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In 1993, two groups showed that X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) was due to mutations in a tyrosine kinase now called Btk. Most laboratories have been able to detect mutations in Btk in 80%-90% of males with presumed XLA. The remaining patients may have mutations in Btk that are difficult to identify, or they may have defects that are phenotypically similar to XLA but genotypically different. We analyzed 101 families in which affected males were diagnosed as having XLA. Mutations in Btk were identified in 38 of 40 families with more than one affected family member and in 56 of 61 families with sporadic disease. Excluding the patients in whom the marked decrease in B cell numbers characteristic of XLA could not be confirmed by immunofluorescence studies, mutations in Btk were identified in 43 of 46 patients with presumed sporadic XLA. Two of the three remaining patients had defects in other genes required for normal B cell development, and the third patient was unlikely to have XLA, on the basis of results of extensive Btk analysis. Our techniques were unable to identify a mutation in Btk in one male with both a family history and laboratory findings suggestive of XLA. DNA samples from 41 of 49 of the mothers of males with sporadic disease and proven mutations in Btk were positive for the mutation found in their son. In the other 8 families, the mutation appeared to arise in the maternal germ line. In 20 families, haplotype analysis showed that the new mutation originated in the maternal grandfather or great-grandfather. These studies indicate that 90%-95% of males with presumed XLA have mutations in Btk. The other patients are likely to have defects in other genes.  相似文献   

In this study, we applied mAb and heterologous antisera in double marker combinations to investigate the phenotype and the proliferative activity of immature B lineage cells in XLA. Bone marrow (BM) samples from eight male adult patients with no circulating B lymphocytes were studied. The proportions and the phenotype of the earliest identifiable B cell progenitors, expressing nuclear terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), cytoplasmic CD22, and membrane CD19 and CD10 were identical to those observed in normal BM. In XLA these cells represented 1.2% to 22% of BM mononuclear cells; 5% to 42% and 1% to 45% of such cells weakly expressed CD20 and CD37, respectively, and invariably lacked CD13 and CD33. Cytoplasmic mu+ sIg- pre-B cells were seen in low numbers (0.1% to 0.3%) in four samples and were undetectable in the remaining four. Consequently, the ratio TdT+/c mu+ was greater than 100 in five out of eight samples studied in contrast to the less than 10 values seen in normal individuals. The proliferative activity of B lineage progenitor cells was studied by using Ki67 and anti-bromodeoxyuridine mAb. Although the proliferation of TdT+ cells in XLA was comparable with that seen in normal BM samples (24% to 59% of TdT+ were Ki67+ and 11% to 27% incorporated bromodeoxyuridine), this was dramatically reduced in the c mu+ cells (no c mu+, Ki67+ seen in three samples where pre-B cells were observed). Thus, the abnormalities of B cell differentiation in XLA are first seen at the c mu+ pre-B stage and suggest a maturation block in the transition between TdT+, c mu- pre-pre-B cells and c mu+ pre-B cells. The severity of this block may be variable, allowing the generation of a near normal number of pre-B cells in some patients, which nevertheless have a defective proliferative activity. Finally, our study further supports the concept that the effects of the "XLA gene" are confined within the B lineage by demonstrating that the proportions of T cells bearing TCR-alpha beta and TCR-gamma delta in XLA are similar to those seen in normal individuals.  相似文献   

Ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity was measured in lymphocyte subpopulations isolated from normal subjects and patients with congenital X-linked agammaglobulinemia. B lymphocytes from normal subjects have at least three times more ecto-5'-nucleotidase activity than T lymphocytes. Patients with X-linked agammaglobulinemia have 56% of normal activity in their T cells, and lack a lymphocyte subpopulation high in nucleotidase activity. High activity of ecto-5'-nucleotidase may be a biochemical marker for mature surface immunoglobulin-bearing B cells.  相似文献   



X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is a humoral immunodeficiency caused by disruption of the Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) gene. Typical XLA patients suffer recurrent and severe bacterial infections in childhood.  相似文献   

Summary X-Linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is a severe antibody deficiency disease in man, resulting from an arrest in differentiation of pre-B cells. XLA is recessive: female carriers do not exhibit antibody deficiency, but manifest an exclusive inactivation of the XLA-carrying X chromosome in all peripheral blood B lymphocytes. An exclusive inactivation of the paternal X chromosome in the B lymphocytes of all daugthers thers of a male who had no agammalobulineamia demonstrated that the XLA defect can originate from healthy males. These males are X chromosomal mosaics. X-Chromosomal RFLP segregation analyses in other XLA pedigrees suggest a frequent introduction of XLA by healthy males. This implies that XLA often originates from mitotic errors, either at postmeiotic or early postzygotic stages.  相似文献   

