonious trees. Reweighting the characters using the rescaled consistency index eliminated eight of these trees. The remaining two trees differ only in the placement of two individuals from the Superstition Mountains which either formed a monophlyetic unit or grouped with one individual from the Anza-Borrego population. The preferred phylogeny, one more consistent with geography, had two primary clades: one consisting of U. scoparia and the other placing U. inornata inside the clade containing U. notata. Uma inornata was most closely related to nearby U. notata notata, as opposed to more distant U. notata rufopunctata.  相似文献   

Subgenus Systematics of Acanthamoeba: Four Nuclear 18S rDNA Sequence Types   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
ABSTRACT Classification of Acanthamoeba at the subgenus level has been problematic, but increasing reports of Acanthamoeba as an opportunistic human pathogen have generated an interest in finding a more consistent basis for classification. Thus, we are developing a classification scheme based on RNA gene sequences. This first report is based on analysis of complete sequences of nuclear small ribosomal subunit RNA genes ( Rns ) from 18 strains. Sequence variation was localized in 12 highly variable regions. Four distinct sequence types were identified based on parsimony and distance analyses. Three were obtained from single strains: Type T1 from Acanthamoeba castellanii V006, T2 from Acanthamoeba palestinensis Reich, and T3 from Acanthamoeba griffini S-7. T4, the fourth sequence type, included 15 isolates classified as A. castellanii, Acanthamoeba polyphaga, Acanthamoeba rhysodes , or Acanthamoeba sp., and included all 10 Acanthamoeba keratitis isolates. Interstrain sequence differences within T4 were 0%–4.3%, whereas differences among sequence types were 6%–12%. Branching orders obtained by parsimony and distance analyses were inconsistent with the current classification of T4 strains and provided further evidence of a need to reevaluate criteria for classification in this genus. Based on this report and others in preparation, we propose that Rns sequence types provide the consistent quantititive basis for classification that is needed.  相似文献   

The 18S rDNA gene of adult worms of Taenia parva found in Genetta genetta in the Iberian Peninsula and larval stages of T. pisiformis from the wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) in Tenerife (Canary Islands) were amplified and sequenced. The sequences of the 18S rDNA gene of T. parva (1768 bp) and T. pisiformis (1760 bp) are reported for the first time (GenBank accession nos. AJ555167-AJ555168 and AJ555169-AJ555170, respectively). In 168 alignment positions microsatellites in the 18S rDNA of both taxa were detected for the first time (TGC in T. parva and TGCT in T. pisiformis) and differences in their sequences with different repetition numbers were observed. The use of nucleotide sequences of this gene in the resolution of systematic problems in cestodes is discussed with reference to the systematic status of Taenia spp. and mainly in human taeniids such as T. solium, T. saginata, and Asian human isolates of Taenia.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the patterns and scale of connectivity among populations is essential for the effective management of species, but our understanding is still poor for marine species. We used otolith microchemistry of newly settled bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus) in the Mesoamerican Reef System (MRS), Western Caribbean, to investigate patterns of connectivity among populations over 2 years. First, we assessed spatial and temporal variability in trace elemental concentrations from the otolith edge to make a ‘chemical map’ of potential source reef(s) in the region. Significant otolith chemical differences were detected at three spatial scales (within-atoll, between-atolls, and region-wide), such that individuals were classified to locations with moderate (52 % jackknife classification) to high (99 %) accuracy. Most sites at Turneffe Atoll, Belize showed significant temporal variability in otolith concentrations on the scale of 1–2 months. Using a maximum likelihood approach, we estimated the natal source of larvae recruiting to reefs across the MRS by comparing ‘natal’ chemical signatures from the otolith of recruits to the ‘chemical map’ of potential source reef(s). Our results indicated that populations at both Turneffe Atoll and Banco Chinchorro supply a substantial amount of individuals to their own reefs (i.e., self-recruitment) and thus emphasize that marine conservation and management in the MRS region would benefit from localized management efforts as well as international cooperation.  相似文献   

Fungal species for ligninases production was investigated by 18S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis. Two primer sets were chosen to amplify a major part of the 18S rDNA, which resulted in intense PCR product of approximately 550–820 bp in size per sample. The results suggest that the 18S rDNA-based approach is a useful tool for identification of unknown potential fungal species for ligninases production. The isolated fungal species produces mainly manganese peroxidase (MnP). The enzyme oxidized a variety of the usual MnP substrates, including lignin related polyphenols. Time course studies showed that maximum production of ligninolytic enzymes MnP (64 IU L?1), lignin peroxidase (26.35 IU L?1), and laccase (5.44 IU L?1), respectively, were achieved after 10 days of cultivation under optimum conditions. Furthermore, the biological decolorization of Remazol Brilliant Blue R dye following 10 days of cultivation was 94 %. NCBI BLAST was used to search for closest matched sequences in the GenBank database and based on sequence homology the first BLAST hit was Dothioraceae sp. LM572 with accession number EF060858.1.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic analyses for 10 rodent Eimeria species from different host genera based on plastid ORF470 and nuclear 18S rDNA sequences were done to infer the evolutionary relationships of these rodent Eimeria species and their correlation to morphology and host specificity. The phylogenies based on both data sets clearly grouped the 10 rodent Eimeria species into two major lineages, which reflect more their morphological differences than host specificity. Species in lineage A have spheroidal to subspheroidal sporulated oocysts, are similar in size (18-29 x 17-23; xbar = 22 x 20 microm), have an oocyst residuum and one-two polar granules; these include Eimeria albigulae (Neotoma), Eimeria arizonensis (Peromyscus, Reithrodontomys), Eimeria onychomysis (Onychomys) and Eimeria reedi (Perognathus). Species in lineage B, including Eimeria falciformis (Mus), Eimeria langebarteli (Reithrodontomys), Eimeria nieschulzi (Rattus), Eimeria papillata (Mus), Eimeria separata (Rattus) and Eimeria sevilletensis (Onychomys) have different shapes (ovoid, ellipsoid, elongated ellipsoid, etc.), differ greatly in size (10-27 x 9-24; xbar = 19 x 16 microm) and all lack an oocyst residuum. Thus, The oocyst residuum was the most determinant feature that differentiated the two lineages. The accession numbers of ORF470 of E. albigulae, E. arizonensis, E. falciformis, E. nieschulzi, E. onychomysis, E. papillata, E. reedi, E. separata, E. sevilletensis, E. langebarteli are AF311630-AF311639 and 18S rDNA of E. langebarteli, E. papillata, E. reedi, E. separata, E. sevilletensis are AF311640-AF311644.  相似文献   

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