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Summary Granules in the adepidermal space of larvae of Salmo irideus, Hynobius tokyoensis and Rhacophorus buergeri, were observed by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Adepidermal granules of S. irideus were smooth and spherical structures, those of H. tokyoensis were smooth and spherical, or oval, while in R. buergeri these granules appeared as single or grouped tangled strand-like or starfish-like structures under the scanning electron microscope. These adepidermal granules were spread all over the basal lamina in every animal investigated. The different sizes of adepidermal granules of S. irideus and H. tokyoensis seen under the transmission electron microscope are not the result of differently sectioned faces of granules, but the granules themselves exhibit different sizes. The probable functions of these granules are discussed.  相似文献   

A technique has been developed which allows transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy to be performed on the same cell culture sample. The technique uses the Costar 3,393 Leighton Tube containing a plastic insert, which does not stick to epoxy, for transmission electron microscopy. A cut piece of the plastic insert can be critical point dried, sputter coated and viewed under high vacuum with the scanning electron microscope.  相似文献   

A scanning electron microscopic study of the nephron   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  

A scanning electron microscopic study of phagocytosis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Summary As observed by SEM, the repair of an ovulated mammalian follicle is accompanied by a sequence of morphogenetic processes. In the initial phase, a mass of cells and coagulated fluids forms at the site of rupture. Shortly thereafter, connective cells, recruited from the adjacent and subjacent connective tissue stroma begin to proliferate and to migrate over this mass such that in the rabbit, the entire site of disruption is covered by a layer of connective cells by approximately 2 days following ovulation. Coincident with the migration of the connective tissue, superficial cells from undisturbed lateral and basal areas of an ovulated follicle also proliferate and begin to migrate over the newly established connective tissue matrix. By approximately 4 days following ovulation in the rabbit, the surface of an ovulated follicle is repopulated by elements of the superficial epithelium. The formation of the underlying corpus luteum (corpora luted) involves characteristic morphological changes as granulosa cells transform into steroid secreting luteal cells. The luteal cells become organized into cords of cells which usually surround capillary vessels. When examined by SEM, the smooth-surfaced endoplasmic reticulum of the luteal cell is quite apparent and is observed to form a three-dimension network of anastomosing tubules which are continuous with the nuclear membrane. Variations in the appearance of the surface of the ovary which directly overlies corpora lutea were observed when the mouse, rat and rabbit were compared. The regression of corpora lutea involves the infiltration of the luteal mass by connective tissue and both degeneration and vacuolization of the luteal cells. The regressing corpus luteum is a honey-comb-like structure in which each space is occupied by a degenerating luteal cell.This work was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health, Public Health Service (to J.V.B., no. HD-04274), and from Consiglio Nationale delle Ricerche (C.N.R., contracts nos. CT 76.01288.04 and CT 77.01921.4)  相似文献   

Treatment with lanthanum (La3+) after fixation in phosphate (PO4-3)-buffered glutaraldehyde results in the deposition of a cell surface material (CSM) primarily on the developing urodele amphibian neural axis. X-ray probe microanalysis indicates that calcium (CA2+) levels are considerably higher in the neural fold region. La3+ displaces Ca2+ from negatively-charged moieties on biological membranes. Once bound, La3+ likely interacts with residual phosphate(s) resulting in deposition of CSM. Elemental X-ray microanalysis shows CSM contains mostly lanthanum and phosphorus. The high level of regional La3+ binding is correlated with inherently greater Ca2+ levels in the developing neural axis.  相似文献   

A modification of the technique of Coleman et al for the preparation of single cells in cytologic specimens for electron microscopy (EM) is described. By employing materials in the initial cytologic processing that are useful for EM, such as a paraformaldehyde-glutaraldehyde fixative, lactated Ringer's solution as a rinsing medium, glycerol as a mounting medium and cacodylate buffer for removal of coverslips, the use of alcohol fixatives and standard mounting media could be avoided. This preserved the cytoplasmic detail, which is usually degenerated in cells removed from cytologic specimens and processed for EM.  相似文献   

Cell surface material (CSM) has been implicated in a wide variety of morphogenetic processes. We describe here its discrete appearance at the blastoporal region throughout gastrulation in the salamander Ambystoma mexicanum. The CSM becomes visible in the scanning electron microscope after treatment with Alcian blue and lanthanum nitrate which reportedly attests to the presence of mucopolysaccharides. The possible importance of this CSM is underscored by its correlative appearance on tissue undergoing morphogenetic movement and induction.  相似文献   