In an attempt to characterize the genes that cause immunodeficiencies such as X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) and severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) we established precursor B-cell lines by transforming the patients' bone marrow cells with Epstein-Barr viruses. DNA rearrangements of immunoglobulin JH gene loci were observed on both chromosomes in pre-B cells derived from an XLA patient. We cloned and characterized both rearranged bands from one cell line. Both of the rearrangements occurred between D H and J H gene loci without the VH DH structure. On the other hand, JH gene loci retained the germline configuration on both chromosomes in almost all the transformants derived from a SCID patient that had been determined according to their surface markers, to be in an early precursor B-cell stage. The implications of the observations are discussed.  相似文献   

Alterations of the Bruton's tyrosine kinase(Btk) gene are responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA). Although mutations in various regions were reported mainly in the Caucasian population, correlation between the locations of mutation and the clinical phenotypes remains unclear. We report 12 abnormalities of theBtk gene found in 12 unrelated families out of 14 XLA families in Japan and their clinical features. We utilized Southern blotting and single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. Gene rearrangement in the kinase domain was identified in two patients by Southern blotting. Seven point mutations, two small deletions, and one small insertion were detected by SSCP and sequencing. The SSCP analysis also provided information about the carriers in these families. We found some clinical heterogeneity in the affected family members with the same gene mutation. Moreover, there is considerable inconsistency between the locations of gene aberrations and the immunological phenotypes. Some patients with a nonsense mutation, which may result in the lack of kinase domain, have detectable B cells and immunoglobulins. These identified alterations will provide valuable clues to theBtk protein function and the pathogenesis of XLA.  相似文献   

BTKbase, mutation database for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is an immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the gene coding for Bruton's agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase (BTK). A database (BTKbase) of BTK mutations has been compiled and the recent update lists 368 entries from 318 unrelated families showing 228 unique molecular events. In addition to mutations the database lists also some polymorphisms and site-directed mutations. Each patient is given a unique patient identity number (PIN). Information is provided regarding the phenotype including symptoms. Mutations in all the five domains of BTK have been noticed to cause the disease, the most common event being missense mutations. The mutations appear almost uniformly throughout the molecule and frequently affect CpG sites forming arginine residues. These hot spots have generally pyrimidines 5'and purines 3'to the mutated cytosine. A decreased frequency of missense mutations was found in the TH, SH3 and the upper lobe of the kinase domain. The putative structural implications of all the missense mutations are given in the database showing 228 unique molecular events, including a novel missense mutation causing an R28C substitution as previously seen in the Xid mouse.  相似文献   

BTKbase, mutation database for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA).   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is an immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the gene coding for Bruton's agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase (BTK). A database (BTKbase) of BTK mutations has been compiled and the recent update lists 463 mutation entries from 406 unrelated families showing 303 unique molecular events. In addition to mutations, the database also lists variants or polymorphisms. Each patient is given a unique patient identity number (PIN). Information is included regarding the phenotype including symptoms. Mutations in all the five domains of BTK have been noticed to cause the disease, the most common event being missense mutations. The mutations appear almost uniformly throughout the molecule and frequently affect CpG sites that code for arginine residues. The putative structural implications of all the missense mutations are given in the database. The improved version of the registry having a number of new features is available at http://www. helsinki.fi/science/signal/btkbase.html  相似文献   