The lungs of two adult species of bat Epomophorus wahlbergi and Miniopterus minor fixed with 2.3% glutaraldehyde were processed for SEM (scanning electron microscope) and TEM (transmission electron microscope) examination by the standard procedures. The bat lung comprised a blood and air conducting zone (consisting of bronchi, bronchioles and large blood vessels), the intermediate zone (made up of alveolar ducts), and the respiratory zone, which consisted of alveoli and blood capillaries. The interalveolar septa comprised basically granular pneumocytes (type II cells), squamous pneumocytes (type I cells), endothelial cells, and, in the interstitium, collagen and elastic fibres with occasional fibrocytes. Blood capillaries were interposed in the interalveolar septa, thus bulging into adjacent alveoli. It was noted that grossly, architecturally and structurally, the bat lung was similar to that of a terrestrial mammal. However, in previous morphometric and physiological studies it has been found that bats have a large lung, a thin pulmonary blood-gas barrier, a large pulmonary capillary blood volume, and high haematocrit and haemoglobin concentration. The bat lung, while retaining the basic mammalian pulmonary design, is well adapted to provide the large amount of oxygen demanded by flight. The avian pulmonary design (the lung-air sac system) is thus not a prerequisite to flight.  相似文献   

The surface ultrastructure of Kupffer cells in the rat liver has been studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results demonstrate that Kupffer cells are both significantly different and clearly distinct from endothelial cells. Kupffer cells have neither pores (and/or "sieve plates") nor fenestrations, all of which are present in endothelial cells. They possess a stellate shape, and only indirectly, with slender and irregular evaginations, contribute to the lining of the sinusoidal wall. Furthermore, the luminal surface in some areas contains a large population of short microvilli, microphicae and invaginations. These elements form a kind of microlabyrinth which may correpond to the "worm-like" structures described by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). In the present study, transition forms between endothelial and Kupffer cells were never found. On the contrary, considering the highly fenestrated nature of the endothelial cells, the Kupffer cells may, by ameboid movements, easily cross the overlapping barrier of the sinusoid and protrude into the lumen. Thus, acting as activated macrophages, the Kupffer cells might function to prevent the entrance of foreign material into the tissues of the liver through the fragile and highly fenestrated endothelium. Finally, the topographical reconstruction of the sinusoid by correlated SEM and TEM studies demonstrates the Kupffer cells, with their protruding cytoplasm and ability to extend into the lumen of the sinusoid, may actually change the caliber of the vessel, and thus function as a "sphincter" which causes a temporary arrest of the blood flow when the diameter of the sinusoidal lumen is reduced.  相似文献   

Brain Cell Biology - The olfactory epithelium of the adult hamster (Mesocricetus auratus) was studied using the scanning electron microscope. A method that produced fractures in the epithelium...  相似文献   

Transmission electron microscopic study of maize pachytene chromosome 6   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
D L Shen  M Wu 《Stain technology》1989,64(2):65-73
Cytoplasm-free chromosomes are frequently obtained in meiotic chromosome spreads prepared from mildly-fixed maize microsporocytes. These chromosomes are suitable for detailed structural analysis using a published electron microscopic technique. In the electron micrograph, the knobs and heterochromatin regions that have been used for karyotype analyses in the light microscope are clearly visible. Therefore, the electron microscopic map can be easily aligned with the traditional cytological map. In addition to these prominent structural features, numerous electron-dense bands also are observed. To determine whether the bands can be used as markers for the identification of each chromosomal subregion, the banding pattern of chromosome 6 is analyzed. Chromosome 6 is frequently associated with the nucleolus and can be easily recognized. We observed that at the zygotene stage in prophase I, electron-dense regions are detected on each homolog of the synapsing chromosome. During synapsis, the electron-dense regions on both homologs are brought into register to form more conspicuous bands. At the early pachytene stage, the banding pattern is stable and reproducible. Chromosome 6 contains eight dark bands, 19 medium bands and 14 light bands. The bands can be used as intrachromosomal markers for regional assignment of genes in detailed in situ hybridization mapping or cytogenetic studies. As the pachytene stage progresses, condensation of the chromosome bivalents is accompanied by fusion of adjacent bands.  相似文献   

Changes in the glomerular capillaries in the first phase of rat Masugi nephritis were studied by scanning electron microscopy. The changes developed immediately after the injection of nephrotoxic rabbit IgG and early endothelial lesions (2 to 6 h) were characterized by an increase in microvilli and a decrease in endothelial pores. The microvilli were fused and produced abundant pored projections (cytofolds). The peripheral endothelium was then lifted off from the glomerular basement membrane (GBM), leaving scattered endothelial fragments on the GBM. The denuded GBM exhibited a rather uniform, thick carpet-like appearance with occasional crater formation. Depositon of fibrin strands was seen associated with endothelial exfoliation. These later dissolved and were converted to a fibrinoid material, consisting of a complex of fragmented, thin fibrils. A parallel study using the electron microscope revealed that the fibrinoid material was removed by emigrating monocytic macrophages. At the stage of resolution (24 to 72 h), the denuded GBM was covered mostly with a regenerating endothelial layer. A possible process of reorganization of the endothelial pores is discussed.  相似文献   