BTKbase, mutation database for X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA).   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is an immunodeficiency caused by mutations in the gene coding for Bruton's agammaglobulinemia tyrosine kinase (BTK). A database (BTKbase) of BTK mutations has been compiled and the recent update lists 225 entries from 189 unrelated families showing 148 unique molecular events. Each patient is given a unique patient identity number (PIN). Information is included regarding the phenotype including symptoms. Mutations in all the five domains of BTK have been noticed to cause the disease, the most common event being missense mutations. The mutations appear almost uniformly throughout the molecule and frequently affect CpG sites forming arginine residues. A decreased frequency of missense mutations was found in the TH, SH3 and upper lobe of the kinase domain. The putative structural implications of all the missense mutations are given in the database.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Btk (Bruton's tyrosine kinase) gene has been shown to be mutated in the human immunodeficiency disease, XLA (X-linked agammaglobulinemia). Btk is a member of the Tec family of cytosolic protein tyrosine kinases with distinct functional domains PH, TH, SH3, SH2, and kinase. Mutations have been observed in each of the Btk subdomains in XLA. We have analyzed the Btk gene in six XLA patients from five unrelated families. MATERIALS AND METHODS: DNA was prepared from the patients peripheral blood. The Btk exons including the junctional sequences were analyzed by single-strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) followed by direct nucleotide sequencing after PCR-amplification. For structural analysis, the missense mutations were introduced into three-dimensional models of the PH and kinase domains of Btk and the outcome was predicted based on the knowledge of the protein function. RESULTS: Five novel mutations and two novel polymorphisms, all of which resulted from single-base alterations, were identified. Three of the five mutations were in the PH domain and two were in the kinase domain of Btk. Three of these mutations were of the missense type, two of which altered the same codon in the PH domain; the third one was located in the kinase domain. The fourth mutation was a point deletion in the PH domain causing a frameshift followed by premature termination. The fifth mutation was a splice donor-site mutation within the kinase domain which could result in an exon skipping. In four of the five instances, mothers of the patients were shown to be obligate carriers. In one instance, a sibling sister was identified as a heterozygote establishing her as a carrier. CONCLUSIONS: Functional consequences of the mutations causing frameshifts and altered splicing can be inferred directly. Functional consequences of the missense mutations were interpreted by 3-dimensional structural modeling of Btk domains. It is proposed that the two PH domain mutations will interfere with membrane localization while the kinase domain mutation will interfere with the enzymatic function of Btk. This study provides further insight into the role of Btk in XLA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The diagnosis of X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is not always clearcut. Not all XLA conform to the classic phenotype and less than 50% of affected boys have a family history of immunodeficiency. Mutations in the gene for Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) are responsible for the majority of agammaglobulinemia cases. However, a certain proportion of patients may have mutations involving other genes, although they show with an XLA phenotype. We performed BTK gene mutation analysis in 37 males with presumed XLA and analyzed the pattern of X-chromosome inactivation (XCI) in 31 mothers to evaluate the relevance of these approaches to diagnosis and genetic counseling. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty affected males with a sporadic occurrence and 17 familial cases belonging to nine families were enrolled within the framework of the Italian Multicenter Clinical Study on XLA. We used non-isotopic RNase cleavage assay (NIRCA), followed by cDNA sequence determination to screen for BTK mutations and X-chromosome inactivation analysis for carrier detection. RESULTS: Using the cDNA-based approach, the identification of BTK gene abnormalities confirmed the clinical diagnosis of XLA in 31 of 37 affected infants. Missense was the most frequent mutational event and the kinase domain was mostly involved. In addition, nine novel mutations were identified. In sporadic cases, BTK gene abnormalities were identified in 9 out of 10 patients whose mothers had a nonrandom pattern of XCI and in 5 out of 6 patients whose mother had a random pattern of XCI. With the exception of one family, all patients with a familial occurrence and born to mothers with a nonrandom pattern of XCI had mutations of the BTK gene. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that in sporadic cases BTK gene sequencing is the only reliable tool for a definitive diagnosis of XLA and support XCI as the first diagnostic tool in the mothers of affected males in multiple generations. Furthermore, our molecular analysis confirms that 10-20% of BTK-unaltered patients have disorders caused by defects in other genes.  相似文献   

Bruton X-linked agammaglobulinemia (XLA) is a phenotypically recessive genetic disorder of B lymphocyte development. Female carriers of XLA, although asymptomatic, have a characteristic B cell lineage-specific skewing of the pattern of X inactivation. Skewing apparently results from defective growth and maturation of B cell precursors bearing a mutant active X chromosome. In this study, carrier status was tested in 58 women from 22 families referred with a history of agammaglobulinemia. Primary carrier analysis to examine patterns of X inactivation in CD19+ peripheral blood cells (B lymphocytes) was conducted using quantitative PCR at the androgen-receptor locus. Obligate carriers of XLA demonstrated > 95% skewing of X inactivation in peripheral blood CD19+ cells but not in CD19- cells. Carrier status for mothers of isolated affected males could be assessed in 10 of 11 families: 7 women showed skewing, and 3 did not. Five carriers were found in six families in which there were no living affected males. Among all those tested, one individual's carrier status was considered to be indeterminate and five women were noninformative for the carrier test. Results obtained by the carrier test were congruent with linkage analysis (where applicable) using the RFLPs DXS178 and DXS94 and two newly developed polymorphic microsatellite markers, DXS178CA and DXS101AAT. Refinements in techniques for primary carrier testing and genetic mapping of XLA now make possible an ordered approach to diagnosis, prenatal diagnosis, and genetic counseling.  相似文献   

It has recently been demonstrated that mutations in the gene for Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) are responsible for X-linked agammaglobulinemia. Southern blot analysis and sequencing of cDNA were used to document deletions, insertions, and single base pair substitutions. To facilitate analysis ofBTK regulation and to permit the development of assays that could be used to screen genomic DNA for mutations inBTK, we determined the genomic organization of this gene. Subcloning of a cosmid and a yeast artificial chromosome showed thatBTK is divided into 19 exons spanning 37 kilobases of genomic DNA. Analysis of the region 5' to the first untranslated exon revealed no consensus TATAA or CAAT boxes; however, three retinoic acid binding sites were identified in this region. Comparison of the structure ofBTK with that of other nonreceptor tyrosine kinases, includingSRC,FES, andCSK, demonstrated a lack of conservation of exon borders. Information obtained in this study will contribute to our understanding of the evolution of nonreceptor tyrosine kinases. It will also be useful in diagnostic studies, including carrier detection, and in studies directed towards gene therapy or gene replacement.  相似文献   

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