Purified guinea pig basophils, or basophils either specifically degranulated with antigen or nonspecifically degranulated with lectin, were cultured with guinea pig line 1 hepatoma cells for 1 to 24 hr and studied ultrastructurally. As early as 1 hr of culture, degranulated or nongranulated basophils and tumor cells formed close contacts by mutually intertwined elongated cell processes and also in cultures containing degranulated basophils, extruded membrane-free basophil cytoplasmic granules became firmly attached to tumor cells. At later intervals, some tumor cells cultured with basophils exhibited cytostatic and cytopathic changes, including dense mitochondria, centralization of organelles, dilated perinuclear and rough endoplasmic cisternae, cell swelling and cytoplasmic lucency, disrupted cytoplasmic organelle and plasma membranes, nuclear pyknosis and fragmentation. Some tumor cell specialized surface attachments were either disrupted or damaged at points of basophil or basophil granule adhesion. Tumor damage was most extensive in cultures containing degranulated basophils, although only a minority of tumor cells (less than 10%) was affected. Tumor injury was seen much less frequently in the presence of nondegranulated basophils, and was absent in control cultures of tumor alone. The occasional viable tumor cells that phagocytosed basophil granules were apparently unharmed, suggesting that internalization of basophil granules by tumor cells is not cytotoxic.  相似文献   

Summary A comparative study of the pigeon ventricular myocardial cell has been performed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Three-dimensional access to the cell interior was obtained by cryo-fracturing paraffin-embedded tissue immersed in liquid nitrogen. The TEM studies revealed parallelly arranged myofibrils separated by rows of mitochondria. The sarcoplasmic reticulum is represented by a well-developed network of tubules which, at the Z- and H-band level of the sarcomere, expands to form belt-like cisternae. The cisternae at the Z-band level lie in close proximity to both myofilaments and mitochondria. Transverse tubules are absent and thus only peripheral couplings are present.SEM observations of the fractured tissue revealed the spatial relationship between the different cell organelles, the most important of these being the parallel myofibrils and the mitochondria. The conspicuous ridges transversing the myofibril at the Z-band level consist mainly of expanded Z-bands, but overlying SR-tubules also contribute to these ridges. Traces of the SR can sometimes be seen covering the myofibrils. The close proximity between the SR and the mitochondria was also confirmed in the SEM.Preparation and examination of SEM prepared tissue in the TEM confirmed that no essential damage or reorganization of cell organelles had taken place during the SEM procedure. On the other hand some shrinkage of the tissue, which was probably caused by critical point drying, was noticed.  相似文献   

The submandibular gland of the mouse was studied by high-resolution scanning electron microscopy, using the osmium-dimethylsulfoxide-osmium method. The three-dimensional structures of the intracellular membranous organelles of acinar cells were clearly revealed. The luminal surface of cisterns of the granular endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus exhibited particles of 8-15 nm in diameter. The secretory canaliculi presented short microvilli which were irregularly arranged. The striated duct cells were characterized by rich mitochondria arranged vertically in the basal portion. The lamellar mitochondrial cristae were noted in three-dimensional images. The luminal surface extended short microvilli, while that of the excretory duct cell presented complicated microplicae. The capillary endotheliocytes showed a few short microvilli, and their fenestrated areas were bordered by cytoplasmic crests. Fenestrae were 50-80 nm in diameter and showed a plug in their center. The basement membranes of the acini and capillaries showed a spongy structure with various strands and meshes. Collagenous fibrils crisscrossed on their surface.  相似文献   

Crescentic glomerulonephritis was induced in the rabbit with two intravenous injections of goat nephrotoxic serum (NTS). Prominent proliferative glomerulonephritis, characterized by intracapillary as well as extracapillary emigration of monocytes and fibrin deposition, developed 7 days after the first injection. The changes rapidly progressed to crescent formation. In order to observe alterations of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM) related to crescent formation, unfixed, isolated glomeruli were treated with Triton X-100. The GBM thus denuded was shown to have a number of microperforations, which subsequently became much larger holes or fissures. It is suggested that monocytes and fibrin deposits may play a role in the induction of the GBM change.  相似文献   

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